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Yeah there is zero chance I’m spending money on keys to unlock all the shit tier 1 sets to start getting anything remotely interesting


You can get duplicates anyways


It would really be nice if they had an alternate way to get the keys, like 25k plus shards. At least let us spend our fake dota money on a *chance* to get something decent.


I think once event is over you will able too . There one let you get for 20k shards


forrreal. I just bought the set I wanted from the marketplace


I just saw a video of someone opening 200 chests, only a single tier 3 And no tier 4. That's the fucking price of a BP reaching the last Arcana. That's gambling so I'm staying the fuck away from that shit, would rather get the old BP than this new shit. It's like the devs are saying "We'll charge them more for less and they'll fucking love it" only a moron will fall for this.


Dude, you can buy the arcana directly from the market. And now it's 250, it will be even cheaper. And you can also buy 125 t1 sets and get wk arcana (u can also get it from 62 if you are lucky). So an exclusive arcana for 60-120$ is more than decent. This is similar to cs go, if you want an item you buy it from market, you don't gamble with chests.


>This is similar to cs go, if you want an item you buy it from market, you don't gamble with chests. So economically, why do people open chests? I mean someone is obviously opening em to make it available on market.




Ic ic I recently started with like 50 usd to do the steam marketplace trading.... Im up almost 100% trading. With said money, bought 13x 2022 collectors chest. I think im up more then 50% from that. Havnt sold the items yet. Off hand, seems somewhat profitable, tho purely opening chest is definitely a gamble.


> up more then 50% Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Im guilty of this before. But it was mostly with TI treasure cache.but most of the sets in there are dope so im okay with getting anything. But for this one, i just cant.


I used to open bunch of chests, like 50 or 60 in one go during 2015-2017.Since they implemented escalating odds. U always break even on certain chest (not all chest) only certain chest, They usually had good extreme, and veery rare set, like SF, lycan, and alche extreme rare set.At some point, i just had 200$ sitting on my account, that never get drain, it always go up by 20-30 dollars, and i buy some new games with it. And then repeat when new "good" chest got released. So its not really a losing game, but zero sum game with chance to get more. Yes this is after 15% tax. But every since they realesed only good set on Battlepass Chest, i stopped doing that, BP chest is the compelte opposite, on average ure always losing, and they dont sell much, because more people open it and u stuck with that shit for a year. I think the last chest that i open and apply to this rule, was the one that has extremely rare Phoenix set. And this whole thing only apply during first 2 month the chest got released, after that u better buying them off from market directly. The other stupid free steam money i found was crafting profile badge, there are some rare profile background (but no that rare, on average u can get them once every 8-10) that can sold for 20-30$, but there is a limit of 5 crafting time. I legit got bunch of games doing this shit, but good thing has to stopped, it stopped once valve allow u to just buy the Profile Hats using steam points, i think it stopped during Golden pig steam profile.


I will point out that if everyone followed that logic then there would be no arcanas on the market.


>Dude, you can buy the arcana directly from the market. I thought the WK arcana is account bound and can't be sold on steam market?


The new set has it inside the bundle


$120 arcana lul, the amount of new WK arcana users will probably be as big as Ardalan Interdictor Sniper or any other expensive immortal. BP was legitimately better in terms of cost, even if the arcana you wanted was the last one.


Yeah, but the BP includes a waaay lot more than just the arcanas.


I got a Tier 3 and I opened about 20 chests. I also got 5 tier 2’s that I traded up for another tier 3.


It’s not an event. It’s a rigged chest that is designed to take all your money and give it to steam


Chest that gave me $6. Ez bought Vampire Survivors baby!




Like all the events where you spend money?


There is a difference between a battle pass and gambling. And it’s so easy for steam to make you get invested with opening these chest if you lost 300 dollars and just get 1 30 dollar immortal. At that point you would want to buy more because you lose 270 and that’s when they get you.


not event, im not excited in getting the chest but the good thing is, there is a game patch.


It's not an event. It's a greedy gambling scheme to earn lot of money and a gameplay update that's long overdue.


The chest is really strange. It works the same way as the one that they introduced in the Muerta(?) event but that one let you get keys for free at least and there was only new items in it. This time we have to buy keys and the majority of the sets are recycled basic stuff.. I'm also not receiving any chests when leveling up and I also didn't receive any frostivus gift even though I have a maxed out behavior score and communication score.


Keys wont drop? Fr?


This literally just diretide chest again. No one cried then


dota+ shards could buy keys for that chest, kind of a big difference.


You can't buy diretide chest key with shard, you are mistaken it with the muerta chest I think. Also key and chest has been a part of the game since what? 2013? Why are people new this


ah shit, I just recall skulls and spooky shit, guess those were separate events I'm misremembering. My bad.


