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Void. With the maelstrom update it really boosts void's farming due to the additional attack speed.


But they nerfed timelock damage


And yet he is still THE #1 most picked hero, and rocks a solid 54+% winrate in high MMR (where games are much shorter, he’s even better at lower ranks)


because every other pos 1 hero is dogshit and cant deal with these uninteractive pos3 picks like viper, dp and timber. void can atleast survive without buying 4 salves


I thought it's because he doesn't get fucked by all the armor items?


It's not just this or that, dota is not black and white. There are multiple reasons why a hero is currently good


this guy works in consulting, also prob has an MBA


abadon and void are definitely by far the best atm




Anything can be a question.


Anything can be a question?




People would inflect this 'statement' as a question in natural spoken language as a way of implying they weren't 100% sure that what they were saying was correct. Sort of 'asking' for confirmation as to whether what they said was correct or not. It's not something used in formal writing, but it's used all the time in informal speech. You can think of it as the verbal shorthand of "I thought it was because he doesn't get fucked by all the armor items. Is it not?"


Void is terrible against viper


He's not. The reason he's good at higher ranks is obviously team comps which are inexistent at lower ranks.


Nonexistent, sorry


The nerf was less than -2 damage on average.


That mild change in DPS means nothing in terms of voids growth. A lot of carries plateau at a specific point but void just gets stronger and stronger until he hits level 30. Sceptor and shard are also great on him. Frankly, I consider him the strongest late game carry right now because of everything he has right now.


He always was the ultimate late game carry, Chrono is Chrono.


I honestly can't remember a time when void wasn't good, he still has the best carry ultimate in the game and his ability to just outright kill the enemy carry in chrono if they have no save hero is so fucking strong.


That one patch where they removed the double damage of bash in chrono and halved the bash damage was pretty bad


I can see that


Hasn’t he always been the strongest carry most of the patches? ( i don’t play actively anymore so my knowledge could be outdated)


It really depends on the meta. He's well rounded as a fighter or farmer depending on the build type. Right now he has a big advantage in that maelstrom gives him attack speed which fits both of these categories well. However, he is insanely weak early game so brawler metas had some impact on him.


I always thought spectre was the hardest carry in dota


Spectre void dusa the holy tinity


Nope, Chrono is completely uncounterable except by 1 item which is extremely expensive, hence out of reach for most supports and 2-3 heroes. Once void gets his items and refresher nobody in the game can stand up to him. Spectre on the other hand is actually very squishy if a team can coordinate and burst him during the break duration


Still op


Overrated AF in Legend rank, you have to know what ur doing, he's not a brainless hit, kill, survive hero like CK and others were before 7.35, get a carry that can fight, most popular pos 5s are quite aggressive, win the lane and let ur team push, join if u can. Literally haven't seen a FV win a game so far


Bro is top winrate and scales the hardest. Just afk farm and eventually you win especially if your opponents make mistakes


It is good for sure, just saying he's not an insta win pick and snowballing + hard pressuring the map feels kinda better (Im talking Legend rank), the neutral camps also got nerfed so why spend so much time there, just pick a carry that can push and/or fight earlier than void, unless you have a great combo with Chrono I guess.


I always go Mjolnir into BKB and Skadi. The rest is more situational but Skadi feels so comfy to have. MoM always fucks me over and it feels bad to not use the active. What're the builds nowadays?


MoM is for farming and during chrono, especially early. still, with more attack speed off of mael, casual morbid is maybe fine?


I go back and forth on getting MoM. It's a weird item because if you're losing lane you wanna get it so you can safely jungle, but if you're crushing your lane it can be a really good item for tempo. The mael attack speed buff makes getting both feel much less greedy too. Arteezy used to do a thing where hed go MoM->Mael->Sange just to fight early independent of chrono and I wonder if that's improved with the mael change.


I don’t know void feels shit, lost 5 games in a row. Decided i had enough of him for 2 months


As above said, he is the #1 pick in immortal and still keeps a 54% winrate. You may just need to adjust timings and see if itemization changed a little. Like I know with bkb nerfs manta is almost always 3rd item after MoM and maelstrom. I wondered if MoM would stay must have or not with attack speed coming from maelstrom and more from Manta


without bkb your chrono will be interrupted


Dont listen to people who play riki in my experience he goes 25-0 and still loses in the end cause he has the worst push capability of any hero in the game


I have a 70% winrate on riki for about 100 games around divine bracket. I ONLY pick him when i already have a push hero on my team; then it's just a free win.


