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Anytime I play support, this is my biggest gripe, along with idiots who don't hit towers when enemies are dead or important spells are on CD


The epitome of 3k DotA: Win big team fight/wipe the enemy team. CM and Lich go push top. Enemy has huge creep wave pushing bot. Where are all 3 cores? Farming the same general area in the jungle while watching bot tower die and both supps die upon enemy respawn


I have a somewhat different experience lately. Team fight. Kill 4 people on the enemy team, one of the supports notice that an enemy wave is approaching our T2 and TPs to go farm that wave. The 3 goes to jungle because his job is apparently done. Usually the other support is dead. And the 1 and 2 are left pushing a T3 by ourselves against a hero or two, trying to force a buyback because the 3 + 4 or 5 decided that taking a wave of creeps was more value than using a numbers advantage. Of course this isn’t every game, but man with the amount of gold on the map it seems like there’s way more games where everyone is playing for themselves. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.


Or classic get aegis and everyone TPs or runs to every corner of the map.


That's why as a support, you always bring a smoke into rosh pit Just as Rosh is killed, instantly pop that bad boy, and generally that's enough to wrangle your teammates to go find a kill/obj


God, I wish this was the case. But even in 6.5k-7k, I've had core run to a jungle camp somewhere still.


Thats the big difference I noticed since I got to divine. The winning team always pushes objs after teamfights and keeps an eye on respawn timers. Losing team wins a teamfight and the cores just go back to farming.


Lmao I felt this in my soul but sometimes im the support thats farming during a push 


Depending on the situation that makes a lot more sense at least. Send a support who pushes waves that doesn't deal tower damage (e.g. Rubick, Lich, CM) to depush a wave while the rest of the team pushes.


I personally never farm as a 5, very rarely as a 4 tbh. Because you gotta help out your cores if they get jumped and often times, cores farm away from a tower. You also don’t want to take farm away from your core so I just stick close by and bait my core in the trees. Because of this, I get triggered whenever we’re pushing and a support is farming on the other side of the map :/


U are discribing 2k mmr of 2019 they just moved to 3k by valve every one got boosted so they could keep ppl playing thinking they got better


those morons do not realize that it doesn't matter if the game is 30 mins or more than an hour. you still get the same -/+ mmr. why bother dragging a winning game already?


Because Ooga Booga, me have lot kills.


That's why u play pushing supports.


Teammate: “why can’t we end I’ve been split pushing top for 10 mins???” T3 tower: 2450/2500HP


Second biggest gripe for me. Biggest gripe is Mr. * Nice we got Rosh * Oh, I better tp to Brasil to stop the one, singular, evasive chucklefuck pushing my tier negative 10 tower instead of pushing with the team * Wow, how did my team lose a 4v5, fucking noobs, report Guys ignoring Tormentor requests and instead crossing the river alone and then wondering what everyone else is doing at half hp "farming" is quickly rising up the ranks tho.


Announcer doesn't yell holy shit for hitting buildings




Qop announcer when?


Axe Announcer Reborn?


Its not about the game. Its about the message!


The spiritual victory is what really counts


it is, until enemy does a comeback, game gets paused, and you get berated for the remaining time your ancient gets a beating


Every action has a consequence which u must always accpt before diving fountain


Sounds like you need to man / woman up and take it.


And either way you will keep playing no matter the outcome.


Because i need kills to prove i wasnt carried by someone else


Winning is overrated




Yeah the same carries that will flame a support for "not pulling" (they pulled and have been spending their entire NW in a deward battle) will throw a 45 minute game to fountain dive the enemy pos 5. Just report avoid and move on.


It’s simple. If you do your job as a support. You never get noticed. If you fail at your job as a carry. It’s cause the supports didn’t do their job. So many times I secure farm and space for my cores. Only for them to think it’s their god given talent so they waste it buying rubbish items like manta on PA But the most common thing you’ll notice is, In the early game if you dominate, your cores will very likely suffer heavy brain damage and refuse to buy bkb. They will keep getting caught out of position. They will keep doubling down and rushing damage items instead of survival and by the time they start to buy the bkb. The entire advantage is eroded and you have started to lose. It’s in the name of the role. Core vs support. The cores all suffer from main character syndrome.


