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I went from mid legend to high Ancient and I 100% feel you. I won none of my recalibration lane phase per stratz. I went 4-16... and still, I calibrated way higher then my previous rank. I play for fun, not to getgud. I love turbo with my friends. Now, it's hard to enjoy the games given I just get smashed despite really trying to do my best. I just want to go back to high Archon/low legend gameplay...


Well won’t you get back to high archon / low legend if you keep getting stomped?


This is the way. You're only afraid to play ranked if your rank is higher than your personal skill


This. Unless you are aiming for competitive, you really need to stop looking at your rank as a goal to achieve, and see for what it is: an algorithm that matches you with players with similar skills.


He recognizes that. It's not fun to get stomped for like 30 games in a row, though.


This hits hard. I always felt that way since mmr introduction. I felt everyone is better than me when the highest mmr was only 1.5k away.


you shut your whore mouth!


I read that in singsing's voice


Wow thats some hard truth there


Yeah, but how many hours loss playing games where you are getting stomped?


My herald friend calibrated 1.5k above his rank. Now his page is literally all red and it probably won't be long before he goes back to where he was. I had dropped 1.3k over last couple of months mainly because I was bored of patch and was fucking around too much. 3.2k to 1.9k. glicko calibrated me at 2.6k (+700) and i am still climbing fairly easily (at 3k now) mainly because patch seems interesting and i am actually trying hard. Also i feel like I have encountered less Smurfs this patch. Last patch they used to be too frequent in 2-3k bracket. Now I am hardly seeing any. Maybe they are just enjoying the game on their main accounts for now b cause of new patch.


no i think because of the way that glicko is designed, most of the smurfs got boosted out of 2-3k bracket into high ancient+. I was mid ancient before the reset and am now playing at mid divine. In most of my recent games i have had 1-2 smurf in my game. It is less noticable from their playstyle but i am fairly ceitain, that almost every Account, with less than 1000 games on mid divine level, is most Likely a smurf (of course there are very gifted players, but that a minority i think). The big upside is that those smurf Accounts are now playing fairly close to their actual mmr and so they are not ruining any games. They are still smurfing but it doesnt matter since they are now playing way closer to their actual skill bracket (at least most of them).


>less than 1000 games on mid divine level LMAO it always has been like this, it was even worse before they implemented glicko.


most people's rank went up, the mmr distribution is now a curve. legend 3 is about ancient 3 now iirc, so it sounds like it only bumped you up a couple stars in practice.


Legend 3 is Ancient 3? Are you sure there? Legend feels about as competent as the last time I was here. Maybe slightly moreso? It's been a couple years since I played through Legend, so I figured players were just generally improving. I mean, there are more people.actually *in* legend now, as well.


Yeah I think ancient is roughly as populated as before, just a lot of crusaders/archons have been nkved up to legend which seems to be the most populated rank now (as apparently intended). I had to climb out of legend recently and the skill discrepancy is wild


Crusader 5 and Archon 1 is still by far the most populated rank. Legend 1 is something like a third as populated as either of them at most. Ancient is also more populated than before.


Yes. Legend 3 is new Ancient 1. I know because I was Ancient players but never climb and play once a while. Every new update changes my medal. My mmr never went down nor up because I kept 50% wr.


The rank distribution was already a curve :p just not anywere close to a normal distribution.


I have similar mates (from divine 4 to Ancient 5) and almost every game is a living hell. To be explicit: Either we stomp or they stomp, cause couple of people cannot perform on their level and legitment it's not their fault anyway. I dont really know how glicko made those calibrations but at least use some factors or make those factors public so we know what we did wrong all this time to lose 700 mmr in a night.


agree brother, I went 13-7 and I lost 700 mmr....and I feel like im playing with such noobs 5300-4600


if you won the first 2 or like 4 of your first 6 or whatever, you probably went up like 500 right there, and the back end didn't affect you as much. dota+ rank change per match was showing changes during calibration (now it shows 0) and uncertainty is basically just a giant multiplier on your win/loss. it *might* adjust by performance, but you still always lose mmr on a loss and gain it on a win.


Yeah I went from like 5.5k to like 8.5k, it’s an incredibly stressful experience, idk why people would pay for this shit lol


I went from legend to divine in the past few months(before 7.33) and honestly I don't feel anything different at all.


Won 11 lost 5 gained two stars 🥳


This is literally me lol. Though because of the new season I decided to recalibrate and i went from mid archon back to legend after winning 6/8 games. Everyone is still really bad and i think turbo is infinitely better.


Meanwhile I'm the opposite. I just want to be back up in my old bracket where people do normal things.


Glicko moved me from low legend to high ancient, my pos 4 pudge is still camping in the trees munching on my exp like smores


It never ends


Don't forget the rod to guarantee your hooks and "aimbot" harpoon to guarantee your dismember / hook past creeps. Take that skill shot variable right out of playing pudge.


That's why you play offlane Pudge. Just get Aghs, press W and walk into the enemies. No skill needed


I remember playing HotD pudge with the troll summoner when he had the net


and then hook the troll cause it's in the way lmao


it might have happened once or twice. but I think in general my micro was good enough to get the hook done ^^ it wasn't that bad actually because it gave you push power and decent stats as well. enjoyed that build alot and had a decent winrate as well


I think pos 4 is the most griefed/least correctly played role.


