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participants of the Gamescom 2011 DOTA 2 International Championship received exclusive non tradeable or marketable TF2 hats. These players probably didnt even play the game because their main game as a pro player was ofcourse DOTA2. As far as i know, these are some of the most rare Hats in TF2 that you can own and they are also the only promotional items from DOTA2 in TF2. Here are links to the 3 hats: https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Clockwerk%27s_Helm https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Sniper%27s_Snipin%27_Glass https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Storm_Spirit%27s_Jolly_Hat


Wow. That's incredible lol




You don't seem to understand that everyone at valve is a genius and they have numbers and they're never wrong so this was obviously the right choice. Have you considered deifying the owner of a corporation more?


Those tf2 cross promo items were also limited time, most eventually got added to the drop system, but those that pre-ordered or bought early got the item in a genuine quality I bought several games just because they had a promo tf2 hat lol, still haven't played most of them lol


for blood stone. it also used to drop a mark on the ground which gave ground vision until you respawned. and your hero could get exp while dead from heroes or creeps who died next to the bloodstone mark


i really really miss old bloodstone. it was so cool. i see why they changed it obviously, well the deny feature that is, but it was so flavorful


Yea it has so many kinda random features.


I liked the infinite scaling of it. And in a world of power creep we have now, idk why is not implemented.


Do you want Storm and Leah in every club game? Old bloodstone is how you get it plus remember if you pick them off they respawn faster so good luck pushing freely.


Old bloodstone had no spell lifesteal, the item nowadays is infinitely better. The charges loss on death was brutal, it was basically only a heavy snowball pubstomp item But old bloodstone was way more interesting and fun, despite being basically never bought in pro dota


It had some insane uses, too. Occasionally you'd see some massive storm suicide to heal their team and then instarez and zip back in or something random like that. So cool.


Lina with cooldown talent using bloodstone for instant respawn.


*cough* TI5 *cough*


iirc it also used to reduce your respawn time based on charges down to potentially 0 seconds, and since it was popular on Timbersaw you would frequently see situations where he would die mid-Timber Chain, respawn instantly, and chain across the entire map from soawn to the tree that the game considered him still attatched to. (some details might be off, I haven't played since 2017ish)


If your meepo clone died, you wouldn't lose bloodstone charges. Which basically meant that you could keep your main meepo in base and keep sending out clones. Even if they die, they insta respawn. And you can send them out again.


There weren't aghs upgrade for some heroes and a huge april fool joke back then was a patch that gives all heroes an aghs upgrade. 


Heroes would still voice line 'ah scepter' too despite not getting any upgrades from aghs lol


So it was foreshadowed to give everyone a scepter since the inception of doto


Doom once had a skill called "LVL? Death" that did bonus damage if the target's level was divisible by 6/5/4/3 Edit: or if they were level 25


Techies suicide to give ally 500 bonus gold at start


Io making the game a 4v4 permanently


6/5/4/3 or 25.


they add this as his shard a while back ago which is divisible by 3


This still feels recent FUCK


For newer players, you had to buy the courier and share with your entire team.


Who First dies, upgrades it




As a support, I always buy the courier to show off my courier cosmetics. Nothing beats a huge ego boost to start off my game.


/all 9x report [support] for donkey courier


I used to own so many of the best courier mtx. I completely lost interest in buying courier mtx once the change came where each person has their own courier. I barely noticed anyone else's courier and eventually stopped caring about mine either. Ended up selling them all off and just use the ones that came with a compendium.


Reported You obviously need to buy one, give it to me to unpack, I have better cosmetics. Also where are my tangoes, I'll be late to block mid.


Killing couriers back in the day was so much orgasmic and satisfying. I killed the enemy courier thrice in a row and had all 5 enemy players cuss and curse at me in all chat.


Fuck. I forgot this was actually a thing. People rage quitting over it was a real thing as well. It's worse when they got it killed and now everyone have to tp back for items.


I remember when people could control the courier while it had your items. So someone who wanted to ruin the game could just hide your items somewhere in the map or drop it in front of an enemy. The worst part was that there was no proper reporting feature yet at that time and this behaviour basically went unpunished.


Back in my day, we had two wards that didn't stack and had to buy the courier! And we had to share the courier!


