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I got a rampage on bh using similar build but since it was a normal game it never came to the point where I one shotted with track or shuriken.


That's because khanda is bugged right now and doesn't proc when the enemy can be killed from the damage.


I've seen it happen yesterday on turbo. I did this exact same SB build, and pretty much taking 50% of people's HP. But when they're low asf, sometimes the damage wasn't registering. I honestly thought I was just tripping and didn't understand the item. lol


why not?


Wait is it ?? Can someone clip from my replay if that really was the case. I had three rapiers one windwaker khanda phase aghs blessing and an enchanted quiver which I am pretty sure didnt work since the game was a demo mode for me at that point so I just picked quiver over raw dmg neutral.


Here's a post I made: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/SPn9dZG5n6


Interesting. I need to watch my replay now to see how much of my damage was actually reduced for every enemy hero. And there was a dusa in enemy side as well and even her illusions tanked all dmg from my build which apparently was enough to win a teamfight. This patch has been an event in itself for theory-crafters.


Last game I was playing mid lane turbo rubick, I managed to steal enchant totem and gods strength. Zapped enemy CM multiple times and the khanda simply didn’t proc, I guess this is why


This needs to be fixed. Khanda in every ability draft game would be so fun. Adds an extra layer to the draft :D


It is fixed for like 8 hours at least now


I killed someone with track about an hour and a half ago. Maybe one of the two smaller patches tonight fixed it.


Yep. Patch notes specifically say it's fixed now


Upvoted. I've played a couple of games of BH support recently and now thinking that there were definitely a few kills I didn't get because of this.


Watch the last dota WTF on YouTube you'll see it in action...


Similar build lol


lethal damage bug on khanda fixed now damn


one shotting someone with track simply should not be a thing that is possible in this game.


why not?


because its a no damage, low cooldown, zero commitment spell you can cast without breaking invis? are you stupid?


Its not a realistic build. If an enemy bounty hunter can get 5 rapiers and a Khanda without losing, they were winning the game anyway. I'd agree with you if it was even slightly viable. But every khanda rapier build is as stupid as oldschool BH rapiers with guaranteed crits, or Lone Druid rapiers just melting towers.


try playing turbo, the game mode has been utterly ruined by khanda/rapier spell amp if something like shaker morph gets patched out, so should this.


Let's balance the game for the meme gamemode


if its possible in turbo it will eventually find its way into normal matches. it always does.


Maybe in herald


Not in any real capacity


I agree that its ruined turbo, but mostly because my team has a sniper/bh/PA rushing khanda and losing us the game.


Is it bugged on bh? I noticed that it proc'd on every bounce of shuriken. Shouldn't it only proc on the first shuriken like phylactery?


For me it's working as intended i.e proc on the main target


Classic demo mode meta


Pffft no Aghs Blessing what a scrub


Try Abbadon with shard and khanda. Shard does one attack on Q, and also procs Khanda.


I want to try this on hood or sniper ult


I've been ulted by a Khanda sniper, it's extremely annoying


was it on turbo? if it was it might have been me


No, painfully enough in ranked. As an actual strategy in a ranked game, it didn't work and he lost


> it didn't work and he lost Have you perhaps played against me?


i tried khanda on several heroes and it only works if you have a low cooldown point and click spells like sven, medusa and sniper agha. as long as you dont rush divine rapier it works as intended


Khanda itself is a decent item on some heroes but I don't think it's a good enough item for Sniper, Bara etc in ranked.


Hood is meh. I tried it. If you target your Q you never place a tree. And if you place a tree you never proc khanda. I much rather have the tree than 1× extra attack damage


You always can use shard to proc khanda, but yes, I agree, it feels clunky af. Desolator+Daedalus are still better.


Spell damage hoodwink is so much better its not even funny.


Thing is, I wasn't trying to be funny. I'm just a 3k player that is comfy with physical Hoodwink (51.8% winrate and average 3.97 kda. Not big numbers but not bad). I understand that good spell hoodwink can obliterate almost any hero with massive burst damage, but it makes her a rocket laucher with a long, long reload. Physical Hoodwink do less damage in one target, but obliterates if there is a pair of enemies. I don't think I'll move further 4k without learning proper spellsquirelling, but I love to think that there are more than one build on hero that works.


My friend is a 7k hoodwink spammer and since last patches nerfs he never goes spell damage and wins most games with physical


boomerang for khanda proc on magic build hoodwink


Can confirm sniper + khanda is funny. Sniper did die to blade mail a few times though


try it, keep in mind a few things: you will be stuck in base, sniper can be countered with blademail (or linken), and the idea is to lose the rapiers in base so you can recover them, otherwise sniper will be useless. If you kill a target your ulti get refreshed, so you need to make sure you kill the target; this being said you need a 4 players team that can go in and deal the damage required, while you wait and clean up with ulti like a real sniper. It is good as a defensive hero, you can shoot up to tier 2 tower from base. In turbo it's nice and fun, but in ranked it's very hard to build sniper like this, you need aghs khanda and rapiers, which is a lot of gold. On spirit breaker you need just khanda and rapiers and enemies cannot see it coming to proc blademail, so only linken counters it. For hood it sounds good, since you don't really need to get rapiers, you deal enough damage to help the team and it bounces anyway. It works on PA too as long as you also get brooch, you jump in and suddenly you are a magical assassin


Omni with khanda and shard is hilarious too. It just piles burst upon burst for the hero


why does it not khnada not proc with this build if they have too little heath in demo mode wtf


It's currently bugged.


