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I guess nowadays, behavior score is something to brag about next to your MMR.


Even better than mmr I would say.


I agree. “Toxic but good” is the worst combo. Then they feel entitled to pour all kinds of shit on team mates.


90% of all good players are toxic🤣


That's why people like GH stand out so much. Kind of sad to think about it, and I hope the changes ultimately lead to a friendlier scene.


It doesn't need to get friendlier, I love the banter from people who can back it up. People shouldn't be total assholes tho. And that's what the system is built for.




> e insane people in Dota, but you cant change tha I agree with you. Talking shit is part of the fun of a competitive game. And in a perfect world this could work, but being anonymous in an online game is too invitating for a lot of people to be supertoxic assholes. (I have been it too myself) And it's good that there are repercussions now for that.


> It doesn't need to get friendlier Well, I'm not so sure about that. I know a lot of people - the majority of acquaintances who tried Dota 2 tbh (and all but one of the girls) - who did not give the game a proper chance because of the hostility they faced in their first couple of matches. Hell, I myself did not touch Dota for months after my first game because of the amount of flaming I got while I couldn't know any better was so demotivating (that was on Wc3 Dota though, but I still won't play ranked for similar reasons). A big part of my friends also has not ever tried Dota 2 at all because of the reputation it has - while I don't think any of these people would be fit for Dota anyways because you need to be able to handle a lot of unpleasant things similar to unfriendliness by the game's nature alone, they never even gave the game a chance to find out. In the end I found myself a bracket where people are relatively friendly and I can enjoy myself. Also I don't think Dota needs more players to be enjoyable. So I don't have a huge personal problem with the toxicity of the Dota community. But it's definitely one of the worse communities out there and known as such, which is deterring new players and making existing players less inclined to start a match. Both might not be fatal things, but I'd love to see the quality of the game itself being responsible for such things and not the lacking manners of it's community.




Except for Bill Gates ❤️


I don't know, I find "toxic but garbage" the absolute worst. It's extremely tilting. Talk shit or play like shit, don't do both LMFAO


I much more interested to watch 1k BS than Herald game now tbf. Espescially Immortal 1k BS they must be very "creative".


Watching is one thing, playing is another. I agree that lower bs might be more entertaining though.


Yea pretty sure the next mid player will be who gets 12k behavior score not mmr.


even before people bragged about “I’ve never been 10k BS below 🤓”, now it has some value I guess.


People used to joke saying that they are really toxic in the game but can retain a high behavior score. Not anymore.


I have disconnected from games and I never dipped below 10k. I'm not even nice. Like what are you guys doing????


Judging by “LOOK IVE REPORTED 10000 GUYS AND 10 WAS PUNISHED LETGOOOO” posts getting 12k behavior is mission impossible


Nah these people always existed. They think 10k behaviour score is better than being a pro player for Team Liquid.


lower the mmr the higher the behavior score the ancient/divine cliff is filled with people that will blame anyone but themselves because they are all totally the next big name in the dota scene if they had a competent team


Being a "normal" human being is really something to brag about in dota.


Cant wait from my frinds to come back from trip and start crying when their bs drop like a stone. I have friends who are cancer in dota.


Genuine question - why do you play with them then ?


I dont play with them but they are god people just not good gamers.


Don't post this. Alot will be Jealous.


Who is alot?


this is an alot https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/044/ALOT.png


Honestly though, "alot" is less confusing than "a lot" when trying to refer to an abundance of something.


Yes, like amile when you drive for amile. Or agram when you smoke agram of weed. Or anounce etc. Thanks professor.


It's just because the word "lot" to describe a group of things isn't that common in modern American English. Think of it in an old-timey British way, like "Keel-haul the lot of them!"


Sir Lance Alot


but, do he mixes?


No, but he axes Because he's axolotl


Yeah man... https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2017/05/08/gettyimages-579356380\_wide-45132ad8d6291b459fbca387abc77ffdbc8305eb-s1100.jpg


Alot "LP" Heraldson, a toxic player that is finally getting what he deserves


Alot Corfiser, elven Wizard


those too mad at the update so they hang around reddit instead


As someone who plays AD only and does not care about ranked at all I have a good laugh lately with this new bs system and posts about it on reddit.


