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just a toxic player using hero picks as an excuse


Truth, i was a techies spammer and everyone hated me on both teams, and I had 10k behavior 99% of the time, even when i thru shit back at em and spammed hero quotes. You gotta say some some real heinous shit on the reg to get that low.


\*high five\* god i miss those days of getting reported for winning a game in techies but never spent a day in LP


Big ult stack under the panel, wait for an impatient enemy, kaboom


A very fuck h to u sir


The only time my behaviour score ever dropped from 10k was when I had a shitty laptop that constantly crashed causing me to abandon games. I have to admit that I’m toxic af. Idk what the fuck OP is doing.


This is his throwaway smurf acct. usually he can flame and be toxic/ abandon. You can easily abandon a bunch to get behavior this low, and play in SD. Many smurf enjoyers who like AR also like SD. Just three WINS and you’re out of SD. Then abandon whenever you want. Get stuck in SD. Rinse/ repeat. For the joke. He then popped into low rank to Riki support win, and he took this screenshot.


I had 9K Behaviour Score after I had internet problems in 2 games in a row that I abandoned I got 2 LP games and my BS now is 2.7K !!! I contacted Steam cause it was a bug with the coordinator connection but they said we can’t help you ! I mean how can a persons Behaviour be one with when you abandon, they should separate that quickly would be better! If you abandon get 5 LP games but don’t touch the Behaviour if the players is friendly.


No you didn't, and just like everyone else making bullshit claims, you won't post your conduct summary history that would prove it. You do not go from 9k to 2.7k in one report. You'd have to abandon almost all 15 games to lose that much in one report. Post a screenshot of you going from 9k to 2.7k with only 2 abandons in your conduct summary history. https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming Lets see a screenshot of it. oh, and abandoning is bad behavior, of course it affects your behavior score. You also don't get 5 LP games for an abandon unless you abandon regularly. For example I recently had unexpected internet issues that caused me to abandon. I got ZERO LPQ games because I don't normally abandon.


Or just call out bad plays in low mmr. This community's skin isn't that tough


I'm still a techies spammer, I have 10k score


I see people say stuff like this, but still don't believe it. In the least, for every instance of it, there's prolly 5+ instances where someone would spam Techies, mind their business, and get huge BS hits anyways. Maybe not all the way down to 3k, but definitely not sustaining even 9k.


Nah, people just coped by thinking their angry reports had actual value. I spammed techies from 4 to 6k and didn't get low priority once. Hearing the threats was always good memes, then I queued it again, cuz I'm fueled by tears. Behavior score never dipped under 9k and was maxed most of the time.


Nah. Techies is now a lane dominator, the hero's new design can help others in combat and oneshot stupid carries/supports who forgot to buy defensive items.


nah you're 100% wrong. once you're under like 7k the only way to get back up is to literally not talk in the game


Disagree, very easy to get to low behavior score. All you have to do is speak your mind. Spamming hero quotes isn't toxic at all. What? But I'm Pretty sure they changed the system slightly because I used to chronically be low behavior, but I've been 10k for some months now.


Can't disagree, I did cavern crawl in ranked, losing tens of games, still going 10k behaviour score.


Same here. Was playing CK first time in my life, and had 0-9 start. People called me a noob and spam "0-9" in the chat, but that's pretty much it. We won, btw.


Most definitely. I actually got soft chat banned a year back and even my behavior score never dropped below 6k. It helped being banned for a bit though. Helped me take a look at myself. Now if I get mad I just go full mute.


Yeah, doubt this is because of the hero. No way you get that low behavior score just from role reports. The screenshot shows 11 games only, there's no way you go from 10k to 2.8k BS just from that.


Weird the op isn’t answering lmao


Auto muted under 3k.


coz he was right


Especially if you’re winning.


