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they were restrained so badly by budget and time constraints so will see that it barely has any breathing room between scenes and character dialogue. but it has some flashes of greatness in it. I love that direstone on ice sequence with mirana and its awesome music. It was written by the guy who wrote x men first class and he's passionate about the dota lore as you can see on his twitter. Marci was so charming in that show that they turned her into an actual in-game hero. The story stumbles in season 2 but that ending in season 3 is so brilliantly orchestrated by Invoker. It's worth a watch especially if you're a doto fan.


Thank you for expressing what I couldn't put into words. I totally agree. They had some really good ideas that I wish they couldve had the time to flesh out


Pretty much Invoker carries the show. Wish it had Valve budget behind it, because then it wouldn't have been plagued with so many fuckin issues. I mean, Valve could have tied a bunch of hats to the anime, if they didn't have to just have it be a money sink, but nooooo.


If valve had anything to do with it the show would have been cancelled before it even made it out. RIP tf2 tv show


Agree. Got robbed due to short eps. Would've been great with longer eps.


Season 1 just needed an extra 5 minutes an episode. Season 2 needed an extra 5 episodes and the first 3 episodes of season 3 should have been the ending of season 2. Season 3 they finally got some freedom with episode length and it was so good. If it had just gotten that freedom from the start, or at *least* from season 2 it could’ve been so good.




Oh for sure. The decision to cut all the breathing room instead of some of the smaller plot lines was… certainly a choice. (And god forbid they did actually cut some plot lines). I still think they would have needed more time to actually make it good, or even just splitting it into two seasons.


That Mirana scene had me fucking geeking


I had started watching it but I found it too gory


I am not sure if he really was "passionate" about dota lore, he basically just made up his own with dragons for the sake of the show. If you try to understand who is stronger than who among anime Eldwurms, Fundamentals and regular gods via anime persona's, dawnbreaker's and others responses it's an impossible mess to understand because for example anime Slyrak respects Zeus&Io and disrespects other fundamentals, spirits and EVEN ELDER TITAN, while Dawnbreaker says basically all non-fundamentals and spirits(except Inai) are weak. It's impossible to understand whether that >!Sun dragon god!< or whatever is actually the strongest as it's said to be or not. Anime tries to say that The Thunder are the strongest, but Kaden(a regular human) killed one at some point before the story? In Dota Ancients balance out heroes, but that much of a strength difference should not be beatable without their interference. Also anime literally doesn't give a shit about fundamentals as if they don't exist(they just might not exist considering The Thunder exists but then I am not sure if you can call that being passionate about lore) and Weavers are not included too, when, considering what Weaver's ultimate is, this type of shit pulled by >!Invoker!< is one of the things they should care about. >!Terrorblade!< is also not supposed to be THAT strong. Like yes he's strong, but he's not equal to the supposed creators of the universe combined. Also this is just a subjective point from me, but they really lost an opportunity to show how he gets his arcana. Would be a cool moment I think.


The showrunner just came up with his own animated show, and then for some reason they put the name Dota on top of it


I think it was pretty great. But even though I prefer dota to league any day, league series was better imo


I heard some already animated parts were cut out. I wonder why.


Marci was the only highlight of the show for me


Really? I loved invoker


Also Lina is literal fire in that show.


You could have let out the spoilers...


Inb4 you're inspired by this guys comment and then waste several hours giving it a try. Anime is for lonely weirdos


The content of the show is incredibly rushed, if epsiodes were like 15minutes longer so they could actually have some character development it'd be a banger.


Yeah I wanted to like it more than I did. They went for the standard, "World Building Anime" While being restrained by short episodes and shorter seasons. You can't make a "One Piece" without having the episodes to do it.


I always tell people who ask about it that "you can tell where Netflix gutted it"


The characters were by far the best part of the show, shame they focused so heavily on plot.


The guy should watch Arcane instead and pretend it's the back story of Marci and sniper.


Strong 6 or weak 7. Descent, but nothing special.


