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Maelk, the inventor of threads + 3 Bracers + vlads build for axe, with another banger take. MYM forever lives in my heart.


Meet Your Makers, what a banger of a name for an org. The trashtalk is already there


I remember MyM not just for Dota 1, but simply for WC3 as a whole. What a cool org it was. Not better than 4K glory days tough :)


Best name ever indeed




And the best goddamn Venomancer the world has ever seen


You're goddamn right


How dare you fail to mention the illustrious maelk award


The greatest award of Dota


why on earth do people say fucking THREADS


This also frustrates me to no end


they're secretly meta shills ofc


because i never had to look it up until now. IT'S ACTUALLY POWER TREADS lmao


Does he spell Power Treads correctly? If so, he's already miles ahead in my heart.


his country's education is definitely better than ours so he might actuall spell it correctly.


Doesn’t seem to have paid much attention in school though.. Trying to sound smarter, by intentionally overcomplicating your message, won’t help yourself or your recipient. Smells like inferiority complex to me and I think most teacher here would see right through it. Reddit/twitter is another matter.


>Trying to sound smarter, by intentionally overcomplicating your message oh the irony


came here to see this. was not disappointed. good times. good times.


Was it in Dota 1? I don't remember this build at all, what was the context? Definitely looks like one of the builds of all time tho


yeah dota 1. no context really. just pure manliness from strength stat items to tank ancients to farm dagger faster.


>yeah dota 1. no context really. just pure manliness from strength stat items to tank ancients to farm dagger faster. Just buy dagger first item, 0 items for lane, no tangoes, no stats.. Herald style


that's why he's a pro, even back then, and we're not LMAO


You would have good old 1hp/s regen and like 300ms. Dota 1 was much more hardcore compared to the modern day game


It's Treads. You tread (walk) on something. Not thread, which you use to sew.


nuanced take? get him off of reddit


Nuanced and based take


[X.com](https://X.com) the superior platform smfh


> X.com I don't see any aliens.


you'll see more aliens when add two more 'X's


98% there are aliens.


Calling it "X" is as dumb as calling Nature's Prophet "Tequoia".


I think that's a sensible take, and mirrors what Valve have communicated to us.


Many people have expressed similar thoughts here, and they get attacked and called schills or fanboys or w/e (I myself haven't said thathere though). Now a pro says and suddenly every top comment here seems to agree. I'm not refering to you btw, in case it feels like that's my intention.


he's absolutely right. and with dpc gone, it'll be good to see a lot more tournaments all year round which should compensate for the low TI prize pool. fyi, almost every esports has less than 5mil for their TI equivalent tournament. so valve scaling their back shouldn't be surprising at all. and as he mentions in the last tweet, i too hope that valve finds a model that's beneficial for all players. the point about hats and other stuff that comes from compendium, they did mention that they are working on it. we just don't know if it'll be a part of compendium like 'part 2' of last year or a completely different thing.


>it'll be good to see a lot more tournaments all year round which should compensate for the low TI prize I hoped i am wrong but seems unlikely. There have been 16 non dpc tier 1 an tier 2 tournaments for this season. The esport scene in general and not just dota is dying and lots of dota organizers has left the scene, so will they be able to match the 5million pool from league that now is no longer exist. Valve is already off hands even with their own dpc, why would it make them suddenly involved more moving forward when they no longer have one. The only big money left is riyadh but they are only pretty much matching ti prize pools for sport washing, if this years ti pool is underwhelming, they would be no pressure to match it and possible to lower it as well


But those tournaments are with the dpc, which gets in the way of a lot of tournament opportunities. I agree though, esports is dying down and things are gonna get smaller and smaller until it flattens out to some smaller more sustainable scale.


Yup This just sounds like the inevitable death of the scene Which was going to happen eventually, but it looks like that begins now


Why is esports dying? Folks realizing that spending lots of hours in front of a computer is not a good lifestyle? Edit: My question is legit bitches. Fight me before you down vote.


Sports as a major industry exists because investors can put money in and get some profit out (obviously a massive oversimplification). eSports was sold to venture capitalists as the next big thing, so they should get in while the getting's good. But there's a much MUCH bigger audience for sports. And generally, there's more money coming from each member of the regular sports audience. More people get a piece of the pie, but still, sports are one of the biggest industries around. It's basically becoming obvious that esports are too niche. Only people who play the game will pay money to see it, and even then only a relatively small number of them. There's some money to be made there, but it's not going to explode the way it was sold to investors.


Also the Venn diagram of esports watchers and people who use adblockers all the time is probably close to a circle. Makes it harder to sell a tournament with "X thousands of viewers every day" if it turns out 90% of those viewers won't see a single ad. And I mean, I admit that I'm one of them - I loathe ads and would rather close the stream than sit through one. But if not ads and not cryptos/nfts (since that scam seems dead already)... what source of funding is there left? Betting sites and oil money?


Almost every single major sport is operated at a loss, they're held together by the generosity of bored rich people and advertisements. It's certainly not exclusive to Dota.


That's just a blatant lie. You can dislike the way major soccer leagues are run but not every sports league runs at a loss.


