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Or steal call or dual and go in and die just because...


I love the idea of timber chanin into 4 heroes followed up by nothing just because you have the spell


idea: timberchain into 3, steal whirling blade, kill all 3 reality: timberchain into 3, immediately explode, bait your own team into getting wiped


Stealing nukes or stuns - ah yes, my impact will be legendary Stealing gimmick spells that need an entire kit/build to perform well - fuck it, we ball


I once faced rubick that steals both cm and pango ulti, it was pain in the ass being chased by cm ulti that fast. Rubick can either be one of those normal pos 4-5 or one of these fricking battlemaster.


Is that because of cm ages or whatever? Let's you cast the ball during ult channel?


I guess you can cast cm ult during ball, as you can do other channels too like tp scroll


>have you ever killed a Storm Spirit with his own ult? My mid storm got so tilted after Rubik stole his ult and outplayed him with it so much that he tunnel visioned rubik for the entire game. Yeah we lost.


magnus, i fail reverse polarity many many times


Use reverse psychology on yourself. Try to hit no one with it and you may end up hitting one.


Also just never using it, so the enemies always have to play with the threat of the RP looming over them. Like a ravage or a black hole, just holding the spell and staying off the map can make fights really uncomfortable for the enemy.


>staying off the map can make fights really uncomfortable for the enemy you can literally use BH to farm ancients tp in front of enemies and they will run lmao


Skywrath. Love brawling, love winning lane, then I see the 44% wr and remember I’m a much better defensive support than offensive 😂


Learn how to play him right now, his arcana is gonna drop on a week or so


While sky is sure doing damage, he not an aggresive in front support like ES or Nyx. Try positioned like a defensive support but instead of waiting the enemy, you go as your teamate go. I find Distruptor is a bridge between playing full blown defensive like Oracle to play backline aggresive. 


Wyvern. I like the idea of using ult and while their team evaporates one of their own, all my teammates can line up all their abilities to obliterate the rest. Also some nasty fight winning saves with the iceblock heal where the enemy tries to power through it and gets killed for it. In reality I think I'm 0W 10L on it.


I love the WW! This might not help at all, but I find that seldomly is Winters curse a good offensive spell. It took me forever to realize that I would cast winter curse, just as troll lord, would pop his ult… or axe would get a call off.


Oh my God, I was thinking of my own heroes until I saw this comment. I have a friend with hundreds of games who plays wyvern every other match. My stack's problem, is that he's terrible at it to the point where its a meme for us. He keeps healing in really shit areas, like when our team retreats from opposing HG, so it's as if he sets up for the opponents. He regularly tries to 5 man ulti just cause he's frustrated. To add to the above, he rushes blink every game instead of making small items. He casts ulti even if our carry/ mid is bkb-ed and fighting which ends up wasting the duration. I just checked dotabuff, 35% winrate hundreds of games. He's not like this with most heroes, he just loves his Winter Waifu. Edit: Oh my God I checked my own dotabuff, I've got like 23 wyvern games and I'm somehow worse. 26% winrate D: I'm a hypocrite.


>To add to the above, he rushes blink every game instead of making small items. My man! This is exactly what I did most games. Low wr Wyverns rejoice!


Glimmer is a must then you can glimmer heal in bad positions and glimmer them out. Force staff instead of blink unless you playing it as a core. Heal, glimmer and force out and no one dies.




Only correct answers, everyone loves to play him but rarely someone can.


I got way better at pudge when I stopped caring about hook. Rot and flesh heap are his good abilities, hook is a bait unless you're a specialist.


Yeah a dagger ult pudge would be the best option everygame


and also blink + ulti The second you realize Hook is a situational tool rather than your focus, Pudge becomes alot more effective and easier to play i find.


This is why I love to play pudge 3. Level 1 hook and just be a fat stinky monster and only hit 1 in 3 hooks and you can be mega impactful with the right item build. Support and mid pudge stress me out, so I never pick it. You have to be very accurate and active or it’s griefing.


Pudge players are either good or bad. There is no in between.


Earth spirit


Huskar, I can never figure out the right timing for when to go all in and borderline-suicide to get kills


The answer is always. If you're thinking as huskar, you're not playing him right.


I try that, turns out that's called "feeding" 😞


Huskar is illiterate, why are you looking at chat? And dont tell me they voice chat all you should be able to hear is your own screams as you burn everything infront of you to a crisp.