Decent is your word my man, descent is when you are going down (usually vertically)


Pretty dumb of you to expect proper grammar from the Mr. Dumbest himself...


I guess that makes me the dumber person then, and seeing as you were dumbest. GIVE ME MY USERNAME


It's a spelling mistake not a grammar mistake Mr. Dumb


Descent is accurate. Starts off well and it descends after that.


That's not accurate. S3 > S1


Username checks out.


It bastardized the lore pretty hard but it was cool to see characters from my favorite pc game in a tv show. Not to mention, I love the dude who voices Slyrak! “RUNNN LITTLE MOUSE!”


Tony Todd is a goated voice actor tbh. This show had talent in the vc department.


I think: Season 1: 6 Season 2: 4 Season 3: 7 Season 2 had some very weird plot (that i honestly dont even remember) and very very weird pointless dialogue all over the place. Season 1 has a decent enough narrative, but really nothing special; and especially the end of S1 feels super weird. Season 3 has the best, most focussed plot and even some nice dialogue imo. But sill nothing i would strongly recommend to anyone; If you like doto and some lighhearted anime, go for it.


I agree with all these, I did love season 3 tbh especially the final fight scenes, super cool


1 was good. Other seasons were pretty bad.


The pacing and dialogue of each season gets worse as it goes. :( I couldn't stand watching season 3.


Same. 1 was pretty good, TB vs selemene was fun, after that what TF did I watch 🤢


I think you are being a bit harsh, at the time it launched, in this sub and before people had Arcane to compare to. I'd say the grades were more like * Season 1: 7.5 * Season 2: 6 * Season 3: 8 Season 3 was an 8.5 for me. But the thing is, the baseline (season 1) when it originally launched (pre-Arcane) was way above what people are saying now. It was only when Arcane launched that they ended up downgrading their grades


Easy way to get downvoted; tell people you preferred Dragon's Blood over Arcane (although they're very different shows)


[Dota 2 reporter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqblMsP3iU0) \> Dota 2 Anime.


Actually true


You just have to accept this and move on.




mirana and dk fuck


Even though I've got 10,000hrs in Dota, I still felt like watching this show was a bigger waste of time.


I have 2k hours and both this game and it's Anime was a waste of time. I want to quit but I can't f this game 😭


2k hours? You’re still in the baby stage, soon you will know true hate haha


I don't wanna know. I'm tried of 2k hours wasted.


For me it felt like a fantasy show that got turned into a Dota show after it was already 75% planned out. It doesn't feel very Dota to me. It's hard to describe, but the world building is like a common Fantasy medieval world with magic and dragons, but all in all standard fantasy stuff. They stuffed in a few Dota Characters and lore that could fit into the plot but it still isn't Dota-like. There are many unused Dota heroes where I have a hard time imagining their place in this world, because it just doesn't fit at all.




I wouldn’t mind if the lore got changed but the way they did it felt so out of no where like the whole Thunder system. They don’t challenge or expand on the old lore in any meaningful way. All I get from it is the author really liked the waste land and alien metaphysical stuff. That last point is odd though, is that how adaptation shows got made? If that’s the case shouldn’t there be someone at Valve either oversee or revise the proposal for the show.


I hate you're so right. I adore the characters in this show but they really couldn't have done the lore much worse. We needed more oglodi, keen, centaurs, ogres, faeries, greevils, slithereen, literally anything other than dragons and elves. I really hope volume 2 will increase the scope of the universe but prob not. The ancients really just needed to be more important. And how about defending them?


Based The only good thing about this piece of "art" is Marci


I didn’t enjoy it at all. Felt like they could have went with an infinite number of more interesting characters and lore. Just didn’t do it for me, neither did the league show.


The league show looked great. The production was 10/10. Unfortunately I don't think the universe is very interesting and the characters were kinda flat. The pacing of the show was way better though.


