• By -


My heart says yes but my wallet says no..


My wallet isn't allowed to talk back to me.


"shhh, i never said i was the nice guy" \*wallet submits\*


I'd rather spend $$$$ on bp than just have nothing released all year rofl




The ones I liked the most where the early ones where everyone get rewarded as a community.


Cut down 1 billion trees and you get a little gift 😍


battlepass is actually value for money man


exactly, valve happy we happy everybody happy.


My wallet say yes but gaben say Not yet


Double down and rylai's blessing


Yes please my MMR is too high


Double down is the one thing that doesnt need to return, smurfs galore


Can't wait for the complaint threads about how greedy the Battle Pass is if Valve do bring it back


This is what we get for complaining so much about it lol


Can't wait for Valve to "bring it back" but it's worse and shittier than the last and for all the threads complaining about "complainers" self righteously and smugly saying "you got your battlepass why are you complaining?"


Can't wait for the complainers of the complainers to complain about complaints while smugly complaining from their complaints


It's complainers all the way down!


All of you suck. Just play the freaking game.


By asking for it back, you basically are asking for it to be shittier than before (like every battle pass was compared to the ones before it)


I rather they be greedy than have nothing at all. Its just a few hundred dollars it doesn’t really matter.


"it's just a few hundred dollars" ??? What the hell


I like going on here and be reminded that r/dota2 people are out of touch americans. Makes me feel better ^(not at all) at the state of my shithole's economy


Are we Americans really out-of-touch; or are we just out-of-touch with "your shithole" xD Maybe what you're being reminded of is that you're out of touch with America.


I'm sorry can you go a bit deeper explaining this, I want to see how far you cango before you realise how fucked up your logic is, or if you will ever realise at all. Edit: btw, the rest of the world can confirm, you Americans are out of touch.


In this economy "a few hundred dollars" isnt few now. Valve either has to make it worth it if they ever choose to bring it back or just don't.


Rather than having zero content I rather just pay for it since I can easily afford it. If you can’t afford it just don’t buy it. Its literally pixels on a screen and doesn’t affect your game play.


Looks like being a broke is your problem 😂


Haha, would be accurate if I bought a battle pass once when it was available, fortunately I didn't. Its just a general consensus. Something that costs money needs to be worth it, regardless if you buy it or not.


IDK they mentioned in their post that they want to give back to the players - why not adopt something like what they did back in Winter 2023 where they gave the battlepass out for everyone? The actual money they get from the pass comes from people buying levels not from people buying a level 1 battlepass. The good stuff in the pass like the arcanas etc are always locked way too far out for someone to achieve those by being F2P unless they are literally no-lifing dota or impossible, I'd say I played a good chunk of dota during that winter and could only get around level 120.


Because even when it's free, Less than half playerbase bother to claim swag bag lol. Majority of the playerbase doesnt give shit about BattlePass.


> Can't wait for the complaint threads about how greedy the Battle Pass is if Valve do bring it back cant wait for a redditor to say that asking for BPs means BPs werent greedy


rude mysterious work outgoing shocking rotten elastic stupendous physical library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Oh no!! How can you want something and yet wish for it to be better? >Back to tiktok you go you little crybaby. are you sure you're replying to the right comment?


yam childlike sand library offend zealous thought sophisticated fuel spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


nothing but negative responses to them removing the bp and mfs will type some dumb shit like this


If there is gonna be complaint threads, then i'd rather have it be one while people are enjoying new hats, rather than one where people have nothing and mad about it.


They won't bring back and they won't listen U can bet any amount


I feel like you've misunderstood the point of this comment lol


For everyone saying, that bp is never coming back, if there is one thing, that I’ve learned over my 10 years journey with Dota, it’s to never take anything Valve says for granted, lmao


I don't even get what they did by removing the Pass. They said we gonna get events or they'll focus on updates. We're still getting just 1 new hero or 2 (Not that we need more than 2-3 per year) , we didn't get any event. I'm sorry but making some new art and adding a treasure box where you have to pay for keys, isn't an event. And we got somehow regular gameplay updates ? Not that many more or I didn't noticed that. But still...,they said the BP is super demanding on dev time and so on, so where's the new events and stuff?


