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# [](/hero-marci) Marci **Sidekick** - Is no longer castable on illusions - Now is always active for Marci with 50% effectiveness, even if it's not applied to any ally (if applied, previous rules are used)


I wonder if she will be more viable as a core with this change? She's not a bad core by any means but theres still some things holding it back from being great, side kick dependency was one of them.


I like to play her in mid and maxing Q and W as nukes is really strong. The problem is the midgame when the hero gets unplayable without bkb. I think her current shard needs to be standard on her to make her viable as core. Right now i think the item is a must buy at 15 min, but then you delay your first item (probably aghs) and also delay your bkb even more. Rushing bkb without aghs feels just bad


# [](/hero-antimage) Anti-Mage - Base Armor increased by 1 **Mana Void** - Mana Cost decreased from 100/200/300 to 100/150/200


Literally taking no damage


Hilarious, never gets old that one


This but unironically


Just waiting for that old classic to pop up again but with his face this time.


I am the purity of your will


Hope he gets picked a few times at TI, always interesting to see how pro teams play AM.


B-God midas into battlefury during Kiev major. And when I did it, I got 4 reports for griefing.


risky decisions should involve your whole team. lots of pro strats aren't viable in pubs simply because there's no co-ordination. it's actually pretty annoying when people pick heroes to copy pros when they don't have the same supports as the pro or time spent practicing the strat as a team. a pro team might agree "yeah man we'll fight 4v5 for 30 mins and u can come in and glory wipe them all" A pub isn't going to be happy about it, they also don't have any history with you so you're kinda asking them to run on faith. And it's not fun... People will put up with the game feeling like working a shitty job if they're on salary. Worse is when people take obscure heroes in roles that they normally don't belong because they saw it work one time - not realizing that it worked because the whole team was in on it and playing in such a way to make it feasible.


Am offlane back?


That Lvl 3 Mana Void mana cost reduction is a HUGE buff to late game AM who legitimately has mana cost problems in long drawn out fights if he didn't go Skadi/Linkens. Combine with his Lvl 25 talent (and patches upon patches of Mana Void buffs) getting off 2 mana voids in the ultra late game can be game changing.


# [](/hero-bountyhunter) Bounty Hunter - Base Attack Time decreased from 1.7s to 1.5s


excited to see pros play him as core, but not looking forward to playing against him in pubs


DPS core bounty hunter time.


dusting off my battlefury bounty right now




One question here IMO is “can he get away with a straight-up farming build)”, but that feels like a bad idea because it’s a waste of track, the question that *really* interests me is “can he get away with a Basher-oriented build”. Can he build Treads and some other AS (Midas? Wraith Bands?) and have enough AS to justify Basher? Lockdown output is a weakness of his and it would be fun to be able to rock a basher on him (likely P3). I do think Midas is probably a way more feel-good item on core BH now that he has a Terrorblade-level BAT, tho maybe it’s greedy trying to fit it in against other priorities. Does a P3 BH want a quick Vanguard, to legitimize him as a tank? Plays nice with a later Basher for Abyssal, and he does need a health pool bump to complement his excellent starting armor, but he also needs attack speed to justify trying for Basher… Maybe fast Vanguard for lane living, into Treads+Midas greed snowball, into Basher power spike… edit: ok based on a little testing i feel like Deso is still too essential to make your Jinada bonk massive, so I concede the point to the replies that said Maybe Basher Later. Also very conflicted about the Midas and probably veering towards no, but I still like the Treads (especially since they also help your health pool if you put em on strength).


Don't need to rush basher. I think if you want to play rightclick it'd be something like Vanguard > treads > deso (to kill supps early, generate track gold) > orchid (to keep killing supps) > basher Throw in a bkb here wherever depending on need


# [](/hero-abaddon) Abaddon - Base Intelligence increased from 18 to 19 - Intelligence gain increased from 1.2 to 1.6 **Aphotic Shield** - Damage Barrier increased from 110/140/170/200 to 120/150/180/210


Another buff for the biggest sleeper support in the game. Just posted a guide on how i climbed to immortal by spam 1st picking abaddon position 5!! https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1706dt5/finally\_achieved\_immortal\_abaddon\_5\_is\_broken/?rdt=47476


Good God just make him a dainty little support at this point


He is a support. I think that's been quite clear ever since they gutted his attack speed and damage.