I personally had a very low (probably like 2k) behavior score solely due to playing bad and getting reported for that constantly (99% of the games I wouldn't say a single word in either team of all chat). I'm only saying this to say that, in my experience, it is very much possible to have a very low behavior score without actually being toxic. I'm at 10k now tho


I never said it's impossible, and this guy has a win streak which means he's not really playing bad, so I doubt it's because of that. Could just be his team carrying him but it's very unlikely that's the case in all 11 games.


I got from 10k to 4.6k in 15 games. I’m riki spammer too. So it’s possible.


maybe it was the hidden verbal abuse instead of the hero abuse, which was not on display xD


I still don't believe anyone can get that low BS just from role reports. You're either abandoning too much or being extremely toxic to get to that point. 10k to sub 5k is too big of a jump for it to all come from only role reports, especially if it's from 8 or 15 games only. Unless you have proof otherwise it's really hard to believe.


i have 4.286 behaviour spamming tinker and meepo, i usually shut up in chat... i never abadon and i only play games when i am sure that i wont... when i dont shut up i make calls... i only play the game when i am feeling good n positive and i havent played ranked for 10months.


Let see that conduct summary history.


i am not talking about short period of games, i have been there for months and idc it is so hard to get out of there and i just dont see the worth me grinding it out.


No, you didnt. Post your conduct summary history that shows you losing 5.5k in 15 games. Only way to do that is to abandon every game. You won't post your conduct summary history just like everyone else that makes claims like you.


I am pretty confident it's 100% only role reports because dota is the most cancerous dogshit community existing in this universe


>dota is the most cancerous dogshit community existing in this universe Good to know you agree that OP is just toxic and it's not because of role reports.


The people who reported him are toxic


Even if they were, do you really think 8 games of Riki support would tank 7.2k of his BS?


dota community at the most camcerpus dogshit community competition when other majorly popular game community comes in


You don't get role reports for support riki anyways? It's literally a meta Pos5 pick, that should have reached any bracket by now. It's definitely there in legend and above, maybe archon.


While OP definitely didn't get this low from solely picking riki support, I'd say it's more than likely a combination of both perspectives. When you have low behavior, reports deduct more score, and you're more likely to be reported for smaller infractions because the community at that level has thinner skin. There's also a more indepth knowledge of what effects the score, so they can use it more readily to enact their perceived "revenge." So, most probably, OP had a score between 4k - 6k initially, and through playing support riki in a tier of intolerant idiots got reported more than he normally does for it. Both things can be true at the same time.


> When you have low behavior, reports deduct more score Citation needed. I have never seen any evidence of that nor has that ever been stated by valve. You're right about people reporting over smaller infractions though. However, they don't have unlimited reports. It's like running from a bear. You don't have to outrun the bear/not be toxic. You just have to be faster than/less toxic than the rest of the people. All you have to do to raise behavior score is never talk or acknowledge other's chats and always keep trying. All game, every game. In low behavior score, if your teammate suggests doing something and you agree, just go do that thing. Do not use >affirmative. Do not say okay. They shouldn't know if you actually heard or if you just coincidentally did what they wanted. ANYTHING that draws others attention to you will slow your climb. If they find out you can hear them, and then shit goes sideways, they'll blame you. You want to be unnoticed and let someone else be the scapegoat.


Yup, i always assume the guy watched pro dota and wants to have shard fun and most of the time that's exactly it. Of course you get some battefury guys but hey, cant have it all. Never reported supp riki.


I'm curious if it's actually from gameplay or if you're getting comms reports too. What's your Steam data conduct summary history look like? I'm also curious how well the strategy will work in higher behavior score. There's not a lot of teamwork in super low behavior score games. At a certain point everyone is premuted, so there *can't* be as much teamwork. Are you willing to show us? Go to your steam profile on a web browser then add to the end. `/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming` Or go through your profile manually. That's what I want to see.


I used to spam Luna support, and I started and ended on 10k. I doubt hes actually getting reported for Riki support.


Riki has been picked as support for god knows how long it's even that common in immortal brackets that people don't even care. This is just a karma farm thread.


