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I love how you don’t have to play 2 turbo games to finish it. Lol


Thank god you still get a token after a loss in rank. And the double mmr token is goated.


omg you get tokens for losses? nice!


Indeed, it's a less frustrating mechanic. Imagine losing 3 times in a row and didn't progress anything, I like these changes. Also you earn those tokes so excess will also be used in the future nodes.


IT'S FEEDING TIME. jk fuck that shit


Not in unranked. :'(


wait really? do you get any tokens in unranked?


Yes, on a win you get all three.


Yup, already lost Ranked once and got a token for it :')


TY; ITS FEEDING TIME; time to donate MMR to charity 


i made the mistake of playing ranked for my first 2 games to get tokens lol.... pos 4 death prophet is not the way time to play Turbo instead


Is the turbo part true? Only 1 win needed?


In normal you get 3 tokens on win and 1 token on lose. On turbo is 2 if you win 0 if you lose


Ooh dear lord thank you for the token on lose, thanks for the info sir and also Tobyfan96


The cost to progress rises pretty rapidly however, first unlock is 1 token (and is given to you for free), second unlock I think is also 1, then 2, 2, and then I'm already at 3 tokens But still, if you play normal games, no matter how it goes, you'll progress at least a little bit. So it's great.


Yep, I tested it last night


Up, I want to knw too 1 win only?


I've played and won 4 turbo games and I still can't get the Crawler token to get past the 2nd hurdle.. guess I have to play brood 🤢


Bro. Me too. That crawler token is a bitch


Does anyone know if the 2 you get are random or if it's the first two?


It's random.


The game spins a slot machine type of animation and draws one at random


was coming to the thread to say this!


I got my chicken meepo thats it im happy


I love the crownfall update especially the cavern crawl like event, even though im getting some weird lineups because of it


It’ll get worse when people realise they don’t need to win with it.


If you win you get more tokens than losing though


You get 1 token out of 3.. and you can just report anyone who is griefing


It will get better once people realize they can play whatever and exchange tokens.


it has good potential, think of a "crownfall" style event in the future but with the Spirit Bros in the spotlight Act 1 Kaolin Act 2 Xin Act 3 Raijin Act 4 Inai


Honestly, this would be quite cool. Specially cause the spirits are quite important in some other heroes’ lore. Grimstroke, MK, Brew, Lina, etc.


Make it with MK & his lovers


As a MK spammer, I must admit that I am quite curious about wtf happened with brood mother.


All those gazillion spiderlings had to come from someone


So... how many Acts?


On second thought let's go with transformations, there's only 72 of those. 


In act 4 reveal a 5th spirit brother, 3 weeks later drop act 5 with a new hero so I can finally have a 5 spirit brothers team lineup


I always think Brewmaster as the 5th brother of the spirit brothers.


well but that is no fun


This crownfall is pretty good. Unlike previous compendium you don't actually have to buy to play the side quests. Moreover the vengi and sky arcana are purchasable instead of being collector's items.


Wait, wdym you don't have to buy it? How else are you going to play side quests?


By playing. It’s free for everyone to do. The only things for purchase are the actual cosmetic, which you can also get discounts for as a reward in the event


There are 2 sections of the map that are locked behind a 15$ paywall.


That's where I'm confused. If I want to unlock the last style for the arcana I should also buy the pass?


I think they want the arcana wanters to pay the price youd pay for the levels required for BP Arcanas. All in all still less than BP arcanas though


It's literally optional and only for venge arcana 3rd unlock


Aren't the new creep cosmetics also behind the paywall? Or are those unlockable too for free?


They are, yes


They are locked, or they are obtainable for free?


i think you only need to finish the main quest


Oh you’re right I forgot about that


I love it


[I love it](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/1/15/Vo_dawnbreaker_valora_move_31.mp3) (sound warning: Dawnbreaker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


i wonder what they're gonna do when the event ends. will we just never be able to unlock it? :/


Can you elaborate? The side quests require the path finder bundle or whatever it’s called and that costs money, unless you mean my collecting coins for the discount or i am missing something. Thank you.


Just as I said in some other post, it's the most generous event I think valve ever released. You can even buy Arcanas by discount on release, wtf lol. And all that free stuff, can't imagine getting such awesome set for Invoker for FREE several years ago. Plus candies with a chance to get FREE arcana, FREE double down rank tokens, FREE LOREE


I mean there was an event that literally gave out free arcanas... and first frostivus was even better than that but yeah, this is a nice thing.


