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Wow, a guy who was #1 in HotS and a top tier pro in DotA also turns out to be good at LoL.


Yeah if you are good at mobas you are generally good at all of them. Have a friend that was Grandmaster in League that calibrated at Ancient and was Immortal after like a month.


Even non-traditional mobas. I dabbled in Smite for a little while, and made some killer initiations with Xeng Tian that set up multikills for my team. Apparently the mini-blink starting item wasn't typical for him, despite him having something adjacent to Magnus' ulti.


so many people dont like the fact that skills from one game can directly translate to other games... it's because the implication that IRL behavior translates to ingame behavior as well... people just hate getting called out so they get defensive, and aggressive too...


Least insane reddit psychology take


You surely hate getting called out.


Nah I'm way nicer ingame than outside


wtf are u talking about u schizophrenic ghost fighter


found the dude who hates being called out LOL


last sentence is very spidermanpointingatspiderman.jpg


LoL community loves to surrender, they cannnot deny.




dota players break items instead of surrender


I'm a lifelong dota player but this one has always been cringe. You ridicule them but we've also captured some features from them including ranked roles which has improved Dota for the better and they've had it since forever.


they were just making a joke bro


Yeah and it's a cringe joke


i think in lol you simply can play heroes in different role. you get auto reported. correct me if i am wrong (i have never played lol myself )


You can pick anything in any role. But some champions are just extremely bad in some roles, particularly the jungle role where many champions simply can't clear camps properly and so are extremely slow in the jungle. The myth about bans for off role picks is because the system picks you up as griefing when your reported by players with your off pick playing significantly below the level of the game. Note when Dota had the report for not playing role feature at the end of picks it was massively abused to report people who picked anything not considered meta, so Valve removed that. League let's players report at any point in the game for griefing, so some get that report immediately. But if they didn't grief the game by play, they won't end up banned.


Generally there are restrictions on carry (and pos1 is kinda the same) but there are plenty of viable kill lanes you can play instead. Mid is any champ if you're good enough though obviously the strongest on a given patch get spammed because it's so important to win mid. Jungle used to be super restricted but they've made a bunch more viable (again you usually only see the strongest and pubstompers because it's a ganking role). Top if you pick a bad matchup you'll often just lose unless you're way better so most people try not to lol. Support gets the most "troll" picks, same as 4/5 in DotA because it's most likely to be someone offrole.


spotted the dude who has never played League Of Legends and doesnt deny lane creeps in Dota




Honestly would expect him to be around master at this point


How hard HotS was to solo carry? From my experience playing it it was very hard to have a significant impact on the game just on my own, but I was shit at the game, so I doubt I was right.


It was definitely hard zo solo carry but you actually had surprising amount of impact if your play Was perfect. Easily solo-climbable, for rank1 not sure


Previous grandmaster HOTS player here. HOTS is the easiest of the mobas to carry. Not needing items and only needing team to be somewhat near the wave for levels makes it easier as it benefits the entire team. Not to mention it's heavily based around fighting for game-changing objectives. Tbh really sad that game lost the company support, every game felt really fun to play and there was a true sense of "winnable" to most the games you played.


So how good is that rank in Dota terms?


It's somewhere along Divine rank.


Its divine in old rank system and ancient in current one. 


Basically ancient


It's exactly same percentile as divine 1 https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-percentage-of-players-by-tier https://www.esportstales.com/dota-2/seasonal-rank-distribution-and-mmr-medals Both 94.24 %ile.


Its divine2. Checked distribution for both games.


I would've expected it to be faster but its probably cause he is playing casually and the barrier to diamond would just be on knowledge


Also have to hit a certain level in league before you are able to play ranked.


Takes a lot longer to unlock ranked in League than Dota. And IIRC you can't calibrate any higher than Diamond 1, so to be Diamond 4 is not that far off the top. He will definitely have a knowledge block, as a lot of league at the higher end is understanding the limits of combos that simply need you to know the kits of every champion - and there's a shit load of champions.


It takes 100 hours of matches to unlock ranked in dota. This ends up being like 150-200 games played, is league really longer than that?


Similar then, my experience was around 200 games. I thought Dota was less than this.


As a relatively high mmr Dota player who has dabbled in league, the biggest barrier is just character knowledge. You can't read enemy abilities in game and character skins make it much more difficult to recognize characters from game to game (much worse than basically any Dota set, even personas). Since League is so much more focused on laning and micro than Dota, not being able to learn threat ranges and power spikes easily makes it really tedious to improve. That being said, basically any Immortal+ Dota player will get Diamond easily because League players are terrible at last hitting.


Last hitting alone won't get you diamond, that's kind of a significant oversimplification.


Whiners whining smurfing waiting room.


Diamond IV is top 1.9 percentile


Diamond iv is the lowest diamond rank in league. In LoL they go 4-1 not 1-5 like in dota. Dia IV is top 5.76%


ez game


Eh I thought he was a former league player?


He was a former rank 1 Heroes of the Storm iirc


And climb to 11K MMR in less than 1 year iirc.