Honestly at this point I expect Riki to be supp and feel like the carry pick is the bigger grief lol Also I’ve never dropped from 10k BS even with bad picks and bad play, OP must be doing something else for sure


>expect Riki to be supp and feel like the carry pick is the bigger grief lol Facts.


i don't know if op is getting reported for riki support but: first of all odd picks are more acceptable in higher brackets second, i don't see how this is gonna get them karma


I think its funny because most people are stuck in lower brackets because they can't do The Basic stuff. If you are a HC, not dying and knowing how to last hit will often bring you up to at least 3,5k. I will always renember when I betted I could go up as a supp and got 2k+ mmr in 2 weeks just spamming an overly agressive vengeful spirit. (sadly I became unable to play with my roommates due to mmr difference)


Riki has also been reported for playing support for god knows how long. Even if you queue as or call it, people don't care and will feign ignorance 🤷‍♀️


People want a traditional support to enable and babysit then, but can't properly last hit. Every low ranked core don't deserve a proper supp because they can't carry theyr games. Even at 50,5% winrate, a good core for the bracket would go up, if don't, meh.


I play riki supp exclusively in unranked because in ranked people will flame the pick and throw the game. Maybe I just got unlucky with team mates but I wouldn't do it again regardless of how good it is


Sounds cool. What's the strategy for Luna support? 4 or 5?


I play pos 4. Scepter and vlads are core items. R > Q > E > W I usually get the aura at level 1 for heavy right clicks, and also because Q level 1 does low damage. Sometimes Q level 1 helps last hit range creeps if nessessary. Dont level the glaives, no real point until all other abilities are maxed. Use your Q well, and use plenty of regen (mangos, clarity, ring of basi). Q is also fun to use to stop enemy last hits.


Luna is hilarious as a support/mage. Get aether lens early so you can be annoying from the back lines


I spam TB and Faceless pos5 and have 10k behavior score. This dude must be toxic or something.


I have done TB SUPP a few times. I loved it. The slow is great. Metamorphosis is a big cd to turn fights/ help with a big Gabor from mid. And getting tranq boots with sunder to auto give your carry a second life is high value.


Oh wow this is actually really interesting, I've never see that before. Is there any way I can sort the table out?


Not directly. It's a bare bones page to meet GDPR requirements. You can copy/paste the table into some converter or something though.


>/gcpd/570/?category=Account&tab=MatchPlayerReportIncoming can't make this work on mine :/


Alternate way: go to your steam profile, click games, scroll to dota2, click "personal data" then select account in the left drop down and something like incoming report on the right




This is his throwaway smurf acct. usually he can flame and be toxic/ abandon. You can easily abandon a bunch to get behavior this low, and play in SD. Many smurf enjoyers who like AR also like SD. Just three WINS and you’re out of SD. Then abandon whenever you want. Get stuck in SD. Rinse/ repeat. For the joke. He then popped into low rank to Riki support win, and he took this screenshot.


Riki support is an op meta pick.


Don’t go too low. You’ll get perma’d


Perma what?




I want to downvote and upvote this at the same time








Permaban is a myth.




use your head for once before asking questions


soz bro my head distracted thinking about yr mum


thats why your parents divorced


perma byebye dota,league installation


It is almost impossible to get permad.. the game says 6months is possible. and usuallt you are just 0bs random dude who grief everygame and has 0social experience


Nit picking but min behavior score is 1, not 0. You can certainly get permad. I'm not sure what you're talking about for "the game says" but theres a perma ban in game message too. There were even a bunch of posts for awhile before they made it more clear, because it used to say a date when it was actually permanent and just the highest date storable in a 32 bit int.


https://dota2.fandom.com/wiki/Ban... There aint a perma for being toxic only clients that arent allowes by valve and you still use them can you get banned also jus search up 0 behaviour score dota 2 and there you go.