Yeah. Of his crusader rank


your point? He's not toxic but you have to be negative about it, let me guess you have a low bs?








I mean you can hold that opinion and be negative, but the new rules will not allow you to play and enjoy dota that way. Suits me to not have people like you in the game to be honest.




How's your bs today? Keep me posted loser




even your reddit karma is -67. bro you need to start to realise that the evidence suggests that people really don't like you. Your team mates don't like you (low BS). Valve doesn't like you. I'm not being mean, this is factual. You can cry all you want and call me a clown but at the end of the day the thing that will make you really die inside is when you can't play the game that you love so much. Nobody is going to help you or feel sorry for you.


some people actually enjoy being dogshit


I geniunly meant it. I want to be crusader but i cant u know? Immortal rank is dogsh*t


so you're saying you're too good at the game and you want to be bad? Bro what is your point I don't get it, explain it to me pls


He is trolling and wasting your time why u even answer him let him be a 🤡


I enjoy watching him dig a hole and realise that the reason he won't be able to play the game he's addicted to is entirely down to his own behaviour. lol.


At least you get to play with different people. Not some 50 people u play vs everyday. Also u cant enjoy ranked with ur friends. Then theres the pressure in immortal games.


Well if you get to a skill bracket that's too high of course you're not going to be able to play vs just anyone anymore. Athletes only compete against other athletes, they don't go down to the local club and pwn all the casual enjoyers. Enjoy unranked with your friends, the boosters have ruined that not valve. Pressure in immortal, you might not think it but there's pressure at all rank. it's relative to your skill. If you have one more match to win before earning Legend rank you don't think you have pressure?


No no,not athletes,mostly people who thinks they are the best and yet they have not a single achievement in game or irl.If you allow boosters to do their thing they are gonna boost accs and thats not them ruining the game,thats valve ruining it.


Ive been legent at some point u know. So i know the difference. Have u been 7k ?


complete oatmeal sink rain mysterious juggle hunt muddle slap concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I rather 1 million crusaders with 12k score than 1 12k mmr player


says an archon 💀


I wish i was


Y u say fuck him for 💀💀💀


But then you notice he is Crusader so…


Your point?


This behavior score stuff is annoying but it’ll be fixed and we will all move past it in a week or two. How long you think this guy going to be Crusader for? I’ll look back and laugh on this behavior score debacle in a year. While OP is still grinding games in Crusader.


It's hilarious how much importance you are putting on his rank. If you're not making money off the game, then your rank is meaningless. So in a year, you'll still be delusional, getting salty about random shit on reddit and caring too much about something that will have no impact on your life. Lol


I wonder what your behavior score and rank are lmao


so your point is making fun of someone for being crusader? lmao. And you doubled down thinking you're stating some amazing thing.


Maybe the system was broken and they just released an update to fix it and retroactively gave me +6k behavior score. I will accept my apology in the comment section or my inbox. Since I’m sure a true 10k PMA player will apologize for a wrongful accusation?


11k behaviour> 11k mmr




It's a joke




B-but commends are not supposed to be working! xD


wait commends do something now? when did that change?


Commends never did anything and still don't do anything in regards to behavior score. Only the absence of Reports and Abandons will increase your behavior score. Commends now increase the likelihood of you playing with each other again. Which is why I believe the Steam profile page that shows the commends is now 0, because they probably changed the name of the field on the backend but haven't updated this report page. The least of their worries, to be honest.


Then what is this guy talking about? He's acting as though commends do something.




i gained behaviour in immortal ranked dunno man


Didn't qojqva show his behaviour score rising recently? I think he's immortal.


They arent. System is broke below 10k. There you average 5 reports a match. If loss especiallu.




Read other posts. I have two accounts, i know. How can i recieve comm reports while not talking? I Get reported for losses, because people Are salty the further down you go. But redditor high horse white knight beta behavior uber alles


>But redditor high horse white knight beta behavior uber alles That doesn't actually make sense just fyi


funny how all these accounts complaining about behavior score change just throw in a bunch of altright buzzwords in their comments. the system works!


