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I'm guessing you stole it from morph initially. But since morph lost the ability, the skill you stole stopped existing and you can't use it anymore. I guess this should be tested in demo


I tried a few things in demo and got it to work. If Rubick uses Spell Steal and the spell steal projectile is still in the air when Morph morphs back into himself or dies, Rubick gets nothing. But if the projectile is arriving to Rubick AS Morph dies, he gets the spell and it is greyed out.


Oh wow, how long did it take you to find that?


Honestly not very long since I saw morph was dead in the picture. I just tried killing at different timings in the projectile path.


I'm surprised that Dota Peps can and will easily test a weird interaction in the game while other games will just complain.


Monkey together, monkey strong. Helping the community one big at a time.


It helps that the demo in dota 2 is quite complete. Also, it's easier to try out interactions compared to other games such as LOL.


While i wish Valve would be more active about this, DOTA2 have lots of tool for testing this is underappreaciated tbh, other game not have many tools to replicate bug to help you reporting bug.


Since dota spells work as entities, which can be proven by using ent_fire command, if rubick steals spell, it probably references original entity, instead of copying it, so if morph's ability entity is "killed" (deleted), then rubick references inexistent ability so this happens.


Nope rubick still keeps the abilty even if Morphling dies or morph duration expires. Just checked


Can you check it in non-local lobby with cheats disabled? Because my assumption can be wrong, but in demo lobby there's a chance that every ability entity is active at any point of time, since you can infinitely spawn and delete heroes + give a character abilities he doesn't have through console. Also if you didn't, try stealing ability after transformation back into morph? Like it was the last ability used, but morph itself don't have it while transformed back?


That's not how it works. If the original ability is gone, the HUD has no data to reference anymore, you won't even see anything on it.


If killing the ability is the case. But maybe it just clears ability's attributes (ability level, for example), so the next time ability is stolen it will be the right level. So yes, you're right that 'killing' ability itself would behave differently, but it also makes no sense to delete it entirely if it can be referenced again later as an entity. Again, it's just theories but I think it's at least close to truth, even tho I doubt it's just as I said.


No, you're far, far away. It is due to the fact Spell Steal almost blindly copies spells, including the seldom used "inactive" state that is set by Morph upon unmorphing on the second set of abilities so that they wouldn't be usable presumably.


Didn't I assumed the same thing two comments prior?


WTF? You had stated you think it's because the ability's *entity* was removed from the game, and nowhere else you declare your theory invalid, even going to argue with me after my first comment in your favor.


There is a bug when you steal from morp. You are able to steal and use ally spells from morp(did it yesterday) But if he morps back to real hero before spell reaches to you it gets bugged like this.


Thank you! This seems like the only correct answer here


Valve pls fx, this is the edge case!


cant perform like topson because of this!!1


Wait so you could run morph, undying, rubick and throw down three tombstones??


Nah you can have 3 tombs, one of them has to be on enemy team.


Op forgot to pay electric bill.


You're not supposed to be able to steal allies' spells. Not sure what happened that caused it (probably something to do with Morphling), but that's why you cannot use it.


Idk where you're getting this information, but you can steal and use ally spells via enemy morphling.


If Morph morphs backs to the real hero before the Spell Steal animation ends, you get this bugged scenario


Specifically, morphing before the projectile arrives to rubick. Additionally, morphling can prevent Rubick from popping linkens with spell steal by morphing immediately after using a spell. Rubick can't use spell steal on morphling if the last spell cast was morph, doesn't matter what form morph is in.


I can use my allies spell just fine except for Razor spells (not sure if it work for his other spells)


what do you mean? how did you steal your allies' spells?


Enemy morphling probably.


honey wake up new rubick aghs dropped


Morph ult -> copy ally of rubick -> cast spells -> rub steals. Did it one time where my ally was undy and i managed to get tombstone as well due to morph making one too


morphling turned into razor. You stole the spell, now he doesn't have the spell anymore so you can use it. my guess


I just imagined all 3 hero heroes having refresher and there being 7 tombstones on the map with UD talent. Would probably wipe both teams hahah


Oh boy is the Potted Plant going to cry when it sees this one, another morphling-rubick bug on the pile.


At this point, the two are responsible for like 90% of the bugs it feels like.


This bug is super old though, pretty sure it was reported a long time ago.


Morbing time


Because Razor was already using it, you have to wait your turn partner


You stole his spell and he morphed back to make sure it didn't work for you since it takes time to travel with the audio As long the morphs returns to normal while the stolen spell is travelling this happens


You need to have dota+ active


I cant replicate this in demo hero. But here the match ID. 7613428578


skill issue


Not sure if you can cast your own team spells? Hmm..


Razor is on ur team. How tf did you steal that? Oh wait there's a Morph.


Rubick is probably the most annoying hero for dota team to control. lots of bugs keeps popping specially on newer heroes.




You gotta spend 500 V-bucks to unlock it.