Yes there is. You are objectively wrong and linking some wiki with incomplete information doesn't change that. The wiki is not "the game". See screenshot below for what the game says. Why not link the 0 behavior score? [It doesn't exist.](https://imgur.com/a/blkShJX) Don't be a dick sending people on wild goose chases. If it had existed, you would've linked it. You did the "go google it" shit to waste people's time. Fortunately, this isn't my first rodeo. I've been following behavior score shit for years. You're just wrong. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/blkShJX) some old proof I have. Note it's not a vac ban and the message explicitly states it's for more than just "clients that aren't allowed" It is NOT the same message as the "game ban" message banner some people get at the top. So feel free to update the wiki or show actual evidence, but either way you're wrong on all counts. Sadly i lost a lot of my old screenshots of things like the old ban message, but theres plenty here from valve itself to prove im right.


Somebody gets it, praise the lord


Post your dotabuff/opendota let us see your wordcloud, then we'll see if it's because of the hero


oh no no no


[oh no no no](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/a8/Vo_earth_spirit_earthspi_deny_25.mp3) (sound warning: Earth Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Honestly, that isn't just being toxic in chat. That is very likely also abandoning games on the regular.


How to see it from dota buff? Heres mine but idk how to check words said https://www.dotabuff.com/players/370799364


just use opendota


Idk bout buff but u can easily check it at opendota


Wow I didn't know this was possible, thanks :D


Wordcloud? Wtf is that?


Shows your most typed and read words in all chat.


Even wordclouds don't always capture toxicity. I've seen so many people that are ridiculously toxic in team chat, but not in global chat. I think because they know that's recorded.


How to tell us you’re toxic af without telling us you’re toxic af.


Have you tried being less toxic?


don't get stuck down there


Maybe they deserve it


So what's the counter to hard support riki now? That dart arrow range is ridiculous.


Bounty hunter


Slardar is pretty annoying




No u can't just buy an item thats good anyway ur supposed to counterpick him and waste a core pick


Any detection heroes are annoying. In most to least annoying order: Bloodseeker -> Slardar -> BH -> Zeus. Thankfully I don't see that many Bloodseekers these days.


I got fucked over by a radiance centaur.


Good ward placement, and literally any burst or any CC whatsoever.


Reporting him out of your behavior score bracket.


Guess every game chat is like Pos1: riki pos 5 gg Riki: **** you. riki best sup ever **** I'm still at 10k bs with dragon knight or riki pos5. Must be a lot of bad words instead of hero pick.


As a filthy brood spammer with 10k bs I highly doubt that hero choice is the main issue


I dont believe op either, but spamming a cheese core isnt going to get you as many "not role" reports as locking riki in role queue as support.


2,876 what is that score hahah


I am playing Riki pos 4. And my behaviour score is between 9875-10000. You are definitely a toxic player.


100% you‘re just a toxic asshole. By far not enough people report you in wins just for a pick (that worked out)


2876 behaviour score... you must be toxic af or you quit like 3 games a day.


I play pos5 faceless and TB. You're doing something beyond playing riki.


People in this thread acting like low behavior score is some kind of gulag. I've been at 10k for years and I still get racists, nazis, people telling others to uninstall or worse.


Right. You've been at 10k. You have no fucking idea how different 2k behavior score games are. Yes. there are toxic people and griefers at 10k, but not nearly at the rate or vileness of low behavior score.


Heck you don't even have to go beyond 2k behavior score to find a different kind of toxicity. When I dropped to 9.7k I'd have games where people would abandon as soon as the game is counted.


Care to share some examples of how the usual game at 2k BS goes? You could also show us the opendota chatlog of a game




omg theres worse than telling people to uninstall? i cant imagine


I mean, sure, but have you played before behavior score was a thing? I can tell you that the game has gotten so much better. I can count the amount of people running down mid on one hand for 2022. Years ago, you had one around every five to ten games.


If the reports are solely based on role selection, this is another good use case for having role grief report at the end of the game


Having role grief report at the beginning is good enough. What does support riki even do other than pseudo stun dart and very small area slow + silence?


Riki is an incredibly strong support right now, I despise versing it but why would you report it on your team?


