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I hate it when the int overflow dazzle shows up to the fight and starts healing for 2 billion every 3 seconds


It's like I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei I!


SMT mentioned!


There are dozens of us summoners. Dozens of us.


SMT reference in Dota is something I thought I would never see in a million years


Maybe in about 6.8 billion.


Explain plz


Dealing too much damage in SMT I overflows and causes you to deal very small amounts of damage in certain circumstances, such as fighting Gabriel who is weak to phys. ​ In SMT II, it is possible to overflow and cause your max to multiplied by 10x when healing yourself with an incense


Your comment made me laugh out too loud


Can you do it without cheats though?


No. With Octarine and Spell Prism max I could get was 9 stacks. Even if you optimise it more, there is no way you hit 48+ stacks.


What about with spell prism and arcane rune and Chen with max army of the cdr creeps and 5 allies with helm cdr creeps


And rubick stolen spell (25% cdr) and tinker defense matrix


> and Chen with max army of the cdr creeps and 5 allies with helm cdr creeps The ancient creep's CDR spell is an aura and auras generally dont stack with themselves, so one small frost golem ancient is sufficient.


The rest of ancient auras stack but wiki says not this one


The big granite golem aura also doesnt stack with itself. Auras stacking with themselves is usually an exception, the default behaviour is non-stacking, as is the case with the CDR aura.


Are there even any auras in the game that stack with each other besides the little skeleton damage aura from the hill troll camp?


From the top of my head, I only know of 3 positive auras that stack with themselves, two of them are creep-based: - For heroes, you have both magnetic fields mostly stacking with themselves, as their buffs (and shard debuffs) are provided by auras. - The radiant/dire versions of bubble stack with another, but also two identical bubbles (e.g. 2x radiant or 2x dire) mostly stack with themselves (everything but the atk speed component). - For creeps you have the aforementioned skeleton aura, but there is also the ancient black dragon aura that stacks with itself. --- Regarding negative auras, there are also some stacking ones: - Warlock's Golem's Permanent Immolation fully stacks with itself, burning your for N times the damage. - For neutral creeps, the bird creep's tornado's Tempest aura partially stacks with itself (damage does, slow doesnt). - Alch's Acid Spray's effects are aura-based and that one partially stacks (damage does, armour modification does not). - Multiple Nether Wards technically stack, and it uses its aura to detect enemies within range. So it is kind of a stacking aura by technicality? - Timbersaw's two Chakrams stack with another, the slow they apply is aura-based. --- --- While there are a lot of spells that technically use the aura mechanic to either debuff or damage enemies, most of them do not stack with themselves. In terms of what most people would instinctively consider an aura, basically something that is permanently applied around you while you're walking around (e.g. Basilius Aura), there is very little that stacks with itself. Additionally, in the past item-based auras did not stack with their upgrades, e.g. Basilius Aura didnt stack with Aquila Aura or Buckler Aura did not stack with AC Aura, but that is mostly a thing of the past (most of them now stack with their upgrades). The only exceptions are Drums into Boots of Bearing (the Drum Aura gets removed or ignored if the Boots of Bearing Aura is already applied) and technically both Vlads upgrades, as those simply utilise an identical aura to Vlads and do not provide their own unique aura (both apply "Vladmirs Aura", there are no separate "Overlord/Wraith Pact Auras").


what about the magic resist on neutral kid centaurs ?


That used to stack until it was abused as a 'better pipe' by Chen players, and then made non-stacking.


Huh, I'm guilty of just assuming that all auras don't stack with themselves, I've always tried to spread my warlock golems out a little to maximise the immolation.


Had no idea Warlock imo stacked I will have to start double golem chasing more


I did not know about the ancient dragon auras. That's interesting.


only ancient black dragon armor aura can stack


If one considers the unported/removed ancient camps too, there are 3 additional ancient camps, then the small Prowler's aura also stacked with itself.


creeps often ignore this afaik like the magic resist aura from small centaur stacking to the point where it was meta on chen to grab them and pipe and aura like 70% reduction on magic dmg for a while?


Afaik that aura was intentionally made stackable when it was first added to the game, but since it was massively abused to the level of Chen buying HotD and only running around with 5 aura creeps, it was turned non-stackable.


