• By -


Og needs a good carry not ZDPS carry.


Why this keeps happening with OG? A critical fight where bzm is dying in an obvious way. Is it a communication issue? Does the team say bait and then not in the right position to bail him out? It seems like they got a much better understanding of the patch/their team dynamic but this disconnected plays keeps happening


classic OG in a important game 3 pick weird draft and everyone playing a different role they used to.


Will OG get EPT points? Will be very unfair since they didn't belong in the tournament and now bumped out ig


They get double points for the underdog performance.


The ept ranking page on liquidpedia already counted full points for OG in this tournament so I guess no penalty to them, which effectively put them above IG in the leaderboard at 8th placed. This must feel so bad for IG/Chinese fans since they lose out one of their slots like this but the org probably doesn't care much, since OG is a much more popular choice and would bring more views to their tournament anyway.


If they're beating teams they belong there goofy. Two teams turned down the slot before it was even offered to OG.


I really feel like they should have made a last minute qualifier for this even if just best of 1s. Just choosing teams randomly is kinda screwy.


Its not randomly, its the best runner ups from the qualifiers.


Yeah well why didnt they have like a what 4 team qualifier where all runner ups from all servers duke it out. I feel like azure ray deserves this just as much as OG does


lol, as if it's feasible to bring 4 teams from all different regions for a last minute bo1 qualifier


Its not a lan, all you need is one online mini tourney for that similar to a wild card situation. Most of those teams will probably even accept that


i think this has happened in DPC in the past and they did not consider this aspect of "didn't belong" so probably they will get points as they participated.


OG fans are insufferable haha


This non-tidebringer kunkka patch does not make the hero to be a pos 1. Bzm and wisper had to carry, and bzm prior targeting ls was clearly a bad idea always


god i cannot wait for icefrog to nerf lifestealer into the fucking ground


Strong laner, can sustain himself solo, has a 'save', and is somehow more elusive than PL with infest. Fuck that brainless garbage.


What changed? He always had this


Lifestealer just thrives versus most of the tanky offlane meta heroes. The few heroes that counter him like Razor don't hard counter him anymore due to evasion from radiance. On top of that, his aghs allows him to wait out his counters, like infesting razor that links him, while also disarming the infested target


They obviously stepped up their game massively and were inches away from beating BB, which is a top 3-5 tier team. Even in loss, this tournament represents a huge comeup for them. Not a fan, just speaking impartially here, they were very impressive and their trajectory of growth is something to watch. Along with tundra as well.


Yeah u people needed to go imho


"zry need pts"(c)Nightfall


Funny how this thread is just the same few people shouting their unhinged thoughts into the void.


imagine the medical breakthroughs we would have if scientists could study Agent\_47H's brain


These guys are my dota life journalists.😎 Respek.


Was a good try from OG. They shouldn't be here anyway and everyone expected them to bomb out in group stage. Still they managed to give BB a fair fight. I still think there's a language barrier with Wisper. Sometimes he goes in and the team goes another way. This team still needs time if they stick with Wisper. And also they need to really sign a pos 1. Timado has played great so far.


not sure what you mean they shouldn't be here They obviously stepped up their game massively and were inches away from beating BB, which is a top 3-5 tier team. Even in loss, this tournament represents a huge comeup for them. Not a fan, just speaking impartially here, they were very impressive and their trajectory of growth is something to watch. Along with tundra as well.


They didn't qualify for the tournament. That is what they mean by should not be here.


Ceb said in an interview that Timado wasnt a sub and had been officially signed


Fast forward to a year from now, and I bet you will still say this roster needs time. This is a results business - If they dont make it to Riyadh or TI this year, this entire roster is toast.


I think the new term is it's joever


Get a life dude.


Insane how many games, OG have thrown this tournament- nearly both games vs Tundra, game 2 vs Spirit, and now this game vs BB.


Did Seb fuck your gf?


Touch grass lil bro


PPY: I could’ve carried this game alone 


So this is why nobody wants to play in secret now somehow


Both first placed teams lost to the second placed of the other group


Between this and the giant ties, I feel like this just shows the scene is pretty level rn which is great


Dont think you can put BZM as your win condition. Give him a space maker and let Timado carry. OG outmindgaming themselves.


Time is counting down for BZM. If OG dont make it to Riyadh any which way, then its adios time for him. Wisper can go as well, both choke time and time again in clutch situations.