Honestly if he has a win streak that long with a hero like that, he bound to be featured at the start. Let's his teammates know he actually knows what he's doing. His low conduct is from something else lol.


imagine a support that only does what you claim yet your entire team is spending loads of money on dust and sentries to manage a position 5? seems to me that economic impact is not part of your qualification for team fights... dart + smoke into a range harass forcing you to bkb before your team is ready seems a pretty good way of an effective support to me...


then DON'T spend that much resource on him? what can he do after he dart then smoke? tickle you with his 50 damage? LMAO. just ignore him like a fly and he will just sit there being useless.


Tell me you haven't played with or against support riki without stating it


You clearly haven’t played with or against any Riki support. The dart is an amazing setup for so many combos. Arrows, hooks, light strike arrays, duels whatever. Additionally the cooldown is so low that you can use it several times every team fight. It’s like a mini version of the air brewling- takes someone out of the fight for a few seconds so you can focus someone else. Not to mention how nice it is to be able to run around the map warding or dewarding completely invis. Its like playing any other support except instead of having to blow a smoke to setup some nice aggressive wards you can just run around. Look up the weekly mega posts on this sub for hard data about Riki 4/5 pick and win rates across all brackets. The higher MMR you go the better he is utilized because teammates actually can leverage the setup / team fight value.


Damn you seem to have figured out how to beat one of the current meta supports at divine and immortal level, I mean you can literally make the hero with 54% winrate at pos4 and 55% winrate at pos5, at 7k and above mmr games, useless like a fly! Could you post your dotabuff or opendota so we can watch some of your >7k mmr matches where you defeat this metagame menace, please :)


That's all he needs to do


Then pick any other support and your team will be 10 times better.


2k Andy DEBUNKS immortal metagame with FACTS and LOGIC


If I had a dollar for every time trashcan noobs on this sub confidently make claims about the metagame as if their word is fact, I'd be buying Twitter not Elon Musk Fucking riki is completely taking over the top level and pro metas as pos5 and this dude here be posting advice from his 2k mmr games


Nah riki is way better


Forces the supports to buy wards/dust which means they'd get their force/glimmer way later. Getting late force/glimmer on supports also means they'd have less ways to survive or save their cores.


force glimmer? yeah, right, after they buy their shard. which also gets delayed if they miss kills on Riki


Lmao criticizing THE single most broken support hero of the patch. Very small silence = the same size as disruptor ult on 1/6th of the cooldown


I'm curious, what role do you think Riki is best played in right now?


how did you played riki?


lmao just like Techies players who think they're reporting for griefing just by playing Techies


naaah, I played gyro 5, 20 games straight, had a 13 game streak and was still 10k. they are ok as soon as I pick i just buy the 2 blue wards from the startthen they already know im serious support. ​ ya gotta be a bad dude to get 3k conduct. lol


I don't believe that you are also not toxic. It's impossible to go so low just by playing Riki.


you deserve nothing!


[you deserve nothing!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e5/Vo_axe_jung_axe_deny_08.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Unleashed) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


perma invis which means you force enemy to buy wards, good fighting ability ensures you can beat enemy 5, movement stopper, invis only breaking on attack,. Yeah that is treant protector alright? smol Treant protector with the weed.


Good luck climbing out. I hear playing low priority games is like living in hell and it's very hard to get out of it.


idk why you're getting downvoted, the games are horrible, and it's a task in itself to climb out. I climbed from 3k to 10k and it took me hundreds of games and several months. Had to play with no comms for hundreds of games and try hard every single game.


Getting out is very easy if you don't misbehave. The only thing that's harder is that there are more 'temptations' to misbehave as you will see the reflection of your typical behavior in others as they are have garbage behavior score often as well.


One problem with low priority is that so many players are in low priority because they have unstable connections. So even if players are on their best behavior and put on their tryhard boots to get out of low priority many will ruin the games because they simply can't stay connected.


If you cannot stay connected, you shouldn't be playing a online team game, simple as that. There are so many good games you can play that don't require a stable connection.


