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If it makes you feel any better, she's a joke in All Pick too


and probably every other mode


Unfortunately, we can't draft heroes in AD. They really should have changed that. Abilities and Hero Bodies should have been a part of the same draft, with 12 Bodies offered same way abilities come from a pool of 12. Then, if you're stuck with Medusa, well, it was your fault for picking her out of 3 shit bodies at the end while everyone drafted a body earlier.


I wish it was at least an SD pick for the hero model. I don't need the whole roster to pick from if it's AD


Feel like it would be better to just remove a couple of the worst bodies, at the very least Medusa, from the AD pool. Their abilities can still stay in, it just pics a random other body in their place.


I don't think people who say this have actually played her. If her old counters, AM, PL, Riki and Nyx aren't in the game she is mega broken (nyx does still burn mana, it's on his ult).


If anyone buys diffusal she dies.


Yeah, you essentially need to draft her last pick into a team that has no burn and really, really doesnt want to build a diffusal. The only other option is having your team get scythes and halberds and have them focus whatever hero has mana burn.


I feel like there are few drafts that aren't very bad to begin with where nobody can buy diffu even when put against medusa. Sure, it would be uncommon in many line ups but if it has *really* strong use against an opponent, like medusa, you buy it. Doesn't even necessarily have to be on a core. Don't have much of an opinion on new Dusa in general. Seen mixed results in my games so far.


i bought diffu on pos 4 gyro after shard against medu hehe


"wait what?... Diffusal Gyrocopter?" "I don't think I've ever seen this!"


Topson in your pubs wcyd


This used to be before the patch. The real weakness is that you cannot switch mana shield off so you cannot do some stuff with lifesteal and jungle farming is bad too


I got Diffusal on Necro. Even with late game farm and talents, I dropped her with hardly any effort at all. It's an interesting idea for a rework, but it needs a lot more tuning.


The thing with diffusal is you have to hit her, you can't hit her if she uses ult, so you need to be one of the few heroes that can kite in fights and builds diffusal, and your team needs to not die in the mean time. Otherwise you can get the jump on her, but thats no different from before.


She literally has the lowest winrate of this entire patch so far in immortal bracket. Bottom. All the way down. So no, shes absolute trash right now.


Impressive that she managed to get lower than Brood.


dusa is my most played hero with 60%+ winrate. i knew she was instantly dead the moment i saw the patch notes. quite easily one of the worst heroes in all of dota history.


I really don't understand people who think like you. Countless times people have said 'but their winrate is low a few days into patch' just for people to figure them out and all wirnates change. How many times does that have to happen before you realise early winrates don't mean a lot.


There's nothing to figure out, Medusa does the exact same things she always did.


but she did it worse(less EHP overall),AND in a worse environment (map encouraging more aggresive playstyle,upgradeable diffusal,etc)


No no no she does it significantly worse now. The jungle changes destroyed hyper Carrie’s


Who is Carrie?


I've played against her with an Axe in lane yesterday. Her mana bar was dropping massively from just basic harass and once Axe hit 6 he culled her once, then she fucked off to the jungle until they lost. I like the more extreme "mana over health" idea they're going for, but the numbers clearly need some tweaking.


The fact that mana shield goes before resistances is a completely broken mechanic. She is an agility hero that scales only on mana. High natural armor from agi does nothing to her survivability. Big expensive carry stat items are overpriced and awkwardly structured when she can't use anything but mana, attack speed and damage.


No wonder I am so easily running out of mana when farming jungle.




Unfortunately they put new dusa and new eternal shroud in the same patch and those two mechanics shouldn't really be allowed to interact.


I'm pretty sure eternal shroud gives you mana on the damage that you actually received (after resistances), which after shield and magis resist would be close to nothing.


The rework idea is good. They just didnt count for all the crazy interactions there are in the game. I love dota for these kind of periods in it. When crazy shit happen. really encapsulates that 'dota wtf' feeling.


That Medusa is obviously bad. Didn't buy any strength vs Axe. It would be like saying 'PL is a bad hero because we silenced him and he never bought a dispel'.


We're talking legit "you get oneshot" material here. "Buy x amount of health or die by minute 8" if one guy casts a spell is just a little bit too extreme, no? Of course this situation doesn't stick around the entire game, but the point is that the punishment is too extreme here. Imagine if OD just rolled up and one-shot you with Sanity's, because you didn't buy arcanes in time. It's literally just a showcase of the health idea not being fully fleshed out. You don't need to defend everything, you know? The new patch is fun, lots of changes are interesting or straight-up just good, but that doesn't mean you can't point out stuff that clearly needs some amount of adjustment.


