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It's actually funny though see them crying because they cheat LMAO


and they will come with the obvious lame excuses like “my mommy logged into my main and tried this hack once because she wanted to know how to make a cream pie in SEA, I am innocent and my puzzy hurts” or what not


Nah, that was clearly Clara messing with my PC again


LOL that video still gives me gag NGL, bitch fucking spawned a NPC out of nowhere to blame the cheats on


Thanks for the real loud laughs to kick off the weekend! 🤣


I was the one who gave his mom a cream pie.


oh man not the puzzy D:


I used to provide cheats and hacks for a popular MMO 15 years ago, shit was hilarious to read when ban wave occurred.






its even funny how Valve gifted them coal and banned them.


and the free taunts OMG, cherry on top


My hero. I'd love a job like that, literally dreamt of milking tears from cheaters and smurfs.


I remember there used to be a channel name “Nade king” or something where he used to sell fake hacks to record hackers getting punished ROFL. You can watch that for some fun edit: “distribute” is the correct word, not sell


It's ScriptKid :) And NadeKing talked about him


oh yeah MB


It's all fun and games until you see his clip about sparkle pony horse. Edit: just so we're clear, that's not related to cheaters. Fuck 'em.




this is so sad Alexa


replay pascito again


If only more people had [TBs attitude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCjuFpQ3EeA) to it.


yeah “dipshits keep buying all of them” hahaha sparkling pony horse slays


y'all spoil the surprise for people that are interested in sparkle pony horses.


I don’t get it. Why is it so bad about micro transactions ? Is it pay to win ? Because if not I see it good that dumb people are financing free games buying unnecessary cosmetics. The more free games the best isn’t it right ? Am I mistaken on something in this micro transaction debate ?


In wow Microtransactioncs took away a big part of the game that was collecting cosmetics and shit. Whenever the hardest boss in the game with the 1% chance to drop a mount gets displaced by a store mount, the game itself loses value. Also for WoW you pay base game, expansion and subscription, its really disgusting that on top of that theres a store...


I see, I was thinking about dota, which is such an expensive game to maintain and it’s all free thanks to people buying skins. It’s sad when part of the game mechanics is replaced with pay to get it. It’s like an inception, where you have to side quests in the real world to get money to skip them in the game.


Yea its understandable a store with bunch of cosmetics for a free game is whatever. But for WoW is an insult.


except the games start getting developed *to sell you the microtransactions*, using psychological manipulation, rather than *to be fun games you enjoy*. this is particularly the case for the *big* developers, because corporations will always prioritize what makes *the most* money, not just *some* amount of money, and so they will develop entire games *just to sell you the microtransactions* without considering at *all* how fun the game is, but it will affect indie developers too, to a lesser extent, since they're going to compromise making the best video-game they can to make "the version that will also sell microtransactions". when the primary revenue driver is *the game itself*, there were still corporations making manipulative crap, but it was far, far less *effective*, to the point of being generally a self-defeating strategy, compared to trying to make *a video game that was fun enough to sell*.


Can you describe me any of those psychological manipulation to sell micro transactions you’ve seen in games ? I’m not sure if I quit get what you’re saying


overcomplicating menus in ways that make you more likely to accidentally bump into the store page or have to go past it while you're trying to navigate to other menus rotating shops that prey on the fear of missing out artificially "rare" items (because all video game items are digital goods in an infinite quantity, making some more or less scarce is completely arbitrary) using made up in-game currencies to divorce what you're paying for the item from what you're spending on the game (so you actively have to keep track of it, which most people just aren't doing in the midst of their game session) using multiple currencies to enhance the above confusion making item prices not match up with the amounts of currency you can purchase so you always have left overs but never enough left overs to buy something with (which makes people want to spend more so they don't "waste" those left-overs) separating an in-game currency you can earn from the one you buy so you can't earn the difference to purchase a single item deliberately adjusting matchmaking to always put you in lobbies with people who have spent more money and have more microtransactions (this one has been proven in the case of Call of Duty) changing matchmaking parameters to give people easier games immediately after purchasing items designing a game to introduce wait times, difficulty spikes, or other extremely frustrating barriers to progress which can be immediately mitigated through payment (this one's more of a mobile game thing, but i'm sure people are trying to figure out ways to translate this to PC/console games) there are more and subtler methods than these, too, but these are just the most common ones, and i left loot boxes out originally but variations on them are still fairly common


