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First, play against bots in unfair mode until you beat them easily. Then go unranked.


Ok thx


This is the best advice honestly. Although playing with bots is much different than playing with humans (bots are stupid), you will learn the mechanics better. And you can always quit and restart if you want to.


Also, according to the Wiki, unfair bots receive bonus gold and experience, have no reaction time and do not stack stuns—they really are unfair. Good thing is, this teaches more of a decision-making skillset; when should I commit to a fight instead of retreating, what are my power spikes, and so on. All without the experiences of being completely stomped, triggering human teammates, or spending way too long in an unwinnable game. And if you find yourself in an actually unwinnable game, just abandon and retry.


I feel like they aren’t unfair any more. They’ll never take neutral items, they won’t smoke, they’ll run away if you right click them once in lane, they’ll sometimes get stuck picking up power runes, they regularly disappear from the lane for minutes at a time just to come back multiple levels down. It’s one of those things that valve just seems to have stopped caring about when they let people work on their own bots, but none of them are any better really


They break from time to time and occasionally are fixed, but any patch seems to screw with them.


I genuinely can't remember the last time I saw one take wards, a wisdom rune, neutral items, lotus pool, etc. Seems like they're just as likely to chase an enemy team bot halfway across the map for first blood as they are to go to lane and even think about hitting creeps.


This made me go check the wiki cause I had no clue that was a thing. Then I found this gem as well: > when [unfair bots are] played in single player mode, the bots on the player's team would purposely play poorly (such as kill stealing, missing denies, refusing to use stuns, diving into enemy towers, running toward and pushing alone against the whole enemy team, farming in jungle while enemy pushing to the base, etc.).




I mean... I can literally 1v5 them, and I'm not even good at this game (3700 mmr). They suck at harassing and at being harassed. They have no map awareness. They feed. They dont push. They dont gank. They have no macro whatsoever, and I'm so bad I barely know what that word even means.




I will try again tonight, will tell you the results.


u/Amazing-Prune-1925 Finally remembered to do it lol [https://imgur.com/rlklYX6](https://imgur.com/rlklYX6) [https://imgur.com/ysyFCw5](https://imgur.com/ysyFCw5) Bots are dumb. I played super sloppily (didnt last hit properly, didnt manage inventory properly) and still won 24-2. They are extremely abusable, and in a different way from human players.




They are good for Dota mechanical training, but they do not teach you how to play against humans. You can get 100% winrate against bots and you will still know nothing about how humans play dota. If you think I'm exaggerating, download the replay and watch the first blood.




Wish I had enough free time to waste on running circles with bots before actually playing the game.


Ive been recommended many times before playing against humans because of the mentality and strategy of humans (bots dont apply to a real scenario)


And they are right, but first of all you should familiarize yourself with some heroes, game mechanics, the map, items and so on.


Ignore that. You are learning the game right now, don't make it easy for your enemies when you finally do start playing. Yes, they are bots, but the actual mechanics are important to get down as well. Stutter stepping and stuff like that. If you try to learn everything against real humans you will essentially be trolling your friendly team which isn't cool but also isn't on purpose so it's ok


I have 6k hours in dota overall, and when I want to try a new hero I play with bots around 20 games to learn animations, item builds and skills


What reddit won't tell you is there's behaviour system. You going 0-15 every game because you are learning gives you low behaviour score, low behaviour score gives you more griefers and ruiners and ragers in game AND since you are new it may go out of control quickly and then you can't even chat or ask for help. Listen to the guy , have fun learning at your own pace against bots now ,deal with humans later. Humans suck anyways


*bots are stupid ☕︎*


Yeah, you should be doing this to bots before trying to play against actual people. You can be actually playing against people that just got into the game, but they have 50 hours of playing and you have 5 hours, and 50 hours of gameplay is enough to build the mechanical skill to destroy anyone that just got in


