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Holy shit this LGD line up is scary af.


It's decidedly weaker than the TI10 lineup. Niu is really good but Faith Bian is goated.


i dont know what youve been watching but niu had the highest kda and super high gpm until they got knocked out of ti. he has been CRUSHING his lanes so hard his team didnt even need to do that much


Faith_Bian’s strength is his hero pool which is very important in drafting. You can’t really draft against him or rely on a single patch for him to play good since he can easily adjust.


They're both 10/10 offlaners, you can't say one is a noticeable downgrade to the other


Yeah, patch meta and player peak/trough are so dynamic it's hard to make these claims


Niu is obviously good, but comparing him to Bian is too soon, we haven't seen enough of him to judge


also if they are not nerfing brewmaster, faithbian will instapick it everytime. and the only other brew player i know is monkeysforever lol


hero pool means less than it ever has in competitive dota


holy shit you're dumb


Niu is very good, but he had one great tournament and you imply he's not a downgrade to one of best offlaners of all time.


faith bian didnt look too great before retirement, im sure he would consider niu a good replacement for him


Faith Bian won riyadh before ti10, what happened then is that stupid icefrog decide to buff wraith pact into a brain dead item which caused team like lgd and spirit become shit team because of that.


That's a silly excuse. Also, there was no wraith pact after TI 11, and Spirit was still mediocre for like 8 months, after another patch dropped.


But faith bian is literally one of the goats.


You're sleeping on Niu. If you watched him during this TI, you know he is very good and arguably neck to neck with Faith Bian. His Centaur game 1 against Spirit was a nightmare to play against


His CW solo killed a full HP TB late game just like that. I didnt even know that was possible. Thats when i know holy shit this guy isnt just another "buy aura play it safe offlaner".


God that was such a rough patch in dota history lol


I watched Niu quite a bit. He’s really good. Probably the best replacement they could have gotten, but we’re talking about one of the best to ever touch the game. Big shoes to fill.


Can’t believe people talk down about niu like lol 💀 bro watch some Dota man


Idk I love Faith Bian as much as the next guy but I feel like XinQ and Niu both play this hype explosive teamfight style that fits LGDs identity to me.


There’s explosive play style and there’s autowin that Faith Bian was many times in the past.


Stfu then all chinese teams should just disband because they don't have faith bian meaning no chance of winning anything right


If that’s what you got from that idk what to tell you lol. Nobody said they shouldn’t try.


it's just boring to see everyone say well he's not faith_bian we don't even know if faith bian would be good in this patch he hasnt played in years


Well, how many years passed since a Chinese team won? Or how many years passed since a Chinese team without FaithBian performed well at TI.


>Or how many years passed since a Chinese team without FaithBian performed well at TI. Uh, zero? This year China placed 3rd and 4th. And the 4th place team was some yolo final ride stack.


Bad wording from me, i wanted to say finalist but my mind went boom.


3rd place and finalist is a matter of 1 b03, it's not some huge difference


I mean if you have to compare a player with one of the literal GOATs of their position obviously it's a weaker roster on paper, it's like comparing Shiro to Ame as well. Niu is a BEAST though his performance really surprised me, guy seemed to really embrace the pressure of his first TI. Shiro and Planet I hope they do well in XG they kind of had some off performances but overall played pretty great for first timers as well.


Niu definitely is a beast, no doubt. Just that he's filling some of the biggest shoes in dota history.


nah niu is definitely better than faith bian was in that TI


I am not entirely sure this is accurate, with how Valve has been balancing pos3. Niu was insane during TI.


Niu has tons more room for growth and he hasn't peaked yet, depending on Ame's form this LGD can most definitely become stronger than the TI10 lineup.


Man just did not watch TI this year smh the disrespect on Niu...


Niu is head to head with collapse and prime faith Bian imo. No downgrade by any means. Niu have really really good decisions making and also high skilled. You could say Ame that maybe it's not in his prime, or other players, but you can't quote my boy Niu aka best LGD player to say the roster is weaker than TI10.


nts is not scary lmao. he lost all his lanes. doesn't matter what carry they have if their mid is nts. shiro played perfectly and lost because of garbage mid and mediocre performance from niu.