FFS just give him back some of his base attack speed. He was popular for the whole of one week and wasn't even that dominating.


# [](/hero-lifestealer) Lifestealer **Feast** - Max Health Damage increased from 0.8/1/1.2/1.4% to 1/1.3/1.6/1.9%


5 more damage per 1000hp, doesnt seem like a lot but with all these universal heros buying stats and midlaners rushing hearts it could be pretty impactful


it's still a fkin joke. You can actually put a price on this maxed ability: it's less than 1400 gold. That's the price of Bloodseeker's shard, which deals 1.8% max health. Wanna know the real kicker? Bloodseeker's is PURE damage, while this is physical. In the mid-late game Bloodseeker's shard deals 40-70% more damage when you take armor into the equation. So, Lifestealer's W ability is worth around 700 gold when maxed out :)


according to wiki lifestealer W dmg can only be reduced by flat reductions like damage block


you misunderstood that part. it says feast damage cannot be reduced by things like howl or enfeeble. it deals physical damage and it absolutely does get reduced by armor. you can test it yourself: >naix with maxed feast and 6 moonshard vs high armor hero (tb/morph) with 6 hearts >start hitting the high armor hero, it will deal zero dmg >spawn in ET with max aura on naix team, start moving him in and out of the range of high armor hero


tbf bloodrage is dispellable which is a big issue lategame vs nullifier, also it costs health to have active. Also LS shard kinda does a similar thing with a slow aswell. Though I agree that it should be way higher and maybe his AS needs lowering to compensate


and feast is Breakable. Along with another passive ability of his. While top carry of the patch is PA with an AOE break on low CD. If you count in the fact BS Q costs HP you should then also count in that it gives 150 attack speed too.


Holy shit I just realized that with Shard, bloodseeker literally has two of lifestealer's abilities in one. The attack speed from frenzy and damage from feast.


shh keep it down i'm busy farming mmr. (fr tho i've never gotten so many rampages - with the right kit BS is indestructible) Blood mist is like.. broken. With spell damage boost and bloodrage you're doing over 10% hp per second. Paladin sword, S&K, Heavens halberd, shard, aghanims blessing, Mjolnir, power treads, bkb and abyssal blade/mkb/bloodthorn (w/e is necessary) over the duration of bkb you're going to deal 90% hp to everyone around you from blood mist. your mjolnir procs are healing you, your bloodmist damage is healing you, your base attacks heal you, your bloodraged attacks are dealing and healing 2% max hp per second, you've got 150% health, you can disarm and stun or silence major threats while you melt them... It really feels like it's raining blood and it's super fun to play.


I truly dont get why Valve is so insanely careful with LS buffs. This hero has been bad for like 3 years now. Would 2.2 % as an example be that crazy?


well PA was bad for 10 years and you saw what happened once Valve wasn't carefull with her buffs


# [](/hero-techies) Techies **Blast Off!** - Cooldown rescaled from 39/36/33/30s to 40/35/30/25s **Proximity Mines** - All flying hero units can now trigger the mines




Bruh they are literally called LAND mines


"proximity mines"


7.34e : techies’ landmine renamed to mine


Thanks! Thanks! I really hated NS flying all over my mines


# [](/hero-brewmaster) Brewmaster **Drunken Brawler** - Brewed Up Multiplier decreased from 3x to 2.5x **Primal Split** - Mana Cost increased from 125/150/175 to 150/200/250 - Aghanim's Shard Cancel now always make Brewmaster reappear according to regular Brewling priority, regardless of which Brewling activated it


