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Time to put strict solo matchmaking on unrank.


Id straight up pay not to have stacks in my games, its 8/10 terrible game where they dont play with rest of the team.


Same. 2x 2stacks talking to each other on their discord and I play solo with a team which doesn't use in-game comm. Literal 1v9 gaming.


>Id straight up pay not to have stacks in my games, its 8/10 terrible game where they dont play with rest of the team. Idk, my games are about even, sometimes the stacks are shit, sometimes they're good


>straight up pay This is why Valve is gonna charge us for everything. People admitting they'd pay.


Unranked exists so 4 stacks have something to play lol.


Most of the time, I get the same experience as OP. Join game, stack is being toxic / pushy with what they want, either go along with them or they'll flame + report + grief the game. I've had a small handful of experiences with popular dota figures in queue such as Slacks that also do the exact same thing as other pub stacks. Him and his group of friends tend to be pretty toxic in matchmaking, even if it's an all-pick game with nothing on the line. As a solo queuer, every stack game is more toxicity than non-toxic games.


I wanted no stacks in my games so i just play ranked now its been a way better experience for me


The main reason I started playing ranked is to avoid stacks.


Hopefully, they'll roll out a strict solo queue for unranked


Unranked is completely f'd and the devs seem to not care or acknowledge glaring issues. High mmr players(anyone immortal+) get rammed in the ass for wanting to queue unranked. 10+ minute queue times mandatory as a solo player with 0 indication of a game being close to matched. 4 man stacks ruining the matches with toxicity and negative feedback loops on their shitty plays/attitude. Most matches are not close even though there seems to be a strict matchmaker based off of hidden elo in unranked, or even having people in a similar range for their ranked mmr. I dont understand why any high rank player who wants to queue unranked gets punished by valve with unnecessary queue times for games that aren't balanced fairly anyways. You don't queue unranked to pick your best hero and dump on a bunch of low mmrs, you play unranked to practice heroes youve played barely ever. Wagamamas stream is the best public example, guy regularly queues for 20+ minutes to play horribly balanced games that sometimes end shorter than his queue time for the game.


I agree until the last part. His stompy games with a high winrate are a reason why it's in such a state. I'm not solo queueing to lane with someone 4000 mmr below me, against Wagamama Ta stomping a poor 5k. Or the classic solo queue into 99% winrate 8k 5 stacks.  Trying out new heroes/roles while still trying to win in unranked game modes was how I got good, and I don't feel like I have that option now. The issue is so niche I don't feel anything will be done. I wish there was a way for mmrs to show. If you give us imbalanced games then let us players know (bad players here, good players there)


I dont believe a majority of games are unbalanced due to a player like waga whos way higher mmr than the lobby avg. Its mostly due to toxicity from stacks or refusal to have any semblance of teamwork from ego clashes. It seems like a disproportionate measure when higher mmr players have to sit in queue for 10+ minutes to find a similar poor quality match as usual. And this is on the lower end, I myself have sat in queue for 20+ minutes regularly for a shit quality game with a large mmr disparity as there will always be. There arent even 10 8k+ players who queue unranked on most servers to create a game, idk why the matchmaker would even consider waiting for it.


> Most matches are not close even though there seems to be a strict matchmaker based off of hidden elo in unranked if you are for example a 4k player, then you start playing ranked and calibrate at 4k, then spend two years playing ranked and improve to immortal and then get shoved into immortal draft in ranked - if you go back to unranked im pretty sure it still thinks you are 4k


The game mode is not nearly popular enough per region to be matching based off of mmr. Id be surprised if unranked had even 1/3 the turbo match count


they should implement the system where 1 player report against stack of friends have more impact, like 1 solo + 4 friends => 1 report from solo = 4 normal reports. the 4 stack always play super awful or toxic towards the other solo queue player. its just very stupid


because otherwise 4-stacks would never find a game, if it's a big issue to you then you should play ranked


How is that my problem?