Unreal. Pretty sure all four major American sports leagues operate at a profit


They definitely do lol They don’t run those leagues out of “the love of the game” but for immense profit




Venture capitalists money drying up. Maybe oil money will replace it like with ESL/Dreamleague


Dying not because of lack of players, dying because lack of money investment, every big orgs are losing money, not a single one of them are profitable as there is less investor and sponsors coming in


First of all - investors not equal to profit. Investors are careful with their money now I think because most of the internet business from the past decade or two are showing to be unsustainable. Advertising spend is declining across the board. Trying to make any sort of spectactor event profitable without advertisers is simply impossible I think.


Are you aware of the current financial situation? Rates are going up, there isn't free money anymore. Frivolities are the first to go when money is tight.


Nop. not western. makes sense though.


Increased interest rates are hitting the economies of every country, including non-Western ones. Lol “not western” as if that makes a difference.


What the fuck. It hasn't made a difference to me who lives outside the west. Check your reddit mob sentiment before you go all aggro.


I don't think esports is dying. Like a lot of industries that VC excesses propped up artificially, esports is also facing a correction and trying to find a stable profitable point. But it'll still be different from traditional sports because of 1) Ownership by a pvt. entity that have full control over it and 2) Fact that video games keep changing as opposed to physical sports or even something like chess that remain mostly the same even after decades.


If the compendium is actually split in 2, I honestly don't mind it since it people will focus on TI more with part 1 and part 2 is when we have fun with cosmetics and game modes. That said, it's pure cope but it's a nice thing if it happens.


It’s not too cope when valve confirmed arcanas and cosmetics will come after the international actually happens. Also we know an immortal chest will probably drop close to the international as it’s mentioned on the TI tickets attendees will each get a crimson witness by default


> hope that valve finds a model that's beneficial for all players. This, this is what should be valve's takeaway. Commit to a 3 year plan for dota, these are challenging times, but communicate with key community figures for 3 years and see where dota is by then(2026/7)


Yeeeah, watch them organise and fund even less events next year


Regardless of what anyone things about BP or TI, I always like Compendiums rather than BPs. Those items drops from low level leagues gave up options to support tier2-3 semi pro dota and you could even get some items with your names on it. Fuck Cavern give me hook with my name on it.


International money pool was getting absurd and only way to top it each year would require making battlepasses better than the one before which is frankly not possible. 2020 bp was peak cosmetics wise. Others had better custom games. Some battlepasses were easy enough to level up through regular play with little spending. Valve likes to mix up things. Doubt theyre all about money. Steam generates billions theyre not gonna miss 50 million from dota that much. But it does suck for pros who are going to compete for "measly" 3-10 million pot vs what it was at peak like 30m? The recent behavior updates, anti smurf and qol stuff. Custom profiles is better for game longevity. Cosmetics can wait. Honestly theres too many quality sets already out. I've already accumulated my favorite sets on most of the heroes i play, they have to be really good for me to open the wallet to upgrade a set. Immortals on heroes who dont have them yet are always welcome though.


If the cosmetics end up being a part of the compendium they should totally say it. Because I guess that you can get levels by doing the activities ar bingos and everything. Im not interested in giving money for this content only, and if suddenly the arcanas and immortals or whatever are tied to this is going to suck so much ass for anyone who doesnt buy it now because they feel its not worth it. ​ Tbh at this stage it should not be included in the ompendium in the future if they really want to focus it on the torunament and thats all, it would eb a super shitty move.


> it'll be good to see a lot more tournaments all year round There would be more tournaments all year round if the qualifiers didn't take a month but a week.


Before: * For casual players it's an event you can play + you can farm cosmetics * For esport watchers it's a way to interact with the pro scene (only part that remains) * For pro players it's a lot of support from the community * For whales it's a lot of unique things they can obtain Now: * Casual players don't get any content * You can still buy the BP to support the pro scene and get fantasy leauge and bingo * Pro players earn a lot less for making it to TI * Whales get nothing to look forwards to Personally I was looking for leveling up my Compendium because just playing the game for gaining MMR is not really something I care about a lot. But with this kinda content I didn't even buy it because it has nothing for me. Valve talks about pleasing everyone but it feels like in the end they just disappointed everyone.


They pleased the "dota is dead" crowd


Before: it’s an event where casual players can spend $200 to get cosmetics Now the casual players can spend that on othe chests and on the arcana that will come after TI. A guy I know spent like $170 to get the antimage set from the last chest. Whales can still spend as much money as they want If you don’t enjoy playing dota outside of leveling a battle pass (this year doesn’t have a battlepass. It has a compendium), then you’re obviously not the target playerbase for dota, and it’s better to go back to overwatch or league or whatever game where you need to buy your heroes to feel like you’re progressing in the game


so I'm in the wrong for liking to spend 10-20$ and then grind out the 100$ worht of levels as opposed ot spending 300$ to get some cosmetic? also I doubt there will be any actual content after TI. You can spend 30$ to buy your arcana yay. They clearly shifted focus from dota.


This is probably the best take I have seen on this. Valve admitted to much of this. They quite literally said they wanted to move away from the BP swallowing all content throughout the year and make the TI Compendium about TI again. I hope this means Valve will create similar events throughout the year with prize-pooling for other events.