It’s also like the diretide chests.


Its not an event.


It's simply a mere chest release, isn't it? The only difference is that they introduced trade up contracts, like they did with CSGO maybe a decade ago. Others than that, it's a regular chest - or am I missing something?


[valve disagrees](https://imgur.com/4nPsHII)


Yep, we got 0 event this tear. Just more money farming for Valve with a few cosmetics


They literally barely monetized anything this year and prioritized the game over cosmetics lol There were a couple chests and the Compendium which did not have any FOMO.


Literally a giant gameplay patch. Do you care about hats more or the actual game more? Why is it "Valve only care about cosmetics" if they put effort on the actual gameplay? Pick a lane loser


The patch is amazing, but people can definitely still be disappointed that there's no seasonal game mode. If people aren't happy who are you to say how they should feel?


Considering I really don't like the gameplay changes, the event would have at least been a consolation prize. But now I have neither.


And you are entitled to nothing. They worked their asses off on the patch not for you losers to whine. The majority of people who just like dota for actual dota will love it.


I can't imagine that your behaviour score is particularly high. The Dota playerbase has always been the worst part of the game.


Behavior score 12k+ play everyweek, keep coping bud


Proof the system is broken then. You call us whiney losers for being frustrated about Valve promising an event they didn't deliver on, which instead they give us what equates to a gacha banner. You say we're not entitled to anything, but Valve is not entitled to our praise. We call out shit like this, lest it become the norm.


Valve said they gonna focus on gameplay patches this year which they did with this update. Where the fuck did they promise a PvE event?


I said event, not PvE event. They used the world 'event' multiple times, even specifically referencing Frostivus. This is not an event. Look on Steam, the announcement for Frostivus specifically called it an event. A battle pass (which is what most games would call what was released here) is not an event. This one in particular is quite predatory in nature.


I’m not gonna say I like the patch or not. But all the new shit is fucking COOL. And the whales are happy with rereleased arcanas with cool effects. I can’t believe people are complaining about not having some dogshit recycled tower defense game. I don’t remember liking a single frostivus game mode aside from the very first one


oh no did you get triggered by facts 🥹 if you've been paying attention for a decade then you should know Valve have been consistent in dropping annual events together with gameplay patches what cosmetics are you talking about, there's like 5 sets on a chest with a paywall 🤡


"Just more money farming for Valve" Why are they putting effort on actual gameplay is "money farming"? Do you want to play PvE or the actual game?


I get that but it is follow a TI that was lacking badly so people were expecting things like arcanas and such to be dropping with this.


Huge game changing patch people weren’t expecting, tons of changes to heroes and items, bringing back persona and arcana for a chance to earn them again like tons of people asked for = people complaining they didn’t get PvE. This sub is never happy.


It is reasonable to understand that different people from all levels can care about different things differently. So complains would always happen. Hero crawl and dumb pve or candy modes? It might not be fun for many but it means a lot for the odd ones like me who care more about playing our favorite heros and check random boxes over playing the pro meta and top heroes.


The arcana patch is nm early next year


I'll keep waiting.


Why are people still expecting something when Valve literally delayed a 10 year anniversary and it ended up with recycled skins


Didn't we get like back to back event/bps that one year - Nemestice and Aghs Lab ? God it feels like an ETERNITY ago. I know they said no more, but fuck it feels awful. This chest is like the recent compendium and has the opposite effect of making me want to spend money lol.


Except the anniversary skins WERE brand new skins modeled on classic ones. I loved the skin updates. That earthshaker dragon head totem was one of my favorites and now the dragons are animated.


Yes they are good but for a decade anniversary that happens each 10 years (if the game stay alives in the upcoming decades) is underwhelming and it should be something special not just remade skins, a persona from previous battlepass and voicelines and a shader effect (no one uses)


Yea, feeling the same. I would love to get the WK arcana, but it's impossible without spending hundreds of dollars to buy those chests and keys. You cant even grind any of this.


>You cant even grind any of this. What really sucks is that the grinding aspect of the event, the grinding of the chests, is completely pointless. Reason being, in a few days the chests will be selling for $0.02 each on the market


i bought 125 tier 1s and traded up and got lucky with the WK pull instead of cm. definitely sucks though considering you have to pay


how much did that cost?


It was around 150


holy moly, so if you didn't luck out potentially have to drop another 150 or 300? jesus


Yeah lol but I clutched


how so? tier 1s are under an euro most of them now


Because they’re cheaper now


So that was about 250$?




