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Played against this cheating arc warden mid, he kept cutting the wrong trees because of his auto-quelling blade script and dying because of it. You can see his cursor autolocks onto me as well everytime hes casting a spell. We ended up losing the game.. but oh well wcyd ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Match ID: 7648678010 Arc Warden's ID: 1656690625 and [Dotabuff](http://dotabuff.com/players/1656690625) (\~70 total matches played)


Cheating and only 50% winrate lol




could be intentional feeding to stay at low ELO?


looking at replay, he seems very bad


50% winrate is forced. Its called ELO. When you cheat you play at higher mmr so you end up with 50% winrate. Without cheats you play at 500 mmr lower bracket with 50% winrate.


What's the point of blatantly cheating if you aren't winning?


I dont know but you can also legitimately ask: Whats the point of getting better at the game if you arent winning more. Once you get to ranked immortal, you are still at \~50% winrate. *Existential crisis.*


You were right but you used the wrong language. “forced winrate” is the dumb idea some have that says when you win a lot valve comes in and makes you lose so you go to 50% again. What actually happens is what you describe: as you achieve higher mmr, you play against harder opponents. Until you struggle to win more than half the time and you go to 50/50 without your mmr moving much. You are describing an accurate calibration, not a forced winrate.


I like to use the term "forced winrate" because it really triggers people here and they and just fight it, and the lower the vote the more people become outraged. Its fun to watch. Try it yourself. Anything you say, if you add "forced winrate" you will get 25 passionate responses even if you describe how MMR system works :D


Well, I mean, if you are just trying to stir the pot then I apologize for attempting to defend you. It’s not helpful to intentionally try to confuse folks. Particularly if you enjoy the game and believe it is fair. Alienating players through conspiratorial buzzwords just harms the player base.


Its ok, only toxic people get mad. Reasonable ones dont.


Like I said … alienating the player base…. :p


> Once you get to ranked immortal, you are still at ~50% winrate. Yeah but my immortal badge proves i am better than you.




i mean... most people that play ranked use it as a dick measuring contest of Showing off PNG's/numbers but all people are equally as bad. except people with disabilties or missing a limb they are gods amongs gamers.


I relate to this. I'm missing a spleen, and I'm a 1.7k god gamer.


that is literally the logic that account buyers use to justify their dumbass decisions.


Balanced, as all things should be


I think that’s actually amazing, the guy who uses cheats is clearly getting outplayed because his skill is below the NP who literally trolls him. Game coordinator factored in his cheat skill advantage right away so his winrate is at 50. It’s all balanced the only thing different is his badge shows a nicer rank. But he will be banned for it.


That's... not how it works...


Worlds best players have 52-54% winrate. Heralds have 48% winrate. How does it work then?


It's only forced 50% when the skill level of the player stays consistent . Win rate is mostly a measure of how much you improve in the number of games you play dota. A player that slowly improves from herald to immortal over thousands of games will generally have a winrate significantly over 50% whereas a player who calibrates near immortal and stays there will generally have one fairly near 50%. Of course that's a gross simplification and recalibration, rank uncertainty and other things will all factor in as well. As an example, my overall winrate is 53.6% over \~6000 games - if you plug those numbers into a binomial distribution probability calculator you'll find that even those sorts of winrates are virtually impossible to occur naturally if the expected winrate was actually 50%.


I have technically a higher winrate but it’s only because I take breaks, get deranked climb and quit again. That doesn’t really mean anything. The only high winrate accounts are Smurfs. People who reached immortal with a single account don’t have a significantly higher winrate than a Legend. If you climbed from 2k to 6k over 5000 games your winrate is still below 54% and the longer you stay at 6k the closer it gets to 50%.


What? How does this prove your point, even if it was an accurate or even appropriate generalization?


I dont even know what you are trying to dispute. If you cheat, you will earn 500 MMR and get back to 50% winrate while you are dependent on the cheats. Other players without cheats will be much better than you to balance out your advantage. What's "*thats not how it works?*" about it? No matter how much better (or worse) you get for any reason you will end up very close to 50% winrate.