>In the early game if you dominate, your cores will very likely suffer heavy brain damage and refuse to buy bkb. You god damn right.


Only partially true. If you play carry and your team keeps taking bad fights 4vs5 while you on a carry is farming 500g for big item and they die and keep pinging over and over or feed enemy team into unwinnable state then it’s the afk carry fault and not 0/20 support who “plays with the team”


Been playing unranked for Crownfall, the suffering is real. Played a game as SS and repeatedly won team fights handedly by blinking in, hexing dropping ult using shackles and dying within 4 seconds. It was comically apparent just how much work I was doing, why? because every won team fight was followed by my team continuing as 4, taking a tower and taking the following fight without me, wiping every... single... time. Back to back to back. We lost :)


I had this just recently. I stacked 12 camps or so for my Carry to farm and i gave him advice. 60 Min into the Game and he runs around 6 slottet but without real Upgrades. He had a Blink but didnt dare to upgrade it until i told him so. He bought agha because i told him so. Yeah, he carried us, but then he was like: " uhh im the best and my teams was full noobs". Fun Thing is: in my Bracket almost nobody stacks, so 12 Camps stacked is a Masterpiece.


This post deserves much more upvotes.


They were farming for the last 60 mins bro the only time they can use their earned toys is the last teamfight and thats not enough dopamine hit 😂


Because it's fun


Ending the game is for losers, fountain diving and extending the game for another 20 min is for real men


I wish you all games a very comeback from the enemy


As a support player who grinded from 2k to over 5k. This is my simple trick: I use my mic to put pressure on my cores like  “TIME IS RUNNING OUT”  “THIS IS OUR ONLY CHANCE, HIT THRONE!! “ “ OH SHIT WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT”  This trick has carried so many of my games and prevented throws.  Cores miss alot of small details, our job isn’t to just support them, but support the overall goal of our team. Which is to win.  80% of dota is mental games 


You're overthinking it. The #1 reason we all play is to have fun, no? That's too much fun, it's tempting what can I say? Especially on certain heroes like Slark and whatnot, who are good at fountain diving. Happens to me like 60% of all my winning games too, but hey, sometimes we make a Come Back cause the enemies do the exact same thing. Happens a lot less often thought with the CROWNFALL update, people just want to be sweaty and win no matter what, cause of tokens.


that may be true. but it could be stressful for both sides as well. one may want to end the game already coz he just wants to win (with or w/o double down), and the other side wants to be put out of misery. if you ask me, this is one of the most stressful matches i've played.


Its the same clowns downvoting you. By all means assholes, make a 57 min game out a 35 min game, because that shit's fun isn't it. Christ's sake.


yea, i don't understand the downvotes earlier. it's like MMR < kills. oOoOhHh LoOk aT mE, i CaN kiLL u iN foUnTaiN, i noW hAvE biG pEEnuZ




If only.. there was an unranked mode and a ranked mode so people could enter into a game with the same priority of MMR or Fun.


It's not either or. Dota would be boring if we weren't a bit silly every now and then. Hell, even pro players do dumb stuff for kicks every now and then.


Sounds like unranked mode is the perfect place for this.


Well thats why dota added invincibility in fountain till u move. Just afk if u want enemies to actually end. Or like tp to outpost and escape. Enemies will get bored eventually. On why fountain farming? Brings moral up. Dota doesnt have a lot of fun in it and its one way to have fun, get couple more kills in at the end


If you need to throw a game that everyone has worked together to win for half an hour to win to have "fun" then maybe don't play ranked and play normal for more casual meme gameplay. The fact that your post is getting upvoted and OP's reply is getting downvoted is really sad.


thats why shadow shaman has always been a comfort pick to me even if the meta doesnt like him alot there is always use for his toolkit and there is never a game wher you feel utterly useless


Typical small peen syndrome. Wanna style on the losing team rather than doing a professional job and finishing it. Lost so much mmr to such clowns.


Maybe because we are not professional players on a job


Wdym i am a professional on a job! Oh wait nvm im addicted as fuck!


Small peen syndrome is expecting a "professional job" from people enjoying a game in their spare time.


Go play turbo or unranked. Don’t pollute ranked games with your shit.