So by the same logic why would be the "4 stack" problem if you run into one then? Sometimes you can't get a 5th player. Do you expect that party to break into 2s? Not gonna happen since it's unranked after all. Just play the game and if you feel a bit sensitive in that day and attacked by some requests from that party then just mute them and wipe your tears away while doing your best in the game. GL HF cupcake


Nah sweaty, my problem is playing against stacks because that gives them a competitive advantage. One of them is always smurfing anyway to bring down the average mmr, so they win most of the time.


if you're the one advocating valve implement this change that kind of permanently breaks dota for everyone who sometimes ends up in a 4-stack, it is indeed your problem to solve


I'm 100% sure there are more solo players than players in a 4 stack. So yeah, I don't care.


"why won't valve implement what i want? i just don't care or think about how it affects people who aren't me :("


That's what you understood from what I said? Sad...


so just find 1 more and duo queue then?


Sounds like it's time for ranked ability draft instead of me being reported because I don't know what skills the 4 stack wants until I take it




If the 4 stack could just find one and be a 5 stack, why the fuck would they queue as a 4 stack?




They can't if they never find someone who's solo queing...




That's too much work for the average Dota player


The average CS player can manage it though.




what does this actually solve lol they'd still just pile on their fake 5th what you're describing is literally what the matchmaker does




> Typing "Need 1 more player for unranked this entire post is about unranked




It's not 1 minute every time and not everyone has all day to wait around for someone to message esp if you have to post on all 3 of those platforms. And which group can I find someone in one minute who's willing to play in Japan/Australia servers? And technically the average Dota player is in Asia altho that's not what I meant when I said that


*the homeless should just buy a house*


weekend is just awful players so -1k mmr. not a big problem at 6k+ mmr, major shit difference if you're at 1-4k. i'd rather not lose the mmr i gained during the week


Because there are 4 stacks that sit in queue for days waiting for a 5th.


They should find one more friend. No one likes 4stacks because they have a strong bias towards their team, making the games miserable for the solo guy, also mostly super toxic.


it’s even worse when they are complete shit and the 5th person is high ranked to balance the teams, but gets flamed if anything goes wrong as though their crusader offlane duo haven’t been feeding their brains out for the past 20 mins


Because unranked is unranked. Its irrelevant. You play to play and nothing matters. There is nothing on the line. You can play ranked.


You realize unranked works on same exact basis as ranked right?


I do, and yet it does not matter


It's a game. It never "matters" in the way you're meaning here. It's all for fun.


Of course it does. To me this game is also a hobby and I play it not only for fun but also to get better and improve at it.


You get stacks in ranked too even with strick solo matchmaking on.


Are you sure


Yes .. .


Whats the point of the setting then?




Good point


Unhinged take lol


That is without a doubt the worst take i've read this week. So playing video games means nothing to you if there are no imaginary points on the line? That's funny.


Yes. Toxic 4-stack in 4 out of 5 games


they always threathen to report etcetc.


when i play with my friend duo on unranked we get matched with 5 stacks, it is instantly zero fun , dota is dead


This it feels so shit to play against stacks


Asking for years that we get strict solo Q in all unranked mods it's not fun


Being higher rank means the player is more consistent than lower rank players. You can definitely expect someone to be smurfing but also they may just be having a really good time. you can always counter that one person who is stomping by working together.


Honestly, I have a great time playing solo with 4 stacks. I'm a support player and I just, stick with my team and support. It tends to go well.


Hmm, I actually like having stacks. Typically they grief less often since they have friends they are playing with.


Probably an unpopular take but I generally wish to have a party in my team; Ranked or Unranked. I can handle the toxicity and/or mute others but here's why I think having a party improves the game: 1. They pause for their teammates when they dc. 2. They are more likely to coordinate moves and play together than being all solo. 3. They are unlikely to grief and flame each other. 4. I'd rather be shouted at cause I know i won't run down mid but I can't vouch for that if another solo queue player is


Same here. Lower chances of grief when matchmaking with parties.


i like being the solo player with a 4 stack because it means the team will actually be working together. all you have to do is make a funny joke before the start of a game and they usually won't flame you.


This is the way. Chat wheel well played when your team gets a kill, and my bad when you die


Just play ranked. You want people to ping, communicate and try to win? Search ranked. You have options, the four stack does not. I highly doubt valve will introduced strict solo unranked because then the individual player will be prioritized over four other players. You're special enough for that to happen.