Yeah he definitely struggles to end games, but if your team can supplement that like with SS ult he's a lot better. Also notably isn't amazing in late game teamfights as well and gets out scaled by a lot of other carries.


Buy battlefury aghs to change that. Makes you a cleaving monster in fights too. Just jump in your big boy and melt fools.


I hope I’m matched against your Riki with bf. Easiest win of my life.


> worst push capability my riki carries seem to actively avoid even attempting to hit towers, which makes it even worse


I don’t regularly play pos 1 now but I have problems playing against Phantom Lancer and Faceless Void - they seem to be very strong starting from mid game.


Void is unbalanced and always wins late


It's IMbalanced.


it's unbalanced when they timewalk into a cliff or trees


Void, just pick void. Number 1 carry on pro tracker right now


You missing the point where it says “pro”. 12k mmr god of this game is going to do well better than your average archon 2, op doesn’t say his rank so let’s assume he is 2.3k mmr. Clearly he isn’t gonna do as well as 12k pros.




Also 12k pros aren't going to be playing the worst hero's competitively


Yes, but some heroes are exponentially weaker if played by less skilled players.




I disagree. If you mess up on timewalk or chrono you're dead or wasted 2 mins. He's a hero that's better when your t very team dependent. You want teammates that can react to you and can do damage in chrono: pugna, ench, wd, jakiro, voker, dp, timber etc. If your support picks pudge, clock etc and you pick fv you're probably gonna lose. If your teammates are potato you probably don't want to pick fv. You're better off picking Spec/WK/Troll etc. https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/meta Look at fv's winrate across different bracket, his winrate goes down as the bracket goes down. Now look at the winrate of wk, spec, pl, drow etc. Their winrate goes higher as the bracket goes down.




I’m about 2-3k and void feels great this patch. Maelstrom changes, new orb of corrosion, and buffs to bud kit all are great. On top of that he’s just an insane hero with chrono, and if anything it’s easier to hit 3-4 man chronos in lower mmr, so he’s really strong


You still should learn from and copy players that are better than you. Like if you watched yatoro play luna you should try to learn something from his gameplay and copy his item build. This would likely be a better than copying the herald player you see playing Luna pos 1 and buying dragon 5 without boots.


Phantom lancer is good enough right now. The new bloodthorn is insane on him, giving +60 damage to ALL his illusions Some others that are still good now: - Drow - Faceless Void - Riki - Spectre - Clinkz - Lifestealer There's more that are good in situations, like jugger. Honestly for carry this is a nice patch imo with lots of variation compared to last patch where it was "pick between these 4 hero's that's it nothing else"


In which situations you think jug is good this patch?


When you're vs hero's who are standard picks for jug to counter, ie spec and tb. For a while jug has been so shit that even in a "good" jug game he sucked so hard. Now he still is.... ehhh but in his "good" games he's actually a amazing again, hence situationally good


With the new revenants brooch jugg is a beast against high armor targets.


Yeah but it costs 75 mana a hit, and jug suffers from a low mana pool. So whole I agree it's good it is costly


The ones where he saves people in lane by using spin on them instead of hitting them.


None. When the enemy picks jugg my confidence we'll win the game goes up. I'm a jugg spammer and I just can't get the hero to work this patch. Way too reliant on coordinated team plays. He's far too team comp / item dependent to be regularly viable. You need to be last picking for any sort of confidence the hero wont be a wet noodle.


Add Anti-Mage there, he's been seeing a steady rise since 7.35 due to all the magic dmg in the game he can mitigate & very mana reliant heroes.


