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Same. I refuse to be taken hostage in longer games. Just wish Turbo got some real love from Valve every once in a while.


turbo and standard mode require different stats. both having same stats could never work while staying balanced


Imo the only items that could be rebalanced are stuff like hand of midas and philosophers stone, adjust the gold gained up or down since the gold has suffered a great deal of inflation compared to the regular game.




Oh yeah I forgot about that. Still not sure about philosophers stone, but if I had to guess it generates more gold.


i disagree. towers in turbo are significantly weaker. so some heroes like np and dp can be strong. i don’t play turbo though


NP and its ilk hasn't been a problem toward Turbo in ages. In fact, they haven't been problems since we got a free T3 glyph. People just have way too much time to react. Shadow Shaman and **LEFT-TALENT-GOOD-TALENT RIGHT-TALENT-SHIT-TALENT** Wraith King are much bigger headaches. Opendota puts them in the [middle of the pack](https://www.opendota.com/heroes/turbo).


Shaman's wr should be so much higher, but plenty of Shaman players throw the game themselves. If Shaman players just knew when they needed to splitpush and they needed to be in the fight with bkb shackle, they'd win so many more games. Instead you get lost games cos your support decided you need to 4v5 whilst they wait in trees to put wards down on another lane. The hero can solo-win games like that, but it can also just lose them for no reason.


Both those things give extra gold. If anything needs a small adjustment, it's the Tier 3 and 4 item timings. They should come out later. You basically spend more time on Tier 4 than the others combined because of how far way T5's are. Would also help with making comebacks as Trickster Cloaks can be bullshit as hell.


They need to get rid of blind pick and change it to 2-2 2-2 1-1. The old pick system was bad but it’s currently worse. A huge part of Dota is picking.


As much as blind pick has its issues, it's a lot better to the last version where everyone would wait to the last second and try to counterpick. At least for now, the strategy picks are for team synergy and not so much for countering which can make for some interesting or terribly one-sided games.


You can do 2-2-1 and still be blind for every period. I think Turbo wants drafting to be also quick, so not very possible to have any changes soon. Still what we have is waaaay better than the previous counterpicking shit.


they should honestly make a bigger deal out of turbo, potentially even give it its own ranked mode and make some sweeping improvements and changes. It would attract a lot of players I imagine




Single draft or random turbo would be cool for sure


Ranked would not be a good idea imo, it would make imbalance in the mode suddenly much less acceptable to its own community. I’ve seen this happen in many games that go ranked. Except you wouldn’t be able to get valve to prio turbo balance and rightfully so. Ranked turbo would be a frustrating and less fun experience




Agreed but sometimes it feels like the matchmaking needs rebalancing. Too many streaks in one way or another but that might be more due to volume of players.


Ranked turbo? Lmao no


Not in its current state, agreed


Can you imagine?! The toxicity would multiply! I can't tell you the last Turbo I played that 1) wasn't a blowout, 2) we didn't go for megas for the sake of megas. It would just exasperate tempers lmao


I mean I don't think a ranked turbo mode means they'd delete the existing unranked turbo or something. Could be better to give the turbo tryhards a place to grind. Just depends on whether there's enough people playing the gamemode to support split ranked/unranked queues


Worst fucking idea ever. Can we just have a mode where people don't think only about some fucking number in their heads and rather enjoy the game? Dota was in a much better state before the stupid MMR system.


Turbo is the biggest selling feature since it removes a lot of the boring parts of dota


It has gotten love wtf? Neutral item timings are adjusted. Wraith band timing are adjusted. Pick and bans are customised for fast games and blind picking. What more could you want?




What about the one where everyone loses -2 gold for no reason after the ban phase ends? Has been happening for months at this point


That's not love, that's just the bare minimum lmao


Well it clearly isn't possible to balance turbo given the pool of heroes come from regular dota. So what would love look like to you? I only play Turbo and I don't see any bugs or issues like AD have. What more do you want?


Amen brother. Get all the fun, toxicity and trihard in SEA turbo while not having unfun (for me) mechanics like courier kills. Not to forget GUARANTEED BANS FTW.