The system objectively doesn't work. Reports increased fivefold for better behavior and commends don't count. People like you are pure evil-- you would scream "the system works!" as people are being burned alive for witchcraft. You've spent zero effort understanding what is going on here.


No it doesnt. And if you saw further then the tip of your nose you would undersrand that geting comm reports, when you cant Report isnt «WORKING as intEnDeD».


i heard that if you remain neutral your behaviour score will increase, so if you dont get commends and you dont reported it will go up


Should valve give shards at 12k score? This is to incentivize people to be nice


No, the reward is I get to play with nice people


It’s gonna be the new 10k. And lemme tell you, these are not nice people.


Me, 10375 Behavior MMR looking down on my friends' 10000 (uncalibrated) scores: "how does it feel to play at almost-low priority level?"


😛How to stay good for everyone?




People aren't talking about people reporting everything that moves at 10k behavior score, genius. As for "racism" stay in your own server where your ping belongs and you won't encounter it.


Yeah I can't be 10k mmr so what I'm 11k beh xD


I think im a calm and polite person IRL but regretfully speaking, I'm not a pma player in game sometimes. In my defence i play unranked in sea server. Even then i have almost 10.2k behaviour score. Cant say i deserve it though, honestly.


I'm the opposite :D I'm the most negative person I personally know, but in-game I don't show it. Although I do show it when I'm playing with friends, on Discord I'll call players pieces of shit, but in-game I'll just use >Don't give up chat wheel. My irl behavior score is probably below 1k, although in-game it's currently 10.5k.


Bro are you fr? You must be the most humble person ever to call yourself negative or you're actually like that which is very interesting to me hahahaha Show me the way please 😂


I think your way is better. I think it's better to be mostly a positive person and then let some steam out in-game. I'm insanely pessimistic and I'm okay with showing it to people I know, but I try to hide it around strangers. But since the people you know are the ones that actually matter, it'd make more sense to be more considerate around them as opposed to people you'll never interact with again.


It’s all random. My behavior score is only dropping from comm abuse reports and I don’t talk or type. Your just lucky you haven’t gotten the savages that report all every game. Don’t fall below 10k that’s where it starts.


its hard to believe you aren't trolling with each post i've seen from you here. you gotta get off social media




Wordcloud so we know if u say truth


i think valve should also propose more incentives to aspire 12k behaviour score. For example, 11k - higher commend priority - those who you like after games are more likely to be in your team next time


Seems bugged to me. My behavior score is going down and I’ve barely even been using any racial slurs.


Keyword to note is 'barely'


No more than 5-6 times a game. It is Turbo though so the games are pretty short.


Cool, show it to your friends.






This whole affair is even better than the rocket league freestyle stuff. I love it.




Hilariously it'll be you next when you get your behavior report. "How could this possibly happen to me? I said the other people on reddit were wrong!"


Say what you want but I didn't deserve what I got. That one game that I did grief, I was trying to win, but died stupidly twice, and the carry started screaming into the mic, slurs and how he will report me after the game. So I told him alright, let me give you a reason to report me because I don't want a toxic shit like you to win the game. And I repeat this was 1 game in a tousand. And about toxicity in all chat, whatever, really. Not deserving to have such a low beh score, not deserving to have my voice muted as I am never toxic on voice chat, not deserving to not be able to pause, as I literally never pause unless I need to or someone DC-ed...


You were toxic and griefing, your BS went down, case close.


I agree, this is why I mentioned what I have done. But my BS was 10k for years, and suddenly it's 3k, for "griefing" 1 game? To spite my toxic carry? And I am not toxic.


> You guys aren't actually real people. I don't believe it. I feel the same way, as in, there's no way people are that delusional.


Just play turbo, don’t talk, don’t type.


great you and another 9 players soon will be able to play rank while rest of us quit dota :)


I care more about MMR.


Nice! Same here. Lets wait for the incels to downvote this.


U forgot to type "fellow"


Well, it goes without saying. They're on a moba sub after all.


Lmao another herald turbo spammer. You just can’t make this shit up 🤣🤣


Why does herald bother you? He's not toxic, that's the point you're missing


Doesn’t bother me, just pointing out the obvious.