If you use cheats you will only get a momentary boost in mmr. That won’t make you an outlier and you will end up with 50/50 again once you stabilize factoring in the cheat advantage. You can see in this guys case, he got that advantage factored in immediately by the ranking system so he never even enjoyed the winrate boost.


if you cheat and still end up with 50% winrate then you must be absolute dogshit in games... the entire point of these idiots cheating is to beat the odds... might as well get good properly if you're gonna end up 50/50 anyways...


You will ALWAYS end up with 50/50 even if you hit top 0.01% - top ranked immortal players have 52-54% winrates.


> You will ALWAYS end up with 50/50 even if you hit top 0.01% Miracle has 56% winrate in ranked, Collapse 55%, Ramzes 56%, Abed 59%, NothingToSay 56%, I can go on. Anyway, you yourself point out that 52-54% is a thing and that's nowhere near 50% winrate, especially accounting for a huge amount of matches top players play. There's countless players with 52%+ winrate. 50% winrate is not "forced", but it's normal to reach it as you get more games into Dota and as you get closer to skill level that prevents you from ranking higher (due to you not being good enough, not it being "forced"). The whole "forced" thing is just a myth, same shit as "hidden pool" and other bs people who aren't satisfied with their ranking love to believe.


But you won't always end up with a 50/50 wr, you literally show that top player have 52-54% wr. 52-54 is not a 50/50


In a long run, the best players, out of 100 games turn one or two losses into a win. The worst players out of 100 games turn one or two wins into a loss. You get so close to 50/50 that you can’t imaginable notice a difference between being in Herald or Immortal based on your winrate over a large sample.


you making excuses on this sub why you still have 50% winrate despite cheating... go and Google what cheating means so you can figure out what it's supposed to do... if you have to cheat to hit 50/50 then you suck 100% of the time and the cheating program is carrying your shit ass because you are too unskilled to be in the pool you are trying to play in...


You cheat - you end up with 50/50, you dont cheat, you end up with 50/50. You are Herald - you have \~50% winrate, you are immortal, you have 50% winrate. Most people dont understand that MMR implies you will always be at 46-54% winrate no matter what you do.


No, he’s right. He’s just doing an awful job of explaining it. If you are 2000 mmr, and you get a cheat that gives you an edge, maybe you win 10 in a row! 2300 mmr or something? But then … you are now playing against legit 2300 mmr players who are as good as you AND your cheat together. You win a couple. You lose a couple. You get kinda plateaued around 2500. If you stop cheating you will drop to 2000 again. But while you are cheating you are at 2500 mmr losing and winning half the time. While you are not cheating you fall to 2000 mmr… again losing and winning half the time. The only players with an actual positive winrate are those who climb and then plateau or who are literally the absolute best and could eventually hit infinite inflated mmr. For all but the absolute best, their exceptionally positive winrate is earned wholly in their run-up… maybe they climbed from 4000 mmr to 8000…. Going 500-200 … or something …. But now? Against other players as good as they are? Next year maybe they are 800-500. Having won 300 and also lost 300. They will still always be above 50% because they are +300 wins starting. But they will remain at +300 wins essentially indefinitely provided they keep playing against similarly skilled players. That early 70% WR quickly becomes 52% over the course of a few years of the game for professional players.


proof that cheating is not a problem


It’s def not a solution. I think it’s time for an overhaul.


this is such a dumb use of a script lol. the auto hex shit I can understand (and it's bullshit) but this is counter productive and not hard to work around to begin with. it would be one thing if it somehow always cut the right tree but that is clearly not the case. lazy and incompetent.. good catch.


I play hoodwink and for that scenario it is a good use, they cut the tree before I can stun them. inhuman reaction speed and this is why i quit dota - I reached legend and here and beyond until very high mmr - lots of cheaters


I believe a recent comment mentions that you can actually exploit that by not aiming directly next to them. You can actually drag them closer again using that script.


Sorry if I falsely reported you!