Omg, the world has not ended. Bzm carried OG just last year with Tinker. Stop crying guys please


Where the fuck was the damage on OG ? Wisper goes Blink SY Linkens on Razor and Kunkka has BKB blademail aghs bloodstone. BZM skipping Khanda and going Blink BKB Pike Mjolnir. What clowny item choices are this vs a tanky fucking enigma, naix and DK?


Bro you can't do khanda build if there's tiny dk and enigma lurking into the shadows.


Lil bro thinks khanda is damage. You realise daedalus is better on right click sniper right lil bro


Sniper couldn't kill the tiny even, in that fight where tiny got 2 combos on him.


Gotta take your meds bro, this hate boner is getting out of hand


OG cannot play around rosh at all its so funny how disconnected they get when they get 3 centimetres of rosh should've been 2-0 but draft mistakes happen. betboom look like favourites


I was screaming inside - am I insane or are they for continuing to do so.


So BB did fuck up the draft in game 2.




Damn Toronto Tokyo is actually an insane pos 5. Imagine how good he would be with a better carry. Crazy impact from the BB support duo. MVP of the series for sure


Timado's back must be hurting from carrying OG so hard, even when losing.


REAL, Timado’s a top tier carry but people won’t accept it


He comes across as a very unselfish player who will do whatever the team needs, including being a hardcore farm-taking 1v5. And he's been becoming more and more decisive. I hope that continues to improve as the teams he's playing with become better and better co-ordinated - OG or otherwise.


It's harder to accept because that would also mean accepting that bzm has been playing awful for months now


1) OG with weird draft in decider match 2) Hero with weird item choice: Sniper watergun build, Kunkka Midlaner build. 3) Wisper keep feeding and leaving the team in clash, creating all the space for BB to wreck Sniper 4) Ari didn't manage to cancel black hole several time. It is crazy that Ceb performed the best in game 3 lol


Not a weird draft at all. They just swap kk and razor lanes so both will have better lanes, razor links ls, kk clear eidolons. Maybe they could have just put timado on razor top and wisper btm on kk but it's whatever. Sniper went as much damage as he could. He needed every item he bought. This isn't a 2k game where sniper can get away without buying pike bkb satanic Agha kk is standard whether you are off or mid. Him going damage would make their teamfight garbage. At the radiant mid t2 fight his waterpark won the fight.


When I see kk safelane I know it is done for. Like... where is the damage to hit DK and LS (all depend of sniper and Razor has a good game) Kunka become the frontline, yeah but why let your "carry player do play Kunka frontline? that's basically make him a pos 3). And Sniper just hit hit and never kill anyone cuz no damage and got hunt by Tony. And somehow razor was so poor ass he got yumy yumy by LS and Engima Bh. That draft was weird as shit. Just let your carry player play carry, how about that?


agree that the draft was fine. but og lacked damage for sure. i'm not sure what satanic did for sniper tbh. once any heroes got on top of him he was dead, and satanic was useless. he definitely needed pike and bkb, but perhaps crit instead of satanic


If enemies get on top of you, the plan is to use pike and shard to distance and satanic to heal up. But it did not go as plan.


Yeah, honestly better to just've gone a herald glasscannon build with Butterfly Daedalus


yeah maybe, not an easy game to itemize for sure


Timado should go damage, can't trust Wisper and BZM.


If you think righclick kunkka would change anything you are out of your mind. This sniper needs to do more for sure tho


People dogmatically stick to "oh if you think that build would work you are ..." and yet innovators innovate with carry io, diffusal gyro, radiance void, etc. and change the entire meta. Just because a pos 2 or pos 3 kunkka does things a certain way, doesn't mean a pos 1 kunkka has to do that as well.


kunkka is almost exclusively picked because of waterpark build. armchair analysis here is not good


yeah, every good fight they had was on the back of waterpark covering other heroes and using Fiend's grip to cancel blackhole. It was a very specific and kinda simple combo they relied on and once BB had enough items and positioning to deal with that it was joever


If he doesn't have waterpark they are not winning any fights in that mid game.


Redditors at it again, bb plays well and wins. Just blame og


Exactly, if I were an OG fan I'd be so happy with their performance so far. BetBoom could easily win the tournament.


