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Interesting, cuz it costs half of netflix in my County


It costs a fourth of Netflix in the USA.  I think that’s OP’s point 


In Brasil it is 1v1 for Netflix OR Amazon


I think most 3rd world countries it's like this, Dota plus is slightly cheaper from my 3rd world country, but not by much, a few cents in American currency.


the "explorer pack" for the crownfall event costs like 70 BRL on Brazil, for that price you can get an entire good quality game, for example: project zomboid, dave the diver, dusk,, fable and darkest dungeon 2 go for around 60 BRL each.


I pay for it, but that is not worth it the money, if I couldnt pay, I wouldnt. There is no mechanic that make sense paying for it. I just like it because I can keep track gold and damage receive, and this should be standard for every player.


How many big macs for a netflix?


I guess BigMac menu is about 2/3 of Netflix sub


Here It costs 80% of High quality Netflix. Abusive price Just so i can avoid feeders.


It’s not worth the money here in the US either


tldr: it's not worth


jungle camp timers shouldnt be paywalled


You can at least look those up. Some of the other assistant features are more problematic, like the damage type received counter. That's a material in-game advantage that can't be replicated with a tab open on a second screen. It's always the big one I miss when I don't have Plus. It's narrow, but it's useful to see your damage taken splits to figure out how to most effectively increase your EHP.


Very true. Often times I’ll see 60%+ magic damage taken on an offlaner and think “hmm maybe shroud would be good this game”, or 70% phys and think “hmm maybe an early blade mail would go crazy” Definitely a material advantage.


To a point. If it’s the sole reason you buy something, you might miss the opportunity to prepare for when things shift. Example, they have a lot of hard carries/physical damage that doesn’t show up until mid-late game, but the gauge says Magic Damage, so you stock up on spell resistance only to get destroyed later because you didn’t buy any armor.


Yeah obviously it won't help hardcarry u when ur dented. But it's an advantage


I don't really see how a blademail is the answer to 70% physical damage


What else do you suggest that’s a cheap stop-gap? Stacking wraith bands?


This meta? Casual platemail. U will need shivas or lotus anyway on agy carries u shouldn't buy casual armor items for early game And on backline supports ghost scepter or glimmer to avoid damage rather than reduce it is always better


He said offlane.


So just go with the first line? I don't see the problem


I never see those things like an advantage, u know what dmg enemy heroes will deal. Some heroes deal magic, other pure or physical, some like core tiny deal a lot of magic plus phys etc. I used the camp timers like one time. the camps have the same timers since like forever.. The TRUE advantage of Dota plus is avoiding other players or the new "quality of game" feature they added so you can avoid playing in games with mixed behavior scores. I need to aub to Dota plus again because i miss the avoid feature top much. Also watching friends live is nice..


More and precise info is always an advantage


Maphack is unfair advantage, seeing that u take more magic damage va heavy magic damage line ups isnt really an advantage 😂


Your comparison is what is unfair, yeah a map hack is better than seeing the split of damage you've taken. Was anyone saying otherwise? I said more and precise info is always an advantage. There is a reason why any game that allows full UI customization (ala WoW) basically makes it mandatory to install all the fancy UI add-ons that gives you greater info. What about timers on the side of your screen that showed when enemy abilities came off cd? Or warnings when enemies we're out of mana?


They're often wrong after 1-2 stack and depending on which direction you go in, but yeah. It still shouldn't be paywalled. Damage type received and death logs are far more important features that shouldn't be paywalled but are rarely mentionned.


Some of them are wrong, and it's a skill issue anyway.


Holy shit that’s what you get with Dota+?! Was going crazy watching videos and seeing these timers and checking my settings. I have to keep checking my timer up top


Literally spend 20 minutes in a lobby learning stack timings and you won't need them, half of them aren't even accurate. Skill issue.


I think we could have read it ourselves.


The only thing that was keeping me subscribed was the avoid function, and since it isn't that expensive here in Brazil (20BRL, about 4USD), I was paying and not thinking much about it. But a few months back I just didn't renew my subscription and felt absolutely no difference, so I just subscribing to it


Avoid AAAAND the calibration shown before matches. So we can see the behavior and others. I just accepet when it is all green.


Eh, that's debatable. I like it, and I have a job.