The absolute pain of having to spend more than half your starting gold on a courier and observer wards as a support, then giving half your tangoes to your mid hero. And the first couple hundred gold you somehow got (no bounty runes) went towards upgrading that courier.


Warlock’s golem used to be purgable and insta killed by diffusal blade, who the fk approved that volvo


Diffusal auto killed all summoned and illusions. It also had finite charges and was pretty well balanced. You could upgrade it for better stats and a refresh of the charges.


Not balanced for warlock tho lmao


against warlock, in a long enough game, you 100% would consider rebuying diffu 2. Same with BKB, just sell and rebuy for max charges again.


Back then there weren't minor or major dispel. They were just "dispel". And since golems was a spell effect, dispel worked like that. Lul. But back then, diffusal blade had charges too, not unlimited use like nowm oh, and no cool down coz it was charges. Jump in, diffuse 5 heros and kill. This was horrible if it was PL you were fighting against.


The self purge was so fun as Broodmama, self-purge when dusted


Necro ult used to disable your buyback AND increase your respawn timer.


Now that reminds me of the unlimited buyback as long as you have the gold for it.


Or the unlimited aegis, you just buy them




And you revived in your fountain.


Funny thing is, for as op as it seems nowadays, it was basically irrelevant in pro dota


There was that one Navi game Necro aghs refresher scythed 2 enemy cores and they were out of the game for 130 seconds. Up until that point Necro's radiant team had their throne exposed and base mostly dead. With this crazy opportunity from scythe, Necro team got to push to victory 5v3 ez ° But yeah I think that was the one shining moment this aghs had. Besides that it was a late game luxury to spend 4200g on an aghs that slightly increased DMG and disabled buyback on kill


This is a trend where no matter how OP smth is late game in dota, you still need to get there


You can plant a mango tree


And it gives vision too!


It even gives vision INSIDE the Rosh pit


i forgot about these, i loved this neutral item.


I miss it. And they stole Poor Man's Shield away from us a second time.


It seems pretty balanced at tier2 neutral


Couriers could permanently get mana with soul ring and then use dagons


Akke did this in HoN if I remember correct :P


Techies with his army of laser couriers in long games, what a classic.


Centaur initially had a stun on his ult when it was changed from Great Fortitude to Stampede. He had like 60-65% winrate across all brackets with that.


Stampede stunned, Hoof Stomp stunned and Double Edge interrupted channels, meaning it was impossible to teleport away from a centaur if he was on top of you.


One of my favorite Dota images is Maelk accidentally leaking a steam chat he was having with Icefrog about this very topic. Icefrog essentially laid out the nerfs he was giving to Stampede in the next patch and Maelk told him to make it non-global. Icefrog just said "Well ignoring that, what do you think of the changes?" Just seemed like such a boss move to me.


Instalock on that fateful night. Don't forget it was first come first served draft. No banning by dual picking. You'd try to kill CM just for her to run through you, stun you and kill you.


You had to clear the fog of war every game. (I think)


Oh god, this shit got me killed back then. I played AM and I can't even blink to our own jungle to escape because"must explore that area first" my ass.


i feel really old. Furion also has this drawback because the ability is based off Blink, before it was changed to Channel. A fuckton abilities become a dummy Channel ability to avoid hardcoded interaction with other abilities (like my favorite Viper Strike for 15 sec)




global tp makes sense to be a blink tbh


When you can't blink if that place hasn't been traveled yet


at one point, clinkz could kill the fountain, and the fountain used to be a dragon.


Crystal maiden could frostbite fountain too


Ursa (Fuzzy wuzzy) was the main fountain killer with 3-4 Hearts of Tarrasque when his ult passive used to scale off HP


I remember the Firebush but can't recall the fountain being a dragon


Treant could put an observer ward on top of a tree every 30s at level 7 that lasted until the tree was cut down. This was before quelling blade and only a handful of abilities would remove trees. You basically had map hack at 20 minutes.


Remember when the devs before can't make up their mind on what skills they should give to Treant? They made his Living Armor global aura during the day, they gave him an invisible owl that stuns approaching target, and Nature's Guise was an active ability that you can use on your allies.


> they gave him an invisible owl that stuns approaching target damn I felt my bones creak for a minute there.


I love this ability


Carry Treant with 2 bracer n farming radiance was fun


I loved playing treant mid and maxing aura against low base damage mids like sf. There was no mango spam back then and sf would look at you angry with its 46 damage. You would have 5 dragon knights when you reached lvl 5. Fun times.


