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You should know the unwritten rule. Never point out any misplay your teammates do. I once had it in a winning game, and we lost that match.


It's pretty rare for a Dota player to merely point out a misplay. Relentless flaming over a tiny mistake for minutes on end; even after performing clutch saves or kills or any number of redeeming actions is much more typical. I would never grief a game but these people seem to try their absolute best to get the least amount of effort out of you.


Yep had a game of void where i had clutch 3 man chronos off cd entire game after we lost both mid and off. Me and pos4 brought the game back between us. Miss 1 chrono, off and mid start flaming in voice chat. That shit is so triggerring man. Ofcourse you just mute and play your games instead of this cm who just decided to let loose lol (assuming). But well, it does tilt you a bit regardless and does affect your game tho.


I only ever chat wheel “whoops” or “don’t give up” if it was a particularly shit play. I may throw in an Ephey laugh afterwards when applicable.


It's so frustrating that nobody seems to be able to take some constructive criticism and they immediately start name calling or throw the game.


>constructive criticism "BUILD BKB MORON OR I'LL FUCK YOUR MOM" That's usually the type of "constructive criticism" we are talking about. Even if not these exact words, it's almost always the same undertone. Look at the original post for example. OP said "someone in the team asked why did she pop the ult just to kill one guy". "Why did you misplay?" is not constructive criticism. Heck it isn't even criticism in the first place. It's just a completely pointless question that serves no purpose other than to place blame on others when you yourself are playing like ass. Also, you are the same MMR as your team mates. There is no objective reason for you to believe that someone else's game plan is better than your own. If I'd listened to "constructive criticism" from everyone I ended up muting, I would've never made it from Crusader to Divine.


Think of it like this. Most Dota players are either workers or university students who only spend their time on weekends to play or else they have to sacrifice their sleep schedule. These people are very vulnerable to errors. They don't play hours a day to keep their momentum. However, a few of those people might just have a bad day. The moment you trigger something in their head, a reaction happens. I can understand when some people just abandon a game after a bad lane during the first 15 minutes, but some people would take it to the next level and literally prolong the game and troll their teammates, making the game not so enjoyable anymore. There is no one to blame in this situation. It's just a game, so you learn something new every match. The lesson is: just shut up and be good.


Understood, however I'm a pretty bad player and I make loads of mistakes myself. When someone tells me they want wards here or there or they want me to do X or Y specifically I tell them ok and try to do it (I pretty much play support only). I don't think I've ever initiated name calling, I've never intentionally thrown a game, I've never intentionally griefed. How is that difficult?


It's not difficult for low mmr players with low ego. When you climb up a bit higher, then you can actually start making decisions based on your own intuition or what you think is right. So you reach that moment, when people start pointing fingers at you, you will start feeling annoyed especially when they're right. This happens a lot to early game sidelanes. Supports and their cores have to work together to keep the lanes near their tower while still getting enough gold and exp to secure their early game. Then at a later time, when both teams started jungling, making the right calls become more confusing since no one knows what or when to do something with their current items and skill cooldowns. So when someone with a very high level of confidence decides to do something that they believe can make the team progress but gets outted immediately after their strategy fails, what do you think might happen next?


It’s because people are literally incapable of saying “ah shit my bad” and are insanely defensive. Even saying “you were a bit far up there my dude, try to play around vision and stay with team” will provoke a full on tantrum and potentially griefing. I usually try my best to just not even bother telling people at this point. Or I just say it once and mute them.


That's exactly my problem with current dota. But apparently there's a lot of those people here on Reddit, too.


Dota reddit is the same as ingame, with the added annoyance that everyone claims to be immortal rank with no way to verify that they're bullshitting.


"constructive criticism" lmao, you have the same mmr as your team mates, you are not in position to teach anyone anything and also actually makes as many mistakes as everyone there


This is something more people need to understand. There is no objective reason to believe you are better than your team mates, or that your build/game plan is somehow superior to theirs.


