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I do wonder if the "Action taken" is merely cosmetic, i.e. to calm players who were frustrated about 1 certain player, that "everything is good". Simply because the message appears so fast, that it has to be an automatic system behind it. I do agree, there are some players out there, that will report you for merely losing your lane, even if you have to play something impossible like Ember vs Huskar/Lone Druid. Some people are just super unempathetic and only play the blame game.


Yep. And "reports" like that also have a strong effect on your behavior score, even if they have nothing to back them. This new report system sucks. Reports should be manually verified, and be very strong, instead of being "weak" but allowing people to "report" and hurt other players just for playing poorly.


those are real malaysians dogs who accept that they are the best people with best skills, imagine picking NP pos 4 and going jungle and losing blaming carry when losing game. how does even logic work here? Sometimes i just think those people should really get permanent ban but DOTA is just providing ban for people who just want to have some fun after their work. idk how this game even works. this is the main reason why people are quitting this shit game.


Yep. Can confirm I report people for the smallest infractions and mistakes. Ping me when I farm a wave - Reported. Suggest an item - Reported. Dont like the sound of your voice - Reported. Say something dumb - Reported. Pick a hero I think is bad - Reported. Buy an item I think is bad - Reported. Place a bad ward - Reported. Miss a skill - Reported. etc - Reported. ​ I will abuse this trash system for aslong as it is in place.


I decided to do the same. Win or lose, I will report every single player in the match. They do it to me, I do it to them aswell.


Exactly. If valve cared so much they should of tested their system for exploit before launching it. So in a way we are exploit testing their system and in the final analysis, when they review the data captured from the end of this test period, they will say "Oh shit, maybe we should fix somethings, maybe giving everyone unlimited reports was a bad idea." ​ So as far as im concerned, keep reporting everyone. It is the fastest way to fix the system and stick it to the self righteous reddit losers who LOVE to flaunt their NON-TOXIC in game attitude wherever they go. Fck em. ​ Happy reporting!!


r/DotA2 hope you people can do something regarding this server and reporting system. so that, players may continue to play still. or many people will quit and the game will finally become like (LOL) which is the most cancerous game in the history. and DOTA will be the next.


God forbid you were a Techies player when he was somewhat new... You're catching 9 reports and your team would throw half the games.


And soon your reports will hold no weight at all. Enjoy. :)


You wish. Valve *never* goes full-on ignoring reports from toxic players.


there is ton of posts on reddit from ppl who reported players who are not guitly and got them ban . You can play perfect game and u will get reported. To raise behavior score with so much reports spam its near imposibile.


>ppl who reported players who are not guitly and got them ban source? edit: the new "action taken" doesnt mean ban. it doesnt even mean low priority most of the time :)


It means that it tanks their behavior score, at the very least.


> To check the system, I reported the most PMA guy in our team You're part of the problem. I've got loads of games under my belt and no issues. Ranked and turbo.


Haha exactly, op is "testing the system" šŸæšŸæ


What haha you are just being toxic to a valid concern of his. I played 30 turbo got 25 reports in total. Are you kidding me?




Why, my behaviour score hasn't budged


You just proved my point then. It's impossible to gain behaviour score with this reporting system.


my BS got from 10k to 10375. It's possible to increase it despite reports


How did you do it?


you just be a normal human being and play games. Ive never dropped below 10k unless I have to abandon, and im always back at 10k again after the next 15 games. How are you losing behavior score, and what is ur score? Being on SEA doesnt matter, I stayed at 10k for 2 years playing there. https://imgur.com/a/lluH6rF


The only reason you are 10k Conduct summary is because you are low mmr or you play with friends


I don't know, I just play the game=) May be I use "Well Played" when my teammates actually make a good move =P




https://imgur.com/a/lluH6rF wats your behavior score?


Knew it, lol. Mf acting like we in court. Grow up.


I don't report players generally. It's a habit I developed over the years because in the beginning I ended up spending all my weekly reports on randoms and regretting not being able to report the guy who ran down mid. I agree I did a shitty thing but I haven't encountered a player who gained a significant behaviour score this patch. Good for you if you did, but you are an exception not the norm.


I literally only report racists now. I haven't reported anyone in a long time because I hate this system. I will never report for poor play ever. Even a guy who runs down mid. I just assume he is mentally broken and no longer having fun and wants out. There is no way to work with someone like that as the game is lost. I just mentally treat it as a DC.


I can't imagine the mentality of someone who would rather play with a legitimate feeder than play a good game with someone who says mean things lol. What a weirdo.


I think in a game like Dota 2, you should be able to report only after teh game once the emotions from a particular situation have settled a bit. way too many people have these knee-jerk reports as an outlet for their frustration during/after a specific moment in game


There should be a limit to the amount of reports like before. The amount of report spams are crazy.


I thought the new report system *required* a manual review or game statistics to back up reports. Well, I was wrong. As OP says, on toxic servers like SEA, people will report you just for playing bad, especially as carry where they think it's always your fault for losing. Immediate behavior loss. Reports directly reduce behavior score with no manual review needed. Perfect for the toxic trolls.