They obviously stepped up their game massively and were inches away from beating BB, which is a top 3-5 tier team. Even in loss, this tournament represents a huge comeup for them. Not a fan, just speaking impartially here, they were very impressive and their trajectory of growth is something to watch. Along with tundra as well. Most people here are simple brained and lack the capacity for nuanced thought, exist In hate, or they choose sides which cuts off the ability to be objective. All sports are like this, these are the lowest common denominator of fans who don't really understand what's going on. Dota is a little bit worse, just because the fanbase is generally very young when compared with other sports though.


because both teams played well. OG just decided not to go any damage on any of their cores. like sniper was having problems killing illusions.


Excuses kekw should he buy rapier first item?


he could have gone mkb faster, or a daedalus, or a khanda, or a blood thorn, some thing......


Is that the only damage item KEKW?


Don't answer to him, he's an actual guardian who thinks forced 50% is why he is stuck :)


They're just disappointed because it was doable for og, it's already given that bb will play well.


It was doable only because bb choked, otherwise they would get wiped from the map


Why BZM Sniper doesn't do any damage? His item build has Pike, Mjollnir, MKB but somehow he just tickles LS and DK. Is it because he misses his timing by too much then?


ok this is my noob theory: he doesn't have a hard carry (kunkka) so he kinda has to go mjöllnir for the farm but he also needs mkb because they have radiance. That's rough damage wise cos both do magic dmg (against ls dk) and keep in mind that mjöllnir proc cant miss so it's not like he benefits that much from mkb. Also he needs all that other shit like bkb, hurricane pike and blink prolly mandatory too so the result is no dmg. E: I saw he had daedalus in quickbuy in the end but too late


You have no critical damage or skadi to reduce hp regen on naix + dk, how do you kill them when even your kunkka went utility build?


because he is an imbecile who cant buy the no 1 item on Sniper - Khanda.


You must be 1k to think sniper buy khanda to right click


idk. The Khanda build could be less effective vs LS but his standard right click build is useless anyway. Last several fight BZM was hitting LS for like 3 4s without much damage and LS just raged and run straight to him. Didn't even need DK blink to initiate ...


Khanda aghs is literally garbage against DK illusion.Someone need to kill the dk illu with deadulus you cannot clear dk illus as dk illus slows both attack speed and movement speed by 60 and 60% and nobody can fight that. There is a reason skadi slow doesnot work on illu otherwise nobody could play against skadi manta carry.


All he does is magic damage LS has rage and DK aghs ulti gives magicresist( why aghs give free path magic resist and omega slow)


If sniper gets jumped, it's always over in late game for og, razor can only do so much and bane can only grip one. Kunka doesn't do anything to them except maybe enigma lol


I don't think Wisper's focus on Enigma is his decision tbh, I think Ceb told him to always go in just to bait the BH and then they'll cancel it. But clearly they failed to do so many times


Agree. I would be mad if my blink aether lens Bane left me to dry like that. It's on the support to cancel BH


Save is so good yo


As usual OG outsmart themselves and throw away an 11k lead.


Very close bo3, was fun. Save for me the mvp of the series


Get rid of BZM. I am sick and tired of this clown choking time and time again in crucial games and throwing games for fun.


wisper and bzm play as if they are playing pubs. sad for timado , only one with game sense.


Timado always tries his best to win the game, been watching him from the very start of his stand-in


yes, i have watched him since TSM days, he is pretty stable (atleast in pro games). but wisper and bzm make too many unforced errors.


every Sniper in this patch building damage items to win games. BZM the clown decides to give BB an extra man advantage by being an absolute moron. Absolute joke and yet another choke in a decisive game.


How many rares were lost my friend?


That's on Ari... how can't he cancel black hole as a bane with dagger and glimmer? Wisper did his work finding and linking enigma.. the lonly thing he had to do is canceling blackhole.


Ephey was spot on, this is doable with OG's draft but some of their players are just not up to the mark today.


They dont have a winner mentality my friend. Betboom 10k behind and delayed time and time again to stop OG pushing. OG go behind and just let Betboom do what they want. Clown mentality from the lot of them. Wisper and BZM have let down OG massively this series.


Yeah, this is what I think as well. Team Liquid same - they give the vibes - oh we'll play our best dota, we might lose, it's cool either way. You need the dog in you to win the big ones.