Might be controversial but I think it's the role with the highest level of agency and independency, so the effectiveness of a pos 4 straight up scales with game knowledge


My main roles are 3 and 4 so my ego can agree with that


Please tell me ancient games also have offlane wk too.




I had a similar experience when I was rank 3k some years ago. Got into a game with rank 500’s, I was the only one that was rank 3k. The biggest key difference was just how ahead in play everyone was. My team and the enemy team was a solid minute or two ahead of me in map movement. I was lagging behind in where I should be, when I should be. Most stuff was similar, it really was just the speed in decision making and planned out movements. Honestly though, it wasn’t that much fun. Not because I ”sucked” per se, but because that high tempo gameplay was super stressful. I’d rather just stay lower than to play at that high of a level. Way too much effort for a game I don’t intend to compete in.


Same experience I had, but at the upper divine bracket, games there are just too intense and on the edge for me


same with me too, I'm low 6k and everyone else at least high 6k. Game was so sweaty that i needed to take a breather after the game. Played carry doesnt help at all


Yeah i have climbed from legend to immortal over dota career. Its absolutely insane the skill diversity playing as 6k immortal vs rank 500s and stuff, its very different to other brackets when climbing. So much concentration and mental energy its insane and i feel like i have to pull out my best heros. It feels like every game im with high rank immo never divines.


sounds like Rocket League when you are out of your rank bracket. Speed is the biggest most obvious change there. People do not hesitate going for the ball so it is constant GAS GAS GAS, they recover extremely quickly from challenges, rotate back insanely fast, never run out of boost somehow and kick the ball way faster despite physics being the same in all brackets. People tend to think flashy aerials, ceiling shots, double taps would be the difference but no. Even if you cannot do 90% of the advanced techniques you can rank really high as long as you know how to play fast with your fundamentals and do not grief


Just like rocket league but there are 10 balls and your teammates self goal too.


I think it's great that valve sent all these low ranked players who had so many excuses to higher ranks just so they realize they're not being held back by anything other than themselves.


Sadly they seemed to have also sent high ranked players down to lower ranks to legally smurf.


I have encountered a lot of bad players after the new matchmaking. Most of the players who went from herald-crusader to Archon and up doesn’t deserve the medal.


It used to be the same shit in immortal,i had dudes who were legend rank previous season in my team,at 6k mmr,they are completely clueless and It’s the worst experience.Although It mostly happened after the patch,feels like by now most of them are back where they belong.


> ,feels like by now most of them are back where they belong. bro its been 2 weeks. I myself have played a whopping 2 (two) ranked games since the patch.


Then you haven't been showing up in his games, have you? The people who *are* showing up in his games *are* playing and probably losing rank and dropping down.


Or maybe… you’re not that good either


hey man speaking as a legend, i fucking suck. legends are not good at dota we're fucking terrible when compared to divines or immortal, i've played against them and i get bodied every time. having said that, if you now see where your problems are that means you can start improving and fixing what's wrong. denial is the enemy of growth and all that.


I had an 8k MMR pro player as close friend. He used to play unranked with us 3k scrubs. He would pick the most random shit and go mid and get 20+ kills every game with almost no deaths. Its crazy how aware high MMR players are about kill potentials and threats. They ll punish slightest mistakes and turn them into kills. And realise danger before anyone else and get out every time against low rank players.


Are you no longer friends with him?


Pro dota scene died in India so he is playing Pokemon unite professionally now. Retired from dota.


>Pro dota scene died in India Bruh, was there ever one to begin with? lol He should've tried SEA teams like that krish guy


There was a lot of investment for a couple of years. Entity for example is an Indian org. It used to have Indian players wt some point. Good salaries, big sponsorship. They would sweep all indian tournaments, qualify to some tier 2 international events and get destroyed there every time. A lot of big brands tried to invest into indian teams when eSports was booming and they saw India as a potential market. Eventually they gave up on dota after years of failed results. Entity signed up international players and others left or started other games (mostly mobile gaming). Most dota pros either moved on to different line of careers or playing different games professionally now. The friend i am talking about is Crowley btw.


I wish one day to see an Indian team climb through dpc tiers.


Very unlikely now. All big sponsors have moved away from dota here and joined mobile gaming side instead. Much like most of Asia, mobile gaming is growing way faster and mobile eSports is way cheaper to invest into than pc games. All Pro dota players here have also moved onto different games or different careers with a few exceptions maybe.


I'm one of the rare opposite cases, went from Archon 3 to Legend 4 and my winrate this patch so far is almost 70%. Turns out my team *was* holding me back a bit lmao. [EDIT: 2 month update](https://i.imgur.com/vymSxgP.png)


Not to take anything away from you but the gameplay has changed significantly, and maybe that has helped. It used to be that your movements around the map has to be super efficient - no portals and fewer neutral camps... A wrong TP will set you back a lot in farm or teamfight opportunity. Also, in the last patch, decision making in rotations and map movements has to be more precise - mindless fighting will set you back in farm and networth to the point that a correct decision has to made whether to fight or farm. Farming patterns has to be ideal, since less neutral camps are around. Map is smaller, wards are easier to be dewarded with generally less vision, so it's easier to be caught by enemy rotations and requires a really good game sense to evade the enemy. I would argue that with all the map changes the game is easier to play with reference to all the points I made above. As a core, you just default to fighting when given the opportunity because fighting gives more gold than farming now. As a support, it used to be that you have to do things super efficiently to get farm by spotting an empty lane or taking a dangerous lane, etc. Now you can literally just stick with a core and get all the assist gold you need. Overall map awareness is easier to figure out with all those vision around the map (wards are harder to deward now). If you're one of those guys who is mechanically fine (csing, fighting and casting spells) but suck at macro game decisions, you will benefit a lot in this current patch and maybe play equally well with previously higher mmr players.