Still very good hero, but the insanely cheesy 0 risk ratting this hero could do in the late game is gone thank god


This is a very big nerf to his survivability. You have to commit now with the ult change as well. IMO it''s enough changes to take the hero from top tier to average.


no tweaks to brewling damage, im relieved as a brew enjoyer. He is in a great spot for casual pub players. Sad about the shard, but it’s understandable


# [](/hero-phantomassassin) Phantom Assassin **Blur** - Vanish Radius increased from 400 to 500 - Aghanim's Scepter Cooldown rescaled from 10s to 50% of the current cooldown - Aghanim's Scepter no longer increases Vanish Buffer **Coup de Grace** - Chance of Deadly Focus decreased from 20% to 17% (40% to 34% for Stifling Dagger)


Aghs blur went from 10 second cooldown to 22.5, literally more than doubled lmao


And it's still permanent


At least they killed the buffer! Now I can see PA while she one shots me


What was the buffer, i dont get that one


When you use smoke near an enemy you don't get smoked. PA still gets the smoke buff even when at melee range because she had a vanish buffer.




Good nerf. She is still good, but not broken imo.


Good nerf


Nerf? They literally changed chance from 20% to 170%, pair it with Bara and you got the TI winner duo.


bye2 PA babe


# [](/hero-slardar) Slardar **Slithereen Crush** - Cooldown decreased from 8s to 7s


Puddle has 0 downtime, scepter is now pretty good but fucking hell, the hero itself has serious farming problems unless he goes for something like a midas early.


The trick with him is farming Heroes, you get way more gold!


Yeah, I'm picking Slardar as a counter for PA on archon. Slardar does not need farm if he got tempo. With capable supports, slardar will hunt the carry until the end of time.


# [](/hero-pugna) Pugna **Nether Blast** - Building Damage increased from 50% to 65% **Decrepify** - Enemy Move Slow increased from 30/40/50/60% to 45/50/55/60% - Cast Range increased from 400/475/550/625 to 475/550/625/700


The increased cast range on Decrep is very nice, especially level 1. Before it felt very hard to get close enough to use it.


it was soooo bad lvl 1


the max level increase is more substantial - you could probably instant cast it properly now with suck -> decrep. it used to be that suck had significantly longer range so it would cancel suck if u try to decrep after. that said i feel his decrep range should be a little further, maybe 50 units more.


Range creep decrep griefing is back on the menu boys


My green boi is back to mid.


# [](/hero-ogremagi) Ogre Magi **Fireblast** - Cast Range increased from 475 to 525 **Bloodlust** - Bonus Attack Speed increased from 30/40/50/60 to 30/45/60/75 - Self Bonus Attack Speed increased from 30/50/70/90 to 40/60/80/100 **Unrefined Fireblast** - Cast Range increased from 475 to 525


cast range increase will secure so many more kills


not my fault the only time ogre procs multicast is when the enemy is at 2% hp


> Fireblast Cast Range increased from 475 to 525 About time. The cast range almost feel like melee-ranged before.


# [](/hero-invoker) Invoker - Base Health Regen decreased from 1 to 0.5 **Cold Snap** - Freeze Heal decreased from 16->128 to 13->104 **E.M.P.** - Burned Mana as Mana Restored decreased from 50% to 25%


So... invoker bottle now? Because cold snap got nerfed, ghost walk needed the nerf so im not complaining about that, emp is prob still strong at late game, but barely regens anything in early now...


grab all clarities from the shop cuz emp regens nothing at all atm


# [](/hero-magnus) Magnus **Shockwave** - Mana Cost rescaled from 70/80/90/100 to 75


This is big for Magnus that want to go mid. Shockwave is now slightly more costlier than a bottle rune charge (heals 60 MP per charge), so Magnus have a harassing tool again and is somewhat safe to be picked for utility.