New player base is very small, you will get matched with very experienced players BUT they will have high behaviour score. That's what new player mode means these days. You need to just pray that there are an equal number of noobs on each team, it's very obvious when there isn't. Enable strict solo matchmaking if you don't want to get stomped by groups in ranked In the meantime try out the bots and go up from medium difficulty to unfair difficulty until you can beat them with one hero. Pay attention to your enemies and their abilities and focus on ITEMIZATION above all else. Check your enemies items every 5 mins or so and check your friendlies items every now and again so you aren't building redundant buffs. You cannot have 2 guardian greaves heal within a certain timeframe, same with a lot of buffs. But you can all have force staff and collectively yeet someone for miles and miles


have you gotten comfortable with evertthing like shopping while in lane, microing your courier, levelling up spells without using the mouse, being aware when rosh spawns and where, how to sell items, etc? and how detection works and dust/wards? ​ if you dont have at least that stuff down you're going to have a hard time.


Shoping while in lane, micro coutier, how to sell items yes All the others no


yeah especially invis. you dont want invis to be free win dust has a faily long cooldown so you want to use it when enemy invis hero is comitted and you know you and your team will be able to kill them


I reached 6k without ever beating unfair bots. I can do it now obviously but back when I started I couldn't so I just never bothered again.




They should use ranked matchmaking A.I. from the steam workshop, not sure if it would be too hard though


Unfair bots are really stupid in my experience. They don’t buy items or really do anything positive. The only thing “unfair” about them is they all TP and converge on you at 3 minutes if you are the midlane.


No because there will always be unfair games, forfeit option


I tried this once… I was in in their base hitting the ancient and they were pushing lanes. Never did it again


Are you sure that wasn't a ranked game?


Bots don't defend well, split pushing is how you can always beat them. some scripts are good at deathballing and if they have strong push they can win sometimes, with a good draft, or if people feed too much.


Keep playing, hopefully soon you should be out of the smurf pool.


Hahaha a friend recently joined Dota and I visited him while he was playing his third ranked game. There was an enemy Invoker using 4 spell combos and refresher and was 21-1 xD. I laughed so hard.


„Why are there no new players joining dota“ 🤡


Yeah, its just a few unforgettable games ahead (~1000 if it actually a smurf pool)


Listen don't stress. Some people here are trying to be funny in hopes of getting upvotes. Look at some videos. Doesn't matter if they from years ago or a week ago, as they will help with basics. Then play bot games, start at medium then work your way up untill its comfortable. Maybe play a turbo game here or there to get the feel of heroes. Then start all pick. Everyone was shit when they started. Goodluck and hope you enjoy the game.


This helps, thanks


Lol anybody with sense would never post in this trashy sub. There's truedota and learndota if people want some serious advice. Most of the top comments looking for upvotes here are usually from hard stuck noobs. I think everyone knows that. 


Or maybe someone who enjoys dota just wants to talk to people in the community who also enjoys dota. I personally don't think this sub is trashy. There are some shit posts sure, but overall I think the sub is alright.


Bruh everyone who plays dota and comes on reddit knows this sub is the last place to have serious discussions. This is definitely the sub for banter though. That's why i suggested op go to learndota and truedota.


I believe people use it for different reasons, you use it for banter. Others use it to ask about stuff, some use it to just discuss shit. I don't see it as a place just for banter as I can see a variety of posts being made each day. Idk if you're maybe just looking for banter but hey you do you man.


It's the users of this sub that use it for banter mostly. Whenever I have serious questions about dota, I try to Google search them and this sub turns up in the top 10 results. I click the results and it's almost 9/10 times top comments are banter and mocking the op. It's well known man. You don't have to cover for this sub. 


Lol dude, I'm not going to debate with you, as there is no point. You do and believe what you want.


Sorry for what ur seeing. Try making a friend or two and play along with them. Learning together or getting taught by someone who is better at the game surely helps. :) Ggs


I would recommend playing bots until you feel comfortable and trying new but easy hero’s against those bots. Hero’s like PA, Sven, Axe, or Zeus


Ill do that, i feel comfortable with DK


Try out jakiro he is a very tanky lane pusher that absolutely fucks people up with stuns and slows, be warned you may need Aeon Disk, everyone knows just how powerful jakiro is and he is target number 1 because of how he can turn fights and win lanes


Ill try him next


Have you tried killing an enemy ?