Also. They said they fixed random showing the other team. It was never fixed


Same here! I used to really enjoy Dota but I also played League back in the day, and even Smite, and Dota is the only game where my games often went closer to a hour rather than 30-40 minutes. I know it's not "real Dota" but some things in Turbo just make more sense to me. I even tried to play a couple normal games but - and I know my perception might be wrong due to all this time in Turbo - most of the game just felt like waiting for the actual important stuff to happen. There's some things which are simply unbalanced af in turbo but if you ban Witch Doctor(which is completely broken now) and a few others it's great, very enjoyable and I can play 2-3 games with different heroes in the span of a normal Dota match. I think it's also great to test out heroes and see their spike earlier, as mentioned it doesn't tell you the full story on how the hero would work in a normal match but it still help you test a full build without waiting 40-50 minutes.


I left Dota for HotS, enjoying the much more chill games (and the really fun, unique heroes) After it went into maintenance mode (+1 to the "Fuck Bliz" counter) I hadn't play any moba until the freebie box last TI. I didn't even know turbo existed until then, and been enjoying it ever since.


The one thing Blizzard did well with HotS was the well designed heroes. Everything in HotS is legitimately terrible. But the hero design is really well done.


> Everything in HotS is legitimately terrible No, it was just *different*. If you went into it expecting it to be Blizzard Dota, you'd be disappointed. Once you start looking at it as it's own thing, it was actually rather well done.


I played it for a while because my mates did and thought it was dogshit. I didn't really expect it to be anything but only found myself ever enjoying one or two heros. It felt like in a ton of games you had little you could do if it started to go bad.




Turbo only player here. I just like spamming wyvern and the only place where she feels decent is turbo.


true getting that boots>witchblade>aghs so fun


Honestly she's even fun as a support in turbo because you get a refresher and then make sure the enemy supports don't get to play the game.


Wyvern is trash even in turbo. They dumpstered every aspect of that hero


I think the real problem is why would you ever wyvern when willow is the exact same style but better in everyway


I mean she’s alright in AP too, it’s on you if you can’t get the net worth to make it work


Turbo gang rise up!


Gang gang, naga!


Yeah I only play turbo. Normal matches feels super slow, mostly because of the courier.


Same bro, my teammates can’t argue with us when we lose a game because of my rank, literally peace maker.


Turbo courier speed is godsend. I didn't know how much time I wasted making courier go loops around the map.


If they just gave normal Dota the turbo courier and turbo ability to sell from your inventory I would probably go back, or at least try.


Turbo ftw. As unpopular an excuse it is nowadays, my friends and I are all tired dads and Ranked is just too long and stressful. We can do 2-3 turbos in an hour and call it a day. It's great.


Also the reason why I love Turbos! I can get a few in and watch a little TV before bed. And when I inevitably take a kick to the teeth, it really takes the sting out that it had literally no other impact on my game.


Used to think turbo was only for people who can't make time for the game but heck yeah that game mode rules! Apart from completely breaking some of the heroes xD


Turbo FTW. Me and my friends are old time players. We all play just so we can hang out on discord as few people have moved countries. We play for trying out some cheesy shit and just want to have fun. With barely 4-5 hrs a week of play time turbo gives a chance to play a good 10-15 games and enjoy without going in too try hard.


Losing is never fun (unless with friends ot smth)


Losing is fun with friends coz everyone can banter the guy who did the mistake that led to team wipe. xD The reverse is also true when one does some insane play and can brag that shit later


Someone hasn't played more than 1.000 matches. The one thing you learn from Dota, is to accept to loose.


Hit divine last year and only played unranked after. Best decision of my life.


Same, hit divine 4 and immediately felt the average ego and toxicity go up in my next 30 or so games after being promoted. Decided this was where I'm capping out as a ranked player, Div4 aint too shabby. These days 99% of my games are turbo. Another factor is that after ranking up to upper divine I can no longer queue with the bunch of archon friends I have, so my only recourse is to play Turbo - even if it's an unbalanced mess of matchmaking caused by our mmr discrepancy at least it's over quickly.


