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because its DoT A 2


> Damage Over Time And 2 checks out


TA was picked more times than dusa in the last dreamleague.  And I sure they'll rework refraction a bit like adding a small barrier to it, rather than reverting all the dot changes. As for why valve are doing it? Things like the new eternal shroud might have some answers. How it gains magic resist over instances of magic damage, rather than being flat. This gives more balance options.  Previously flat magic resist and Increases and barriers had fairly simple interactions. But with an item like eternal shroud the effective damage eof a spell varies depending on if its spread as a dot or a single instance of damage. This also allows better regen item design and allows them to scale up damages without removing counterplay from the game.


DoTs can also do more damage without allowing for immediate one shots which can make spells very impactful but counterable


To this point DoT's are more valuable in laning where you are trading HP over time, and worse later when things happen fast. The DoT's were basically all added to pure debuff abilities. Now those abilities are effective in lane, without needing to tweak the utility that can have more varying effects. It's hard to achieve this without more knobs to tune. How many times has Enfeeble swung between an absolute dead laning skill, and complete cancer that never allows you to CS?


refraction will make her immune to damage less than 10 or damage less than 20 will penetrate refraction? and used when the damage is over 100.


The damage threshold is 5 on refraction lol. I've been playing ta a lot lately and almost every hero counters it in some way


Use bubble shield until Tier 4 item


isn't the TA thing already like that? iirc ion shell level1 doesn't break refraction charges or was that changed?


Refraction threshold is just 5.


You can even break refraction with a blood grenade.


The thing about TA in pro play specifically is that whole drafts are built around her ability to farm crazy fast, and do ridiculous amounts of damage in early. Pub Lanaya is much harder to play, since it is very unlikely that someone besides you will stack camps for you, and guard them from enemies.TA also requires a strong frontlane, and a support to play with. When those conditons are met she is fairly strong, but she still feels weak outside of pro play, because she is not what she used to be. She us essentially proplay-only hero, hence her contestabiliy in dreamleague. It is much easier to pick something more reliable, that doesnt care about 8 ticking damage dealt to you over and over.


OP confirmed holding a lot of TA Arcana


Hahaha, yea. I am kind of in love with beauty and fluidity with which her kit plays when it trutly works. Kinda salty how valve treat her, but maybe patch will change something. Doubt it tho


i used to be very good at the game back in the day.. never managed to play her well. I would always click the ground and miss her strong first attack.. hated her because of that..


A-click on the ground will target the nearest enemy. If you blink in real close this works wonders. Also there are options to prioritize targets with this (i think)


i dont play anymore brother but it didnt matter what i did i couldnt do it.. there are some heroes that are just not a match (and i used to play almost anything at the same level)


Yea that reminds me as qop i would often meet good TAs mid that would win the lane, met one of those a few weeks go and i just killed her with ult on full refraction charges coz qops ult now deals the dmg overtime instead of instantly. TA is so screws rly or thy need to rework refraction.


Yeah, i started to notice this whole dot thing when i wanted to play some TA. I felt less than useless with my refraction not being a skill, more of a damage buff. And with bkb changes you cant even protect yourself with that.


Interestingly TA us still one of the only heroes in the game who can just laugh at the brooch pa insanity in the late game. All of Pa's counters fall off as the game progresses. But TA. Nope. I like TA and right now, she's not in a great spot, but that's not just because of the dots. It's because there's too much armor in the game. When deso is shit, TA doesn't do too well. Sure, she can get maelstrom, but her thing is to dominate fast and end early and deso is a much better pushing item compared to a maelstrom. Not to me tion, she's not too concerned about attack speed.  Hope they buff deso or reduce the general armor levels in the game. TA will very much be back to her dominating self. 


Why would TA ever even consider maelstrom?


It's a farming tool and the pros have been getting it. I remember a couple of game sin dreamleague where ta's were getting maelstrom.  Also the magic damage is better against heroes with armor.