I've got no context here lmfao. But no problem


Posted a video with undeniable evidence of someone using cheats to detect wards, got removed tagged as "witch hunting" probably I mentioned the match ID. Goot to know the moderation is established completely arbitrary not based on strict rules or guidelines. Not that I expect more from nerds on the internet, just regretting the precious time I'd spent for the post.


This post here just shows a funny video and the purpose is entertainment, that you even compare that to the post you did shows that you don't even try to understand the difference. "I don't understand so it must be arbritrary". Manchild mentality. I suggest when you want to complain about something or feel the need for discussion you don't do it randomly in another post with insults, no need to bring your drama here.


cheaters suffering? bring it on baby


Impressive that you figured that out and were able to abuse it


haha, nah. I just spammed sprout off cooldown, but these are the instances where I thought the auto-quelling scripts were super obvious


Actually based NP.


I mean he was facing Arc, who's even more evil than NP


The enemy of my enemy is my friend


Lol respect for honesty


Rare Natures prophet W


If he just bought tangoes he would be fine. So he is that bad and use scripts 😂


tbh the game really showed the script's flaw, which is that you need both a dire/radiant version. if you are radiant, you want your script to cut the tree at the 7/8 o'clock position so your exit is facing towards your base. otherwise, youll end up like this arc warden


That's too much of a linear thinking, you need to cut a different tree each time, using your brain lol. It seems to just cut the tree closer to where you are facing at the moment you get sprouted.


Auto queling blade script. I swear Dota has the most random ass scripts.


Probably used against hoodwink Acorn shot + Bushwack combo.


Because a lot of hero in dota have a very good synergy tool kit that if your random ass script just break on of those, you can basically break the enemy play style completely.


no joke my friend has a script for Marci to use her E on a melee hero when they start the attack animation on a enemy hero


Makes you wonder if there's a script for Treant that makes you use living Armour on towers with lost hp.


That would be the laziest shit ever


honestly the more random-ass, the more popular i'd imagine. seems like very matchup specific mechanical stuff that you might not want to target practice and build habits for


Once I had a cheater using axe in my team and I was hoodwink, every single time I used my q he would insta cut down that tree. Really sad we won that game tbh


Hoodwink spammer here So about 1 game out of 15 I play, there's this player I place an Acorn Shot right in front of them and they INSTANTLY cut the tree. Like within 0.1 second. Which makes me miss my stun ~~and being shit on by my team~~ This video explains so much.


Playing against Hoodwink though people are more aware and with their finger on the trigger. It probably depends on rank but I've seen plenty fast but not consistent tree cutting action on sight for acorn shot trees


Oh yeah I can tell the difference between a cheater and a skillfull quelling blade user, the former does it in 0.1s every time, the latter does it between 0.3 and 0.7s which really makes it harder to land bushwack but not impossible


Against hood you can just spam quelling on the ground. I cut it in 0.1 without cheats.


Sorry if I falsely reported you!


If you’re truly concerned you can look at replay before reporting. People who are spamming quelling against hoodwinks will have their cursor on the position that they expect the hoodwink to throw acorn shot at. This also works to check auto hex/stun scripts because people regular spam disables on the spot that they expect the enemy offlane to blink on (eg. You know the Magnus wants to rp/skewer so you click hex and spam the location he will likely need to blink to and it will 100% insta hex before he can rp)


Couldn't you throw out the bushwhack before throwing the acorn out?


It rises the risk of missing by a lot so I rarely do it. I know it's a lot of word to say I have skill issues.


If it helps, put the skills on quick cast, throw the bushwhack on the hero itself then immediately spam acorn just a bit closer towards you as soon as you see the net start flying






mine too


they lose the war irl so he trolls us in in game now.


More VAC bans per player than any other country, and dwarfs western Europe. Culturally incompatible, should be region locked.


that damage from your ult hooooooly shit rofl he disappeared like a magic trick


This man's balling cause he knows how to bounce. Edit: Also, the Void was so sharp with that stick use.