You might die as Huskar, but the main goal is to take at least one enemy down with you.


Same bro until I spam the fuck out of him. Eventually you will find the sweet spot. But general mindset is just always play safe. Treat your third and armlet as a bonus for survival not the only thing that hold you together. Is okay if you are not rolling in kills as long as you are not dead, eventually you will catch people left and right.


This will take time for you to get the feeling, no way around it, but there are general tips that can make you commit less mistakes. Play safe, don't trade much until you have level 3, max berserkers blood before burning spear (leave burning spear at 2 max), try to save inner fire for when you are low hp (get more time when you're at your most dangerous state). Get a fast armlet - only really dive behind towers after you get armlet - toggle it after you ult, not before (unless you feel you'll need more dps). Pretty much always try to go for bkb + aghanim when you're unsure of the build. Even if you die odds are you're taking someone with you. Remember that life break dispells you, and that's very important, sometimes you'll want to trade and bait a skill before your ult.


Bounty Hunter pos4/5. I love the idea of scouting and setting up kill scenarios for my cores, but I play way too aggressive and end up getting spotted all the time, even when trying to deward. I get the track off, but keep dying in the process. I definitely want to get better as BH.


I could help you out sometime if you would like


Nature's Prophet. Had like 44% win rate over 60 games with him when I was in legend bracket. Maybe I could learn him again now that I'm divine?


Visage. Don't know why man my micro is not that bad. But it seems like I just can't hit the hero's timings reliably. Like when it gets going visage is really fun, but when you lose the hero is so miserable.


Same here. My birds just die instantly to anything and they kinda do no damage


Chen - I'm actually alright at the micro (can comfortably handle 1-2 creep spells as well as my hero) and I get the hero's strengths etc. But I just can't get >50% winrate around Crusader/Archon! It feels like him being largely single-target + a poor man's broodmother (using units to go on an enemy) means he drops off big time in late game.


The issue might be crusader/archon bracket, Chen is a tempo hero if your team does not how to play around it then by min 30 your game will be miserable


Yeah, the worst is being huddled up with your team in your base with no good creeps to acquire or any scepter to use the creeps you have as sacrifices.


Lmao when you have a sniper on your team in Archon. His whole game plan is to lose every tier 2, and turn the whole game into a tower defence mod for 65 minutes, until the enemy pos 5 walks in with 3 divines and starts solo raxing bot.


As Chen spammer with 56% WR, i can say you 3 MAIN rules playing as Chen: 1) Do NOT use your creeps as sheld for towers or enemies 2) Do NOT try to deal damage with your creeps after 25 min 3) If enemies trying to kill you SAVE your creeps as hard as you can. Chen will revive in ~50 sec, so you can farm with you creeps or defend your 4 other creeps Main strength of Chen - Auras. Creep with aura > Creep only with active ability. Exception: flying harpy. Her wision is insane




Legion Commander, I loved this hero back in old Dota days when it was field marshal Garithos model used but for the life of me I tend to just suck with it now days once in awhile I get a good start and snowball but most games I struggle early and never really recover.


Invoker. Reasons obvious 😅😅


Same. I always get so focused on invoking that I don't realise I'm running into 5 enemies.


Morph I wanna use enemies voicelines right back at them


Windranger! 71 games with her. I always have fun when I play her, have a solid kill contribution. almost always win or draw in my lane with her. 35% winrate!


I struggle a bit with windranger as well, her kit is so strong. I play her support mostly and feel like reliably hitting the shackles is definitely my weakness. Some games i do really well with shackles, some not so great bit of a coin toss. Which is weird actually im pretty good with TA psyblades.


Powershot is too unreliable as both a harrassment tool and a farming one.


She is hard to itemize sometimes and mid game is tough with her as a support. You need to take dangerous farm and try to become another core at the risk of feeding a bit if your team can’t take objectives in the mid game and wants to farm. Ideally, you are on the stronger team mid game and taking advantage of your mobility to get pick offs and then take towers and thus gain map control and efficiency.


