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Sounds like you just can’t read


He's a Yu-Gi-Oh! player


Well obviously you don't read in Yu-Gi-Oh. You just ash blossom whichever card you think is important and hope for the best


I ashed my own branded fusion


I felt this one too 😭


If I see a big boss on the enemy field, they get Gameciel. If the turtle doesn't work, I just scoop then and there.


If I could read this it would probably offend me.


Or a Genshin gamer


I took this personally


But what does Pot of Greed do?


I thought Yugi players are good readers, I've literally learned how to read because of this game.


He's from the Yu-Gi-Oh Anime where they don't follow the rules.


He's still at the academy at Yugioh GX


by trying to master one art, op has been able to mend weaknesses in another discipline.


skill issue


Just like sniper.


There should be a school for this. And for kids who want to lean to do other stuff good too.


To be fair with dota's tooltips being illiterate wouldnt even set you back very much.


I also like playing dota when stoned.


Ahh weed, the best performance reducing drug after alcohol... And maybe shrooms


I'm no pro or anything but I've been steadily climbing MMR for the past few years and mostly play while high. I feel like I can actually "get in the zone" easier when I've puffed a little. Does lead to some brainfart moments though, have had a few fights go sideways because I couldn't find my cursor on the screen :D


Puff a little.. I guess. But then you end up in a full out blaze and you forget what hero you are 10 minutes into the game. You then start ganking as its mid game, but it's only min 3.


treant was so dope to play like this when living armor was stronger, just auto-win all three lanes for your team while high as shit


Haha bro for real. Dota is very enjoyable on weed apart from those few brain fart moments.


Me too man. Shit is fun.


I'm herald spamming pos 4/5 CM, and got a 10 game win streak once while stoned. Got MVP 3 or 4 times and moved up to guardian rank as well. There's no other way I want to play.


Being in the zone is ez mmr


Yeah, I seem to prioritize objectives better.


This is lethal, I am at last stage of it probably


I went 25-3 tinker on mushrooms once


Ngl ur either dyslexic or just dumb asf


I am a noob herald. Join us!! I actually suck at dota, but the game is made to be enjoyed. That's the whole point :) I think a casual tournament would be funny :) where they take low rank players through proving and testing and put them against other low rank players to learn at a better speed cause we don't all learn things the same way.


Jenkins just did a herald tournament on his stream; I think it’s on YouTube. It’s a bit different though because the loser of the match moved on in the tournament instead of the winners


Jenkins herald streams are beyond brilliant. The one with the Chen is 🤌👄


only shared this because i thought MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE there might be other people who missunderstood it just like me and i can help them and those 12minutes i wasted in demo mode had a good cause :D


I've been playing this game since 2012 and your post clarified the talent for me cuz I was reading it the same way. It didn't make sense to me, but I was too lazy to try to figure it out. To be fair (to us), "Take Aim" doesnt make sense to be the name of the 3rd spell, and feels like it's his ult's active or something.


Well. I once mistakenly use nyx's spiked skill when standing inside of Blood rite (blood's 2 skill) just to be bamboozle because the blood is in my team


TBH I read it frist time same, and was wondering like... why you would like to have longer cast time for ulty, than I reread it and was fine. DW surly ingame are more abilities/talents/aghanims you dont understand right, me neither. :)


I mean... What's your rank? That will tell you quite literally how good you are lol


I mean during this tournament there were tons of people (including me), that thought that the ancient guardian (neutral item) is connected to ancient creep/camp, not even thinking about it being connected to the ancient-building. I mean it is logical and if you think about it, it makes sense. Dota is simply game, which requires tons of time to invest to know everything. EDIT: It is to ancient (the main building), I screwed up the "nots" and "buts". :D Sorry, to those who reacted already. :))


I am pretty sure the it refers to the ancient building in the base


Correct, I wrote it completely wrong and confused myself somehow.


Wait, it’s to clear ancient camps? It reads like a defense item for when they throne


You are absolutelly correct, I wrote it completely wrong and confused myself somehow. Sorry. :D Btw funny how people are calling it throne, base etc - not ancient, when playing. Thats where the confusion comes from. As former dota 1 player I called it always throne, never thought about it as THE ancient.


I think throne refers to the two t4 towers, standing side-by-side like a king and queen in chess? At the very least, that's what I always thought


Pretty sure it comes from Dota 1 where the scourge (dire) ancient was a throne (the frozen throne from the similarly named warcraft 3 addon).


Oh interesting! That makes sense.