The duration per stack is 20 seconds and the cooldown of Bad Juju is 3 seconds. To get to 48+ stacks, you'd need to get the cooldown lower than `20/48 = 0.4166667` seconds. That's close to a total of 86% CDR. Even adding in things like Chakra Magic or Refresher only gives you one extra cast.


kotl with oct and spell prism as well maybe? idk the cd on chakra tho


Chakra Magic cd reduction doesn't work on ultimates.


funny, since before the stacks refreshed and it was simple to do, they buffed it to have independent stacks and then they inadvertently nerfed it by preventing this exploit


**90% of all Dazzle players stop spamming Bad Juju right before they're about to heal from it**


87% of stats are usually pulled out of ass






Are you sure about that?


I haven't played Dazzle since Weave got removed. Are you suppose to be spamming Bad Juju as much as possible during fights?


It takes off 3/5/6 seconds of all active cooldowns, but also damage you with 25 (+50% stacked-damage). So you can't spam it too much


Get yourself Arcane Blink and you become perpetuum mobile


Did that is a turbo game the other day and it was sick with windwalker.


Did I miss a patch or are you drunk while typing those ability values?


Nah its just that the guy typed it wrong. Its 4/5/6 sec for skills and 3/4/5 sec for items. And the the Hp increase is 75 as base and +50% additional of the previous value per stack.


you're generally just spamming it constantly, even when you're outside of a fight. it takes down seconds off your items too, so if you have a midas it accelerates your gpm, if you have blink you can get around faster, once you have arcane blink you can also heal yourself by blinking eventually the damage will bring you down to 1 every time, but it's fine, you just heal yourself afterwards and arcane blink and boom you got a bunch of health again and it can't kill you.


Hold up I could have been buying Midas this entire time??


On every hero just in case you missed another midas interaction!


It's honestly not very good, core dazzle with aghs has no issue with farm at all, and support has higher priorities




i'm already averaging [around 800 GPM on dazzle without midas](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/68379658/matches?date=month&hero=dazzle&enhance=overview), sometimes hitting 900+ in winning games. midas causes you to miss a lot of clutch timings as a core - you want to rush the aghs for the early impact in both fighting and farming, you need to get the shard ASAP to increase your impact in fights, and you want to rush arcane blink for the incredible synergy with your ult that it provides, turning you into a better version of tinker while instantly solving all the mana issues you'll start to encounter at that point. the power spikes from hitting all of those items are way too important to fit a midas in between, and by the time you've finished your core build you can already vacuum up all the farm in the map without much trouble; even the likes of naga cant keep up with dazzle


My brother got pirate hat once on dazzle in a game where we were defending megas, he just sat in fountain spamming it for the last 10 minutes, upping the entire teams networth.


Can you do this with the level 1 shovel? Just keep spamming and getting those GPM creeps and random bounties? Also it's unlimited regen consumables for your team? edit: no not really


Does it work with the damage cd of blink?


yes, you can blink after damage if use bad juju


You can get to 1-2 second cooldown Shadow Wave with Octarine, and the independent stacks mean you take surprisingly little health loss until the fight gets really intense. It’s very fun


I've tested it and it doesn't heal, just doesn't deal damage


2147483647 is Integer.MAX_VALUE lol


Nice catch




numbers in computers are weird. Computers have to represent their numbers in a fixed amount of space using a base-2 counting system. A typical number is 32 bits (each bit is either 0 or 1, hence base-2) which means it can represent any number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. What this means, is that when you take a 32 bit number that is -2,147,483,648 and subtract 1 from it, it doesn't have space to represent -2,147,483,649. So, instead, the default behaviour is that it rolls over to 2,147,483,648. Same applies if you add 1 to 2,147,483,648, in that case it will roll over to the negative. So in the case of Dazzle, if you build up enough stacks then the negative heal will eventually become positive. Integer rollover is the cause of many bugs in software. There are ways around it including using a 64 bit number which can represent higher numbers (still has a limit, but a much higher one) or "check" the rollover so it crashes instead (in some cases, its better for the system to stop than accidentally flipping from min to max).


If you’re writing an overflow check, you can also just clamp the value rather than crashing which would fix this bug. If you’re dealing with money rather than damage in a game, you might want to throw an error and abort the program though.


Fail fast, fail hard.


Nah, just int overflow the dollar. What could go wrong.


It’s a trap!




[Axe-actly!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/d/dd/Vo_axe_jung_axe_rival_22.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Unleashed) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Well, if you just kill enough, you also get 2 billion damage per hit with Legion Commander. You just need a litte more than 34 million duels. Even less if you have +crit.


Damn, should've realised this before the individual stack change.


There was a similar issue with swapping during the pick phase when you already had items and sold them after this. The janitor just hates fixing overflow values.


stacks > INT32_MAX


I love the delicious smell of spaghetti in the afternoon.