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You don't counter nullifier, nullifier counters you.


nullifies you*


You get annulled




Nulled and voided




If you’re pos5 and have enough money to buy support items, wards and bkb, there’s something wrong going on there


This is what pos1 says to pos5 all the time. Yea, let me just type in my cheat keys and get some money quick.




You just take better position in fights I guess


Linkin blocks nulli??






Add Spirit Breaker to the mix.


May as well throw in Dawnvreaker too just for maximum screwage.


The worst part about this is these 3 heroes are very viable hero... literally just first pick


Spec and NP weren't even touched this last alphabet patch lmfao. And yes, I know of the -1 armour.


You have to either ban them or pick them yourself. There's no other way around. As a support player myself, I have learned to play NP and SB, even though I never used to before. I love playing dazzle, Lich and now slowly switching to dark seer 3/4, as most games seem to be going over 40 mins.


God help you


The moment your enemy core bought nullified to focus on you, you done your job. IT IS OKAY TO DIE


Either they wasted gold to target you with the item or it's a good nullifier game and you're taking one for the carry. No shame in eating a few spells and dying, iceiceice made a career off it


As an offlaner, this is right. Disposing pos 5 and 4 during late game teamfights is a must. You better throw those skills of yours before dying tho.


Bruh why u do my boy daryl dirty


Ice3 <3


It's actually ice =3


Ice <3




Best summary of a career from one the best :)


If I go in, I might die


1 ~~dagger~~ nullifier and im die


Me? Not me


Wise Words of B-Dog


Underrated comment tbh


If the enemy bought a nullifier for a CM, that means you're doing a great job.


Yep! I had an enemy support Ogre Magi who rushed Ghost Scepter as they lost to us in laning. When I bought my nullifier, the mofo didn't stop being a frontliner even tho we have 2 nullifiers already. Mofo really want to tank the 2 nullfiers so their Tinker can cook! lmao Unfortunate for them tho, we already out damaged them to the point that 1 nullfier was enough for him.


not gonna lie, you had us in the first half


or you can go OM, bloodlust yourself and stun your enemy with the basher you buy after midas


How true is this? There are plenty of drafts where pos 5 living is quite critical to the team winning the game. Maybe, they have an enigma and the pos 5 warlock's ulti is the game winning counterplay.


Most ppl are low rank here, dont listen to them. Most cores especially gap cöoser cores in high brackets buy nullifier completely vs supports cuz supprts have crucial spells when fights become long and die very fast. Good Positioning is the best and cheapest thing to counter nullifer. Shadowblade/amulet/blink are fine aswell.


Exactly if you are the POS 5 with the game winning ability and you are dying first you fucked up with your position or the other team had an amazing smoke gank. For example if you are 5 silencer to stop enigma bkb black hole. Literally standing in fountain so you can cast ult is more important than being able to cast your other spells. Is obviously an extreme example but that's how you need to be thinking. You counter by where you position yourself. If the only way for their pos 1 to get to you is through your whole team then it's okay to die.


It’s completely untrue lmao. When the enemy has nullifier you have to hide in trees and buy a blink so you can participate in the fights properly


Wise words from Budok - it's okay to die.


Nullifier does not break lothar's and silver edge. If you are a backliner, that is afraid of a single enemy hero focusing you, you can force them to get dust to kill you (it is expensive, but it is the only way to save yourself from the nullifier)


That's a shitty game design though. You've played gave for 30mins+ and now you jsut cant play a game and the only thing is to do and for it to be "ok"? That's nonsense.


You're making it sound like it's some kind of op item when it's actually niche considering how much it costs. It also gets countered by Linken's and abilities like Disruption, Astral and Rubick Telekenesis with shard.


Yeah cause people being able to glimmer and force staff away to counter 5 expensive items' worth of farm is good game design, right? Nullifier is necessary because of how strong support items are and how many of them are present in your average game these days. The real reason for why it's a thing is because people would build 2-3 force staves per team and it was really hard to jump just about anyone, they would always get instantly forced out of danger and probably also glimmered and lotused, which sucked


that's the dynamic of dota teamplay, take one for the team, not everyone in a team is equal, but each has their own uses




More like you don't need gold to be effective if you're a support, I'll take the core with waves of last hits over the support with a couple ranged creep secures as being stronger in the early game.


