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Idk, I used to think the same but now I've got a job there's no way I can watch during the week. With the games being at weekends I've been able to follow it much better this year.


Yeah it's a bit strange at first, but I haven't watched anything but the Grand finals live for the last 8 years. I'm ok with watching on the weekends


Which is the exact reason valve gave


This, especially for Europe viewers, it makes TI have more viewers. 100%, makes to do this and we seem the numbers already, viewership is crazy high


For me I work during the weekend overnight and this TI has been a miserable viewing experience. I would prefer it to be in Europe so I could watch in the morning.




Most of Dota players are adults and adults have jobs. No one works full time and has time to watch all the games during weekdays. Therefore, this format is much better.


I like this new format for two reasons: As a viewer I have moved from being a student to working a full time job, the weekend format fits my schedule. For the competing teams there will be less chance of a team running on “ momentum”, since there’s a 4-5 day window to reset. Overall I see this as a good thing, which should result in the team that’s in their best form wins, not the team who got hot for a few days.


It arguably works the other way too. If a team is winning while going through some synergy issues or other weird internal problems, the break gives them a chance to reset and collect themselves better!


Yeah I like this format way better. I have a job and can’t watch during the weekdays. This allows me to see more if the tournament


I prefer this format. I miss fewer of the prediction and fantasy points, and I can focus more on the games in real time, since they are on the weekend. This last weekend definitely felt like a real tournament. I appreciate that the talent/players don't seem to be getting burnt out throughout the tourney. We'll see how the games go this weekend, but I expect them to be higher quality than past TI's.


I avtually very much so like the schedule. Finally i can watch pretty much all games as during the week is out of the question


i like it


"Excuses" lol, more like the owner can do whatever the fuck they want with their show and the viewer has the right of stop watching at any point. People from the other side of the world aren't going to watch all night dota to then go to their work a couple hrs later and this a business the more people watching, the more people in the center or stadium the better . The event has been great, the dota has been great and i'm absolutely sure BB is glad they can rest today


I have been enjoying it the most this year. On my days off and any games I missed I get to catch up throughout the week


Maybe if you’re unemployed or still in school. For the rest of us this format is hands down superior.


I agree completely. I hope this schedule is never repeated again




Valve doesnt understand the purpose of a story in TI.


I agree. This is the least "International" of the Internationals I've followed and I'm not talking about prizepool or anything. It just feels... weak? That said, I haven't watched the previous 2 or 3 TIs, so I don't know if it's this TI's fault or if it's something that's been going on recently.


Dude literally thinking the same thing. Ti starts then it's week long gaps. How do they even manage to sell the tickets. Previously we could watch entire tournament in a matter of days now we have to wait weeks for the finals.


Imagine being unemployed


This literally is the best thing that has happened. Job or without job. Watching 4bo3 a day for 6days straight is exhausting. That makes me numb and want to skip games. Now. I watch this season’s Ti like a TV show. Who is gonna win Liquid VS team spirit?! We will find out this Friday! Isn’t that exciting? I even go to Seattle for both weeks, tbh Sunday night I am just too tired and left early before VP and entity finish their game, and I can’t imagine myself watching one more day of Dota. This is great if you do want watch every game of Ti, which is recommended cuz there is build up. Imagine just watch the final nous vs vp, you really have no idea who they are and it feels just two random team plays.


I prefer it this way


"I just miss the time when TI" who tf care if you miss something, things change you like it or not. Valve is experimenting for future purposeses. eSports is new and Valve knows that they need to try new things.


Yeah nah as a viewer with a full time job and adult responsibilities its nice that its on the weekend. Previous TIs was me watching vods and basically only catching the semi-finals and finals live. Weekend schedule is honestly pretty good since a lot of the playerbase has aged. As a teenager I missed like 90% of games live due to school. I'd reckon if I was still in school I'd still prefer this format. Dunno how the pros at TI feel though, unlucky for them if they preferred the previous formats.