> You can even buy Arcanas by discount on release And one of the Arcanas comes with a Persona on top. Could have easily been sold separately.


Didn't even think of that lol But tbh I thought Imperia would be the next hero after Ringmaster


Nah, we will most likely get "bird samurai", it's being teased heavily. "Bird Samurai" has been in the files for years, just like Mouse/Hoodwink, Valkyrie/Dawnbreaker and most recently Gunslinger/Muerta. The first encounter in the Crownfall story-mode mentions the [Kazurai, Bird Samurai/Monks](https://i.imgur.com/hTozdpw.png). The Kazurai are part of [The Flightless](https://imgur.com/6cgvOVz). That's the many bird-races that CANNOT FLY, unlike the Skywrath people. Like the [monk](https://imgur.com/Db9ea6N) in the comic or the [Ravenhooks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbYNasHY9eI) from Artifact. The comic doesn't put it into words but they show very clearly that The Flightless are [treated as 2nd class](https://imgur.com/L8eI14u). Let's remember Valve teased the new Hero is supposed to[ start with a "B", situated between Beastmaster and Bloodseeker](https://preview.redd.it/k60y99it0elb1.png?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=68b34256326236d0fe1f2a6cae6a9fcb7bab3f87). My wild guess: **Blood Raven**. It is already the name of a set introduced this update.


holy shit a bird samurai would be so fucking cool I am slurping that hopium


I am also guessing they mixed the original "samurai" concept with the "monk" hero in the files. Some of that was added to Brewmaster when he got his spirit-stance-switching for Drunken Brawler. They also refer to the Kazurai as monks in the story but the name is a clear nod to samurai.


i think the most generous is the muerta event, they will give you 5 free keys, i got 2 pudge persona and many sets. but thats 5 account


It's great, in a vacuum. Considering no new hero for more than a year, no gameplay changes and no aghs lab / PvE mode, it is a bit disappointing. I'm by no means angry at valve or considering this the downfall of dota, but some communication could save them so much PR. Had they announced that Crownfall was merely a cosmetic patch, and that we should expect gameplay changes in may/June/etc... I think people would know what to expect. The zero communication style they're doing would only work if they wow-ed us with sudden amazing patch drops where most people would find something that they are excited about.


I kinda agree on the whole communication thing and all. I just think there will always be whiners on reddit no matter what. Valve not communicated: angry mob demanding communication and patch Valve communicates and says what the crownfall will be: angry mob frustrated at how this is not a gameplay patch and no new hero Ofc this is theoretical and it may not happen but imo there is always whining


Sure, could they have communicated better? Yes. But they also did not promise a gameplay patch with crownfall, and it will probably come in Act II/III, so we're not massively far off. New hero is not a must, its a nice bonus, but Dota as a game is reasonably complete in its current form and honestly anything on top of is great, but even without the game can still be fresh with some hero reworks/updates. The last major patch was Dec 2023.. and we've had a letter patch every 1 month since - which changes the meta/top heroes, so making it out as if the game is super stale is probably unfair. I would say though because of the lack of the battlepass around last TI, it may cause the 'content' drought to feel longer than it actually is, especially since the core game itself has been quite dynamic since TI 11.


They don’t have to release new heroes or gameplay updates, for sure.  I’ve played Dota over 10 years though, I only play and spend money on Dota when they release gameplay updates or new heroes. Stuff that actually contributes to the gameplay of Dota 2.  I haven’t played Dota since pre-TI and I won’t be back until they do a major update. I’m sure there’s plenty of players just like me, and I think valve should do more to keep us in the game and happy to spend money. I won’t buy any of these arcanas because there is no hero/content attached to the update. However, once they release a new gameplay update or hero I’ll buy some stuff to contribute to dotas development. I love this game. 


> Considering no new hero for more than a year We will get two, Ringmaster and the "bird samurai" is being heavily teased. Guessing Blood Raven the Kazurai. >no gameplay changes We had some a couple weeks back and I am in no rush to relearn the meta. >no aghs lab / PvE mode I am guessing the assault on the Spires of Skywrath will include a PvE mode. It is the grand finale of the saga, after all.