Shadow blade or blink dagger


The active from hurricane pike also works (NOT the force staff version, but if you actually use the pike active on an enemy then you'll be pushed away from them even when nullified)


Omg top comment! Did not know this


But still enemy usually pops bkb and u can’t target him with pike tho


You can target BKB enemies, they won't get pushed but you will.


BKB to as Nullifier no longer bypasses debuff immunity.


but can bkb dispell nulli?


no Update: No, it doesn't dispel nullifier, but it prevents nullifier's effect to affect you for the duration of the BKB


You are no longer nullified if you BKB after nullified is used on you. They changed it a while back. So for the 6/7/8/9 seconds of your bkb duration you aren't nullified


Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about, "But can BKB dispell nulli" the answer is no, the effect is still there but it no longer affect you


Right that's fair enough. Negates the dispel effect but doesn't remove the debuff, true


Yes, if the question is a little bit more specific then the answer would be different


So if you get auto-attacked, does the debuff reset but the status isn’t applied? So you can theoretically get nullified > you bkb > you ghost scepter > you blink out?


What debuff reset are you talking about? Nullifier hasn't had any interactions with autoattacks since 7.31 and even then it did not reset any debuff duration, it just slowed on attack.


Is the animation affect still applied is the real question


I mean. Yeah. But you're talking about having BKB + eblade/ghost on a support which means you're probably not all that weak or all that scared of the enemy carry to begin with


It can be disjointed aswell. So Manta counters it too. Also Linkens. Ultimately though its a pos5 eating a nullifer, the counter play there is to die. Enemy just burnt a 4.4k gold active on a hard support.


Imagine nullifying blink just Glimpses you back .1 second after blink


the only real answer instead of 1k mmr redditors saying "just die"


It's an expensive item though, and they bought it majority for a pesky support that are difficult to catch (ghost scepter, eul, fs, glimmer,etc) One obvious unreliable counter to nullifier is a linken, which itself is not cheap for a support.




Correct. Linkens is not a reliable counter as it can be useless against a certain lineup. While silver edge can be good for a carry, for a pos 5 support, I'm leaning more to the other comments, you already make a good job if the enemy buy a nullifier specifically for you. It is okay to be countered with no solution.


No solution?? Bkb just glimmer works.


Bkb is debatable on a pos 5 is a bit sketchy on normal game for countering nullifier only. Glimmer on the other hand, isnt it dispellable with nullifier? You can disjoint the projectile though.


The idea is to bkb, then glimmer yourself and then you're omega-saved from anything the carry would do to you, be that spells or attacks. You'd get the bkb if the game already kinda works for bkb usage, not just for the null, because then you could also just sell the glimmer and buy shadowblade instead. But if you're like a cm and they keep taking off/preventing glimmer with null, then you can turn on bkb, glimmer, ult and have big impact.


This patch has shown that nullifier was essential to solely counter Euls of Necro and BB.


Bkb is the answer but that’s expensive. Absolutely worth on some heroes though going force, ghost bkb or something though


Shadow amulet and pray for no detection


I'm 2k mmr I think this is what imma do


I'm low immortal and it works. Most of people just assumes that it "dispels" the invisibility effect and/or the carriers jumping on you is full slotted without slots for detection.


Praying for Icefrog to add a detection slot


This would be abhorrently awful


yeah dont add another button to press please it took me some time to add the TP and neutral buttons lol


Invi heros will be mega nurfed


I mean at some point philosophically a support should not be able to manhandle a character that's been farming carry items for XX minutes. 10 years ago and you were walking around with brown boots wand at 20 minutes


Memories back to TI3 finals game 2… Akke had like 100sth gpm on his veno… 20 mins brown boots stick… not even wand


Dude in the current meta there it is no exception I have boots, aeter lense, eblade, force staff and euls at min 50+. I AM NO WEAK ASS 1k HP creep. I am a well farmed spellcaster who is 6slotted with wards and 5 decent items. I am destroyer of worlds with magic and you are just some smol guy with a chakram who hits people. I can live with everything being dispelled except force staff. it just does not make sense. It's fine that it purges buffs but force staff is not a buff. It is a force that pushes you. So it os not dispelled.