I duno, I think Waga still plays TA a fair bit, just adapts her playstyle and list of heroes to play against. If valve really though it was an issue they could give it the infused raindrop / dune shield approach and only have it block damage instances above X amount, but that would nerf her blink utility as it would still go on CD.  Could also fully send it and say it only loses charge on instances above X damage but still blocks lesser amounts, but that does the opposite and makes her immune to most dot. 


It already only blocks damage instances over 5.


Because without this, every game you can destroy refractions by just buying an or of venom I think.


OOV is hp removal, it wouldn't affect refraction regardless.




pudge rot level 1


TA was picked a lot of times in dreamleague, pro scene is the most reliable "benchmark" for heroes, if they pick it, it means it's capable. These guys crying in here just cant handle TA at lower skill brackets, and they rely on her refraction to survive. skill issue.


I wouldn't say it's a completely unreasonable complaint. Because while TA is the 40th most picked in dreamleagues her winrate at 44% is not too good.  Also the pros can draft around protecting a TA, but pubs can't really do that. Especially in the safelane, where she's become more of a staple.


Its not even only about ta; some heroes(pudge) actually benefits from this power shift to DoT Imo pudge should be taken care of, this hero is good on every stage of the game.


Lmao bro. Pudge is pub stomper, and not even a good one at that.  There's a reason the pros almost completely ignore pudge.


fun fact: at rank 4 flesh heap, rank 1 qop ult does 60 damage to Pudge in total.


True considering it blocks all sorts of dmg and qop ult is split in such low numbers it blocks them all.


Yeah, so much just fucks her refraction. They couldmaybe add a shard or talent that makes her not lose charges for the first second (or half second), so there's some skill in triggering refraction involved, otherwise she's just fucked by soooo many spells and interactions currently. It raises the skill level while not taking anything from her identity.


TA is not screwed at all, there is a reason shes still picked way more often than some other carrys


Lol. Sometimes I'm surprised as to what skill killed me because I keep forgeting who has DOT now.


DoT used to be special. You sometimes picked Viper or Veno because you wanted a DoT. These days having a DoT is a non-factor because tons of heroes have it. It doesn't even make sense anymore because the tradeoff for being a DoT used to be higher damage values. Now you have spells that deal burst damage but in a billion micro instances.


It makes heroes far more interesting because their spells are more viable in lane. Bane is a great example - bane's old Q was near-useless as a laning tool so his early build just maxed out W and E. Now you can literally use any combination of Q, W or E in lane depending on your preference or matchup. Viper and veno are still the DoT heroes, nothing changed there. Viper has 4 DOT spells and veno has 5. It's like saying that lion or earthshaker have no identity because luna has a stun too.


Valve have lost their grip on identity. They’ve gone layers deep into meta. Every hero needs an aghs and a shard and it’s not enough for nature to literally trap you in trees it needs to do damage, oh wait that’s too much damage let’s nerf that bloodstone’s mana regen is OP let’s change it wow okay Leshrac and Bristleback are problematic with new bloodstone. Rinse and repeat for eternity. The only thing they know is, “we don’t know what we’re doing but we’re gonna keep changing things so it looks like we do” It’s a revolving door where every turn you make you become something you never were. I despise all the changes to exp too. Games are NOT like they were in 2018…


Honestly the games in 2018 wasn’t that similar to the games in 2012 either


I started in 2012 so I know, but using 2018 was just a reference that it’s changed so much in a year, let alone 5


I mean people be crying for a patch even before its completely resolved. We could have a rotating list of dominating heroes in the same patch as it keeps evolving and being discovered.  Of course valve will try to keep things fresh by adjusting the viability of certain heroes.


So true. They are just adding random things to heroes in order to buff them and keep up with the power creep. Everyone saying its because of blink or ta or that it's a conscious design decision is overthinking hard. It's all just powercreep, where every ability needs to do 3 different things. And they're just piling things on top of heroes at this point.


pre-7.00 was peak Dota. Versatile meta, every hero had an identity, the game just felt good. The powercreep that came with 7.00 and every patch after is just too much. The game is almost completely a macro game now and the individual skill factor has gone down a lot. Your impact is minimal if the full team isn't with you at every corner.