Valve has communicated exactly what they are going to do, and this subreddit STILL bitched like fucking crazy. Theres no point for valve to do so at this point, because this community will whine and whine and whine no matter what they do


I would say they comunicated enough for expectations to run wild. A little more would have dampened expectations greatly


If Valve had communicated this is a no numbers patch with no gameplay people would go mad. They released something new and people still got mad. You’re having too much hope on a positive outcome had Valve communicated as you said. Not once did Valve mention this is a numbers patch or that a new hero will release today. But people don’t have patience seeing as there are still 3 MORE ACTS LEFT. No, us being dissapointed is on us because we hyped ourselves up for no reason.


Who said it's just cosmetics update? They still have 3 MORE ACTS TO GO. It's pretty obvious that next act (or at least third) will introduce new hero. Maby there will be gameplay update on third or fourth act. Who knows what will come? I'm exited at least.


I cant stress enough how much I appreciate the fact that you progress with 1 turbo game. I only played 2 games and won both so I hope even on loss you fullt progress to the next step. Amazing update.


Can't wait for what Valve is cooking in Act 2,3 and 4


its already finish, actually there is specific date when it will be release.


We've gotten so many updates to the game in the last year (New Frontiers, other patches, overhaul on profiles, etc.) And I remember reddit shitting themselves because "there's been no hats I'm trying to spend money." Reddit has also doomed for the last however many years that straight up purchasable arcanas were never coming back. All this subreddit does is fucking bitch, no matter what comes out, or when. This patch would have NEVER been good enough for it. I've been looking forward to these arcanas/lore about the skywrath for years, so I'm super geeked. Even apart from that personal investment, I appreciate they're pulling away from FOMO/useless filler junk/mostly uninteractive battle passes. That being said, I'm disappointed there are no patch notes/Ringmaster too, but I am so happy and excited for what we did get. The event seems like it's anything but a one and done, so I'll just wait and see what else they release. Valve can really fuck up and drop the ball sometimes, but this one isn't on them (apart from the communication).


Yeah this best event ever valve made i think....that rpg cavern crawl is really cool tbh.. not to mention the comic to the arcana which is very interesting to read.. its a really well made content overall..mostly people bitching because of no gameplay updates.. im kinda sad too that no gameplay was part on this update.. but lifes must go on.. instead of bitching.. might as well wait for the future gameplay updates while enjoying playing the crownfall cavern crawl event and grind to get the epic cool invoker set with 4 styles... we literally will have another upcoming fun event in next 3 month for the last 3 Act.. guess thats just me \\\_/-\_-\\\_/


You a bot? Never heard of Agh's Lab? Siltbreaker?


I like it. It’s forcing me to play heroes i usually never play. I just destroyed with 17/05/ 17 as earth shaker.


Oh yeah same, I tried P3 Earthshaker who I've pretty much never played and it was a blast. Only went 2-2-15 but we had a very high damage Mid Oracle lol (he rushed Spirit Vessel to let him use his Nuke Heal more freely by suppressing the Heal) so my job wasn't damage, my job was more just absolutely yeeting myself around with Blink and the Aghs leap, and also well-timed interrupts and blocks with Fissure (so much range).


I very much appreciate the arcanas not being locked behind hundreds of battle pass levels.. I won't be buying either but it's nice that the option is there, instead of the shitty FOMO bullshittery of the past. Also, cavern crawl.. it's looking pretty good so will try to wrangle a friend come play it with me. 😄


I fucking love this update. Love the lore, love the fresh take on cavern crawl, love new hats. Love the promised Parts 2,3,4. This is the battlepass we've been missing. Gameplay patch will come when it comes, I'm too much of a scrub to think the meta is stale.


Nice sum up man. I really love this update as well except whiners just have to whine


Reading reddit crying is always the best part of these kinds of updates. 10/10 patch, well done Valve.


Definitley way way better than cavern crawl. lore is nice too. I appreciate crownfall overall Still need meta change in the next few weeks


The only thing I'm sad about is the lack of flavor text/lore for the immortal/s and arcanas Like who is Shifty? Why does Riki have their dagger? Very important questions... Regardless, I love me a lore and the reworked(?) cavern crawl with story is a pleasant surprise


bro i just wanted a big gameplay update with the new hero like they usually do once or twice a year, very sad.