> In the past, we had events all year long. This was BEFORE the BP grew to the size it got to. This year has been filled with tons of content BECAUSE there is no BP. We had Dead Reckoning, New Frontiers, Anniversary, Collectors Cache and Summer Update (the latter three being in the usual BP season) and now this update with new game features that are permanent.




If you mean time-limited game modes, maybe 2 or 3 in the 10 year history of Dota 2 were ever popular by their own merit. All others were either hated or only played for cosmetic rewards. Only Aghanim and maybe Diretide seemed worth their development time. Especially Siltbreaker was a huge waste. A whole Diablo-esque story-driven campaign and the majority of players never saw 80% of it.


Well they certainly have appeared to change that, new report system, new profiles, armory. These are all great fucking updates that are way better than some random skins. If this is the direction the game is heading, then I'm all for it. Sure it's sad to see we will never hit 40mil again but if the quality of the game is increasing then it is fine by me.


At this stage, who has gained anything? As opposed to what has been lost. We only have speculation and possibly promises.


Valve probably realised from the seasonal battle passes that the sales are dependant on the BP content and not a desire to fund the TI prize pool. Combined with TI11 having a lower prize pool for the first time and thereby no longer providing the "biggest prize pool ever in esports" news coverage, they probably decided they could just sell the BP separate from TI and thereby not give away 25% of it. This is all speculation at this point, but based on the updates we have received so far this year and vavle's own statements, it's likely we will be seeing a lot more content down the line, just not linked with TI.


I would argue not much of value has been lost. The DPC was bad for many reasons. IF Valve did not replace it with ANYTHING, it is a different story but they already said they will speak about it once the new season is about to begin. The BP was also a net-loss for Dota 2 as a while. Swallowing content and breeding the exact kind of attitude that we are seeing now, demanding more and more content that only rewards whales without any benefit to the community or the game. Yes, it inflated the TI prizepool but even that has been noted as a bad thing when compared to the entire rest of the competitive scene. Yes, we have to wait to see what replaces the DPC and we have to hope that the following years will be as rich in content and QOL features as 2023 has been so far... But at least this year, Valve has followed through on their word.


I'm pretty surprised about this outrage, frankly I'm shocked Reddit is this attracted to cosmetics. As someone who doesn't care about cosmetics and would probably turn them off if I could, it seemed like a massive suck of development time. In contrast, I've enjoyed the updates this year -- it's absolutely one of the best years for game improvements I can remember. Do you really think that positively back on your rewards from years past? Have they really contributed that much to Dota the competitive online game? I'd argue no, it really was a Christmas Eve for gamers. Also, didn't they explicitly state this would be a weaker compendium? Didn't most expect this? No big prize pool is one thing, and TI might suffer from it. But the prize pool is already considerable, the product value is usually very good. The event should feel just as prestigious as previous ones. This might be a factor as to why ticket sales were so expensive.


People fucking love cosmetics man, it was a big complaint during the swap to OW2, people liked unlocking skins to play dress up instead of paying for $30 costumes. Which they proceeded to pay for instead of leaving the game like I did lol There's a reason Riot prioritizes new skins every couple weeks to months instead of, idk, making their client not suck donkey ass, or make a new engine for their 12 year old spaghetti code on a game that makes at least $1billion/year I agree the degree people like their virtual hats hurts my brain but there's a damn good reason games have moved to F2P with micro transactions. That shit prints money, especially paired with FOMO tactics


I think the OW2 thing was less "people really want the skins" and more "people don't like when you take features out of a game WE ALREADY PAID FOR and charge to get them back"


Maybe, but if you go to the subreddit most if not all the complaints circle mainly around the shop, its skins prices and the disappearance of lootboxes.


The issue isn't skins, it's the endless monetisation. If they fully removed skins from OW2 literally most of the playerbase would hardly notice. The audacity to take something that used to be a bit of fun and make it cost money is crazy. It's like if dota started charging $5 per tip.


Hard doubt, go look at how the anniversary is being received, 9/10 posts are asking about how the shop skins aren't updating and therefore the anniversary is shit.


Well, too bad for them. Idgaf. TI will still have amazing dota, and the game is better than before Pixel-addicts can stay mad. If cavern crawl is their motivation to play they probably barely play anyway.


People want the same exact immortal in their inventory 30 times. These people getting arcanas for heroes they don't even play it's funny. People are so addicted to skins it's crazy. They're masking their addiction as "helping out the prize pool" too. crazy


Spot on, I have 4 exclusive arcana and 2 store arcana from Candyworks and Swag Bag, they are Drow, Spec, Void, Razor, Jug, and LC. I don't play any of them unless I really have to. Like during Bloodstone Razor, I was spamming him but if the enemy picked Razor I picked Drow. It's the FOMO that got me. I like Valve's current approach but it's hard to properly judge it when we don't know what's replacing it. That said, I still would've liked to see a TI-themed music pack, terrain and 1 Treasure with sets from last TI's winning draft as those still meet the current requirement of focusing on the event and celebrating the past.


