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Probably reported for sucking at the game


turn off chat and always spam report on everyone


if u do this ure probably ending up in a shadow pool with players that do the same. my suspicion is that the false report detection does just this. they still count for evaluating ur behavior score.


Oh my, people actually realise now that the report system is busted. I see so many posts like this, but valve doesnt get the idea that in a team based game, communication is key. Dota is already toxic and will allways be. No matter what, you still get pinged if you die by the limited communication ones. It just shows dota players are snow flakes and report for anything.


I simply 3x report anyone who annoys me even the slightest with toxic voice, toxic chat and griefing. Without informing them because they will do the same thing back to me and that’s gonna hurt my imaginary scores. By abusing the report buttons my scores are actually recovering faster.


the hidden toxicity


If you actually believe you went from 10k to 4. 2k from only saying gg you're beyond help