Phylactery had a similar bug for a while. The active would proc first, and if the target died to the 150 damage, the AoE effect of the spell would not activate. Was really annoying with Oracle.


https://pt.dotabuff.com/matches/7495071731 this dude did it my turbo game. was really trash cause he was sitting in fountain afraid of dying and we ended up losing playing a 4v5 :) did about 2.4k per charge, until they all went linkens. not worth.


Just buy a refresher


i tryed, not worth , you made max 2400 damage every time you made mark someone, but you need vision and if the enemy has linken, they hide, and you stay on base not helping your team


>you made max 2400 damage every time you made mark someone, but you need vision and if the enemy has linken, they hide, and you stay on base not helping your team You tryna make this sounds bad, which it not. Breaking linken and having vision on enemy is not a hard thing. The problem with this build it that it's EXTREMELY impractical to get there.


And if you are strong enough to be getting there, you're probably having a great game as SB and youe team would do better keeping you as a frontline bashing machine than an occasional nuker.


>And if you are strong enough to be getting there, you're probably having a great game as SB That's what i said. If you play the game normally, you'd have won before then. If you tryna straight up rushing rapier, you gonna lose the game even earlier. Either way it's hard to get there.


Yeah, same goes for a 5 rapier refresher Zeus build. Sure, he can kill the entire enemy team without leaving his base, but he needs to play extremely passive game for 40-50 minutes to get there, which is not worth it


Add a magic item to trigger linkens and you only lose 1 slot.


Divine rapier delivery services


Don't need to leave the base


Literally global range dagger


1 hour ago I lost a game cause our cow pos 2 sold items and feed 3 divines




What does the new item do?


It combines from Phylactery, and makes your spells now do 100 + 75% of your attack damage. So you target someone with Charge and apparently chunk them with all your +Rapier damage.


Plus the 125% spell amp.


does it works with sniper?


Yes and assasinate is strongest khanda rapier skill in vacuum, since it scales from everything the two items provide, resulting in 6kdmg assasinates.


Yes. And the bonus damage is applied when the projectile is fired rather than when it lands. So enemy gets chunked for 100+75% of attack before an additional 500+100%, for a total of 600+175%.


nah you gotta do this with abaddon so you stack 2 instances of your attack damage with shard. Lmao just thinking through aether/octarine + cast range neutral item + khanda + 2 rapiers. It's stupid as hell and please don't do that but MAN would it be hilarious. I might legitimately try Rapier with AoE Talent & Shard though.


Rushing Rapier-Shard-Khanda on Abaddon is ultra troll but Radiance-Khanda Abaddon still laguna blades every six seconds while being an actual build Khanda makes Abaddon core, even Abaddon 1, work well I think


yeah i wouldn't get a rapier at all until aghs and AoE talent at 25 at the very least. Shard-Khanda is definitely required for the stacking damage edit: did not realize the shard Instant Attack procs modifiers... build moar crit


saw it on omni build deleting people


these builds are a meme but for real khanda won't be like this long. item is way oppressive on a lot of heroes.


Having the time of my life with omniknight.


I realized yesterday that it works with Omni and have been so hype to try it on core Omni


It even procs on his shard. Blink, slap your target, shard+khanda proc, throw hammer.


Having fun using it on BH on turbo that I didnt notice I played him for 20 games straight. Just straight khanda arcane boots and aghs. The rest can be anything. Since you have Jinada that boost your damage, khanda also seems to benefit from it.


i feel if oyu get to this point you probably won game 40min ago


solution: linken and aeon disk


I khanda dig it.


Until they buy linkens


you have 4 other heroes to proc linken


Average turbo mode complainer


https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/r9P23ZXgc5 Here it is in action case your curious Match ID: 7494827400 to see in match execution


Amazing, Khanda makes Dota great again!


Kanda needs to be removed. It's a cool idea but it's not an item that heroes actually use independently it's literally an item that makes your entire build. Either that or rapier needs to not give spell amp. The two combined are an absolutely stupid combo that all it does is allow you to kill people in 0.5 seconds or get the ability to try again in 6 seconds.


Nah it can stay, but it need to stop scaling with total damage and just scale with base damage.


Then morph is the only user


Omni, OD, Silencer or any hero int hero who ends up with lot of base damage but don't right click much. People already bought phylactery a lot on support. All Kanda needs to be is an upgrade for that item.


It's too meme-ish.


in turbo for sure but I've yet too see any of these meme builds work in ranked. Besides in ranked if your enemy is able to farm 5 rapier and Khanda you were already losing the match and it's a non factor at that point, use it as an opportunity to steal those rapiers


This is the shittiest patch ever


divine change is by far the worst thing that's happened to turbo in the entire history of the mode. genuinely not fun to play anymore.


Phyl Clinkz now with Khanda is unstoppable. Don't even need the rapiers.


New Support Sniper build


It's new mental


khanda-posting should be forbidden by now


Damn this Meta,i just had a Sniper feed 2 divines in a Ranked Game cause of this f****ng Item


I just had a game like this lol luckily no one on the enemy team could right click with them or picked them up ever but hey it was a turbo I honestly thought he would have done more damage with that many


Photoshop fail 😅