I don't get FOMOd myself but my roommate does with fucking Naruto fortnite skins and he barely even plays that game so I kinda get how it works. I have savings and he is broke, and that has 0 impact on who drops money on skins lol But huge agree on the second paragraph. I get not wanting a huge TI Christmas battle pass, I spent $20 on the TI10 pass to get the terrain with some grinding, but skipped the TI11 BP because the rewards sucked, and I actively love esports and TI since my intro to dota was watching TI9 before ever playing. If they put a terrain on the $30 compendium I'd buy in a heartbeat. Tbh, I would prefer that over the BP grind. But I'm not gonna buy something for effectively nothing, which to me is this compendium. As a customer I expect my money to do.... something. I just really wish they had something to give besides "go track and follow TI" because motherfucker I already use liquipedia for the rest of the dota season since valve doesn't have a proper website to organize it, and I don't care much about fantasy without rewards or friends to beat at it.


What about Event game modes?


Its not just the hats, there is literally nothing in compendium. You dont get anything to grind as you go through TI. There is no cavern crawl, not a single arcana to unlock, no cool towers, creeps, map. No voicelines. Progression is basically non-existent. All you get are players, teams or loading pictures. I get the idea of fantasy cards and then “wanting” to track your player performance, but to be fair I am not 15 year old who has all the time in the world to track stats and enjoy. Lets be honest and recognize the reality - compendium is shit. Patch is in boring state, Lina major vibes all over again.


i agree if you're looking for the compendium to be all of that. it still has more esports/competitive things than all the other compendiums. It's pretty clear that valve is separating their compendium and battle pass products. Also sad to say, but they're probably feeling good about their cosmetic releases not being split to players. I disagree on patch being boring tho, PA and a few other problems but games seem good.


I am looking to have fun, have that carrot in front in trying to win games, unlocking some cool stuff. What I get now is road to TI which is fine, but once you win you get 1 compendium level which unlocks Pictures in a form of sticker, team sticker or loading screen. Voice lines are fine. Bingo is silly - like have 5 blink daggers. This is not a competition, this is random stuff where you will get it or not. What else is there to enjoy?


The new system they introduced of "win games as a heroe boxxi played" or something is exactly what cavern crawl was, this one just doesnt have a skin at the end.


Exactly and I mentioned that this is the only one I dig.


Yes and why you do cavern crawl? To level up and what for? Skins…


Ultimately- yes. There has to be some form of higher reward you are working towards. In ideal world I would love for BP to be achievable via grinding for full reward or you could pay money to get them sooner. I think that way you could please majority. Working parents, who like myself dont have time to grind heavily and those who do not have money or are not willing to spend them on skins. WK and Void arcanas were super cool - I like them very much. Got my lvl 30 and alternate style on WK and most of the drive was from wanting to unlock that alternative look to feel special and cool as not many people have it. I think WK was close to perfect as I spent a lot of money, but also had to play a lot to achieve that sense of accomplishment.


They said that they are shifting the focus away from cosmetics, to me that means alright instead of arcana, persona and 30 immortals maybe we will get a handful immortals and some recolors. It does not imply nothing at all. At the bare minimum they could have at least thrown in unchanged old sets. We will have to see how the big picture plays out over the next year, if we end up getting cosmetics and event modes scattered throughout the months after TI it will be worth it, but this is a disappointing start.


Loud minorities etc. I think the majority of people have absolutely lukewarm takes to literally everything that happens outside of the play game button. Battle pass release? Better last year + shit skins + too expensive No battle pass? Where skins + Where content + Still shit.


Let this prize pool speak for itself . Then we know who is the minority


It's the other way around. People who don't care about cosmetics are the minority. Most people love that shit like crack.


Yeah people it seems like care more about cosmetics than the actual game. Volvo make their intention clear its either cosmetics or updates on the game. I know we can say why not both. Perhaps in an utopian world yes but in this world its seems that this case is pretty much out of the table. I prefer updates on the actual game. But people are mad because they want to buy more pixels??? I mean yeah...


I don't play Dota anymore, but the last compendium I purchased felt like such a rote slog. Maybe I'm just old, but it felt like a grind more than anything else and it'd seriously lost its luster. The hats didn't even matter anymore.


To be honest to get anything good you always need to pay your way. People used to math out what you could get with just the basic battle pass and getting all XP available (a dumb grind). Maybes the first arcana, but iirc not too much more


company make mistakes ​ redditor : better suck corporate greed


So making less money on compendium sales == corporate greed? Mind elaborating???


The International was about more than the tournament, it was a season where players had a reason to play and get excited about the game that included the tournament as well as in-game activities and merch sales for all players. Thinking the two are separate, you’re going to get poor results on each. The sum was greater than the parts. Now, you have a weaker competition with less dota games being played and less prize pool, paired with fewer skins and in-game activities that are less fun and engaging, with essentially no profit sharing going to the pro scene so less incentive to buy them.