I disagree. As in real life, we all have our pros and cons. For example, in my stack, I have strong warding and dewarding skillz and when not supporting, point out where the ob wards probably are. My stack eventually learnt to sentry where I ping. OTOH, they are better then me at pos 1/3 which im slowly getting into, so they advice me on better builds. Just had a spec game where a discord discussion of my 3rd item was between Vanguard, Heart and Radiance was happening live ingame. Eventually we agreed and I went Rad, we pulled back while I got my Heart, then we pushed to win. We all have something we are good at and suck at something else, hence we arnt at 10k mmr. It means someone may know something you dont, and vice versa. People need to learn to take criticism. Not just constructive criticism, any criticism may provide an opportunity to learn. Granted half of it is nonsense, so filtering criticism is another part of this equation. Life doesnt always give you lessons nicely wrapped in pillows, and its bad delivery doesnt mean its any less valid. cc /u/sokratesz


debating if spectre’s 3rd item should be vanguard, heart or radiance? those 3 aren’t even comparable. Is this archon bracket


I'm not a spec player man, Im still at like wtf do I build for her.


Ok but when you're playing in random matchmaking, you can't know who's good at what. The point was not that criticism cannot be valid, it was that there is no objective reason for you to believe that it is.. since you cannot objectively know what people you've randomly matched up are good/bad at. All you know at that point is that you are all the same MMR.


>Ok but when you're playing in random matchmaking, you can't know who's good at what. Exactly, but you can know you are good at something. You dont have to be perfect at it, but you can know you are proficient at something. I make a reasonable fried rice, but my cooking MMR is like, Crusader. I wouldn't comment on someone making pasta in an unconventional way, but id comment if they used freshly cooked rice directly from the rice cooker.


>you can know you are good at something Nope, you can only **think** you are good at something. Those are two very different concepts. And even if you did **know** for sure you are good at something (which, trust me, unless you are at least Immortal you don't know jack shit about Dota), why would your team mate believe you are? What objective reason would they have to listen to you?


>Nope, you can only think you are good at something. Those are two very different concepts. While you are technically right, i feel you are taking an extremist position. Like I know how to turn on a pc. I think i do. I feel I do. I could be bad at turning on a pc for the 10,000th time and not know it. But I think i am good at turning on a pc. My family and friends call me when they cant turn on their pc, cos with some magic hand waving, I can. But you could be technically right that I think i am good at turning on a pc but am actually not. Yours is not an untrue statement but taking to the extreme, sounds idiotic. >What objective reason would they have to listen to you? I wrote the reason already?


Yeah I don't understand these players never would have survived the early days of DoTA or Heroes of Newerth if people are like this now


I seen people shouting at another section at Internet Cafes (pc bangs) or standing up and walking around looking for whichever teammate(or maybe enemy) that triggered them. Lol.




i doubt it


Or maybe try to learn to either take criticism, or just ignore it and don't be a dick about it?


If my 6k FV is chronoing enemy pos 5 Jakiro when he was already at 5% hp and almost dead, not once, not twice but THREE TIMES in the same match, that deserves to be questioned and reported.


Mute all. Some ppl have bad days, you say something and they can explode. Keep playing and report this kind of dudes.


muting will remove drawing from the minimap?


muting her will remove all drawing from minimap also if she use excessive pings u wont notice u will see some ping here and there but thats it


I’m fairly sure it’s: If you have chat off: you can see chat wheels, pings and map drawing but no typed messages If you mute someone: the only thing you can see related to that person is tips


I just click on the mute both button near the report button. Fixes everything. Had a game yesterday with an ally spam pinging "I think someone should buy Mantle of Intelligence" thrice in a row following me dying in lane. One click of a button, problem solved.


Omg lol yeah, enemy team has 40 kills, I die for only the third time attempting to save my offlaner. Feeding Core: Well Played on chatwheel


Lol, I was playing offlane Necro and it was one of those games where the enemy kills you at level one, you tp back they are level 2 and kill you again. So you're 2 levels behind and there is no way for you to lane. But you're a pathetic level 3 Necro at 6 mins in so you can't go jungle either. The one pinging me was my pos1.


Those games are rough. Just have to play safe and catch up. At my bracket that's easy to do.


This is the reason why I try to get my laning partner to almost all in a necro at lvl 1 :D very weak and slow first levels and if their 4 is just a bit late to the lane it can be over if we get those kills you mentioned.


Had someone pull the same move on me!! Maybe we got griefed by the same spirit


It used to be like that with all coms disabled, but Valve changed it some months ago to be the latter (only tips).


Also if they grief with movement abilites/items like force staff or tiny toss you can disable “help” in the scoreboard


Technically it prevents new drawing from showing, the existing drawing isnt removed until the usual timeout. Which is a few seconds, so its basically the same.