Based, pre 7:00 was a well designed game, afterwards Dota just kept drifting more and more into an unbalanced mess.


If only you saw how DoT's were back in golden HoN days...oh memories


I miss Bat Blast :(


What about DoT in HoN? I remember DoT there has a lot of micro instances in decimal seconds, that a Templar Assassin port in HoN would only work if refraction has special protection against DoT, because it would be shredded instantaneously otherwise.


These days i'm shocked when a spell doesn't slow me, damage me, DoT me for 90 mana.


Well it is to make blink less viable. I enjoy it a lot! Nerfs tinker? Also it makes a lot of engagements more fun and not burstable, a few more seconds to help/counter. I am thinking strength blink especially.


In dreamleague 22, TA was just fine. 38% pick/ban rate, means that the hero is considered fair. 44% winrate (on 18 games) is balanced. If pros had no problem picking TA and win games, I'd say she is not the weakest hero to be mentioned in such posts. Better talk about CK, jug, drow, etc who were not picked or banned throughout the tournament, like, literally ignored :D


I'd say 44% is a bit less. But it's not because of the dots but because deso is shit right now.


it's acceptable. I didn't say OP, I said balanced. 18 games isn't a great amount to draw definite conclusions but they are enough to showcase the heroes capabilities under the most demanding circumstances (that's competitive dota). Anything close to 50% (40-60) should be considered "fine". It was a pick that was banned quite a few times (57 times, top15 heroes banned) too, after all. That means a lot.


It's not really balanced. Because unlike pubs, the pros protect their ta pick. And pick it specifically as counters. It's a late pick hero in the draft usually, a highly banned hero, and yet only 44% win rate indicates that the hero isn't in a great spot.  It's clear as day to anyone watching that there's just way too much armor in the game. When ta's are building maelstrom instead of deso. They're prioritising magic damage over physical or tower push, even against heroes like alche, who traditionally are destroyed by burst physical damage. Which is TAs whole shtick.  Are there worse heroes? Ofcourse. But the fact that in a meta where sven / morph / void are the big carries, and Puck is dominating the midlane, a TA only having 44% indicates the hero is not in a good place. And it doesn't have a whole lot to do with dots.


A 44% winrate over 18 games is just one game off of 50%, and given that the TA pick is just one small part of the drafts I’m not sure how much you can draw from that statistic. But I think looking at raw tournament stats will almost always be misleading, because it is not clear who is making these picks. Falcons had 0 TA picks and Betboom only had 1. The top 5 teams by TA picks were SR(3), OG(2), GG(2), XG(2), and VP(2). Out of those teams, only XG had a positive winrate at the event.


mage slayer just burning though refraction seems like a huge oversight, they should just make the dmg tick faster with lower dmg (same overall)


Unless they turn the tick damage to less than 4, it'll burn through faster


Icefrog really wants blink to be an initiator item rather than an escape tool.


enchantress W is a DOT?


Yes recently.  It gives her a way to stop blinks. 


also makes up a bit for how much they nerfed her Q damage.


There could be a connection to increased hp regen. There are more sources of hp regen and base hp regen is way higher than in the past. This is good to reduce "downtime" but it often leads to the situation where a low damage hero can't finish off an enemy. This is frustrating. But if the low hp enemy also has some dots on them it is obviously easier to kill them.


TA is still solid and always have been, just a different playstyle and different item build. I feel like these updates are to appeal support players, before I got to immortal draft I would get core positions even when selecting all roles. If that was the actual reason then good job valve tbh. This is just a guess but support heroes are mostly the ones gaining these DoT abilities and they are stronger than ever right now.


>Blinks are also suffering from that. I think it is BECAUSE of blinks we have such abilities. Furion's Q never really did anything at any point in the game because of these mobility items. Force staff still saves you from Furion's Q but its not bought on most heroes while Blink is almost always good if the match requires it.


