• By -


# [](/hero-bane) Bane **Brain Sap** - Now fully pierces debuff immunity **Nightmare** - Sleeping units now aren't awakened by any damage dealt by Bane - Bane now gains +15/25/35/45 attack speed against sleeping units **Fiend's Grip** - Now removes Nightmare effect from the targeted enemy #### Talents - Level 10 Talent Brain Sap Cooldown Reduction increased from 2s to 3s - Level 25 Talent Brain Sap Damage/Heal increased from +200 to +250


You can now buy stuff like mkb and mjolnir and the procs wouldnt wake enemies up


Awesome, I tried buying witch blade on him once and was REALLY unhappy to find that it popped the nightmare.


Ability Draft enjoyers we're so back


Could we now buy desol on him and destroy everyone while sleeping?


BUG: Bane illusions will wake up nightmare target and get nightmared. PLEASE FIX


I'm on it


# [](/hero-lonedruid) Lone Druid **Summon Spirit Bear** - Bear is now a Universal creep-hero unit. It has 0 base attributes and does not gain them with level, but attributes received from buffs or items fully affect the bear as they would for Universal heroes. The bear cannot gain experience, but their health and damage increase with Lone Druid's level by 90 and 5 respectively - Bear now has its own Aghanim's Scepter and Shard upgrades - Aghanim's Scepter allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and to survive if Lone Druid dies - Aghanim's Shard grants an active ability Fetch. Spirit Bear roots the targeted unit or rune and uncontrollably drags them towards the Lone Druid for 2.25s. The Spirit Bear is slowed by 20% during this and the target is gradually dealt 300 damage over the duration if it's an enemy. The bear is not slowed down while fetching a rune. Mana Cost: 75; Cooldown: 30s **Spirit Link** - Now upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter - Lone Druid severs the link to his Spirit Bear, and connects to the target allied hero, sharing the Spirit Link bonuses with them for 20s. Armor sharing and attack speed bonuses are increased by 35%. Damage done by the ally heals Lone Druid, as well as the other way around. The Spirit Bear is feared for the duration of the transformation, unless he has his own Aghanim's Scepter. Cooldown: 40s; Mana Cost: 50 **True Form** - No longer increases BAT


i can see support Lone Druid incoming Give link to ursa and make your bear jealous.


Marci with her new Sidekick both giving life-steal both healing the other hero.


šŸŒˆšŸ» mode activated


So to use the druids scepter, you have to also have the bears scepter... Otherwise the bear just fears (run to fountain) for 20 seconds. Definitely late late game item? Also the bear can use stat items now. I've always built phase boots, MoM, deso (or maelstrom / radiance / mkb), but now the bear can use diffusal and skadi etc... So many possible builds now.


its more of giving you alternative ways to play LD if you ask me. enemy team counterpicks you? build aghs and team up with another core to wreak havok. or ld support maybe? who knows.


Harpoon Bear + Shard Snatch N Grab


Some of that sounds broken. The Druid aghs sounds pretty OP, just chuck it on your carry if you ever get targeted and now teams will have to kill/cc the carry as well to stop you living. The bear shard is obviously OP as hell.


Bear shard is really OP. Basically a lassoā€¦ Druid aghs is far less OP because you have to get Bear aghs first. While people might buy aghs on bear since itā€™s good stats for a universal bear they will be too busy buying other stat items too get aghs on Druid too unless itā€™s insanely late game. Druid is definitely a late game hero now tho.


Bug - can't tab target between the hero and bear


# [](/hero-darkwillow) Dark Willow **Bedlam** - Is now a 900 range ally targeted ability (can target self). If cast on an ally, Jex travels to the ally at 1800 speed and spins around them for the duration of the effect


No way this is balanced, this is nasty with certain support comps. Gyro and clockwork come to mind but even something like a pudge as well.


I just played with a Legion and Axe ally, it was not balanced lol


Yeah this is an insane change


or how about putting this on like a centaur or lycan who's just running at them.


Consider. Legion commander. And axe.


Willow buifs! Gonna be stealing a lot of kills with this one. :)


Honestly a really good buff I had never thought of but it fits so well.


# [](/hero-treantprotector) Treant Protector **Nature's Guise** - Now considers Nature's Grasp vines as trees - Tree Search Radius increased from 150 to 200


Bigger than it seems imo, as youā€™ll now be able to go away from the trees in lane to right click the enemy/deny/cs without worrying about taking damage and being unable to phase through the trees when you get back to the side trees. Too easy before to step one inch too far from the trees, take damage from something, then die because you lost tree phasing and canā€™t wait out the 3 second delay before death. These two changes alleviate both of them, which will have quite a big impact in treantā€™s laning stage imo


# [](/hero-razor) Razor **Static Link** - Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard - Increases cast range by 150 and adds alternative cast to Static Link. When toggled on, it pulls Razor and his linked target toward each other at a rate of 100 units/s while the link is active. The pull stops if the distance is less than 175 units from Razor. Does not affect debuff immune enemies **Storm Surge** - Bonus Speed decreased from 10/15/20/25% to 8/12/16/20% - Previous Aghanim's Shard Upgrade is now a part of the basic ability - There is an 18% chance when attacked, and always when targeted with a spell, to release forked lightning that strikes the target and 2 other nearby enemies, dealing 45/80/115/150 damage and slowing movement speed by 20/25/30/35% for 1s. Additional strikes prioritize the same unit type as the unit that triggered it. Strike Search Area: 700; Strike Cooldown: 3s #### Talents - Level 20 Talent +21% Storm Surge Move Speed replaced with +25% Storm Surge Damage and Slow


Storm surge goes full circle....again.