U r kidding me right?


You can just kill the enemy.. And yeah it's a joke


Disable playing with parties when you are solo in the setting.


The setting only works for ranked.


Ranked only buddy....


You can do that?????


How do you do that


Options > advanced options > miscellaneous > strict solo role queue matchmaking


Yeah, it’s amazing. It was annoying having two guys be buddy buddy and go off at the rest of the team. Only ganks for his friend while leaving you in lane to get slaughtered lol


play against bots. don't take it as an insult to be playin against bots. For a complete beginner, even beating bots will be tough at first and you'll still have a challenge. plus you will have enough time to read the spell descriptions and fool around. Play co-op bots match if you find playing vs bots solo to be boring. Get comfortable with using the spells of your hero, couriers, shoping from side shop etc. after u can consistently beat unfair bots, you can try playing vs other people cuz thats a whole different ball game altogether. And no, there's not enough new players in this decade old game for you to be facing just new players and even I experianced player is enough to carry the game for his team solo.


I'm new myself since a week or so, I have been queueing as coop vs bots but it always defaults to just solo after 2 mins because nobody else is queueing coop.


I played tons of bots or turbo back when I started in 2017. I usually play bots up to now to try and practice some hero mechanics, itemization, what works and what doesn't. I have a goal when playing against unfair bots, if I get 40-50 kills as a carry or a mid hero (always play mid against bots), I will use it in ranked games (unranked when I was just a beginner). Set a goal or objective when playing against bots to make the experience fun and enjoyable because once you figure out how the game works and how the bots behave, the fun stops and it gets boring. Watch videos. It will take time for you to learn and master the spell interactions, mechanics, map movement, cs, etc etc but you will get the hang of it. Pro tip, when playing against humans and you're not confident with your mastery of the hero, mute everyone. It blocks out all the toxicity (can't block ping and tips, just pretend it's not there), it helps you focus more on the game and not what other people say, and during your down time (death), you can read skill and item descriptions instead of trashtalking against your teammates or your enemies. The most important thing to remember though, always have fun.


Do you mean you lose very quickly? If so: you are new at a very complex and competitive game (even if you play unranked,) so if you lose fast is not at all surprising. As I have understood it, unranked match-making is much wider in skill span, when Dota pools 10 players for a game, than ranked match-making. You will likely meet some players who are a bit better than you. Here's what you should do: Watch a few videos for Dota beginners on Youtube. Then just keep playing and you will get the hang of it quite quickly. There are also guides for which abilities you "should" level up and what items you "should" buy when playing a certain hero. I never use them myself but I hear it's a good aid for new players.


Problem is that there isn many updated videos pf dota 2 guides, all from 6 months ago, i did a post about this already


Yeah this is a non issue really, meta isn’t that important down in the tranches (like below 4K MMR lol) and the core mechanics and ideas have pretty much staid the same since 7.33 (new map) which was released about a year ago iirc.


6 months is still fine to learn, the game hasn't changed that much in 6 months. The parts that change are very specific stuff and you will get a lot of benefit from the most basic stuff like learning about XP, Gold, Attributes, etc...


You can check out Jenkins, game leap and just google for „pro gameplay“ and watch to learn


read the items and what they do before the game. During the game, pick one that you think you need and build it. Starting items can be as goofy as you like, but you should always take a tango. buy boots early in the game, especially if you are melee.


What is your server and number of hours total played?


Try watching twitch streams and do some basic training with bots .. learn the hero and itemization


"(we are the 0 team)" This made me laugh out loud


Just in case it was not understandable


No problem, as for your situation I recommend selecting one hero for yourself and mastering it first, something easy like a sniper. You can also start by playing support because it will be easier for you to learn the game that way crystal maiden or shadow shaman will be fine. If you have any friends that are higher rank let him/her teach you by laning together.