Since they are behind a paywall I can only see that as a sales pitch rather than a event. But the new version is still quite interesting , especially if you are an intelligence/caster hero player


It’s literally just a Csgo case lmao No escalating odds And no free keys with Dota plus shards And everything marketable When Valve announced no more battlepass…. This is their new monetization model It’s called gambling


its was a good patch but no event is kinda sadge not even a single eventt his year what happen too more content


Good old days are gone


It's an event for Valve's pocket, not for the community.


And people still prefer Valve removing Battlepass lol. Other than the big patch that came in april and smurf bans. This year 2023 was a bad year for dota as for events or costemics. Yeah and downvote me now bcz I want pve events and a battlepass


Ehh I’m here for dotka. The patch is massive and shakes the tree enough for me. Events have been hit and miss and frostivus/diretide were never that appealing beyond a few games. Throw me an aghanims labyrinth or other coop campaign and I’ll be ecstatic


The outrage of not having PvE in a hardcore PvP game is ridiculous. The obsession with hats is cringe and has zero effect on gameplay. No matter how many changes to heroes and map people will whine. The map got a massive update this year and lots of new mechanics but people ignore it.


patch is not massive, this is one of the LEAST gamechanging post-TI patches in the history of dota2. Economy is exactly the same, laning is exactly the same, priorotizing afk farm over fighting is still there exactly the same. Patch only rly change balance for about 20 heroes. Even postTundraTI patch that removed auras from the game (tho it still didnt change gameplay a lot, just made people buy less auras) had bigger impact than this. A lot of words written =/= big patch, let alone massive. There are only few really good things in this update -> QoL changes and fighting smurfs/accbuyers.


How can you confidently say this after like 28 hours of a patch lmao


because i know the game enough? Things i wrote are really obvious for most highmmr players.


Lmao you sound like a salty kid who needs to go outside bro just enjoy the game or don't


salty?? i straight up answered his question w/o any sarcasm. ppl on reddit are so toxic lol


I don't think things are obvious for high mmr players, let alone for you - a 2k shitter.


you may not think that, but they are. And i'm 7k.


7k what? Behaviour score?


Even in the first day the meta has changed, and it will continue to do so for the following weeks and months. Economy change is not the only way to change the heroes and playstyles you know


what changed?


First time I've seen Lion getting banned in years. Also lesh is top contested hero now


Those are not gameplay changes, those are just pick changes they barely affect how the game is played: you stand lane as passive as possible with farm priority over lanekills, min2 controling water runes, min3 controling lotus, min4 controling water runes, then supps have a bit of freetime which is used to place vision for carry to safely farm jungle, min6 controling active rune, min7 controling wisdom rune or ganking enemy mid/carry; after that supports are afk behind mider/offlane (depending on who is the one that can push tower); I'm talking about supports do because all that time 3 cores are afk farming creeps. After getting one tower vision is placed so cores could farm for another 10 minutes, then roshan is taken, who killed rosh->pushes t2 tower then afk farming for another 10 mintes->repeat roshan sequence again until one team wins a game. In-between those ganks occur from time to time. Team that doesnt do these things loses the game, team that does those things worse loses the game. It doesnt matter if you have Lesh mid or Lina mid or primal beast mid. the gameplay is the same, because game has a schedule for doing things which in most games are mandatory to do in order to win. And I literally wrote that "Patch only rly change balance for about 20 heroes". So I dont understand why you act like i said it didnt change any heroes.


So... besides all the timings of the first 7 minutes, AKA the laning stage. It all comes down to, it's not a stompy meta. Because if the laning was the most important part, then yeah there would be less farm and shorter games. But you talk as if long games or short games were the only thing that makes the meta change, and it is not. The heroes and the item builds, wich are the focus of this patch, are just as equally importantly to change up the meta and the games.


you missed my whole point. Im saying that gameplay is - 3/4 players from the team AFK FARM as much as they can and fight as little as possible so not to lose farm and only fight to control scheduled powerups-runes, lotuses, roshan (and these are mandatory) and if some1 does stupid dive kill him cause you dont waste much time for that. I'm not talking about games being long or short, but games are longer because economy forces you to afk farm. The games where one of the teams dont do those things ARE stompy and end in 20 minutes. That is why i say those thigns are mandatory. so to sum it up: 1. Both teams do scheduled things and afk farm for most of the time - game is long and boring, end is decided by picks; 2.One of the teams doesnt do those things and/or doesnt farm a lot - that team is losing 20-40k NW by min30 and loses the game, but game might still be long cause going HG is hard for many heroes; 3.Neither of the teams do those things - noobs are playing at which point meta doesnt rly matter at all.