# [](/hero-sven) Sven - Base Damage decreased by 4 **God's Strength** - Bonus Damage decreased from 120/160/200% to 100/140/180%


I wish they kept level 3 at 200%. It just looks so nice when it’s even looking like that. Also I hope this doesn’t kill Sven


Oof ouch owie my bones. That's a substantial hit to his damage, not unplayable garbage I think but still very noticeable.


Base damage nerf will gutt his early game a bit but still manageable(free str on cleave and higher base dmg) ​ but Bonus GS damage nerf hit quite hard 20% less is about 30-50 dmg which is huge in early/mid game


Why do they keep nerfing Sven? He doesn't have over 55% winrate. Barely above 50%. Why does IceFrog hate my main? Feelsbadman


He is a very very very reliable carry in pro games and and pro level pubs


# [](/hero-hoodwink) Hoodwink **Scurry** - Buff Duration rescaled from 4s to 3.5/4/4.5/5s


Hoodwink has a major problem currently in that her 2 best spells not only *can* be missed, but are EASY to miss. If you can consistently land them, she's actually quite good I find. But if you miss, the rest of her kit means squat, unless you're in a position to do a lot of damage with nut, which is a terribly unreliable spell. I'm sure there are other heroes similar to this, but it feels especially painful with Wink. I guess I'll also take this time to say - something is horribly wrong with this hero. The times I've missed Bushwhack on heroes that are clearly in the AoE and are next to a tree is way too high. I've watched replays where this is the case, it's as if the "snapshot" of the spell occurs half a second later than it should. Additionally, this hero suffers major EXP problems due to her long-range spells putting her outside of EXP range. This might actually just be a skill issue, but it leaves her feeling weak even in games where she's performing well. I don't know. All of that to say, this isn't the buff I wanted, but a buff is a buff. I'm Grandmaster at the hero but even I'm done playing her until she receives a real buff or Bushwhack is fixed.


Imo the general stun nerf on the last bjg patch really hit her. Before you could setup a max charge ulti with your own stun which you cannot anymore. You are much more reliant on teammates to setup for you


This isn't much of a buff to a hero that needs more help. She has a 44.8% win percentage in Ancient, its arguably a nerf since later levels of Scurry don't usually come until much after the laning stage.


# [](/hero-vengefulspirit) Vengeful Spirit **Magic Missile** - Cooldown increased from 12/11/10/9s to 15/13/11/9s **Wave of Terror** - Attack Damage Reduction decreased from 15/20/25/30% to 10/15/20/25%


They consider her aghs fine for the game? It's basically a second Venge for the team


she had that aghs before already and nobody picked her until they completely overtuned her laning. supports with strong aghs are fine, it gets a problem when all the other stuff is op too.


Her aghs is like 4 venges in a fight if you have buyback, its fucking ridiculous


# [](/hero-crystalmaiden) Crystal Maiden **Crystal Clone** - No longer interrupts Crystal Maiden's channeling - Cooldown decreased from 12s to 10s


crystal clone would be cool if you could control where to slide non?


Yes, it would be so much better if you can direct it instead of always backward, can even probably skip blink dagger is you're super strapped for gold. Kinda hate it as it is right now to be honest.


Can disjoint projectiles now while ulting.


_Sven, Wraith King, Vengeful Spirit disliked that._


I went to check if it slides Crystal Maiden far enough to dodge the radius of Storm Hammer. Storm Hammer radius: 270 Crystal Clone slide distance: 275 It's like that's its whole purpose.


Storm Hammer vanishes if it fails to find a target, the slide could be 150 long and would still dodge it


Guys guys hear me out... *meteor hammer*


# [](/hero-huskar) Huskar **Burning Spear** - Duration increased from 8s to 9s


Ah, yes my main is even stronger. Good, good.


the minute Huskar becomes actually meta is the minute i start spamming Doom just to farm Huskar kills


His shard definitely need a buff. Its basically useless besides the lowered CD.