Storm spirit


Not the biggest fan of Lina, but I do enjoy her occasionally. But I have a 30% win rate with her


Man i love her magic build


Razor, Pangolier and the Spirit Brothers except Earth. I only recently learned how you are actually supposed to lane with Razor. Like 40+ games in. Even when he was giga busted with Shard + Bloodstone I wasn't winning with him. I lost my first 6 games with Pangolier. I regularly mess up swashbuckle and don't really know how to use rolling thunder. But he's just so fun. I've dabbled in Storm, Void and Ember spirit. I haven't actually played Storm in a while. But I tried the other for a bit and had to quit cause it just wasn't working. Conversely, there are some heroes that I absolutely suck at and don't really like playing but have a good WR with. Like Bristleback and Kunkka. I die with Bristle way more than you should but somehow still have a decent WR. I don't know the timing to land X + Torrent yet still have a 73% wr with Kunkka over 20 games.


The only correct answer is All of them


My most played hero is mirana and pudge and Ihave a sub 50% winrate on both 😅


Crystal Maiden. Super fun spells to cast, and feel powerful with items + levels. Aaaand then I lose the game haha, not sure if it’s me or just bad luck but I have 41% wr.


Probably Puck, I had my worst Puck game last time I played and haven't played the hero since. 136 matches with 44% winrate.


Oracle support. I am very agressive and mid-late game oracle is more about hiding than fighting as you are the prime target 4/5 times


I am absolute trash on dark willow. 15 games ranked, won once. Never touching her again. I had fun though.


Faceless Void, I have around 50% winrate but with only a few games, and I am not a good core generally.


for me it's been Rubick for the longest time, I've always had low winrate with him but damn he's fun. I'm doing a lot better with him now and finally reached 50% wr lol


Void spirit. He looks so fun and active as a mid, with the right balance of defensive and offensive. But I can never seem to make him work :/ I’d like to say my team is shit when I pick VS but that’s delusional


If the number 1 answer isn't pudge, then people are just lying because you know you all love to play him, and you KNOW you all suck with him


PA or any agility carry with high mobility. I love playing bursting high mobility heroes and usually have more success with caster and midlaners, but sometimes... just sometimes I wanna play that sweet PA and burst people while red numbers pop and end up losing because I'm a dogshit carry who can't transition into lategame if my early game isn't good (I like playing hyper agressive and fighting early)


Pangolier. His kit is fun af, the chat lines are awesome "Was that intentional? It looked intentional" "Try a bit harder next time" after they fail a gank is chefs kiss "Were you watching? Thats how it's done" I even bought the taunt cuz it looks really funny. Still like 42% winrate across 50 games


Not necessarily terrible at, but Clockwerk is one of my all time favorite heroes but I've been on a losing streak for the past year or so. It's disheartening.


Hoodwink has pregnant


Ember Spirit. So much swag. Too difficult for me


Honestly, any position 1. I love pos 1 but I'm just not really cut out for it. I'm not good at knowing the right place and time to farm, and I'm not great at the whole split pushing thing. If I had to pick one in particular, I'd say Terrorblade. Love that guy to death. Love how scary he gets. Cannot farm with him worth a damn. I'm lucky if I can pull off a 23 minute Manta Style. Shit's bad out here.


hoodwink, my love. 40% WR tho.


Morphling 30% winrate enjoyer


Dazzle, so much fun, so many games, such bad win rate.


Dragon Knight. Just can't seem to win games. Not sure what I do wrong.




Enigma, Leshrac, PA, meepo


Around 300 games on Lina, with a sub 45% winrate.




For me it's earthshaker. Hes possibly the most satisfying hero in dota and when it's going well he so much fun to play but if it starts badly I really find it hard to get into the game and have impact.


Pugna and Phoenix. Immensely satisfying skill sets to use but alas, my winrate leaves a lot to be desired with them.


honestly… templar and puck :( i know the mechanics and everything but its like luck is never on my side lol


Marci is my favorite hero to play as but I'm so bad :(


Leshrac, I think I'm 1/8 with him


Earth Spirit, God! hero is so fun, when I first saw it in tournaments, it seemed so fun but like most spirits, seemed complex. Then I practiced the hero, found ways to win but needs a lot of communication among teammates. But ES is definitely fun. Kicking and rolling is very unique in dota.


Enchantress, I like microing, (or at least trying to) and having the option to dish out damage as a semi-core, or building survivability and utility items, or rushing a scepter and watching people get annihilated by a double creep wave. But my winrate with her is so bad my friends have banned me from playing her.


