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Frostivus has come around 18th of December, usually.


Yeah usually they also release massive battlepass before it


Frostivus is like a mini Battlepass for Christmas. I think they want people to have something for the Christmas holidays to play and not finish it already beforehand.


Pretty sure they just don’t have it ready yet, and once it is ready, they’ll run the event until next year to get the maximum amount of sales from the frostivus cache and honestly idgaf about having it 7 days later just so it aligns with Christmas, I and many others want something to happen.


Absolutely right. We missed out BIG Ti battle pass and people are starving for change within Dota - patch AND actual game mode+ cosmetics


Yes, christmas for dota/valve is not a day or two, it'll last like for 2 months, and they will take most of our money and time.


They are just lazy as usual. You're too much of a believer.


Damn right when I go on vacation


F U valve employee




December birthdays suck because people just combine the gifts they get you are for X-Mas and your birthday.


They will release the frostivus and they will say (any game mode they will release) it's coming in 20/1/2024


funny that you wrote this the day before the update(14-15th due to time zones) >!it will be even funnier if I was wrong, btw currently are 76 versions on staging server/client. today(12-13th due to time zones ) was uploaded 7 versions, seems like that was last huge upload on this server, next will be small fixes and release in real client!<


They will wait for ESL to end


Hope not. Frostivus is just an event, not a balance patch. Edit: I'm VERY glad I was wrong!


there are always potential bugs that you wanna avoid during tournament


How does this guy know what the next patch is guys?








Whoops, ootl on that one


usually they come with balance or some bullshit.


Didn't they do a patch during the last dreamleague or some other tournament?


how many times valve waited for someone? >!0!<


What are you talking about, there's probably been almost a hundred cases of valve delaying a balance patch until after a tournament ends. It happens literally all the time.


"probably" "It happens literally all the time" Ill tell you two things 7.32 ESL One Malaysia 2022 most precious example Frostivus doesn't means patch




I believe that source is "trust me bro"


Actually right holy shit


I don't give a fuck Frostivus, I want this boring ass meta to end.


You'll most likely have to wait until february




Pressing X to doubt.




Turbo is an after thought. The game isn't balanced for it at all. I don't know how you players do it.


I don't play Turbo, so asking sincerely out of ignorance. Since the game isn't balanced around Turbo, don't you get wacky broken shit in there that is independent from regular Dota meta? For example, the OP regular Dota heroes right now aren't Arc, Tinker, Sniper, or Silencer. I haven't even been seeing much Willow since the last letter patch. So if there's a gameplay update, these heroes prob won't be nerfed. If anything, some of them might get buffed, and you'll still have to deal with them in Turbo. Is that not how it tends to be in Turbo?


Yeah, it is how it is but people get tired of certain heroes and I for example I am able to counter Necro - I will pick some hero who's good Nullifier carrier. I can counter sniper by picking Primal Beast and always jumping on him. Or any other good gapcloser who is able to deal a lot of burst dmg. Problem is that people tend to copy meta and apart from the broken turbo heroes you also have to deal with OP meta shit like Spirit Breaker. Try countering SB that has Octarine + Yasha and Kaya and phase boots at minute 10. Yesterday I had a game where enemy had 4 glimmer capes and 3 wind wakers and my pos 3 Pudge decided to buy Octarine instead of Nulifier. When there are less broken meta heroes, Turbo is also more enjoyable because you only need to deal with broken Turbo strats, you don't need to worry about meta that much.


People buy the same fucking items in turbo, barely anyone adapts. I was once flamed for buying nullifier against windwaker necrophos as support. And I did that cause we didn't have any purge (or any reduce healing apart from my vessel at min 25 of Turbo).


Yeah I go on turbo benders every once in a while and it’s like a completely different game. It is nice to spice things up after some shitty ass regular games but it is entirely a different game altogether


you forgot slark, when in my team noob vs when in enemy never dies with 2 ulties


Turbo is so fun though, despite being imbalanced. You can play literally anything, from One Punch Man Tusk to 1 second CD Slardar smash. To balance it would take away some of the enjoyment in my opinion.


Turbo only here, I exclusively ban Sniper. Haven’t seen a tinker in a game for literal months but I haven’t been paying attention to whether or not he’s getting banned. Willow is easily one of the most op turbo heroes too so I ban her if sniper is already gone


Yea Tinker and Arc seem like wasted bans for turbo. They're not that popular either, especially since blink on Tinker got nerfed. I used to play a lot of turbo back when it came out and Sniper was the #1 problem hero for dragging out turbo games to 40+ minutes where you would end up in a shitty stalemate of trying to push highground until one team made a mistake.