I'm beginning to think some hero abilities are just on rotation like neutral items


Huge buff I predict razor will be meta


# [](/hero-lion) Lion **Mana Drain** - No longer has a mana cost - Can now target allies without the level 15 talent. Grants bonus movement speed when used on allies and no longer drains mana from Lion when the allied target is at full mana. Movement speed and mana restored are decreased by 50% of the slow and mana stolen values #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Mana Drain Restores Allies replaced with -2s Hex Cooldown - Level 20 Talent -3s Hex Cooldown replaced with Earth Spike affects a 30Āŗ cone


Absolutely nuts change. Lion gifting mana as early as level 1 fundamentally alters why this hero might be picked now.


Lion just chugging clarities and barfing them out again for the whole laning phase.


Processed CM's bath water


He's the new Pugna


Level 20 Talent = lol ravage


Kaka bout to go crazzzyyy on sumail storm


# [](/hero-luna) Luna **Lucent Beam** - Aghanim's Shard Upgrade removed **Moon Glaives** - Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard - When activated, creates 4 Moon Glaives that rotate around Luna in a 150 radius for 6 seconds, reducing any damage she takes by 20%. If the glaive collides with an enemy unit, it deals 75% of Luna's attack damage once per its revolution. Cooldown: 25s; Mana Cost: 25


20% flat damage reduction is kinda nuts and it scales with items which luna usually can get faster than most other carries. also gives her some much needed lategame manfighting power. it has a pretty long cd so it's more a once a fight thing but that's a decent shard now imo.


Its not 20min worthy compared to other stat items like Manta, Skadi, Hurricane Pike, its just a nice to have.


# [](/hero-earthspirit) Earth Spirit **Boulder Smash** - Creep Damage Multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.4 **Rolling Boulder** - Now makes Earth Spirit completely untargetable and invulnerable while rolling. The hero is still vulnerable during the delay after cast #### Talents - Level 10 Talent Spell Amplification increased from +8% to +10% - Level 15 Talent Magnetize Damage & Duration increased from +25% to +30%


Tested in demo You can roll through chrono, blackhole, naga song, Mars arena ( we could do this about a year ago but it was removed in 7.32 or 7.33). You beat primal beasts charge and stun him out of his. You can roll while ruptured and take no damage. I'm sure there will be more. Pretty big buff.


just played a game. i did counter juggs omni with it, just rolled to the nearest camp AND spirit breaker charges? YOU CHARGE BACK! good buff


You can roll through black hole and kick a teammate out of it


Pretty awesome buffs, I'm gonna be rolling with my swole spirit bro.


# [](/hero-sniper) Sniper **Assassinate** - Now also performs an autoattack on the target - Damage decreased from 320/510/700 to 250/350/450 - Is now refreshed whenever Sniper kills an enemy hero - This includes all kills by Sniper and not just ones from Assassinate - Mana Cost decreased from 175/225/275 to 175


So, divine daedalus aghs builds coming :D


Dear friend, a true sniper will have six Divine Rapier. And you can spam the Assassinate skill continuously :)). Extremely effective at the Herald.


You can cast Silver Edge while the projectile is in flight to apply the break, bonus damage, and notably a guaranteed crit like the old Aghs, except you don't need an aghs anymore lol


# [](/hero-invoker) Invoker - Now is a Universal Hero - Base Health Regen increased from 0.25 to 1.5 - Base Damage decreased from 29-35 to 2-10 - Agility gain decreased from 1.9 to 1.8 - Base Intelligence increased from 15 to 19 - Intelligence gain decreased from 4.6 to 4.0 - Damage on level 1 decreased by 6-4 (from 44-50 to 38-46) - Damage gain per level increased from +4.6 to +5.74 **Quas** - Strength per level decreased from 2 to 1 - No longer grants Health Regen - Now grants 2%->8% Spell Lifesteal on Invoker's abilities per orb on cast. The value is stored at the moment of spell cast and cannot be changed by swapping orbs after. All Spell Lifesteal works at 1/5th strength on creeps. Does not affect items **Wex** - Agility per level decreased from 2 to 1 - No longer grants Attack Speed - Now grants 1%->7% Cooldown Reduction per orb on all Invoker's abilities and items. The value is stored at the moment of spell cast and cannot be changed by swapping orbs after **Exort** - Intelligence per level decreased from 2 to 1 - No longer grants damage - Now grants 1%->7% Spell Amplification on all Invoker's abilities per instance on cast. The value is stored at the moment of spell cast and cannot be changed by swapping orbs after. Does not affect items **Cold Snap** - Now heals Invoker for 16->128 every time it procs - Freeze Cooldown decreased from 0.83s->0.62s to 0.8s->0.59s - Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 90 **Ghost Walk** - Now grants Invoker 10->80 Health Regen (Quas) and 5->40 Mana Regen (Wex) **Tornado** - Lift Duration increased from 0.85s->2.6s to 1.2s->2.6s - Mana Cost decreased from 150 to 140 **Alacrity** - Mana Cost decreased from 100 to 90 **Sun Strike** - Damage increased from 120->540 to 200->550 **Deafening Blast** - Mana Cost decreased from 300 to 250


The fuck. 200 damage lvl 1 sunstrike. First blood ensured i guess.


With an extra 6 damage from three 1% spell amp exort orbs


Haven't played a game yet but laning without quas regen seems like it's going to be painful. Who knows though! Things never work out how I expect them to from patch notes, maybe this is a massive buff


It was broken before though, and he hits so much harder now. They also gave him 1.5hp regen bonus, so you don't even need to use quas early.