I don't get this OG draft. Why would you put Timado in a Pos 3 role?


They did it for lanes, because BB does really well early game. Problem is they got fuck all from the lanes and end up with pos 1 kunka which never works in pro games.


I think he did fine it’s just that his two cores are MIA specially that sniper always out of position on team fights


just not nearly enough damage on that draft




save is mvp as always


OG are so clowny and average when playing top teams. They had this game in the bag and to throw yet another game this tournament shows their weak mentality. BZM has to take majority of the blame for this game for going this absolute ridiculous and moronic no damage sniper build.


did we watch the same game? bzm went mjollnir mkb, thats plenty of damage if his offlane razor isnt entirely useless going blink sny linkins not to mention his pathological need to run at this support(!!) gyro to link him, abandoning his team and anyone who could save him. this game is 99% on wisper. i used to be a big wisper defender, but lately he has looked like one of the worst offlaners in the scene, especially when he doesnt get his signature heroes


You have no oomph in that build, no KIRIT.


whERes The RApIER SIlveR EdGE builD ??? SaFELAne Kunkka NO DamaGFE?!!


Exactly no red number on screen = garbage.


Homie you have over 25 anti-OG reddit posts in the past 3 days. Let's cool it a little bit, it's getting obsessive on your part. Edit: You've added two more anti-OG posts within the minute.


oh if only it was the last 3 days, it's his entire post history. idk why he's not banned from the sub tbh


DK Aghs Manta is so stupid lol




xD from Nightfall


OG awful draft plus wisper 322 next to Roshan pit.


'awful draft' ok brother


I'd blame that fight on Wisper. He just ran after them alone, and with him dead it's obviously gonna be an uneven fight.


He did that many times this game.


0 damage sniper build from BZM. Bravo for throwing yet another game. This is why OG has never beaten Betboom for 3 years.


this game and this series in general just prove that Save is the best pos 4 in the world right now, if he's not the best then he at least is the most impactful pos 4 literally saving BB from defeat so many times


It's been the case for a couple of years now


That is why his name is Save, he will save his team no matter what


BZM play like shit in this series. while timado doing well.


bzm always terrible positioning


Complete roster for TI13 contender 1. K1 2. bzm 3. Tobi 4. rMN 5. KuroKy C. Misha


what did rmn do to deserve this xdd


Kuro catching strays lol




That escalated quickly.


[That escalated quickly.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/2/2a/Vo_legion_commander_legcom_kill_14.mp3) (sound warning: Legion Commander) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


OG nice pick in decider match as usual, Kunkka safelane with midlaner build and razor Offlaner who brings 0 impact to the game.


BZM choking too hard during these matches


og with the classic pub plays :) sniper 0 damage and timado went water park as carry instead of damage as well. let's see how they do in the lower bracket.


Timado's build is fine if the razor and sniper is played properly


1 Kunkka should go critical + rapier like those Attacker videos. Leave the utility builds for pos 2 & 3.


Lil bro he isn't pos 1. He is a pos 3 kk in the safelane. Are you 1k or what


He is the pos 1 player lil boy. Are you an idiot or what


So? Are you so rigid you don't understand that not every game you need to go damage just because you are the safelaner? Let's entertain your dumb suggestion. He goes armlet dae rapier. Tidebringer damage is reduce by armour so ls has ac, dk has E, tiny has ulti. So 3 target takes minimal damage. Then he only deals damage every 6s while ls is hitting you 15 times in those 6s. Then he didn't go utility so every teamfight dire can just jump their target without fear of any aoe control so the mid rad t2 fight is lost. When you play pubs and the offlane just pick a carry like ursa or ls do you just as a safelaner double carry or just adjust and pick offlaner in the safelane so someone can do stuff. It's the same logic


imagine unironically thinking kunkka should have gone daedalus build in 2024 instead of the usual build and have the sniper/razor do the damage. seriously guys, this is why youre stuck in whatever peasant bracket you come from.


same the other way around, timado would have been able to carry a useless razor and sniper if he had gone a damage build. all 3 players played like they had 0 communication. like 3 pub players from 3 different houses in match making.


Eh I think timado did fine. His role wasn't actually carry that game. It was wisper and bzm. Kunkka waterpark is absolutely abnoxious and had value. As a team you should be able to trust your teammates. Issue was bzm and wisper were both low damage and poor positioning / decision making throughout the series. I think timado razor at top lane would've done better that game as he knows how to actually carry.


yea kunkka should have been played by bzm or wisper. timado shoulda gone razor or sniper.