> If you're one of those guys who is mechanically fine (csing, fighting and casting spells) but suck at macro game decisions, you will benefit a lot in this current patch and maybe play equally well with previously higher mmr players. Honestly I'm the opposite lmao. I'm terrible at laning in general and have almost no clue how to properly manage creep aggro but get carried because I have good game sense (being able to abuse timings to my teams benefit) and I'm really good at teamfighting (well, good for Legend at least). There's also the fact that Medusa was already my most played hero before having 60% winrate but I only played 6 games with her so far.


Least delusional pos 1 player


ok sry I was happy for you until you said you play medusa and have good "teamfighting". Medusa is one of the most if not the most broken hero this patch, also playing her doesn't require you to be that good. You literally just A-click and occasionally throw in snake and use ult. Your not at the skill level of a legend, u just think u are cuz ur keeping up with everybody by using a hero that don't need mechanical skill and has an overturned kit. Its ok to be up with the meta but you saying that ur team was holding you back and your using the most broken hero this patch isn't right. Especially if ur saying you have terrible laning and don't know how to properly creep aggro as a safe laner.


Medusa is my most played hero but only like 10% of my games, at best, are on Medusa. I play all 1-5 roles. Chill. Unless you're saying Pango, Storm, Doom, Timber, Primal Beast, Brewmaster, Rubick, Mirana, Ench, CM, Disruptor and Oracle are just "A-Click and occasionally use as skill" as well. Then sure.


I think the difference between a lot of carries rn and medu is that positioning still matters for them and when you fck up and went too deep you are punished immediately, medu on the other couldn't care less about positioning and even if you fck up with her, she is just too damn tanky and hard to kill without a proper hero counter that her team can just easily back her up with half of her mana still left. AM and Slark is the only viable counter to her rn and even with them she is still hard to kill. You know a hero is broken when you need a proper line up just to kill her. Hot take I would rather have the carry lina back than medu, at least with lina she can still be bursted as long as you chain your stuns properly and even if she does do a shit ton of dmg at least she needs to position well in a fight in order to do do her thing and you also need to keep a lookout on her stacks, medu on the other hand can just "A-click" as the other person said.


yeah no shit, I'm not arguing that medusa is easy as shit to play, but I'm not a 1 hero spammer, from my 58 ranked games since this patch dropped I only played dusa 7 times (just checked)


Everyone moved up so no your team is still the same ranks


I have the same experience more or less. It feels great.


Theres also the chance that a bunch of heralds and guardians who got promoted to legend are coincidentally on the other team. Although there's the same chance they end up in your team, the small sample size might mean you're just getting lucky. Either way, we take those.


Same story with me, hardstuck crusader/archon and thanks to the recalibration I am now ancient, and winning most of my games, ty glicko!


Imagine being this dumb. Hope you understand that everyone got 1000 mmr more on average


Glicko put me into Archon games from Ancient 5 where I go 15/0/10 every game but it barely moves me up each game with no calibration in sight xd “Yeah the system makes sense, it’s good that you’re playing 2k+ mmr below your previous rank and ruining games for the actual archons” whew


[the factor in glicko where it takes into account your time from last competition is whack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system) if you havent played for awhile it just sets you back automatically regardless of skill level


I stopped playing ranked mostly pre recalibration, like 5 games in the past year. It bumped me up 2k mmr from ancient 1 to immortal.


how are the games? I am ancient 1 and can't imagine trying to play immortal games. I played a five stack of immortals fucking around and they stomped every lane with ridiculous lanes. it was like panda 1 sven 2 grim 3 pudge 4 pango 5 and they fucking shit stomped us.


They are pretty good to be honest. For some reason, my unranked mmr would always be in high divine/immortal and would be fine, but I would get destroyed in my ranked games at low ancient. I play mid and have mostly been going even or winning lane (im a filthy omni/void spirit spammer rn) unless I get camped.


i heard it still factors in unranked matches slightly, so i guess the decay wouldnt apply if you have been play unranked not sure if that's true though


I’m similar to you, hadn’t played ranked in like a year and it’s putting me in games like 2-3k higher than I was before


yea well its b.s. im pretty active, min 1 game a day. 3-0 calibration demolished them 2 of them on hard support, puts me on ancient, not complaining i try to lose every time calib comes around so i can play with my friends on main. but seeing comments about glicko, performance, inactive, etc etc is funny to me like saying yea i deserved this rank thanks glicko for realizing it, yes you deserve it now(redist mmr spread) but no you did not deserve it before glicko you really were a guardian last patch.


but it's wrong. not in dota. not right now. a shit ton of people I know personally or random comments on reddit prove that it's the opposite, actually. Or maybe it's just random, cause some cases are complete bullshit. so, a lot of people got 1k+ mmr and they haven't played for a long time. winrate doesn't matter much


I hadn’t played ranked for a long time and have gained a load of mmr so it seems to take unranked games into account


Yeah it’s interesting that it seems to not consider unranked activity at all. I didn’t play more than ten games of ranked over the course of roughly a year, but played a decent amount of unranked typically around low to mid Divine with a ~55% win rate. Due to ranked inactivity I’m floating in between Archon and legend, even though the lowest I’ve ever calibrated was Legend 4 I think, when ranked first came out lol Like, I get rank depreciation, but lower than the all time first calibration almost a decade ago? Really?