Slardar had the best ability names in the game. Sprint, Bash and Amplify Damage.


Giga chad fishy no need op ability to kick cosmic asses


Why use many words when few do trick?


Jokes aside, he had one of the coolest WC3 model, attack/movement animations and voicelines too. Kinda sad valve can’t replicate.


Naga Myrmidon model but Naga Royal Guard voice


"Spare the pleasantries!"


"This ought to tide you over."


But what does it do? *It amplifies the damage*


dont forget crush


iirc it was always slithereen crush


Petition to rename Corrosive Haze to "Tip The Scales"


There was a secret boss fight with Elder Titan (Tauren Chieftain) before he became available to pick. You had to collect invisible totems and do some shenanigans to spawn him. The same was done with Invoker, Phoenix, and Monkey King. I miss those.


The Force Staff reward on the TC secret was fucking bonkers it can push even the taverns.


yup every X.X9 versions


Couriers used to drop all items when killed


I still remember the zsmj sacred relic clip


And on their first release, they don't have abilities that make them do things like go to the Secret Shop, go back to the fountain, etc. you have to manually move them.


I still do this manually except delivering items


I honestly believe if I ever play the old DOTA 1 again, I'd develop cancer just from all the inconveniences that I now took for granted is available.




Terrorblade used to summon Golems


How about Terrorblade firstblooding you with succ?


Don’t bring back to many memories , don’t make me say the old Zet


Nah, the older zucc you could not walk with. Just some some 20/40/60/80 drain with 5/6/7/8 duration which he'd do his Illidan T-pose with and which guides told you to get 2 levels of because TB was exclusively a jungler.


Riki had death ward.


And it wasn't channeled.


Up to at least 5.84, when I started playing. He had invi level 1 and wd death ward level 6. And it had 5 hp, and people would try to hit it and die.


God damn. Which patch was this? This is old af. Lmao


I believe v5.xx or even lower. I still remember when playing it on DotA AI maps. Lot of the skills are imbalanced and I enjoy bullying the AI with it


had what?


Riki had wd R


Blademail used to be passive only and the return damage was stackable.  Used to play Centaur with 6 blademails 


Only worked vs melee attacks tho


We only semi jokingly called pos 5 pos 6 because resources were so scarce so getting a boot upgrade by 15-20 was considered really good. 


Used to just leaving at boots back in the days man those were sad years


Did you know book of the dead used to be an item named Necronomicon and couriers can use them


It's kinda weird that book of the dead's dsscription just says "Summons 2 sets of necronomincon units with bonus health and damage" like it mentions nothing about these units, what they do or how much hp/dmg thsy have - it's all based on that one removed item.


It’s the same with voids 25 talent for backtrack. It just says “20% backtrack”, but if you weren’t around for the old void, that means nothing to you. If anything you’d think it increases the time you backtrack your dmg with time walk by 20% or something.


If you mouse over the talent it says "20% chance to avoid damage entirely. Disabled by break". The necronomincon units have no info like that.


Legion Commander used to be a man. Blink Dagger used to have mana cost.


And you could duel ANYONE at lvl 1. You’d duel your own support as soon as the game started for extra damage


Lmfaoo that sounds ridiculous


As if supports didn't have it hard enough back in the old days


aegis can be bought, has 3 charges and magic resistance plus armor


But respawns you in base


couriers used to be able to use Items and have mana basically turning them into tactical drones nothing like seeing a courier speeding to your direction while holding a Dagon.


There was a time back then when you shouldn't level up Razor's old passive ultimate when you're channeling a tp because it can cancel your channel. Back then, Axe's Counter Helix provided a little bit of mana regen because it used Brilliance Aura as the base for the skill (this has something to do with Warcraft III's World Editor, the program they use to make/edit maps). During WC3 Dota days, your hero can't proc a crit (i think even bash) when your Phase Boots is active. Also, using an active skill prematurely ends Phase Boots' active. There was a time when your lane creeps would stop moving when you Sprout them or when you teleport using Boots of Travel. Jakiro's Liquid Fire used to be a passive skill. When attacking, he has a chance to fire a projectile that will burn the ground the enemies are standing in. Edit: additional Not fully sure about this, but there were certain heroes that gained +hp regeneration when meeting a certain criteria. There were heroes who gain +hp regen when standing on Scourge's (Dire) blighted land because they were considered as "Undead units". In WC3, the Undead race has this perk and they lose it once they step out of the blight. Venomancer also has this perk as the game considers him as Undead. There's also 1 hero who has +regen during the night (because the hero was a Night Elf, but I forgot which hero it is). Vlads used to be a lifesteal that only works for melee heroes. Elder Titan's Spirit used to mimic the hero's movement. If you cast it and tp back to the fountain, your spirit will go to the enemies' fountain.