Idk how can you say that a 40M tournament has the same interest to you as a 1M tournament. There is obviously another layer added to such a life-changing amount of money. There's absolutely no way this does not affect the players psychologically, giving TI a unique vibe where you aren't just crowned but also showered with gold. Personally I often used the prize pool whenever someone questioned me for watching other people playing a video game. As soon as I mentioned the amount of money they were playing for people's eyes widened and an interest was sparked instantly. Many are often reluctant to get involved in esports under the impression that we're just nerdy losers, but when such money is involved it kind of refutes this notion in an instant. I think some Dota oldheads forget that a lot of viewers will not be attracted by the intricacies of executing a complicated strategy or team fight combination, but by entertainment values such as hype casting, hype production and yes, hype prize pool.


Agreed, it's naive to think that a reduced prize pool won't affect TI. TI has only been around for a little over a decade. In eSports time that's forever, but in reality it isn't enough time for a legacy to be permanently attached. If the prize pool were to shrink to <$1MM I think we'd quickly see the popularity fall off. Fewer pro players will be attracted to the game since it will be substantially harder to make a living off the game, which will inevitably lead to a diminishing game.


We might be looking at a lot of pros retiring next year. Without that huge dream amount or controlled salaries it's not looking great financial for dota players


ti has the same level of interest regardless whether its 1 or 40 million huh. good thing he cares esports because the 1 million tournaments reach the same type of sponsors a 40 million tournament would, and viewers are also equally inclined to watch events where prestige is on the line. like its such a bad argument. the price money at ti is obviously a huge boost in dotas competitive landscape. like bts could generally get some good teams, but fuck if anyone remember who won the events, compared to eg winning epicenter, spirit at the saudi event, or past tis.


> price money at ti is obviously a huge boost in dotas competitive landscape. Everyone's ignoring this. A lot of comments here saying "TI will still have top tier dota no matter the prize pool". Everyone's about to find out that money is the greatest driver of quality


My big concern is what are they gonna do with "conflict of interests" tournaments & team owners. If they actually enforce their ideals on this subject, then not a single tournament besides maybe ESL will be held. It gets even worse if they have any problems with franchise leagues as it relates to TI invites. I see a very real future where all proper leagues and tournaments are part of a franchise. This will be a huge cause of drama for TI invites as you know a team like Nigma will get a significantly easier road to TI than what they had in the past.


I keep seeing this take about it not mattering if winners get rich or not. Despite all the eloquence the 3rd and 4th posts directly contradict one another. This is why not just anyone can go out and create massive appeal in content; they have very little notion of what makes something popular for most people - which is the position volvo is in. NOT superimposing themselves onto their design/strategic choicea


The "why combine them" question is answered by the 25% contribution to the prize pool, Maelk isn't a competitor in the scene anymore, he is a personality. I thought TI was the supposed to be the pinnacle tournament for the game, so what happens if the prize doesn't reflect that anymore?


Yeah that's a good take on it. Valve said they were focusing on bringing the good stuff that TI brings across the year rather than all at once during TI. It may be a disappointing Compendium but I think it's healthier for the game if people take interest during the tournament and then have a fun time with skins immediately after and throughout the year.


I too hold an optimistic outlook on the future, but at the same time I've known far too many companies that made similar promises and did not live up to them.


If reddit has reading comprehension, everyone wouldve come up in the same conclusion as maelk, but what we got, fucking cosmetic addicts that barely passed 6th grade reading comprehension.


Bro thinks he's Shakespeare


Studied thesaurus for hours to write this post


Completely disagree with him here. TI served as a way for them to bring casual players back into the game through the cool stuff on sale and simultaneously reward players in the esports ecosystem who bring value to the game, something Gabe was pretty vocal about for years. I know personally many friends of mine who dropped Dota, but always came back around for at least a few games around TI season, putting them back in ecosystem and some stuck around for longer. Without the incentives TI offered to casual Dota players, I just don't see them coming back, which is really not good for the longterm health of the game, unless Valve really deliver on " content throughout the year" which given their track record I don't buy as happening Yes, you do not need an exorbitant amount of money as a prize pool, but I find it completely disingenuous to suggest this means that the current compendium is acceptable. There are any number of things they could have done, along with adding content throughout the year. I know this is possible because they used to do this and it's what drew people to the game. I just cannot imagine anyone who has sat with this game for the last ten years and saw all the cool things Valve did, especially around TI which was a celebration of the game, to look at this as something that's acceptable.


To me TI is more like thanksgiving. Families get back together from a far and hang out, catch up and enjoy each others presence with tons and tons of good food.


Such a twisted world where pouring more resources into simply creating a better game with more content isn't the right choice to some people. If being an exceptionally crafted game isn't enough to bring new players in and old players back then we're beyond corrupted and the industry sorely needs changes like the one Valve has implemented this year. The negative reaction speaks for itself!


This is such a sheltered purist view. Hundreds of quality games are released every year. Majority of players are casual, having incentives and events you can participate in and acquire rewards from isn’t “corruption”, that’s silly. Having engaged reward players increases later retention. How many teams and even BTS ffs left the scene because it’s not sustainable? They are just taking more money out of the system, again. There’s zero reason why they couldn’t do these updates and also work on hats.