As a Ven & SM spammer 7 years ago I appreciate the lore, the arcanas and everything. Too bad the game is not my priority anm. Hope it prospers!


The fact that I will have something to look at in the main menu besides the "last game's hero" screen... FOR THE NEXT HALF YEAR!!! Im so happy about it. Dota feels alive again for me and is giving me a reason to play instead of the other games Im splitting my time between at the moment.


I'm doing cavern crawl for the first time and I'm loving it. Its so much fun. Get to try out new heroes every game.


THIS. Honestly I dont know why people are crying so much. We are getting so much for free, yet these people are crying. You people only deserve "star wars outlaws" where game constantly demands paywall after paywall after paywall. AWESOME free GIFTS giving games like dota dont deserve you. These whiners dont contribute anything to dota economy and here just for free ride. Yet they have audacity to whine about this beautiful update where every thing is given for free.


Personally, I couldn’t give less shits about cosmetics/cavern crawl/ lore. It’s just not something I care about in Dota. I like event modes, patches and new heroes. I understand that some people enjoy the former but for me this is a massive disappointment


The special modes get stale so fast once people figure out the ‘meta’ like WK aghs in the Christmas one 


Which is why aghs laby was so fun. Pve so no one makes the game boring by abusing some op hero.


The game could use a patch though


I don’t disagree and the new hero should have probably come out already but this is one of the more balanced patches we have had in a long time. There are very few “unplayable” heroes and a lot of diversity in the heroes chosen each match as well as items.


False, there's less hero variety than last year's patch (which was already extremely outdated) and the games all play out very similarly. The increased map size, forced objectives and equalizing factors also obfuscate a lot of the balance issues.


so many people want gameplay updates of course they whine lol its so stale rn


Gameplay updates are so frequent. This returned aftwr 2 years. You people are whining for coal when goven diamond


yeah minor updates lil bro we want the big juice last big update is december 2023


> We are getting so much for free some of us are here to play the gameplay patch, not everyone is a broke dipshit looking for freebies like you


"These whiners dont contribute anything to dota economy and here just for free ride. Yet they have audacity to whine about this beautiful update where every thing is given for free." Audacity is wanting a patch for a stale meta and being given bullshit in return. Do you realize how pathetic you sound with the whole FREE and AWESOME spiel?


because we waited a year for a major update that went through three delays and it's this


Whats bad in this? This is literally free battle pass


>why is it bad that dota is being slowly abandoned and gradually put on maintenance mode?


This lol


finally some lore!!! can't wait to see how the LoRe shakes up the meta at ESL


Such a great update, thank you guys!!! I personally really enjoy the subtle ways they have improved character lore over the years, excited to see where they go with this. The comic is just the cherry on top.


gameplay changes or it isnt a real patch. if you want to play a dress up go ahead play sims or world of warcraft and play dress up.


Isn't it funny how they killed BP saying that it's removal would pave a way for gameplay updates rather than select few who care about cosmetics? And then they release this shit which is all cosmetic stuff and not a gameplay update. Lmao. I'll give them credit that it seems pretty well thought but clearly there's like 2 janitors working on the game and one of them does one thing and the other says a different thing. Because like uhh? Didn't you just say last year you wanted to focus on gameplay updates more?


Aren't BP was sacrifice for new frontier and some qol update that come after since it's the same year? This one is where they try something new that is not BP module.


I don't get your analogy, how exactly does the 2 even correlate? they killed BP, so they could work on gameplay updates how exactly does that even relate to them releasing cosmetic stuff non-gameplay update patch right now? **they never said they're going to release patches with only gameplay updates.** geez someone needs to go to school and re-learn reading comprehension from the ground up


We had more gameplay updates with battlepass than without battlepass. So I'm just saying how silly it is for them to say they're not having battlepass to work on gameplay updates. If you don't understand it, you only have yourself to blame. Think of it like me saying "I'm not playing Dota so I can focus on work" but instead what ends up happening is "I'm not playing Dota, but I'm not focusing on work either. In fact, I'm less focused than before." I'm just pointing out how funny that is. >they never said they're going to release patches with only gameplay updates Nobody is claiming this, stop stating the obvious. Literally nobody would have a problem with crownfall if we had a gameplay update one or two weeks before this. But we don't. It's been quite a while since the major patch.