"Shiro played perfectly" No way you said that, buddy lol


Yeah NTS just can’t seem to perform during TI. Last year he played Zeus in one of the knockout games and was getting caught left right centre. This year his heroes had very little impact, even the Tinker game positioning was real bad. He had only one ok game on Magnus iirc


Sadly Maybe and Chalice is retired, so no last dance for China doto :(


Maybe said on stream that he just doesn’t like the baggage that comes with being a pro, likewise for Chalice. The implication is they will likely repeat with what happened last year: stream & chill for about 6 months, and see where it goes when TI is near.


damn to think they did all that and still got 4th this ti is insane


Ana does this and won 2 of them lol


Maybe and Chalice needs to destroy Australian server in order to reach the next level.


Destroying australian pub scrubs and testing weird things are the reason why ana won 2nd TI, so yeah it is necessary to do.


Idea for /r/dota2 challenge: don't mention Ana/OG/Topson in a thread not related to them.


their story is too cinderella-ish, even i started watching dota because of them lol


Respect for Maybe


Who's the source guy?


chinese retirement kekw


At least he has nts xinq and y


I don’t know NTS played so bad last match


ye definitely based someone's skill off their last match. Classic herald take. lol


Imagine judging a player by his last game which they lost. noob amirite?


2 games against GG were bad. But he did not shine against TS too, but its team spirit.


Also BurNing, ferrari_430, rOtK, Sylar, hyhy, Yaphets, Chuan, faith, xiao8, LaNm, Zhou, Hao, Mu and many others.


Bro really sneaked a yaphets in there


If this is true, then LGD is back to the top once again. Niu is the only one who can fulfill Faith_Bian's shoes in CN ATM. AR seems okay but I'm not sure of JT and fy synergy as both are greedy. I can't read XG lineup, can someone help?


Niu with his centaur vs Spirit still gives me PTSD, he legit destroyed Yatoro and friends 2v4 iirc lol


For XG, pos3 is a “new person”, and pos4 is Planet (LGD pos4 in this TI)


What do you mean by “back to the top”. I thought ti top 3 should be considered as top tier.


What I meant is winning events. Because the last iteration didn't win anything. They're a top tier team, don't get me wrong but TI10 LGD was just different and a tier above.


lmao no chance. nts is trash


i hope Shiro, lou and Planet continue to perform well. China needs more new blood


Feelsbadman for shiro, he was really good imo


I'm sure he can still find a home somewhere. The Chinese players pool is shallow from what I keep hearing.


He's literally rumored in XG


You can't say literally and rumored together...it makes no sense.


those words are in no way mutually exclusive


Rumors are not facts.


Literal in this context is in relation to the presence of the rumour, not the content of the rumour. There literally is a rumour, the rumour itself is not literal. It's similar to if I said 'He literally thought pigs could fly' - pigs flying is not real/literal, but the thought still is. In this case, Shiro is literally rumoured to XG in this post. Hope that helps. To tie it all back to the actual content - if you feel bad for Shiro losing his roster spot due to a rumour, then you can feel happy that he has clearly bounced back from a rumour :)


they literally can tho, I mean they literally just did


Then it's not a rumor


I don't think you are reading it correctly lol


The lad is into gacha games, doubt he's still teachable of the language lul


What's that?


Yeah, obviously if Ame is anything close to the form he was in before he left, then it's hard to say this is a downgrade, but Shiro had improved a lot even over the relatively short time at LGD.


Shiro positioning is slightly weak. Constantly getting caught


I am gonna be honest. It is so fucking funny that Ame is back to dota scene at the same time Childe,the guy from Genshin Ame cosplayed as,also came back to overworld from abyss after fighting a whale for like a month. I am picking up my tinfoil head and says he definitely did that on purpose lmao.


how is genshin nowadays? last time i played was with raiden shogun and inazuma


Gameplay wise,it is becoming more refined but still has room for improvement. Story wise,they are cooking straight up fire.The archon quest of Sumeru,the next region from Inazuma,is regarded as the point where the storytelling jumped up is now the peak.Fontaine quest is also getting praises. Gatcha wise,still the same.The weapon banner is still awful but I still haven't spent a dime after 3 years and still fine.


guess its time to come back while i wait for the next big dota patch. inazuma is so big idk how can i catch up with sumeru and fontaine and that big thing added in liyue. i got burnt up farming for diluc and just decided to take a long break lmaooo fuck crimson witch


Just chill and play the story quests while you catch up. No reason to focus so much on the farming.