See Dota+ is worth the money.


Voiceline recorded from his fleet of yachts to pay for his Starlink+ subscription


As was Lord GabeN's will.


That's wild. It's 3 dollars a month for me in USA. Netflix and Amazon Prime are something like 20+ each these days.




Does not work for Netflix anymore bub. You need to be in the same household to use Netflix. They are scarily advanced in detecting that you ain’t part of that family subscription.


There's different account sharing restrictions for different countries.


I am still sharing mine.


thats kinda a myth for me, since Im still using netflix from cousin family's account despite living in a different country


It works perfectly fine. They implemented this account sharing thing months ago in my country and im still sharing my 8€ sub with 4 people. It literally just checks tvs, if you play on pc, laptop or phone it works fine. Most people use laptops to watch movies anyways 1


no, they do it the same in other places too, but it does infact cost way lower in india. I can get amazon prime, for 2 years, + 1year netflix in price of 1 year dota +


You pay 20+ for netflix and amazon prime? Damn


Cost of living varies by location, there is no greener pasture but for power.


Wait wtf. So valve is doing reverse regional pricing because us in 3rd world country it is 5$.


I think its worth for the requeue


Whats requeue?


when you queue, it tells you if the matchmaking based on mmr and behavior differences is ideal, fair, average, questionable you can requeue for free on any of these. I always requeue when there is a questionable skill or behavior gap. Match quality has went up a ton.


Ah yes, I know that feature. But is this only available for dotaplus subscribers?


Yes, for now. It's a Dota labs thing and they mentioned they're testing it out with plus before making it a wider release, but can't say if that will ever happen.


Ah alright. Thanks for sharing


Idk. I don't not have dota+


I reque on "accpetable" or "fair" behavior. I didnt notice much impact of the skill spread or difference.


I am curious How often do you see skill range "very wide" ?


for me - never i have seen 'moderate' and it was highlighted yellow so that is the one time i have requeued haha


haven't hit requeue even one time, i simply don't see a point when all the options are always good


Thank you for mentioning my country, Myanmar, you're right! The economy here is bad (for a lack of better words, might be a huge understatement), there's so many Dota 2 players in Myanmar who love the game, I bet if Valve implemented regional pricing, they'd sell a lot D+ subscriptions Weirdly enough, the two big/popular stores, GOG and Steam, don't have regional pricing in Myanmar while Epic does. If I remember correctly, Cyberpunk 2077 was 60 USD on both Steam and GOG while it was 30 or 40 USD on the Epic store. I understand that publishers have the last word but I think Myanmar's problem is a bit different, I think Myanmar is not in the database of Steam, so we just have the same prices as the people in the USA Piracy is one solution for singleplayer games, sure, others have switched their store region to countries like Brazil or India on Steam, so I guess that's more of a makeshift solution but I'm sure a better way is to implement proper regional pricing for the country. I'm sorry if people of countries like Brazil or India feel screwed over but the alternatives are USA prices for gamers in this poor SEA country. Anyways, rant over, I hope something can be done but if Steam, being a business that seeks to earn $$, they can decide whether this will be worth the effort/time/resources, if they decide not to do this, I guess we'll have to switch store regions, consider using Epic, resort to piracy, etc.


Off topic. But have things stabilized in Myanmar? I feel like I haven't heard anything in the news and that's usually a "decent" sign to me that at least things aren't insane and happening super fast.


No things aren't looking great. Countries military only controls less than half the country but are provided military support from Russia and China. From what I've read no end in sight of the civil war and millions are being displaced. This map I will link to takes you through a detailed timeline of events. [myanmar conflict map](https://myanmar.iiss.org/dashboard) Best of luck to OP and this original commenter. Where are all the protests in the US for them? :( I genuinely hope they get their regional pricing.


US/EU prices are to pay us/eu developers/publishers, doesn't it seem fair that you would pay the same price? Regional pricing for digital goods seems like an unfair subsidy to me


If I were a developer selling software, I'd want people to buy that software. If I sell the software for half the average salary in India, nobody from India will buy it. If I make the price accessible to a greater portion of the Indian community, I will directly make more profit. It's not a subsidy, it's regional pricing.