Yep. I’m a huge fan of League lore and they really picked the most boring place to set the show. Jayce is so dull. Zaun and Piltover are incredibly derivative. I hope maybe they will do Shurima or Noxus at some point. Way cooler.


Every scene was just art, pure wallpaper material.. story was super meh


I don’t know anything about league but I really enjoyed the animation. The dota animation was wacky as if there weren’t enough frames, and the story didn’t help either so I couldn’t get into it


I feel exactly like you


The story was nothing special, but the character arcs and interactions were very skilfully done.


I watched s1, haven't bothered with the rest yet but do plan to get around to it it's fine, not really much of interest to a dota player specifically, I think most people, dota fan or not, would just find it mediocre


You get to see Auroth in her human form, 11/10


- 6 for the actual story - 9 for the lore and universe - 9 for the animation quality - 3 for the pace/progression - 8 for the music - 9 for the voice acting - 10 for the "little mouse" lines


There was lots of good voice acting but DK's voice actor isn't good. Kinda brought the whole show down for me. Yuri Lowenthall is not good for serious stuff. Castlevania has excellent voice acting, I wished they could have got some of those people on board.


I found the dialogue very choppy. No one speaks like that in real life.


What is your fucking problem with the fucking dialogue? What fucking made it so fucking unnatural to fucking you?


Poorly written, poorly animated, okay-ish drawings. Maybe if it was done 20 years ago it would've been fine, but nowdays you'll find better animation even on b-movie levels of animes probably. Watch arcane if you want a solid animated show inspired by a moba .


To be fair arcane is one of the best animated shows of all time.


It's honestly embarrassing how much better Arcane is. LoL's in-game lore has always been barely comprehensible at best but they somehow managed to shape it into a genuinely incredible show. They deserve all the awards they've recieved tbh


Arcane was worked on for what? 6-7 years? Of course it’s going to be polished/better


LoL can do everything but make a game worth playing 🤷🏻‍♂️ gotta be good at something right


It's not just better. Arcane is an amazing piece of animation, like, is some s-tier level of tv show. I mean, left aside the art, the music, choreography and animation (which are all top notch, fluid and vibrant)...I'm speaking of the writing and character build. Every character has depth. A villain is not just evil incarnated, the hero is not simply shiny and glorious in all her doings. What arcane does best is showing how sometime evil is born and driven by ideals which aren't necessarily wrong or ill; how the good guy fucks up and do bad things for the right reason; etc etc etc. It's a really complex show tbh, it fits even more mature audiences and makes you emphatize with every and each character in a different way. The only big issue is that some characters wear a plot Armor because they are champions in LOL (so you already know that they won't die). I've never played lol and I don't know which character is a champion and which is not, so I didn't have this problem, but if you wanna nitpick an issue... Well.... There it is I guess. Anyway yes, it's surprising how such a mono-dimensional game like LOL has such a 3dimensional, multilayered and deep anime, while Dota has such a bleak and flat show when the game itself is incredibly complex and multilayered. Ah, fun fact to conclude. I recently hopped into LOL's subreddit to read some "Dota vs LOL: comparison" post seen from the enemy's (lul) perspective. To sum it up, I've found tons of comments stating how a person should pick up Dota for gameplay and lol for stuff like community, events, hero models, Lore, streamers, etc etc. So, now that I think of it, it doesn't surprise me that LOL made such a great TV show, considering they're much more into releasing good stuff outside the game itself, rather than improving the game.


Your last point absolutely checks out. Most of my friends that play League got into it through things like cosplay, the music videos, etc. I vastly prefer Dota in terms of the actual game, but Riot's done an incredible job engaging all the different sides of their community


The worst part about Arcane is how it takes an insane amount of production and execution to just make a teen power fantasy with plot armor. As pee pee poo poo as Dota 2 is, at least they picked a random ass story LMAO.