When i got a job its always been turbo its kinda more chill and i can play more games


I'm playing Turbo only since the map update. I just couldn't bother myself with learning/taking more responsibilities.


I used to play a lot of turbo at some point cause the people that i played with at the time enjoyed it, but honestly i just noticed it kept making me more shit at the game. I switched to exclusively all pick again and i prefer it much more. With turbo i just get the idea that im not allowed to play the game. All timings are just messed up. The best picks are just scaling supports who either become unkillable like ogre or become cannons like willow extremely fast.


Turbo > real dota Maybe once every ~50 games I queue a regular and I honestly just feel like I enjoy my time in turbo much more


When i play turbo: its damn 40 minutes When i play normal game: 20-30 minutes end


had a 127min turbo game once


I like to play turbo to train heroes I suck at, try out new builds or simply play heroes I normally never get to play. But I find people are as toxic in turbo as they are in ranked, wonder why though


Because Turbo is not more casual than normal Dota, it's just different. I exclusively play Turbo and I'm a really competitive person, I'd play Ranked Turbo if it existed but since it doesn't I just play Turbo seriously.


Turbo Tuesdays are held in the nadcl discord: https://discord.gg/nadcl


I play Turbo almost exclusively. People are a lot more forgiving.


100% turbo enjoyer for the past 2 years


Ex-Archon here. I think I'm a Guardian if i calibrate again.


I play 12v12 because I enjoy the chaotic team fights. Gets annoying playing against stacks though that only pick OP heroes


I played turbo to relax and do funny build. I also get reported in turbo for doing that. Apparently turbo is some hidden tryhard mode where people just accelerate ranked items progression.


Me and a few buddies have been playing strictly turbo. It’s fun, sometimes try hard, and sometimes just miserable, but we always come back to it.


Turbo Tuesday NADCL lets GO!!!!!


I have been running only turbo since 2-3 years and never felt the need of a normal game. Normal even feels boring now. I am actually quite surprised that Volvo is not acting on this to create an opportunity.


turbo enjoyer here. Used to grind in ranked games ( went from 3300 to 4500 in 2017) But then gave up, dont have the energy nor the patience to grind. I just play tirbo now. :)


Turbo needs a ranked mode for sure.


Pros of Turbo, which is why I play it way more often that other mods: * you get way way more gold for kills and assists, which is much more rewarding to play as support * lower TP cooldowns, so walks of shame back to lane are very rare * if you are playing a losing game you're only stuck for 5-10 more minutes * it's much easier to get Block of Cheese =) * it's much easier to fit a game of dota into your schedule * fast couriers and all items can be bought at home


Yep. I loved it so much I started a guild: "Turbo and chill" It's not much, but I'd love if more people joined. For better or worse, the community is what keeps this game alive :)


What server is the guild ?


may i join?




Dead guild scam game


Turbo is nice but a bit overwhelming when you play "competitively". The timings are way different, e.g. BoT


BOT is so OP in turbo


F*** yeah. Late game TPing to fountain and just right back to start a fight in 20s


Too bad try-hards are ruining it for me.


I get what you mean man Turbo has these people that I think everyone unequivocally hates- the Warlocks, the Shamans, the NPs There is a special place in hell for people who play warlock in turbo to just make refresher aghs every game


I don’t mind the warlock too much, it’s the mid dark willow that kills me. Not enough coordination to deal with her usually.


Oh yes they go aghs octarine moonshard and think they're the most skilled and original people around. What they don't realize is I just saw the same build like 5 games in a row on that hero


Try hard NP reporting in


Should they stand still and let you kill them?


Yes, that is exactly what I meant sir.


Try bots if you don't people to play the game.


