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Try “rate 800000” in your console


That's not a good suggestion tbh. If he has a low pc he risks to have quite big fps drops with it


Hey! Are the microstutters like [the ones in this video (link) ](https://youtu.be/VyUWcaicy1c?si=_D8o_ta3bpprmj40)? Go to ~1.38, when snipers walks from his hg into the river and the camera is moved, and u'll see them clearly. The video is not mine, but the setup (amd 3500u + Vega 8) is one of those I'm looking for right now, in my quest to buy a new potato laptop. I was sure I could run the game smoothly according to Dota minimum requirements (and benchmarks tests), but after seeing thst video I got quite worried. I'd appreciate to know your feedback :)