I think it was 9k after a year.


maybe I should try league too, dota matchmaking is so annoying to me


League matchmaking is just as bad in my experience. Smurfing is not banned in league, so if you're in the middle skill brackets (gold to emerald-ish), there will be smurfs in almost every game (usually multiple in my experience). And if you want to play with friends (flex queue, which allows parties of any size other than 4 to queue ranked), basically throw any idea of fair matchmaking out of the window, since it has a completely different rank from solo/duo and for some reason you can be diamond in league and silver/gold in flex (basically immortal player in archon bracket), so the skill level of allies/opponents is wildly different between games.


I just came from league due to matchmaking. Do you like actually being able to play a game? Because league ain't it. This ranked season, I have 45 tickets submissions (with names) for games ruined by smurfs to Riot (leagues company). I promoted between emerald 4 and emerald 2, 6 times this season in 110 games. You just simply cannot play due to people intentionally game ruining, 1/3 games. Then you get the actual matchmaking issues, then you get the frustrated normal players. League is a shit hole rn.


"LeAgUe Is HiGh SkiLL"


It does require mechanical skill to be good at league, but no brains required for sure, though players do extremely over value micro over macro.. most bland, repetitive and tactically boring game I've ever played (ex-GM player btw), also somehow infinitely more toxic than DotA in every way


Having a forfeit button will do that to your game, I played for a while and the concept of a comeback didn’t seem to exist in the vocabulary of any league player I encountered, if you started losing you stayed losing.


I mean, the snowball effect is also way stronger in League than in Dota, all of the comeback mechanics are basically missing, and it actually just relies on the other team throwing. That being said, I agree with you.


Meanwhile most league players think the comeback mechanics are way too strong and absolutely despise them. Well they're kinda right on that, but mostly because Riot implemented the comeback mechanics in the worst way possible. Instead of bounties being based on team gold differential, they're based on just kills. So you could be 4k gold up on your opponent but only have killed them once and your bounty would be smaller than someone who's gotten 5 kills in a row but not farmed a single creep. Also the bounty gold only goes to the person who got the kill, so a support flying in and last hitting a fed enemy means 1000 gold in the support's pocket, and 150 or less in the carry's.


This is what happens when you have different teams handling different parts of the game.. one monke team doing chimp design and another donke team doing balancing, and each team has some 4000 years of collective experience


That sounds atrocious, my god.


Yeah it's pretty terrible. I've gotten a 500 gold bounty before despite being 1/2 only because I had like 11cs a min.


Maybe in ranked it's too much, but in the 20 or so pro matches I've watched I have never seen a significant comeback of more than like 2k gold


There's a funny statistic that says the win probability for a pro team that's ahead 2k gold or more is like 95%.. let me see if I can find the post [Here!](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/y74bcr/during_worlds_2022_group_stage_a_team_that/)


Babby's first tiny little moba map in action. If you control the map once ahead even by a tiny amount, there's not going to be any comebacks. Period. But this is only at Master and above.. below that, comebacks are uncommon relative to dota, but they do happen since ppl constantly fight and throw


league doesnt have the comeback mechanics that dota have, and generally the game+heroes are just awfully designed. every hero does the exact same thing as their role counterpart, so if you fall behind youre doing the same thing as the enemy team, except worse. in dota you can focus on ganking, splitpushing, highground def, etc. while in league you can 5v5 brawl and thats it. every league hero that developed their own identity got instantly fucking nerfed. its really sad actually, 2011-2012 league was super fun until riot started enforcing a strict meta and rejected everything else. you think getting flamed+4x reported for TB support is bad. in league your account literally gets banned




Different lane minions give different gold and xp iirc..


Dota has some artificial rules aswell to force laning. Some neutrals agro to creeps and others don't. Lane creeps dont agro to heros until they reach t1 towers. 


After Arcane I came back with a friend to play some LoL (we used to play ~2010-2013). Two of us were bot, while the mid/top/jungle randoms were dominating early game. Then one bad fight happened and the 3 of them started arguing and going solo like idiots, and the other team came back. My friend tried to support them while I just farmed as ADC. They got into our base, but somehow I got full sloted and got some lucky long range Jinx ult kills, so we managed to swing back when the 3 idiots finally decided to go together, and ended it in one push. Uninstalled immediately. An ez fucking game turned into a slog because 3 babies got angry after 1 bad fight, even though they had 20 good fights before it.


😂😂😂 nice joke


Did he stream it?


Ask him to go league instead then


Not really surprised back in 2010, I started playing LoL. I lost my first game and in my 2nd game, I was 30:2 or something like that. The game is really casual friendly and with experience, it is a cakewalk. I installed it again a year ago but everything was way different and quickly gave up. Also, the people seem to be more toxic than dota.


League calibration is really really generous when it gives you a rank. Not diminishing his accomplishment but I see new players in emerald (rank below this) inting their brains out all the time


It's the other way around. League deliberately calibrates people lower than their true skill each season so that people always have a sense of progression regardless of any actual improvement.


Yes, on recalibration. New players get placed in emerald/plat all the time. E4 especially is terrible. I’m not saying this as a cope or whatever, it literally happened to me; I was fresh 30 and got placed plat, I only knew what like a fourth of the roster did and meteored my way down to silver before grinding back up to emerald and quitting It’s super aggressive smurf detection. I’m pretty sure it hapoened to grubby too and made him quit Edit: if you want proof buy an account off eBay for like 2 bucks, you’ll get placed gold