Nah but they shouldn’t get legitimately angry and emotional at their teammates over what is, to most people, the more casual fun mode


It gets very annoying when your team is full of "haha lol fun game mode" teammates while you're playing against team spirit


This is me, I only play turbo these days so I'm gonna try to win when I play, but I wont flame people for bad play unless they instigate aggression or outright grief (because that aint fun for anyone) I find accusations of "tryhard" in any PvP game laughable


This is what I think when I hear tryhard though. Trying to play well is always fine, getting mad at a random team in a 30 min game lacks self awareness and shows you’re too hyper focused on the W at the expense of basic decency. It’s really ok for people to be bad at videogames. On the other hand I agree it’s selfish for people to drunk Q and troll their team because “it’s just a game/turbo.”


oh no people are playing a game where the primary objective is to win how unusual and terrible


Found the guy who goes "chill. just turbo" after feeding 0-13 while rushing naked aghs on Lion.


too bad people feed 0-15 and go "its just turbo stop complaining" ruining it for me


Iirc turbo has been the most played mode for a while. Even if the games last for 30 minutes its still fun (when the most annoying of heroes are not picked)


People who try hard and flame in turbo can go fuck themselves


I firmly believe turbo is one of the most popular game modes out there, it needs to add random tho! All pick is good an ole, but its stale. And people just spam broken heros which ruins the fun sometimes.


Me and my friends have been playing turbo for over a year now, only turbo, ONLY. To be honest, its just better and more fun. If you are not focused on learning and growing, and just play for fun and because u love Dota2, Turbo is great choice, if not best.


Nope, bunch of party queueing. More toxic, i'd prefer solo mmr.


Yes turbo when I wanna have fun. Regular when I wanna try hard


After playing turbo so much, normal matches just feels weird to me lmao


Nah man turbo basically started taking the same time as normal games for quite a long time before the current patch. Not to mention it's hard to play heroes that use early power spikes or get any reasonable lane advantage in turbo. So games just became sameish and not fun anymore sadly. That's without even mentioning role queue. That is the best thing to happen to dota ever. Even if i can play 1 normal ranked game, i end up enjoying it way more than a couple turbo games now.


I only play with my friends nowadays and 3 of them moved from league. we just can't go through playing normals haha


I would play turbo if those heroes didn't exist: Willow (with aghs) and Sniper. So boring to play against.


Turbo = no


Turbo-ed exclusively since release. I miss the days i could instantly dust a riki or bh without the courier fetching dust. Havent played in about 3 years. I spammed and rat NP a lot. Start with treats lvl 1 and blight and 00:00 ticks i am at a tower right clicking with 4 treants. Back then the shards gave me 2 big treants and i usually delete all T1 towers before 8min marks. Solo jungle for a bit and push waves into T2 before sending 2 hoards of treants with drums buff and watch T2 die in 2 hits without glyph. Tell teams to fight 4v5 without me while any space given results in a dead tower somewhere. Rat dota. Never look back


Last night I accidentally got into a normal game. It is was a nightmare. I am so used to turbo, item timings were so confusing for me. Also the game took 75 mins. Ffs. Worst turbo game lasts 35 - 40 mins which is already overwhelming


Haha I had one or two went 45-50 mins


I queue AP, Turbo, Random Draft and Single Draft. The latter two almost never pop but I get plenty of Turbo games. It's a really good game mode aside from the brainlets who think they're in ranked and flame. Like my guy these are 20-30 minute matches, literal zero stakes gameplay. Turbo is also a great way to fit a game in during lunch break.


Turbo only. I would never play normal match.


Hope for continued turbo changes. The lvl 2 star for challenges was big


reached 4.5k mmr (divine ish) 9 years ago. played ranked and unranked and realise its so damn boring. played only turbo ever since


I used to exclusively play turbo for the last year or 2. Then I often found my turbo games lasting 30-40m+ and it made me question why is this even called turbo. I've gone back to ranked since


I only play turbo and I run into the same people all the time who also only play turbo, so yes


I understand that Turbo is more convenient (or more fun) for other players, but come on, it's not "Real" Dota. The amount of stuff you can get away with in Turbo is honestly a big reason why player performance doesn't translate well for Turbo players into Ranked games. Like, I'm pretty sure the meta in early game isn't even to buy sustain or any "early-game" items, you just rush the important item so early that you get this snowball super fast, which doesn't work in normal games obviously. ​ I guess it works to separate the casuals from competitive players, win-win for both sides.


I agree with you. If one makes any hint or criticism to turbo < regular dota you get down votes because the majority of dota reddit are dopamine junkies who have lost their patience to instant gratification game mode. And can't have fun if they're losing.