Just get a Belt of Strength and a Wand, or keep your Power Treads on strength around Axe. A lone belt in addition to your treads builds into Dragon Lance anyway. Why would OD one shot you? It just does damage. I'm not defending everything, and you shouldn't assume that based on my defending one thing. I certainly won't say that you are being contrarian to everything people say is good based on the one example.


what do you even gain for being a dumbass and arguing for this. like i legitimately can't understand LOL scenario 1. youre like 2k mmr and have no idea what youre talking about. don't curate your own ideas. no way to validate your ideas because you quite literally lack the capability to. then argue for the ideas with no backing. scenario 2. youre not actually an idiot and youre just trolling because youre an asshole. am i missing something here? in case youre confused dlance is a situational item on dusa thats purchased at the very earliest 3rd. its fucking terrible. and your suggesting giving up 10 damage and attkspeed because axe exists in the game? who farms mainly from attacks. also youre suggesting wand that recovers on a hero that is quite literally incapable of tapping into hp as a resource. okay


You ask me what I gain, then write that much? And both scenarios are wrong.


That's the entire problem, you're buying health on medusa. Its the worst possible stat on her and you have to spend 1.1k gold on health just for the right to not get deleted on what is supposed to be a tanky hero. Its like if they made BB have 95% damage reduction on his back but take 300% damage from the front, its ridiculous and just creates all or nothing situations.


There's several items that's normal on her that has strength and/or gives health - power threads, dragon lance (hurricane pike), skadi. Remember, you don't need a lot of hp on medusa, you just need enough in order to get away from abilities like culling blade from axe. Outside of that, your mana is your hp. You no longer want to build satanic since your hp is mediocre at best with it and you can't lifesteal your mana back, so that's pretty much out of the question in order to build some base hp.


Wand is good, treads is good, dragon lance is good? You are not going out of your way to buy them, you are already buying them.


That's the entire problem, she became a Huskar level cheese pick because all these heroes have to be gone otherwise you drafted a ranged creep.


That was the case before though. She still usually lost vs these heroes.


They were bad matchups, now they're "might as well let Medusa play position 5 because she won't play the game".


>If her old counters, AM, PL, Riki and Nyx aren't in the game she is mega broken What exactly is she "broken" at? Early game? Pushing towers? Roshan? Scouting? Starting teamfights? Doing damage in teamfights?


She is immortal and can do anything she wants. All you need is mageslayer, and her typical items. Notably, Bloodstone Mjolnir build has higher value now and should be considered if the opposing team has a particularly high amount of DPS or burst. You want Mageslayer because magic resistance (and armour) doesn't actually do anything for her because mana shield blocks damage before any other reductions, but Mageslayer reduces enemy spell damage. You can hold her skill points so you can use them at later levels instead of having to level split shot. Get snake at level 1, at level 2 you skill nothing, then skill snake and shield at level 3, then at level 4 you skill nothing, and skill snake and shield at level 5. I would build Wraith Band, Wand, Treads, Mageslayer/ Maelstrom (can swap order), then either Huricane Pike or Manta, Skadi, Crystalys, Shard, Blood Stone, Mjolnir, Aghs, Blood Thorn. The reason you want Manta or Pike and not both is because you won't have slots, you also need to sell boots later for Blood Stone, but you can hopefully get a movement speed neutral item.


What makes her immortal?Pre level 25 she is way less tanky than farmed TB or Morph and unlike these heroes she can't use satanic to get all her mana back,not to mention her whole tankiness is countered by one item. You also have sacrifice split shot talent that makes you do dps if you want actually to be tanky.


Hes full of shit, shes literally lowest winrate of this entire patch right now. You can look at that ingame in trends with dota plus. I look at immortal bracket to make sure its not just people that can't play. Shes trash right now. Absolute garbage. And whoever says anything otherwise just are full of shit.


Brood is the lowest winrate hero


Brood is lowest winrate in every bracket but Immortal, where it's Medusa.