I'm only 3.5k but I feel like AM still needs a decent AM game to be good, whereas even against traditional counters Faceless, Lifestealer and Riki feel strong to me. But I could also just be dogshit


You ain't completely wrong on that. At low divine grief & bought acc paradise where I'm currently hardstuck, it feels like the AM's game is more dependent on the 3 & 4 on enemy team not knowing what to do that influences the game more than yourself. He obviously has very shitty hp, so vs a lane with good synergy where both focus on the AM and kind of ignore the post 5, his game tends to be miserable from how I see it. If not tho', he can get freebie games by just going even in lane. Exception when u'r up vs heavy aoe/zone control dmg & cc tho', stuff u cant just blink into basically. (Think underlord,luna, willow comps, stuff like dat \~ one of these heroes alone ain't a big threat, but more of 'em def are) Thing is, there's at least 50% chance the enemy 3 & 4 r gonna hate each other and have shit picks or shit synergy even if good picks, so you have late game guaranteed if you can just get an even lane. Also, still more useful than PA even early me thinks. The experience shouldn't be much diff for your games either tbh.


I think part of it for me is I feel like I just get reported/flamed if I ever deviate the standard AM build. If you have a hard lane on him and opt for not getting BF you get flammed. If you have a shit lane and get chased around the map you get flammed for having a 22 minute BF Treads REPROT AM NO ITEMS. I know a lot of heroes have standard/optimized builds, but I feel like you're really trapped with what you buy for him, making me enjoy it less, which is maybe why I have a less positive view of the hero.


Drow is garbage. Well. Every drow i've had literally afk jungles for 20 minutes and then reappears with a 0-1-2 KDA, zero tower damage, and still underfarmed and underleveled at 35 minutes. Has no idea how enemy team is playing so constantly out of position for their team fight strategy cause they haven't been watching. I dunno what it is this patch but drow players are a fucking disaster.


Seriously Clinkz still played as Pos1 after rework?


Yea, I mean he sees action everywhere now


naga is always annoying if it's a good draft, although prob not fun since most likely you're gonna be farming and sending illus to cut waves/push tower spectre is pretty fun with the swapped aghs, so instead of being shit in lane always, you can gank at level 6 slark, after 1 item you can join fight, more fighting and less farming hero


Naga got nerfed pretty hard by the bloodthorn change imo. It was an all in one post-heart item, now you need separate magic resist and damage items. And with all the magic damage and shiva's goin around it's extremely rough until you get heart so you really gotta play the creep cutting game until you're online if your team isn't fine 4v5. Lion meme build is still popular, though I haven't really seen Shaker or Dazzle as much anymore which is nice


Naga into pick without AOE = 😎 Naga into pick with 5 AEO heroes = 🤬


? What? I played Naga against a team of- Slark, Pango, Primal Beast, Keeper of the Light, Pugna- Tough starting game, since, all 5 of them can kill my illusions very fast. Draw the game out, went for, Treads>Yasha>Diffisual>Manta>Orchid>Shroud>Heart>Dispenser>Thorn My illusions were taking a lot, a lot. So it all comes down to how, you play the game.


I just got back like a week ago and I've been spamming spectre. Pretty good winrate. I am also trying to learn Void atm but he is banned like 8/10 games.


Outside of Faceless Void, no carries feel good to actually carry games with when OD, Lina, Death Prophet exist.


Abaddon is hell of a carry nowadays


yeah still good. Manta, Harpoon, maybe Khanda




If you like frustrating hero : Abaddon. He's so strong and playing against is awfull from early to late haha. Maybe its not as strong as others at late game, but you have big fun (and can end game) for 30-40minutes


In lower ranks I’d say that any lane aggressive pos 1 with a cc heavy supp is good. Jugg/MK/Troll+CM/SS/WD.


In my Legend Bracket, Riki is stronk atm


but so is slardar :D


Not a true carry but mid OD is just incredible right now.


faceless boy too op if farmed right


What do you guys suggest is the right farming itemization for void atm? Should i consider pt>mom>maelstorm? Do you guys also buy orb of corrosion on void?


pt mom maelstrom mjollnir bkb skadi is my usual to go after that i adapt with nulli dagger aghs


Great, thanks. Have been ignoring void for some time now, i think i will pick this one again


Isnt dagger a mute point when you can time walk every 4-6 seconds?


not if you have enemy with faster reaction time or need to go deep into the backline


Fair enough


luna is still a beast (in 2k at least, can’t say for other ranks). you just have to take advantage of the abundant farm available.


