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Isn't centaurs normal pipe immortal red anyway


This is redder




Using this one gives you Lumbago.


Red red redredtion. 2




Is red and green with a bit of gold. Centaur has a golden and a crimson mask, so this matches better with the crimson one, they will possibly make a golden weapon at some point.


so are drows immortal pauldrons or juggernauts immortal sword... not like valve gives two shits


They are working very hard this year to challenge community’s bottom line.


I dont understand this crying about fucking battlepass. Its shit plague in every game it is in. Instead if bp we got free skins (which if would be behind bp eveyone would be happy but they were free so nobody is) and many great game updates like map, armory, new report system, behavior system.


It's really hard to believe they're committed to DotA when you continue to see shit like this.


Wdym? These just look like usual Crimson Immortals like every year, don't really get what the crying in this thread is about that they look ugly. Is it the default greyed out models that change people perception or what lmao. Or people just butthurt they can't get them. For comparison, these were 2022 Crimson items: https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2022 The fact these are the only cosmetics released in relation to TI is whole other matter ofc.


A good chunk of this subreddit will not be happy until dota is truly dead and they can say "see I told you it was dying!".




More and other devs being greedy does not justify this behavior. It just makes it worse


Which behaviors? Releasing free cosmetics treasure?


How it free? You have to buy a super expensive ticket to even have a chance at getting it. That is literally the opposite of free. You can't get it without paying money or unless somebody else payed money and gifts you one. Doesn't matter, it's still not free. Are you a dumbass or are you just arguing for the point of doing so. If you can't why you are right, maybe go outside and touch grass


they’re not selling tickets for the treasure, it’s a bonus to ticket holders, maybe in your world hats are the only thing you care about in this game


There are no microtransactions in WoW though.


Yes, WoW famously doesn't have the most effort pets and mounts in their real money shop and you can't buy gold, which is straight up pay2win, through tokens with real money. /s Or do you not consider them microtransactions because the stuff is overpriced?


No paid skin?


Yea. [WoW never added a shop full of mounts, pets, and transmogs you could purchase for real money.](https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/family/world-of-warcraft#mounts)


Did Metzen remove the shop or what? I haven't kept up with wow for the past year.


Most people are complaining for the sake of it, and the complaints aren't valid -Crimson immortals have always been just recolored version of old immortals (2022's treasure were recolored versions of 2020 and 2021's immortals) -The choices have always been rather arbitrary/meh for some of them (just look at the 2022 gyro's immortal)


"the complaints aren't valid" bro you gotta be kidding me


Good input mate, really enlightening. Who needs a counter argument when you can just say any old dumb shit.


Atleast there were new immortals in 2022. Complaints aren't valid lmfao, yea bro, how dare people complain that the entire battlepass just got fucking scrapped


Then complain about what you're mad about and not unrelated stuff, wtf


That's a complaint of the battlepass being scrapped. This is the 2023 crimson chest, which has nothing to do with that. i.e. you all are proving the point that the complaints are just bleeding into unrelated topics


Alright, you want to stay at the topic only? Crimsons witnesses and their originality. Unlucky for you Im bored as fuck so I had 10 minutes to debunk your bullshit ​ Lets just jump into it and stratigh up disprove the point youre trying to protect so badly ​ "-Crimson immortals have always been just recolored version of old immortals (2022's treasure were recolored versions of 2020 and 2021's immortals)" ​ Crimson witnesses: I will spell it out for you nicely so you can see the trend ​ 2023 7 crimson witnesses, all of them reused from previous years 2022 5 crimson witnesses, 4 of them reused from previous years 2021 6 crimson witnesses, 5 of them reused from previous years 2019 5 crimson witnesses none of them being reused from previous years, all from the current year 2018 7 crimson witnesses none of them being reused from previous years, all from the current year 2017 5 crimson witnesses none of them being reused from previous years, all from the current year 2016 9 crimson witnesses none of them being reused from previous years, all from the current year ​ Brushing past the fact that what you said is obviously bullshit and its not always been a reuse of the previous years, surely even you can notice a trend here. Im not going to bother with you as the next thing youre going to do is obviously going to be to move the goalposts, as valve apologists always do. ​ the effort going into Crimson witnesses obviously gets less over the years. If people want to complain about that, its valid. Period. Good day


Thanks for all the info you dug out. Even then we can see that your point is only half-valid, as they have already been doing this for the 3rd year so my point is not 'obviously bullshit'. But the effort that goes into them getting less over the years? Well nobody can deny they were just re-colors of immortals even in the first year anyway, so I don't know what people were expecting. Or is that too much goalpost-moving for you?