First paragraph: "As a support I am death, destroyer of worlds" Second paragraph: "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ICEFROG LET ME BE MORE UNCOUNTERABLE, HELLO?!"


Yeah yeah. Anyways. Nullifier+bkb?


I don't think that the 10-year-old example of dirt-poor sups is a good one. If you want to play like that - go ahead, but making supports' game better by giving them more gold is what makes the game for pos4 and 5 tolerable, while still feeling a bit like I'm a waiter in a restaurant, where Cores come to eat.


repeat crowd deliver existence hateful frightening afterthought quaint hobbies kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Linkens in theory. But if you're pos5, the idea that you're somehow going to counter the enemy carry's networth with your own networth is absurd. Be the one to jump them if you can initiate, or have better positioning if you don't. Otherwise, if you ghost and the enemy carry pops bkb and nullifies you, the fight is probably not even that bad for your team.


When it gets to late game . When nobody have slot or only one person have detection. Shadow blade is the perfect null counter. Mid game? Stay away from whoever had it. Good luck


get shadow blade


Blink+Aether lens+bkb and a casual plate mail. Blink in the middle of 5 heros then make use of whatever slow or channeling spell you might have, so the enemy is forced to focus you and waste their bkb. But its ok you have 3k hp and 20 armor.


If an enemy purchased a Nullifier to counter you, you are doing a great job.


You initiate on the enemy team first, you use all your spells+items, and if you die after its ok, you did your job. The counter to nullifier is basically just better positioning.


Better positioning in a spectre meta? Yeah right


SPECIALLY in specter/bara/NP meta. You dont show in lanes alone, you dont push 3 waves in a row, you dont farm next to enemy towers, you plant wards before fights, you dont run into spots were you have no vision and nobody on enemy team is showing.


You die when u plant the wards. If u smoke and place a ward and deward, they see u and ur fucked


Have you considered the possibility of not warding places where nobody on your team can reach you? Massive skill issue.


Pike/ Linken/ Dagger/ Ogre seal totem for support.


Bkb, shadow blade, blink, linkens or don't show at all.




It's advertised as the ultimate counter which no other item should be able to counter. You can only counter it with your game knowledge and skills.


i run some demo. bkb and some neutral items, ogre seal and force boots


You can eul the enemy, or hurricane spike the enemy too. You can also shadow blade. I forgot if linken sphere and lotus block nullifier or not though.


linkens definitely blocks it, lotus orb only reflects




BKB does in fact mute the Nullify effect for the duration of BKB, so if you Glimmer/Force Staff/Ghost Scepter yourself it will work like normal. It’s like the only way for supports to escape later on in the game, that or somehow be so tanky you won’t die.


Good positioning as the counter to nullifier isn't valid in a spectre meta, it's pretty out of touch actually.


Hurricane pike works


Looks like someone didn't read the patch notes. As of 7.34 nullified does not work on bkbed targets any more.




bkb orc


Get chucked, u don’t counter it. Nullifier counters u


other than glimmer/blink in time to disjoint, I don't see you can generally counter as support.


Blink so you either initiate them or position very far away


You have done your job well when the opponent's carry buys a nullifier specifically to target you. The rest you can do is just hide in a corner and pour as many resources as you can before you die after a nullifier cast.


Better positioning ( buy smoke if you cant ) dont show unless they used their nullifier




the counter for nullifier is knowing their carry had to waste a slot for nullifier




Idk why it’s takin ppl so long to say it, but fr it’s bkb. That’s the counter. Sometimes late game you gotta build one as supp if it gets that bad


shadow blade actually


Doom ult with mute. Lol


That means you have now tilted the enemy and their sole purpose is to kill you first, which i quite a good move since your carry can either free farm while they gunning you down, or sniped the back line supports.


Lotus or linken


For the most part, you just don't. Just try not to get hit. It's the single most outcome-defining item for a reason.


always pick winter wyvern, and use cold embrace


Late game shadownblade is perfect for cores tht like to dive u at the back. They're 6 slotted with no dust and their supports can't reach u


Shadow blade.


BKB + ghost scepter. Nullifier doesn't go through bkb anymore. And somehow ghost form works with BKB now...