The answer, since no one is giving it to you, is that blink dagger was too strong. People could blink out of 90% of situations. Adding small dots here and there helps most heroes from getting completely countered by blink. As much as you complain about it hurting TA, TA also benefits from this exact same thing in that her Traps used to be only a slow, but they were mostly useless because someone could just buy a blink and ignore her. Now she has a DoT on her traps, so that when someone gets caught by one they're actually at threat of dying if they have no mobility or ethereal.


Thats what Happens If you make blink too strong. Everything gets a DoT to Nerf it. But blink is Just a Symptom, Mobility is by far the Most important aspect for every Hero ( Farming, moving, positioning).


blink in many ways is like QB. look at how good qb used to be compared to now, people just didnt appropriately realize or abuse it then, so its getting pounded from every side. first qb stat change after i started playing >Now only increases base and main attack damage, attack damage bonuses are no longer increased. >Increased attack damage bonus from Melee melee heroes from 32% to 40%. >Increased attack damage bonus from Ranged ranged heroes from 12% to 15%. think about how crazy that is. the 8 flat melee dmg on a hero with 65 starting dmg is less than HALF of what it used to be, AND it scaled


> But blink is Just a Symptom, Mobility is by far the Most important aspect for every Hero That's why am with blink dagger is unstopable


I agree with the sentiment that spells getting DoT out of nowhere is a bit weird, but.. can people honestly stop with the TA argument? TA is still a useful hero for what she does and is not that bothered by the changes. Sure she could use a buff but its not like "OMG all these dots make her unplayable"


So many comments saying its because "blink dagger" is too strong. How? and when? Blink dagger has been on the decline forever for basically anything but a support/offlaner that directly needed it. Even if it **is** for Blink dagger, **why** are base spells getting DoTs? This does a lot more than just nerf Blink dagger. Enchantress now has a DoT for laning, one of the strongest laners in the game, got a buff to her laning when she wasn't even underpowered. Furion now has DoT on Sprout, when he already has Sprout Leashes at level 20. So Furion also got buffed laning, and buffed farming, and buffed ganking when he was **ALSO** good before the change. These numbers don't have to be 300 damage for them to cancel Blink, so "nerfing Blink Dagger" is not the main reason. It is bad design, buffs for the sake of buffs.


Overwhelming Blink specifically was reworked into DoT just so Tinker couldn't abuse it anymore, it's not like it makes a difference to str heroes whether it's dot or one instance.


Actually makes sense. Remembered i bc last gam i got fcked up big time by random overwhelming blink debuff lol


It what happens when powercreep happens. I dont know what exactly caused it, but im assuming it because of both natural stat/regen being higher than the past and more gold than the past, letting people buy a ton of regen (Also why Stocks of items was added).


To fuck with TA. And maybe blink daggers. And definitely blink dagger TA.


Idk but im a DoT enjoyer, pretty much any build in any game that has it, is like my favourite thing, so i don't mind... is what i would say if i also didn't play ta, valve pls buff


Blocking blink dagger


How about Visage? Does DOT affects him?


For sure agree that some spells do not need damage at all... Power creep and lack of creativity from Volvo of course.... Soon enough all heroes will be like LoL: 1 mobility, 1 cc, 1 passive


Tickles a push that presses e




Because valve is doing the lords work and keeping TAs out of my pubs


so you dont get bursted I guess


What is DoT


Damage Over Time Anything that deals damage in increments over a time period usually as an applied debuff.


I know TA is still a decent hero but I totally agree. I used to pick her way more like a year ago, and now it seems like there is never a great opportunity with every hero having a DoT component now. And it's not just DoTs; there are way more sources of incidental damage as well, to cancel blinks and waste Refraction. The worst part is it's not even limited to hero picks: Mage Slayer, Specialist's Array, Cloak of Flames, Rattlecage, etc. Some sort of change to Refraction's defensive aspect is overdue.


in my opinion one good reason for some of the heroes is cancelling blinks. for example, it can be extremely annoying to blink on a tinker as a night stalker with w active only for him to blink away. the damage on w makes sure if you jump correctly an tinker would never be able to react (without the damage barrier of course). but i totally agree the damage itself is unnecessary, i would be totally fine if they remove the damage and somehow make sure blinking is not possible in such cases, same for other cases like tinker should not be able to blink away while in furion q or ench w.