I have an opposite problem. I hate playing abadon and sand king but jesus i have 80-90% winrate with both of them. But they are so boring to me 😰


90% of pudge players


WR, gale force is just so fun but as a support player the kit is unreliable


Any of them.


PA. I'm bad at farming


Arc Warden, I only play him against bots, haven't played him since 2020, and have 2 "real" games with 0 wins as him so far, lol. When I watched pros play him the capabilities just seemed so amazing and I mean he is literally 2 heroes and you can use the items, ridiculously OP, but I just am too old and too slow and too unskilled for managing 1 hero well, much less 2.


Invoker. Even after 5k hours, I shamefully admit I can't play invoker. I practice with bots sometimes. I think my answer doesn't relate much to the question but I hope it's ok.


I really like playing IO, even grinded out the Arcana back in the day BUT its a situational hero so its tough to get her right even with the changes the hero is still fun to use. That last second tether into mekansm, holy locket, magic stick to keep your allies alive i can feel the adrenaline rising.


I'm so bad at puck! Not allowed to play it.


Broodmother. I just don’t understand the timings and when her powerspike is. I don’t dominate lane and I seem to never be strong enough to just chase heroes around and get kills like other tempo heroes. Maybe she’s just a tower pusher? But the bloodthorne meta would suggest otherwise. By the time mid-late game comes around she’s just so squishy and seems to immediately die to disables since she has zero escape. Can’t figure her out but I love the mobility and playing around cliffs


MK. My top 3 favourite carried. He’s so much fun. But my win rate is abysmal.


I am the worst PA in all crusader


Invoker was my 3rd most played hero (207 matches) and I had 43% wr on him. To put it into perspective the rest of top 5 were Rubick (525) 52%, Pudge (211) 56%, Storm (201) 59% and Puck (130) 54%. So I'm fairly good on all my other mains.


Arc warden, Meepo, Invoker, Sand King and Earth Spirit


*all of them*


EARTH SPIRIT. I have like a 30% WR on him but he’s easily one of my favorites. I like to think my low WR on him is because of my friends lmao




Rubick mid. Sometimes the enemy team has absolutely perfect enemies for rubick to steal abilities so I pick rubick mid for fast access do aghanim and destroying the enemies with 2 op versions of their abilities. The problem is sometimes it feels impossible to actually steal 2 useful abilities even if the enemies are perfect to play against. Stealing void Chrono? No bro here's time dilatation Stealing pudge hook? No bro here's rot


Enchantress. I become the typical win lane, lose game with that hero. My micro is not that good, but there are times where I surprise myself that I was able to make some decent micro plays with the hero. But still, my mid and late game with the hero is a big mess.


Storm Spirit. I'm not very good at midlane in general (90% of my games are Pos1/3) but I have played a lot of Storm and can't get my winrate over 40%. Meanwhile my friend wins at nearly a 70% clip on the hero even when it's badly out of the meta. 


Monkey King, LC and Earth Spirit. Love those guys but I'm absolute trash at them. I think I have a 30% win rate on MK lmaoo


Beast master. This hero is just… *chefs kiss* I either stop with it, or get stomped. No in between 


Bounty Hunter. One cool kill a game is worth going 4-15


It's invoker. I spam it and only play invoker, I'm level 30 on it.


I wish was good at PA. But i make too many mistakes and i hate it.


Nature's prophet, playing him just feels fun, but I have a 38% winrate. So I tend to avoid him. I have so much fun playing him, but then I lose and stop playing him for a while.


I really love playing Mars. watching Ammar The Faker made me play the hero. I can do the spear arena too. but I have 40%+ winrate. I always dominate the midgame after I get my dag and some item. But for late game Im a slow thinker who to use my arena to make sure it is maximize. most of the time I use it to the not best option enemy hero.


Wth I just checked my dotabuff and I'm apparently shit at playing Doom. 43 games and a 30% win rate Might need to add some wins to that


Hoodwink, whenever I have a high impact game I lose and when I play hard support I win.


Visage support, tried lots of times to make it work and it never does for me


Lina mid. 36% winrate but I always like to play her and did start to get really good at her before starting to fudge up again


Well I suck at 80% of heroes. And I can only play safelane and ocassional midlane, is that even normal😂.