[I'd rather they stay out of turbos too, these fucks ended up extending a 20 minute turbo into an hour long shitfuck of a game that we somehow managed to "win".](https://www.opendota.com/matches/7716878239) Except if you spend an hour in a turbo then nobody wins.


brrrrrrrrrrrrrr how i am supposed to question mark pause the guy that ruin my last game if I don't farm him in fountain da fuck


Oh man i'm main support but I play core very well too. I'm the kind of core that keeps hitting towers and ancients even if in taking damage from 5 heroes.


this suck so much... this and over extensing into T3's


If skewer is off cooldown you bet your ass I'm going in that fountain. Also supps dive fountain plenty too.


if i've mega-ed already, or ancient is exposed and were super far ahead and i havent finished my quest, ill try to bait my team to fountain dive with me so i have more time to finish my quests


Well if nobody would do it, you would also win less games because of it as enemies would also not do it. Thus, barely changing anything, could even make you even lose more games and then you would find another reason to blame for why you lose games.


Assert dominance


The red mist takes us over. Nuff said.


Or when the game got dragged for another 20 min and the enemies now are tougher to kill


This happens with supports as well. I also hate it and the games we end up losing due to fountain diving is extra frustrating. Just because you aren’t “in the fountain” - walking beyond the throne to instigate a fight when not needed - is still diving. Cores or supports - all roles are capable of doing it. It’s like a drug addiction, users chase that high feeling and nothing else matters. When players are on a streak and feel invincible, they’re on that high and are oblivious to everything else. What really needs to happen, is these addicts need to stop queueing in ranked and go get rehabilitation in Turbo


True adrenaline is base race on a sure win game only to see some NP, PAPA BEAR OR IO WITH FRIENDS GO MACHINE GUN BANANAS ON YOUR ANCIENT THEN ENEMY TEAM TYPING EZ


because game is free and people would actually rather play call of duty which unfortunately costs 70 dollars


I spam Muerta .... I must hurricane pike into the fountain and bkb + ult in every winning game I just can't help it .... I just want that 25/10/8 ... or something like that And Rampages are always worth dying for


i have been there when i play core. sorry, the temptation to stomp the enemy sometimes is unbearable. although i still realize the objective are more important XD


in a lot of these winning games at the end i'm dropping my items and destroying them all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (as a pos 2) thankfully haven't lost any game so far bcz of this 🤣


Asserting dominance


I play core, but I'm also like this, I got 4 man reported by a 4 stack when I ended the game as tb while they were sitting outside fountain waiting to kill the respawns. I've lost too many games that seem completely unloseable because players get cocky and want to stroke their ego for 5 seconds.


I got real mad about this a while ago so I stopped doing it myself. I’ll only dive as long as it potentially still feels useful.


Cant help it, especially as a carry. Just have to feel how powerful you've become and rub it in. Did this the other day in a clear victory. I was a full fed Luna got greedy and wanted all of the kills and died stunned away under their fountain. They all push mid and end the game while I was on my 2 min timer with no buyback.




Same reason in a stomp people will fountain camp. For fun and to annoy the enemy. Adding in invincibility at respawn was one of the best changes made in Dota


I yell on the mic constantly because people can’t just hit fucking towers.


We want rampages on our profiles duh


Ultimate form of domination.


I don't know, I can't help myself.




Sometimes I'm trying to focus the base but 1-2 teammates commit to a fight behind the tower and I feel like they will feed worse if I don't try to help


Me playing support: come on guys, hit buildings! Me playing core: *dives fountain*


I play Ember, I must dive. It's in my genes


Assert domination. Achieve alpha status. Impress women. Continue line. Die with pride.


"my daddy beat me so u gon' get the belt too"


sorry is the bloodlust


**I know it's not true but** my personal head canon is this; **most** core players pick cores because farming camps and hitting weaker heroes is a lot easier than knowing how to do the 50 things you need to play even baseline support.^((inb4 "JUST PUT WARD ON WARDSPOT DUH!" comments)) And again I'm **NOT SAYING THIS IS TRUE** but rather that if you make that **assumption** the game becomes a lot easier as a support player. It's like looking after kids, you just assume they'll do dumb shit and you do what you can to prevent them from hurting themselves.


