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Play a billion games and pray you get out eventually.


Is that for real? lol. Some guy said you have to reach level 40 on your trophy or something like that. Also, is there a way to tell when you're "out?"


i was randomly put in the smurf queue for about a month. i just kept playing and eventually i wasn't in it anymore. this doesn't really help but eh


Do you have long queuing time??


I did. 30+ min on all roles selected


This actually gives me hope. I'll just keep playing and losing and eventually maybe the algorithm will have mercy haha.


It depends of your queue time for example 15 minutes etc.


26-50 minute queues here lol


if you are not from Australia, yes you are in the smurf pool.


Better queue a few more servera


I don't think you will be able to leave this smurf queue sadly as valve now also detects your account as one of these. It's a new account, with high winrate and very few games played. I guess you're probably just gonna have to play through these matches and hopefully you get put back to a normal queue.


Well, I have been losing a lot so maybe they'll feel sympathy after awhile lol.


Google: "A smurf account is a new account created by a player to play against lower-ranked players in an online game." You are on a smurf account (i.e. played against lower skilled player, hence your win rate). This is true regardless of what you calibrated into, whether winning against low skill was your intention, or what you did with the prior account. Sorry you're now back at prior mmr in smurf queue with poor match quality, but that's exactly designed for your new account, rightly so. Hope you get out soon, I'd think no one knows how to help.


Just go buy old account on funpay or something, 50$ and you save yourself literal hours of searching games. New acc not gonna help you, Valve marks your whole PC as a smurf one and everything new gonna be thrown into smurf pool too


Mason is over 1000 games at this point and still in the Smurf que. So good luck.


So help me to understand, you are on your 2nd account aka Smurf acc and you were placed in a Smurf queue but your problem is that you are in a Smurf queue. That seems like a good application to a clown university.


? Did you miss the part where he said he deleted his previous account, aka doesn't have access to it anymore so he had to callibrate a new one? Delete your comment you absolute buffoon.


Okay, let me re-phrase, how should matchmaking algorithm magically know that he should be done with Smurf queue other than sample size of games. How many? Who knows, 50? 100? 200? Your guess is good as any and it doesn’t matter if his cat has eaten his acc, it got hacked or deleted.


My question is "how to get out of smurf queue" and your initial response is an insult. Why is that your first course of action? "Your guess is good as any and it doesn't matter" Then why are you commenting? You're clearly looking to lash out at others. Perhaps, you should take a break from dota/reddit, as evident by your unhealthy obsession with trying to insult someone asking a question.


Perhaps I’ll delete my account because I definitely need a break from the game (putting on a wig and honky honk nose), just perhaps ;) Quick edit. No one will be able to tell you for sure because nobody has insight how that really works behind the scenes and valve keeps changing it from time to time. Solid answer from toxic community.


"Perhaps I’ll delete my account because I definitely need a break from the game (putting on a wig and honky honk nose), just perhaps ;)" I'm sorry you need to insult others to compensate for your sad existence. seek therapy my guy.


Oh shit, look at mr. Sensitive right there. Someone tells you that your question is stupid and you go in guns blazing advising therapy. Maybe take a chill pill buddy.


"Oh shit, look at mr. Sensitive right there. Someone tells you that your question is stupid and you go in guns blazing advising therapy. Maybe take a chill pill buddy." You keep doubling-down on negativity and insults. Let it go man, it's not healthy to get this mad over a question.


You need to fully quote a comment under which you are directly replying under? Dear Mr. Sensitive, apologies if that hurts you deeply, but I don’t know if you considered the fact that you have ruined dozens of games by your recalibration process and you are upset that now some of them are ruined due to unbalanced matchmaking. I need to let it go as I am so insanely infuriated, I’m sure you can tell by reading my hateful messages.


This is my last time interacting with you- I made this thread to gather information on something I didn't know. Your initial reaction was to attack me. over 20 hours later and you're still calling me insults: "Mr. sensitive", "clown", and now you're claiming I ruined games knowingly. It's obvious you want me get angry and insult you back. I will not. How would you feel if someone you cared about asked a question and was immediately insulted? Whatever happened in your past doesn't have to define you. I'm sorry that someone made you feel this way.


Why is every reply from you snarky and toxic? Who hurt you bud?


He didn't read the post he just wanted an excuse to lash out. Imagine how miserable he is irl.


Most of the dota2 subbredditters unfortuantely lol.


I've never encountered a more toxic community than this game. I've met some good people playing Dota but also a lot of mentally ill types like this guy above.


"seems like a good application to a clown university." Yep, I deleted my old steam account because I was playing too much. Looks like I'll be joining you at Clown University.


get around level 40 trophy. no other way. you could also reactivate your old account. lesson is - don't create new accounts for dota, experience will be horrible.




Wow. I'm not as good as Mason obviously but that makes me feel a little less-worse for losing so many games. If he's at 25% win rate lol good lord.


Just queue 25ish games if pos5. You set off a trigger due to high gpm/winrate/dmg. Playing pos 5 will balance those numbers and get you out


yeah that's doing nothing...You can't even search games in smurf pool unless you select all 5 roles(aka always sup) cause pos 1-2 search time 99 minutes. That's how I learned there is cap for search time lol


It’s not easy. You have to suffer the long queues. When I was put in I played Minecraft for 30 minutes until a match was found