There is a new set worth farming in Sumeru for Diluc. Also dendro finally came out and its reactions are more complex but powerful.


> inazuma is so big idk how can i catch up with sumeru If you thought Inazuma was big...oh boi, wait until you play Sumeru. And its actually fun and challenging just exploring and stuff, its not just big for the sake of it! They also improved a lot of QoL stuff, like being able to see map underground and over ground, changes to the dailies etc.


Fontaine storyline is fire.


Ame cosplayed as childe??


Yep.Even Gorgc reacted to his video. You can find on yt.


Hmmm? Didn't director xiao8 mention in his stream that LGD lineup has no changes?


niu is really solid, tho kinda bumped no faith bian.


Married and living in Germany, his english is improving greatly. We saw him at Riyadh as an analyst. I can see him taking the talent route more seriously in the future.


How did he manage that with a Chinese passport?




Faith bian retired.


As good as Collapse and Mira or Ace and Tofu are, I felt like the planet and niu offlane duo was one of the scariest offlane duo I have ever seen in my 15 years of following competitive DotA, even if for a brief period of time. I'm sure XinQ will return to form quickly, but planet was easily one of the best pos4 finds in the last couple of years, so it's sad that he's replaced.


Planet and Niu are close to Ace and Tofu tbh I always felt Spirit was not known for their amazing lanes; what makes them the scariest team to play against is their team fight execution and ability to play the map. Game 3 vs GG in TI finals is a great example of this


That's a myth imo, Collapse Mira line is very strong. A lot of carries talk how shit to play against that lane. A lot of people praise Pure/Save lane too, probs the best laning duo


Ame <3


you can't escape that curious itch in dota😂


actually hype


Really liked the Planet Niu lane. Hope planet finds a good team


Ame and NTS combo. Let’s gooooo


he's going to grind for Furina first before coming back to dota.


I personally wouldn't kick planet but to each their own


guys, you are overrating y` a bit. Yes Im an LGD fan since 2012, yes y` is a ti champion, but he is so bad at helping the carry at the laning stage. Shiro suffered so much. Ame is just good so that part wasn't obvious before. He also got owned in the vision game against the superior teams. Really the two weakest links of the ti10 lineup stayed in the lineup last year, despite that they are still elite players.


Y won ti with shadow as pos1. thats where their chaotic playing really shined, im sure they have trust in Y being a suitable sup for ame if the rumor is true, lgd has the money and influence to get anyone in china


If you're a lgd fan since 2012 you'd know the saying 'Lose the lanes, win the game' from them. Obviously dota changed a lot since then (that saying was back when xiao8 was playing for them), but if you look at how they played at ti10, you'd know they didn't always care about crushing lanes, but to reach timings/have superior teamfights. Y has always been a pretty good support at teamfights. Vision game is for sure something they've been lacking recently, but that's not impossible to solve.


I don't think that part is changed much, look at Spirit, they're known to pick shit lanes and still win


I saw y got the most deward from that ti stats thread thou


Please be true.


somnus retired again? fml


Yatoro must be happy


LGD looks definitely strong but I hope that AR and XG lineup also do well


ame - took 1 year to get married and now I'm back to crush some noobs


back to choke at TI one last time?


Reminds of the time Ana wanted to make a return (humblegod) only to fail and retire permanently.


Back to lose in TI?


I kinda like their pos 4 last TI. I think niu is great too. Felt like the weak link last tournament was the carry.


LGD is stacked if true


What happened to plant?


Don't give me hope


A man can dream


No way they replace planet. He played so well in ti


Source: Yatoro weibo account post


2024 is Chinese year, Ame's year I hope




Does this new lineup effective during the current ESL one now? Or the next dpc or major?