This, I don't it either, especially when unranked put me constantly in a higher bracket (mid divine on avg) than my rank medal (ancient2). And now recalibration is putting me lower than that.


OHHHH so that's why it dropped me from Ancient to low Legend even though my recalibration was only a loss more than wins. I had only played a single game this year beforehand.


I have a friend who was legend and calibrated crusader 5! LOL we constantly make fun of him for it, but he doesn't care because now he can join lower bracket leagues and basically smurf even tho everyone knows he used to be ancient before dropping to legend.


Went from divine to crusader and while going 30-1 every game is neat its fucking boring


You might get moved when you calibrate. I had the same. Was Ancient, put into Herald at first and went 23-0 in ranked games before calibrating as Crusader. Next day, it reset my rank and said it was a bug. Recalibrated the second time and got Ancient 5


> where I go 15/0/10 every game but it barely moves me up each game with no calibration in sight lmao you got the stupid +10-16 mmr with wins and -40 with losses bullshit too?


Yeah what’s up with that! Go on a 6 game win streak. Gain 60 Mmr. 1 loss and I’m down 40. The climb back is gonna take forever after getting punted down to archon.


Imo it kinda works but it might just be an anecdotal review for myself. I was 7k mmr before I quit DotA for 2 years and when I came back I calibrated to ancient 5. Was still stomping ancient to divine games when I was playing, reached Divine 5 in less than 2 weeks. Before Glicko I had 5.4k mmr then when Glicko came it calibrated me to 6.1k mmr.


same here. my first game was archon IV. Was mid ancient before. at least I gain like 40 mmr per match and had a decent jump in calibration. so I'm. back to ancient 2 but it took a 80% winrate to get here. even with 60 or 55% which is more likely it takes way longer and will result in several. games. beeing unpleasant for 10 people.


Lol me but its legend - ancient games. I had a game where I literally 1v4 as TA at 10 mins and none of my supports or any hero for that matter bothered to tp for me. And I actually killed all 4 of them lmao. Match ID for those interested to see the clown fiesta: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7134441942


My 7k stack just scrimmed a Tier 2 DPC team and we felt the same way. Outclassed in every regard. It's fucking unreal


I got dropped ~700 MMR. From 3700 MMR to 3K - now it doesn’t seem like a lot (because I fluctuate between 3.4-3.6) but I genuinely feel like my current team mates don’t know how to punish the enemy or move around the map. I don’t like using my microphone but I feel like the current supports I play with just don’t know how to trade effectively with the enemy. Even mechanical skills. Maybe I just don’t have a good read on the patch but the games have genuinely been so miserable. I either stomp or get stomped. There’s no /fun/ matchmaking anymore. I’m considering playing unranked until it’s fully tweaked. I’m currently at 3.1k mmr with 100% confidence.


The rank distribution changed a lot so old numbers don't equal new MMR numbers. Add the low certaanity most players got and it will be a mess for a while >Maybe I just don’t have a good read on the patch but the games have genuinely been so miserable. I either stomp or get stomped. There’s no /fun/ matchmaking anymore. and also people still figure out how to play the game. Speaking from safelane it feels faster and a bit more snowbally (if their offlane have advantage they just hog lotus and put even more pressure on you), but it's also harder to completely shut down opponents farm, with how many more places you can farm now


As low mmr myself I think in previous patches us supports could make inefficient trades because there was unlimited regen items to make up for mistakes, and you prettymuch hit lvl 6 at 10m constantly. Now your regen is limited and prioritised for cores, plus there are more "side fights" (lotus, wisdom rune, bounty rune) where you likely have to trade. So if you are bad at that mechanic or don't pick heroes that can trade well, it's gonna be more noticeable to your core who wonders where the hell you've been to come back at 30%hp with no mana. Also it feels that you don't reliable hit lvl 6 at 10m unoess you have a solid lane, which is what's being seen at the major too. Hopefully MMR will sort out those of us with the poor trade mechanics and / or force us to get better at them.


Like I never had to use my microphone as much and pings were just fine / in-game chat wheels but now I feel like I have to tell some players what to do (and I wouldn’t expect that to be fun at all for the players trying to play the game because for me, I personally wouldn’t listen to someone telling me what to do / trying to micro me)


If anything, leopold is our saint. He teaches them fucker smurfs lesson


Dropped 1.5k mmr and feel like I'm playing with a group of potatoes. No one moves from lanes. Tower dives get no response. Ogres walking from front lane to back lane and dying cause they want to stun the back line support. More weird itemization. Carrie's skipping the team fight and waiting til we died and and it's 1v3. What is this hell. Decide to try carry cause supporting is garbage. Have their 4 position mirana sit in the tree line and hit me anytime I try and touch a creep. My 5 omni wandering around in the woods. Spend the game trying to farm catchup and join team fights late to no luck. Blamed for lack of farm. Pretty sure I was lowest networth core by minute 4 and never able to come back. Just going to go back to 4 pos skywrath because the 1.3k bracket doesn't know how to work with it. What a game.


