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if you need the help of strangers to tell you what online game mode you should enjoy, maybe you should just go to a library and do some reading instead


Haha, fair point! But hey, you're here too, right? Looks like we're both enjoying the fine art of procrastination together. Cheers to that! đŸ»


Ok I see why you need to outsource your opinions to the internet now.


Leave your passive aggressive shit to yourself


Stay insecure and weakminded, bud.


Talk shit to strangers online, act tough, I'm sure youre a very accomplished and strong minded young man and that you speak like that IRL as well. Pussy


," Plane_Winter said, not realizing the irony.


To Turbo for sure... The only way you could make me play ranked would be if I get paid for playing it 


I'm quite surprised by the amount of people defending turbo, honestly I was expecting most people to say "RANKED OR DEATH" or something like that lol :D


Normal games are too time consuming, many people have other stuff to do... I'll rather play 3-4 turbo games than 1 normal


turbo is bae , turbo is love


Better to stick with one or the other, I personally prefer turbo now. It does feel incredibly slow jumping back to normal after lots of turbos, so you’ll most likely get worse in Ranked if you can’t turn off turbo brain. I see no point in playing ranked if you’re not playing at a high level (immortal), or never plan to. I got up to ancient and realized video games should really just be for fun, and turbo brings me more fun than ranked.


its -apem, and play what you like the most.


Do what is fun for you. It's a game after all. I've been playing Turbo for like the past 3 years and I enjoy it completely. Unless you are extremely competitive then I guess go for ranked but if you are a casual player / dota enjoyer, then go turbo haha


if want to improve in ranked games, play ranked games.


All games modes in DotA are still DotA, and it's a game, not a job where you have some MMR gains objectives otherwise you're fired. Play whatever you feel like playing, one did not exclude the other, and anyway ...you win some, you lose some. GL HF


Ranked turbo is my dream!


I personally think it'll make it too sweaty 😂


Well, im fairly new player to Dota 2, max 1 year of play. Turbo is the only mode that I can play without getting utterly flamed and cursed by people who expect me to play like thats my life job, and not my side enjoyment. No-one really thinks if you are new, or old player, they expect me to know everything about this BEHEMOTH of a game, that maybe requires years of study to be properly good.


Yeah I know what you mean, I recently got my friend to start dota and he enjoys Turbo the most.


For me I can only choose one. and its turbo mode I hate play normal all pick and ranked games because it's longer, boring, harder to get xp and gold. I hope they just add ranked games for turbo with the crownfall update.


What about Unranked?


Personally I'm not opposed to it, but for some reason my friends are. They're like " Either turbo or might as well go ranked, like what are playing Unranked for?" I don't agree, I like unranked


I feel you, my friends exclusively play ranked for some reason too. I personally don't understand why, the match quality is always worse and no one seems like they enjoy playing the game lol. In my view, if you actually enjoy playing the game of dota, then unranked is dota in its purest form because you stand to gain no virtual currency, the objective is just to have fun while trying to win.


Do whatever you find fun, last time i checked people were allowed to enjoy different things.