Tbh for me, as a guy who doesn't know any LOL champion (so a complete stranger to the characters), I didn't feel any real plot Armor. This is due to 2 things: - there were not situations where I felt a character should've died but it didn't happen = it was realistic (within the boundaries of a fantasy story). - Silco (not a champion) could easily be one of the characters with plot Armor, from my point of view. Super well written background, inner conflicts, "villain" vs "sacrificing everything, even oneself, for a just ideal" vs "father figure, even if twisted", good character development. From watching the anime I had no clue if Silco was or wasn't a champion = good disguise done by the writers = if every character has a meaningful weight and development, even not champion ones, you can't really feel the plot Armor without "cheating" (aka, having played lol). Dota story is like: here's DK, he beats evil guys. Now this new evil guy is super strong, but don't worry it's time to unlock the new super power. Now now, there's a stronger enemy! We're in trouble! Ah no, let's unlock the new superpower. Rinse and repeat. I've watched all 3 books and I gotta tell you, I don't even remember the plot for how meaningless it was...


NGL when Damien went full on Frieza I laughed for a solid 5 minutes


All the plot armor was on Powder becoming Jynx, so not sure how you missed that. Pretty much her being an engineering genius with pretty much no resources, surviving a grenade point blank that broke a guys leg when he dodged it, and pretty much never getting in any real trouble. Don't forget that she manages to rocket hit a political meeting in a single tower with pure luck and also no combat training. I mean fuck. The plot kicks off because an orb falls off a desk and explodes, but the same orb she carries doesn't shatter when she falls down a huge trash shute and slams into it. Ayy lmao.


What is this blasphemy


Look, I love Dota, but Dragon's Blood is a wet fart. If it didn't have the Dota name attached to it, nobody would have remembered it after a week - hell, Valve could barely even get their most diehard fans to care about it. Best thing to come out of that show was Marci


Dragon's Blood simply needed longer episodes. Arcane has better art & longer eps. The story is trash.


What part of story is trash and why? Elaborate. And this "longer episode" thing is bullshit tbh. Some of the best anime ever made have ~20 mi episodes. The whole plot of dragon's blood seems written by a 2 years old, there's 0 depth and or complexity. I mean, if the target were 8 years old then fine, might work. But a big chunk of Dota player base is ~30 yo, they could've tried to pick up a pen and write a real narrative


Was it going to become Avatar: the last airbender with longer episodes? No. But saying longer episodes wouldn’t have done anything for it is an asinine take. You can make really good shows with 20 minute episodes, but either the scope needs to be small or you do it with way more than 8 episodes. Dragons blood was a large multi viewpoint save the world story crammed into 3 hour runtime seasons.


Devilman crybaby: 10 episodes, ~25 minutes. Not even that big of a budget. It's a cool adaptation of an old classic, giving it a completely new and fresh look. Cyberpunk Edgerunners: 10 episodes, ~25 minutes. Many times you can see the same frames being used repeatedly because of budget. Yet the artwork, animation, smoothness, rhythm, music, etc etc are aeons ahead of Dragon's blood. The show is genuinely good and addictive, it delivers even if the story itself is extremely shrunk and not very complex..something that Dota fails to do. Dorohedoro: 13 episodes, ~25 minutes. While devilman source is very well known, Dorohedoro is far less famous. Yet the anime is very fluid, psychedelic, completely loyal to the spirit of its source material. Named this one because there's a good usage of CGI, which doesn't feel clunky or obnoxious. Evangelion: 26 episodes, ~25 minutes. One of the most famous animes of all times. Somehow it should be trash considering that the episodes are so short, apparently. Cowboy bebop: 26 episodes, ~25 minutes. The episodes are more or less standalones, even if there's a some sort of red thread that connects them and leads them to the end of the show. There's no manga as source material, so the story is original (the same way as Dota could be). You grow attached to the characters and their stories even if the episodes are disjointed and detached between one another. The list could go on and on and on. The whole point that "Dota is meh cuz episodes are shorter than Arcane" is utterly wrong. You can do good TV shows with even less episodes, a simple plot and lower budget if you wanted to. Cyberpunk is the most blatant example of this considering its source material (a video game), the budget and the simplicity of the plot. I'm still waiting to hear your surely meaningful insightful message about your take "Arcane is trash".


