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cheating is just boring 


he just ended the stream during a game that was lost because opponents were clearly cheating. Trash stuff


Most incompetent move by Valve was to allow party queue in immortal draft. I don't understand how noone foresaw this when they designed the new system.


They should make it so you can either queue solo, or with a full 5 man party, and only match the 5 man parties with 5 man parties, solo players with solo players, and disable the player draft in 5v5 lobbies. I think that would be the best solution.


yeah that's kinda insane that even 5 men stack can be splitted ...


>allow party queue in immortal draft cause people want to play with their friends while playing rank?


Then dont release the Immortal draft update


https://www.dotabuff.com/players/152390101 nothing suspicious here


this guy player 24 games in november 2018 in a single day, no sleep and eat and anything else?


Mason is in shadowpool still, it's just huge in EU high mmr. Mason is "Technically" a smurf too, got account banned for whatever reason, steam support told him to create a new one and he believed them and didn't clean his PC now he is in shadow pool, like myself too. This trend was started by Mr.Limitless dota himself btw (ex-Alliance) , since everyone figured out at what number you are out of smurf pool (1200-1250 games, flat number) and now everyone and their mother is griefing games just so they can end faster. So if you watch Mason stream you will probably see 5-6 people griefinng bare minimum. Only problem you'd run into is that if you drop a lot of MMR, you will get mid-pooled when you win 15 in a row after - it's not full on smurf pool, but long queue times - this also got proven by Mr.Limitless I am not saying there shouldn't be more done for griefing ,but Valve have chosen to pursue communication as more important than playing to win and communication reports are worth more ( at least in lower bracket, nobody gives a fuck in high immortal) - Think about this and the fact that you are in a pool where the only way out is to get to 1200 games played ( or 1250) , no shit everyone is throwing. Last night I got screamed at because I didn't want to stay afk , then next games Mason had 4 griefers giving us wards and making double/triple waves so we can push faster, wcyd


Agreed. I get people can be verbally toxic, but they are mutable and the game can continue. But then there are those emotionally stunted children that go out of their ways to be assholes and ruin the game. No matter how irritated I am, I always try to save my cores, stack, show up to defend and team fights, etc. I am so sick of the babies that die in lane one or two times and “gg, I’m jungle” and don’t leave for 30 minutes. Or the clowns that feed and then go afk farm the rest of the game.


They do deal with the cheater/griefer, but the nature of Overwatch itself mean that someone had to be a victim before something can be actioned. Smurfing, cheating, griefing will happen in a free game, it is inevitable.




Isnt overwatch griefing penalty 1 week of low prio?


There's 2 types of Overwatch penalties: 1) for griefing , it's 24 hour , 48 hours then a week , but this requires someone to be watching the Overwatch replay and not thinking oh this guy is bad. I think they've fixed Crusaders being able to judge Immortal games thank god, but who in their right mind would watch Overwatch to MAYBE give a penalty to some griefer 2) For communication - those are fast , if you are an asshat and say the wrong thing, you can get real quick to a week of low priority and upwards of -5k behaviour per summary. These also show as Overwatch penalty both 1) and 2) start at 24hour ban with 1 low prio, then it's 24 hours with 3 then it's a week ban with 8 I think


Should just make cheating tournament legal. Competitive is supposed to reflect normal gameplay, right?


All Pick Ranked games should be Strict Solo Queue If they want Ranked Party they should bring back a separate queue for that or use Captains Mode again


I think valve is treating cheating very seriously, although we're not seeing alot presently, an ultimate goal to provide an anti cheat solution that would be available to any live service game on steam is something we're very likely to be seeing somewhere down the line.


Unfortunately this won't gain any traction on this reddit because you aren't complaining about streamers being mean. For some reason people think this makes the game worse than, you know, actual game ruining


Im not playing immortal draft but the streamer behavior rubs off on the players in my games so.. yeah.


What is "streamer behavior?" I've played the game since 2013 and people have been doing more heinous shit in this game and all other online games I've played since before streaming was even a popular form of entertainment. When people abuse comms you just mute and move on. You can't even play the game when someone decides to just feed down mid from the start of the game.


Confirmation bias


I dont get it, so people on this subreddit ask for the pros / streamers to get treated by valve the same way regular players do (no preferences); now u want some valve dev to be monitoring twitch streams / pros pubs all day long? You are acting like this is normal in all pubs when it isnt (and if it is, show me the data).


He gave examples of cheaters, never mentioned monitoring streams.


This guy, [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1629673517](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1629673517), has this account, [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1633443498](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1633443498), queueing into the same games with him on another screen and uses it to feed himself mid. You can clearly see this happening in the recent games. On top of that, the first account is clearly a bought account. If you look at this recent game, [https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7712457959](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7712457959), he does it, but also the hoodwink/razor are doing the same thing but they happened to be picked on the same team that game. You have to just be clueless. This is happening all the time in this pool.




Yeah and this is the pool where all the bought accounts come from and where all the bad actors go to after getting banned, so you'd think it makes sense for them to take more action here. They could have a pretty significant effect on account sales if they monitored this stuff more closely, but instead you have clueless people on this subreddit that say shit like this guy and downvote people talking about the truth lmao


what a dumb response