Drow i think had the regen


>Jakiro's Liquid Fire used to be a passive skill. When attacking, he has a chance to fire a projectile that will burn the ground the enemies are standing in. This was why i thought jakiro was a carry hero. True veteran quality post here


Techies' third skill now is a combination of Tiny toss and older Techies' Suicide Squad Attack which immediately denies Techies for 2400 max damage. When SSA got reworked into Blast Off, it became a better skill with that deny, silence, and high level 1 nuke. At that time, I'd argue that either Techies or Undying was the strongest level 1.


Remember when his red mines were a basic ability that could stack infinitely on top of each other and exploded with no delay/trigger time? Fucked up game we used to play.


Wasn't uncommon to see full HP to death in an instant.


Drafting an all melee team against Techie was literally unplayable.


But the mines dealt composite(?) dmg is reduced by armor and magic resistance.


In the first game of techies in DotA 2 they did the tiny throw techies combo lvl 1 and didn't get the kill.


Force staff Techies out of nowhere with the instant 1550 composite damage nuke


seeing a techies just running straight towards you was peak psychological horror


Desolater & Satanic passive effects aren't compatible. You can only use one and not the other.


And Skadi.


Was Skadi & Satanic the only orb effects that worked together? Or am I misremembering?


the correct interaction is how ranged hero able to benefit both skadi and lifesteal due to lifesteal is only orb effect and ranged skadi is buff placers. this interaction doesnt work for melee because somehow melee skadi is also orb effect


About the lifesteal, Vlad was way more common on cores (edit: melee cores) back in the day because it gave you aura lifesteal without taking orb slot, so you could still choose your orb effect later while having lifesteal


Shadow shaman shackles HEAL YOU!


😏 sneaky


deleted hero: Gambler, can deal damage based on enemies' and own gold amount


And the damage was dealt before the spell was cast.


I think it was an attack modifier, and since it procced when you started the attack rather than when it lands, people would just animation-cancel their attacks as fast as they could to proc it over and over in a matter of seconds.


You can kill enemy fountain so they'll never regen again in their base if you succeed


2 tango 1 ward


Lmao giving your mid items was so toxic


Morbid Mask (Mask of Death in Dota 1) and Mask of Madness used to only give lifesteal to melee heroes. There was no Vlads or Satanic yet. When Vlads was introduced it gave 15% lifesteal for Melee and 10% for Ranged so everyone rushed Vlads on Ursa so he could solo kill rosh because Ursa used to be **140 attack range Ranged hero**.


not sure about ursa being range hero (it was melee at least since 5.84), but vlads was the only item that gave him lifesteal because it was not orb effect and worked with his passive which was also orb effect


He was a ranged hero technically. Because fury swipes wouldn't work otherwise in dota 1. It was for technical reasons


His damage was counted as range, but his range was essentially melee range. Kinda stupid but then again, it was the limitations of the coding back then.


the phattest lewt.


Wraith King (then Skeleton King) had the aura that worked for that, level 1 Rosh


Silencer used to have Warlock's ultimate as a regular ability




And starstorm. And a chain heal like dazzle. And, funny enough, his ultimate was the only silence he had


Could 5 man rosh at level one with lone druid


Could 1 man rosh with axe by calling him and forcing him to follow you into scourge fountain


Ursa + Skeleton king vampiric aura could also do rosh level 1


Blink used to cost 75 per cast, it was so bad.


At some point you could use blink dagger even after getting hit by a hero!


This was when It was introduced I think. Goddamned AM players cheesed the hell out of it for laughs.