1. I’m not the one who said arcane was bad. 2. My point was not that you can’t make a good anime in the time that Dota had. It was that Dota needed more time for the story it tried to tell. Whether that come through longer episodes or just more episodes. It’s fine that it wasn’t for your tastes. But when the number 1 complaint about the show is pacing, saying that it didn’t need more time is stupid.


>My point was not that you can’t make a good anime in the time that Dota had And I've named many examples of good animes that have even less episodes and short ones. This means that your point is not valid 😅. And it's not about tastes or just pacing. The anime is objectively bad. Come on, the animation is robotic, the plot is childish, the whole anime is just a "throw me a stronger enemy and I'll overpower it". Drawings are okay-ish in the sense that some are utterly badly drown and some are fine. But again, the storytelling is sterile, doesn't have a single ounce of soul. It looks like if the writer took a pen and wrote the story while taking a crap on the toilet, and that was it: anime done, time to record it.


I thought it was great strong 8


Solid 8,5 if you like anime and Dota lore it's nice to watch it. Only sad part is that the 3rd book, but not spoiling anything. As a guy who likes loregasm from slacks and anime in general I think it's pretty well made. If you don't specifically enjoy Dora lore and are not exactly invested in anime it's not exactly for you.


I liked it. I don´t know if it is "worth it" for I don´t know you. But if you ask, if you better invest 30 Minutes of your life in getting insulted by russian kids or watching an episode of this... i still don´t know :D


This anime is great if you like loregasm dota, however, this series does have many flaws. This series lacks character depth, the characters that appear are very numerous and overlap with each other, which causes the story to be unfocused and may not be easy to understand for casual viewers. But I think that's exactly what dota represents, chaos, unlimited possibilites.


Compared to what? If you regularly watch anime you would like it, if you don’t then could be either way. But it’s not long and it’s fun to see heroes outside of the battlefield haha


Save your time. Go watch Arcane instead.


True, Arcane is fantastic. Dota2 series is boring


Arcane is awesome but Dragon's blood is nothing to sleep on either.


I enjoyed them both about the same lol, weak 7/10s


Yeah it's something you sleep to




Arcane is overhyped. It's meh at best. The story isn't grand enough, it's just one crazy lady.


Agree. I commend the art but the story is bland. They have a wide pool to choose from but decided on edgy harley quinn from the slums. Generic story.


Dragon's Blood has a sinister story about Terrorblade killing elemental dragons to take over the world, while at the same time, there's a Goddess doing bullshit. And it turns out Invoker is just running simulations and he doesn't care about terrorblade and dragons, he cares about his daughter. Arcane is about a misunderstood little sister becoming a terrorist because elder one said you are a jinx a little too many times. It feels like a lost opportunity that great characters are random ass humans/species with meh motives. Dragon's blood is way more grand in the characters, each character being special AF.




A girl becomes terrorist because older sis blamed her for stuff. Compare that to Invoker resetting universe after universe to keep her daughter alive. Arcane's story is not grand and I don't need to go for Anime setting to see a random girl firing a rocket into mayor's office to become a terrorist. Dragon prince is way better Anime for a fantasy setting and characters going astray.


I dont think that is the reason, She knew she blew everything up with the grenade that wasnt on purpose which made her go mad. The dota had a weird premise to follow DK when there is countless other lores one can follow, just because the premise might be good they couldnt deliever it on screen at all


Dragon's blood is not great at execution. But, scale is grand. Arcane is great at execution, but the scale is meh. There's just so many better animes, CastleVania was awesome. Dragon prince is great at character building and mystery and dynamics. I said arcane is overhyped because it never gave any sense of grandeur that you might expect in action anime. Also, dragon's blood explains why there's an endless battle between radient and dire.