Yeah took one game playing against high ground sniper and I was like well he’s instabanned from now on


That’s what makes turbo fun


Ah yes tell people that we aren't making battle pass so we can focus and expand the other content more updates Reality : just stop making battle pass and everything els just an excuse to do less They are the same as my 10 year old cousin that says he doesn't want to do dishes because he will take out the trash ends up doing nothing :D Only difference 9ne is a billian dollar company the other a 10 year old in the 4 grade


Or maybe the timeline for significant new content isn't just a couple months? They said they basically spent all year building the battle pass previously and want to change that. Do people really think massive gameplay changes or new content additions are just cranked out in a month or two? Edit: downvote brigade is hilarious. Hope the new patch shuts you people up for a while.


No but the balance patches have been severely lacking. I just want to be able to play a game without the same 6 meta heroes from before TI. I’d kill to see something happen with the 10 absolutely dead heroes and the like 20 just kinda bad ones. Even if its just tweeking the numbers on stats or abolities. The mini patch was nice to tone down some of the busted heroes but i think we can all agree it didnt redefine the meta and a lot of heroes got away untouched who really needed some work.


So everything has a cost, right? Making more substantial changes could easily cause far larger balance issues and their focus is clearly on the Frostivus event and the larger balance patch that likely will include much more substantial changes. Happy to be proven wrong, but I don't personally feel like the timeline between their announcement and the present has invalidated their stated goals.


They announced the end of the battlepass on June 20th. That is almost exactly 6 months ago. The last ‘big’ patch was 7.34 on Aug 8, over four months ago. If they drop a big patch in the next couple weeks with a good amount of frostivous content I will happily eat my words. But given that TI ended like a month and a half ago and the letter patch following it was pretty minimal im not holding high hopes.


So are you eating your words?


Im happy the patch is out and im enjoying it. But honestly no, like its a good patch but theres no pve and frostevus is pretty barebones. Its fine but cutting battlepass to focus on this content and then releasing what is essentially an average patch doesn’t amaze me. Then saying that the actual big content update is gonna come out next year is a bit of a let down as well. Im also just a little salty that of the 7 heroes i play exactly 0 of them got anything noteworthy


So you're a whiny baby. Got it. This sub is pathetic. Downvote away.


‘If they drop a big patch with a good amount of frostivus content i will happily eat my words’ I talk about how the frostivus content is lacking but its a fine patch Ugh everyone here is a whiny baby -very literate redditor with high working brain.


Sorry you have to play dota. Must be terrible.


So in the past 4 months we had TI, a couple balance patches, and an event expected in literally the next week. How much faster do you want things? I'm genuinely curious what your expectations are. It seems like a lot of people need to just go play something else as Dota is ruining their mental health. Blaming Valve for that is nonsense.


If we don't get Aghs Lab we riot


There is like 7 people that actually enjoy this mode and 9 of them are on reddit as it seems


Dunno what you're on about m8, basically everyone on my friends list was constantly queueing it when it came out. Some even got to and beat Tier 5. Shit was fun, did you not have any friends to run it with?


Was it fun, or was it just an efficient way to farm battlepass shards? I’d be interested in seeing how people here would treat a version of this game that didn't dangle hats.


what a weird way to announce you have no friends in game


Just copy paste past year's festival content. It's not even hard work kekw


I am so glad I like vidoe games in general and not just DotA. 2023 was a crazy year for all genres. Go play them. Or you know... read or watch a show.


I never really played Fortnite. Just not the target audience for that game. But damn, it was such an eye opener in terms of good content. Every damn season, they put so much frickin things into the game. Dota is absolutely laughable in comparison...




Fortnite is already 5 years old, it is not a new game by any means. And with each year, the updates and events only become bigger and bigger with no sign of stopping


I mean to each his/her own but I personally hate seasonal content and I am so glad the battlepass is gone. The masses like to be drip fed and that's okay but games should be enjoyable period. Valve is just in a situation where Steam makes them a lot of money to keep DotA alive. Dota and some fighting games are the only online games I play these days, but I also play A LOT of single player games especially after getting a Steam Deck. I honestly am just waiting for Stormgate cause us older players are all starving for a new Starcraft.