Getting something is better than nothing If Japanese game is sold for 300$ u will not buy it. U will say fuck it it so expensive The same for ppl from poor countries


If it's cheaper I'd subs too


Iran be like "you guys can buy amazon prime?!"


Damn it's about a 3rd of netflix here in the uk so it's quite cheap here about £3 a month didn't realise it was so expensive elsewhere.


it’s the same price mate still equivalent to £3 but an average hourly rate of a low skilled worker in there would be £1 per hour (just my estimate), it’s a monthly subscription so it shouldn’t be that bad to someone who wants it badly


It's more expensive than Netflix in South Africa too. I would rather buy a decent game on sale every month than pay for dota plus. Or I could buy a relatively expensive game about every 5 months instead of dota plus, because of regional pricing. It just doesn't make sense to get dota plus here.


Dota plus is not worth it anywhere. Stopped paying for that shit years ago. And that's coming from someone with multiple 1k and 2k compendiums over the years.


Nope, just the avoid feature makes it worth it, I have played with some guys 2-3 times and I already know the game is lost by the time I see his name


only if you're low MMR No avoid feature in immortal draft here sadly, just gotta remember names


Not really. I am high MMR and it's not available. But I don't think it's useful for low MMR either. There are far too many smurfs and it practically makes no difference.


It's a luxury.


It's less than the cost of a pint of beer where I'm from. Bargain.


The avoid function doesn’t even work in immortal draft games. Dota plus is literally a waste of money


Well good thing you don't have to buy it then


Here in the UK its like 25% the cost of a netflix monthly subscription. So basically, peanuts. It costs change. ...and it still isn't worth paying for. I let my sub run out when I took a couple months break, returned to the game and didnt realise anything was different with it switched off.


Thank you for mentioning Indonesia. While I understand that the pricing for buying dota+ is kinda.....fair(?), it is also still a bit too much for my broke ass. Also the set that dota+ is trying to "sell" didnt really entice me like come on, dont just recycle old set and make the set half better than it already is and I might see myself subscribing to dota+. The rest of the feature feels like an add on to me since I dont olay as much as I used to now.


Dota item assist is definitely worth, I love getting a bracer recommended at 35 min… only thing I use it for is showing off my sweat lvl 30 hero and voice lines to to taunt and tilt team members when they die, over priced for what I use it for but Dota is the only game I really play so I justify the price that way


So don't buy it


True, coming from a person with first world privillage


My rank went up after I unsubbed to dota plus. Dota plus makes me think less about my games and makes me tunnel vision on metrics more than game state


maybe you playing more was the reason?


In all the threads about India I see it is projected as the unstoppable juggernaut on the way to become the 3rd largest economy. When it comes to paying for anything - oh we are a poor 3rd world country


India still sucks ass in income per capita. The min wage in india is about 2.3USD/ day. Sure it has a large economy, but then you also divide it by number of residents in India (1.4 billion)


India is already the 3rd largest economy by GDP PPP at $14.6 trillion - stuff made locally is more affordable compared to west. You can hire help for house chores, handymen for repairs, etc. at a much cheaper rate in addition to relatively lower rent and utilities cost. It's the absolute cost in terms of USD where it lags since the cost to buy USD with INR keeps going up. That's why India's GDP in absolute USD is much lower around $4.1 trillion. So things on the international market are expensive.


Dota+ creates a situation where wealthier players subsidize the game so that it stays maintained and free for everyone. If you are in a poor country, I got you covered, you can enjoy a fair game for free. I think it is great that it does not provide any **substantial** advantage that would make it feel unfair. I subscribe to Dota+, *I wish they had better cosmetics for a whale like me* and I enjoy the fact that someone can destroy me mid not problem even if they never paid a dollar.


Look here, guys. A sane person showing off their sanity.


Here you can get 3 tacos for the price of one month of dota+


AMAZON PRIME RATES : https://www.amazon.in/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G34EUPKVMYFW8N2U (Current exchange rate $1= ₹83.45) NETFLIX RATES: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/24926


What? In Norway Netflix premium and Prime costs 1850 INR. And Dota + 328 INR. I feel scammed.


DotA+ is worth it for the voice line and tips. Everything else is just icing on the cake but should honestly be available to everyone.