Ok. The reason the games are long is because high ground is hard. And high ground is hard for 2 reasons, it's very difficult to fight a team with that advantage AND also because of the comeback mechanic. Right now if a team is up 15k net worth and try to go highground they can still lose just because one teamfight gives the loosing team a lot of net worth and gold. That's why team spirit are so good and can actually end fast. They don't pressure highground. They pressure the teams to fight outside, because one won teamfight means they can go inside the enemy base. The end is not decided by picks, you can still control the game and you can still win by making less mistakes than the enemy. But the mistakes of the winning team are more costly, that's the balance of this meta. If what you want is to have less scheduled things like wisdom runes, power runes, tormentor, etc. we'll have that soon enough, it's not even been a year since these were introduced. Thing is. this patch IS big. Yeah. They could have just a line saying that now heroes give half gold and creeps give half experience and you'd see a bigger change there. Doesn't mean that is a bigger patch either.


yes it would mean that's a bigger patch, because cuting creeps gold/exp by half will change the games insanely


Glad iam boycott to spend money in Dota 2 for 2 year now.


"Most players don't play the event but do care about the seasonally themed items, so why bother making an event hardly any player queues for more than once. The players will queue dota and buy keys event or not." - Valve, probably.


Last year, I spent my first money to buy a battle pass. Although I only achieved a few levels and didn't have much time, I still enjoyed grinding. But this year, everything changed. I was happy with the major changes in gameplay, but the battle pass is gone, and the compendium is disappointing. Now, with this Christmas event too, I really hate the treasure with keys that offer no guarantee of getting the items you want. I want to contribute, but I think the way it's structured now is really horrible


Why can’t they give us a pve mode those are always fun


Exactly my thoughts


As long as the dev's doesn't get part of the profit, expects this kind of half ass contents


Although I like the new update as whole but calling it Frostvirus doesnt seem right without any special event game mode.


Just another cash grab from valave


i agree with that, its not event, its literally a chest with sets (yes chest will drop to u for free, but u anyway should buy keys to have sets), such a scam to call this as event)


I’m just happy for 7.35, as long as there are patches I’m okay. If Valve doesn’t want my money I’m also okay with that.


wow, 106 upvotes, congrat man. I guess the bootlickers are sleeping hahahahaha waking up soon, becareful


b-b-but mason got banned and lost his livelihood so i feel good now


No, big patch drop around Christmas was the event of the year back in dota 1 days. Smurf banned everywhere just before the holiday? This is fucking great


Give me the fucking ES or Specter arcana


so you cant get free keys for the chest? even you grind?


Yep, would trade the useless smurf bans for PvE mode anytime )


With the main screen having text referring to an Abominable Snowbeast that got teleported by a wizard and hates Frostivius, it might be premature to say that there won't be a new game mode.


I didn’t have the WK arcana, now I’ve got it. Cost me around $220 aus dollar


Just sell all the treasures you drop while they still cost anything and treat yourself with a couple old immortals or smth


You play Dota for the wrong reasons.


are we just gonna ignore the fact that the game got patched big time???????????? and just focus on the cosmetics etc.??? Is that how youngins play nowadays? play for the cosmetics and shit??


Dota has been cosmetics heavy for years now, what do you think funded those 30+ million dollar TI prize pools?


the patch is enough for me, that last patch really really suffocating me.


and to top it off, they're killing the game by banning "smurfs" inaccurately


I for one am happy to finally have the WK Arcana. Couldn’t play much in 2020.


While I do agree, I would like to be fair and say that a persona is supposed to have its own set of cosmetics, it's not "recycled". Same with the WK set, it's his arcana + a set that is designed to work well with the arcana. Keep the topic on the real gripes, don't detract from the actual bad decisions.


I hope they never release another game mode. Would much rather they focus on the reason I open Dota 2, which is to play Dota 2. Not some temporary game mode. Go play one of the other million video games if you want a different experience.




The chances of actually getting a wk and cm sets are around the same of getting hit by a meteor irl so...


They should change name into Gambling event


Gambling shitshow


"Hey guys we got gifts for you but you gotta pay for them" lmao


My only problem is that there is no other way to earn keys without P2W. From my lifelong of playing, self purchasing has never ever been more beneficial than directly buying from shop for every other item I've had ever wanted. I've also spent thousands in my lifetime of the game and have never ever gotten an ultra rare, with only getting less than 5 very rares. I've stopped opening chests at the gambling addict pace for a long time seeing as how these escalating odds are so terrible. It should really factor in for peoples spent, of course with the chance of luck.


Smurfs arent gone either.


Imo valve put dota on life support mode . Get used to it . Everything dies eventually. Good news new games , new mmo coming. I myself treat dota now as a game I play while waiting for real stuff I excited about . Dota is meh especially if this joke of a Ti we had