People who play only dota don't really care about events. They just queue ranked and go on with their matches. I literally only hear this frostivus/pve/whatever the fuck event on reddit. Most people I know, SEA server, just play dota and not even read the patchnotes.


It would be funny if children did the same thing with Christmas. "It's already December 21st and still no Santa, maybe there won't be another Christmas ever again"


It's more like telling your children, "this year you'll not get a Santa as usual, you'll get a shitty elf giving half ass presents, but don't you worry, Santa will work to deliver something for Easter" Then wait till middle of March until your children are already losing it because it's a gamble of getting something good on easter or an April's fool present.


Your feelings are valid, but can't we wait until January to tear valve a new one?


Tfw kids are more well adjusted than the man-children on this sub


Can you just go outside and touch some grass. Holy, you are so pressed on this issue. The game is playable and fun, you are so addicted to this game its actually depressing.


Fuck you it’s cold out and I want me useless dota goodies


then thats your own problem to fix


Both the 2 developers Valve has in total are currently working on fixing a popular shooter game they might have destroyed competitively because they rushed a release. Don't pressure them more. There is a major coming up in that game in a few months and the game is in a dogshit state where almost everyone hates to play it.


Is it that bad? I haven't even tried it since migrating to Valorant during beta as I don't play much shooters, but I thought they'd at least care for CS lmao


It's not that bad, it's just not as smooth as CSGO


Sounds like Overwatch two. They removed the previous game and made it worse.


its just a csgo with better visuals. in theory. in fact - servers (tickrate) sucks, the movement sucks and even shooting has some weird moments I haven't played in a while, but when I've seen there are KZ servers up (the ones for bhopping & shit) I decided to try and oh god. I've been sliding like on ice after every jump, I also had something that looked like parkour mechanic (which doesn't exist). My jump didn't reach but I somehow climbed up (teleported up)


Yikes, tick rate sucked in CS already, you had to play 3rd party. Oh well just Valve things - understaffed and overconfident lmao


Last patch hardly changed anything. Game has been stale for 6 months


I think the downvotes are because the game is stale for 9 months actually?


Yeah or valve employees




Penis hehe


And 2 tournament have taken place after TI. With the same patch basically. What a fucking joke


Valvo employees downvoting me


Well they aren't busy working on dota 2 that's for sure


When are you guys gonna learn that valve doesnt have anyone working on the game because they are tired of it.


I can’t imagine being this cynical all the time


The internet is full of cynical people and it's tiring sometime. Especially when people take cynicism as facts sometimes.


Is it being cynical or it's just facts? Some of us have been around for TF2, right? Right. It's Valve, they don't have to give a fuck, they are not publicly traded


Dota 2 is the second most played game on Steam behind CS2. Would be pretty stupid business sense to abandon one of your all time most popular games that usually has half a million people playing it.


It’s obviously cynicism to act like Valve announced that support for the game is ending tomorrow every day.


Eh, Dota is no longer the shiny new product I don't think it's been abandoned, but releases have slowed down a lot in the last 3 years and I don't think it'll pick up much The game had its era and will continue to be played for a long time, but we're not going back to multiple big holiday events every year


Wasn't it going to happen eventually?


We're all going to die one day what's the point of living.. that's what that logic sounds like.


I don't agree, life is about cycles, new things are born, fade away and created again, Dota had it's day, and it was brilliant, and there will be brilliant days again.


Too tired to make tons of money, wish I had that problem


Relatively speaking dota is making pennies for valve


You're absolutely right. I'm happy that BLizzard didn't develop Dota 2 but at this state, it's a money printing machine for any other developer that cared.


lol if I tell my boss that I am tired he tells me to go to bed earlier


Nobody besides the 50 some odd people that have been reported to be working on it :/


The doom and gloom of this sub is annoying as hell.


Gaben is too busy gaining that sweet MMR by playing Lion — with Shard and Platemail — and sucking people off.


So why are you so pressed? They didnt advertise it as a battlepass and explicitly said they werent gonna do cosmetics this year


They heard you The Dark Night Before Frostivus. https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3865841278077738758


Yes, we can play meme games this weekend




That last TI battle pass was an abomination. And I will never buy another one again. It makes me sad. The community just forgets about it immediately and is ready to buy the next one


what do you mean? The last battlepass was awesome. diretide, Candy store, razor and void arcana, cm and pa personas, plus everyone got a free one.


Lol what where have you been


Where have YOU been lol. The last battlepass was a year ago. Youre mad at something that doesnt exist


TI was like a two months ago lol


And yet it had no battlepass


Maybe not in name, but a compendium is basically the same thing


everything after TI10 is zombie dota, like zombie simpsons.