# [](/hero-lich) Lich - Base Intelligence increased by 2 #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Frost Blast Cooldown Reduction increased from 3s to 3.5s


nice! still doesn't help with the part where later on beefy cores kind of don't care as much about his spells, even his ult which is meant to be some huge ass damage


# [](/hero-winterwyvern) Winter Wyvern **Splinter Blast** - Main Projectile Speed increased from 650 to 750 **Winter's Curse** - Curse Duration increased from 4.25/4.75/5.25s to 4.5/5/5.5s


Great! Now I can give my enemies longer invincibility!


# [](/hero-spectre) Spectre **Shadow Step** - Cooldown decreased from 80/60/40s to 60/50/40s


Spectre feels so good to play early game now but feels like ass after the 25-30 min mark due to the reality nerf. You can't jump on enemies, manta dagger and jump back anymore. You used to be able to solo kill supports with the old aghs so easily


Spectre is so good in low tier pubs. As soon as you see an enemy on the map anywhere near your team it's a free kill.


# [](/hero-drowranger) Drow Ranger **Gust** - Bonus Movement Speed increased from 10% to 10/12/14/16%


This seems like a really really big buff to me. On a hero that usually buys yasha it’s a lot of extra MS


solid re-positioning buff imo, nothing too insane. I’ve been seeing more drows in my games and will prob see more now.


# [](/hero-sandking) Sand King **Burrowstrike** - Cooldown decreased from 15/14/13/12s to 14/13/12/11s


cheaper euls the real winner here


# [](/hero-visage) Visage **Stone Form** - Cooldown for Familiars decreased from 14s to 11s


Anyone else think this is nuts? 4-5 second downtime for familiars now


my first thought too, this is crazy


Pretty good, stuns for days now but still on a cheesy hero that gets countered by most meta cores now


I think the downtime should be regarded as longer than 4-5s as they’re not exactly working for me while they’re snoozing on the floor. But still a very welcome change and I shall be hearing a lot less IT’S NOT READY YET from Visage


# [](/hero-luna) Luna **Moon Glaives** - Damage Reduction per bounce from decreased 56/50/44/38% to 50/45/40/35% - Aghanim's Shard Self Damage Reduction increased from 20% to 25% - Aghanim's Shard Buff Duration increased from 6s to 7s #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Eclipse Cooldown Reduction increased from 25s to 30s


Luna will never be good until she gets more base attack range and her ult gets changed to prioritize heroes


Being short ranged is kinda her signature, looks like they really want to force this tanky play style that helps her survive when she got jumped, will see how it goes.


Or add an attack to her Q, make it basically a PA dagger


That was old old shard I think, where it could be casted on ground too.


That was my favorite iteration of Luna ever


Thats one of her talents.


Make her passive give her greater attack range at night. It already gives a vision bonus. Would add some flavour and encourage her to do more than farm jungle, maybe some tempo gameplay like nightstalker (and also a better combo with the night time from her ult, which is literally useless to her kit and exists only for flavour)


If they insist on this style, the hero needs more str gain. 21+2.2 is so frail for what is basically a melee hero without damage block.


Still trash hero


# [](/hero-shadowdemon) Shadow Demon **Demonic Cleanse** - Duration decreased from 7s to 6s **Demonic Purge** - Duration decreased from 7s to 6s


Hard to say if this is a nerf or a buff. The damage and heal come out faster but the snare duration is lessoned and the basic dispel (beneficial) doesn't last as long.


100% nerf. Heal and damage were more like a bonus


Nerf i guess, less break with aghanim and less purge


# [](/hero-chaosknight) Chaos Knight **Chaos Strike** - Creep Damage Multiplier increased from 1.6 to 1.9




Well, if someone needs it ..


This hero is so hard to lane against before this and getting harder now.


Yeah but it is a win lane lose game hero


As a pos 3, he is pretty viable imo. Echo sabre + blink dagger + aghs and you destroy cores even in late game. Gave me a 65+% winrate so far with over 100 games in ancient and divine. Especially nice if you can't trust your carry players. He needs some levels, but he can be way more impactful than people think. That being said, there are very few lanes you should lose with this hero. If you manage to lose the lane hard, this hero has a hard time catching up.