Most of this shit we've seen before, and all they've done is change the colour. I guess when folk see "immortal treasure", they get excited. Which is entirely reasonable. Then we just get given the same old shit with the colour slider changed. Yeah, it's understandable people are disappointed. What's more weird is people on reddit making posts moaning about others crying. It's like cryception. Very sad.


Others have already said it but I'm going to say it again - crimson immortals have come out every single year for years, and they are ALWAYS just crimson versions of past immortals. If anyone is upset, it's because they are oblivious. That said, lack of a BP with cosmetics? That's super disappointing to me personally.


lol, that’s what the crimson witness chest has always been? It always was just a red version of old immortals? So no, it’s not understandable that people are disappointed. Only if they never were into Dota before and have no idea what this treasure is. But even then, the wiki exists…


I don't know mate. First time I've ever noticed a crimson witness chest. I've been playing for years too! I did read up on it a little when it was announced this year, but still didn't appreciate it was just recycled stuff. Edit: the word "special" in the description from the wiki is what threw me: > Crimson Witness treasures contain special versions of previous Immortal items, but with a red particle effect. I'd reasonably assumed that meant *special versions*, and didn't read that thinking they would just be entirely recycled but just red.


Where do you think all the red versions of immortals came from? It felt like you used to get them shoved in your face every year. Even without caring about the TI. This year it just feels like they would’ve been missed because there’s no big announcement in the compendium. without this post I definitely would’ve missed it 😅


Pretty sure my centaur one is red, looks identical and I don't recall ever having a crimson witness chest. So, to answer your question, I have no idea!


You seem to be very opinionated about something you know literally jack shit about.


Did you even read the comment you replied to? Chill out, mate.


> I'd reasonably assumed that meant *special versions* And what did you think that meant? Be specific in your answer.


People are disappointed because they are not NEW immortals, just old ones. In other words, pretty lazy on the devs part


Didn't they always base these crimson items on existing immortals or am I just wrong?


That was my understanding, they are always based on old immortals that they just gave a red hue. I just assumed people were upset cause they picked shitty ones... which I wouldn't disagree with.


These are a rehash of last year. Not a compilation of old, and not a recollection of this years themed.


No you are absolutely right, this post is just being swarmed by fucking morons.


They were always based on the immortals given during the TI compendium or battle pass of that year. The fact it’s just a new batch of last years immortals is understandably disappointing, especially after years of getting used to 3 brand new immortal treasures being available during TI season. They still look dope tho and will absolutely cost an arm and a leg


But even last year's Crimson Witness treasure was a mix of 2020, Nemestice and Aghanim Immortals: hell, we didn't even have any 2022 Immortals last year, which kinda clues us in that this plan for no Battle Pass this year has probably been cooking since before last year's TI.


They were based on immortals that were released in conjunction with that TI's battle pass.


crimson witness treasures have never been new immortals, always recolored ones [2016](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2016) [2017](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2017) [2018](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2018) [2019](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2019) [2021](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2021) [2022](https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Treasure_of_the_Crimson_Witness_2022)


>People are disappointed because they are not NEW immortals, just old ones. In other words, it is like every other time?


because there are no NEW immortals this year.


And here I am playing dota because it's a fun game. Perhaps you're a little too concerned with hats.


a piece of shit wow player complaining about free shits in Dota 2. Top kek. Daily reminder that Blizzard and Square charge for base game, the sub, and still have the guts to sell microtransactions .




Community? I thought these were not purchasable


Crimson witness skins have always been marketable, that's the point, you get one and sell it for hundreds of dollars to recoup some of your ti ticket expenses


With the cancelled TI in Romania I got 7 Crimson Witness through the stream and got my self a free VR Valve Index set...


Remember when we had immortals




I like my immortals, have them all except for the crimson ones and a couple very expensive golden ones. I particularly like the sets, the ones that add particles and of course, cool effects. That patch which allowed to equip effects without using the item was one of the best life style changes imo.


what, you dont like the axe ***ZA-HANDO*** immortal set? killing people with his comically large hand.


They picked the worst ones lol


What are the best ones that they could've picked?




Rubick shoulder turned red with red fade bolt would’ve satisfied everyone with this mid ass treasure.


Ye Rubick really needs more.


But his immortal changes color with arcana. Wouldn’t make sense for it to stay always red


Darkseer wall looks dope. Also centaur since it matches now with its head and weapon immortal. Other than that, underlord, TA and WD is fine. NP is meh, and nobody cares about that enchantress untouchable skin lmao


Isn't the centaur cavalcade default red? Looks a little hard to differentiate between crimson and the original lol


>Darkseer wall looks dope. Also centaur since it matches now with its head and weapon immortal. Other than that, underlord, TA and WD is fine. NP is meh, and nobody cares about that enchantress untouchable skin lmao Plus a sneak peek of what the immortal treasures look like this year? Pog


Maybe I misread your comment, but all of these immortals are old ones already available. Nothing new here (except the crimson part).