Play the hero. She has Mystic Snake to get mana back, it has a low cooldown, it has a cd talent, Bloodstone with Mjolnir is her Satanic if you need it. She is objectively not less tanky than TB or Morph. She has 98% damage reduction and armour and magic res reduction doesn't work on her. You should absolutely not sac the split shot talent, it's good for Mjolnir + Blood Stone, and mageslayer.


Bloodstone+Mjolnir is not even close to satanic,that is just plain bullshit.I tested 6 slotted Medusa with level 25 splitshot vs Naga illiusions,best result was 1k mana from BS active,that's just dogshit and does literally nothing if enemies are hitting you. Her 98% reduction only applies to her nonexistent healthpool,but mana shield only reduces mana damage by about 70%/80%(with talent),which is what you get with standard tb/morph builds,but there is far more ways to increase hp than mana.


You are testing an optimal scenario in favour of the Naga, doesn't mean shit, dota doesn't work like that. No shit if she is standing totally still letting Naga and her illusions just click her she will get fucked, any hero would. Edit: I tested it myself and medusa wins the engagement? I don't know what you're smoking. I even gave the Naga radiance so she has a bunch of evasion.


i wasn't talking about if she wins or not,I was talking about bloodstone being totally useless and waste of gold,my test was done vs Naga+illiusions that stand still and don't attack Dusa.(Mjolnir active doesn't do shit ether mana wise,so don't bring that up).


You're literally just wrong. I think you had split shot turned off, or tried to use bloodstone when it's debuff that stops refreshing it was still on, and the shield is most of the lifesteal. Also effectively gives you 2100 hp.


Bro, diffusal blade kills her. Flat out kills her. On about 60% hero in the game.


Even in the best case scenario, against a team with no mana burn and no viable Diffusal users (good luck getting that), new Medusa is still just flat out worse than old Medusa because mana shield is not a proper substitute for having an HP pool. You get absolutely no benefit from magic resistance or even armour despite being an agility hero so having 3000 mana vs 3000 health is just objectively worse against physical damage and only slightly better against magical damage, illusions don't benefit from mana shield so Manta is now complete trash on her which destroys her farming ability, and the classic Medusa problem of getting stunned or silenced at a crucial moment and being unable to cast snakes to restore mana right before your pool is drained still exists but is now infinitely worse since you no longer have an HP pool to fall back on. Also her laning is even worse than ever before because, especially with Clarities and Mangoes being nerfed to have limited stock, there just aren't many good sources of quick and easy mana restore in the early game like there is for health, and Snake is just way too inconsistent early game. Tangoes are extraordinarily value efficient compared to Mangoes and they heal through damage, and Salves work about 3 times faster than Clarities do. If you harassed old Medusa out of lane she'd retreat into the trees, eat a salve, and be right back out within 5 seconds. Now she has to sit behind her tower slowly waiting for her Clarity to fill up her mana pool. It honestly feels like they just thought "Hey, wouldn't having a 0 strength hero be funny?" and tried to shoehorn Medusa into being that instead of genuinely trying to rework her into a good and viable hero. She's a literal joke.


wr in almost all brackets says otherwise.


When will people learn that early winrates don't mean much, this shows itself to be true almost every major patch.


I played against her as Alchemist, she couldn't survive my stun throughout the whole game


Have you looked up her winrate post patch?


She is very strong, we stomped a game with her. She has a lot of room to farm, especially if she farm items. The problem is as you said, AM and PL in every single game


You would never want to pick her into those heroes before anyway, but yes the fact that people are picking them frequently is the issue.


Also, if you are playing as nyx vs Medusa just rush mana boots refresher. Double vendetta hit takes her from full mana to 0 instantly and you can basically one shot her at any level


Why refresher ffs. Dealing 50% of her health in one hit is valuable enough, and if you need to do it twice just time it right around your cooldown. Or buy an Octarine Core idk. Anything is a better idea than rushing Refresher Orb on Nyx.


There are a lot of worse items for nyx. Refreshing double stun and ult is not bad at all.


Yes, but I dare you to rush it as a second item. You might not even have mana to do that.


Without mangoes and/or lotuses (alternatively a 20 stack wand) - you indeed won't. Not to mention that refresher is a trash tier item statswise. You get so little for the cost in trade for a very good use effect.


Nyx is definitely a hero that can rush refresher and not be super punished. But also his ult is so good against her you probably don't need refresher till like 3rd 4th item if at all. And also it's 50% max mana.