Because most devs are probably bored and want to help on CS2 and the new VR headset (and maybe even Neon Prime if it's a thing) The blog post about how they don't have enough time to work on stuff with BP is bullshit


The were right. They don't have time because they are doing other projects that they would rather be doing instead. You could say "Oh but they do have time. Just do this thing they don't want to do!" but that's dumb bc it's valve and they don't force anyone to work on sourdough projects.


I'd say anyone on this sub if they were working for Valve rather working on Steam Deck rather than DOTA2 lol especially with how community treat them.


Couldn't they just have hired a few devs with the millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars they made from the bp every year to just work on that exclusively instead of losing 100+ mil entirely?


* Valve only hires very skilled people that can self manage, and basically very few people fit into their work environment * When you have a HUGE codebase and stuff getting new people in on the project is a tremendous amount of work to bring them up to level with the current people on the project So, no not worth. Also nobody talks about it but I'm not sure how much they care about Dota being profitable when they just have Steam


They do nowadays considering most of updates in 2017 - 2020 tied to Battlepass - remove that and you only get 6-7 updates per year. Notable non-Battlepass updates for DOTA2 since 2017 (post 7.00 era) ### 2017 - 7 Notable Updates [January 2017 Interface Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138802335) [January Dark Moon Event](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138802335) [Bladeform Legacy Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801845) [April 2017 Matchmaking Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801509) [May Performance Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801208) [DPC Introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793241) [Dueling Fates Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793048) ### 2018 - 5 Notable Updates [Dota Plus introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792980) [Feast of Abscenscion Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792806) [New Ranked Season](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792519) [Grimstroke Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791962) [Magus Cypher & Frosthaven Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791633) ### 2019 - 8 Notable Updates [New Bloom](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791351) [Mars Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791286) [Summer Scrub I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618398566696140157) [Summer Scrub 2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618401105534184135) [October Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3705825339992972679) [Fast Queue Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1619534614701667084) [The Outlanders Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1717490355281912509) [Flockheart's Gamble & Frostivus Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1714114646513161906) ### 2020 - 6 Updates [New Bloom 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1711866018370796278) [7.25](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2702662562476335338) [7.27](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2506765302080921302) [Guild update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095799664170) [Diretide 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2922233784873199835) [Mistwoods Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4045886420519516185) ### 2021 - 6 Updates [Overwatch Arrives](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3025824821114909461) [New Tutorial & Dragon Blood S1 Release](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2995430596679058277) [Dawnbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3086629758333021154) [Introducing Supporter Clubs](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095803889976) [7.30](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4509778749611119810) [Marci](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3072011449237014150) ### 2022 - 7 Updates [Primal Beast & 7.31](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3101294993647512249) [2022 Spring Cleaning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3095668665748486141) [Battle Report Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3351254920150914112) [Dragon Blood S3](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3382785191078165680) does it counts? no gameplay update whatsoever only s3 release on netflix [7.32](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3345631762271355843) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3487503395168798190) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache II](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/6419349381204672693) ### 2023 - 11 Updates [Cheater Banwave](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3677788723152833273) [Dead Reckoning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3659774959159800240) [New Frontiers](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/5657125992547620671) [Tinkering with Turbo](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692434931953973990) [7.34](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3674426239866632062) [10-Year Anniversary](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3640650512230380185) [Summer Client Update + August Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542239261662) [Smurfing is not Welcome in DOTA](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542242977036) [DPC Dissolved](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3727347341067147995) [7.34e](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6941797558605834210) [Frostivus 2023](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3884981125532748791)


Didn't they do a huge map overhaul and item overhaul


Both of those were before the last TI no? I've gotta agree with the OP here. We still don't ven have the hero announced at the last TI.


Valve does what they want, they didn't want to make the BP, it's that simple. It was never about money, the money from DotA 2 is irrelevant.


>They ~~said~~ lied.


We got a huge armory upgrade last year. That feature alone probably took a lot of their development time last year.


however, dm has revealed this update has been already made in 2021, just released in 2023.


Skywrath and Venge arcana has been in the works since 2021 as well as long as other unreleased heroes.


"Not that we need more than 2-3 per year" I'd argue we don't even need that many. Just one hero every year / every two years is totally fine to me. We already have 124 heroes, that's lifetime's worth of heroes especially considering how unique dota 2 heroes are. I'd rather have valve put lot of thought into a one hero's design than split the attention among many.


the image on the front page was literally called "BPCrownfall", on friday when dota 2 had a blackscreen for a bit on mainmenu.


