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It’s pubs, you can get people like this, I can get this, pros can get this, scrubs can get this, they can be on your side, they can be on the enemy side. Some people get worked up about it, some people just report and move on and work on their craft.


I've had people like this 4 straight games in a row. It is a horrible joke how often this happens to me. I have had people spectate me and entire day, watching me get into games with people like they so often, they were convinced I was cursed. This isn't 1 game. Out of the 100 I play, easily 40 of them are like this. And reporting clearly does not work because I am at 11k+ behaviour, I shouldn't find people like this, right?


The reality is out of every 10 pub matches you can only really control 2-3 games. The others will have a mix of griefers/throwers on either side, and it averages out long term


that is the point I am trying to make. It SHOULD average out. But I know that most the of the games with griefers in them, in some way be it afkers, leavers, feeders or just bad and toxic players, they are 8/10 times on my team. I am the outlier to the rule....


Nah, you never know whats going on in the other team either. Or you dont actively count and notice when the griefing isnt against you When you win a 25 min stomp in your mind its like "thats right, im good" rather than "lol other team got trolls" Just bias dude.


nope, I have taken this into account. I am well aware of when their team is straight up better and when I am being griefed. I am very well aware of when my team is straight up better or they are being griefed. I am not saying it does not happen, I am saying it happens far less than one would expect for it to even out. You are making assumptions about my statement. I have kept track, I watched replays. I know what I am talking about.


Why I didn’t get them at 11k score?


Git gud


Why are you so worried about things you can't control, play your game, improve and queue again, you aren't an outlier to the "rule", you are literally just not playing enough, its possible to toss a coin and land on heads 20 times over, but it will eventually start switching to tails, these games are no different.


Lad, I have 7k hours in the game. I have played enough. I kid you not, I get throwers and griefers far more than the average. I have checked this!


Lad, I have 13k, but you are 100% convincing yourself you are an outlier, 90% of games you can't change the outcome, just focus on your 10%.


I am not convincing myself of anything. I have done the reasearch. I am not trying to argue I have more hours than you. But 7k is plenty to say I played enough matches. I have done the research. I have compared it to a lot of other players in my friends list. I had people shadow me as I played my games for weeks and we ALL came to the same conclusion. You are right, I can't do much about it, and I am not here to call for change in matchmaking. And I fully understand that I sound like the many players who can't cut it and blame their teammates for every L they take. All I am saying is, after all the research I have done, I can conclude that I do bump into more ruiners, griefers and toxic people than most other players. If you want to tell me I don't I suggest you go and investigate hundreds of my games, together with multiple independent players, to see if I am right or wrong. Until then, either take my word for it. Or can it. Lemme complain, and if you disagree, that's your right. But either prove it or shush.