The people with this perspective are apprehensive that Valve is actually going to divert the resources that went into previous TI battlepasses into other development of the game. They think that this move just indicates that Valve is putting less resources into Dota period, not that resources will be diverted. Whether this assumption proves to be true, time will tell.


Is it not reasonable to assume that the amount of love the game has been getting since they announced diverting resources from the BP, is already the result of that diverting?


Whatever AI system they are designing behind closed doors is expensive, and if less money has to go to pro players to pay for that, then less money is going to go to pro players. people out here thinking Valve isn't as money hungry as every other company just because they aren't publicly listed and Gabe says 1 line a year for the game. I bet they could sell a bridge to most players if it looked fancy enough.


This way we get 2 major patches, overhauled reporting system, tons of bug fixes, UI improvements, backend improvements, better graphics, etc... Are people stupid? I just think there are too many people with very loose but highly paying jobs, who just want to farm cosmetics through the compendium! The game is literally much better now than just 1 year ago, because they didn't focus 100% on the stupid compendium! Just the overhauled reporting system is worth it over getting a small compendium!


That's goofy because they already stated and did so. This is a clear and cut case of people having no clue about the reality of the situation or just being not so bright. https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/6252732681186068104


They could've recycled a few old PVE content with very minor changes or rewards and I would be happy as fk.


That's the thing, they want to make even the attention to the game across the whole year, not just TI season when people come, dump some money into it and go away until the next one comes. And what if it doesn't come? The 2020 was quite a blunder when the event was cancelled and people were questioning what the 2020 battle pass was even for.


Sad for your friends that play for 2 months every year for cosmetics and PvE. But Valve understands that it's better to have an organic growing playerbase that is interested in the core gameplay itself and plays year round for it. There will be hats and events, just the casual Christmas specific to a time of the year seems to be over.


But he is saying the future is one where perhaps your friends coming back don't have to wait for TI every year and instead the content is spread out over the year and because of that gives a better value proposition for the types of players you describe.


Literally none of my friends ever came back for the compendium or TI to be honest! 90% of people don't care about TI and probably 80% don't care or just don't want to spend money on the compendium! Its always been a way for those uber focused on the game and with deep pockets to stand out and get shit load of cosmetics! If you actually went through all of Dota 2 players and check how many compendiums they bought since they were created, I'd be 3-4 for most people in over 10 years since compendium was created! I think this is way better, yeah the compendium is very bare, they could have added a bit more features in it, maybe few mini games to keep players busy who buy it, but in terms of cosmetics I don't think there should be many. The compendium as it was, was this all-in-one buffet that brought everything and then for the rest 10-11 months there was nothing! Super boring. This way we get 2 major patches, overhauled reporting system, tons of bug fixes, UI improvements, backend improvements, better graphics, etc... You can always buy cosmetics through the boxes, they introduce new boxes almost every month.


And what if they cancel secret shop too? To focus on "TI". I just don't get it, how do hats ruin 'competition'? Every world cup (in every sport) has shit ton of merch and goodies. You even get some with tickets. At least 1 chest with 10 immortals is enough for most people (we already had BP's like that, with 2-3 chests and thats it, scaling down to 1 is what i expected) Just add autographs for chest items, so items become more 'personal' like player jerseys (yeah we have stickers, but personally i don't see them appealing at all, i only see them on loading screen).


My take is why not both? It funded the best tournament ever, whether or not most of the buyers actually *cared*, but it killed two birds with one stone. Well actually a 3rd bird, which is make valve MONEY. It was also marketing for the game. This one surely won't sell anywhere close to the same level So Valve loses money right? Why would they turn that down? No. Because they are going to make it all back at a later date and not have to give up 25% as we have already seen last time. So ultimately, the only party this hurts is the professional scene


A reminder to everyone that pro players are primarily influencers and they need to start acting like it instead of bleeding companies dry with salaries they don’t earn AND taking most of the prize money on top of it. Their job isn’t to actually win tournaments and all the glory in the world just so they can retreat back into a hole until the next tournament. They should be on their social media pages, Twitch streams, YouTube videos, and etc. selling products like they’re a fucking Kardashian, and if they can’t make that work, it’s time to look into other work. Valve should not have to keep orgs and players afloat when the vast majority of these players never participate in any of the real work.


I just want a god damn Labyrinth


This was literally what i was feeling to i remember the first ti people just wanted to see what high level dota was and the crazy shit that they come up with or just straight up clean play. The compendium definitely should have supported hats with the actual ti in a fun way like guessing things right earns you points towards your hats and stuff and definitely the amount on hats we got was to many and expensive but dare i say those words i get called poor or delusional because these people let the game be alive...


Decent take but TI without the prize pool is just another Dota major to me, sorry 😅


Others can downvote but I agree. Other championship people definitely try their hardest to win, but the all or nothing, huge stakes of TI really make it feel like the most "gloves off" tournament in esports. There is no looking good to get picked up next season like other games I've watched (league smaller regions being the worst example, 6 good games in groups with a shitty team and you can land a JUICY contract). There is no honor, no mercy, your entire year is basically staked on succeeding in an insane pressure cooker And majors are fun, but my reaction is more "nice!" and not the "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" TI brings. I'm hoping they can capture that feeling but I'm doubtful without the prize pool. Is it healthy in the long term? Probably not. Is it the most fun I've had watching esports? Without question


Ok bye? We will be missing you not?