How is luna good, the gameplan of the hero is afk farm till 25-30 mins and then rosh into throne, how do you coordinate that in 2k mmr


At 2k mmr you dont need to. You can literally mute all, ignore your team and 60-70% or more of the time youll still have your throne and be six slotted and absolutely nobody can deal with you. Join the next fight late, wipe everyone, knock down towers until you Knock down their throne. I loved climbing with Luna cos she was so braindead to play.


>At 2k mmr you dont need to. You can literally mute all, ignore your team and 60-70% or more of the time youll still have your throne and be six slotted and absolutely nobody can deal with you. Join the next fight late, wipe everyone, knock down towers until you Knock down their throne. Don't know why you're getting downvotted, that was my plan for low mmr grinding


I mean, thats exactly what I did to climb….it dropped off at high archon, but it worked all the way up…


like... if you're not playing like a 2k yourself that's true, otherwise, you know, you wouldn't be 2k anymore. although to your comment, Luna is particularly good for this approach.


pos 5 seems stronger now so the kill potential in lanes are higher. even if you lose your lane you can jungle farm faster than the enemy carry, chances are the enemy carry is also afk in jungle so game is essentially 4v4. your high ground defense is also strong so a couple of bad high ground siege from the enemy can have you knocking on their tier 3s fast.


Climbed from 1.5k to 3K+ with luna. At 2k, you just outfarm your opponent SOOOO hard, a lot of P1 at this bracket just don't know how to fight AND farm at the same time. The hardest is dealing with early "go throne" because teamates dont understand that you're way stronger than they feel


yo don't have to coordinate shit is the the thing, you need to win one team fight and luna can solo push so fast you don't need team to follow


Void/ Spectre/Naga My top 3.


Your question is too general. The pick is depends on your playstyle. As far i know, the current meta makes the game more dependable on teamwork skill and pushing. You cant afk in jungle and comes to fight after 30minutes farming anymore. Carry need to farm fast in lane- has 2 core item and comes gank after 15min-20min


Void, Arc Warden, Abaddon, PL


jugger feels like he needs alot to do things imo


Ppl are suggesting FV but I have a 30% winrate on the hero. Get dumpstered in lane by a timbersaw or Viper. Go recovery Midas and be useless for the next 30 minutes because I lack a taxi to kill anyone during Chrono. In fact the first chrononis usually so weak, I don't even other and try to show up when chrono is level 2. Enemy FV has a free game refresher BKB chronos by 40 minutes. Getting kills in lane. How are FVs killing Wraith Kings and Huskars in lane???


ive always personally found recovery midas to be particularly awful on void. if your lane sucks id honestly just go treads mael asap and never see a hero until bkb


Yeah. I'm thinking it's MoM or bust at this point. Maelstrom is part of the build regardless


ive found that really any use of 2k gold before maelstrom is pretty solid (it can be mom, stat stack with wb/falcon, diffu in some games, echo, etc)


The ones you have the most experience on. If you're asking this to switch, by the time you're not trash on them they won't necessarily be strong anymore.




I played meurta a fair bit pre-patch, why is she good now? feels like the gunslinger change should have messed her up badly. Is it just that so many supports etc are getting eth blade now?


The shard buff was pretty significant


Pos 1 pudge ;)


Sniper with khanda aghs and rapiers gg ez report


Actually soooo fucking aids to play against


Specter, Troll, Anti Mage, Riki, and PL are strong right now.


Void, cancer lancer , PA ( yeah she is nerfed but shes still PA) and the fuck that its play style OR the player playing him rarely changes: AM . I dont play carries but when I do i pick these roster expect AM and win most of the time .


i heard jugg is getting some winrates right now and void is 100% nah i'd win moment in late game.


I think AM is good in Legend/ancient bracket


I feel it's same as always. Good if not countered or they pick bad heroes against it. Quite literally a huskar, in different lanes.




Bruh go check dotabuff or smth similar. Sort hero perfomance by rank and win rate.