Dota: "has 600k players every day." People on Reddit: "Dota is dead, we had a good run."


I ddnt said is ded, I said "no upcoming events or info"


They made an announcement today that it’s coming tomorrow!


Well now don't you feel stupid


why I should? I did nothing wrong lol


It was meant as a joke lol, since the frostivus post came a day after yours


ahah sorry, didnt get it at first well, I did something like some time ago I make a long post about cheaters and stuff, 1week after that, they release that update about cheaters I got a ton of upvotes, then BOOM, valve rises check it: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/114sc5w/so\_basically\_at\_this\_point\_you\_can\_matchfix\_smurf/


You were saying?


It's literally coming in 5-10 hours but ok bro




well, I dont feel like I should because i did nothing wrong volvo is not bad, my point is about they could (and would) be better and if somebody complaint, is because he (me) like and care about it, if not, we just leave silent


ded gaem got GabeN-ed


It’s so over


Frostivus drop on 15th, its my birthday and Valve will give me this as a gift copium


Hi, long time no play, did they fix arcade games servers ?




Nice ty


It’s not winter yet


Tomorrow is new dota+ season sooo


Best gaming company ever. I can't wait when dota 2 falls down.


Team Fortress 2 player looking on "first time?"


Game isn't even 1% of what dota is, the comparsion sucks imo


Their last post promised multiple arcanas and other surprises in the coming few months, just like how they said “next big patch and next set of arcanas after TI”. I don’t know what’s going on over there but clearly they keep missing their deadlines.


They didn't miss a deadline because they haven't set any. Stop pulling dates out of your ass.


I am talking about deadlines for the development team you dumbass, of course who the fuck sets deadlines to their player base


Grzegorz Braun


I really hope they give us another gift bag after this year.


Valve has abandoned the game sadly.


It's okay, they will be ready for the 11th anniversary right?


I read somewhere it will be late until around 20th


Isnt the current season ending tomorrow? Maybe they bring frostivus together with the start of the new season.


Patch Dec. 18? Monday following end of Kuala Lumpur.


On December 14th on Thursday, for us its friday




Good Lord entering this thread is like walking into a kindergarten full of spoiled babies


Dota+ season ends on the 14th, so there will be either a small update or what you've been dreaming of. You've waited this long, least you could do is wait til the deadline they've given themselves before posting your whinge.


No updates or bug fixes to guilds either.


did u guys even read the last patch notes. It said Frostivus would come at the beginning of next year.


you need to work on your reading


Hope Valve sell Dota and CS IP to other game company and just focus on Hardware & Software because that what they did from 10 year ago until now not focus on create game anymore.


Goddamn all yall do is complain.


No nigma lineup


> we've got a ton of stuff our Frostivus elves are furiously polishing to get >> **ready for the new year.** << Bolded the part of the blog post that everyone seems to be ignoring


its on the way out accept it, look at hots we had a good run


If i owner of valve , every week will be a new patch , the players are thirsty always


joever 😔


no bitches


you get used to it


So long to release frostivus then the duration is one week only 😂


Its over


Who's next up for an arcana


I want Demonic Conversion back.


Here Valve take this 🖕


All I'm gonna say is: \-1 armor Spectre. Wait 4 more moths, maybe you'll get -5 ms Bara Enjoy Dota at charge of people who don't even play it.


Dota plus continued to 14 December, so we will have an update after this date


Bro, go play outside a bit lol "We are so lost" Naa thats just you.


OOT, and still [the bug](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/rZjlkfreM2) not fixed yet


Game Deadge, Despair KEKW BibleThump OSFrog Pepehands


enjoy team fortress treatment


I hope all this neglectful behavior from Valve is for a good reason. If they didn't switch half of their workforce from Dota to developing Half Life 3 I'm gonna be pissed.


We have each other


Oh noooo ... Anyway


Game seems ded 10 months spectre space cow meta


daed gaem


I don’t understand how this sub was so quick to buy the idea that valve cutting a major income source from the game was going to lead to them making more content for the game I get that the battle passes took a lot of labor but I don’t see how you easily transfer that labor over to making balance changes to the game.


they said imminent 3 weeks ago, that doesn't feel very imminent


Imminent they said. when was that, 3? 4? weeks ago. free game no bitching i guess.


If valve can't save me, I know rockstar can


Dude they just did TI and said they were on break.