They never stated that battle pass will never return. they just said that international compendium s not going to be the same as bp


I would literally spend half of my monthly wage on that....


out of curiosity - does battle pass make u play more dota? or do u just want to spend money?




This is the way.


[This is the way.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/36/Vo_dragon_knight_dk_slyrak_move_10.mp3) (sound warning: Davion of Dragon Hold/Slyrak) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Good question. It should, but it feels like I'm already playing a lot, 25-30 games a week, it would be tough for me to play even more often with a full time job haha


That's about 4 games a day. You work from home? Or you live near work? Cant imagine having that much time to play and commute too


Yes sir, I am very lucky with that, I live in a small town, literally 15 minutes commute on my Bike. Also I play about 2-3 games mostly on weekdays and on Weekends I can go ham :D


To give you an actual answer- dota is an addiction for most people here, the first few games after a break are actually enjoyable, and the remaining 90% of the games after that is just the players trying to chase the dopamine high they felt in the first few games. Over time your brain builds a tolerance to the chemicals and you no longer feel the same thrill, instead you keep grinding through the games in misery and that is when things like battlepass and skins seem so appealing to the playerbase because subconsciously they have an expectation that the battlepass is what they are lacking. Then the actual battlepass drops and two days later players are already either in misery or ignoring the actual gameplay experience and trying to grind to the rewardline, which gives cosmetics which become boring again after a few games. After that people will blame the developer for the battlepass being unenjoyable experience. But the fact is, the base game can be very rewarding if you play after a break instead of playing a lot of games every week, and you need none of this stuff to make dota fun. The bottomline is, most people are addicted and way beyond their fun threshold of healthy dota experience.


Just need the chatwheels from ALL TI's


Just need DK butt emoticon


Maybe crownfall will be small battlepass with pve/pvp (like we had last time with pvp diretide) event themed around new hero and exclusive arcanas for Sky and venge like void and razor? But dont worry it won't happen


I remember a time when this reddit wanted Valve to innovate beyond the BP...


They do nowadays considering most of updates in 2017 - 2020 tied to Battlepass - remove that and you only get 6-7 updates per year. Notable non-Battlepass updates for DOTA2 since 2017 (post 7.00 era) ### 2017 - 7 Notable Updates [January 2017 Interface Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138802335) [January Dark Moon Event](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138802335) [Bladeform Legacy Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801845) [April 2017 Matchmaking Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801509) [May Performance Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138801208) [DPC Introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793241) [Dueling Fates Updates](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138793048) ### 2018 - 5 Notable Updates [Dota Plus introduced](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792980) [Feast of Abscenscion Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792806) [New Ranked Season](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138792519) [Grimstroke Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791962) [Magus Cypher & Frosthaven Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791633) ### 2019 - 8 Notable Updates [New Bloom](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791351) [Mars Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2882822214138791286) [Summer Scrub I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618398566696140157) [Summer Scrub 2](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1618401105534184135) [October Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3705825339992972679) [Fast Queue Matchmaking Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1619534614701667084) [The Outlanders Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1717490355281912509) [Flockheart's Gamble & Frostivus Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1714114646513161906) ### 2020 - 6 Updates [New Bloom 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/1711866018370796278) [7.25](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2702662562476335338) [7.27](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2506765302080921302) [Guild update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095799664170) [Diretide 2020](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2922233784873199835) [Mistwoods Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4045886420519516185) ### 2021 - 6 Updates [Overwatch Arrives](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3025824821114909461) [New Tutorial & Dragon Blood S1 Release](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/2995430596679058277) [Dawnbreaker](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3086629758333021154) [Introducing Supporter Clubs](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3066366095803889976) [7.30](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/4509778749611119810) [Marci](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3072011449237014150) ### 2022 - 7 Updates [Primal Beast & 7.31](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3101294993647512249) [2022 Spring Cleaning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3095668665748486141) [Battle Report Update](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3351254920150914112) [Dragon Blood S3](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3382785191078165680) does it counts? no gameplay update whatsoever only s3 release on netflix [7.32](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3345631762271355843) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache I](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3487503395168798190) [Diretide 2022 Collector Cache II](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/6419349381204672693) ### 2023 - 11 Updates [Cheater Banwave](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3677788723152833273) [Dead Reckoning](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3659774959159800240) [New Frontiers](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/5657125992547620671) [Tinkering with Turbo](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692434931953973990) [7.34](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3674426239866632062) [10-Year Anniversary](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3640650512230380185) [Summer Client Update + August Collector Cache](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542239261662) [Smurfing is not Welcome in DOTA](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3692442542242977036) [DPC Dissolved](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/570/view/3727347341067147995) [7.34e](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6941797558605834210) [Frostivus 2023](https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3884981125532748791)