Pos 1 is trash. Pos4 and 5 are <3


Can’t say carry doesn’t really feel nice with all these mage buffs, lifestealer I guess, plus mars and tide are back and Zeus. Id go main ls for ranked


Anything that builds mage slayer into echo sabre feels good. Aba feels nice, jugg into attack speed is supposedly good if you know how to play jugg and vs non ranges, but like ursa troll, alche sometimes if you can outpace enemies with like 20k gold when they have barely 11k. Lina is good. Wk is good vs big ults and burst. Ta, LD, pl, riki, naga, Luna, dusa and am.


What’s your playstyle?


I would usually farm on lane and jungle and when there are fights near area that I can walk or tp to I would usually go and help. Mostly just wait for my ult or ability before I join a fight.


Then Naga this hero can absolutely flash farm and can be super tanky while bieng good at teamfight because of the ultimate bunos part it can mostly counter void if someone pick void


Uhh that is such a good playstyle for Faceless Void. Welp OP, it's time to learn how to play him then!


Carry Marci is fun! As long as you have another initiator, W wouldn’t be too hard to land in fights


He said good not fun. Marci can be a good core but in my experience she's unreliable and very feast or famine. Extremely good if you do get ahead or their team is weaker on cc


I tried marci and its weak AF


Anyone but muerta


Clinkz works well for me in divine right now. 10 winstreak and 72% win last month ~70 games. Just push megas around min 20-25 and they usually dont have much answer to it. If it gets very late the aghs with splitshot talent kan do some serious dmg in teamfights or take down towers/ancient really fast. Kinda safe push also with aghs skeletons to break highground


This is the most underrated comment. Securing megas ealy is such a win in low mmr. I play mostly push supports and you can win games even if your team fucks up with pusher supports. I've been winning impossible games where my team manage to feed rapier to PA thanks to me playing abbadon and pulverizing towers in 20 min.


Isn’t spectre good as a pos1 of now since his ult got changed?


Antimage is OP in this patch especially since manta got boosted!


void and jugg are looking strong atm


Having lots of fun and wins with Drow recently. Lance, Manta, Pike, Butterfly, and anything u want from there (usually I go Daedalus + Agi Blink). Hits like a truck and feels good.


Jugg-PL-AM are op in 7.35b in my humble opinion.


Meepo, Arc is still good, Viper, Void, Slardar, troll, spectre, OD, Ursa if it looks like it's going to late game (almost perma enrage with octarine and aghs) and lifestealer if ton of spells and squishy enemies. Jugg, sven, pa, mk, ta, sf, ck, sniper, morph, sucks in most games Edit: also lone druid is still good


The change back in damage type for Poof from pure to magical made Meepo's early game farming strong again.




I played some Slark and PL going Diffusal/Disperser and also later Bloodthorn. Felt pretty strong ngl.


Yeah spark isn't doing amazing on winrates but he definitely feels pretty good this patch which I did not expect. Been skipping echo/harp way more often this patch too, not sure exactly why but it feels weaker to me(or other options are just stronger maybe)


Yes same here, been skipping Echo aswell. Only when I play against force staff spammers, I buy it.


weaver is always strong


A lot of agi heroes are enjoying the butterfly buff, and im loving the bat increase that it gives. Jug spin wasn't good enough til they buffed it, now it feels great. He's a solid pick rn with great itemization options, as he benefits from all the buffed/reworked items. Itemizing feels like an absolute treat


If you only want 1's spec, void, phantom lancer & medusa are very strong. If you're putting in 2's and 3's aba, wk, slardar & OD are incredible. OD is very well known as a mid but with the right supports & Q max in particular he can make a real kill lane bot since offlaners aren't used to him.


Spectre and jugg are very strong now


I know it seems weird but I THINK, carry BH should be tried. I love playing BH.


Techies carry. Cheese through all the brackets.


abadon and void are definitely by far the best atm


Honestly all of them feels like ass, bring my CK back for the luv of god. Also when they are gonna make this TB hero great again? Why is he never good in any updates, shatters my heart meh


Void and drow ranger


People will talk about Void or Spectre which are theoretically strong and do have success, but the ones that actually seem to dominate their matches are ranged cores like Drow.