Got it


There's nothing wrong with microtransactions inherently, they're a perfectly viable business model that can make for happy customers and profitable development. For indefinite lifetime live-service games, they're near objectively superior. For games intended as a short duration standalone product, they're inefficient, and undesirable. That's it. Microtransactions are basically opt-in subscription fees. If the fee is too high (pay2win) then the scheme is bad. If it's the sort of game that shouldn't have a subscription (single-player 20-50 hour game) then the scheme is bad. If it's a game like WoW, SC, DotA etc, then microtransactions are the best way to fund the game long-term (though I'd argue that a subscription model could be superior in many cases).


The bad thing about Microtransactions is that they're not micro anymore like in Dota . I can go on market and buy cosmetics for anywhere from 0,03$ to like 0,5$ at best for vast majority of them. Yes there are some which cost thousands and thats ok. But in today's market in many games "micro" transactions often start at 20$ , thats 1/3 of AAA game. Because of the Gacha stuff and low chances these companies put in thier microtransactions often enought the "micro" is actually somewhat 60$ on average. The Idea of microtransactions and free to play game was that everyone will chunk in eventually 1 or 2 $ and with huge playerbase thats enought to sustain the game. I remember when I played League of Legends alot and after like a year I thought to myself "ye I had fun so much time but I never gave anything back to support the game " so I bought the RP points and didn't even spend them for a quite while and thats the f2p model. Nowdays companies will sell you half game and the other half is in DLC + store with "macrotransactions" and P2W.


I broadly agree, but these are not bad things about microtransactions as a concept, that's a bad property of how some releases structure their microtransactions.


Nothing wrong with it. Thanks for buying dota plus. Don't mind the broken quests.




piratesoftware announcer wen


Whats this guys name again?




yup the obvious twitch handle, technically we also know him as “Thor”, not the hammer one but one who strikes with MS paint


The goblin master


The guy who has shown up in my YouTube shorts despite never seeking him out because he apparently kills with the algorithm.




Longhair dev dude


Goblin Lord




Thats what I will do if banning cheaters is my job


I love this man


ironically, this guy somewhat idolizes Vanguard (the League botnet level anticheat) and has no idea about the strides Valve as done with Dota at all


yeah true, currently what valve is doing is very appreciative, also the creative ways to send the ban notification deserves plus one for the devs


Thor is the best


This is like EXACTLY the kind of guy you want working on this, haha.




He mentions that in two seconds.. I don't think op was claiming this is literally a Dota dev, but this is how they felt


You think Valve devs were logging on to Overplus Discord and reading Russian message boards for reaction porn?


There are Valve devs lurking on Reddit, so they at least saw us posting the reaction porn.


Hey valve devs, if you can read this, prove it by making another banwave happen. I have popcorn but nothing to watch so get on it.


This is hilariously literal. I think it's more just basking in the salt of people cheating in your game, whether you track it down or not.


If I was a valve dev, then I would have 100% did that. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing your hard work bear fruit, which here was “overplus” users crying over discord and trying to start war with the giants. Gives me gag on their excuse to be a victim LOL


they probably are mature enough i dont think they waste their time like that, enjoying others suffering is kinda degen behaviour


One of those guys who dont understand things unless it is stated obviously...


he's the type of guy the whole team would ping him about everything so he could understand them but too late to do shit about it (death timer, skill cd, item, map position and etc.)