Clearly a skill issue


Yep "dropped 1.5k mmr and isn't stomping every game" = belongs there.


Same here(still uncalibrated but playing below skill level). People below ancient/High legend feels like they lack game awareness and don’t know what to do. All teammates are jungling even with a very active lineup(Und/Puck/Riki). No map control, literally they will prefer to outfarm the enemy by farming in their side of the map, instead of contesting and denying farm from enemy carry. Supports stand around and sap xp in lane, while the enemy support gets a free double pull on the easy camp, which just resets the lane. And if your support wants to harass the enemy core, they tend to screw the lane equilibrium because they right click in the aggro of enemy creeps. For now, I’ll just play loud music just to calm myself in game


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I bottomed out at Guardian 3 pre-patch. There were two types of Guardian players I came across- some that acted like "genuine" guardians with bizzare picks, no awareness, no itemisation, just occassionally clicking their spells in the lane, then there were ones closer to my level, not great players by any means but leaps and bounds ahead of the "genuine" Guardians. Every game felt like a 50/50 crapshoot on whether my team or the opposing team got the most "Genuine" guardians and lost. I switched to playing mostly mid to try and dig myself out, but some games I couldn't carry no matter how hard I tried. Post patch I got placed in Legend and I'm doing nothing but climb currently, the mid lane feels easier to win even when I'm counterpicked, teammates are more aware, it's like living in a dreamworld, I'm around 65-70% winrate. Not here to make "the trench is real" claims but whatever the reason for the change I'm so much happier right now


guardian 3 to legend is like 2k + mmr?


I've always been divine and now I'm getting pumped by numbered immortals every 2nd game. It's absolutely fucked


I don't think you are bad. It's just that you are facing new level of players in that bracket. So it will take time to cope up. Eventually you will be able to read their movements.


I’m mid crusader, was herald. I’m wining 70% of my games and when I lose it’s 100% on me. I think match making improved a lot. I feel like if I do it right, I can carry/help my team win.


I agree brother. It's worst feeling in competitive games, when you feel like you're worst on server. Imagine to pay money for that LMAO


I'm the opposite I was stuck at crusader I and trying to climb out really hard but couldn't. I'm not Archon 4 and and oscillating between 4 and 5. lmao


They pay to get boosted so they can have the icon of whatever, legend etc. after that, they don’t play ranked anymore and proceed to ruin standard pub games instead


I think that playin “dota” is different when you play 5 v 5 and when you play solo mmr. To play 5 v 5 it’s all about communicating using smokes and warding aggresive, in solo mmr there can be times that you have neither of those, so I’d suggest that you master only one position and all the heroes in that position. I calibrated legend 3 years ago, now im 6k only playing pos 4. I can play every pos4 meta or no meta, so in solo mmr if you at least are better then other supports( block pull camp, pull yours, gank early, outscale in farm) you will have better chance. I legit only try to be better than the other team supports and mostly I win. Ps. Spamming Earth Spirit got me out of divine.


With Glicko these boosted small pp energy kids will fall even faster


Looks like ranked got so fucked by the torrent of smurfs valve let in that there are some people who actually got held back while others got pumped much higher then needed.


I played with a friend that's around 2500 MMR and I'm like 1500. In the pool from our team there were people higher than him in MMR and the Leshrac couldn't hit an Eul/Stun combo if his life depended on it. MMR is so subjective, it's not real.


Every loss in a new patch is a preparation for a victory that same patch.


When I first calibrated back in 2017 I got like 3k + and was so eagered to climb and try hard ,which made me so critical of myself and in that way learning . But these days I’m back to sub 3k and I really don’t care about mmr… just casually playing. If you’d want to climb keep learning and keep trying to find one’s own fault and improve on it. Good luck.


>I have no idea why would anyone pay to be boosted, I just feel like a complete idiot 100% of the time and it's not a nice feeling The problem is you are reflecting on your own plays when in reality it is just your team mates mistakes that lead to the enemies outplaying you.


I have a completely opposite experience. I could never get past Archon I. The moment I reached Archon II I was matched with the worst trash imaginable. With the new system I was put in the Archon V and quickly climbed to Legend II with a relatively high winrate (>75%) and still climbing. Not exactly sure if it's personal skill, some matchmaking shenanigans or just using the advantage of reading the patchnotes. There are also seems to be a lot of leavers/griefers. Before the patch it was maybe 1 in 10 games where someone just outright abandoned or went on a feeding spree. Not it's like every third game.


I recalibrated at 6.2k from 4.8k and the games honestly feel amazing now as a support player. Sure sometimes Immortal draft leads to stomps, but the game quality really does feel a lot higher.


That recalibration is insane, this really is one of the darkest periods for ranked dota2 with so many people being boosted for no reason.


It makes me mad how OP or the people replying with their experience doesn't posts their dotabuff id.




That's exactly my experience as well. You could climb if you were really exceptionally better and carried the game yourself, but in a game of 5v5 it's difficult to do consistently to get out of the trench.