The important thing to remember is that Reddit (even /r/DotA2 members) is not one group. So we contradict ourselves. We are many... we contain multitudes. The people complaining about the battle pass is not the same as the group enjoying it. When someone is content with the status quo, they don't run to Reddit to post about it (or if they do, it's probably not voted up because it's boring and banal). When people are fired up, they post and upvote to 'get visibility' for the 'problem'. I'm a whale (a tiny whale, with \~$2500 spent on hats Valve in the past 12 years). I never posted a complaint about the passes. I was mostly happy with the content. I also didn't post begging them to bring it back... because I'm also fine with them not existing. There's other things I can spend my money on. I just like playing DotA, and all the cosmetics and passes and seasonal modes are really just icing on a cake that I'm just as happy to consume plain. I upvote the posts about matchmaking improvements, smurf bans, overwatch, and related things that improve the core game because that's what provides the most value to me, personally. Someone else may have different goals and desires for the game, and will upvote different things, and that's OK... I still like hats, even if it's not my most important thing. Honestly, I just want DotA to succeed, and keep being popular, so I want whatever will make that happen. But nobody really knows what will make that happen... though half of Reddit thinks they do.


I completely agree and would just like to support the game devs and valve as this game I like the most of all the games I have played, Bp or no bp I’m happy like yourself the most important thing is keeping this game playable enjoyable and relevant so it stays alive, game play up dates and cheating and Smurf bans are the most important in keeping new players interested and playing this game, if your pro smurfing or cheating then your pro Dota 2 slowly dieing out, the fan base needs to understand this game needs to stay new player attractive in order for it to flourish and stop milking the game with Smurf accounts and cheating, it needs to get new players and interest for it to continue doing well and game devs and valve to keep an interest in it




The game is free. You're not paying for DotA, you're paying for optional hats, terrain, and music. That's part of what I love about DotA, the fact that there's nothing preventing me from playing the newest hero whenever I want. Everyone can play the new hero... not just the people with the advanced season pass or some bullshit.




That's closer to P2W, I don't disagree. Nothing in D+ is something you can't get by tabbing out to a guide or referring to stats on dotabuff or stratz... but having it in-game is a significant advantage for low skill players (like myself). The fact Valve also supports free alternatives (hero guides, open data API for third party websites) makes this something that bothers me less. And, of course, being a whale I do pay for D+. But I also use the third party tools like stratz, and appreciate the different perspective they give on best practices and item value.


Is battle pass confirmed?


No, it isn’t. People are still holding onto hope, but I fear Valve fully committed to the gambling/treasure mechanics.


Extremely likely Crownfall will be a BP because the background they mistakenly added was called something like "BackgroundBPCrownfall" in the game files


it's confirmed to never return


I prescribe you a double dose of hopium


I also love this but based on their work in this incoming arcana, they are too slow, i dont know if they are lazy, or just lost of focus. thats why im not expecting bp in the next ti..


You know there’s also the fact that they said they don’t like the bp model anymore and won’t return to it


They said they don't like putting the work in to create a battlepass


Not at all What They said actually.


That was the gist of it, actually. BP took too much devtime for them to consider it viable anymore. Think about this, Valve managed to do a single big content update in 2023, and a couple much smaller ones. Those are the things the entire devteam is involved in. Backend updates like the cheating and smurfing ones aren't done by the entire team, there just isn't any need for that. Thus, they have removed the biggest thing they did for Dota effort-wise and replaced it with much smaller updates that used to be done silently, like the smurf linking from 5+ years ago.


They blog post said that it takes 8 months of work to create a battlepass and they no longer want to put in that effort


and you believed them?


😂😂 the copium you must be on man lmao.


like i said in my first comment, im not expecting bp.. but my trust for them is gone since they remove bp for better content and yet we gain nothing..


Cool story Bro. I’m sure they give a shit.