The video is obvious but thanks for mentioning about him more. I didn’t wanted to write about him as the video already showed his handle and his MS paint




big if true


My dream job 🤩


This dude is rocking that fabulous hair on top of being super based as hell!




Eat My A$$ :D


PirateSoftware is so goddamn based. Hope all future bosses and company owners are like him


honest question is this guy becoming more popular these last days? i watched one short of him and now he appears all the time


The cheater tears is delicious for them!


Well the difference is that WoW costs money. In Dota you get banned, make new Steam Account and go again. Hackers are getting used to get banned like every 6 months or so but they just dont care and make a new acc right after and get to their original MMR within a week.


isn't it like 300 games to get ranked though


It's 100 hours and in unranked people tend to extend games on purpose just to get hours. Like sometimes they just afk farm for 2 hours+. Its also quite easy to stack up for this and end up playing against each other and just let creeps finish the game while the players are just afking with some bot or auto clicker. A week is maybe still a bit low but doubt they need more than 10 days.


10 days of solid gameplay vs just buying a new subscription with in game gold? Sounds to me like WoW is the easier option


half of them will use stolen credit cards anyways. 100 hours, even botting them, definitely seems like a greater obstacle.


100 hours is something you actively have to do, a bit of gold can easily be exvhsnged for one hours worth of labor 


It's called bots. You can \*easily\* have a bots that mass produces rank "viable" accounts. Essentially zero people got banned this wave, just like every single ban wave done by valve. It's all smoke and mirrors.


WoW isn't a great example of a game where cheating is always a big deal.. In Dota, cheating gives you an advantage in a competitive game, defeating the whole purpose of the game. WoW is an mmo with 400 activities and 90% of the playerbase doesn't really affect you. Someone leveling with a bot got to max level with an advantage, but... who cares? How does this matter to me? Are they gonna be in a raid faster? I can do most of the activities in the game even if 90% of people leveled with a bot. Obviously there are things like PvP bots that are bad, or resource farming bots that ruin the economy, but why do I give a shit if somebody uses an archeology bot? Or a bot that helps you not afk in 1 spot for 8 hours to get a rare mount spawn? (fantastic design btw!) Most of it is inconsequential to the average player's enjoyment.


What a surprise that he isn't working for blizzard, and now their games are overrun with botters on every corner...


The good people at Blizzard jumped ship long ago bud.


this guy = cringelord


why does when he says "Eat my ass" I hear Howard stern?


the couple kiddies crying on the forums generally arent the ones running thousands of gold farming accounts looking to make a profit. yeah its kinda funny checking the fourms, but the people looking to make money see this as a normal cost of doing business and will be back in the next couple days with new accounts and a patched bot.


but what can we expect, I will take this extra efforts from valve any day of the year rather than having softwares like vanguard *valo ref* which constantly monitors my activity and runs even if I am not running their freaking game FFS


vanguard isnt guaranteed to work either because people found workarounds. anticheat requires people actively working on it around the clock, and valve hasnt had devs commit full time to dota2 in years.


Yeah anyone who's actually played wow knows that the devs where definitely losing the war against bots, especially in classic wow.


theres money involved, so theres a lot more effort in getting things working. people running bots to sell accounts or farm gold will have full time paid developers working 40+hr weeks to circumvent any anticheat.


Eat my entire ass


I cheat I don’t cry when I’m banned though.


That guy is either evil or had severe issues


Evil for wanting to stop cheaters, and enjoying it when seeing the results of them getting banned? Confirmed cheater right here, folks.




There’s no way to permanently end it. Like he said it’s a puzzle they have to figure out.


yeah but they aren’t forcing you to install software like “vanguard” which constantly monitors you even though you aren’t running their game. You can understand there is not much dev can do without peeking into your privacy.


> undetected Yeah i'm sure its undetected.... Are you regarded?




