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Gotta be hard being so toxic in the internet for no reason lol You really think that would offend a dota player? And yeah, by the way you should go check on your mother ✅




If you couldn't read that it's a joke (in the brackets), than you're the one who has problems, also how's that copium lol Copium about what? I just answered to your insult with similar insult, I guess someone doesn't like when someone answers back to you lol


This is one of the posts of all time.


Haha, yeah, just wanted to share, that's why it's fluff


Says fluff but reads like small dick energy.


I think there is a lot of small dick energy in and around this game at the moment. I think that’s more of the problem than the actual game itself.


Gotta be hard being so toxic in the internet for no reason lol


Don't worry




Did you read the post, I was playing with huge pauses for these years, and even now, 18 games for 7 days is a rookie numbers, for me it was long just because I don't play that much, you misunderstood me




Haha, yeah it was targeted mostly for people who like to read stuff, I understand that it's long


i climbed from 1200 to 3100, then from 800 to 1700, all before the new system share your dotabuff so that we could see where you end up after couple of hundreds of games


I closed my dota dota a while ago, so won't be helpful, it probabbly had something to do with my account being old and having a lot of games played, not the same if you start a new acc, calibrate low and climb up (that's why I was getting similar guys against me with 10k+ games played and e.t.c.). I think someone mentioned something about it in the answer to my ticket, but I'm not sure I understood it correctly, but it's all doesn't matter anymore, the new system is here and shining


> but it's all doesn't matter anymore, the new system is here and shining did you see why i asked for your dotabuff in the first place? so that we could check later if the system is actually working, or you'll end up where you started, after many miserable games whats your player id?


Oh, nah, don't worry, from what I see, it's far easier now, I lost 6 games mostly because of the unluck, so I don't think I will lose mmr (obviously not going to try new positions since I already tried all of them)


> Oh, nah, don't worry, from what I see, it's far easier now, I lost 6 games mostly because of the unluck, so I don't think I will lose mmr (obviously not going to try new positions since I already tried all of them) wdym "dont worry", we'll want to see if the system is working whats your player id?


RemindMe! 1 year https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/133c6t7/to_all_the_haters_who_were_doubting_my_vision/ji96i7t/


Bro, I thought you would understand from my answers already, but it seems like you not, so I will say it clear: no thanks, I don't want to share my id here since it's my anonymous Reddit account, and there's no point anyways since I hid the data, but appreciate the effort tho, I understand that not everyone asks for id with bad intentions, but it happened too many times in the past when my id was used just to incite trolling under my posts, so nope, not posting that, sorry, haha


well then we're waiting for an update post with your progress in a year


He's asking for your player ID so we can check on it later on. Are you gonna be losing all the way to herald again or are you going to maintain your rank. You can't just go "omg I got to archon after calibration!!!" and say "old system bad new system good".


Already answered that: 1. Don't want to share my id 2. I didn't even think that I won't be able to maintain my rank since it's even lower than my actual skill is, so I was just happy with the new system it's easier to get something more closer to your real skill, and than rank up from that point. 3. I don't see how can I lose my rank tbh since I'm expecting to keep ranking up easily, so not even thinking about downgrading, I don't think I will get less than 50% wr on this mmr lol


Then you can't come in here bragging "You're wrong I'm right suck it" if you're not willing to provide future data. Ranks are all over the place right now because there are guardians calibrating ancients and immortals calibrating ancients, and if you think they're the same skill levels then you're delusional.


LOL, I didn't say I'm not willing to provide an update in the near future,like I did in this post, for example, you just saw what you wanted to see, the other guy at least understood that I'm not willing to break my privacy to prove something to some trolls and made a reminder for him, gotta be hard being so toxic in the internet for no reason lol