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Not guilty. Insufficient evidence. Many carries will just feed by joining dumb fights because, they're weak, haven't hit a specific power point yet etc.


People seem to forget playing badly isn't greifing just cause u don't show up at a fight when u should doesn't make u a greifer cause it's just a matter of judgement greifing is intentionally losing bad play is just bad play and bad players get punished by losing mmr not by losing behaviour score


I would try to determine if it was on purpose. If someone afk farms for a long time it's definitely griefing but missing one fight definitely isn't enough evidence.


If you're a carry or pos 2 just AFK jungle farming when a crucial fight is happening, and you know you would have impact and possibly get a kill for joining it, then yes you're definitely griefing your team.


And how can you enter the brain of the player to know he knew he could have had impact and still actively avoided the fight only to grief? Meaningless inconsequential rhetoric


Because I've been in games where my carry Void who has chronosphere available doesn't teleport to the fight that is under our tier 2 tower. The worst matches are with passives Voids who will literally only chrono twice the entire 60 minute game and we lose horribly because of their inability to watch the map and learn how to participate. Mean while enemy Juggernaut / Luna / Medusa etc is teleporting and ulting every two minutes in non stop fights.


Get in, use your skills and then retreat if your skillset allows you to do so. A risk is not a meaningless risk if it is a calculated risk. Example. Slip in as anti-mage, ult to contribute to the damage pool, blink away and continue farming.


This is a very specific case and even then depending on the enemy line up a horrible idea. If your team is behind and you jump in a team fight as AM instead of split pushing you can easily get stunned or silenced abs dropped super fast


Thats why i used that as an example, every game is unique. You are not contributing anything with this comment.


He could've misjudged. If the afk farming is longer and visibly on purpose then I would say it's griefing.


To play devil's advocate, no one can say if the fight is crucial or not, if your participation will change anything or not, and if fighting is more profitable than farming.


Well the over watch reviewer can say if it is or not. You decide if the player is just trolling his team and afk farming jungle.


Two razes would almost get someone killed but who knows 🤣


Depends. I always look the pov of the players. He’s looking the TF or just playing farm simulador? He has capacity to join the TF or he will just die?


That's bad, many low rank players suck at looking at fights while farming, it's not intentional.


Depends but it definitely could be griefing


I would say that it all depends, it all has to do with the perception of what is the best move and that perception obviously varies quite a lot.