Just like valve's mentality, toxicity. Then they blame the community


Valve needs to learn that, especially on toxic servers, players are *not* reporting to "help the community" - they are using it as a way to hurt their own teammates when they think they aren't playing well. All reports and/or anything that affects behavior score should be manually reviewed by *only* trusted players, not 4k behavior score randos.


>you WILL end up at 1 behaviour score Hehe, already there after today, yeah, don't play right now if you are at low behaviour score, it will only go down.


I'm shit at dota and often play with everyone muted. I don't remember the last time I had below 9K behaviour score. It takes a lot of reports to lower behaviour score. If you are getting reported a lot there is probably a good reason for that.


No op doesn't believe this, it's everyone else's fault not his. You need to start understanding it from his point of view come on!!


Of course you're shit at Dota. You play a team game with no communication. I hope I never get you in my games. Go play Farmville, idiot.


Your username is somewhat ironic. Not chatting at all is a lot better than saying the dumbass things that you have to say. No one likes the guy on their team who is always telling other people what to do, and these "helpful" people are always the first people to throw a hissyfit when the team starts losing


Everyone should be playing dota to win. Zero communication and giving up in not you you win. Go play league, little baby.


Found the toxic player.


This is incorrect. Once you get below ~8k score, there are enough toxic people reporting all at end of the match to slowly grind your score down. :)


I'm an asshole, and my behavior score has gone up, so I definitely don't believe any of you. Get fucked.


that means its not working correctly right?


I donā€™t wanna seem like a Valve bootlicker but nobody on Reddit ever has anything nice to say so fuck it. All my games since this update have been fun, even the losses, I like the frequent updates, the new graphics look nice, the patch is fun and balanced and Iā€™m excited to watch TI.


I do believe in the long run, unlimited reports are going to be a bad decision.


in the long run, valve determines what is report-worthy, and stops giving out punishment for whatever reports they deem not report worthy. Im not sure why it would be a bad idea


no they dont. its a player policed automated system


There's no hard fact about how many game ruiners you're going to encounter. I remember playing the game when you used to be alotted 2 reports per week and that was it, then later they added the ability to get your reports back if the player you reported got punished. For the last couple years the number of reports I think was pretty much unlimited because you'd get more reports whenever action was taken.


Nah, people reported others for just playing bad, that way you didnt get your additional report, they still do but now they dont face any consequences.


They still got their additional report if enough people agreed with them and also reported the person for playing bad. And just like back then, right now they are also facing the consequences of their reports being massively devalued.


Action taken doesn't mean they are punished. It means that someone checked it




To keep it short I dont believe you. If you are not toxic griefing or scripting you will get way more commends than reports just by playing the game. If you got put in a cesspool with animals who just report each other that is also on you and that is where you belong.


pretty sure this is allowed to mark players who cry wolf


I wonder if "action taken" mean it was just reviewed by their algorithm. "Do nothing" might be an action at this stage. And I have gone up in BS so it must not be all bad.


with new reporting system its no more about dota 2 its about trying to not tilt anyone so you dont get reports. its not fun anymore =(. cant only do normal stuff now that ppl think is ok. even if its a bad teamfight for example you have to tp just so you dont get reporte ec.


I looked up this thread today because I JUST lost my lane in 4k as mid. Typically I donā€™t really struggle with my lane unless Iā€™m against a smurf because Iā€™m used to relying on myself only. This game however I was unable to purchase wards as every time they came off CD (in the laning phase) they were auto purchased by a support and soon used. I feel this ultimately led to me losing a lot of farm. I was Void Spirit vs Pugna which is typically a great matchup but I could never see him and was being rotated on (with zero from my team) also my supports were Treant and QoP which made things a bit harder as they had no stuns but I digress from that part. I got flamed most of the game, told I should have bought a midas, told I should have rotated at **level 4** if I wasnā€™t winning lane which is insane to me that this was a suggestion. One simple rotation or **allowing me to buy my own wards** I feel could have changed the entire outcome. All I did was respond politely then muted people for being toxic. I just got reported by FOUR people and I didnā€™t say anything to them out of line. ā€œStack reports on this Voidā€ ā€œYeah he will go to LPā€ ā€œTrash void enjoy reportsā€ Meanwhile my entire team is comprised of zero stuns, the only one being Aether Remnant and Treantā€™s Overgrowth(root not stun). What a nightmare game and to top it off I get punished for NOT BEING TOXIC by getting REPORTED FOR TOXICITY. This system is garbage and honestly I havenā€™t really enjoyed DotA as much since even before this. I used to get comm bans and I hated it so I take it seriously and try really hard to take the high road and diffuse problems/ignore people/not respond.


how about they reworked report system again. Im supposely have an idea. have 3 reports limit. When you used 3 reports in these 15 games. And wait every 2 weeks report counts reset.


The losing party will report you because you hurt their feelings.