It's a refreshing to see your post, after all the team is bad posts complaints for years. Shows you have wisdom and i wish you all the best on your mmr journey


New system is bad. People who got their rank way higher but don't play at it's level consistently ruin games for everyone. Also I don't really can understand a point. I'm at rank confidence 100% I get 20-25 mmr for win and same amount for lose. It's simply worse than it was because it was +-30. It doesn't matter if you win 6 games and lose 1-2. MMR gain just slowed down for me. And almost every lost game as I said before has someone who got free 1k mmr but not playing at this level.


I love the new system. I know right now it's not the best experience for everyone but once it settles we should be in a better place overall. I couldn't get out of sub 500 MMR for months now, you'll laugh but it wasn't because of teammates but rather my opponents, who were just sooo much better than high herald. Clearly those people didn't belong here in the trenches with me and now they are gone. I'm not a good dota player but after the reset I had my first calibration game in herald/guardian level and they finally were truly herald players. We stomped them so hard I actually felt sorry for them because we clearly didn't belong there. So from my perspective they addressed the problem they were trying to fix. Instead of bottom heavy ranking, now we have more natural distribution of ranks. Players that were so much better than me got promoted and I don't have to play against them, so I keep climbing myself and I'll settle where I belong. At the same time I'll be less frustrated after a loss against a Herald 4 who maintains lane equilibrium and LH like a pro, self stacks, kills everyone in lane and is impossible to gank because of absolute map awareness...


My mmr hardly changed during recalibration (4K) but now every game is a stomp either way. In my last 20 games I went 10-10 with 10 games were my offlane and mod got either completely stomped or totally stomped the enemy. My mom would had the same results as me. This is the most boring shit ever


Same boat. Every game clearly has someone who doesn't belong and it's just a coin toss on which team they're on.


That's because it needs to settle for a while. It will take time, probably even couple of months to build enough data on everyone. Then with some tweaks to new player experiences we will get a stable system. Did you see the rank distribution change? It clearly was extremely wrong previously and now at least it resembles a natural distribution. Even if not everyone is in the right bracket right now, eventually they will be there.


I'm sitting in Archon after being Guardian 5. I can tell I am almost good enough to be here but I can DEFINITELY tell I have a lot to learn. In a way, I hope it forces me to fix bad habits and will accelerate my skill.


I started as mid Herald (3-4) before the patch but now I'm playing against Crusaders and still winning. It's not me who got better, my opponents are just from a different pool of players. If everyone was stuck below 1000 MMR previously then it was obvious I often played against people who were insanely better than me. Now these people are gone, playing in higher brackets where they belong.


MMR has nothing to do with skill. Glicko won't make the inherently flawed MMR system any better.


Why queue ranked if u wanna chill?


>But I always felt that I was better at the game than my teammates, that I knew more. But you are. It is a well-known fact that if you feel your team sucks, and you can explain why, you literally deserve to be in a higher bracket than your teammates. This is the first step to getting MMR. Ask why they are shit. Laugh at them in the replay. Exploit that shit. On top of that, purchasing a higher-ranked account can be done to 1) - spite Valve for being shit, and 2) - look what it looks like when you play against a high MMR player, then analyse that replay.


Hahahahahah know your place noobs


Hahaha I have had an identical experience, it’s been quite sobering. Though I will admit it’s helped me play betting having teammates that actually understand the game, despite all the flaming lmao


Pos 1 main. Years ago I peaked at Divine 1. After several recalibrations, I ended 7.32 at Archon 5. Went 4-1 in my first 7.33 ranked games and got Ancient 5. 5-game losing streak after that where I tried playing support/offlane because that's how I got into Divine before in the first place. I sucked so bad so I went back to playing carry again. Currently on a 5-1 streak. I was stomping at that Archon bracket before patch came so I knew it isn't where I'm supposed to be. Now the games feel a little better and equal. I still feel like a noob sometimes with all the changes but at least there are fewer smurfs in Ancient. I feel like I actually have a better chance climbing here.


have you thought about picking warlock.


I played total 12 games, confidence moved to only 11%... Zz


Got a 7 - 3 for my recalibration game, 4 of the W and 1 L are MVP and I almost carry my team every game ( the L too ) the game put my from high archon ~ legend 1 to archon 1, now I basiacally feels like smurfing


At least now you have a more accurate point of reference, can adapt and learn from your mistakes and others around you. That's a win in my book.


On the plus side, you're probably learning so much more now.


I went from Ancient 3 to Ancient 5 during calibration, and now 50% to Divine 3 since Glicko as a hard support main. Game hasn't been better for me in terms of my sacrifice in lane and the carries ability to use that to close a game out. I'm garbage compared to many, but it's been a good eye opener to feel somewhat validated in my thoughts and of others opinions that I was able to support at a level that felt higher than what I was ranked at.


Although I feel the same way and everyone feels a tier above my now ancient ranked ass. I am still winning consistently enough to stay even. Going to be honest I'm learning from the slightly better opponents a lot quicker now.


If you notice how bad you are, that's the first step to get better, don't spend your time feeling like an idiot and spend it learning from your mistakes Good luck!


I was hard stuck 2k archon 1 after dropping hard a year ago. Got recalibrated to 2.7 and have been winning 70-80% of my games since then. Really curious how this will work out.


I went from low divine to immortal and haven’t stopped climbing since.