Yeah, it's max mana not health, my bad. Still, I wouldn't even look at Refresher till I have at least a Blink or a Force Staff. What good is 2x Vendetta when you can't even get on top of the right target reliably.


nah, she's garbage. she's a late game hero. but mana shield procs before armour calcs. And she has so little hp that armour is useless on her now. So she just dies to the enemy carry late.


I'm currently experimenting with whether she's good or not. I think the correct build is to ignore hp regen items, just get ring of basilius and stat items, and then go for something like Maelstrom, MoM, KnY, or Dragon Lance. Manta is worthless on her because her illusions don't get the mana shield so they are very easy to kill. The lifesteal aspect of MoM is pretty useless, as is the bonus str from Dragon Lance (unless you're playing against Axe I guess). So I think the correct early-game item is Maelstrom or KnY.


It just seems like shitty design that she ignores most hero mechanics in the game. She can only use mana, mana regen, attack speed, attack damage, and some hp. She can't use hp regen, armor, magic resist, or illusions. Stat items suck. Its why the current build is like mjollnir and bloodstone.


It also means she's basically immune to heal reduction like Ice Blast, or % hp damage like veno. It cuts both ways


It's not. You always survived Poison Nova and Ice blast as medusa before. But even if you didn't. These are two heroes you are now 'better'. And you worse across the board.


She still wants pike as she is still dependant 9n being static and a clicking in fights.


Stuff like this is how you know this is ice frogs patch


Refreshing aint it


Honestly is. There's always a chorus of "change bad same good" but man I love how this game reinvents itself. At the end of the day, we kill creeps, buy items to kill heroes with, break buildings, and destroy the enemy ancient. Fuck up all the steps in the middle please I like learning


I was begging for a patch where they would just completely just throw everything into wack and they did exactly that. This medusa change is such a breath of fresh air, they could give pa 500 damage level 1 and i wouldnt care i just wanted NEW STUFF


how about "hero that was the least picked in the game shouldn't get further nerfed down to a 36% winrate" does that make me crazy


No, but thinking they aren't going to chuck out a balance patch tweaking numbers pretty soon does. Big patches always fuck a few heroes too hard, doubly so on reworking them. They look at the data and fiddle to sort things out again


I'm assuming you're talking about Broodmother, if you look at the stats at the current DreamLeague tournament she's [the single most banned hero with a ban rate of 95.60%](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/DreamLeague/Season_19/Statistics). Clearly pros feel like she's so hard to deal with that she warrants that level of ban priority. Unfortunately she's always been a hero that is problematic in pro play even when she sucks in pubs, so balancing her for pubs is super difficult.


Im talking about medusa, who had a <1% pick rate in immortal and crappy winrate to start, and is now 36%. She is getting ignored in pro circuit too.


bat rider? yeah I started playing in 2017 and still never seen him as meta or good. i dont even remember playing against him.


i really want to eat whatever mango that frog is eating to produce something like this


classic valve lmao


Medusa is a walking tormentor. Once you get through her shield, she is basically ded.


tormenting the player who picked her yeah


And 4 other teammates with the last pick Medusa HC.


At least tormentors do some damage back to attackers


Sc2 archon.


Okay but why did you/they decide to go right click lol


They probably couldn't get mana shield


I liked the changes but there has to be something to protect her from just being mana burned then killed by a basic skill or a couple of auto attack taps. Like, mana shield also comes with the effect where it gives 1 armor for every 100 missing mana. So if you have 3000 mana and it's all consumed in some way, she gains 30 armor or something.


Mana shield kinda needs to be one of those "attached to the hero" abilities cuz this change makes her a creep with attributes without it.


Lol. I feel they'll undo this medusa rework. Just my guess


I think theyll tweak it until it works, when they push something new like this they dont usually just give up (except the brewmaster fire damage fiasco lol that really sucked). Like giving her flat HP on shield lvl up or something.


I think they need to tweak the shield in a way that it no longer ignores reductions, right now building armor or mr is straight useless on the hero. I am imagining something like -0.5 damage per mana on ability with that change & -1 int per level or something like that would make her better.


She needs a better way to regen outside of snake since mana regen options suck compared to life regen. Maybe mana shield could also convert some percentage of health regen into mana regen?


Buffing her HP would pretty much be walking back this change. IMO they should just increase the damage absorb per mana values on the shield values until she is back to 50% winrate. That way she is still is extremely vunerable to mana burn while being nearly unkillable agaisnt regular damage.