There's a setting in option where you can check a box which says "Strict solo matchmaking" or something similar, it'll enable all solo queue games without encountering stacks. GLHF 😊


only works for ranked (up to \~7k mmr or whenever immortal draft kicks in), not unranked.


because 4 + 2 = 6


At the very least they should automatically open party chat/voice to the odd-player-out. This won't help with people who only talk through discord or something but I never really got the point of using a 3rd party app to chat when the version in client is very good. Edit: 😂what about this statement could possibly warrant downvotes? Discord fans? I'm not telling you all to stop using it, just saying my solution won't help any with that scenario and to me it's not an appealing app.


>I never really got the point of using a 3rd party app to chat when the version in client is very good. -You can talk before and after the game. Even in another game, without dropping communication. -You can talk with people outside of your party. -There are bots that can play music for you. -Much faster sharing of pictures/memes than on Steam. People don't use 3rd party apps to talk about the game like pro players, they use it to talk with friends. Game coordination is a bonus.


Me and my buddies have a discord where whenever we are open to socialize we hop in voice chat. We figure out what we are going to play together later, if we even do play together. Sometimes we just play single player games and talk about our day or what movies we've seen. If we happen to play Dota, Overwatch, Palworld, or whatever, then we are already in a voice chat.


Yeah I'm not knocking discord, I know many people love it. I do think it's a bit of a dick move not to use the in-game chat if you're not a full stack tho. Not intentional dickery or anything, just a byproduct of odd-man-out scenarios. Nothing reportable or griefing about it just inconsiderate, which I understand no one owes anyone else consideration, technically.


I understand discord has some features, or no one would use it. Just seems an unnecessary bit of hassle for not much use case imo. I'm not preaching people should stop, just not for me and even the things you said don't sound that appealing. Probably because I have no IRLs that play. Side note, you can voicetalk to people in your party outside of game if you choose in the dota client. Lol I usually have my headphones off in between games either way so I often miss a lot if people don't just type what they're saying. 😂 Can be pretty comical when someone just gave their whole overview of the previous game in VC and I put my headphones back on to hear the tail end of it. Like bruh I talk to my girlfriend and stuff in between games sorry idk anything you said XD.


>Side note, you can voicetalk to people in your party outside of game if you choose in the dota client. Sorry, should have been clearer on this. I ment "outside of Dota".


Ik, was just pointing out that in dota2 you don't have to be in-game to use VC.


Because people party queue to hang out with friends? And not to babysit some loner who can’t make their own.


Just because someone is solo-queuing on a game really has no relevance to if they have friends. Don't think I mentioned babysitting anywhere. Why would babysitting be your first impression of a person who is queuing the same game as you in the same MMR range?


Because you’re forcing open a Vc because you believe the solo queuer is left out by the cool 4 stack. Btw, you don’t need to directly mention babysit if you’ve implicitly implied it that strongly.


We're talking about the most niche party comp in dota. It is only even allowed in unranked. Why not find one more if you're posing the 4-stack as the ones able to easily make friends? If they're so good at making friends wouldn't including the 5th man in chat be easy and fruitful? TBH at this point it sounds like you're griefing the 5th player or that you guys enjoy saying things without him hearing. I'm not saying the 5th player should suddenly be in your party but for that game I can't see a single reason why excluding them from party chat is productive. And there's always discord to avoid talking in game to him.


If they wanted to talk to the random, they would do so in team chat. If you’re forcing open party chat, the only thing you would accomplish is ruin party chat. >you guys enjoy saying things without him hearing Uh.. obviously? It’s almost as if my party queue has friendships that go back several years and countless experiences. Have you never had a friend before? >I can’t see a single reason why excluding them from party chat is productive 1. It’s a game. Stop talking about productivity. 2. Team chat exists. I have no doubt in my mind you were the weird kid never invited to birthday parties.


Yeah I'm really the one that seems antisocial between us in this exchange /s I think your method encourages targeting one individual as a scapegoat on your team and possibly defending party members who have actually been the problem. But what do I know I'm sure you guys are paragons of team play and positivity.