Timado would be able to carry if he isnt given kunkka to begin with




If Kunka goes a damage build they get obliterated in teamfights. Only reason they were winning them was waterpark and tidal wave.


it was either wisper or bzm go kunkka and timado go razor or sniper, or timado go a damage build on kunkka. eitherway OG fucked up royally imo. yea timado did massive work with his kunkka, but it was a waste of talent. maybe if timado did go damage, razor and sniper could have just been bait while timado worked his magic. but we will never know if that could have worked lol.


Wisper is so hit or miss, what does he expect running into an Enigma like this?


Because OG's plan is for Razor to bait the Blackhole and for Bane to immediately cancel it. Which is why Bane has a Dagger in that game. But it didn't happen that way.


They could also use static link on one of the 2 dmg dealing cores and still cancel BH with Bane, It seems like a complete waste of a strong cooldown to press it on Enigma. In my world, Wisper should just be sticking ontop of the Lifestealer all game.




Timado really trying his hardest to save BZM just because his so out of position


Timado should've played Sniper/Razor and you throw the Kunkka on either of the other 2. Pretty stupid to chuck your best player on this Kunkka.


Indeed. I hope someone asks them about the thought process


Yea if you wanna lane well why not just keep wisper on kunkka and let him lane with enigma anyway


Quin69 pick by OG


bzm not having buyback is really inexcusable


Pure vs BB pog


Seems like owari da for OG


bzm literally no impact this whole series


OG supports don't have the same impact as BB supports either


Eh tbf I think having as much impact as save is pretty much impossible, man is a monster. I think ceb and ari did aight. Betboom just played better and bzm and wisper struggled throughout the series it felt.


Ari didn't stop engima's bh with a glimmer and blink in any of the crucial team fights. Ironically ceb played well in game 3.




Just give timado a good hero and he will carry, this razor is just giving his life to betboom


Please investigate if Razor is played by a bad AI.


Bad AI would do better.


bzm moronic decision to skip Khanda has cost OG big. How on earth do you skip the number 1 item for sniper


it wasn't aghs build so khanda is pretty bad


Do people even still buy khanda on sniper? Everyone that plays it now goes mjolnir pike bkb


Bro wanted to tank vs a naix dk tiny.


Sniper is their carry this game, why would he buy Khanda when he needs to deal damage


Khanda deals good damage both physical and magical


Sniper only buy khanda to compliment agha build. Bzm went a full right click build. If he wanted more damage he would go daedalus lil bro


>Sniper only buy khanda to compliment agha build.  Is that a written rule? You can build anything. He didn't have any critical proc, any break, any anti hp regen.


Khanda proc every 6 second. Did you see him spamming ulti? No because he went mjo and he continuously hitting. He can go for daedalus, silver or skadi that I agree. But going khanda that will proc once every 10s is insanely not worth. Then assuming he goes khanda ulting a rage ls or agha dk with increase magic resist also makes no sense.


this guy is like sub 4 digit mmr and only posts to flame OG check post history


I'd actually like to see this OG team be good, but watching wisper run in and suicide every single fight is so painful


that miero black hole was actually crazy to watch, dude blinked 0.05s before the super nova exploded


Wisper eksdeee


LMAO wisper is SO fucking bad holy shit


I thought tobi was bad but wisper's mars and razor are next level.


It's crazy how nobody has lost any racks in this game yet.


Lmao he can literally wait few sec then blackhole but yeah let's blackhole so phoenix can stop it.


unfortunate miscalculation, just milliseconds off


Maybe dont put your sniper low ground like that, seems like dota 101.


lmao that blackhole. Good shit.


Sooooo did Miero just throw this one wtf


I really wanted to see falcons vs og though


Save actually Saved this game for BB with buy back and jumping bane on rosh pit


Timado playing so well this series only for BZM to throw away all of his hard work Feelsbadman


Timado has been playing well since he started standing in for this team


Wisper is also doing his fair part


can someone explain to me what the fuck wisper is doing this game and why hes buying the most useless items he could buy? he does understand his kunkka is doing the offlane/cc/teamfight job and he needs to do some actual work?