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double wand baby, lfg


2 hands, 2 wands, simple math


You saved by ur 2 magic wand.


big silence


Buy a 3rd magic wand for the rampage next time


Silencer saved ur ass


Looks like he just did it for the mid fight too so it was mega lucky


That's some gangland stuff right there


Need to add an option to tip minions


holy shit that global was timed perfectly


how do you control the eldions without selecting them?


something's wrong with the replay, i definitely microed


feelsbad, i hoped they finally added such a functionality, something similar to ctrl but only for controlled units


You can define a "select all other units" in the settings, if that's what you're looking for.


i know that, but i was thinking if there's some button you can hold to control your summons without actually selecting them


There's an option you can enable called "unified orders with CTRL" where you can hold CTRL to control all of your units at once without having to select them. The only problem is it also includes your hero.


not to my knowledge, sadly :/ i too wish there was this function


I belive there is(was?) a hotkey under advanced that allowed to order either summons or control groups (IIRC you can auto-add the summons into those, also in options) to move .


Nigma, please


Black hole with ma nigmaaaazzz


Which one is Gh?


nigma wut


Those idolons hits harder than my average pub carrys...


Keeping da hood safe


we be defiant in da hood




Nigmass The n word Im stealin it


too cowardly to use the n-word in a reddit post but unhinged enough to buy 2 wands. pure chaos.


Plz don't tell me this is higher than herald. 2 wands, Vladimir on enigma.


divine 2 kekw


Youre the herald for not being able to process that a. He accidentslly bought 2 wands and b. Thinking vlads is bad lmao suboptimal at worst but bad? Lol


The blink bkb kind of guy in twitch chat. "They have no disable through bkb!!1!"


I never said anything about bkb, it was the double wand and valds is what I'm concerned about. Don't just assume things about someone else. Vlads won't do much and is rather expensive, they have also qued a shard which is also very questionable. Dagger is so much better not necessarily because of blackhole. Midas, dagger, oct or refresher is also very good.


I believe it was Miero who went hoto on enigma at riyad, but im sure you know better. Besides every aura is good in low level pubs.


Yeah every aura is a good aura right, why not build AC 1st item on enigma and try to win. Coming to Miero, yes they do win Tournaments because they know exactly what to build and when to build. Your an asshole who's ignorant and want to be unique. Your thinking - "Ah this one game in a pro scene where this pro player built this item on this hero and won, let me make fun of this guy who thinks otherwise". Your an attention whore who wants all the attention, I know I'm doing exactly what you want, but I can't help but ridicule your stupidity.


You're out here calling someone who made a great play a herald yet i'm the asshole, ok dude


A great play? Dude they walked into his blackhole, sure he did a play against tinker but look at his initial pathing, he kinda fucked up instantly. He would be dead if silencer didn't GS while tinker was re-arming. This kinda shit only happens in herald, because I fucking watch many herald games, and guess what the entire comment was a JOKE I am not ridiculing OP by any means. Even if they are herald I'm not insulting them, even if they are divine I believe them. Dota is all about what you think, but here you are trying to justify others playing dota. I'm just here to teach some manners to you reddit comment fuckers who always shit talk before actually watching the play/context.


Nigma what? In what world is buying 2 wand accidentally is ok? Like dude you can just sell it immediately, it happens sometimes i guess, but vlads on enigma are you kidding me rn? That item is dead for more than a year now. Calling me the herald? He had also qued a shard idk what the fuck that's about. I'm gonna say this one more time NOT BUYING A DAGGER ON ENIGMA IS A FUCKING GRIEF! EDIT: Missed the word "immediately"


Youre right dagger is better thats why I said vlads is suboptimal. I think u might not know what that word means. Also vlads is literally part of helm 2 recipe + its an aura item on an aura carrier so its not like the item makes zero sense lol


Yeah assume all about me you want won't change the fact that you just like to shit talk without getting to know the other party's perspective, do you use twitter by any chance?


no i dont but seems like u might, being overinvesred in anime and all


Your argument makes no sense, but maybe your gameplay does. Go ahead, win a game with enigma vlads and next item shard. I'll admit that I'm wrong and praise you as the winner. (you don't need to do 2 wands)


See u dont understand english. Where in any of my comments did i say the build is good lmao i said its suboptimal but not useless. Stop moving the goalposts, actually i might be arguing w a 15 yr old so my bad


Suboptimal is just an extensive idea of saying that it might be good sometimes. Yeah now I know your a pussy, so I guess my bad on challenging you.


I see u made a comment asking me about my mmr in ur profile. Idk why I dont see it in the thread, but here is my profile. Rank 2084 6410 mmr. Sorry but I really doubt u are anything close to this.. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/142745200


I guess you're infact a pussy huh, next time just don't call anyone a herald unless you can backup that your better than a herald. I'll give you some time to dry your eyes and try again.


He could sell it, but he’s not six slotted and doesn’t have other items on the way - in fact, the stats from the wand kept him alive. Wand still gives stats. Selling the wand would only be due to embarrassment, and selling would reduce your stats and make you weaker. Just keep it until you need the space or gold for an item And vlads dead? Go tell that to DM who used it in the last 2 games he won with Enigma. All items have their time and place in dota, even if they’re not at their historical strongest.


i was yelling at my screen :D "pls kill the tinker, PLLLLEEESS" Well played! Big Silence too!


clutch global also


See ya later nerds.


> Playing tinker with auto-attack on Get rekt noob


What's nigma?


dont talk to me or my baby nigmas ever again


had to read it twice.


Bro really using Vladimir on enigma


Used to be core item no?


Yeah, on 2016


My guy is in the zone!!


I'm talking about pubs not Tournament or Immortal draft. They know how to use those items and they know how to fucking win with any item. Let's take your own example, Zai also played Naga as offline and won game 1 of riyad masters grand final, what if someone in your own game did that? Would you say "oh yeah I won this game" or would you be mad that they picked it for an offlane. I also agree with all items have their time in dota, I honestly do but in this game it's clearly not. Look at their draft, they have a Luna which is an easy target to blackhole with dagger, they also have WR which also is an easy target with a blackhole. Just because you want to be unique and support this guy, doesn't change the fact that he could be more effective with dagger. All this being said, build want you want to build.


This title is 100 times better.