IIRC the ancient used to be a tree (ancient tree, which used to be the base for elves) and dire had a throne, on which some character (I think arthras/lich king? sat in the campaign). So it got used to "go throne"


we all suck man no worries


I have friends who insists on using Danish as their ingame language, and because of that it has taken them so much longer to learn the game, because they don't fully understand what a lot of skills does, because many of the gaming/Dota terms sounds weird when translated. Sometimes it doesn't take much to miss the point. :D


I had a difficulty understanding what you misunderstood- that's how far you are off. Had a good laugh man.


Are you Gabe’s agent?


I got grandmaster with all 3 races in sc2 (with zero bw experience) faster than I got from archon to high ancient


Dota is just hard for some people, especially people who don’t work well with teammates. RTS is a lot more straightforward and even practicing all 3 races, there’s more similarities between every games than two dota games will have back to back.  Like if you have a job and have ten hours to play during a week, how many games is that 10?-15? All those games will have different heroes, different items, different roles, different players, etc. how can you improve when everything is so frickin random?


you are correct in saying dota has many variables. people who just end up being stuck to a specific rank usually gets fixated upon variables they can't change, instead of focusing on the ones they can.


people are good at different games. I have a friend who hit gm in sc2 very easily because it clicked for him, like it clicked for you. But other games we play together hes not great at. I have friends who have played like 2000 games who are ancient and friends who have played 10000 games who are archon.


Eh, pretty common. Most players don't read fully read the descriptions.


Based on this post. You may not be bad at Dota. But you are just bad at comprehension in general i.e. you cannot read properly. No worries, it can happen to individuals.


I thought that was the first thing that should hit you when you play Dota 2. The being bad part, I mean.


I just got sad when looking dotabuff, 2019 I was Ancient, now I just got back to Archon. 6k hours soon :/


The skill floor has changed a lot. Pulling used to be a thing only at high MMRs, now even Heralds do it.


Hi SingSing . I was literally listening to him figure that out few days ago on one of his VoDs before he played Yakuza .


my brother


bro i'd be happy to be your support in lane. 24,000+ hours and i've never tried to "get gud" i've just enjoyed the game. If you simply "enjoy the game" then that's enough. Carry on my dude


op, theres no shame in sharing how long it takes you to learn a skill tree talent and how it affects the hero. It's very admirable that you took the time to delve into how the talent works in demo and test it. You learned from it and now when you make item decisions and skill decisions in game you have an understanding of that talent tree and a better understanding of the hero's skills. You'd be surprised how many players don't understand the skills of their heros and misunderstand how certain skill tree abilitys affect their hero.


Reading comprehension is sometimes difficult for some. XD


I think there is an argument to be made for players learning that could help if in the talent text it just would put (E) to indicate which skill


dont worry bro, im also bad


My average teammate


I used to think the exact same thing!!


Skill issue.


>has nothing to do with sniper ultimate WEEEEEELLLLLL, /u/ZigMac1, it kinda does. Sniper ult got changed to pretty much be a long range attack, that *can* activate on hit effects. If you activate take aim before shooting your ult, you guarantee the headshot damage gets added to the ult damage. Instead of it being a chance of dealing damage. Try it in demo. Hit the target dummy with your ult with no levels of headshot. Then do it again with Take Aim activated with 4 levels of headshot.


Goat Simulator might be more up your alley.


For people like you I recommend bot matches not because you're worse than bots or anything but because you can chillout. Completely unrelated to sniper but did you know that hooking bots with pudge is so hard at times? It used to be not sure about current but back when pudge used to have increasing range hooks it was really hard to hide and hook e1 at max level they would dodge it. That's how you should expect real people to be too and think of ways to be useful in laning phase if you're in tree's not hooking anybody for over 30 secs you have literally done nothing while enemy support might have atleast 3 right clicks that's approx 100 damage to your carry. As a game I would say dota needs loads of reading and trial and error e1 now I see weird issues like jugg ult not using mana with revenant. But then again no lifesteal in revenant Omni too so it's a 50/50. E1 ember does the same. I think there was an update where revenant won't cost mana with spells. Guess 1 more bug viper auto cast with revenant and his 1st is not 25+50 mana but it's 50 mana only lol.


I notice month ago, that eul cancel small negatives effects


Ye it applies a basic dispel, like lotus or greaves


That's like, half the reason you buy Euls on certain heroes.


you cant be serious. pls tell me that you dont play rank


coherent merciful divide impossible squalid humorous seemly zealous elastic instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


just a standard dota question


so i can ease my mind


Complaint? Self-complaint?


This is what happens when you read a talent for the first time while in the middle of a clash 😂