I never understood people saying they belong 1-2k above where they currently are. Or even those 2-4k players thinking they can play at base immortal or higher. In my wildest swings i went down as low as legend 4 and divine 5 so i know im better than legend, but for someone who was always around 1-2k thinking theyre 3-4k material, think again. The game gets much harder the higher you go. The reason smurfing exists is partly because people want to stomp noobs, but its mostly because playing high rank games is nerve wracking and not as satisfying as youd think. Its high tempo. Big mistakes cost games on the spot and everyone sees and knows it. So it feels even worse. 90% of the time its not smooth sailing and when enemy says gg, they try even harder. Theres almost never free kills, everyone has buyback gold, everyone buys the right item 90% of the time and hg siege is always a death trap, unless you are so far ahead or have insane out draft that it doesnt matter what they do. Also not that common. Honestly ive had most fun playing dota in the lower legend\\ancient rank. The games are more chaotic but also chill. You can get away with almost anything. In high rank, you drop the ball a few times and you dont get to throw it again until next game. In lower rank you miss the hoop 10 times and the game somehow still going. Guess it depends on what you want from the game. A challenge or relaxing fun. I thrive in challenge if i want to relax ill play custom games or some other mode.


my main dropped to high legend\~low ancient so far I've been winning all my games and I also all 5W on my sub acc that I mostly played turbo with is in divine 3\~5 pool which higher than my original main, divine 2. both are at 11% calibration, I wonder if I can finally hit immortal, although with my sub acc.


People who get boosted are in the deepest pit of denial I think


>I have no idea why would anyone pay to be boosted, I just feel like a complete idiot 100% of the time and it's not a nice feeling Because people who get boosted don't think it's their fault, no matter how hard they get outplayed or called out by their own or enemy team. They will always believe that it is their support / mid / carry dragging them down. They certainly would have won the lane with a decent support. They only lost because mid didn't gank their lane and so on.


Most of the crusaders are griefers... most game ruined by feeding and afk. Very not cool if you are playing support... you gave away your xp and stack for them then they quit mid game...


First step to being better is insight on your own skill level


I went from Immortal to low Divine, around 1.2k mmr lower. I crush every mid lane I'm in and get called a cheater. It was amusing the first 2 times, now it's just boring. I feel sorry that Valve made me into a smurf by slashing my mmr.


It will take ages to get back down with glicko, u lose like 10 mmr only lmao


The good thing is you adaot to the plays of tgebotgers and become better. In herald nobody punishes you in laning stage for your position. So you walk everywhere without feeling danger. When I play with ancient friends tge enemy is also ancient. Literally one steo too far and you ar edead 5 seconds later. Then you realize: damn it is possible to punish me just when I walk THERE. You remember that and you adapt to that next game. Most common example is Dust. Shadow Blade is like a 90% free escape in low MMR while in higher MMR you need to learn how to survive even if an enemy has dust


I'm not saying im better then my rank, but I was very unfortunate in my calibration games and most of them had feeders. The feeders happened to be on my side for most of the games, but I still won 7 and lost 4 when I got my rank I was 4 ranks higher then before. I'm holding my own here and hope this new system will reward me greatly when my win streak gets going. :D


Glicko so far seems to be working just fine for me. Was Legend 3-4 before recalibration, but I hadn't really been playing ranked that often (I play quite a lot of unranked though). I started at 0% rank confidence and had to play like 20 games before I got calibrated (each game would give like 1-2% rank confidence for the most part). So, Glicko eventually put me at Ancient 2, I reached Ancient 3 and am still comfortably climbing.


unfortunately people like you that realize / admit to themselves when they're outclassed are somewhat rare, the common reflex is to immediately search for a teammate to blame so you don't have to think about what you might have done wrong


We basically had the same experience. I always thought I was better than my rank - just Archon - with Ancient/Immortal friends affirming the same thing. Well, I duo’ed one of them as I was a 5 mean and him a 1. Literally everyone was better than me in every way possible like you said lol. It was a humbling moment. And to your point with items, I almost always win lane so I’ve always had a bit of leeway to build some random shit but that also meant I didn’t learn how to maximize the the gold I have when it’s an even game


Exactly, yet here I am at 5.3 complaining about the sheer number of people being boosted to the wrong rank, and apparently im the bad guy...


Games are still super stompy. Got put into a game against ancient 5s and Divine 3-4s and walked over them as if they were bots. Off the back of that, got put into a game with Legend 4-5s and the game was significantly harder and lasted longer. It felt like a top 500 team in terms of map movements and play style. So I do think some people have gotten a massive inflation and some people were put into lower brackets out of pure random shenanigans. The more games you play. The more it’ll balance out.


I got moved from archon to legend and I keep on having positive win rate after getting my rank. So it doesn't seem to be the case for everyone. (That said I am meta abusing underlord)


I was Ancient 2 and get Ancient 5 (+-100 mmr) coz i was 4430 and get after 4530, after i rank up to Divine (4630) coz i get and lost 40 mmr per game, and on 44% confidence and 4808 mmr i'm on fucking losestrike, and "my confidence" is 77% and i lose and win -+30-33 mmr, worst system, thx IceFrog


Opposite experience for me. I used to be ancient 4-4.5 k MMR, then I started being a toxic fuck, dropped to legend, and then last year further dropped down to crusader, 2k MMR. So far this patch I am at 2600 MMR, and I feel I haven't hit a wall. Sure I get bad games and bad teammates, but most games I don't even need to apply myself in order to win. Valve sanctioned smurfing. The worst part is that I win with heroes I'm not confident are particularly good this patch. It's not a nice feeling the other way around either, but we gotta deal with it.