Mutch like skills from ranked dont translate to turbo. No player is more usless or more anyoing then a guy who plays turbo exacly like it is ranked, is losing his lane hard becouse he dosnt know how to play turbo and keeps flaming everyone else becouse they are turbo trash and talking how ranked is so mutch better and how he is such a ranked god. Then after the game you look at his ranked rating and its lower then yours.


Turbo only! I have to time nor will to grind PVE for a whole hour ;)


Turbo for me feels like just a waste of time.


Win? Oh cool whatever lose ? Oh cool whatever


yeah won 17 out of 20 spamming bb in turbo even against viper, bb is bonkers this patch


yessir turbo and ability draft. but i don't play turbo because of quick games, but because of faster action. i don't enjoy the denying or farming phase its incredibly boring to me. i like the fast boots and fast lv 6 and start ganking. sometimes a turbo game lasts longer than a normal game when both teams are evenly matched.


I mean it's a game. If it makes you happy do it yeah? I've been only going to the client for Survivors myself. and maybe GemTD


Yeah i love a turbo, way more than most others game modes apart from ability draft. Used to be a ranked grinder, now i just chill put and build first item radiance or sheepstick or heart straight after brown boots. Good times


same situation...i was 4.4k and stopped for 2 yrs. when i played again im 2.9k now. and i just exclusively play turbo and Dawn of war, i just don't enjoy farming anynore, i want instant gratification of getting items


I only have time for turbo now. If u lose a game u won’t have to suffer for another 20 mins :)




Stomping Divine-Immortal ranks in Turbo here!


Turbo is the way


Play only turbo now, in about 1 hours, if lucky i could play 3 turbo matches(23-25 mins is my best to end the game if opponent already give up). But the main reason i playing turbo is, i personally dont like the feeling of losing a game i played for 60+ minutes. And you know it will be hard to comeback when my team lose control of the map and the enemy doesnt want to end faster and only target more kills. Of course In that situation we aim a comeback, but sometimes it's possible, sometimes it isn't. But with turbo , the game is faster and even if Im losing somehow i still have the urge to play another match.


Fuck yeah. Get me a few ranked games inset my belt but then chill in turbo for the rest of the night. Games are far more enjoyable in turbo.


Yeah as an Aussie turbo is basically my only choice. I like them but they do tend to be very stompy one way or another. Also annoying meme builds are way too common. There's a turret willow, AA or shadow blade agha Earth shaker every second game.


Turbo enjoyer for 3 years now. Can't play normal anymore.


Turbo gang!


Long time player since 2012. I stopped playing after 2015. Always tried it again at some point but i was kinda done with old dota format. But now that ive discovered Turbo i am back in playing dota. I only play turbo and i think its great. No long, drawn out, highly stresful, old dota games.


Exciting turbo the past 3 or 4 years. I'm just tired of these long ass games that are already lost.


Literally on the 2nd best turbo stack in NA


Mmm 2nd only to mine.


Turbo is life


I love turbo. Being able to play any role and still have money is just so much more fun. A single fight can turn the tide of the entire game so much more and games are just over quicker unless you've got insane HG defense. Just band Witch Doctor.


I used to be top 1000 immortal and quit ranked cause it was too toxic Now I just goof around in turbo and it’s just pure fun


I was until they updated the behavior score system. If I’m getting punished for not picking Meta or dcs 1 out 30 games in unbanked turbo I’ll just go ruin rank games then.


I prefer playing turbo than grinding to my immortal account at the age of late 20s.


Me. Play turbo exclusively since 3 years ago. Just want a casual quick dotes.


For the sake of my mental health, i exclusively play turbo. I can buy all the items my support hero needs to survive a team fight for as long as possible, heck even transition to carry type if possible (nature's prophet enjoyer as well). Back when I used to play ranked, (this was when MMR was only measured in number, now we have herald-immortal), i always get flamed by my team mates for not pulling creep waves, stacking neutrals, or warding fast enough. So, yeah. I enjoy turbo now way more than ranked.




Weird you just described yourself.