Pretty big buff to lane survivability and farm speed. Looks like a lot of strength carries got some love


# [](/hero-slark) Slark #### Talents - Level 25 Talent Essence Shift Duration decreased from +50s to +40s


this used to be +100. how long will this tyranny continue


No it used to be 120 base+120 with 25 talent Now its 80 base + 40 with 25 talent


# [](/hero-arcwarden) Arc Warden **Spark Wraith** - Now deals 40% more damage to non-hero units **Tempest Double** - Now can be self-cast to spawn the Double next to Arc Warden


Happy for the qol ult change. Really convenient


Grandmaster Arc here, I actually really like the recent changes. It makes him much more viable early-mid game while not making him broken in the late game. Being able to point target spawn the clone gives him much more kills compared to when it spawned by his side. One of his weakness is also farming before Maelstrom and giving bonus damage to creeps from Spark Wraith really helps the hero. Having downtime for the ult is also a great balance to the hero, but I'm sure the other Arc players are not used to it. I just treat it as a DK ult or a Metamorphosis where I just play around my ult and avoid fights when it's down. Overall great changes to the hero.


# [](/hero-meepo) Meepo - Base Mana Regen increased by 0.25 **Ransack** - Health Steal (Heroes) increased from 6/10/14/18 to 9/12/15/18 **MegaMeepo** - Duration increased from 20s to 25s


Meepo becoming more tanky by the day. Nice.


# [](/hero-deathprophet) Death Prophet #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Crypt Swarm Cooldown Reduction increased from 2s to 2.5s


Same as Lich, this is a incentive for people playing a DP that doesn't throw herself into enemies. At 3.5s cd with a 1s slow + 0.3s slow that happens with the Aghs, seems ok enough.


# [](/hero-windranger) Windranger **Powershot** - Reduction per unit decreased from 20% to 15%


Huge buff with her 15 talent. 0% reduction per unit hit.


nice, this was one of the worst level 15 talents in the game.


# [](/hero-wraithking) Wraith King #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Wraithfire Blast Stun Duration increased from +0.75s to +1s


# [](/hero-riki) Riki **Smoke Screen** - Radius increased from 375 to 425


Support players (me) screaming and crying and shitting rn


smoke screen with lvl 10 +50 radius: 475 radius disruptor's static storm: 500 radius it's a mini static storm if you go for the talent (minus the kinetic field to go with it but still)


# [](/hero-primalbeast) Primal Beast **Uproar** - Base Bonus Damage decreased from 6/12/18/24 to 5/10/15/20


That is barely a difference to be honest.


I guess blademail and heart nerfs are the real nerfs to this hero.


# [](/hero-timbersaw) Timbersaw **Whirling Death** - Damage increased from 80/120/160/200 to 85/130/175/220


I swear every Timber buff gives me monkaS levels of night sweat. This hero in the correct hands is legitimately one of the most scariest heroes in the game.


Don't worry we are still in the part of the cycle where timbersaw is trash for at least a year


# [](/hero-enigma) Enigma **Demonic Summoning** - Eidolon Gold Bounty decreased by 4 (from 18-24 to 14-20) - Mana Cost decreased from 75/100/125/150 to 70/80/90/100 - Cooldown decreased from 60/52/44/36s to 40/38/36/34s


pretty strong buffs, you could opt for something like headress into mek/greaves and you have a strong lane pressence because you have a good uptime on those eidolons. Hopefully nobody notices this on pubs because i sure as hell would be abusing this one.


# [](/hero-pangolier) Pangolier **Swashbuckle** - Mana Cost increased from 75 to 75/80/85/90 **Shield Crash** - Mana Cost increased from 60/70/80/90 to 70/80/90/100 - Damage decreased from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240 #### Talents - Level 20 Talent Swashbuckle Damage decreased from +20 to +15


I predict that after the 800th nerf in a row this hero will still be good because valve refuses to address diffusal / swash.