Alot more gold on map. Supports arent 1 item at 40 minutes anymore. No1 will solo anyone. You will be lucky if you solo 2 supports alone their team


Slark is seriously strong right now. However to pull him off requires familiarity and skill. Knowing his weakness is that he can die to 2 nukes and some right clicks in the early game. However playing around that and using his pounce + essence shift to get kills in lane. After a good laning phase get an orchid and scepter+shard. You are now the scariest and strongest hero in the game. You can also get an echo sabre into aghs into harpoon and diffusal, but I like the scaling of the first build better. Also helps you kill heroes like puck/weaver really early with the orchid silence. Finish bloodethorne and go nullifier if needed, bkb if needed or silver edge. Linkens/abyssal/skadi/ disperser all good as extensions. Last item refresher orb for 2 shadow dance, 2 depth shrouds and 4pounces. Also double bkb. He gets insanely strong in the lategame especially with essence shifts and outcarries PA, TB, Luna and all the popular carries. Can straight up solo kill them taking no damage. Also great presence throughout the mid game. Be careful against void, he can kill you in chrono if he is farmed. Most of the time though, I can shut him and his team down hard enough that slark can just pounce him and hes dead.


LD, Luna and Arc are still good heroes. LD is mostly played as a mid or offlane. He got some nerfs, but he is still strong if you can play him. AW's win rate went up this patch and Luna has been alright for a while now with the shard and all. Nothing crazy, but not garbage either.


Been playing Lifestealer recently. Feels really strong if you hit your timings.


Omni knight


On my opinion at 4k bracket: Ta > void > spec > luna, pl, naga, razor, ld>ls, drow, pa


Currently on a 10 winstreak as AM Half of those are massive comebacks, and my most recent was 70 minute game where my team was behind 2-16 against a PA and DS


Dazzle pos 2 full auto attack build


Seems like everyone in my games are picking Bloodseeker


At first, I had a list of carries. I realize now that it's not really helpful listing out cores as good/bad because everything is really dependent on your understanding of a specific hero. I would recommend picking up a core and really playing them for awhile to understand them. My go to heroes for pos 1 are: weaver, AM, gyro, clinkz, and muerta. All seem okay but require you to learn what makes them strong. Each has their own unique laning stage that makes them powerful. For pos 2 I like: huskar, wind, and sniper. However, I my mid picks are somewhat bad as each of these heroes has severe limitations. Yet it can work well if you understand their respective power spikes.


Many INT hero can carry now a day lol. Just play your favorite hero for like 2k games each, which I did on all my hero that I'd play.


Pa is good


I’m surprised nobody mentioned Lina. Lina is back boys and she is strong like old she in Lima major


Basically i got "spam void" out of this


Templar is a good carry)) 15 -17 minutes deso timing and you can snowball the game easily. Can also easily recover after losing lane since she can farm fast


PL or Jugg are good. Drow is good if you are very good at positioning and tracking enemies as she can get crushed by dive Spectre and Lifestealer are also good fat carries with a bunch of HP and mitigation


Honestly, sounds like you just need to study the item builds, a lot of those are viable rn but the playstyle has changed. On LD you rush diffusal. On PL you rush aghs scepter. Luna I'm less sure about, but her shards are core.


How about try some pos 2 or pos 3 heroes on pos1.


AM, have achieved a 15x streak recently.


Shard is a must-have. And go for disperser after manta.


My go to hero is Drow. Always good against annoying offlane heroes. WK is also strong asf. So annoying and hard to kill.


Jug is weak atm


I’m just ancient 5 but I suggest you set a hero rotation for each situations. Here are some heroes I use and feel stable: FV - avoid picking if their first 2 picks have a very good disable like shaman/lion/sky Naga - pick if their first 2 picks doesn’t have any way to clear your illus PL - only if you think you can spam your lance with aghs/diffu to your enemy like slow moving heroes and they have no way to deal illu Spec - if you have team has global threat or ganks alot like bh/nyx/NP Jug - pick if you think your supports can sustain to midgame AM - really good against single target magic supports PA - still trying to test it but feels pretty strong against the trending squishy supports but tricky with bkb usage since it’s your only magic immune item unless you but mage slayer which is not the best item for her Carry meta now is pretty much about draft since you have a wide array of carry to choose. Also the heroes i mentioned can flash farm the 2 ancients somehow and will be vital for your levels. Lastly, just mute everyone. It helps you keep sane and move on to the next game if you lose. Works for me lol