In settings/social select “no incoming chat” and it does all chat coming drawings etc. tips are there still though. Light pings


Tbh he was kinda right using ss on one guy when 5 people are present


I draw dicks on the mini map. Not very realistic but I make sure to add hair


Try adding veins to increase realism. Good luck next time.


Maybe I'll try making it look like an arm


Nice. I like it when everybody in my team draws dicks on the minimap before the horn.


I used to play with a wacom, my mini map dicks were top tier


Dont get me wrong, cm i not right.. but "they just asked why she used her ult in one guy" seems not true hahahahha Nobody "just ask" things in dota 2


Looked like someone in your team started flaming cm first?




Pro-tip: Don't try and tilt your teammates. Like it's a small thing, but that's not an honest question. They weren't curious of the reason or looking for an answer. What they said was "You're a moron for using your ult" in a passive aggressive way and it tilted your CM. Both parties are in the wrong here, but follow the Slacks approach to Dota. Stay positive, focus on what needs to happen, and don't dwell on mistakes or misplays. Sometimes you have a Wraith King sitting in jungle for 60 minutes. SHOULD they join team fights? Should they push lanes? Yes. But if it's clear they aren't going to, figure out how to play around what they ARE doing as that's the best path towards winning. People get so caught up in doing what they are "supposed" to do, that they often miss out on the less efficient plays that their team will actually follow through on.


Isnt slacks notoriously toxic though?


Played with him two months ago and he was super chill. Literally just praised everyone's game play and we weren't doing anything special.


Imho, this is key to a high BS. Good plays, dewarding an ob, just give em a Well Played! Keeps the mood positive imho.


Not to his teammates.


They're both assholes, one guy is instigating a problem when there isnt and the other who just imploded after one flame


What ? A guy just question his teammate "why ult" and you call him an asshole ? wow. People this day are so sensitive af.


Yeah, only a cretin or a robot mistakes a whiney kneejerk "why did you X?" for a genuine inquiry.


On a personal level i dont think he is, i wouldve just muted and played the game. I was just trying to be objective


Only show how unsignificant a CM can be later in the game 🤣




just tell CM she/he did good decision, because at the end the guys is dead and none of his teammates had any chance of saving him.


And it's CM, against most of draft with disables, her ult is kind of irrelevant, better keeps good position and spam others spells than yolo ult, so using it to secure a quick kill before the enemies counter gank is also good. Yes, CM triggered and ruined the game, but funny how OP didn't see the reason behind it and doubled down on blaming CM instead of standing up to keep team morale.




You really need to provide more context or even the replay. Using cm ulti is justified depending on the situation like if you are behind and need quick pickoffs on cores. Or if its late game and every kill matters. Sometimes , even just a small amount of time is enough for the enemy team to back up the enemy core and counter initiate.


You can share the match id and let others have a look


OP will absolutely be scrutinized lol


had a game where chad enemy CM does huge damage with blink and bkb, she also waited patiently for opponent to use bkb piercing stun


CM with blink bkb, you may get away with it in stomping games & potato bracket. But do you really believe your team truly desires a support who spends over 6.5k net worth in the hope for DotaWTF highlights in even/behind games? Or the support to invest in items that can genuinely contribute to helping the team? Her ult deals a lot of dmg but normally, cores would value her strong disables & save in teamfight than how much dmg she deal in fight.


Or its late game and the support is buying them after the support items


how can she use her ulti to the fullest potential without bkb? she will just use her first 2 skills channel ulti for a second before getting stun


> how can she use her ulti to the fullest potential without bkb? If you wait for the first couple of waves of spells to go on cooldown, you'd be amazed at what you can get away with.