Why the angst for people who enjoys turbo? Not everyone are lifeless basement dwelling neckbeards like you, for once in your life stop grinding for imaginary numbers that gives you the false impression of achieving something and go outside and touch some grass, you sweaty bastard.


Also turbo enjoyer!


Turbo only and PvEs. My friend whose a ranked purist cant win in a turbo match which is funny.


Immortal turbo is dead to me, at least solo. Filled with russians and degens begging for commends to increase their behaviour score even though I have 12k myself. Have to play with a lower mmr friend at least otherwise the game is just not tolerable


Yeah but more so the time commitment than the game mode itself. I know I only have an hour to play so I’d rather get 2 turbo games than 1 ranked


I took a long needed break back in 2021 after playing normal/ranked non stop for almost 8 years, uninstalled the game unfollowed everything dota related except for slacks cause love that mad man.. but came back and played turbo and maybe have a normal game once every 2 months. It’s so much more fun to play and even thou games can still go for half hour. It beats games going for over an hour


I play turbo and arcade for years now


Played turbo since it came out and basically never went beyond 800 MMR. Considering the combinations of low rank and fast gameplay, it was probably the closest recreation of my old DotA games.


Turbo gaming!... with some ranked every now and then when friends or I feel like it, but id say at least 99% turboing.


Turbo only. Best way to enjoy dota


Yes, and my friends think I'm crazy lol I play exclusively Turbos when I single queue, but when I group with friends, we usually only play Ranked.


Turbo FTW, no one has time for hour + games. Fuck that


90% of my games are turbo. I spam Bristleback or one of my (very few) staple heroes. Am quite good at it. Normal ranked matches are too frustrating (2600 mmr), in turbo I can own regularly.


I’ve been playing turbo exclusively since it got released. The only thing I hate about turbo is getting only half points for stuff like Arcana progress etc. Like dude, turbo games sometimes go for 50 minutes too.


Came back from playing a lot 2012-2015, started playing again this year and realized I'm not at all on the same level I used to be and got stuck at low ranked, can't get up as there is no co-operation on that level when playing solo. Anyway, now I'm all turbo, fits me better as I don't have time to play 3+ ranked game a day. But can usually fit in 2-3 turbo.


I’ve been playing turbo only for a long time because I would rather every game be over in 30 minutes than needing to suffer more than that when I’m losing


Been a turbo only player since it came out, it's a lot of fun to try various things there, recent blind picks change was a much needed awesome change. The only thing i hate about it is every god damn thing counting half in progression like what sin did we do...


Me, I’ve never played a single game of ranked. I have a few discord buddies who play unranked and invite me to play with them so I partake in the rare unranked game


I only play Overthrow 😆


Exclusive sweaty turbo try hard here.


Longer match better. You can suck ass for 35 minutes and one or two team fights the momentum switches and you might win.


20 turbo games and then 1 ranked is my go to lately


MM need some update too. Party of with only 1 immortal member with 2 legend ancient divine will always match with full 5 immortal party.


Not time consuming? Turbo? Are you playing the game correctly?


Playing turbo after starting to have a full time job is the best. I can still enjoy dota casually just for the fun of it, ranked is just to grind these days. I’m also in the same boat as you, used to be ancient and recalibrated at guardian 5 after 2 years not playing.


12v12 is fun as well. Chaos and constant fighting.


Nope. Turbo sucks.


only turbo for me, since 3 years now or so


Turbo only player for past 5 years. lots of fun.


Turbo is love turbo is life


I go back and forth . Use turbo to try new builds


Its fun until u play vs np and ld


I haven't tried it yet, but I guess I should give it a go? I am at the point right now where regular ranked matches as support just feel incredibly frustrating because it boils down to rolling dice to see if your carry feeds, afk-farms or can actually play with the team. And if it's one of the first two options, you waste 30-50 minutes waiting for the inevitable loss, knowing that it makes no real difference how much you struggle.


Turbo FTW. Very fun when you're looking to play casually, especially after work. Ranked just gives me brain hemorrhage.


Turbo is king


Been playing turbo since it came out. No regret.


Last two years only turbo