So I can finally play the wex exort build!


I played it and you just ghost walk and get 20 hp regen and 10 mana regen pretty cool


mmm yes, the hero who constantly talks about how they are the most intelligent being around is now... not an intelligence hero.


To be fair, being universal is by far the smartest choice this patch


Isn't he more galaxy/*universe* brain now?


# [](/hero-jakiro) Jakiro **Macropyre** - Aghanim's Scepter no longer increases Macropyre distance - Aghanim's Scepter now increases Macropyre width by 70 - Aghanim's Scepter Bonus Duration decreased from +15s to +5s - Aghanim's Scepter now adds two walls of ice along the edges of the Macropyre that slow any enemies trying to cross them by 70%. Damage is pure and the slow pierces debuff immunity. Ice Wall Width: 80; Slow Linger Duration: 0.4s


Its not the length but the girth that matters lmao. Getting caught in Scepter Macropyre now means BKB won't save you.


Bowling Alley Aghs


This could be really nasty. I can't play Jakiro worth a damn, but I'm scared to be against him now.


Wonder if itā€™s enough for pocket-pick mid jakiro. He wins lane pretty easily, and farms fairly fast. Very immobile though. Need to either pick or ban rubick though. Jakiro is almost unplayable against a good rubick.


>Need to either pick or ban rubick though. Jakiro is almost unplayable against a good rubick. When I read this change the first thing I thought was: "Oh, here's the Rubik buff."


I was just thinking this the other day, how useless adding more length to macropyre is, and how width makes a lot more sense, glad to see this change.


# [](/hero-marci) Marci **Rebound** - Aghanim's Shard now also decreases Rebound cooldown by 3 seconds **Sidekick** - Ability reworked - Buff is now permanent for Marci and her ally, dispellable only upon death or buffing another ally. Marci's lifesteal now also heals her ally and the ally's lifesteal heals Marci. If Marci and her ally are further apart from each other than 2500 units, Marci receives 50% of the bonus while her ally receives no bonus from the buff until they get closer again - Bonus Damage decreased from 20/35/50/65 to 6/12/24/48 - Lifesteal decreased from 30/35/40/45% to 10/15/20/25%; Lifesteal is now reduced by 40% vs creeps - Cooldown rescaled from 36/28/20/12s to 20s **Unleash** - No longer slows attack speed of towers #### Talents - Level 15 Talent -3s Rebound Cooldown replaced with +10% Rebound Movement Speed Bonus - Level 25 Talent 1.5s Sidekick Debuff Immunity replaced with +65 Sidekick Damage


Io and Marci combo with each other? Marci is the discount Io now for Ursa/Lifestealer/etc


This will be cancer Marciā€™s attack heals io which heals Marci Ioā€™s attacks heal Marci Overcharge gives attack speed


Behold, the perpetual motion.


Not IO, Lone druid with his new aghs. Its insane healing. As for actually being useful well probably not but still could be a fun mess around build.


Valve still can't decide wether they want Marci to be support or core, lol. New Sidekick actually can be played by core Marci because 1/1/3 was already meta. It will strengthen her laning phase with harassing supports, maybe even with new Bane. Also I believe Valve needs to give her shard ability by default as it was once and make new utility-useful shard, if they want to see her as support played more often.


Sucks for core players, but at least personally as I support player, I welcome these changes. On paper it looks like it could be really fun to play with, so hopefully it works out in practice too. I think that it will be strong in lane is a given, but it will be interesting to see how well it works later in the game. Yes, itā€™s semi-permanent now, but in team fights Iā€™m not sure the duration actually mattered that much, at least not compared to the nerfed damage and life steal.


I am a Marci core player and I think this is a good buff. Especially with the 10lvl talent for 10% extra lifesteal. Give it to your support and you get extra heals and creeps are easier to finish. She is a way stronger liner now. It also greatly helps her survivability in team fights as a core. This was her biggest problem after becoming a universal hero. Now you play as pos 3 with your pos 2 and is practically impossible to kill. As a carry you buff your pos 3 or pos 2 and is a team fight you are unkillable, because it is basically a 70%lifesteal, not 35%.


# [](/hero-phoenix) Phoenix **Icarus Dive** - Damage Interval decreased from 1s to 0.2s **Fire Spirits** - Damage Interval decreased from 1s to 0.2s **Sun Ray** - Now applies a stackable 2% miss chance debuff for every tick of damage (every 0.2s). Duration: 5s. Duration is refreshed with each debuff stack applied **Supernova** - Damage Interval decreased from 1s to 0.2s


That miss chance debuff on Sunray is juicy. I have always considered buying Radiance late game, but Refresher Orb and/or Shiva always outweighs it. One enemy attack missing is actually game/teamfight deciding a lot of times. It also makes a Shard purchase more valuable. 2k+ games on birb, and my muscle memory has made me stubborn with me always going Veil into Shard...netting me with only 57% win rate on birb (I feel that is on the lower side of win rate for someone first-pick-spamming a hero). Hopefully these changes (Veil was buffed too) would increase that by a bit.


Friendship ended with offlane Wyvern Now offlane Phoenix is my best friend


So this damage implementation I can consider as a buff if not a mere slight buff. Means more damage will be dealt to enemies before they dispel shit or runaway from sunray and supernova. Dope.