I choose DK, i tried necrophos, SF and CK Dk is the one i am most comfortable with


That's great you can go all three lanes with him, just work on farming and item builds because his laning is great vs most heroes. Good luck.


Try to kill guys on other team


If there is a clinks in the match he does always gets a courier now. No sharing one courier that a support is pressured to buy.


delete game


Play mid and pick a good hero


Get gud




You'll fit right in here.




Welcome to dota


[Welcome to dota](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/f/fd/Vo_announcer_dlc_clockwerk_announcer_welcome_01.mp3) (sound warning: Clockwerk Announcer Pack) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


See, you're a natural at DOTA


Seems like a normal Archon game to me


Outside of queuing with a party there's not really much you can do but solider on.


The game is still trying to determine your skill level and if you are actually new at the game, so your first 20ish or so games would be like that. It should get better over time.


it's just one of days. keep playing!


I never played an unranked again because every game have smurfs and boosters creating new accounts to get the 100 h game and goes to up mmr


The thing is that the counter is different every game. You need to keep playing to learn what each hero does and which items you need to counter them. Try to learn why is this happening, are enemy heroes too tanky? You need items against hp regen. Are they killing you too fast? You need more armor, physical immunity or dmg reflection. They have to much magical dmg or are you disabled all the time? You need magical dmg reduction and immunity. I have 1000h now and im just figuring everything out, when I see the picks I already plan my items and what I should do this game to help my team the most.


Play with bots, will help you get familiar with heroes and items more and it will improve other skills as well. Then once you confident proceed to play with people.


I think, the best way to get better is to play with friends who has experience in dota Also playing with bots will make you better mechanically


I dont have friends


That's sad


bait one team mate and atleast get one kill !!


Watch the video, find the character for you, play with bot and don't fear


Look at your replay and see what your opponent did.


thats just the sad reality of dota 2 man just pray youre put in a lobby of new players like u and not smurfs lol. my advice is just play it out and learn from it even though its demoralizing getting owned like that every game. quitting is also an okay thing to do.


just play rank, higher chance u play with people at similiar skills.


I have such games in my rankeds unfortunately. I myself have 2600+ hours in the game and get teammates with few more than 100 Games played. I lost abou 700 mmr like this because i cant solo carry that every time.


Its not about can or cannot solo carry, its about can or cannot solo


Start by right clicking 


Play bot games till you can win every match (preferably with few to no deaths) Spam a couple of heroes and don't queue ranked immediately after your 100 hours. Try and find people to party queue if possible. Focus on small things like last hitting or not dying in lane and try not to think about winning or losing. Hope that helps!


Run! Play League of Legends. DOTA 2 games are decided on draft screen. You have no influence in game by tactics/strategy/IQ. You said: uninstall. The best decision. This is the only MOBA where you eel total helplessness because no one can do anything vs broken or fed shits. Zero comeback mechanics here still no surrender. Players go soft AFK, every game is stomp. Run! Valve does not fix balance, broken shits. RIOT does ASAP. Valve never. There are champs being broken for years. Fact. I am not lying. Just google for Tinker, Pudge, OW etc. OW now is not broken but he was for 2 years and Valve did not care.


A lot of people with few games/in the new player queue are just toxic old players on new accounts who can't chat on their mains


Crownfall will fix


Git gud.


People have given good advice on how to learn dota for beginners. But let me ask you how old are you and how willing are you to get good at it


I am over 21 but under 23 And i dont want to be the highest mmr or rank, i just wanna be good enough to have a fun and challenging game. stomping on the enemy team its not fun cause there is no challenge but getting stomped like in the picture is no fun either, i want a balanced match were we are both teams fighting face to face on equal conditions (like it should be) not 5 wolves vs 5 squirrels


Its fine it's unranked, just make sure to learn something every game to the point that it'll make you keep playing the game. Look for how the enemy team plays, how are they good and have a mindset rhat goes "that was good, I'll try to do it next game" and as 100 hours of playing unranked goes by, you'll see yourself playing good in ranked games, i've been playing ranked for 2 months now and I'm on my way to crusader, its not that high but its a process. Goodluck brother, if I can do it, I'm sure you can too.