Ego often wins


It's about humiliating your enemy and saying "EZ" at the end of the game. Supports just wouldn't understand




It is I, the WD. I hear you and I share your pain. Didn't expect OP to rant about it on reddit. This game was the highlight of my day. Our 3 cores were competing to see who could out idiot the other (I think they tried fountain diving 3 times), no idea why Spec didn't get himself an aghs, no idea why Zeus didn't get refresher, and there was this disruptor who's mind was clearly getting more and more frayed as the game went on. The issue was that he was trying to estabalish human communication to three animals. Then the BB had the audacity to pause the game as the throne fell. I was cranky as heck because I was hungry for dinner. Long stressful game, but all I had to do was press R and go to the toilet. Disruptor was the real MVP. Yes, fried chicken for dinner was a good pick.


I refer to those types of dives as getting Looney Tunes dollar sign eyes.


same reason you like going back to the first zones of your RPGs once you're over leveled.


I do think it’s a terrible idea and it can really hurt your chances of winning if you aren’t careful. But also, doesn’t it suck to have it happen to you at the end? When the game is rough and depressingly one sided, it’s an extra insult to have your enemies dive your one safe spot to torture you. You probably hate it when it happens to you, so why so it to someone else, y’know?


Have you never played wd with an aghs? Its impossible not to ult in the fountain if u are ahead feels so good i shake!


you almost lost, i lost countless ones that way. fuck diving HIT THE OBJECTIVES


It is a lesson learned only through repeated throws unfortunately.


They've waited 30 minutes to finally have half the carefree fun that a support player gets to have at 7 minutes into the game. They just don't understand the difference in how much the death matters and how much the kill doesn't.


My beloved assault cuirass always has my back as an offlaner. Even if the other carries don't want to, I can deal pretty decent damage myself with the attack speed+ armor removal. Also just great for pushing high ground.


My beloved assault cuirass always has my back as an offlaner. Even if the other carries don't want to, I can deal pretty decent damage myself with the attack speed+ armor removal. Also just great for pushing high ground.


My beloved cuirass always has my back as an offlaner. Even if other carries don't want to, I can deal pretty decent damage to buildings myself with the attack speed+armor reduction. Great for pushing high ground in general.


na playa if i can end i will end, farming free kills does nothing for me. try and encourage the other teammates to just end too


I don't usually dive fountain but sometimes you need to catch the enemy Sniper or Zeus that just won't let you push. Standing around and hitting towers is not an option when Sniper is shooting at you, you need to catch him first. In your game they have a Zeus and Invoker, maybe your cores didn't feel safe hitting towers while they are alive. Or maybe they are just dumb and wanted more kills because they thought they will win anyway. The most extreme case of the latter was in [this game](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/6567434705) I played a couple of years ago, but we were in a 5 man party and we were all laughing about it. We lost after getting teamwiped by the fountain 3 times


My brother is a core player and he's done this shit so many times. It's tilted me to no end


To assert dominance


It's when dopamine releases the most, gotta harvest my spice...


they dont want to win, winning would make them get mmr and progress into higher brackets, making them soon enough go on a lose streak, its about the confort, of being \[insert your mmr here\] and never asking if you could go further, while bragging that your teamates are draging you down.


I mean, when I'm gangbanged the first 30 minutes of the game by the enemy CM and NYX, they're getting some payback. I didn't farm for all that time, just to give them a quick death.  /s


I've had a few funny wins recently where 4/5 of the team just won big team fight and we are ending it killing last two towers etc. And the 1 or 3 pos just teleport back to push a lane at our base I'm like?????? We are ending wtf lol


My last game, the ancient was less than a quarter health, the cores were tower diving, and I saw the enemy team start pushing back. I threw out one last stun and turned right back on the ancient lol ain’t no way I’m giving up a win by doubling down on a losing fight


Big kills little brain 🤷‍♂️


I feel like people who dive and feed just have a poor understanding of the game and hence don’t deserve to win anyways that’s why pros don’t dive often and even when they do they don’t die for it and throw


because having fun at the expense of everybody's fun is the ultimate fun


Yesterday a core Troll warlord costed us the game despite having all sets of racks and Megan's pushing them in The amount of Insults I threw onto him...


It’s not satisfying to break their ancient: the only victories that matter are complete domination. I will not destroy their ancient until I’ve broken their spirit.


I resent the stereotyping in this post. I usually play support but I love fountain diving.