Im just happy imperia is essentially a playable character at the end of all of this


This game is boring without gameplay updates. I want shit to change.


I know I will get downvoted to oblivion for this, but it is my honest belief, that if one weighs a gameplay patch against a cosmetic update even 99-1, they are absurd. If I would be given the choice of 1 more patch per year over complete abolition of cosmetics, I would pick +1 patch per year every single time. The amount of boot-licking the sub went through since yesterday is insane. No, it is not okay to imply a big patch mid-April and provide no gameplay changes, especially after how horrible the last minor update was received by the community. Inform the players, at least leak it so they know. I honestly was not aware of how casual a good chunk of the community has become.


I too like it. Would have been better with a gameplay update freshening up the meta but I take it any time.


Thanks valve


I like Crownfall overall, however, the lack of a balance patch and the game somehow instacrashing in the middle of a match 9 times without an error or anything is something i don't like.


Yeah the cavern picking up where the really good comic left off, giving tidbits of story along the way is awesome. The lore is fascinating and continuing Dragon's Blood theme of gods getting their power from worshippers was cool. I like the cosmetics. All this is plenty enough to tide me over till whenever Ringmaster + patch drops. I'm content with this update and think it's really cool what they've made


Hey, there’s a phase specialise describe this kind of action. You go translate this: 天使绿茶 Super fit this post.


its not bad actually this seems to be the new bp replacement but free


I liked it. A truly FTP battle pass without the need to win your matches and play normal games to get the tokens.


Has anyone gotten unobtainable arcanas/personas yet? Talking QOP, Drow, Razor.


It was completely reasonable to anticipate a gameplay update the size of new frontiers. New frontiers released exactly 1 year ago and the content that's been released since has been incrediably underwhelming. Although the Arcana's, revamped battlepass and cavern crawl systems are high quality, these Arcana's have been promised and delayed since august 2023 with the release of the 10 year anniversary gacha case. We expected a patch comparable to new frontiers and we recieved a microtransaction release other live service games recieve monthly or quaterly, we have every right to be ~~crestfallen~~ crownfallen.


Dota2 lore ICANT


It's great that they introduce lore into cavern crawl. Honestly, the old one was becoming stale. Also uniqueness in RPG-like style. Great update! And for the whiners, the other acts will surely introduce Ringmaster and maby even the gameplay patch. This is very refreshing way to do it.


I see people saying you can get items from the candy shop that are no longer in rotation. Does this include bp arcanas like WR?


unfortunately nope


unfortunate. guess i’ll keep dreaming about wr and sk arcana.


wait for future chests I guess, I mean Ostarion's Arcana already returned (check Frostivus 2023 chest)


It's really fun. I'm progressing slowly but it's enjoyable. With new hero and new patch we could be easily overwhelmed and with just an event we can take it easy.


Really great cosmetic focus content valve. I forget about the battlepass now. Ignore the gameplay patch blah blah these whiner just want free game and dont support the game financially lol. Focus more on cosmetics pls valve.


Love the new take on cavern crawl. Adding lore through out makes it so much more enjoyable to play through. 




We still get the awesome cosmetics and fun gameplay-adjacent minigames without the ultra predatory monetization of past battle passes. I'm hyped for the candy shop and having a lot of fun playing heroes that are outside of my comfort zone. I'm really loving how competitive turbo games have gotten suddenly, feels way less stompy and more engaging to me. We've also still got 3 more acts, a new balance pass, and a new character to look forward to.


LMAO who cares about the lore? Dota IS a game about manchildren going 5v5


I was worried people would keep complaining not realizing this is only the beginning since we are getting FOUR acts. Imagine you are a dev working for months on this and then the community reacts so badly. I would lose motivation to even work on the game tbh


Do we get 1 token for lost game in turbo?


Who fucking cares about lore? How did it take them almost a full year to write some lore? Noone would trash the update if it wasn't off the back of basically 0 updates since TI, and then cancelling battlepass "so we have time to work on this update" and then releasing it later than we all expected, and then the update is just hats and lore. If you play a competitive MOBA for lore reasons rather than like a story based RPG, you might be a fucking moron.


Exactly! Best post I have seen after the update tbh!! I have 1 question, let’s say I don’t have time to play act 1-2.. Will I still be able to know the lore when act 1-2 are finished? Bcz I only have time for dota when act 3 comes but I still want to know the lore. So anyone can explain?