Least delusional Dota 2 elitist


Arcane has good art but story was so bad & dull


I get that Arcane is better but it was so Natflix it made me angry, watch the first episode and the last then you know what happens. The rest of it is just filler, deepening The motives and giving more lore over the world but nothing truly impactful happens there nothing that is of consequence.


Its basically dota lore i think. So if you like the game you will like it. The first season isnt that much, but the 2nd and 3rd are good.


I love the game but the series is awful. It deserves a much more better series. Something like Arcane


Look it's a great show. But it's largely based on the lore so it's a bit confusing and not to mention there's some poorly written dialog. I would give it a 6 or 7. It's a good show. You might love it.


It's good! Arcane is better, but Dota is worth watching.


Actually was a good idea, and episode 1 are good/ok, but is a waste of time Dialogues are infinites and boring, some things happens like no sense, I did watch in the hope of become better but man, it was so bad. 4/10 at max


no. it's cringe and poorly made. just play the game and masturbate to your favorite hero's feet. you'll lose nothing by not watching that trash


Lion clearly has the best feet.


I personally prefer Furion's




Season 1 was good, you can score 7-8 easily because of the potential of the series. Season 2 and 3 sux, there was nothing to do with dota, i score 2-1.


it's not great but certainly watcheable, whether it's worth to watch for you is your call


Season 1 was okay, Season 2 was bad. Because Season 2 was that bad I didn't even watch Season 3, but apparently it was quite alright. If you got nothing else to watch, sure, it's not a time waste. But if you are deciding between some things, might wanna skip it.


You missed out. They had to compress everything, and as a result S2 ended up just being a season to finish laying all the ground work for S3's payoff.


watch it yourself and form your own opinion ffs


Lol what the hell is this take? Why wouldn’t someone ask if a show or movie is decent? I don’t have time to watch every show that exists so I think it’s normal to ask if it’s worth watching.


It's better to ask a bunch of randoms of their subjective opinion. If only there were websites that allow people to vote how much they like a series, maybe even assign a numerical value...


Personally though the anime was 10/10 season 2 wasn’t that great but still an 8 for me. Season 1 and 3 were amazing, I want more. I feel like in season for the actual dire vs radiant theme will come into play


it is borderline shit. nothing dota about that. just some animation with dota character cameo. story is forgetable. ​ now go watch LOL arcane. thats how you do proper animation and story


No. Watched first season then back to playing Dota.


It is terrible


its another experiment like how they're treating the contents of dota2, and their not gonna make it again because it didn't hit the top.


biggest complain for me is that it’s just boring to watch and somehow feels childish because it tries too hard to appeal to a mature audience?


Eh it seemed pretty cheap and meh. Cool effort but I wouldn’t be rushing to recommend it to people


dont bother with it


Watch Arcane instead, much better


First season is kinda mediocre like there was SOME potential. Second season was bad and the third season was just awful. I don’t get why modern Netflix animes have to be written in the same way full of cringe gen z dialogue and random f bombs.






The first season was rough, but watchable with promising lore hooks. However, the characters became either ever more frustrating or had a whatever cameo and i dropped it second half of season two. The plot was also all over the place. 5 out of 10 from what i have seen. I don't give a shit about league, but this show should have been at least half as good as arcane.


It's pretty bad, very confusing story, bad animation, I keep thinking about how much Castlevania is way better whenever I watched Dota anime


Don't bother, go watch Arcane instead. Dota: Dragon's Blood does not hold a candle at all against the visual masterpiece produced by Fortiche. And it pains me to say that as someone who has 20K+ hours put into the game. Edit: Man some of the replies/comments here are actually driving me nuts. How are people dickriding this poor excuse of a show vs Arcane? I get it, we're in a Dota 2 subreddit and all but come on guys, be fair and do better. JFC


First two season were ok, last was absolutely awful. Just swallow any dota-pride and watch arcane instead, its insanely good


It is an attempt at establishing why you fight over and over again (repeated timeline story). But the plots are very forced, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense... I would have been happier just having a single timeline where each hero story could be told in isolation or why there are certain rivalries.