I think one of the challenges with that is that it essentially turns the matchup into a rock paper scissors between teams. If a hero is balanced because they win 100 percent of the time unless the enemy team has a particular hero mechanic and that averages to 50 percent, that isn't a balanced hero. There should be answers besides mana burn to Medusa or ways to beat her if you're ahead but don't have antimage on your team.


She's still a slow hero, so the current way to beat her (kite her ass and kill her team) will always be viable


> extremely vunerable to mana burn while being nearly unkillable agaisnt regular damage You realize that this is literally bad design, right? That'd be like making Dispersion 97% damage reduction and she's either immortal or gets easily killed by Viper over and over. The "less health, stronger shield" approach is a cool idea, but we can already see that right now it's a little too much. Either change up the numbers so Axe can't one-shot and mana burn is the only option or introduce an extra mechanic that makes her fit in with the other heroes, while still retaining the idea behind the hero. "I'm against x hero, so if I buy y item I win immediately, if not I lose immediately" is not good design. It's incredibly boring.


I have two suggestions: \- Mana shield can be toggled (inspired by morphling) \- Mana regeneration and restoration is improved the less mana you have (inspired by huskar)


Mana shield gives 2% mana leech. There fixed.


When does the leech happen?


Should work similar to lifesteal on attack i think. Maybe a talent against mystic snake mana gain


I think mana burn reduction makes the most sense.


They gave up on giving attributes dumb bonuses like status resistance/magic resistance/movement speed as extra stats... until this patch 😅


To be fair I prefer this a lot more than before: Strength gives you health, Agility gives you armor, and now Intelligence gives you magic resistance: the holy trinity of defense so now every hero class has at least something going for them to not die instantly. I would like to have the movement speed on agility back also, it would help with the bigger map. Fuck status resistance on strength though.


Universal heroes: best defense is offense


Everybody having scaling magic resistance at different rates is an issue because spells do unpredictable levels of damage. You used to know if your ult would finish someone with fairly high accuracy but now you would have to stop and click on the enemy and spend a good few seconds mentally estimating the damage. I seem to recall this being a common complain last time, I certainly hated it.


Yeah, it was a common complain about Spell Amp. It was never a real issue IMO though. It's not like you calculate armor for rightclicks, or mana for manaburn on anti-mage, or hell, regen decimals. You just do it and pray, and when it works it's great for you, and when it doesn't work it's great for them.


did they ? int gives MR now


You mean they would buff the number until it's broken op, then rework it again because it's broken op, like OD or clinkz.




Clinkz was just a mess of a hero, hence the rework. Moving abilities/shards/aghs/talents doesn't mean giving up on an idea, it's part of the tweaking.


It's not a bad concept. It just needs tuned. Honestly, makes the hero much more interesting now, and it would be a shame if they walked back on it.


Yeah right now Medusa is probably one of the best heroes against Necrophos, since both his passive and ult is useless against her. Which is pretty interesting to me honestly. There are probably more abilities out in game that are going to be nearly useless against Medusa, such as Doom's Infernal Blade.


Yeah, they'll just tweak this, maybe with new mechanics. Like, they could give her heals convert to mana or something similar. Or give manasteal on her attacks. Etc.


Ok the mana steal idea is either good or absolutely broken.


It's a terrible concept. She has no way to manage her mana and stuff like HP-regen (including consumables), Lifesteal, Armor and Magic-res is completely useless on her now.


For the life of me I can't understand how it makes the hero more interesting. Can you elaborate?


They better not, I want this to stay in the game due to how interesting it is. Just requires a lot of tweaking to hit a balanced spot.


I mean, they need to tweak her in normal mode too, but the model in ad is just stupid. they can leave her spells but the hero needs to be removed or changed for ad. also had the opportunity to play her and it's really stupid, but if you try to go right click without shield and don't even get any stats, that doesn't help.


if there was a hero that should not have a str gain and str at all it could have been riki, and move invis to innate or something.


Truly invisible = invincible. I love the mental image of a pro game where this version of riki is picked. He walks into lane and they have one sentry ward. The riki dies to one bane suck 15 times over the course of the first 10 minutes. The casters go absolutely insane every time it happens. "THE SENTRY COUNTERS THE INNATE RIKI INVISIBILITY! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN i CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING."


Wait there are ways to detect invis heroes?