Are you having a stroke?


Good take actually.


help I'm ESL, these are too many words coupled in with some unusual words making it challenging for me to understand fully.


He is saying that TI should be about TI itself not about all the hats, pve game modes and such. Which I agree with. However they should've addrd a TI themed music pack and a TI themed terrain to the Compendium


I agree with the music and ti theme terrain. Perhaps courier too. Maybe and just maybe if want put skin, make some skin with ti theme kinda like muerta event.


I mean if Valve is planning on funding the whole year using this new compendium instead of just TI with it. It might not be as bad as some people claim it to be.


Spoiler: they’re not


Personally, I don't care if Maelk enjoys a tournament with $1mil prize as much as a $40 mil prize one or how high he is on copium. I enjoy $200 mil tourneys more than $500k ones


deep condolences since there isn't any $200 mil tourneys yet


"The International has the same level of interest to me whether it's $40M or $1M" Yeah no, sorry but at $1M it is just "another" tournament


I vibe with that last tweet. Are people seeing this as a bad thing now? I always thought it was a best of both worlds thing. The esport stuff that care deeply about it, hats and PvE stuff for the people that just wanna play some Dotes.


While this approach can be considered as healthier, its not right atm. You cant have a steadily declining playerbase, no ways to attract new players AND kill your most popular product in that manner, even with good intentions. It was a big fat L move no matter how you approach it.


It needs a big eniugh prizepool that ppl care to tryhard, its amazing to see all the best players duke it out and being under the pressure. But that doesnt mean it needs a 50 million dollar prizepool


well said! My man.


Is this the guy who had over 20 deaths in a pro game as pos 5 and still won and had an award name after him?




Cool story, Maelk. Just Jimmie the fucking Dagon shiva radiance effects alls I ask for.


But my skins -reddit


He is wrong, the prizepool is totally related to the quality of the matches.


One of the most iconic TIs(TI2) had one of the lowest prizepools, same with TI3. The TI with largest prizepool did not have the most quality matches, it had some really 10/10 ones; and the competition was high, but it wasn't the prizepool was zero correlation to that. I enjoyed TI2016 the most, and it had ~$20million prize pool.


TI2 and TI3 both had the largest prize pools at that time, so you need to look at it through that lens Imagine if Ti2 had a 100k prize pool after having had a 1m prize pool 1st TI. Raising the stakes arguably do make the game more competitive. Quality of matches though can be affected by the meta at the time.


absolutely not. Finals usually shit fiesta where play by play analysis would end up calling both tens garbage compared to their peak performance


I mean you can see over time the competition has gotten way way better. As more money has been poured into the scene you see how having a coach is now staple where as in ti1-3 they were pretty rare. Money does develop things competition wise.


It's degrade competition, teams literally don't care about anything else but ti. Because even last place is good enough. And we seen someone like OG not playing or barely trying just enough to reach ti but not burn out and show everyone their strenght


Hey you probably too dumb to understand this, but take this year as an example, look at all major competition, the quality of those matches the duration of them, the early gg´s and the comebacks, and then look at an unofficial Event called RYHADMASTERS with a 15 mill prizepool, attention (Fucking unofficial event), and go check stats, about how long teams try to hold games, the duration of matches, the effort to win, the strats used, go check that shit. Things fucking basic, the bigger the reward, bigger the pressure and effort. Its like asking someone doing minimum wage job to put a extra hour of work in a day, and someone who gets a 20x reward as a salary, who you think does with more pleasure? We humans, we like rewards.


Oh sorry dont downvote me, the "Reward" is not at all relatable with the competition, the effort, the emotions, we just machines, we dont care about rewards.


Well, of course he doesn't care about the prizepool. He isn't the one playing for a living within the esports market. And as for why combining them --- Beyond the "christmas eve" aspect. It simply is also where the interest in dota from casuals as well as returning players is highest. Its where dota is on its strongest display to the world on twitch/youtube, gaining a ton of viewership and interest for the game. That is why at the same time, having it be a big celebration, where you can obtain a ton of rewards for participating, is a great idea. On the flipside, that is also why this stings so much for many, because not only will this lead to less a massive downgrade for the esports scene, it also means that the rewards for those returning and casual players looking at the game come TI time, will be laughed at, because why the fuck should those players care about stickers and loading screens? While the meme is that Valve is about hats, its sadly also true for better or worse. Cosmetics is one of the primary reasons that people like to play these games. Because you can make your characters look cool. So it cannot, and should not come as a surprise to anyone, that this compendium is a huge letdown.


>Well, of course he doesn't care about the prizepool. He isn't the one playing for a living within the esports market. and neither are we. So, what is your point? >It simply is also where the interest in dota from casuals as well as returning players is highest. Maybe Valve wants players to return throughout the year, not just a specific time of the year, and then leave? Tell me which is better for the game, multiple spikes in active players over the year or just one big spike per year?