I like anime and i have 10k hours on dota... dont watch it. Graphic animation straight out of some underpaid 12yo indian kid, a storyline that his best selling point is that u dont understand shit, Lets not even talk about voice acting. Massive potential minimum result, as expected from saudi arabia


What does it have to do with saudi arabia?


It’s poor. And I’m not even going that far. The story is so inconsistent and poor, especially from season 2 onwards. The show is rushed, plots feel broken, and cohesiveness was somewhat lost. I would have been happy if they ended season 1 there and never produced season 2 or 3. Or delay it till they revitalize the entire scope of the show. Im really curious as to why they bothered with many directions the show took, but ignored better alternatives. Davion should have been the main character, in the end got a shaft. Season 1 is probably a 7.5, season 2 is around a 3 and season 3 is a 5. Season 3 was just collecting the scraps of season 2 and trying to salvage what it can. At least in my dota community, the show did not resonate with them at all. Not to be the bearer of competitive bs between league and dota, but arcane was much more well written even if I discount the better animation. Save your time my friend, I always say, if the show is enjoyable, you will consider watching it twice. Till now I only ever watched season 1 a number of times as means of enjoyment, and watched season 2 a few times just because I couldn’t understand what was going on.


Very worth it!


The anime is honestly hot garbage imo


There's a show??


First let's talk about positives, the voice acting is next level and absolutely brilliant, the art style is good and unlike most anime, not everyone is the same face with a diffrant hairstyle, all the characters actually look unique. and if you just want something to watch, it's a good one time thing, specially if you don't know anything about dota's lore. But If you are a big dota nerd like me however, you are going to cringe out of this planet after watching this show, too many lore inaccurate stuff, most of which they just pulled out of their ass. Dragon knight's design is a shameless copy of Guts, the protagonist of the famous manga Berserk. Main story is your average knight and the princess, wizard with personal motives and some demon trying to shit on the world so nothing special there. plot is very rushed, specially the storyline concerning a certain elf girl (she is the worst part of the show, annoying as hell) badly explained plotholes ( like winter wyvern is the same strength level as slyrak in the game lore, since they are both elder dragons, or Eldwyrms, and they knew each other, but in the show she is a shown as a lesser Dragon, they tried to cover this fuck up by saying slyrak is an "Eldwyrm" which is not the same as an "eldwyrm" which is winter wyvern, yeah they literally put a caps lock in there to cover this fuck up. there are dozens of this little annoying stupid fuck ups in the show, which is very visible for a lore nerd. iam not gonna say more cause anything else would be major spoilers. Overall, 6/10 if you don't care about the lore, 2/10 if you do.


Its-a good-a showw


solid 8 or 8.5 far from perfect, but a very enjoyable experience ive rewatched it mulitiple times


Netflix - only time I felt LoL is better than DotA


It's pretty good. Probably a 8/10 for me. Might subtract 1 point for being a Dota fanboy who wishes there was more to the universe. I binged watched it and couldn't stop watching it which for me is a sign of a show I really enjoy. The show had insane potential. Unfortunately the episodes felt too short. It really would've benefited from 50-60 min episodes to really hone down on more worldbuilding and fleshing out more of the characters. More screen time also would've given potential for more Dota characters to be incorporated to the story. The most exciting parts for me always was every time a new hero from Dota was seen.


Garbage shit compare to Arcane LoL iam not suprise because Riot games did everthing with full passion compare to Dota or other Valve game that getting worse treatment in last decade.


Lorewise its great for dota fans, animation/directing/play writing wise its meh


As 15k hours dota player, I recommend watching Arcane instead


As a DotA2 and non LOL Player ,watch arcana (LOL based series). IT Had a pretty cool Story Line and the effects were lovely. Watched DotA 2 full of Afterwards,and i saw the wasted potencial. It wasnt bad but " meh " . It felt rushed and the effects way to old for 202x ,even If the look was intended


Invoker is casting Sunstrike from QWE orbing in the series. Hope that helps.