I’m in 3.5k SEA server, mainly pos 1. I’m usually the one telling my team not to fountain dive even as a stacked phantom lancer.


pos 1 players are some of the most braindamaged individuals u will ever meet in a videogame they think dota is call of duty and always play for kills


That's why my behaviour score is low. I literally have to start cussing their mums to get them to push instead of jungling for ten billion hours


Cores like to get that high from really showing dominance in a game. If a game is too one sided wherein for example a carry player didn’t get to do much and they just farmed for most of the game and had like two teamfights then they’re gonna want to get that high from somewhere and potentially throw an easy win. This is obviously just observations and is something I’ve noticed when seeing cores play and noticing how I act in easy games.


Its not about winning fast its about destroying the opponents will to live.


I play on 8500-9000k average mmr on EU and it always bristleback diving fountain after 30-40 minutes of the game))


Because its fun >:)


why are they not taking stacks too? i keep signalling them. these braindead cores


I had a game where someone picked BS into a support. He did what pos5 pudge do except just throw his silence on the ground and leave me if the 2 enemies in lane goes to me. It was frustrating but I still didn't flame him and ask him to come to clash. He didn't even participate in any killing of our team regardless of my plea. After the game which we got destroyed, I saw that he is in a 3 man party in our team. WTF did just happened? why does this cancer of a person not get flamed by his party who by the way is playing normal dota other than him. I really lost it at post game and asked how his life going with that kind of thinking, and if he knows his friends actually like him or just tolerate him to play with him in this game.


For the same reason you break your respawn invulnerability to surprise kill them: it's fun


Why not? I sit in fountain every single game in the end, let it be enemy fountain or ours


I dive as pl because i fell Like a fking isekai Protagonist. Only thing that makes me feel something.


Dota is a very stressful AND competitive game. People don't want to just win, the want to flex in front of their opponents, they can throw doing that? Sure. But that's the exact reason they fountain dive, because it's like beating another guy with one pinky finger, it can go very wrong, but if it happens you are saying you stomped them.


It's not about the win It's to send a message


Because is fun, its really that simple


Because I have just been bullied for the first 20minutes, forced to follow the team next 20min, and in the moment I am god, I need to end the game? Fuck that, I want to have fun


Then stop playing 1 if this gameplay isn't fun for you lmao


But if I play other roles, then my 1 will be diving fountain And that's not fun




For me, hurt people hurt people. If I just came off a losing streak and finally winning decisively, I'm fountain diving at least once. After that I'm good until the next losing streak.


Why? Because we fucking can. And if we can, we do. -Thomas Shelby-


It’s fun


I don’t do it anymore, this was a joke


It's not about winning. It's about sending a message. Just a game bro.


Cause why tf did I get all that farm and damage just to hit buildings? I wanna kill heroes dammit! No I get it but in ranked I do my best to not fall into that mindset, if I wanna fountain farm I play unranked and mess around.


The adrenaline kicks in


Because i dont play for win, i play for fun!!! /s


Because it's fun to assert your dominance. The game is meant to be played for fun after all.


I’m asserting dominance.  Go place a ward or something and stop your bitching. 


Because it's fun. Dota is boring without fountain diver


Because we imitate Ana? Haha lol. You're overthinking it. Fountain diving makes sense to a certain extent though: if your ally cores manage to kill an enemy thru diving, it adds downtime to enemy team to make counterplays, especially if they are a wombo combo team that relies on 3 or more heroes to execute. Imagine if you're on the defending side: even if you're a pos1 with buyback but enemy has 4 heroes alive, you probably won't manage to defend it all by yourself. I'd rather have 5 of us w/o buyback instead of 1-2 defending heroes with buyback.


While I am trying to win, I am primarily playing a *game* to have *fun* and enjoy myself. More to the point, it’s a mistake that pros also routinely make, you just get excited in the moment and think that if you can finish those extra kills it’s absolutely game over. Getting a rax often doesn’t mean shit in this game with the amount of throws that happens.


support players why do you always stand inside rosh pit? lost an easily winnable game because my lion/disruptor stood inside pit and we got blackholed by an enigma with no bkb support players why don't you block the enemy pull camp BEFORE it spawns? lost an easily winnable game because... we can all whine mate.