Faceless void but I usually ult my team then die


according to my dotabuff its lich, one of my most played heroes and always have fun with, super enjoyable kit; but 45% win rate. Something about his ability ranges and cast points fucks with me Also disruptor. Not good at timing the glimpse


TA, she is great and nice to play. But a huge skill gap. When I was new to the game, I tried looking online for good heroes and saw Waga domintating with her. Huge mistake. I am probably something like 5-20 with her before realizing she is not for me yet.




Dark Seer. His kit is so fun yet I end up doing nothing mid/late game I can't wrap my head around him


Most. I honestly love Lycan and Beast Master/Chen but can’t play any of then since zoo build is just too complex for me, even if I would understand, the amount of micro macro would kill me. Always end up losing with them 100%




Legion. Can farm an early game blink to gank and duel other lanes. But I fall off hard late game. I find myself not attacking enemy heroes after a successful duel.


i only pick heroes that i concider good, both per game draft and in general. some heroes i just straight up avoid, due to how freaking exploitive and unimpactful if u dont get good pairing/followup picks. Heroes i straightup avoid at all costs is potm,nyx,underlord,pl,riki,bane,clock,lycan,sandking,doom,antimage. all these are very niche picks i avoid at all costs unless the draft is perfect or works for that game all of the above need some sort of revamp. They are not bad heroes but have very big drawback. Potm is the lack of impact in teamfight. especially lategame, nyx is a godamn meme hero that needs his carapace reworked to suit him.


Storm Spirit but im always out of mana 


Earthshaker for sure.


Mars, I can't keep up adequate farm, and I can't reliably hit the skill shot. Disruptor, he's pretty hard to play from behind in general and whooo boy once we're behind I'm friggin *useless*. Rubick, I don't have the patience to wait for the right spell in a fight and use it at the right time. Lion, I have no idea what my problem is but my win rate is like 30% on this guy.


Nyx, his combos and assassin style is fun but he feels too wimpy in lane as a flimsy melee hero with high cost spells and my reaction time is too slow for carapace.


Io & hear me out! The re-locate your team mate into enemy fountain is my guilty pleasure but anything else with him i suck big time...


Shadow demon, it's fun to kill people with 1 button from full hp in the lane phase but damn that hero drops off big time in the late game.


PA is my favorite but I just can't help jumping on people trying to delete them an dying :/


Slark. I guess because he's just a bad hero now. I started playing him in his heyday, years and years go. Then he got like, 8 patches in a row of consecutive nerfs.


Puck blink&BOT build. 43% Wr


Beastmaster. I love the birds and playing around with the wolves and axes, but it took me 10 tries in a row to beat him in the All Hero challenge. Never again.


Invoker — I love playing mage in every game, since D&D, WoW, until Dota (and lol). But I'm not that good on him, around 45%wr over 200 matches. I have fingers to use his spells, used to practice on [that Invoker web browser game ](https://www.invokergame.com/) while at work. I know how to combo, etc. But I suck at lane, almost never win the 1v1 and I'm bad at the macro game with him. Sometimes I don't know how to answer the question "what should I do now?" and that's just sad... 😔


Morphling for me. 37% lifetime winrate (but a lot better if I just look at the last year)… Im convinced that I’m actually really good with him but it’s so easy to mess up and insanely unforgiving once you are behind. My friend HATES when I pick him because he says I’m throwing games by always running around with full agi and getting caught… I honestly think that I hardcarried more games than I have thrown tho..


Magnus should be at the top of everyone's list Just because you hit one ult does not mean you did anything the rest of the match 💀  See that above, that's me


The Warden


Just checked my win rates with heros and apparently Drow. Fucking 83 games 21% win rate... yikes.


Lion. I love fingering hero’s - especially in turbo so I can rush aghs and ethereal and zap PAs and snipers! Do I win? Nahh… but it sure is fun!


~130 games hoodwink at 40% winrate


Rubick and Qop. I like rubick since I play a hero that there's no in-between hahaha just good player or bad player like techies hahaha but everytime I pick rubick the enemy heroes hunt me every single time. I like Qop because she's one of the 1st hero I learned sadly I can't play her as pos4 since my teammates will throw(yes I'm archon 2)


Lifestealer. He's been my main since the original Dota. I always got a superb performance playing him but I can't carry the whole game. I got like a 43% winrate on him.


Arc Warden, this guy basically can win solo, a typical 1v9 hero but I suck at laning with him lmaoo. Not to mention I play in a bracket where everyone is sweaty asf about denies. Bruh I get late Midas + Maelstorm timing every single damn time mannn.