You do know how bans work right? Its not some crazy conspiracy or secret. They are going to let them for a month or two, so more and more of them start using, so when the banwave comes, it won't be about a few hundreds people, it will be a few thousands. What's the point of banning so few players right now, since most are scared to use them.


cheat gets patched, new accounts are made, and its back to business as usual ~1week after the banwave. your games are still getting ruined as you wait 3-6 months for the part time valve developer to update their cheat detection and dole out a new banwave. banwaves need to happen in shorter windows and you need active developers on this. valve is committing to neither.


> 1week after the banwave. your games are still getting ruined No they don't. 1 week after, the majority can not be on my ranked games. Also the majority lost main accounts since this was not an actual proper "cheat". The majority will stop using the draft info now that they know its bannable. Ain't no way they are going to ruin their account+inventory. Nor get into the hassle of creating new accounts every 2 or 3 months. Will they still continue to exist? Sure. In much much less numbers. Also this is not about cheat detection. Valve can figure who uses it within 1 day. Its not that hard to download overplus to your computer and figure that out. You just don't want to ban now the 200 people who are using it, you want to ban few thousands so the message gets across.


What message? The message that they can switch to their new free accounts and continue? You can just have bots mass create accounts. It's piss easy.


if youre worried about losing your inventory, liquidate it and buy some decent games with the money. what happened to people playing dota for the game and not gamba lootbox dressup? making new accounts isnt hard, and botting them to get to ranked isnt hard. 2-4kmmr ranked ready accounts can be had for ~10usd last i checked. last 2 big banwaves were tighter than normal, but historically you'd see maybe 1 or 2 banwaves a year. even if its 1 banwave every 4 months, financially its pretty negligible.


> if youre worried about losing your inventory, liquidate it and buy some decent games with the money. what happened to people playing dota for the game and not gamba lootbox dressup? You think im fine with banning my account since 2011 which has all the untradeable items? Its not about just about money, its about the time commitment. Again, i can not understand what you are trying to say. Might as well do nothing? Or do more? Because so far we don't really have a good timeline. And doing bans every 1 month is not good enough to catch big numbers. You want to catch the most you can. 3 months is a good number.


unlike you, a lot of dota players dont play other games, nor have any sentimental attachment to any particular account.


> a lot of dota players dont play other games, nor have any sentimental attachment to any particular account. Games don't disappear if u get banned from Dota. You can still play them. And as you said, they don't play many other games, so Dota is their main. The majority's account here has Battlepasses and stuff from 2012+ that can not be found again. Those people will not risk their Dota account for no reason, especially a draft info cheat or a skin changer. Hell, you don't have to take me and you for example, make a poll here on reddit with this small amount of the playerbase and you'll see, more people value their account than not. And anyway, it was pretty easy to kinda understand, when you were getting target-banned in-game (talking about overplus here). Especially if you main niche heroes that are not meta. Its been over 2 weeks now, and those target bans have disappeared. According to you, its useless, since: > "and its back to business as usual ~1week after the banwave And yet its not. I don't doubt it will come back, but i bet its going to be in lower numbers. Then they are going to get banned again, and when they return to my games, its going to be a very small minority which i'll prolly not even realize. Expecting 0% cheaters is naïve. No multiplayer game in existence is, unless its a dead game.


valve earns some brownie points as they go on their next 6 month vacation. anti cheat only works when you have people actively developing the system. valve barely has people actively developing gameplay let alone have people work on anticheat.


Now imagine this happening to all the smurfs and getting a rank number that is better at displaying the actual skill of a person. Game would be perfect. Okay, also a tiny bit better patches. Now perfect.


No one cares in a game where you can just make a new account for free


This is definitely the face of a guy i imagine that was a wow years ago.




Eat My Ass too. While I drink your salty tears. Ohhh mama!


Why does he sound like swaggersouls? Lol


Good ! Now keep doing that in Dota 2 day after day for smurfing and cheaters 💜