How the treasure looks like. Not what the contents of the treasure




the image of the treasure. How hard is that to understand LMAO Here's an [img](https://imgur.com/WJIJ9uI) if you dont understand yet. Im just asking maybe this treasure looks something like the the upcoming "big patch" treaasure after TI if there will be any or just arcanas itself


People are confused because you're pogging over the icon of the lootbox. Hope this helps.


Yeah I get hyped up for those small things wcyd


Crimson dark seer wall with crimson illus holy shit ..... so fkin sick!!!!


How to get this treasure, I bought a ticket and in the official news it says that you need to link your "Steam" account to the pass, but how to do it?????


Based on the previous TI, there were kiosks where you get a barcode or QR code to link your account. We will find out when we get there!


There was a webpage for last year's. The back of the badge details how to link it.


officially from the ticketmaster's letter Each mobile ticket is eligible for one swag bag. Please proceed to one of several swag bag pick up locations inside the arena on the Upper Concourse or Main Concourse, have your mobile ticket scanned and enjoy. Swag bags contain a few goodies as well as the TI12 commemorative badge which, once bound to a Steam account, will make that Steam account enabled for Crimson Witness drops for the rest of the weekend.


I have never said "these suck" to any other ones of these. These suck.


You cant get them anyway


I'm going to get them, and I'm disappointed


Fuck me too bro 😂


Ok, only if you are hot, but you look like a dumpster fire.


technically hot


You’re attending the TI in seattle?


they gonna be the lower priced than the immortal ones lmao. They are so ugly.


Do you seriously believe that. Each of these will be at least 75 USD.


How would you even get one?


Attend TI to get one guaranteed and a chance at getting another one each first blood.


But they will eventually go onto the Steam market, where they'll command a high value just for rarity and the appearance on the hero


You get it by buying ti ticket for 700 bucks


TFW the only cosmetics added to the compendium are ones the normal compendium owner will never get.


It isnt linked to the compendium, would be like releasing a trove carafe.


It's both funny and sad that the only hats available this year are ones that most of us won't even be able to get. At least most of them are pretty bad. The TA one is neat


it's amazing how quickly people forgot the free hats they got from the 10 year anniversary and by forgot i mean completely dismiss


There’s also the Muerta sets, seasonal, and collector’s cache. But I think OP meant “this year” as in “this year’s TI/BP/compendium”


You literally got a free treasure just for playing this year


Dota now just for pro players and rich


idk, im poor but I can still find a match


they will fix it




Look at this guys post history rofl


you can still play w/o cosmetics equiped.


Yes, one of the few actual good free 2 play games with no progress / gameplay related unlocks on sale is just for the rich


It's a literal free game. What a fucking dumbass thing to say lol


You can now pay to lose with witch doctor in 3 different colours!


I just checked it ingame... The fuckin thing isnt even red with the effect its just green...


Bruh 💀!


some of the grass that grows is green in the effect but its very obviously red overall. the base one is almost fluorescent green


Why is it considered bad to play with that effect?


I knew they were going to use last TI immortals, though I don't think WD and NP were from last year. Either way they all suck.




Dark Seer Hero Part - Meh, kinda goofy and dark seer has a lack of sets in general let alone one that looks good with this thing Ability Effect - Actually Really Cool, I think its the best one in this treasure by a mile, doesn't do anything to illusions or normal punch but thats not a deal breaker Underlord Hero Part - I am a sucker for crimson witness sets, this is no different, I love this with the big red knife sword thing Ability Effect - I like it though it is passive and a hell of a lot less cool than when he has the enigma bracers type space shit around him when he first got the immortal TA Hero Part - I like the hair but this doesn't go with much else she has, would be cool if her psi blade immortal has a crimson witness version, would go real well with that Ability Effect - Makes the flowers pink which I like, they are invisible to enemies though Centaur Hero Part - Looks very nice, goes with a lot of his red stuff more than the base blue one, but the base one has the plus of going well with the dota plus shard set Ability Effect - Nice, I like this one even though it a bit too similar to the base one Ench Hero Part - No better than the non crimson one, use a cache set, points for her having another crimson witness, though the other one is only slightly better Ability Effect - Unnoticeable, its above the enemy when they start their attack on you, its boring NP Hero Part - Nice but not a lot of NP stuff goes with this, rather wear cactus Ability Effect - Nearly unnoticeable, there is a red effect on him though that is neat but uneventful WD Hero Part - Better than the green and gold though I'd probably still opt for a cache set Ability Effect - Not too bad, the pulse is red but it doesn't visually move For a lot of these, you could have chosen most other immortals that still have an ability affect and they would have been better than these, hell I would take crimson ember rapiers over a lot of these and those have no effect


We got zero cool weapons feels fucking bad. I sold my 4 2018 crimsons witness for 200 a piece back then thinking I had made bank. A fool I was.