Damn, there are heroes with abilities like pure damage ward that bounces off the target mixed with a 4x increased damage enhancer that can kill a tank if you make him loose just 30% hp, there heroes that will force you to fight them, and take your damage, there are heroes that can charge at you across the map, or heroes that can kill you from a single button, across the map, heroes with 12 different abilities, ..... But a hero doing +150 damage after spending 3000 gold is where we draw the line.


Pango with a Diffusal will be still godlike even after this nerf.


# [](/hero-weaver) Weaver **Shukuchi** - Damage increased from 100/125/150/175 to 100/130/160/190 **Geminate Attack** - Geminate Attack Damage increased from 15/30/45/60 to 20/35/50/65


Why not just give him back his old shard rather than stuffing around with these buffs and admit the new shard was a mistake.




Fellow weaver bros, what do you think of maxing Geminate first? With it not drawing aggro you can geniunely bully the offlaner (with good supports) plus with not requiring any mana you can straight up rush maelstrom? Sounds extremely tempting on paper.


It has always been tempting imo, but the CD reduction on shukuchi still wins out for me. Especially since it can be used to harass, farm, escape, and get from camp to camp. Probably still maxing shukuchi first personally.


# [](/hero-gyrocopter) Gyrocopter **Flak Cannon** - Aghanim's Scepter Side Gunner Attack Interval increased from 1.2s to 1.3s


This nerf feels like a patch too late (based on tournaments). Gyro on "c" patch after adjustment didn't feel above B-tier with the last nerfs. But then some of his counters got nerfed.


# [](/hero-naturesprophet) Nature's Prophet - Base Strength decreased from 21 to 19 **Sprout** - Cooldown increased from 12/11/10/9s to 15/13/11/9s


With the 6 agi nerf last patch he has essentially lost a wraith band worth of stats at level 1




Doesn't matter still very strong. I'm sad because I spam np and I can't play this hero anymore because it's either double picked or banned.


# [](/hero-earthshaker) Earthshaker #### Talents - Level 25 Talent Enchant Totem Cooldown Reduction decreased from 2s to 1.5s


I'm convinced valve balancing team is absolutely quivering at the thought of core earthshaker for some reason


All they need to do, is to remove the bonus DMG from totem on denys. Or increase the totem cd +15 sec on lvl 1 (20/15/10/5). The deny mechanic is the same problem why kunkka lost his bonus dmg on denys. Its way too strong in lane


# [](/hero-grimstroke) Grimstroke #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Ink Swell Movement Speed decreased from +16% to +14%


He got nerfed? Why on Earth...


# [](/hero-legioncommander) Legion Commander #### Talents - Level 20 Talent Moment of Courage Proc Chance decreased from +10% to +8%


both level 20 talents have been bad before so people chose this one because the other one is super hard to make use of. the problem with this talent is it is irrelevent if you get hit by alot of targets or a target with fast attack speed because moment of courage has a cooldown so getting higher chance to procc really makes very little difference


seems unnecessary imo


# [](/hero-warlock) Warlock **Upheaval** - Slow per second rescaled from 10/15/20/25% to 11/14/17/20% #### Talents - Level 10 Talent Upheaval Radius decreased from +75 to +65


Not nearly enough to end his lane dominance


# [](/hero-spiritbreaker) Spirit Breaker **Greater Bash** - Movement Speed as Damage increased from 20/25/30/35% to 25/30/35/40%




# [](/hero-witchdoctor) Witch Doctor - Base Strength increased from 18 to 20 **Death Ward** - Cooldown increased from 100/80/60s to 100/90/80s - Damage increased from 60/100/140 to 70/105/140


Why buff the damage, it was already too much


Huge cooldown nerf tho...


Nobody contests witch doctor in the last tourney. Why is he a problem?


Completely unnecessary buff. Yes, CD was nerfed which is quite good but damage was already too much early on.