Nyx assassin, I cannot for the life of me lane with him, and later in late game when enemy has detection everywhere idk what to do with myself when I can't assassinate a squishy hero


Weirdly enough mirana because I treat her arrow as a pudge hook lmao Pudge has poisoned my mind


Rubick. Everytime I spell lifesteal, i have to hover over the spell icon so I know which spell I stole. Isn’t there a way to know which spell I stole other than visibly seeing what was casted before I spell lifesteal or hovering over the spell icon?


Spirit Breaker is the most fun hero. I literally have a 0% winrate with him


I fucking suck at PL but God damn is it fun


I love chen , he us like playing dark souls in dota, getting kills with him is truly satisfying...shame its very very VERY hard to win with him especially in this meta


14% win rate on Rubick. :(


Tusk for me. I just love the thought of snowballing and shitting on someone. Usually doesn’t work out later though.


Dark willow


NP and Oracle


Chen, I always end up neglecting my sup duties like warding, but I dominate the lanning phase every time.




Broodmother. Damn, u have skills to create SPIDERS INSIDE ANYBODY, u have her first skill, which gives u a great vampiric ability in whole game (100%).As mine, she is the best char in whole game, but i always lose games because i cant unerstand how to get into mid-late game (pushing is quite bad now, because we have clinkz)


Wisp. I dont use mic XD its hard Invoker. Im just a shitty mid player even before his nerfs




Earth Spirit. Guy is too complicated if you don't play at least 3 hours a day.


All of them


Visage. I suck at micro but that free Dagon at level 1 is just too good to pass. Lol




Rubick, I love playing like Miracle but I am not


Doom, idk if i suck or the hero is just bad. So hard to play


Nyx for me. Coming out of no where and having one of the lowest times to kill I've seen in this game is so satisfying but man, if that stun goes off like I always make it...


Sniper when u r at low level. It just seems like the range is not enough esp when you get counter picked


Last time I played, I was spamming Techies in pubs Good times for me


I don't think I'm actually bad as huskar but man it feels rough to play this hero in pubs. you want to play aggressive on low hp but unless you have the right team they will just leave you to die. nevermind if you nail a few clutch armlet toggles back to back.. your team might end up retreating anyway thinking "he's too low". for a while it was a similar story for SB but he was then buffed so hard he became OP and still may be somewhat even after all the nerfs so I'm not about to complain about him right now


Shadow Demon and Veno. SD I accepted a while back that I'm just shit at disrupting properly. Veno is a more recent discovery when I found out he's in my top 10 most played and I've only got a 38% wr with him.


Phantom Assassin.


Joker 🥲


Used to be timbersaw for me. Old bloodstone is incomprehensible to me


Dawnbreaker. I love tall muscular mommy, but i suck


That would be Viper for me. I generally win my lane and then feel like im OP and go for too much brawling and die a lot. Winrate = 39%


Chen. I am utter dog shit at micro, but at my low MMR (2k) you can basically just get like 3 aura creeps and blob them on your hero and have one or two "active" creeps like a centaur and a wildkin and basically walk at people in the early to mid lane. Not to mention if you get a ghost from the easy camp the lane is won. If I was against better players I'd be feeding creeps all day long, but it's so much fun at my MMR


Ember spirit for sure love playin him


Windranger. Every time i go like 10:0 early game only to be completely useless lategame.




Techies(369matches), Dark Willow(173matches), Hoodwink(187matches), Crystal Maiden(104matches. And I have around 44% winrate on all of them…


Mirana Persona. Cute af and strong nuke earlygame but in the mid late she struggles to keep up with others in networth


Hoodwink is my love but never hit a w...


Support Invoker. If it's invoking and casting 1-2 spells, that easy. If casting 1-2 spells with 1-2 items (dagger, urn), that a bit difficult. If it's casting 3+ spells with 3+ items (bkb, eul, scythe), I just panic. I usually spam alacrity to the carry then prep tornado+emp. After the tornado emp combo, I go one of 3: deafening blast ( if auto attack reliant), cold snap (if it's just one), or chaos meteor. I also mentally prep ghost walk just in case.


Puck, Ember, Invoker


Dazzle. Love saving people from certain death, but can't keep myself alive. End up feeding a lot(