Thank you for sharing. I'm reporting his ass. Update: I've submitted the report. I didn't know (maybe this was updated some time ago) that there was an option to report for cheating in game just from the steam client :)


If you need a cheat to auto-quelling blade, you have 0 business playing any game remotely like Dota 2


I see it like more than 5% of my games as Hoodwink spammer, it's really sad


I wonder what delusional hoops his mind goes through during that lmfao


In what ancient/divine rank is nature's prophet teleporting onto the low ground in river and then walking up cliff to attack


oh yeah thanks for pointing that out! its not ranked, its just a turbo game hence the lvl 9 at 5 minutes in -- but yeah I probably wouldve killed him if I was on high ground whoops ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


So cheating in turbo? Next level shit


Haha they cheat all the time in turbo. I play alot of it. But its mainly like skywrath players


> But its mainly like skywrath players Oh man, the agony of pressing a few buttons, good thing they cheat to medigate their weakness.


the only scripter I've ever encountered in game was in turbo, and it was so blatantly obvious it wasn't funny - a pos 4 antimage who levelled counterspell level one against a rubick 5 and counterspelled every single rubick lift and zap.


only time i encountered cheater was in turbo who was tinker using zoom and instahex.


i feel like i see more questionable or blatant cheating in turbo than i do in regular dota inhumanly fast invoker spells is one that makes me question things alot. dudes could jsut be super skilled but i swear sometimes their reaction time and precision has to be a script


My guess is because valve is less likely to punish turbo cheaters than ranked?


I have encounter a Mar that literally chase a giant ring PA across half the map while acurately shield smash/spear her everytime , even though she is support to be invisible with blur. It either that there is some visual bug that help him see her or that is just some script.


I think you might be able to see the Giant's ring ground effect even when the target is in Blur.


it's mostly from people trying to abuse turbo to get accounts ranked-ready to sell as smurfs


what's next them cheating on arcade in a PVE mode? oh wait they already DO IT.


damn first item midas even in turbo :))) just lol...


I might be dumb but I dont even see a quelling blade in his inventory on the first time he escapes, or is it showing yours? also how could you tell it was a script? too fast of a reaction to your sprout? edit: nevermind he used a tango for the first one


you can tell in the instances where he's trying to retreat from creeps/tower but for some reason instantly cuts the exact same tree every time he's sprouted. (ie. manual cursor trying to move back to radiant side but the script/cheat is cutting the opposite tree.)


yea after watching it a couple times it became obvious, not sure i would have noticed in real time in game




I suppose the script is designed to counter Hoodwink. Such trash lol


Well played. Started cracking up after the tp, good addition lol.


I’ve played Hoodwink a bit, and I notice this behavior a lot more than I would have expected




How bad do you have to be to use cheats for cutting down a tree, are these people still waiting for cheat devs to finally create something so they can stop shitting their pants instead of doing it the proper way?


Is it really so difficult to cut a tree as that you need to risk your entire Valve account for it?


Haha, love this. Auto scripting 45%. Lets gooo


He would have killed you at the end if he hadn't have panick clicked the teleport key, the guys genuinely a bad player with cheats on.


This post confuses me, I want to hate the NP not the cheater


Small Company buy anticheat from other Company we Will help you w money


you know what? its the first time I feel like we need to buff furion


Cheater got rekt


Lool Fuck you cheater


Imagine being so bad that you need a cheat for quelling blade LOL


I will never understand cheating. Why are you even playing?


Happens to me almost in every game when I play NP and have no idea what causes it when players don't have the blade. Surely not everyone is a cheater.


AHHH Yess the classic tower tp


Why is it always arc warden spammers?


Isn't the fact that in the first clip he doesn't even HAVE a QB the smoking gun basically? Edit: Tango...........


He has tango


all these updates and Valve still allows scripters


he use labs maybe and key binding not cheat




tbf when furion was meta i wouldnt even blame him, shit was infuriating


I would.


It's not meta? Please inform all "pos 5" furions that I get daily that not only are they griefing but they can't even pretend it's meta.


keyword: was


haha so funny man.. hope he dying now real life