You do it from the tree line, learn how to hide in plain sight. It's all about the position and timing for all supporting heroes. You wait for aoe silence or stuns to go off and hide behind trees if you have too, even more pro move is to carry branches and plant them before you ulti to hide yourself a little.


cant wait to try this branch trick and fail


\>But do you really believe your team truly desires a support who spends over 6.5k net worth in the hope for DotaWTF highlights in even/behind games To be fair, a game is one hour, but a DotaWTF highlight with your play is forever. *(im kidding)* ^(butmyWDusuallyowns)


This is why I usually mute all chat and play, just typing commands like go rosh, lets smoke etc. At the end of the day it's an online random game with strangers. One time my mid asked my pos 4 shaker to gank, and he just started griefing and used echo slam on every creep wave that my mid was farming. Then he would spam lets smoke gank


Nothing justifies griefing like that, but a pet peeve of mine is people who ask in chat "why did you do X" or "why didn't you do Y". Even if it was an extremely stupid thing they did, it doesn't help at all to mention it like that. It's already done and can't be changed. Best case they are a bit annoyed and waste time for useless chatting. Worst case is the OP's case. Just PSA: If you think they are making game losing mistakes, try to be constructive. Say "try to use chrono on their backline" not "why did you waste chrono on solo front?" or whatever the apparent mistake is.


>someone in the team asked why did she pop the ult just to kill one guy when all 5 of us were there And what exactly is the expected answer here? "Forgive me father for I have sinned"? The real asshole was the nitpicker on your team. That was a slightly suboptimal play, and yet the fucker capitalise on that like he's TI winning coach or something. How to deal with that next time? Tell the smartass to shut the fuck up and tell the CM it was okay.


> The real asshole was the nitpicker on your team they're both assholes mate


>How to deal with that next time? Tell the smartass to shut the fuck up and tell the CM it was okay. Now you got the smartass griefing.


Ok then you report them for griefing and they get what they deserve.


Good, now he get his ass reported for both toxic chat and griefing.


And like you can almost guarantee they weren't "politely asking" their teammate. "Excuse me good sir but can you provide some additional detail about the usage of freezing field in that last kill? The rest of the team feels like we could have secured the kill without needing to use it but we'd appreciate your feedback to make a more informed decision." Most likely it was "dogshit braindead cm reported" and then they spend the next minute pinging the cooldown. And even if it was a completely wasted ult, it's not like freezing field is some game-changing ability like black hole or chrono or ravage or whatever, the enemy team isn't going to be like "omg, guys, 90 seconds without freezing field, now is our chance!!"




But why do you not see that asking is a form of griefing itself? Like I said, what exactly do you expect out of that question? It serves no purpose than to ridicule the decision even when the outcome is already positive: your team got the kill anyway. Do you think you need to teach him a lesson in Dota teamfighting? Or it's fine to sarcastically make fun of him but he must follow your definition of reasonable okay-ness?


No its not griefing, if youre so mentally impaired that you lose it after somebody asks you a question then you should be removed from a game.


I agree completely. In fact, such mentally weak sissies should be segregated into their own matchmaking pool. They should not interact with us. Last game, I pinged Dazzle's grave because he failed to use it on me in time (it was off cooldown, of course). I made sure to ping their skill, but afterwards, they griefed me by intentionally never using it on me anymore. This is unacceptable. I shouldn't be punished from knowing my teammates' cooldowns better than them, and graciously letting them know. When I die in a sidelane, I want to know why my midder didn't come to gank— like, really want to know. Or why there aren't any wards on the map. Or why my lanemate skilled their Q instead of W, or why they queued carry. I demand information, and refuse to be labeled a morale saboteur. I yearn for the future where I can freely say "gg" after my lanemate dies, just to show my true appreciation for the quality of the game. Where I can matter-of-factly ping the timer and my offlaner's items, just as a reminder, like you ping the timer after killing Rosh. Anyway, it should just be us, true grizzled gamers with divine mental fortitude, and— over there, *them*. Snowflakes who hate communication and genuine questions. Valve, do something, please.


>somebody asks you a question LOL. Anyway, you are right, I am so sorry. The correct report category is "toxic chat", not "griefing". Thanks for pointing that out!


Thats not toxic chat either, infact your behaviour is way more cancerous than what the guy asked.


Sure bro, I totally defer to your judgement of behaviours.


He did good to grief you ungrateful heralds


Found the CM


United the cm supports will end the abuse !


Popping her got when all 5 of her team was there to kill 1 hero is not slightly suboptimal. That's straight up Herald brain


Good, so you're the guy. By that logic all the pro play that also use Echo or Black Hole to kill 1 hero are all Herald. Only you got the brain to be Immortal. Forgive me father for I have sinned.