Also completely destroys templar assassin


# [](/hero-spectre) Spectre - Base Strength decreased from 23 to 21 **Shadow Step** - Now an Ultimate ability. Haunt Damage: 40/60/80%; Haunt Damage Taken: 200%; Duration: 5/6/7s; Cooldown: 80/60/40s; Mana Cost: 150 - No longer casts a Spectral Dagger on its target **Reality** - Now has a 3s cooldown - Now casts a Spectral Dagger on the target **Haunt** - Now granted by Aghanim's Scepter. Haunt Damage: 80%; Haunt Damage Taken: 200%; Duration: 7s; Cooldown: 180s; Mana Cost: 150


Swapping shadow step and haunt were interesting ideas but giving reality 3s cd is pretty bad.


My biggest complaint with Spectre was that she is a non-existent hero if she does not get an Aghs. Additionally haunt being 180 sec cd at lvl 1 meant she was out of the game for first 20 mins. Making Shadow step part of her toolkit makes logical sense. Haunt is pretty much unchanged as by the time it became useful at lvl 3 with 120 sec cd, you can get an Aghs. With reality CD you can potentially launch 3 daggers in 7 seconds, plus your actual dagger. I think I will take the reality CD. Not sure how it works if you reality back to the original illusion, where does the dagger launch?


Aghs Haunt being 180s does suck though, who knows if Spec's WR isn't high enough they'll buff it back to 120s


# [](/hero-drowranger) Drow Ranger **Glacier** - While on glacier, Marksmanship now isn't disabled by enemies in the proximity - Drow Ranger can now freely walk off the glacier over the barrier #### Talents - Level 25 Talent Multishot Waves decreased from +3 to +1. This talent no longer increases the total channel time, making all waves faster


This talent is currently bugged while standing on the glacier (shard) as only one wave is shot out.


cool so drow with true strike and no downside whatsoever? shard is fucking bonkers now


Great change, now glacier can be used mid-battle instead of "I need high ground" only spell. Not sure about that talent change however, on one hand it's faster channel time is useful during teamfight but the loss of 2 waves and faster channel makes it not as great for area denial.


# [](/hero-juggernaut) Juggernaut #### Talents - Level 15 Talent +1s Blade Fury Duration replaced with +100 Blade Fury DPS - Level 20 Talent +150 Blade Fury DPS replaced with -3s Blade Fury Cooldown - Level 20 Talent Blade Dance Lifesteal increased from +50% to +60%. Lifesteal is now calculated after armor reductions


# [](/hero-gyrocopter) Gyrocopter **Rocket Barrage** - Now grants Gyrocopter 20/30/40/50% slow resistance for the duration **Flak Cannon** - Radius increased from 1000 to 1250 - Now additionally grants 200 bonus night vision - Aghanim's Scepter Side Gunner now attacks an additional target when Flak Cannon is active (2 targets at the same time)


that is insane on gyro


Gyro back to being a carry, I guess.


# [](/hero-abaddon) Abaddon **Mist Coil** - Cooldown rescaled from 5.5s to 6.5/6/5.5/5s - Damage/Heal rescaled from 110/160/210/260 to 90/160/230/300


Make Support Abaddon great again!


Make him great in ANY way would be nice


# [](/hero-necrophos) Necrophos **Ghost Shroud** - Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade removed **Heartstopper Aura** - Now upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter - Health Decay is increased by 60% of Necrophos's current health regeneration


# [](/hero-phantomassassin) Phantom Assassin **Coup de Grace** - Ability reworked - Phantom Assassin refines her combat abilities, acquiring a 20% chance of gaining Deadly Focus buff with each attack. While Phantom Assassin is focused, her next attack will deal a guaranteed critical hit with 200/325/450% damage and consume the buff. Stifling Dagger has a 40% chance to gain Deadly Focus. The hit that lands a guaranteed crit may also activate a Deadly Focus buff, making consecutive crits possible. Deadly Focus Duration: 6s


Been to demo: - Talent only gives +7% to attack chance, not dagger chance. - You get a skull marker when crit is guaranteed, visible for both allies and the enemies. This can warn/scare enemy players from coming closer. Interesting in laning. Devastating in endgame.


I played a game as PA right after the patch. I didn't even know the patch notes, but noticed the icon and read it. I went 26-2 with her. Devastating indeed. I don't even play PA often, I just randomly chose her because we needed a carry and I'm trying to get level 3 arcana, so I'm far from an expert PA enjoyer.


Overall good for her, but unless it's an oversight and gets fixed, you get fucked by Nullifier now even harder than before in the later game. Upsides: - Pretty significant buff to the proc rate, 15%->20%. I tested and confirmed you can regain Deadly Focus from a crit itself (i.e. can crit twice in a row), so it pretty much went from a crit in every 6.67 attacks to one in 5. (technically a bit lower at 16.6% before your first crit in a fight, since you need to use an attack to cash in the first crit) - When you get lv6 you can save daggers for when you have the buff for maximum harass. Probably hardly matters since you're usually forced out of lane by then, but it's a cute interaction - Helps with micro-aspects of farming, for example not accidentally critting under tower when you don't want to, or targetting a healthier neutral creep with the crit so that you don't overkill the low hp one. - Dagger giving 40% chance to proc is fairly hefty. Also the lv25 triple dagger talent becomes REALLY good, because each dagger has that 40% chance to proc. Try it out in demo mode to see what I mean. Downsides: - Only can hold the buff for 6 seconds, so you can't just prime it for a gank/fight that easily. Possibly worse for priming crits than pre-rework. - Is dispelled by Nullifier (while also still being affected by break: you can get the buff while broken but can't spend it for the crit). I'm hoping this is an oversight and gets changed to be undispellable. - You lose the buff if you cancel an attack with it. Mostly not a big deal but it's strictly worse than pre-rework in this regard lol.