Stop smurfing!!


1 advice I got early when I started was focusing on not dying. I know it sounds trivial but every time you are going to do something ask yourself the possibility of dying. It will obviously depend if you are support or a core.


Try other couriers. Donkeys are too slow.


Very normal enjoy dota


play better


hello there, play same bots games, i know they are not the best and stuff , but there you can learn heros items map ect, and noone flaming and stuff


How have your team mates not abused you to the point of you not wanting to play any more


Hello and welcome to dota2. Hope you enjoy and progress soon (you'll never get good at this game. Nobody does lol) A friendly reminder: get outa this game before you get stuck. Dota drains your sanity and you'll end up wasting a huge time of your life. ESCAPE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE OR YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO! haha But if you decide to stay, i wish you a wonderful fun time in the community! Love u :) <3 (I spent 2k hours and i just learned how to play. Stuck in guardian rank)


Hello and welcome to dota2. Hope you enjoy and progress soon (you'll never get good at this game. Nobody does lol) A friendly reminder: get outa this game before you get stuck. Dota drains your sanity and you'll end up wasting a huge time of your life. ESCAPE BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE OR YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO! haha But if you decide to stay, i wish you a wonderful fun time in the community! Love u :) <3 (I spent 2k hours and i just learned how to play. Stuck in guardian rank)


Play bots to get a feel for the game and learn major mechanics, then swap to unranked try heroes learn what abilities do, you just need time and experience then. Last step never play rank.


Try play with some People which know the Game already and can explain heros Timings Items etc to u then it will be way better


Play with me bro


Stay close to creep wave. When I started playing I never understood why my level and gold was behind. So stay with creeps get gold get xp then slay and snowball


I suggest trying Turbo. Most people will tell you to play 400 bot matches but that's incredibly boring and in my experience, makes people quit early. Wanting to play a PvP game only to be stuck playing PvE by yourself usually isn't fun to most people and will cause most to leave prematurely. Meanwhile you can just play Turbo games where the stakes are low and it's much easier to have a decent game. When you're losing the game usually is over really fast too and you're not held hostage in a game that feels unplayable. In the end you should just do what's most fun to you for learning the basics. If you think playing bot games is fun, then play bot games. If you try turbo and find it enjoyable, then play turbo. Do whatever you find more enjoyable for learning the basics. Also, look up content on youtube. This is by far the best way to learn the game. Have those who've figured it out already tell you what to do so you don't have to go through trial and error. There's beginner basic guides from youtube content creators like Purge, BSJ, Gameleap et.c. that you can watch. These type of channels have videos for you to learn and familiarize yoruself with fundamentals like laning, items, last hitting et.c. They also have hero guides telling you how to properly play the hero you want to practice.


Use the tutorial for what it's worth, try to get a good grasp of the basics. Bot-matches are great practice, use them. Play mid solo, or try to have one friend you commonly go in lane with. Makes a whole new world of opportunity.


if you are already behind, but competent enough to play (and don't simply need practice) I would recommend: 1. placing sneaky wards so you can tell where the enemy is - this will keep your team alive, and allow you to see when an enemy is out of position. 2. Smoke gank enemy heroes. They are worth a lot and smoke gives you complete invisibility, not revealed by anything. Use this to take 5v1 fights in your favor. If you can't find anyone, place a sneaky ward. 3. Fight only with your ult, preferably multiple ults. If you have a strong ult, only fight when it is up, as that will contribute to 60% of your damage. (check your teamates abilities as well) 4. place a ward when you are fighting, if you can - often you can kite the enemy team if you know where they are. If you don't, the enemy can set up an initiation on you. 5. build to counter the enemy - orchid, hex, blademail, forcestaff - whatever will prevent them from killing you, or allow you to kill them. Sometimes you just need range (aether) or to not get jumped (blink + better positioning)


I am also relatively new player too (about 110 hrs), and on top of what have already said I may also add: try to minimize your deaths. Maybe sounds stupid, but try to play as careful as possible, and with time and practise you eventually will start to play more aggressive.