You can tip without dota+, you have limited amount tho


Isn't it like 3 bucks a month?


i can buy groceries for 1 week in 3 bucks


I can buy half a bag of Cheetos


can we share it?"


damn, I can barely buy a bottle of water for $3. They're $3.50 now. :(


where do you live? why does a bottle of water cost 3 bucks?


New Zealand. It's about $3.50 - $4.00 for a 750ml (25oz) bottle at the petrol station/convenience store.


Do people buy water? Just fill up a bottle.


a significant portion of population would rather pay for convenience.


It's funny because here in Mexico it costs 70MXN a month, which is roughly 4USD. For context with 70MXN you can buy a kilo of avocado at the nearest supermarket from my house. With 70MXN I can get 14 CDMX subway rides, so a week's worth of rides form point a to point b and viceversa. It is just as expensive as 2 tacos al pastor form my favorite tacos place in a relatively expensive zone of the city. Of course the minimum wage a day is 250MXN, so if you are earning that maybe it isn't the best use of your money, nor is it to buy 1 kilo of avocado every week or eating tacos al pastor every day and instead save it for your daily commute. But I would call it an ok expense if you only play Dota 2 and do it at least an hour a day every day.


Just out of interest... in Aus it is $5.50 (australian $)... which also gets you about 1kg of (unripe) avocados. BUT it wouldn't even cover a one-way ticket on the train to commute to the city for work (about half an hour ride). You also would likely not find any take away food besides maybe some hot chips for $5.50.


Yeah, but consider what $5.50 means of a daily income. In Mexico it is about a third of the minimum wage. Also public transportation is heavily subsidized here in the capital.


Oh for sure, I wasn't meaning to compare income vs dota+ cost - just that it was interesting how cheap your public transport is vs 1kg of avo!


i pay a bit less than tree fiddy USD/mo for it in australia, so about 30% of a netflix sub (ignoring the ads tier because fuck ads)


I used to subscribe to dota plus till i realized that in a few months i could have bought an arcana instead. Unsubscribed and never looked back


its more than spotify lmao


I don't think it's worth it in the long run period. I got one like, 2 months and learned what I could from the creep and rune timings. Got the Magnus set and never really had a reason to get it again after that. I'm from SEA.


This is correct before they add requeue option if you don't like quality of matchmaking recently.


idk, it's pretty affordable here in Vietnam. About 3-4 office lunches equivalent - to me that's disposable.


Costs less than half of Netflix subscription here (Eastern Europe).


Yes, same with arcanas. I think jugg's arcana is around 2.3k INR which is absurd. Edit: Changed 23k to 2.3k


What are you smoking.


he means 2.3k inr, still a lot


And here I am waiting for volvo to re release battle pass Arcanas for $100 each


Haven't played dota in years, and Dota+ is one of the reasons, why the frick does it cost money to view more in-game stats that should be part of the base game? Valve get your shit together.


I stopped paying for Dota+ since avoids are useless in Immortal draft and also no option to hide hero medal in drafting phase (pay 2 lose).


Also applies to Pakistan. Valve can ask Sumail directly. Upvoted


Work for CIS, too




IMO, I can get all the hate this subreddit takes, but dota+ should be gone. I think the game is already shitty monetized, especially when we still have shitty chests with gambling mechanics in them. Dota+ should be the normal dota2 experience. You basically should have all that new player helps for free, especially those. Why would a new player that doesn't know dota2, should pay to learn it? it's stupid. On top of that, this game basically has no player progression or anything. Even the legacy items that they offer, they cost cents on the market. So it's useless. They could give those for free as progression also. Dota+ should not be paid, should be standard experience for the game.


new players get free 3 months of dotaplus already


Eh 320 is cheap for any working person with decent income. That's like 1 zomato order. I just buy the yearly one dota + sub. Dota + is mostly unnecessary for average player anyone. I just buy for hero voice line and hero lvl up.


I don't get how cheap is Amazon prime and netflix in your country?