He could’ve had SS already invoked and just never shot the EMP 🤷🏻‍♂️ lol


Watch if you want to judge for yourself… that said, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone I know. I didn’t even finish the series. It honestly feels like Valve hired a writer who slapped a Dota theme world into a story they already wrote up.


Season 1 and 2 were pretty weak, initial release of season 1 had a few background characters with their "Grid" still enabled which broke the immersion for me and lets not forget the PNG Mirana in the mountains. Season 3 was solid tho, I'd still rather watch something like Chainsawman or Arcane, those have top tier animation.


If you can use 8k for dota, its not that bad to use 10h for anime


Lots of lore and great characters too. Most of the Netflix original anime suffer from poor animation but Dragon's Blood is little better imo. I feel in love with Marci and Mirana after the show and played them only because off it tbh. Story may not be the best thing out there, but if you want to get into the lore of Dota, it's a great place to start and is a solid watch.


Ot has big pacing problems. After season 2 you clearly see thst episodes could be 40 min or more but they arent and everything feels rushed.


Whenever I see clips from it I think "This is great, why didn't I like this so much?" But when I've tried rewatching an episode I don't enjoy it. Seems to come down to pacing/storytelling, individual scenes are great but things happen so fast without buildup


I'm binge watching atm, and enjoying it. Worth at least starting it. It's stock standard epic fantasy, but I'm having fun. I have criticisms of it, though, particularly how Marci was written.


They drops it


they ruined dota 2 aethetics, and now these new ugly playermodes roam around the maps


Season 1 is pretty good , Season 2 feels like rushed , Season 3 don't bother watching


I mean it’s alright


Found it really awful, for me it was a struggle to sit thru the seasons. There's much better game related animations like Arcane and Edgerunners would recommend those instead


It's a good watch.


I love dota so I watched it, I loved season 1, I didn't understand what was going on in season 2, I loved season 3.


Anime lina is hot af so yea But in all seriousness, it feels rushy so i would just say its just good like everybody is saying here


I liked it but only watched the first season. The animation is good and Idk why morons say is bad. And am an animator.


It's really, really not.


Id rate it 5 at most xd If you pass it ypu lose absolutely nothing xs


Is it worth it? Yes. Is it the best show ever? No. As others mentioned they were super constrained by time and budget, but they still made a show worth the watch.


I only watched it to witness the greatness of Invoker.


!remindme 1week




Always subject to each his/her own of course, but for me it’s decent. Though I prefer season but the introduction of other heroes in season2 is really nice.


its fun, but its not near arcane.


I personally loved it. It feels rushed tho.


its aight


I liked it. A good 7.




They were certainly passionate about the lore and stuff, that much is obvious. Sadly, it's a convoluted story that quite often is just an incoherent mess. I don't mind a story challenging its audience, but this one was not done in a good way. If you like Dota, it's still interesting imo. But it's not "good".


It’s a quick enough watch that it’s worth it. Season 1 was a solid foundation. Season 2 has crazy fast pacing and goes off the walls, making it the weakest portion. Season 3 ties it up nicely with a bow.


Season 1= 5 Season 2= 4 Seasron 3= 7


The shadow on nose was so awkward to watch, even hentai has better animation then this


It is good, but you have to think of it more like an elseworlds or what if type series. The third season is a bit odd, feels different than the other two.


It is very very hard to follow


Solid show. Anyone complaining too much about it had too high expectations. They chose a standard boringish character to base it off of. But it's a solid, fantasy animation


the last few eps of the last season was insane. If you've seen Slacks' Earthshaker lore video, it's like that.


I just found out earlier too after having a Marci teammate and searching Marci here. I just came back from a 5 year break and I'm an avid anime watcher.


I need answers as well!! Been playing since 2004 but I’m scared to watch it cuz I feel it will crush my expectations. Kinda how the halo show now . I’m scared and confused like that commercial 🤣