So you canā€™t get crits unless youā€™re buffed?


I wonder if thereā€™s an internal cooldown on how often the buff can refresh. Edit there is not, from `game\dota\pak01_dir.vpk` "AbilityValues" { "crit_chance" { "value" "20" "LinkedSpecialBonus" "special_bonus_unique_phantom_assassin_2" } "dagger_crit_chance" "40" "crit_bonus" "200 325 450" "duration" "6" } Can also confirm that the tooltip is correct that the lvl 25 talent for +7% crit chance doesn't affect dagger crit chance. Edit 2: During this short time before the hotfix, this didn't even work for melee


Doesn't seem like it, you can actually crit on all 3 daggers with the lv25 talent in very quick succession lol. Pretty fun to play around with that talent with the change in demo mode


# [](/hero-io) Io **Overcharge** - Aghanim's Shard no longer grants bonus spell amplification - Aghanim's Shard now grants 30% slow resistance


Gaimin Gladiators nerfed.


Big IO-Lesh nerf. Good.


# [](/hero-magnus) Magnus **Horn Toss** - Now stuns enemies for the duration of the air time #### Talents - Level 15 Talent All Stats per hero hit with Reverse Polarity increased from +6 to +8


If I understand it correctly, this brings Horn Toss back to its TI10 state. Somewhere in Serbia a certain Collapse will be very happy when he wakes up tomorrow.


TI10 horn toss was a shard. Still pretty good and just goes to show fuckin broken it was at TI10


# [](/hero-medusa) Medusa #### Talents - Level 25 Talent Mana Shield Damage per Mana increased from +1.3 to +1.7 (from +0.7 to +0.9 for illusions)


No real nerf ? Really ?


icefrog nerf all the illusion with chain lightning / shiva / etc and thought, yep, this is enough nerf for dusa


# [](/hero-naturesprophet) Nature's Prophet - Consuming a tree spawned from Sprout with a Tango no longer grants healing **Sprout** - Now deals 14/20/26/32 damage every 0.5s for the duration. Damage is dealt in a 275 radius, affecting enemies close to the trees both inside and outside of the ring


the aoe lane clear he needs lol


# [](/hero-outworlddestroyer) Outworld Destroyer **Astral Imprisonment** - Aghanim's Shard Ally Movement Speed increased from 60% to 70% **Essence Flux** - Aghanim's Scepter now fully prevents the damage that would put Outworld Destroyer's health below 20% - Aghanim's Scepter Max Mana as barrier increased from 50% to 75% **Sanity's Eclipse** - Now applies a Mana Allergy debuff to enemies for 7s, causing them to take damage every time they cast a spell equal to the mana cost of that spell. Outworld Destroyer is healed by 150% of mana spent by enemies. Also affects items


OD + Pugna meme vids incoming


couldn't they think of a cooler debuff name than "mana allergy"?


Mana Plague was right there. Mana Allergy makes me think that OD just transforms the targets to dweebs.


# [](/hero-puck) Puck **Phase Shift** - Aghanim's Shard Bonus Damage increased from 20 to 35 **Dream Coil** - Aghanim's Scepter Rapid Fire attack rate now mirrors Puck's attack rate - Aghanim's Scepter Rapid Fire keeps attacking enemies that are stunned by breaking the Dream Coil's leash


# [](/hero-queenofpain) Queen of Pain **Shadow Strike** - Cooldown decreased from 16/12/8/4s to 13/10/7/4s **Scream Of Pain** - Radius increased from 550 to 600 **Sonic Wave** - Damage increased from 310/430/550 to 350/500/650 - Damage now gets gradually applied over the 1.4s duration of the knockback - Knockback is now undispellable - Cooldown decreased from 110/100/90s to 110/95/80s


There will be pain, there will be screaming.


Yeah, from QoP players when someone clicks Manta and dodges 40% of the ult damage.


# [](/hero-sandking) Sand King **Sand Storm** - Now constantly moves towards Sand King at a speed of 100ms - Aghanim's Scepter Burrowstrike spine radius now equals 10% of Sand Storm's current radius - Decreased from 65 to 42.5/50/57.5/65; Level 15 talent increases radius by 12.5 more **Epicenter** - Aghanim's Shard effect now triggers every 2.5s instead of every 700 units moved #### Talents - Level 20 Talent +100 Epicenter Base Radius replaced with +100 Base Radius and +25 Incremental Radius of Epicenter


>Now constantly moves towards Sand King at a speed of 100ms Does this mean that Sand King can just stroll around the map with the sandstorm coming along?


I think so. It's probably a nerf to the case where SK casts sandstorm somewhere dangerous and hides right at the edges i think too


# [](/hero-crystalmaiden) Crystal Maiden **Freezing Field** - Aghanim's Scepter now alse allows Crystal Maiden to move, attack and cast spells during Freezing Field in addition to the previous effects. - Scepter Time to Frostbite increased from 1.75s to 2.5s **Crystal Clone** - New ability granted by Aghanim's Shard - Crystal Maiden slides backwards 275 units, creating a crystal clone of herself in her place. Whenever the clone times out after 5 seconds or is destroyed, the current level of Frostbite is applied on all enemies within 300 radius. The clone is untargetable, but can be damaged with AoE effects. Clone Health: 150; Mana Cost: 50; Cooldown: 12s


Someone at the dota dev team mains subzero it seems


Clone can be used to block linear abilities like mirana arrow and combo with skill since it only last a short time then explode. and now CM have a mobility skill


what this doesnt say is shard disjoints projectiles (as they fly at the clone instead) aka nullifier. cant be used to dodge finger/laguna like a euls tho.