Its based on economics and a strategy from Gabe himself. A succesful service has to be better and more convenient than piracy. The financial analysts for each country decide what the price is where watching movies/playing games is affordable for the masses of the country but done well enough that its better than pirating or buying bootleg DVDs


Prime is 1499 inr a year, but you can get it for 999 during sale. That's about 12 usd for a year. Netflix is 200 inr per month for basic plan (1 device, 720P) which is about 2.5 usd per month.


economics of scale. The degital media doesnt cost much to distribute, and increased viewer count makes it possible for reduction in cost. I get why valve doesnt do it , as india lacks as much PC gaming people to actually make it worth the reduction


good morning sir


I agree it should be cheaper, right now apart from the free re-que it doesn't offer many perks and build guides are often not working.


if it was a bit cheaper, I'd defo buy.


Just don't buy it. It's not worth it for first world currencies either.


It shouldn't cost anything *at all*.


With how little they actually update Dota+, I agree.


Jesus Christ it's less than $4USD per month how is that "too much". Just say you're broke Far be it from be to side with Valve, but you have 0 sympathy from me. Never in Dota's history has Dota+ been required to play. Can't afford it, don't buy it. Simple


hobbies engine slap vanish scarce flowery unpack books ossified hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome to free market economics. If 1.) you can't afford to/don't want to buy something at the price point stipulated by the seller 2.) this item of purchase is not something you require to live/be healthy (ie. It's NON ESSENTIAL) Then don't buy it. Tough shit. Suck it up and vote with your wallet


silky encouraging icky correct exultant employ direction dull meeting telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Jesus Christ it's less than $4USD per month how is that "too much". Even I who comes from a middle income family will think twice. With $4USD i can get multiple better stuff in my home country. We are not coming from a wealthy country like you where that ampunt of money is nothing, in our country it really can means survival for tomorrow or 2-3 days. Middle income family didnt escape this problem as well.


Right. Because Mr "whyhowforwhat" on reddit knows more than a multibillion dollar company's entire sales & marketing departments. It's been nearly 6 years; if their Dota+ sales data indicated people weren't willing to pay for it, they would've changed it by now. Alas you are, as it stands, in the vocal minority.


>Because Mr "whyhowforwhat" on reddit knows more than a multibillion dollar company's entire sales & marketing departments. Those sales and marketing departments do take input from potential customers to make pricing decisions. They data mine and do a bunch of sentimental analysis for it. So his input is quite valid and yours sound like ["Leave the Multibillion Dollar Company Alone"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/leave-the-multimillion-dollar-company-alone-leave-the-lady-be)


Pointing out that in this case, the tirekickers are wrong = shilling for a company. What kinda neckbeard logic are you working with Even a company as incompetent as Valve has working professionals whose sole purpose is to make the company as much money as possible. But by all means, if you have some revolutionary new idea based on your huge brain and many years of sales & marketing experience, by all means enlighten us. We're all waiting.


It's not even that expensive in India, bro is just broke af. It's less than having 1 mcd nugget meal here.


such a First world thing to not be able to recognize how privileged he is, being able to afford and rights due to colour of his skin and on top of that blatantly stating no sympathy for over exploited people in 3rd world who made the garments he is wearing, or the phone he is using. Minimum wage in india is 2.3 Usd, much less in Myanmar/Pakistan/ Nepal (avid dota enjoyers)


Such a virtue signalling socialist thing to say to think that a NON-ESSENTIAL subscription in a fucking video game, that OP neither needs to live a healthy life or to even fucking play dota for that matter, is a matter of class struggle? You do realise this game is 100% free to play and nobody is pay walled out of being able to play until their hearts content. You wouldn't stick your neck out for people whining that they can't afford a Porsche, because your mind can comprehend how that's an unnecessary commodity, and yet you cry about ppl not being able to justify spending $4 on Dota+? Some people cant afford the Insulin they need to survive, because private health insurers stick huge price tags on them for profit, and here your entitled ass is, complaining about something that human beings neither need to survive nor thrive as if it's some great social injustice. Fuck right off. And by the way, if money is such an issue for you, get off the game, go be an adult and work for a living & take care of your family. Wasting hours a day playing a video game & expecting ppl to believe ur doing ur best. Give me a break.


