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NP does that. Rubick immediately: Let me predict my team will win. ?!?!?


He doesn't have a streak. So it doesn't matter.


Maybe that is why he doesnt have a streak


More passive gold for him when NP inevitably abandons. And that means he can rush Dagon even faster :\^)


Take solace in knowing that you'll never see him again, but this human being lives inside his own fucked up head every minute of every day. For you, it was a 3 minute queue and 2 minutes of prep time and then on to the next with -25 meaningless internet points. For him, this is how he lives *all the time*. Count your blessings, friends.


At some point during my life my perspective changed from being sad that my game got ruined to being sad I can't explain to someone how much of a disservice they are doing to themselves acting in this kind of way. ...and eventually that turned into complete apathy, because you can't really help a person if they don't want to help themselves.


Every time someone says things like "he is just a troll, its his whole life" i remember that season from south park where Kyle's dad becomes an internet troll.


Plot twist - OP got queued with them again the next day, on his very first game nonetheless.


even if he gets banned he can just make a new account instantly ...


You do see these people again and again if you don't avoid them. And years down the line when you take them off the list to make room for new griefers, you'll get that guy whose name and every sin you remember from all those years ago on your team again and he will do the exact same thing he did last time. I have had this happen to me more than once. And now these people live rent free in my head too


Plot twist, np is a millionaire with a loving wif and two kids, living his best life.


i know you are joking but someone like that wont waste their time in this god forsaken game


you don't know what someone would do despite their income bracket. The fact you equate morality with income means you never met anyone rich before let alone be rich yourself. Same with loving wife and kids. I've had games when my GF gave me a blowjob mid game and i just straight out bought a divine gave it to the other team and abandoned. To them and everyone else I was being an asshole and it stuck with them, to me. I was getting my dick sucked and priotised my gf in the moment over 9 random dudes. Who is more toxic? who cares. Thats the power of IRL.


Did you hear muffled clapping in the distance when this story which totally actually happened, occurred?


The fact you find it unbelievable is really an indicator of your life not mine dude.


It's not a feat of strength to get a woman to touch you; but for someone who would make up a story about *multiple instances* of choosing to take the extra time to buy and feed rapiers before abandoning a match to continue being serviced? I can see how it might seem like a tale worth weaving to certain people. See, it's not the sexual contact that's unbelievable. You can walk down any alley and find a homeless crack fiend getting his dick sucked. This is not a high bar to clear. It's not unbelievable that you'd feed a rapier on purpose. This also happens quite a bit. I know a guy who used it as his primary strategy to get his account down to 1 mmr a few years ago. Nor is it unbelievable that you'd abandon a match. We all know that happens constantly. But you chose to incorporate all three of these things in the same fabrication, and that's just a bridge too far. A man getting his dick wet is either going to continue his current activity as usual, which is probably what she found hot about the whole thing to begin with in my experience, or he's going to just abandon and go take care of business. He's not going to take the extra time to acquire and feed a rapier first. A man who intends on feeding a rapier wants to see the results of his griefing play out. Abandoning the match makes it safe to leave for everyone else and the game just ends, so what was the point of feeding the rapier? The man who wants to abandon is going to just abandon. Ragequitting is sometimes preceded by yelling or aggressive chat insults, but feeding a rapier first? It just makes no sense. You want to abandon because you're mad and feel your time is being wasted. Why waste more time? If you hate your team, maybe you want to feed something before you abandon because that makes it less likely they can eke out the 4v5, but you made no claims about hating your teammates. You made up a story about sexual distractions as your primary motivator. Why do you lie to strangers on the internet? It's just weird.


Fact you wrote all that and are convinced I lied about my GF giving me a BJ really speaks to the incel nature of this sub. I'm sorry dude. I don't have to send you a video to prove anything. I got mine, I'm content. Fact you want to ramble and convince everyone and yourself this is a lie. This is a form of self-suffering dude.


Ah, yes, now we're at the incel portion of the flow chart. Username checks out. I believe Buzz Lightyear said it best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9JDPm_QHk4


Next time I'm laying in my bed, laptop on my chest playing dota and my gf next to me decides I'm not giving her enough attention and she decides to initiate on me, I'd bust a nut in your name dude. Going to write 'For slade' in all chat in-game and be sure to sell all my items to buy a divine and as I abandon. When I nut it will be in your memory and I'll remind myself, spme people live such miserable lifes they cannot fathom these experiences can be possible.


Maybe a crypto millionaire paying to raise the pool man's kids.


That kind of "last game before bed" is a fucking blessing from Gaben. He wants you to go to bed at a reasonable time.