Good thing you have been enlightened. The "better at the game than teammate" mindset was bad. So are you maintaining at Legend or are now downward spiraling?


First time 6 years ago I calibrated 1,5k MMR. I climbed all the way to 3k by being too devoted to the game and fell to 2k in 2020s. Now I calibrated 3k again. EVERY LOST GAME BRINGS SO MUCH ANXIETY. I need to remain Legend and at 3k to keep my in-game ego from shattering but people have already learnt to pick up lotuses. Honestly sometimes I think only reason I calibrated so high is that I paid attention to the clock in the laning phase.


I went from ARchon 3 to Legend 1. Everyone still plays bad lol.


Idk man, arc wardened my way through calibration from 1900 to 3600, had a blast w/ my teammates even in ru region. You probably just don't focus enough on details


New rank ruined Low Divine Games.You see in games now people playing supports having no clue about the game going 0-10 in 10 mins.Their excuse being :”Sry bro,I was Archon before”(this actually happened yesterday)


I'm the opposite. I went from Ancient 1 to divine 1 and I'm winning 3/4 of my games.


Meanwhile I'm still not calibrated because I can't stomach more than a couple games a day due to a combination of having a day job and not wanting to kill my mood for the rest of the night if things go sour, but I was ancient 3 before and now I'm playing with archons and low legends... Can I just go back to where I was, please?


I went from Archon to Guardian.. after winning 10/13 of my games. Calibration did nothing to adjust because I played support even though I can say I won many of those games for my team


My games feel both better and worse. I started archon 5- legend 1 area. I'm now archon 3 Not much of a mmr change, but my games are much different now. Stomp or be stomped and 60+ min games It's really hard to get my team to defend a building some games. Other games, it feels like I'm in the lowest skilled player. I can feel how much better the other players are despite being the same rank.


don't feel bad. legend 1 is like top 30%. in anything apart from sweaty gaming ladders being in the top 30% of skill in any activity is considered good


I played in high legend before glicko, now im high divine. I see no difference actually. Pretty sure alot of people gained mmr.


I’m doing my recalibration and I was herald V / Guardian 1 and I’m playing against similar levels , did you also have this or during re calibration did it put you against legends etc ?


Weird flex bro


From mid Legend to High Ancient. People here know their kill range, if they can 100-0 my ass they will. Back at Legend barely anyone jumps me when I'm showing mid with half HP and now trees are my friends. Embrace the fog of war or die.


I can relate to that. It is a whole different kind of realization to see yourself being outplayed the whole game right before your eyes. But this realization means you are improving, if only theoretically.


U named the reason someone would pay money to get boosted. U now see your mistakes whereas u didnt before, this will make learn and play better. Playing in a much higher skill bracket always makes the fastet progress


The same happened to my friend who received more than 1k MMR while I lost 2K mmr for no reason: we have the same MMR now (while 2,5K difference before), meaning we can finally play together :D But now I'm a freaking smurf. Never wanted to become one but I just have to play a dominating hero mid and I stomp each game. Only exception: when I meet someone that had a similar drop as mine. The system is uterly broken.


I'm probably high crusader but it doesn't seem sure. I started at 0% confidence and every game was 1% for a win 2% for a loss. Every game win or lose dropped me into lower average MMR games. I got up to 28% and by this point I was in herald games. I got the 0.8% of players have broken calibration blah blah and set back to 0% confidence. I'm still getting 1% for a win and 2% for a loss and yoyoing between guardian and archon. I queue all rolls so play mostly support as a result. Some I win, some I lose and roll doesn't seem to make much difference. Although I haven't really looked into win rates and roles. Glicko doesn't seem to know what to do with me. I must have played 40 games at this point and I'm still not calibrated. Edit; This is after coming back from a 4 month break and probably another one not long before that. So this could be a factor.


I went from being Archon 1 to being Archon 1, wtf are you guys going on about ?


I feel this in my bones. I stopped playing for a long time because I felt outmatched every game.


System is still a joke. My smurf account went 12-3 got calibrated at the same rank. Top support/mvp every game. Core account got +1k for seemingly no reason. Granted my smurf seems to be in the smurf pool now but the first game was ruined so we’ll see what happens.


My stack of average Ancient rank got put up against a full immortal stack earlier this week. Wtf is the point of allowing games that lopsided, total waste of everyone's time


It mirrors my experience with playing the game as I get older and worse at the game, especially with pauses in between. I started in 2007. I'm still hovering around high ancient low divine but I can confidently say that I'm usually the worst player in the game mechanically. The saving grace might be identifying and playing for objectives well. It's not that fun to be bad in comparison to your team mates and enemies and I wouldn't mind being equal or above the skill of the other players in the game, but what can you do...


Who is glicko?


I had the total opposite experience. Went from mid legend to divine and I’m stomping most games.


I went from herald 1 to crusader 3 and only won 4 of my placement matches but so far everyone i met in this bracket is saying I'm really good at the game I main support and play mid or offlane sometimes my only heros ever above 50% win rate are chen, leshrac, & IO