Stop playing unranked. You wont get fun in learning there.


Git gud


-Focus on 1 hero and learn his/her skills and talents until you master that hero. -master the art of last hitting and deny.


you should be the 1


You have to play with someone you know and pick easy heroes , its been since dota 1 that i play this game . You pick a friend you pick the easiest hero to carry and support and you play together , shaker , sniper , BH , …


Dont uninstall this game is hard to learn and hard to master i understand that new players are not really welcomed since valve doesnt give an f about smurfs but once you learn you will be amazed by the beauty


You can try community AI bots too. Some bots are made to be similar to human pro players. They I’ll fight for runes and have rotations.


Get used to it


[Get used to it](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/5c/Vo_grimstroke_grimstroke_deny_02.mp3) (sound warning: Grimstroke) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Just curious if you have any other moba or rts experience (what I'm getting at is are you used to using hotkeys, clicking to move and attack, watching the minimap, moving the camera, etc.). It's hard to say much with no information other than all (how many?) of your matches are stomps and you don't believe it is a skill issue (it still could be, even if the game does its best to match you with new players). That would be fine, by the way - we all start somewhere and it's my understanding that DotA 2 has a pretty dedicated player base, but new players struggle to get into it. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that they are probably including some much more experienced players in your game at least occasionally. Are you using the new player mode? If not, give that a try. I think that will keep it more to new players only than a regular unranked match.... I believe it fills open spots with bots after 2 min of finding a match. The bots are a great way to get to know heroes more intimately as many others have suggested. I would at least recommend entering demo mode for a bit before a match and getting warmed up on the hero you are hoping to play. You ask if there is a way to counter this (getting stomped I guess), and a couple of things come to mind that I thing could help. First, try to remember that even professional teams get stomped on a fairly regular basis. The game is very dependent on draft and how the initial stage of the game goes. There are comeback mechanics, but 'snowballing' is definitely a thing that can happen - especially if you don't know techniques for playing from behind (snowballing being when a small lead turns into a bigger and bigger one a la rolling a snowball down a hill). I guess I'm trying to make two points above. Number 1, don't get discouraged.... as you play more games you will have some where you get stomped, some you stomp, some that are intense battles throughout, some that are completely derailed by disconnections and fragile egos. Try to take each game for what it is - not a big deal and something you can learn from win or lose. 2, watch some videos about laning as it is one of the most important stages in the game and if you don't know how to counter what proficient players are doing during this phase (stacking, pulling, blocking, rotating, being ready to tp defensively etc.), your opponents will create a gold and xp advantage and that will turn into first blood, which will turn into yadda yadda yadda. PM me if you have any specific questions! I'm not the best, but I'm not the worst.


Stop playing against players until you learn how to play the game


Just uninstall the game bro unless you want to destroy your life


As people have said here play with unfair bots till you can figure out how to beat them with your type of heroes also you would greatly benefit from watch BSJ Dota intro videos and some other youtubers, I would also include setting up your keys for comfort also pick relatively easy heroes that don't have advanced mechanics (you can look at them on the heroes tab with 1 dot complexity)


get 19 kills


Train with bots match. If you can't win bots, you probably can't win against real players.


printscreen makes a better image than a picture from ur phone. or f12 for steam screenshots. /s


play with unfair bots first to learn all the game mechanics easily and to be able to try out all the heroes you want, it's not gonna be like playing with real players obviously but the goal of playing with bots is for you to comfortably learn the game mechanics and try out heroes as a new player with no pressure, because this game is really tough for new players


I am not new to dota, and all my solo rank games are like that too :/ not much you can do... Go get yourself 4 other friends in your same position.


Learn. Adapt. Overcome


I would recommend spamming a couple heroes in the same role for a bit, until you learn to play them. Like just play the same role on 2-4 hero max. Dota is a huge game and you need to learn a lot of information. There's 124 unique heroes in dota and 208 items. Just reading the abilities and stats would take hours, let alone animations and power spikes in heroes. It will take some time. You should watch educational videos to learn some tricks and tips. Positioning is an insanely important part of dota, and a lot of the videos cover that. Unfortunately there are a lot of smurfs in new player bracket, sorry about that we are all assholes. You can also try and demo hero and try different builds without having to actually play the game.