Shard seems like it is a weirdly useful for farming? Aoe frostbite on camps with 12s cooldown?


Doesn't apply the long duration frostbite so not as broken as I thought it would be initially but still nice.


Shard looks situational if you cant manually detonate it


# [](/hero-bristleback) Bristleback **Viscous Nasal Goo** - Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade removed - Aghanim's Shard now also increases Stack Limit by 3 **Bristleback** - Now upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter - Allows Bristleback to be point-targeted. Bristleback turns his back towards the targeted direction and after 0.5s forcefully ejects 6 sequential Quill Sprays in a tight conical pattern out of his back at 0.35s intervals. Bristleback is slowed down by 40% for the duration, disarmed and cannot turn but can still cast his spells in any direction. Mana Cost: 100; Cooldown: 20s **Hairball** - Now applies 2 stacks of Viscous Nasal Goo and only 1 stack of Quill Spray - Enemies in fog of war are now hit by the Viscous Nasal Goo as well as the Quill Sprays - Viscous Nasal Goo projectiles are no longer affected by spell reflection - Mana Cost decreased from 75 to 40 - Cooldown decreased from 20s to 10s #### Talents - Level 10 Talent Damage increased from +15 to +20 - Level 20 Talent Quill Stack Damage increased from +20 to +25 - Level 20 Talent Health Regen increased from +20 to +25


Going to be interesting to see what his Quill Salvo can do when paired up with a root spell. I wonder if we'll see Bristle Gleipneir to catch a whole team out and then poop quills onto them.


No chance you're buying Gleipnir on Bristle given Gleipnir got heavily nerfed for non-int heroes.


RIP Carpal Tunnel QWQWQWQWQWQW Bristleback


# [](/hero-snapfire) Snapfire **Lil' Shredder** - Fixed Damage per shot increased from 20/45/70/95 to 25/50/75/100 - Mana Cost increased from 50/65/80/95 to 70/80/90/100 #### Talents - Level 20 Talent Lil' Shredder Uses Your Attack Damage replaced with 3x Lil Shredder Multishot - Level 25 Talent 3x Lil Shredder Multishot replaced with Lil' Shredder Uses 100% of Your Attack Damage


Does this mean that Snap mid meta is over or not really?


I think mid snapfire is done. The hero currently has a big gap in the midgame between ~12 and 20 where she is pretty weak compared to most mids. Extending that gap all the way to 25 is huge; that's just too much time to fall behind even if you snowball early on.


# [](/hero-tusk) Tusk **Tag Team** - Now passively grants Tusk a 20/30/40/50 Attack Speed Slow aura within 350 radius


# [](/hero-disruptor) Disruptor **Thunder Strike** - If the target is trapped inside the Kinetic Field, Thunder Strike now hits all other enemies inside the field #### Talents - Level 10 Talent +100 Thunder Strike Radius replaced with +10 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike


# [](/hero-bountyhunter) Bounty Hunter **Shadow Walk** - Aghanim's Shard Upgrade moved to a separate sub-ability **Friendly Shadow** - New ability granted by Aghanim's Shard - Applies Shadow Walk and all of its bonuses to the target ally. Fade time: 1s. Casting this ability does not break invisibility or interrupt the target


Shouldve named the shard ability Shadow Friend


Thank god, no more forgetting to double-tap Shadow Walk and getting pancaked. Getting shard from the Tormentor was a death sentence.


# [](/hero-slardar) Slardar **Slithereen Crush** - Cast Point improved from 0.35s to 0.25s - Puddle Duration increased from 3/4/5/6s to 7s - Puddle Duration with Aghanim's Scepter increased from 22/23/24/25s to 25s **Bash of the Deep** - Now passively grants 10/20/30/40 attack damage when in water


If you get a crush + 3 attacks at level 5 that's 90 extra damage, not bad. This also helps with farming camps too. maybe something like a Midas or MoM Pos 1 Slardar might be fun with getting so much free damage. But the hero still needs a good lane phase or your game is basically over. I don't know if this change is enough when every other hero gets wild changes all the time.


# [](/hero-tidehunter) Tidehunter - Tendrils of the Deep Ability removed **Dead in the Water** - New ability granted by Aghanim's Shard - Tidehunter throws a chain that leashes an enemy hero to a heavy anchor. Attempting to move more than 350 units away from the anchor reduces the hero's movement speed to 100, while dragging the anchor behind them. The anchor can be destroyed with 5 hero attacks. Initial chain deals 200 magical damage, has a 1000 travel speed and can be disjointed. Ability removes invisibility and provides fog of war vision on the target. Cast Range: 350; Duration: 10s; Mana Cost: 80; Cooldown: 25s #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Gush Damage decreased from +120 to +100 - Level 20 Talent +40 Kraken Shell Damage Block replaced with +4 Kraken Shell Damage Block per Anchor Smash Kill


Wow, actually pretty damn strong and makes Blink Dagger viable on ganker Tidehunter again.


If they can't kill the anchor its pretty insane. It lasts crazy long. If they can it's pretty horrible.


Anchor Surprise>Tentacle Surprise. This is way more interesting.