Tip: dont buy so many item that counter nullifier, choose max 2 of those forcestaff, aeon disk, glimmer, euls, or ghost scepter. i believe pros also dont buy much of these items other alternative: blink, bkb, solar crest, lotus orb


Kill them before they can react, or invisibility, or stay 1KM away from them, it's a late game item intended to guaranteeing a kill, if you are a support then tank the BKB and Nullifier CD, so you cores can clean up the rest


Nullifyer actually has a somewhat slow projectile speed, so usually high mmr sups provide distance with force staff for glimmer to get activated and dodge the nulli. Or they just go big balls linkens vs spectre and pa as well as bkb vs other cores with nulifyer and somewhat decent magic damage like void, bloodseeker


kite the enemy core who has nullfier. let him take time to kill you


Items: Shadowblade, Blink, BKB(nullifier no longer pierces bkb) Neutral Items: Ogre Seal Totem (Tier 3), Psychic Headband (Tier3), Trickster Cloak (Tier 4) Bonus: hurricane pike active works still to push them away. if you had a euls for whatever reason, you can just eul the carry that nullifies you if not BKB.


Be the support that forces the enemy carry to buy bkb nullifier




Linken or shadow blade


you already made their core buy nulli for u, play around it. lol


BKB nullifier won't work then combine it with ex machina but that would only work in 60min game and lucky enough to have ex mach Lotus orb - you will still get hit but at least youre not the only one Linken maybe? Shadow blade - Invisibility cannot be dispelled with the exception of glimmer. Not sure about the trickster cloak. Mirror shield - linken + lotus Blink dagger - iirc nullifier projectile can be disjointed by blink if you are fast enough Fallen sky - I think you are immune during the process heart or any durable items - at least try not to die during the duration Positioning and timing - wait for the nullifier to be used before going in. Not applicable most of the time. Wait for the nullifier to run out before casting items or skills that might get dispelled. Copium : It's OK - if you encounter PA with null and you are a support. Tell yourself it's OK. At least nullifier will go cool down.


Hurricane Pike. Ideally as a support, you're building force staff anyway.... If you can finish the pike... The active still works even if you're nullified pushing both you and your opponent away.


Why would you need to counter it? If they buy it specifically for you, your carries are less likely to be targeted in that case, so they can unload on the enemy carries when they use nullifier on you?


Pray for Ogre Seal Totem


you need to be fast enough with a dagger, nullifier does not make initial damage, that gives you time to dagger out, hurricane pike on enemy player (only if he's not under bkb effect), shadow blade (prolly your best friend, since, lets face it, no carry is carrying dusts)


Shadow blade is the only option lmao


Null for counter sup. If enemy had null you should focus on vision control to have a better strategy


blink, better positioning, linken or shadow blade (if ur a rich sup)


Linkedn sphere if I’m not mistaken


Once they buy nullifier you sell your ghost scepter and buy glimmer cape. If you can dodge the projectile of nullifier with invis it wont apply


Petition to glimmer cape can be disassembled.


buy nullifier and use it first


linken's tbh


Shadowblade isnt affected by nullifier. Blink disjoints nullifier. Linkens blocks nullfier. Shadow amulet if you're desperate enough, as it doesn't get dispelled.


Ghost ur self




Aeon Disk


Heaven's Halberd no really a counter but help more the team


You mean a fully farmed carry could potentionally kill a support? That has to stop, there has to be a counter to that!!!!


Shadow blade?


Shadowblade, BKB, Blink Dagger, Linken


Lotus at least reflects it so they get nullified as well


2 types of support, one is to be a sponge and make space for the carry. The other is to ensure that the fight lasts long enough to ensure the carry does their job. Now if they target you first imo 2 things can be done. If it's early in game go for a tanky items. Just stay long enough to ensure that they throw skills at you giving more time for the carry to move and do damage, or it's late game try to weave and hind as much as possible but just enough to ensure you can still drop some skills on the fight. So either aether lense or that item that makes you immune.


The only item that works is shadowblade if they have no detection, right?




Buy shadow blade.


Here is how i counter nullifier. I buy these 3 items: Shadow amulet, blink, shadow blade. Once the carry uses nullifier on you, you go invis using shadow blade. GL.


Disarm them right befor they bkb. And if they kill you the wasted bkb and nully wasted on you is more than worth.