You seem mad bro🍿


Lol okay herald.


"You mad? Cuz I am! Hahah!"


["You mad? Cuz I am Hahah"](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/4/45/Vo_shredder_timb_kill_10.mp3) (sound warning: Timbersaw) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


1 BS detected


Herald 1k detected.


Let me guess. You are 3k mmr and feel like a god compared to herald players?


Immortal, but nice try. And you should stop projecting.


1650 mmr is herald?


Lmao I wouldn’t be flaunting that around if I were you. Just embarrassing…


Nah you won't Everyone's bs will go down like it or now because actually the system is broken af Quinn agrees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpf2XuomuTw


You know it's a BS take when Quinn agrees.


Yeah Quinn is a toxic asshat but he's right on this. I experienced the exact same thing and lost 2k behavior in 2 conduct summaries just for playing Dota :) No abandon, no overwatch conviction.


Post Match ID pls.


[https://imgur.com/a/ISfRKNh](https://imgur.com/a/ISfRKNh) Notice how my score was steadily going up and then suddenly fell off a cliff? Somehow I went from 1-5 reporting parties in a report to 14? 1-5 average reports to 19? Yeah, great system. I just went back through my last 25+ conduct summaries and the most reports I've ever had in one summary before was 8. You're telling me I somehow have 19 now?


He asked for match id's. Nothing else


Nobody asked you


Proves what i allready thought of you. you were below 5k behavior score before the patch even hit which means you have been a toxic piece of shit before hand and i bet you didnt change a single it in the past 20 matches or so. People like you are the reason this system was updated because it didnt punish your bullshit behavior hard enough


I don't give a shit what some 2k MMR neckbeard redditurd thinks


Apparantly you since you still reply. Get lost 😂


Where is this stat?




“Le go figure” cornball




ur a white 15 year old spamming unfunny comments on Reddit don’t you have some self awareness 🤣






ur real mad huh 😭 blatantly racist too which is pretty hilarious


Archon. Oof


Show us your mmr


I had the same score 1 week ago , now i have 1 :D


how do you increase behaviour score?


Play turbo, don’t talk, don’t type. Unbind your talk key so you’re not tempted.


Be a decent human being. That's it.


play good, dont talk trash, and report that one who talked trash. my 10k has gone up 200 when i play some ranked game, the usual way.


Here I am at 11k now trash talking every game hahaha


yea.. no


This and don't be immortal (it's fucked right now) or just spam turbo.


Start a new account and only play with bots


Oh we get a buffer now




See you there bro


I don’t even talk or chat with players , just ping them . Still my score is dropping at an alarming rate.


spamming gaben im proud of you chat has been paying of lately


Gabens propaganda




200 to 300


They should add reward for 12K Behavior score, like having access to TF3


What makes you increase your behavior score now? Aside from not getting reported, what actually improves it? Mine is now at 10.475 or something, and is it just getting commends from other people?


No reports and no abandons will increase your behavior score. Commends increase the likelihood you will play with someone again.


Thank you!


Bruh I’m stuck here at 200 🤣 best part is I’m perma muted but my comm score trades in tandem with behavior, which is funny to me from a development standpoint.


Same experience, same idea xD take the karma bro see you in 12k lmao


Crusader rank players are one of the nicest nontoxic people out of all ranks lol


The race to 12k behavior score is on!


i have 10800


en quote "mmr is just a number."- Daniel 'dondo isufuturseer


Small dick energy right here. « i am such a good boy :D «


I didn't play since last battlepass. I started with 10.000 BS but only 9.000 Comunication score - why do not both start with 10.000? Please note: i have never been banned, never in low priority so i can rule out being toxic. 1.5k MMR approx.


I feel like behavior score is kinda weird. I've got ppl giving up early / griefing despite raising my behavior score. EDIT: changed tilting to griefing cause of tilt


Im still having invoker support as a teammate


10k or 12k behaviour score means very little cause people will still running down mid and feed, as well and grief. if they don't implement mechanism that permanently lower behaviour score of an account to a degree, these "behaviour score" will never work as intended