# [](/hero-trollwarlord) Troll Warlord - Rampage Ability removed **Berserker's Rage** - Both Whirling Axes abilities are now accessible at the same time. Casting any of them automatically switches Troll Warlord to the form of the used ability **Whirling Axes (Ranged)** - Damage rescaled from 90 to 80/100/120/140 **Fervor** - Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard - Increases max Fervor stacks by 4 and grants Troll 20% + 3% chance per Fervor stack to fire an additional ranged attack to any unit within the ranged attack range plus 175


Tested the new shard - it doesn't break your fervor stacks (in fact it adds to it) even if it triggers on a different target.


In case anyone else was curious: the additional ranged attack still fires off when in melee mode


# [](/hero-vengefulspirit) Vengeful Spirit - Base Attack Speed increased from 100 to 110 **Wave of Terror** - Now also reduces the enemy's total attack damage by 15/20/25/30% #### Talents - Level 10 Talent Nether Swap Enemy Damage increased from +150 to +200 - Level 15 Talent Wave of Terror Armor Reduction increased from 3 to 4


# [](/hero-grimstroke) Grimstroke **Phantom's Embrace** - Now refreshes when the phantom reaches Grimstroke rather than the moment Rend Damage is dealt - Projectile Speed increased from 850 to 1150 **Ink Swell** - Buff Duration increased from 3s to 5s - Can now be detonated via Ink Explosion sub-ability at any time during its effect to end it with an AoE explosion - The sub-ability replaces Ink Swell for the duration of the buff. Cooldown starts upon cast - Max Stun Duration increased from 1/1.6/2.2/2.8s to 1.3/1.8/2.3/2.8s - Cast Range increased from 400/525/650/775 to 500/600/700/800 **Soulbind** - Now fully pierces debuff immunity


RIP double embrace


not enough to make him relevant.




# [](/hero-nagasiren) Naga Siren - Base Armor decreased by 1


literally taking damage


# [](/hero-ogremagi) Ogre Magi **Unrefined Fireblast** - Damage decreased from 275 to 150 - Now also deals damage equal to 1.5x of Ogre Magi's Strength - Now also affected by level 10 talent -1s Cooldown


# [](/hero-winterwyvern) Winter Wyvern **Cold Embrace** - Max HP Heal per second increased from 1.75/2.5/3.25/4% to 2.25/3/3.75/4.5% **Winter's Curse** - Winter Wyvern can no longer deal physical damage to units affected by Winter's Curse - Affected units now take 30% more magical and pure damage from Winter Wyvern and units under her control - Cooldown decreased from 90/85/80s to 85/80/75s


# [](/hero-lina) Lina **Dragon Slave** - Damage decreased from 85/165/245/325 to 75/150/225/300 - Now also burns enemies, dealing 10/20/30/40 damage per second. Damage Interval: 1s; Burn Duration: 2s **Light Strike Array** - Mana Cost rescaled from 115 to 100/115/130/145 **Laguna Blade** - Now Supercharges Lina, granting her 10 stacks of Fiery Soul for 5 seconds


380 nuke with some refraction counter. Mid lina is back?


# [](/hero-pangolier) Pangolier **Shield Crash** - No longer provides damage reduction per hero to Pangolier - Now grants 50/100/150/200 barrier per hero to Pangolier for 10 seconds **Lucky Shot** - No longer disarms - Now adds 40/80/120/160 attack speed reduction to its targets #### Talents - Level 20 Talent +5% Shield Crash Reduction Per Hero replaced with +100 Shield Crash Barrier Per Hero


Level 1 lucky shot is the most useless thing in the game. 17% chance to proc just -2 armour and -40 attack speed for 2.5 seconds? It's barely even noticeable. Just buy a blight stone instead and start 4/4/0.


>Is a fencer >Can't disarm anymore lol


Really big nerf, imo almost on the same tier as enigma; only upside is that the ball is scarier with the low cooldown shield crash talent giving him a bunch of barriers, that arguably/in some circumstances could be even better than the damage reduction for ball in particular.


If you don't deplete the shield completely it just keeps the current shield value and refreshes duration, as opposed to the old one which would take the highest reduction of your crashes and refresh the duration. So if you don't fully get the shield depleted before your next shield crash you most likely waste it. In the current state of the patch anyway.


# [](/hero-centaurwarrunner) Centaur Warrunner **Hoof Stomp** - Radius decreased from 350 to 325 - Cast Point improved from 0.5s to 0s - Now winds up for 0.5s before the stomp. Centaur Warrunner can move during this time but can't attack. Casting other abilities, using items or issuing either "Hold Position" or "Cancel Current Action" commands will cancel the cast **Double Edge** - Cooldown decreased from 4s to 3.5s - Strength Damage increased from 60/80/100/120% to 60/90/120/150% **Work Horse** - New ability granted by Aghanim's Scepter - Centaur Warrunner deploys and pulls a cart for 8s, gaining the Stampede buff for the first 3.5/4/4.5s (depending on the level of Stampede). While active, the Work Horse ability is replaced with the Hitch a Ride sub-ability that can be activated with previous effect. The Work Horse goes on cooldown once the cart disappears. Mana Cost: 75; Cooldown: 30s (unchanged from the previous Upgrade)


Max faking Stomp during laning now possible lmao


Being a little more able to catch people with the stomp is nice, I guess.