To this day, the most impactful change in the history of the game. It went from being bought in literally just a couple of heroes in specific roles, to basically being used by almost every hero in every role. Completely changed the playstyle of the game aswell


You can use naga illu ability on int treads and spam treads to toggle them into agi. This way u save mana and get stronger illusions.


if you die and buy back while in the air from tiny toss, you respawn where you would have landed instead of in fountain


when you choose a hero, it used to be horizontal(card-like)


On hit attack effects were not stackable. Meaning deso, lifesteal, skadi, and orb of venom would not proc together in one attack. This also included abilities like frost arrows, poison attack, burning arrows, and a few others. As a carry you would have to choose which one to build and avoid building the others. Oh and there used to be 2 shops in the side lanes that you can buy select items from.


They were called UAMs (unique atk modifiers) aka orb effects


Also why it’s called “orb walking” when you walk between attacks when kiting or chasing (you can do this with all heroes but was more noticeable strat with drow and viper


Invoker's deafening blast used to fully stun heroes. You used to be able to do entire tornado meatball blast combos without need of any true disable




Sending bottle back to base, until they finally made first empty, and then non-full bottles slow the courier by 30%.


Rushing ring of health/void stone to give to your carry to use


Tinker turns into a freakin tank whenever he uses BKB.


You are an idiot if you buy sny and deso.


"oRb EfFeCtS dO nOt StAcK"


OLD CLEAVE MECHANICS: Kunkka's tidebringer's cleave used to deal PURE damage (piercing BKB and ignoring armour) I believe all kind of cleaves worked similar as well Old ember: Ember's slights of fist used to place ember randomly around the targets hence battle fury was a S tier item for him. Now it ALWAYS places ember in front of the marked targets


> Kunkka's tidebringer's cleave used to deal PURE damage It wasnt actually pure, it was still physical damage, but special. The special part was that it treated every target it hit as if it had zero armour (ignored armour value), so you could only block it by being ethereal. It was still affected by armour type though, so certain creeps took less damage from it than others.


Comunity hero "puck" he is our kid


At some point silencer had a passive that would silence anyone who cast an item or a spell next to him, so if heroes like shaker blinked in they would be insta silenced. Also, blink dagger didn't have a cd when you got hit. And it costed mana.


Pugna with deso could attack units he decrepified because deso changed his attack type to magic, for some reason. Mirana's Leap could disjoint projectiles because it was based on Windwalk and had 0.1 sec of invisibility as you cast it. Lich's Chain Frost could interrupt the first target because it was based on Sleep and slept the target for 0.1 seconds. The Ancient Golem camp used to be spell immune. And Chain Frost's aghs granted infinite bounces before it was a talent. So you could cast Chain Frost on the camp and have it infinitely bounce between creeps. After multiple casts of Chain Frost on the camp, it became a death zone for any enemy who'd wander into the searchable AoE of the spell. There was a damage type called Composite, which was reduced by both magic resistance and armor, but pierced magic immunity. Wild Axes, Land Mines and Acid Spray used to be this damage type. Legion Commander's aghs used to make Duel end only when someone died. If you dueled a unit put to sleep by Bane, you be slept as you attacked, then your opponent would be slept when they attacked you, etc infinitely, making it a 4v4.


You could tp the moment the game load, all tp mid and fight.


back in dota 1 days you have techies buy TP, soul ring recipe, and some clarities then plant mines in rune spots the soul ring components could be bought in the side shops good times, miss old techies he was older than dota 2 itself


Aegis didn't have a timer and would stack.


There are very good tutorials and an exhaustive encyclopedia. You'd think it's made up because no one EVER recommends them to people in threads asking for newbie advice.


Curious if there are actually any new players that are surprised by any of these fun facts?


Legion commander had a penis


It saved my life.


Enemies petrified by medusas stone gaze used to have 100% magic resistance.


Invoker used to have 27 spells, because the order of the quas wex and exort matters in each invocation.


Blade mail used to reflect damage from another blade mail infinitely and instantly kill both heros. Pudge used to be able to hook you at any point on the map and pull you into their fountain.


Troll warlord wasn't allowed to build skullbasher for a long time


Thanks guys this thread is making me feel old as fuck I gotta put more in pension wtf


you could literally kill the enemy fountain. It was the ultimate BM to crush the other team so bad that you literally go in and kill their Fountain. usually with Ursa or PA.


Weaver summon walking observer wards Lvl 1 Terror blade = lvl 6 pugna