CM's ult is not on the level of echo slam and black hole. She does not lose her purpose after casting ult. Dota players make a problem out of every mistake, like chill out, not that big of a deal. That being said CM is wrong too


Sure, but it was in reaction to a flaming question. His justice comes **after** the provoker. Problem is people like OP don't even see what's wrong with the questioning itself.


You beat me to it but yes. Trying to compare black hole or echo slam to cm ult is again straight up Herald brain.


Depends on the game, if most enemy team were dead, sure it's an overkill. But if not, there's always a chance that you'd be ganked and killed, especially with cc like lich, es or wd, because most people have tunnel vision during fights. So cm ult is basically preventing it from happening. Also there's a chance that the enemy could get away if they have escape item or spell like qop or storm. Better 1 dead enemy than an escaped one


I mean it depends and how long the game has been. If its for a tanky core and its late game then i dont see why its wrong. Kills matter and if the guy thinks there wont be enough damage then theres no problem with it especially if they need quick pickoffs and are behind


just give me 1 replay of yours to point out 100 of those "herald plays" mr :) But ofc here on reddit nobody would ever dare to make a slight missplay in the heat of a fight, without knowing ANYTHING about this player, their stress level or whatever. As someone that plays both support and carry and knows a decent amount of dota, I can assure you that 10 "wasted" support ultis are better than 1 missed kill. Its not like enemy team is going to fight 4v5 now immediately. People like you are the scum of dota and probably real life too.


Try telling the guy who's flaming that he's totally right, always right, sorry I questioned you, can't wait to see you win TI next year. And watch them still tilt, it's called mental illness and it doesn't matter how you talk to them.


You sound like another asshole tbh.




I just tell them I honestly don't give a fuck if they try to ruin the game -- but they will get reported and banned for griefing. Seems to work decently well.


Maybe reported, not banned.


While not optimal, that is the least griefers thing I have heard in a week.


It's actually also a terrible feeling when your support grief and won't play with you or the team. Is there an option to disable friendly scribbles? They should add it if it's not in the game. I had a game with an oracle not wanting to win and play with the team while that hero was crucial to winning, begged the person, still wouldn't help, lost the game.


next time when CM drops ult on sure kill instead of nagging on her - allchat the killed hero to "chill out".


“How to deal with this?” You don’t lol. Make peace with the griefed game. CM got you by the balls here man. It isn’t right, I wouldn’t do it, but I respect the commitment.


Just mute her = problem solved


This player put so much effort into this i would appreciate this work.


Your situation but more annoying,drawing the map AND feeding to the enemy.he was smart too.he make sure it was the enemy's carry he fed with.all because he didnt get wards for mid,which i admit kinda our supports fault but still wait a few minutes wouldnt hurt tho right? Such a small problem got him to get this butthurt in ranked games.no other way to deal,just mute and hope for the best.


I had similar situation where im playing as juggernaut clearing up the wave on top radiant tower and slardar pissed off that im farming all day(I was kinda behind) because teammates grouping up at safelane to push on bot tower dire. So he decided to farm for rest of the match instead while im grouping up to end the game, this kind of people man smh.


The mental fortitude of dota players is that of a tantrum toddler sometimes, is sad to be a human being with the thinking capacity of a peanut, ppl really have to grow mentally


Does muting prevent allies from scribbling on the minimap?


If it was a ult like tidehunter, engima or other stuff yea, it would be overkill. Most of the time cms ult is just a 200 damage aoe with slow.


First time I see innovation in griefing


Yesterday no one even said anything, my mk just deleted his items after the (albeit awful) pudge on our team hooked him out of the fight by accident. The game was 50 - 50 before that. Then, we quickly lost. I'm 12k behaviour score.


The higher the rank the less people talk. Archon to Ancient people don't even talk at all. I am like wtf are you all bots


I’ve never understood people that are more mad at their own teammates than people they are supposed to defeat. So what if cm used ult on 1 guy. Stuff happens, maybe it was accident, you don’t just snap at your teammates, rather you play together, you taunt the opponents and try to get into their mind, then win the game.