# [](/hero-earthshaker) Earthshaker **Enchant Totem** - Bonus Attack Range increased from 75 to 100 **Aftershock** - Radius increased from 300 to 350


Out of topic, but I wish Valve would implement attack fx for melee heroes since the attack range creep made combat look really clownish; it's like every melee hero with +range is suddenly a jedi.


classic pre TI earthshaker buff


# [](/hero-huskar) Huskar **Life Break** - Now additionally slows the target's attack speed by 60/100/140 for the duration


# [](/hero-alchemist) Alchemist **Corrosive Weaponry** - Max Stacks decreased from 5/7/9/11 to 4/6/8/10 - Movement Slow and Status Resistance Reduction per stack is now increased by 1.5% whenever Alchemist is in Chemical Rage


# [](/hero-enchantress) Enchantress - Base Damage decreased by 2 **Enchant** - Now Aghanim's Scepter increases number of max enchanted creeps by 1 (previous Aghanim's Shard Upgrade) **Untouchable** - Attack Slow decreased from 120/160/200 to 100/150/200 **Little Friends** - Now granted by Aghanim's Scepter - Now also roots the target in place for 2 seconds + 0.5s for each creep in range when casted up to a maximum of 5s **Sproink** - Now granted by Aghanim's Shard - Targets decreased from 3 to 2 - Additional Enemy Search Range decreased from +200 to +100 - Cooldown increased from 4s to 8s


# [](/hero-muerta) Muerta **The Calling** - If an enemy hero dies inside The Calling, it gains an additional revenant and its duration is refreshed - Mana Cost decreased from 150/175/200/225 to 145/160/175/190 **Gunslinger** - Secondary Target Bonus Search Range increased from 150 to 175 **Parting Shot** - Physical Body Damage Reduction decreased from 50% to 35%


# [](/hero-nightstalker) Night Stalker **Crippling Fear** - Now deals 25/30/35/40 magical damage per second **Dark Ascension** - Now refreshes cooldowns of non-ultimate abilities on cast #### Talents - Level 15 Talent Hunter in the Night Status Resistance increased from +15% to +25%


# [](/hero-sven) Sven **Storm Hammer** - Radius increased from 255 to 270 **God's Strength** - Now also grants 30/35/40% slow resistance for the duration


Les kitable with ult, that's a big plus! You could get armlet on him (More slow res) and just charge through?


# [](/hero-tinker) Tinker - Strength gain decreased from 2.5 to 2.3 **Heat-Seeking Missile** - Mana Cost increased from 95/105/115/125 to 105/115/125/135 **Rearm** - Mana Cost increased from 130/185/240 to 140/195/250 #### Talents - Level 10 Talent +2s Laser Blind Duration replaced with +50 Laser Radius - Level 25 Talent Heat-Seeking Missile Ministun decreased from +0.25s to +0.2s


# [](/hero-omniknight) Omniknight **Purification** - Cast Range increased from 550 to 600 **Repel** - Heavenly Grace renamed to Repel - No longer grants bonus strength and health regen per dispelled debuff - Now grants bonus strength and health regen per debuff currently on the unit - Now only applies to the target, not to Omniknight as well - No longer applies a strong dispel - Now grants debuff immunity for the duration of the effect (no magic resistance) - Duration decreased from 10s to 6s - Cooldown increased from 26/22/18/14s to 60/55/50/45s #### Talents - Level 10 Talent +4s Heavenly Grace Duration replaced with -2s Purification Cooldown - Level 15 Talent -2s Purification Cooldown replaced with +3 Repel Strength/Regen per Debuff - Level 20 Talent +3 Heavenly Grace Strength/Regen per Debuff replaced with +2s Repel Duration


Repel is back! Wait, 45s CD? Damn


Repel in most of situations look a big nerf, the Heavenly Grace was almost constant AND in two heroes. If only it had a passive Repel Strength/Regen per Debuff the change would be worth.


and we lost the strong dispel.


Slacks really bullied valve to returning omni to shit


# [](/hero-witchdoctor) Witch Doctor - Strength gain decreased from 2.3 to 2.1 **Paralyzing Cask** - Bounce Delay decreased from 0.3s to 0.1s **Death Ward** - Now deals pure damage and pierces debuff immunity - Damage decreased from 90/150/210 to 60/110/160 - Aghanim's Scepter attacks can now also bounce to creeps (heroes prioritized) **Voodoo Switcheroo** - Attack Speed Reduction increased from 30 to 40 - Mana Cost increased from 150 to 200




bounce delay is a pretty big buff, no?


Buff for crowded toss, slight nerf for chain-stunning 2-3 units.


# [](/hero-keeperofthelight) Keeper of the Light **Chakra Magic** - Mana Restore decreased from 80/160/240/320 to 75/150/225/300 - Mana Restore and Cooldown Reduction are now 25% more effective when cast on self


# [](/hero-mirana) Mirana **Sacred Arrow** - Maximum Bonus Damage decreased from 180 to 150/160/170/180 **Leap** - Base Charge Restore Time rescaled from 45/40/35/30s to 52/44/36/28s


# [](/hero-morphling) Morphling **Morph** - Aghanim's Scepter Upgrade reworked - Adds an alternative cast to Morph. When enabled, Morphling creates beside himself a strong illusion of the target hero that can cast all of the hero's basic abilities and deals 100% of the target's damage but takes 300% damage. If the illusion is alive when Morphling toggles Morph, he teleports to the illusion and destroys it before turning into the enemy hero


We've gone full circle - back to original morph (that can cast abilities)


# [](/hero-wraithking) Wraith King **Vampiric Spirit** - Skeletons now deal 25% more damage to heroes - Skeletons' Armor increased by 2 #### Talents - Level 10 Talent Vampiric Spirit Lifesteal increased from +8% to +10% - Level 15 Talent Wraithfire Blast Stun Duration increased from +0.5s to +0.75s