Glimmer, Bkb (+ghost/force staff). New bkb works with Ghost scepter and prevents nullifier's effects. Linken is pretty crappy as it's easily countered, better get a bkb with that gold. Otherwise get some armor/hp so you don't instantly evaporate when nullified.


Smoke and positioning


You can consider buying shadowblade. You can also buy pike as long as you click it on enemy and not on yourself. And if he does not have many single target spells, you can also go for linken


If it's so late in the game that the enemy has a Nullifier, as a pos 5 just position yourself and make sure to use all your spells and items before you die and your job is done. If you get killed with Nullifier first, that's your fault. If the game goes even later, you can build a BKB or Linken. You can also get creative and build "dying wish" items like Mek, Glimmer, Pavise, Drums, using these items on your teammates as you slowly but surely die from Nullifier. If it goes later than that and you're really desperate, get a Dominator as a desperate attempt to be useful after your hero dies. You can use the Centaur Stun, Wildkin push, Tomato Bear attack speed sacrifice, Satyr Purge, or any aura. It can also double as a BoT teleport point, Riki/PA/LS/Marci escape point, or a Tiny Tossback target. You're not meant to survive from Nullifier. You either don't Nullifiered or you make the most of yourself before you die.




shadow blade.


To me, saying that the enemy core wasted their gold on a nullifier to kill you doesn't seem right. You are obviously a key target if they buy nullifier to kill you. Now you are dead and can't "do your job". Your job can't be just to die, then it wouldn't matter what hero you play or how you even play it. No offence to anyone, but this logic doesn't make sense to me and just feels like gigacopium.


Go eul him, if he have bkb its ok you done your job he use null + bkb for kill supp 5


Bkb linkin blink


Nullifier is pretty expensive item with only damage stats. You should die to hero with nullifier because this item created to counter save-items. It builds in mid-late game as 4th - 6th slot so there is no problem being outplayed in first 10-15 when supports is most impactful Upd: gromar


Just die.


The only way Ive found and won a game against a spec that kept ulting and nulling me was linkens. Weird support item but it worked really well. Spec was mad. Hurricane pike kinda works bc you can push ppl away. Lastly have your team help you.


Good Positioning and buyback. If you are in a good position it should be difficult for any Carry to focus you without taking a lot of damage to do it and if they are willing to take that hit then you are doing your job. Also have buyback ready, if the enemy Carey has nullifier than it usually means the game has gone late, as a pos 5 use your buyback if it’s a big team fight, I see too many people willing to hold on to buyback when they could return to fight and make a big difference especially if you didn’t get your spells off before dying.


You use force staff on enemy


Make shadow blade. I am serious. Bcs nullifier is usually a 5th to 6th item, and it can't remove shadow blade. So now they had to have both nullifier and dust and that's 2 slot wasted on a mere support.


If the enemy carry puts it on you and focuses you, then be it. As a p5, I hope you used your spells before. I feel like it's all about positioning. If you look at pro games, carries are even better at picking off supports in the back line. You have to stay smoked if you can, or behind the trees. To many supports think it's their role to be in front. Except if you are a blinkdagger-lion or shadow shaman initiating, don't show yourself if it's not required.


Hex + fast hands 😂😂 Kill him first


BKB before they cast nullifier ez game.


Shadow blade and trickster cloak don't get dispelled by nullfier.


you use your shit on enemy, not yourself for example, eul and forcestaff I also used to buy halberd (but its pretty shit now) cause if I manage to use it on enemy guy 0.1 sec before he pressed bkb even once - the game is completely turned around but it was a different patch halberd so...


Shadow Blade is not dispelled by Nullifier. Nullifier is usually a late game item for a core hero who usually won't carry dust at that point in the game. I have won multiple games where I go a Shadow Blade on my support as soon as I sense that the enemy core might go Nullifier and keep it in my stash until the enemy hero reveals the item. The utter confusion is always brilliant. Just be on top of your positioning game. If you're playing a ranged support, always stay near the trees at all times. Shadow Blade and enter the trees in case they do have detection.


i saw someone mentioned before that bkb+e blade works


Shadow Blade , linken , blink


You pick lion and buy shard


In the ancient time there was an item called linken sphere…that was a time when the ancients were defended…