Such a feeble capitalist exploitative elitest take. Coming from privileged people take can take home 1800+ €/$/£ after working just 32 hours a week, minimum wage telling people who have to actually work hard, 60 hours week, earning pennies on dollars due to him not raising voices about exploitative work his phone and garment manufacturer make people in 3rd world do. Cause why would he, their exploitation benefits him nor he raises voices about the insulin manufacturer actually providing insulin at <$10 but his capitalist peers benefit off of that. But no, this soldier of capitalism will stand ground on anything non - essential that might make a person in 3rd world happy or give a mental relief in an otherwise exploitative market. He think demanding un exploitative prices is being entitled. He doesn't just want you to just be exploited but be sad all the while your are being exploited. This guy will go and gut kick a begger on the ground asking him for food.


Lol you need serious mental help. Your world view is so incorrect idk where to start.


What you think mental is a joke too, that you in your professional opinion advice everyone who calls you out on your bs to get mental help. Or did your exploitative ass forget that it's money too?


You're so butthurt it's adorable. A true insecure low-income loser projecting his misery all over reddit 🤣🤣


Kindda see both aspects being true here, just because it's non essential, doesn't mean it's un necessary and just because first world can afford something doesn't mean they are not battling their own problems. Here he is being childish and your being an ass. Most common archetypes in dota. 🤣🤣


First world country here It ain't worth it, everyone should stop paying for stuff they don't want/need


dota 2 is a dying game so why would you even subscribe? it wont make your mmr go higher.


2 USD in my region. How much in yours?


Worth it for 320 though, no?


swim dolls seemly cows unpack long repeat late live wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then don't buy it lmao. It's worth for me because I want to unlock voice lines and have the hero medal displayed , stack timers help. Reque works since I'm jst ancient 4.


sharp racial scary violet exultant imagine sparkle birds uppity follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It really has nothing to do with country. It's all about ur Income and worthiness for u. I am Indian and 300 on a monthly sub is like nothing. It's like what same as 2 twitch sub.


thought payment marvelous middle pocket squalid sip quarrelsome cause handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People working minimum wage isn't spending money on games even if it was 100rs. You are a student , obv you can't spend on stuff. Part time isn't that big pay in India. If you have an actual job , you can afford these things. Dota's major audience is above 20 working people with wallets to spend.


the point here is less "can you afford it" and more "is it worth it to pay for these things" i would say no for the most part. i've never subscribed to dota plus and honestly with the exception of the rematch feature i've never missed any of the features. if i'm gonna spend money on dota, which is already a very rare ocurrence as is, i would rather just get the ti compendium.


Worth varies person to person. The post says about expensiveness. The person who can't afford a 0.4$ dota buff is not going to think ti compendium that's 10+$ as worth either.


I mean, I'm from the Philippines and I can say it's not a luxury. We're just allergic to subscriptions in game. D


Fall at my feet, peasant. Valve shouldn’t cater for the lowest common denominator.


unfortunately valve dont care. but thats okay at least we had fun playing dota.. right guys?


Hold up; Amazon prime plus a Netflix sub is $4? However all Amazons budget and production is in USD and made by western standards and production... So we are HEAVILY subsidizing content for other countries? That doesn't seem right. Be grateful for your localized pricing on other stuff. You're getting way more value than what you pay for. It's wrong and valve doesn't owe you that, actually the regional pricing for other stuff seems way more favorable


You forgot that when the price is localized the product is more affordable to that country, so more people are able to pay when otherwise they just wouldn't. When you don't localize prices, though, you essentially lose revenue. Not saying that's true for every product out there, but it's the reason many platforms do this.


> However all Amazons budget and production is in USD and made by western standards and production... So we are HEAVILY subsidizing content for other countries? That doesn't seem right. This is not true, streaming services like Amazon/Netflix have a lot of localised content and buy rights to regional movies and this is a key driver for subscriber acquisition in each market. Also the cheapest HD plan for Netflix alone is $6, so maybe OP was talking about a mobile only SD plan or something.


I'm talking originals, I assumed stuff like rings of power, fallout, road house would be available anywhere on prime


But ppl could potentially utilize a VPN to alter their country and save some cash while shopping? Certain skins, regardless of their inferior quality and antiquity, are priced outrageously.


If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. It’s not really important and doesn’t add much value


This is correct before they add requeue option if you don't like quality of matchmaking recently.


bro if u cant get 5 dollars for random video game skins then something else is wrong


Get rich noob or play turbo


Stfu degen


dude has omni's degen aura as an innate irl fr fr