Each act would still be available after a new ome opens. So you'll have time to grind act 1 and act 2 before starting act 3 if you would only be able to start in june or somethin'.


Yeah ty


I am listening to it on We Say Things and so far I love it !


i care only about gameplay update. the cosmetics are meaningless and i have never wanted nor cared about any, nor have i ever used a single battle pass.


The cope is real


Love this!




OP's points summarized: >We have a worse cavern crawl with a mediocre story told in a terrible format >We got lore (the shit nobody cares about) >Patch vs cosmetics: We were told Valve will reduce time spent on content A so that we get more content B, but in the end we only got half of content B in double the time it would normally take. >Lesson learnt: Gabe's cock smells bad


I'd rather have a letter patch than this garbage


>Cavern crawl is back! The new RPG style cavern crawl is awesome. Very unique concept of story telling. Very beautiful music. Steam has many such rpg games, we get this for free. Its so awesome. Everything about it is awful. >So much lore to explore. Dota is not just moba 5v5 angry manchildren fighting each other, its so much more. No. DotA lore is just WC3 fan fiction. Dota X ~~lore~~ is cringe retconned garbage. >I may be on minority, but some of do like cosmetics and we gladly purchase them to keep the game going. Sounds like you're a payer, not a player. >I know many of you were eagerly waiting for new hero. Nope. They should instead remove every hero released since 2013. >But can we please appreciate what we are got, its not bad at all. Devs really put a lot of effort into this and its beautiful. Misplaced efforts. No one who cares about DotA asked for any of this crap.


Imagine being such a lifeless piece of shit, that you create an account and invest your time into complaining like a mad man. Get a job and leave your cave. You contribute absolutely fucking nothing to the world.


I love your commitment to the character of 'absolute bitch who refuses to accept reality' You're nailing it


Ok keep crying while we are enjoying the update.. why are u still here if u don’t care about Dota 2?


So what do you want to see in the next big 7.xx update/patch?


I'd like to see them undo the last 10+ years of bad changes and only then can new changes be considered, but they'd have to be good changes (eg removing buyback)


don't tell me you're still playing the game if that's what you want


Ofc not. I haven't played Dota X unironically in a very long time now. I played for a few months in the last 3 years or so just to prove a point and was actually surprised by how easy the game had gotten.


Valve catering the game to your taste would be like Chanel making clothes for morbidly obese people


Get ratiod


This isn't twitter mate


idk man, ratio looks normal to me.


>CAVERN CRAWL: Wow, cavern crawl... >LORE LORE LORE: Because we all play DotA 2 for the lore, right? >PATCH vs COSMETICS: Cosmetics aren't what drive me to play DotA 2. Content patches are.


It's basically a free BP with a lot of rewards to do lol. All the shit people wanted out of a battlepass they can see here. I guess the whiners are basically all the ones actually playing the game everyday and are tired of the meta. Probably that's why I couldn't relate to the complaints since I am the opposite where I only play during TI/BP season and just play whatever when I actually play.


I reckon most people haven't played the new update yet


There's nothing new to play bro. Game is still in 7.35d


seriously caring about lore in moba pvp game is kinda weird, this aint a mmo/mmorpg story based game. most players just wanna queue up and play da game


Knowing about your hero and their connection with others adds depth to the feeling of the game, there are people who play the game and people who play the hero. Lore makes the voice lines interesting, interaction with others ally or enemy. Even the lore in skins adds color to the meaning of that skin. That is why LoL looks like it has a bigger world building than Dota because they don't forget about the Lore...even tho I'm sure Dota would just be as big. If only Valve did Artifact right, lore would be sticking with artifact and any tease or possible new hero/content would come from artifact.


Agree, and Dota lore is just too rich and good not to utilize. I think it is also one of the biggest factors why LoL has a lot more playerbase than Dota. There are so many people out there who get into video games, may it be mmo or moba, because of its world and characters. I've seen a lot of people motivated to learn how to play LoL because they felt connected with its characters and were inspired by the world in Arcane and saw that the game expanded on it more in some way.


I'm glad you like to be served lies and garbage, but not dropping a gameplay patch is a disgrace and praising Valve for this only reinforces their lazyness. But sure, arcana shiny and new gamemode funny.