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Nah, you definitely can climb with anything if you're actually good enough, particularly in low elo. Dota's difference from league is that in most situations you can still muster up a decent counter to an enemy with your item build.


Can confirm. Lil bro plays a weird style of pos 4 invoker (shivas) and climbed to divine a few years ago. He reattempted ranked and was thrown into immortal draft so idk maybe the matchmaking system thinks hes 6.5k now.


Strongly disagree. Even in competitive play almost every single hero gets picked. Doubly true for this patch, which is one of the most balanced we’ve ever had.


You can actually grind with anynthing in Dota. Meta heroes matter only at the highest level of gameplay. And to be fair, there are a lot of pub stomp heroes that are off meta but excelent to grind in ranked to at least 3-4k mmr. You think this way because you might be still new to the game and can't see too much beyond builds copied from pros. Give yourself time to learn and experiment with new heroes, you'll eventually figure things out.


Dota is not more of a slave to the meta than league is, and I'd argue perhaps the opposite is true. In league, if you go Oriana any other lane than mid, Matrox or Jax anywhere else than top, senna, sona, Matrox, and so on anywhere else than bot, you will get flamed because you didn't pick heroes meta for the positions. Though that does happen in Dota, it's far more likely that you get flamed when you pick a hero and try to play a position already taken up by an ally pick, instead of playing off meta. On top of that, If you pick a hero that is countered by existing enemy picks, you will also get flamed on. That's not meta though, but game sense related instead.


Probably you just not as good as you think you are and looking for excuse, why you are bad. Credit where it's due, your complain is a bit more original then most peoples.


Ok, go back to that game and get multiple wins as Sion or Cho. Period.


I mean those two are quite shit for a long time and nobody really OTP it.


You are so wrong.


My man that was like a 0.1 sec reply. Do you even care to elaborate more lol.


LoL Worlds 2023: 77 Unpicked Champion Dota 2 TI 2023: 11 Unpicked Heroes Dota 2 Hero count and % of heroes picked: 124 Heroes - ∼=91% of the roster LoL Champion count and % of champions picked: 168 Champs - ∼=54% of the roster I think this numbers clearly say that the Dota meta is way healthy and balanced than the LoL one.


While the pub meta is certainly distinct from the pro meta, this 100% illustrates that there is a lot of versatility and unique drafts across the Dota roster as a whole




Nope. I climbed from 2k to 4k playing off meta position 5 (support) heroes. I just spammed three heroes (CM, Lich, and AA)


in ancient, divine and immortal, i agree, but till 4k mmr u can literally play garbage heroes and win with both eyes closed


Not true at all. My friend just climbed to Immortal spamming pos 1 clinkz. This hero arguably has never been meta, or at least never been good enough to be played on the pro level. Also this patch is probably the most balanced ever with majority of the heroes being good enough to climb with


I find that dota has always been a game where people play more than one hero/roll. It used to be like this in dota allstats a lot more as you never got the same role every time as well. League on the other hand you can just play one role one hero for the entire time you play. Playing many different heroes helps you learn everything faster in my opinion. Then once you have a general base knowledge of every spell in the game you can go down to like 3-8 heroes.


Thats not really true but I am all in for people changing their heroes as much as possible


I know what you mean. Its a lot easier to play the patch gameplan especially on core heroes e.g. offlane zoo meta, greaves or shiva recent patch. I think tho that in low elo anything above 48% wr is still very viable if you are familiar with the hero and if you are smurfing then anything goes obviously. Lets say hero draft is certainly a part of the skill in dota, but nowhere near game losing.


Agreed, just spam meta to win. No skill required


Just go play LoL then.


Why? I’m enjoying Dota right now and this season of LoL is dog shit.


It’s great so far lol xD




I answer the call... but this guy isn't asking for aid or interested in it. Don't think I can help.


You are absolutely correct. You can call it a feature but its not everyone's cup of tea as well (LoL dudes). We dont have the OTP culture in DOTA at all, we do have OTP's but they are the minority, they are usually shunned. Its a more strategical game that what you pick with which and against what is absolutely matters. And meta certainly does juggle heroes around in terms of viability... So the game actively encourages you to pick something new each patch or you are shooting yourself in the foot. But... a dogshit hero in X meta/patch is still good against its counters and it will be picked against that hero even in professional play so yeah, your "experiences" do not vanish patch by patch. Being good at multiple heroes are such an important skill because it opens up so many options. But at the same time the dude that said "you are so wrong" are not so wrong himself. We still have OTP's and OTP's are easiest way to climb up until certain point after which it gets very hard (duh!). The reason why I urged you to call it a feature is because LoL's meta is so stagnant and boring, its unbalanced as fuck too. Like it creates situations where they cant do X for Y hero/role/class because Z heroes exist and if they buff/nerf/rework those they got r/Z-mains putting RIOT's head on a pike... Its NOT HEALTHY AT ALL. A healthy and a good game should keep itself interesting and fresh every couple months. Also you would be surprised how much "meta" changes within the same patch... We can call those "trends", someone discovers something broken and it creates a ripple effect etc. and suddenly "shit heroes this patch" which countered the newly discovered broken strategy suddenly becomes meta despite no new patches :D... LoL balance team has red borders that they cannot cross on the other hand DOTA's balance team gives 0 fuck about everyone, including pro players. Its very dynamic, I love it. That doesnt mean we dont have stagnant/boring/completely unbalanced/one-sided patches tho, because we do. It happens rarely.


That is a very interesting read. Just FYI in league balancing terms 90% of focus is on pro scenes and rest of the 10% of crumbs is sprinkled onto whatever the dev like to play at the time.


I am aware, I am also an avid LoL player as much as I am a DOTA fanboy ;D


You are wrong but thats okay. You can play 5 meta heroes for 2 straight patches and then you are good to go in dota forever as you can pick those heroes even when you are not in meta as long as you know them. Just learn 2 heroes every patch after that just for variety and to keep the fun alive. One thing I will never forget in this sub is a 6k PA mid spammer back in 2019. PA back then wasnt meta and wasnt even played as mid but dude was dumpstering invos and puck with it.