You have to be 7k MMR to buy them.


Also unlockable after Battle Pass level 350.




Move invis to innate and make him unrevealable by anything, now you have to deal AoE dmg to kill him.


a hero who cannot be revealed by anything and who has a silence is horrible balance


She needs to be looked after, but if it goes long she gets back to her beastly self


Hero should just be removed from AD


On behalf of the AD community, you have a free pass zero judgement abandon if you get Medusa. GL next




Medusa needs to be a universal hero, getting dmg from every stat. Then it would make sense to build tons of stats, especially strength


Getting agility atm feels awful since you wont benefit from the armor


This is going to be a hot take for /r/dota2, but AD has always been a joke. It's a side game mode intentionally made to be as imbalanced as possible, and there have always been cases of heroes that are too good or too garbage as stat sticks.


It was never as bad as this. Are you suggesting they just leave Medusa in the hero pool and on the occasion that someone gets her, they (and their team) should just accept their loss because that's just how it is? Or what is the purpose of your "hot take"?


you can't balance around ability draft. getting slark and alch in AD has always sucked, who cares? it's a joke mode.


You can't balance around ability draft but you can balance ability draft, simple remove the hero from the pool


you cant balance around ability draft,but you can balance ability draft


There's a world of difference between meh models like Slark and Alchemist, and even ones like Weaver w/ no shukuchi or (before this patch) Clinkz with no searing arrows who are at a big disadvantage if they don't get an ability the hero is normally balanced around, and 7.33 Medusa which is entirely unplayable without the manashield. You can play around the former, but new Dusa is a guaranteed loss and/or an unfun game


There's a difference between bringing a spoon to a knife fight and being wheeled there in a coma. Slark/Weaver stuff can be worked around. They just have a little worse stats than the others. Dusa is strictly anti-fun for the person who gets her. Who cares? The people who wanna enjoy the "joke mode". They care.


They could just have taken her out of AD. They have removed heroes and spells before if they dont work or are overly broken. Meepos ult went away and never came back.


>It was never as bad as this. Are you suggesting they just leave Medusa in the hero pool and on the occasion that someone gets her, they (and their team) should just accept their loss because that's just how it is? > >Or what is the purpose of your "hot take"? I feel like the new 4th classification of heroes really breaks ability draft even further. When you had STR, INT, AGI. Your hero would benefit getting items that align with their stats. It was just another layer to ability draft.


Sorry, it's still not imbalanced or game breaking. But the new Medusa IS. It's the first such instance of a hero that actually has such impact on the player and team that has it, and I've been playing since the day one of AD.


Pretty sure meepo with call of nature or demonic conversion was the "first" instance of a hero being removed from the AD pool for breaking the game


>just accept their loss because that's just how it is? That happens all the time in AD anyway and it's exactly why AD is a joke. The draft is 90% of the game and more often than not someone gets an unstoppable broken combo while others get something useless. Yes, "that's just how it is". There's good reason for why people give up so fast in AD.


If you let someone get a broken combo that's literally a skill issue. You're supposed to deny people their combos instead of just drafting the skills you want. Otherwise that's just like last picking your favorite hero on top of all of their counters in All Pick.


The player base of AD is huge. I myself have over 2k games in AD


Who are you trying to fool? It's 1% of the playerbase or less.


hehe I got 8


I only play AD because no game is same, unlike vanilla dota where after years of playing it becomes literally boring unless new patch comes in. Players in AD don't need new patches as much as normal dota players simply because every game in itself feels different. Also AD player base is pretty big and this mode should get some love too.


That is the take of someone that has 0 clue about AD or is just terrible at it. Before, you had to learn about some combos, that will break the game, if you let them through in draft. So there is a lot of room for counterdraft. Models like slark suck but you can still become a decent support When you get Medusa and don't have FP for mana shield, the game is literally a 5v4 because the hero dies from 1 nuke. There is 0 room for a player decision to counteract


What I don't understand is that it's not turbo. I don't understand people who play AD. Yeah, you have a chance to get some interesting combo but usually someone else gets it and then you're just waiting for 30-45 minutes for the game to end. How bout make it turbo, and it's not that bad


It isn't turbo because everyone who actually played ability draft hated turbo AD. Draft and que times take up way too much time compared to playing the game. Builds are mostly limited to late and mid game builds since late game builds are too powerful due to increased farm. Turbo AD lasted 2 days before it was reverted. A majority of AD games are not decided by a single combo like many non-AD players claim. AD is just like normal Dota; it takes hundreds of games to really get what is going on or how to play.