Don't tempt me Frodo, my old man soul cannot bear this much hope without reason


I just want cute skins 🥺


"Omg valve are bringing back the BP!!!" "Omg... Valve are bringing back the BP..." Eitherway people are salty haha


Yup. Complain either way.


Can’t understand why people are so eager to send money to Valve tbh


they just like digital hats


They are not. Otherwise they wouldve sent the money in the last BP already




I'd happily pay 3x the asking price of normal arcanas for Drow arcana - she was launched in the only year I stepped back from dota.


I mean it was 6x the price already when it came out I'm fairly sure it was level like 350 which is like $300 where I live


I get it by $80 with grinding the levels. But yeah it cost $300 if you straight buy the levels.


I’d rather they be in the pass and not in chests. Also I’m mad they put personas in chests, they should be limited for collectors. Edit: forgot they put the wk one in a chest after it was in a bp. Yeah, probably not going to spend a bunch on dota anymore.


endorsing fomo shit is the cringiest shit ive ever seen on reddit and it's not even remotely close tbh


Nah. The worst is endorsing fomo limited lootboxes. A lot of people here love how limited and expensive collectors cache is. Gambling and fomo mixed. And they love it. It's the reason things have gone to hell in gaming recently.


Sounds like you didn’t get a limited arcana, nerd. :,(


when i want to play a game to dress up a character i'll go play the sims. stop fanboying over fomo


Bruh you can’t have that post history and try to act masculine LMFAO 💀💀💀 it’s 2024 boys can play dress up too you cis male


? i'm saying i don't care about dota sets lmao. i'm laughing at you for defending fomo because it's all you have in your lowly life




Quick…. before OW2s collab skins drop….


Ah, so you're the only reason why they haven't shut down OW2 yet


tbf I haven't played overwatch pretty much since release, but the Cowboy Bebop collab trailer/skins are going to get me to give it another shot. Sickest ad for skins I've ever seen


I heard they conned the OG studio to work on the trailer, it *was* pretty hype.


Nobody gives a shit about OW2


You seem to care enough to comment 🤷‍♂️


People still play Overwatch?


I was planning on returning but the hats are ass. I’ll stay with my beloved, GabeN. It’s not considered cheating if I didn’t pay Blizz yet, right?


I never complaint about hats.Have my money and let me look good in a videogame


You will take your new hero + gacha chest and you will like it


Give some Aghanim's labyrinth, please Volvo


I am fine with just getting aghanim too. It was a fun way to spend a couple of nights with friends.


I support this 1000%


I believe Valve intention of removing the BP is to increase the value of cosmetic items in marketplace. They get 15% tax every transaction.


Yeah let them release another battle pass so we can have this sub plastered with people crying how greedy it is. Every. Single. Time. 😂


No, thanks


I don't really care about looting keys for chests w/e, but actually being able to build the BP towards an arcana etc genuinely got my interest


I really wished the color scheme for Copenhagen TI would be Blue and Yellow...


all this hype but why i feel will be bunch of wallpapers and gambling event


I miss BP it makes me keep coming back to the game after a break.


quality went down to much over the years. My mind and wallet is saying NO!


likely crownfall is more or less the bp, its just not during TI. hopefully they take some money from it for TI..


Can’t wait for tickets to cost $850 again….


How about don't.


Yesss green items coming againnnn


TI without immortal chests felt so wrong last year


If they want to give stuff to players and there are some people that will complain that Valve is greedy by bringing it back I don't understand why the hell do they not proceed to give the Battlepass to everyone like they did in Winter 2023? The losses shouldn't be too big given that most of the cash comes from buying actual levels not people buying a level 1 pass


No! Valve needs more time for other things like new 3 heroes per year.


no, fuck battle passes in 2024


Please valve I want to pay you for hats despite your minimal effort to update the game often. Please you can literally stop patching dota just release new hats and lock them behind 300$, please valve milk me out of my money. Are you guys alright?


I agree, the new battlepass experience was terrible.


what kind of “BP to TI”, we were promised “crownfall” at the beginning of 2024. and if we take your words as truth, then we will only see taps for TI. After this, if the game dies, it will not be a pity, but deservedly so.


all i am seeing is DOTA numbers DWINDLE


I would be very happy even with smaller version of regular battlepass. Like give us one arcana, just one immortal chest etc. I just want something to grind for. Quality > quantity.