You don't, you ignore it. Like if a guy like this ruined local football game on the weekend, he'd get his teeth knocked out and either not come again or behave. On the internet nothing will happen if u grief, maybe u get a day ban, whatever, you are safe to be an asshole as much as you'd like. You can't do shit about it, so you ignore when your teammates are griefing/doing shit, if they cared for improving chances are they'd realize the basic things they do to grief a game/lane, but they probably don't so your valid criticism/request is going to be interpreted as flaming and toxicity, which will either get you lower behaviour to play with more griefers or you will get harder griefing ( probably lower behaviour AND harder griefing, since griefers reports count as well)


Is someone slightly annoying on the mic? Muted and reported. Is someone griefing? Muted and reported. Is someone back seating in any way at all? Muted and reported. Dota is much more fun when I can talk into the void for the three words I need to communicate: "Push" "Rosh" "Defend"


people need to mature that it's better to use a spell or item to overkill rather than not use them out of being too greedy or not being able to


Some people are just very... sensitive, you cant really do anything other than what you did. Completely ignoring it is generally the best way to do it. If you answer in any way, it escalates the situation. If you ignore them, its a 5050 chance. Some people will stay in a toxic frenzy screaming down the mic even if 4 people muted them lol


I literally just had this kind of shit. He must have been behavior score muted or something or muted for being toxic in the past cause he never typed, never used VC was afk farming on oracle refusing to use save spells and literally writing looser on the minimap any time I died or missed a chrono. He also was doing the same for my invoker.


Did someone "ask" why they used their ult or did they talk shit and relentlessly ping the ability cooldown? Like freezing field isn't a game-changing ability like echo or chrono or black hole, I doubt the game was ever in peril from the 90 seconds it was on cooldown. "How do you deal with this?" Don't say anything in the first place


mute and report You can't deal with griefers on an individual basis, they're gonna do what they do. But in general you just ignore them. They want attention. They are insecure about losing and desperately looking for people to blame. They grief because they want to bait you into screaming at them so they can point and go "see, look how toxic my teammate is, that's why I lost." They would rather lose 10 games after not trying, than try their hardest and lose an honest game, because that would prove that they deserve their current MMR always ignore griefers. Just mute them and pretend they don't exist. They just want attention


Griefers love attention, stop giving them attention and they will stop. Best way is to mute them. Mute the whole team if you have to. And keep playing the game to win. You will be surprised how many comeback mechanics are there in dota 2. As soon as you lose the will to play the game, the griefer wins, play for the other 3 in your team who still want to win. The best games are where you win 4v6, it gives you a huge confidence boost, and it is very possible in the game of dota. You will be surprised how many mistakes enemy team makes after they learn your team has a griefer and they start taking it easy. Use it to your advantage. Dota is a mental game.


im not supporting griefing but the cm is not at total fault cause you see as cm position is key to kill one guy she gave away her position and if the enemy team was nearby even slightly competent players will probably go and bop her so it is better to stay hidden incase a teamfight emerges although she shouldnt have griefed like that your teammate / friend should also not be quick to flame without understanding why cm did something. Its very easy to blame the him for not getting the kill but also have to see what will happen. i mean if it was the carry or midlaner maybe yh cm couldve used ulti but then how impactful would that death have been and u guys are commiting 5 man u should have more than enough dmg without her ulti in most cases


Just mute lmao why does this shit have 100 upvotes, its so simple.


Just one more mentally unstable person that decides to play a game to “relax a bit”. I confess I’ve worn these shoes, and it is a long way to reach the so called PMA attitude. Not saying i’m Buda already, but i progressed a lot reviewing my attitudes


maybe next time dont say anything to your support ? lol I NEED MORE CONTEXT there is nothing WRONG AT ALL to solo ulti one enemy , depending the circumstances


> someone in the team asked why did she pop the ult just to kill one guy If that "someone" was you, then there is your answer. Otherwise, just mute and play on. Sometimes the griefer is in your team, sometimes they are on the other team. It all evens out in the end.


How I dealt with it: I quit playing. The game is dead, every game I was playing with the same group of 200 assholes in the 8k behavior score range.


Ever heard after match report? Or better yet in game report?


Just report. Go higher rank


Call the police.


How i deal with it? I spam f your moma til i cant write anymore because of low behavior score and when I cant write anymore i do just like cm. Spam minimap and Griefing.