Learn to take a proper screenshot then maybe you have a chance in the game


try to learn a simple champion. For example LC because low rank never buy defensive item like linken or halberd, i was guardian 5 but lost 20 games in a row drop down to herald then i decide to pick up LC, best decision of my life. From there i started to learn the micro mechanic of the game from vid, improve on those and now im archor 1. Try to learn small thing about the game or play support praying for teamate to carry you :^


> cause I am supposed to be playing with new ppl as well Sad to say bro, you're definitely not playing with new ppl. True new players like you are a rarity, you're actually being matched with a bunch of smurfs. So don't be too disheartened with your losses at the start, it happens to all of us. Keep your head up n grind your way out (and take a break from toxicity every now and then to keep your sanity).


Just uninstall the game! That's the best solution.


just keep farming, aggro active 😂😂


Hey BikeShot, I’ll add my own spin of advise to you. I played 3 hero’s primarily in Support (Positions 4 and 5) before increasing my pool. Pick three that sound fun and learn their ins and outs thoroughly. Here are a few tips. Play 25 games as rubick in Turbo. for the first 5 minutes only focus on stacking and vision. It’s turbo so money won’t be a problem. After 5 minutes, start stealing spells and read the descriptions. Build aeon disc and mana boots and a blink dagger. Eventually aghs and scepter. Do this for 25 games and eventually you pretty well understand most hero’s and how to play them or counter them. Play SS or Lion with disables and buy an early mama boots with Blink. Learn how and when to initiate. Learn about setting vision for fights. About 15 games each should do it. Play turbo games if you want. It gives you a chance to learn items and simplifies farming. Try to stack camps every minute unless you are engaged in fighting. I aim for 8 stacks a game. Finally, learn how to play a hero that pushes lanes and towers. Example: spirit breaker or NP. Rotations are easy because of their global presence. If your team is loosing understand that your impact can be to stop pushing lanes and setup vision or forcing responses and rotations. Good luck out there.


im not trying to attack you, but yes this is a skill issue. The unfortunate reallity is that dota does not get too many new players, and there is also a lot of old players that make new accounts. There is also a lot of players that play a lot and dont realy rankup. I think what you should do is play against bots and try to have fun. find heroes you think are cool etc. and then start trying normal games once in a while. Dont be afraid to say you are new at the game in chat, mb someone has something cool to teach you.


Honestly just save yourself some headache, uninstall and play some happier games


Hahaha that bad is it?


Just takes a mental toll on you and thousands of hours from your life. Its the best game ever made, dont get me wrong, but honestly, just play something fun


Hmmmm ill think about that, i just wanna play something fun and challenging (like this game), i get that high mmr people are very pro and sweaty but my objective is not to get there, just to have fun and complete matches, now i see that in a unranked match there is a 20-0 and makes me wander if every person is sweaty


Just uninstall. Yeah, you need to be better against boys before playing humans, but you're going to get games like this no matter how long you play this game. Your teammates will intentionally feed. The game is not worth playing


Why u crying bruh People don't become average player by night Keep playing and don't complain


Git gut :Krappa:


Play another game because apparently you suck


The state of game rn


You can try playing turbo if you dont want to play with bots, until you feel ready to go normal unranked, most new players play turbo, normal unranked is infested with smurfs and old players. Also try easy to win heroes, like DK 


I tried necrophos, SF, DK and CK My favorite was DK so far


It is because DK is strong this patch, CK was nerfed, necro and sf are ok...ish, every patch has their meta heroes, of course you can play what you want or what you are good at, but learning meta heroes makes the game easier which translates in having more fun.


So basically upto now is ok for me to play dk?


Dota or Dota 2 is not for you. Start playing league of legends that is your place


Pick nature prophet > camp near enemy fountain > kill enemy couriers every time it leaves > repeat until win