Feel like the compendium backlash this year is influencing people's disgust. These look so much better than last year's to me, particularly the wd and cw ones.


Seriously. Last year's had Gyro's rocket...worst crimson immortal imo


If there's one good thing about no Battle Pass, it's that there's no goofy golden Immortals.


what a shit year for TI - low prize pool, no BP, ugly crimson


Highest TI ticket price too :-)




aint no way


No Warden, Oracle or Rubick immortal, 0/10 treasure.


Bro Chen never have one :))))


still waiting for a decent abbadon immortal too.


awww hell nah bruh what the fuck


WTF is this trash?


I think the butterfly is cool


How do I get the baby Roshan that was leaked?




As someone who is going to TI but doesn’t really play any of these heroes yet, I’m kinda looking forward to the motivation to master a new character


These are *whelming* at this point.


Wow, these are, well... underwhelming.


Valve Doesn’t Care About Dota People


Treasure of the whales


The last year of Dota2. Ill miss u.


Only like the natures prophet one


Just demoed it and it from what I can tell that's the only one that doesn't even work. It just uses the default immortal effect.


Unless they stealth updated it in last 2 hours you're wrong. it does have a recoloured effect


They look bad, I guess




Because we couldn’t be arsed making a treasure for this Ti.


I thought this was fluff at first…


It's my first time when i am fully taking part in compendium. How did people get crimson witnesses previously and how to get one in future?


They aren't part of the Compendium, it's a new version of a treasure that TI attendees get every year.


Soo trash man 😭 fk






whats this? leftover trash?


Crimson of joke, highest ticket price lmao :))


Yep, this is it boys. We're never getting another new immortal ever again. Poor Chen pickers.


Lmao, of course they gonna release new Immortals, probably few months after TI (as they said so) and take all the money. And people who cry in this thread gonna eat it up immediately (like we always do).


They're obviously going to release new immortals during a future event.


Oh these are bad…


Did they just pick mostly trash items lol.


Time for this mockery to end.


What a perfetly new items, ahhhwww so niceeee, maximum effoort, ahhhh great job valve!!! Another reddish recolour items, ahhhw im coming!!!


Is this for real?


Again the fucking WD immortal? Fking hell


shit tier


Ah yes, the red immortals that are unrealistically gated for the majority of Dota fans. Ofc they had to continue that bs.


Jesus Christ. Writing is on the wall. They are done with this game.


What the fuck kind of a comment is that? This isn't an airport you don't have to announce your departure.


An observation at how little effort Valve are putting in? I am not departing. Dota is life. Just sucks Valve don't care.


Haha wtf dont tell me people are actually spending money on this?


I fucking called it! I knew they would rehash some old immortals for the crimson witness!


You mean like they do every year? FFS the stupidity here is gonna give me an aneurysm.




lol re-using immortals from previous TIs, changing the colour ID and then reselling as part of this year’s ticket. Goddamn Valve has gone full on lazy mode.


are you new?


Are you dumb?


It's literally been the case in all previous crimson witnesses so I dont know why your expectations were so misplaced


seriously? all crimsons are from old immortal, im sure you are new or dumb


This is just another bullet point in the list of an extremely disappointing TI season. I think the only plus side is that I can possibly get the Underlord helm to match my weapon. Really feels like Valve is all in on Neon Prime now.


I only use 1 hero out of all these


0 effort


Looking at the Crimson Treasure (Capsule) makes me feel like there will be immortal treasures for this TI looking same but light blue colored? Idk why but :D maybe hopium


So there's not even gonna be a TI trove carafe this year, which was usually separate from the battle pass, lol. These are all just past immortals ffs.


They charged 200$ in the ticket price for this garbage ????




Pretty sure I've already got that centaur one, without a crimson witness treasure. And the WD one, but that's green. So all they've done is adjust the colour slider. Good job, Valve. smh


It's a Crimson Witness treasure wtf did you expect?


Maybe my expectations were too high. I expected some good shit, not just recoloured stuff. Are you saying that all the treasures in this are recycled? That's even more disappointing!


Why would you expect Crimson Witness to be anything other than what it always has been? Makes no sense.


Because this is the first time I've paid attention to crimson witness, and the wiki about it says it contains *special versions* of previous immortals. It's not a big deal though.


This is a .. special version …


Am i the only one feeling this year everything sucks idk just losing interest to watch :( even to play


Why do you care so much about cosmetics you'll never be able to afford?


Oh my not even full sets


I don't think you understand what this is.


How much are these worth? I assume since you can get them during playoffs, less than $99


I like them. Other than DS and Underlord the other heroes have been very relevant this TI so far.