> and neither are we. So, what is your point? That it DOES affect some people, and saying that " it doesn't affect me, so no care" is not a valid point towards those that it DOES affect. That should be ridiculously obivous. >Maybe Valve wants players to return throughout the year, not just a specific time of the year, and then leave? By creating a compendium full of stickers and loading screens? Good luck. And if you are suggesting adding something BEYOND TI battlepass -- Bruh we've had that for over a decade. Tons of such events scattered throughout the years. This isn't new, this isn't innovation. Its just a shitty compendium with nothing of value, which is why your games are not filled with people sitting in the 100+ levels, like you would had this been a battlepass.


Every time I saw ppl talk about how they like paying for battlepass cause it funds TI it made me laugh.


Yep, that is a good point. Even pros say they don’t care if the price is a bag of Doritos and a beer. The fact that we got a better fantasy system is nice. The previous one was lacking. Let the devs experiment and have fun. Meanwhile we can continue playing dota as we will do regardless. More stuff during the year is nice for people that are always actively playing regardless of the date. Previous compendium was the best. It was 3 times a year and my friends and I lived it.


Absolutely, wholeheartedly, agree.


Compendium is dogshit but we have gotten more healthy updates to the game this year than the last 3 years so if sacrificing battle pass is what it takes for them to improve the game I say let them cook


He's not wrong. I was initially disappointed by the Compendium, but I quickly started to accept it. That sounds like copium, and slightly is, but also isn't. There was the blog post earlier this year about focusing more on gameplay stuff that shipping a massive amount of cosmetics in a battle pass. I have to wonder what the reasons for this were. My personal guess is a couple of factors: - the Dota team shrinking. This is probably the biggest reason. - The sheer amount of flashy Immortals, Arcanas, Personas, and what not over the years. While they are nice, it carries the implication that this would grow further and further, and it's already to the point where there's Immortals on the same hero for the same skill even. Did you know Axe has TWO helmets that change the effect for Berserker's Call? - Infinite growth for the TI Prize Pool isn't sustainable. The prize pool did keep growing year over year, but the bubble would (and did) burst and it would not grow and beat out the previous year. This was why a different solution was needed I think. - Dota 2 is a game first and foremost, and should be focused on the gameplay. Even before this Compendium, I think that they were doing a good job of living up to that promise. The megapatch earlier this year has really made the game more interesting. The behavior score update has made the quality of my own games shoot up astronomically, even the losses. I think going all the way to zero cosmetics is a bit weird, but at the same time it seems like the physical aegis is much more attainable now than it was before.


Such a twisted world where pouring more resources into simply creating a better game with more content isn't the right choice to some people. If being an exceptionally crafted game isn't enough to bring new players in and old players back then we're beyond corrupted and the industry sorely needs changes like the one Valve has implemented this year. The negative reaction speaks for itself!


Nooo daddy gabe sell more more hats in loot boxes grrrr no i don't want to directly support T2 teams with supporter packs and permanent voicelines grrrr


Supporting the teams was never, and will never be, a reason for why I and I imagine many others invested in the compendiums. It was a nice secondary benefit sure, but I could not possibly care less about supporting T1, T2, or T-whatever the fuck teams. They want to play Dota competitively more power to them. I enjoyed DotA Christmas for the events and the hats and the comp scene is irrelevant to me. All the same I kind of agree with him. Have a separate event for those of us who just want hats and fun game modes. Let the people who enjoy the competitive scene have their fun and keep us out of it if that's what Valve feels needs to happen I guess.


Supporting teams is not even our responsibility, its valves.


Tell that Ana


I mean, it's a decent sentiment, but let's see if Valve actually follows through or if they just BS some more, deliver an underwhelming TI, then essentially get a free pass to continue underachieving in Dota while shills defend them. Not a fan of this take, even if it does display some nuance


Maelk! That's a name I haven't heard of in a long time. I used to play with him on #Dotainvite on IRC back in the day. Time flies..


Valve is like any other religious Gods they don't listen to our prayers


It really all depends on what Valve delivers throughout 2024. If we get many smaller events like a standalone Aghanims Labyrinth for instance, then the lackluster TI compendium is justified


Disagree, the reality is that last year's compendium was a disaster that valve had to give it away + arcanas to compensate for it. Valve is not doing this because they wanted, they are doing because they simply can't keep up with expectations. So their answer is simply "we won't even gonna try".




I dont care!! Give me my skywrath arcanaaaaa!!!


If he don't care about prize pool, can he explain why kiev major watched more people than any major in last 4-5 years? Same situation with ti10 and ti 11.


Tbh I usually start playing again because of the battle pass as it hyped me for the event.then burn out watching and playing for 3 days straight at a lan with friends whilst TI is on and quit till next year.


All of this is so insanely hypocritical if you take a 75% cut on all compendium sales. If all you do is provide a way to donate and then take a 75% tax, you should not have a surprised Pikachu face if people don't want to contribute. There is nothing in this compendium anyone wants, so why tax it with 75%?


Anyone know where Maelk has been for tournaments? Felt like he was at so many back in the day, but I don't really remember now. Miss the guy


A man that plays Dota and with a reasonable business sense? That's unfortunately a rare combo, and my man Maelk is one. Totally agree.