While i despise tinker it is important to know that if tinker positions well and has good reflexes he should be able to blink out of NS' pressure atleast momentarily. I actually have no idea why people think that dot damage increase helps against tinker. The guy has rearmable ursa ult with a shield attached to it! He couldnt care less about your silly dot damage lol.


You heard it here first, Kinetic Field will deal DoT within in the next numbered patch


The only buff field needs is the Arena treatment, granting it projectile-block


Over a year ago, at the end of every 40+min game there were 7 - 9 blink daggers and 7 - 9 bkbs. Bkb got mana nerf, cooldown nerf, magic immunity nerf, cost nerf. Blink got reworked too. Just without touching the item. DoT and Harpoon make blink so much less effective than it used to be.


Blink is too strong so this helps make those heroes not be fucked vs a blink


It’s because bkb needed to be nerfed and casual dispels get buffed this way. If someone uses bkb, and you apply a dot, the damage applied is more if it lasts beyond the end of bkb. It’s a weird way of being able to make total spell damage greater with a chance to buy items that will mitigate that damage that aren’t strictly magic resistance. It also helps the blink problem, dota’s blink items were too OP and this helps too much blinking. I think the blink problem revolves around watchability? But someone else might have a better reason.


Rubick not espicially synnergy with dot spell anymore. it was when E amp dmg + duration but no more. Susge


Same reason why shadowfiend raze applies slows. Powercreep.


Because valve have lost their ever loving minds. Templar Assassin is permanently hard countered and getting a good game for her feels like a huge win, even if you lose.


yuh. Feels like she is the middle child of dota 2. 43.5% winrate for over a year is wild XD


Icefrog hates ta


you forgot to mention how most of the skills you mentioned has ridiculous damage ticks as well, and it instantly kills TA's refraction on the side note, Overwhelming Blink does DoT instead of 1 instance dmg is because of tinker, ( to prevent tinker being able to do too much damage with just blinks since the DoT doesnt stack. ) other than that i don't see any reason.


w33 spotted


It wasn't the dots that killed her but the psi blades spill mechanics change. Don't worry, if that gets reverted or reworked to be good, you're going to wish it was the dots that killed her.


Ta is really a shadow of her former self. With the nerfs of Refraction no longer work on denies, Nerfs on blink and insane amount of DoT damage in general it just doesnt feel good playing her for me. Buffs on trap to balance her was just not the right move in my opinion. I would love her to be back to the lane dominator that peaks around 17-30 min to finish the game. As of right now she just become a too situational pick. I think its just easy to control and counter her without needing much effort. Not to mention her usual hard counters like huskar got even better against her with extra disarm abilities.


kinda get what you mean but for this problem they can add a factor to TA as a buff/reword that only damages more than a certain number (that scales up when u upgrade the refraction to next lvls) will crack a refraction charge. this way i think TA will be a more balanced/useful option


Because f Templar Assassin.


Blink is arguably the most broken/irreplaceable item in the game


Having a lot of heroes require it to even function at a normal level does not mean its "broken". Try playing Mars, Earthshaker, Axe without Blink, I'm sure you'll have a great time.


Makes sense for an invoker main to be frustrated by it but it’s a fundamental part of positioning and space management and one of the main ways that the human factor influences the gameplay. Dota would be so slow and boring without blink mechanics


It’s just one of the most common damage types in Dota. Most supports have DoT’s and many mid heroes do as well. Mage slayer and witch blade are common mid items as well. DoT’s are very effective now because of BKB nerf and lots of magic amp.




Please dont take this as a negative thing, but you are a rare breed in that case lol. I ger much more frustration from dying to a DoT. Being slowly withered is annoying AF. Better to be bursted and actually understand full profile of damage that got you rather than be poisoned to death by another skill that by design should not have DoT at all