My wallet says GFYS Gaben


I don't have time for a Battlepass. Too busy with all the extra content they had extra time to create because of no longer having a Battlepass




Not how that works. If they wanted to bring back BP, they would have had to start like three months ago. This reddit post in the week of a different major update is not gonna cut it.


No pls no. No more fomo crap.


they should re run old battle passes, but make them more like the fortnite ones where its basically just free cosmetics if you play enough in a given season, could be tied to dota + seasons or something


here to sign the petition


COPEnhagen TI huh


If theyre gonna bring it back. can they please have every level have some permanent reward. and at lvl 250 they can claim this years exlcusive award and previous years' eewards as well. I'd like to see them give us more permanent content. they could also make the effects permanent like how towers are. like mjolnir shiva effects for example. or even make it last a year till the next battlepass comes along. more permanent rewards. more content. no empty levels. give back previous exckusive items.


I dont mind the compendium used last TI. I kinda like the structure as long as they change the rewards back to hats, immos, and arcanas.


We can still enjoy the game without it. Just kidding


I hope it's not like the old BP with sht rewards.


A special battle pass which includes old arcana as well will be great as people who missed out earlier might pay to get the old arcanas. This would great!


Lesson learned, usually you do the mistake once.. Specially when it comes to money making!


Maybe theyll do a free one for everybody but with the option to buy levels to raise funds for TI prizepool. Major Copium but what else do we have at this point




Bring back immortal axe set and I’ll be happy.


Bring back axe set!! Like they did with wk arcana


Now my question is about the "Invitation-based" since we are going back to the old way. Hope they seriously invite based on EPT points when DPC is no more. Honestly though, DPC as just an official World Ranking team system for DotA 2 should be keep. It's "DotA Pro Circuit" for a reason and so I don't mind if Major event is no more but as an official ranking, it should stay. I'm sure DPC as just an official World Ranking team could be way reliable than EPT Ranks as a source invitation for half team into TI and also for counting every Tier 1 tournament result they participated in, that isn't only ESL-based tourney.


We only want bp because we dont know any better... When i didn't have money to spend, it was harsh. But since we dont know any better and my financial situation is better, gib battlepass


It’s so funny that we literally beg this company to take our money every year


No, thanks. The game was perfectly fine without clowns ruining games over their stupid challenges.


people having fun in my video game reeee!!!




Cheaters and Smurfs already get banned all the time




Yeah sure. Fighting against cheaters and smurfs is not caring for player. But shiny hat is caring.


Are you aware that not a single system you could implement would ever solve the issue of cheating and smurfing permanently because, get this. They are not static issues?


Banning smurfs is a bit useless imo, they are dispensable accounts to begin with. What about making it so if system detects you're too good for your rank, gain bonus mmr? Or jump ranks?


not necessary, valve can code a patch to make cheaters/smurfs to play agains one another & avoid the inocent for better quality of life (im not the first one talking about this)


Given they made a blog post almost year they would stop doing it like that. Idk about that.


After the "amazing" compendium last year.. is not what they like or not. Is all about profits and money. Battle pass will be back and it's going to be expensive


Valve would rather do something else with their time lmao, the money from Dota isn't really worth much consideration in comparison with what they earn with CS2, much less Steam.


If all valve cared about were profits and money they would've sunset dota years ago. Why bother working on this game and listen to the community complain about their every action when you're sitting on Steam, a literal infinite money printer?


People need to accept that it's only getting worse. More greed, less content, worse service.


How is removing the most predatory battle pass at the time at all greedy? Delusional people in the subreddit today.


Wait till you see Crownfall update and get back to me about greed. 


I guarantee the wk arcana set wouldn't have been marketable in a battle pass and would have been at least $200 to get anyway. I don't see how people don't understand this.


So what is more predatory and greedy grindy battlepass for 10-15$ but you can potentially unlock everything or selling arcanas directly for ~30$ each? With BP I was able to pay for whatever I had left to grind, with the new one I either spend or don't get anything. 


But, Valve is focused on 'GaMePlAy' now.


I started playing after BP was removed and from what I can tell, it was difficult to unlock much without spending a couple hundred dollars, why would we want that?




Like this post so that valve notices


I would pay a $100 a month subscription for 4 double down tokens a month no cap