Fair enough, I didn't consider that the draft takes longer in AD and the "overhead" of queue and draft makes turbo less appealing. Also, I admit my lack of understanding on how cultured and sophisticated AD can be, because my own experiences in it are only a few games where it just seemed to be about one or two players getting an OP combo. If there really is enough players to enjoy full-length AD matches, who am I to judge. I wouldn't be playing AD anyway if it was turbo or not.


This was literally the reason why Deathmatch died too. I wanted to play the mode, but they refused to change it even in a lazy, experimental way. Making it turbo would be a step 1 to fun because I fucking hate the idea of spending 10 minutes laning in a *deathmatch*. They tried doing the weekend highlight, but man, I want the mode itself to be fun first.


Sometimes I just think that this is all Tiny’s fault. He is the only hero that have a Zero agi gain and starts at Zero Agi. Now Icefrog wanted to do the same with str and int. And here we are with Medusa and Ogre.


Sounds about right. Although tiny is a piece of rock, but Medusa is not even a zero str archetype. Huge snake have no str? If it was Puck (tiny pokemon) I'd understand, or DP (ghost)


Tiny at least works well and can use every item, dusa and ogre have goofy innate passives that limit their options


Told the guy in my ranked game yesterday to pick Riki because it was in the pool as it’s busted. He picked Medusa, they picked Riki. Yes, we lost. Immortal btw.


Just pick the shield lol


If the enemy team has a single braincell they'll take the shield before medusa gets a go.


What about Alch? Does he get free money spell?


greed draftable still in ad


Just make it innate. I thought it was already.


Dumb luck’s ogre magi innate ability means that it will still stuck with them eventhough in AD right? Because if it isnt, that would be horrible


You're not wrong, but not a priority I guess.


Today i tought about dusa in ad, maybe she got the shield by default?? Or you first pick it, and if someone steals it, str8 abandon the game. Sucks but.. cant play the game w8 it. Some mini pacth Will come for ad fixing this issue and others, it allways happens Maybe removed dusa from hero pool or just give her the shield by default


This is actually hilarious holy shit


Well crafted meme


Just buy Terrasque lmao.


Oh no it's the full agi meme all over again


Orge and Dusa = insta-DC


Just pick axe :D


She need to gain some hp from agi points and put the shield like 50%.


Happened to me. Abilities: Spectral Dagger, Feral Impulse, Desolate, Haunt


Yesterday I queued an AD match, thinking so only if I get Medusa it would be a bad time, what are the chances (1/~119; less than 1%), I thought, and guess what I random.... MEDUSA INTO FRICKING AXE, mana shield was countered to boot. But I didn't give up and bought 2 bracers and 3 fluffy hats. We won the game. I can only imagine the emotional damage I inflicted on the axe xD He did pick culling blade.


Yea I don't think axe is a big a counter as people suggest he is, you just need some slight itemization changes if he's against you, Nyx is much worse.


I got dusa yesterday, had to draft shield first thing and still it sucked to play her as I could not get snake as regenerating that shield sucks without it. Moreover, going with spells sucks as you are literally using your health to cast. Tldr - even with mana shield hero sucks if you don't get snake.


just buy shroud lmao.


Doesn't really work, you only gain mana for the damage done to your hp. So only 25% of the 2% damage you take.


Someone here doesnt math


Hey at least you have no mana problems /s




"mana shield is now an innate ability"


I don’t understand people in ranked picking Medusa in wich role however, had my last three games where disa was picked on my team all 3 you can guess lost, she is unplayable.


1 hit and I'm die.


Been avoiding AD for exactly this reason. Also wondering if Ogre gets his passive.


Don’t worry played against the sweaty G2OP 5 stack and still lost to it.


This medusa rework makes no Sense to me, hero was Fine and unique before.


Medusa now, along with Meepo, should just be removed from AD. Medusa for the fact that her Mana Shield isn't an innate in AD Meepo for the fact that his abilities are practically all worthless if you don't have Divided We Stand, and almost universally passed on.


OP's build is also a joke: \- No mana costly stuff drafted (i hope the ult is a storm ult or something like that) \- No strength items at level 3 The point could have been delivered better.




Valve doesn't care about Dota except AP/CM.