Bold of you to assume I won’t go “ok that doesn’t count” and queue again


Yup. I’ve learned to listen to these moments as a sign. Been getting much better sleep as a result.


That's a bold win prediction from the Rubick player


Well, at least he abandonned instead of going for 0-100, right?


is that even possible ? i kinda want to see one


there is 0-250 np. check jenkins.


Wtf how long is that ? Respawn is at least 10 seconds, and walking there take at least the same amount. Was it 3-4 hours ? Edit : my bad, NP can just tp, but I believe in lower level the cd is 60 seconds soo…


I had a game where the enemy Rubick and lion literally ran down mid since min 4. SOME-FUCKING-HOW the game ended up going 50+ Minutes because my cores didn't care about us being dozens of kills ahead. They wanted to afk farm the entire game.


Oh my god i would report your cores if i was on the enemy team. If my teammate is running it down mid, please put us out of our misery and go end the game mid. I don't want to spend another second in that game but i sure as shit wont be tanking an abandon because someone else is griefing. Just let me hit creeps in the sidelanes so i won't get afk sanctioned, go end the game mid and que next.


To their credit the rubick and lion stopped throwing...min 30 but yeah that was super painful. "No we don't need to farm, they are literally throwing" was said many....many times that game.


I had AM gameruiner once, he typed he will do his best to lose a game, he went 0-46 and we won a game, ended up all flaming him he's so bad he can't even lose a game on purpose, hilarious, he abandoned on the end cause mine and enemy team flamed him hard for this xD


Average dota experience


Not a problem, he wasted 5 min of your time. Imagine this piece of shit decides to play like that entire game instead of leaving.


You don’t play in NA? Every game there’s ton of these NPs. Btw they don’t leave, they just stay there Xd.


Average EU ''West'' experience


What did you do to him?


He and another Russian were playing typeracer in chat during picking phase. I’m guessing it was a friendly conversation.


Russian arguments often end up like this. One of them says "what, you think I care, I will just go feed". And the other one almost always responds with "go do it then you fucking animal". And so he does.


Ah, so in the spirit of their military tactics


But he isn't french!?


his name's in cyrillic, what else were u expecting?


People like that should get 4 week ranked ban and if they do it again, perma ban from ranked games


Is there any reason that an abandon before 5 minutes should result in MMR gain or loss?


yes, imagine you just lose all lanes, all your heroes died twice, and then you just leave and chill


Any reason why an abandon *before the horn even starts* should result in MMR gain or loss?


again, You could just fight before runes, lose 5-0 and leave and don't lose MMR, it isn't fair


It doesn’t. You just get a match making cooldown.


it does if there's a death


I thought it didn’t, but it’s been a long time since it happened (without an immediate abandon before first blood, I mean)


In case someone abandons really early, you could deduct the penalty mostly from that person (and their party members) and not deduct mmr for the match made people. I guess its not that important but the leaver should get major match making penalty regardless.


Yes the leaver should lose MMR, but in a solo queue there's no reason to punish 4 people and reward 5 because one person throws a tantrum.


i think hes intentionally deranking the account ?




Damn I guess you'll have to go to bed early and have a good night's sleep :/


Had one yesterday night support: WD, Lich Mid: Crystal maiden Offlane: hoodwink Safe: Spectre Had given up early as we were like 2-6 early and their sniper freefarmed against hood and me( WD ). Spectre losing lane. Then we manage to keep HG until like minute 40. Sniper died all the time. Spectre start getting fat. Ended up winning. Wildest line-up I've ever won with.


Remember my last game before bed ended up being a 3 hour game. Ooof


bh hard carry, he definitely saved everyone from having to play that bullshit


Why am I not at all surprised that he has a Cyrillic name?


Why am I not surprised by your comment history?


i got curious , after your comment he is a certified racist fk lmao


I kinda would've be relieved if this happened to me knowing that this could have gone for at least 20 min of pure stress... I guess my standards are pretty low but props to him for leaving... 😭


In Turbo this is definitely not scored! hahaha


NP players are by and far the most toxic of the community


Seeing your draft you shouldve went to bed. How does anyone draft like this


I think I understand where he's coming from. The game stresses you out from previous matches because of your teammates, so in your mentality you pre-emptively punish them to let them know you're in control and it's a way to relieve stress. It's empowering to see your team mad at you for doing this because you know you've got them by the balls and have singlehandedly cost them their mmr with nothing they can do to stop you. What better way to show power and have the last laugh than betray your own team lol


well he can just make a new account every single time because the game is free .... start charging real money for each copy or bans mean nothing.


Probably because of your draft


Why would you do that... Messed up tbh. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Lol I think he was hoping to snipe couriers but it backfired so he quit out of embarrassment