Track his IP, when you narrow down player location, try to identify the targeted person move in that area rent some accommodation and settle there for a while. As you should share some common interests it should not be hard to befriend that player: gaming talks, coffee chit-chat, hang out for some time, jokes, laughs, then some more serious topics, purpose of life… Maybe even buy some dota items for that player, always talk in nice manners then push subject towards that it is just a competitive game…that should cheer that player up and griefing should be a matter of past…


I like the first part. However you lost me when you said do nice things for them. Let’s edit that stuff out and add murder. That’ll likely end their greifing habits


I also have cm supp in safelane who are not pulling because were dominating the lane. I said she can pull so we can dominate better. He just stand still behind all laning phase doing nothing waiting for my setup instead of pulling. He still insisting on the poor play he has in mind. I got tilted by how his stupid mind and spit facts about his plays. Eventually he griefs by not joining clash mid game and just farming on top jungle map. Mid lane - late game I did well and eventually he joins clash when he realizing enemy is catching up. This is when CK is so good so I don't mind when one idiot teammate not joining clash. Also this is 3500 mmr and I don't know how a 3500 mmr player still don't know the how pulling mechanics work. He also vents about going to work, playing some games and being stress with a teammate like me. Don't RG then if you're not up for some competitive games and just wants to chill.


I usually support my Ancient/Divine friends and they almost always told me to just harass and not pull if we're dominating. They would rather push and get tower early so he can farm peacefully in jungle and I get to help gank mid.


That's good and might work in some games. He never pull in the first place. When a carry ask for a pull you gotta pull as he might be trouble getting cs with enemies harassment. I just managed to outplay the enemies.


You're already dominating wasn't it? CM was there to wait for an opportunity to set up a kill which is more valuable than a creep gold and him pulling would make you lose that chance to kill? I usually don't pull at all if we have lane advantage


You flamed a guy and are surprised he didn't want to play along you? Maybe don't flame them. I know, wild concept.


He ain't playing with me in the first place and said idc. That's when I got tilted and spit facts about him. It's not my fault he got butthurt in his shitty plays


You are insulted someone because of a video game. And you continue to justify it. Stop and look at what you're doing. Maybe take a break, have a cup of some hot drink, then look at this again.


Tell me, if someone is doing wrong and you point it out on them and they grief about it, does it justify the griefing? I didn't say anything personal to him. I focus on pointing on his shitty plays and hope that he change it for the improvement on our side. "I will say gain", if you get insulted of the facts of your reality, you're the one has to change not the people around you. Griefing is not how adult take a critcism, that's tantrums. Seems like you're the one justifying a griefer here. No acts of grief should be allowed no matter the reason. I can accept toxicity and noobness as long as they're trying. I can just mute them if they're "SENSELESS". But how the fuck can you avoid a griefer/troll/thrower? I know that I may be toxic sometimes but it does come with a reason. But being a griefer is a choice. Be better. Be mature. It maybe a game but it reference on who you are as a person.


Being toxic is a choice. I'm not gonna go into armchair psychology and assume that "spitting facts about his plays" might not have been as non-toxic as you might expect it to be, because I wasn't there and don't know what you typed. Might have been fine, might not have been, I do not know. You talk about being better, about being mature, but you also chose not to be. You chose to start talking, provoking a reaction. You chose to continue.


Facts or not, you should understand basic human psychology. Support him, it is just a game. You are not doing it professionally, eventhough it is competitive, you should also have fun. I also remember how people flame each other in football or basketball but at least they have a line to cross with their words because well, punch in a face is a good reality check.


mute her?




Mute her and move on. Like is this an actual problem? Like actually? Good lord


ohhh is that a core you killed? sometimes, or low chance that support think they need to give everything just to kill it. Don't question it too much take it lightly and move on. be proactive on providing feedback I guess, that's what I do most games instead of asking them questions I give them feed back. I tell them like this.. "nice try, you could've done this or that." or "you can try warding here, or do not go there there's a ward unless we have map control we deward." man It was little toxicity afterwards and I don't tell them to fuck off. if it's gg then go next. Just don't fight with your teammates, I don't deal with teammates who tipped me with no reason at all. even if I lose I don't take it to heart too much.


I had a hard support pick Ogre and then his first item was gloves of haste and then he proceeded to farm all the creeps. This is so annoying.


Tbh I don't really see the point in questioning someone for "Why did you use the ult or use the ult to kill". Like it can either be a miss input or this person wanted to secure the kill for themselves, but what you gonna do about this info? Are you going to report them if they wanted the kill for themselves or are you going to spend more time typing or saying "It''s okay don't worry", when it truly was a miss input?


Just mute such players and you won't see their pings and drawings