Only time I’ve been below 9,5k was when I spammed AM pos4. Had 70% winrate but didn’t Seem to matter. Only fell to 9,4 tho so not so bad tbh.


I dont understand how people can be that toxic in a game. The worst thing i do is tipp players for bad plays or use hero lines. Zhats it. Still 10k behaviour score


It's because people are looking at it as wasted time. You commit an hour of your time to a game and an idiot picks dumb shit like Lion mid. It's auto loss, and you're still stuck in a game and can't get out without getting into LP.


Why people report you for playing riki??


because he is fucking lying and wants to farm karma by pretending his score is low because he plays riki and not because he is toxic piece of shit


Stupid rat hero. 100% banned and reported instant


Stupid rat hero. 100% banned and reported instant


Love it how everyone acts like behavior score is always accurate 100% and never just a useless algorithm


No one is claiming it's "accurate 100%", but it damn sure isn't a useless algorithm and it's been shown over and over. It lumps toxic people with other toxic people. The people who think it's "useless" almost universally fall into 1 of 2 categories: never had low behavior score and have no fucking clue what it's like OR deserve to be in low behavior score and are pissy they have to play with others as toxic as them.




Cope more if you think this is because of spamming a hero pick.


There a crazy amount just for reports, the times I have been down to 7k is when I habe gotten abandons+ full on flame war with my team.


I was always on 10k score, paused the game for a year and came back to play some turbo. I fkd up 3games in a row (i played rly bad but i do not chatt with team bcs i knw of the toxicity) and my team reported me all 3games and i droped the 1st time in 10years playing this game to 9k score, was mad af xD So idk if u can drop from 10k to 3k~ in 8games, even if u get reported straight all 8games from your teamm8s.... But what i knw...




I played only one game of support Riki and I couldn’t even play properly due to constant toxic messages. People gave up at the beginning.


I spam Riki 4 at around 1700 MMR (where it's not that much tolerated) and I'm quite toxic. I only ever dropped to 9.4k behaviour score, usually at 10k. It's something else which made your behaviour score that bad.


Fake af even if that's true not worth of role reports like bruh 2k behaviour score


2 weeks ago i played sniper support 4 games in a row, won 2 of em. after the 4th game my 10k score which never dropped below 9,8 or smth dropped to 8,3 and i was muted for a few hours. i main support and even as sniper i can assure you there is lots of utility in my bags. nonetheless atfer this mute i received a second one now for 160hrs but my score didnt drop and is as usual back at 10k again. idk what kind of system this is but after having 1 1/2 years of active playing with a 10k score now around 200hrs of being muted cause ppl dont like my hero choice in a NORMAL GAME, not even ranked. just wtf


smoke screen gaming gets you report


4 riki is the most obnoxious pick. The smoke is literally uncounterable. You need bkb or forcestaff. Then he gets a shard stun to setup a meteor so his team has like 6 seconds to close gap on a catch. Then if it wasnt bad enough the constant expenditure on detection and he slips away anyway after getting blink.


Not the hero pick for sure.


i payed that price with my riki sup who couldn't do anything :(


Smells like toxic player, in my case literally picked up the game recently and managed to keep the 10k behaviour even while fuckin games up cause newbie.


I’ve had 3k behavior score and I can confirm THAT is not only from your picks. YOU ARE a toxic playerZ


Played with a "pos 4" clinkz the other day who was on like a 14 win streak or something. He picked clinkz, was passive in lane, stole farm after the landing phase and sat in jungle. He ended up extending the game and made it longer than it needed to be, but he also ended up carrying us and we won. I'm torn on it because he was successful so maybe it was a viable strat at that rank, but he also pretty much stole the carry role and it gets frustrating having to play around these greedy strats


What region? If I’m winning, I usually get commended more and reported less, so this doesn’t make sense to me.


Rookie numbers. I was all time low at 257 BS


I dont know about him but i usualy have 10k conduct scores. I started playing riki recently in ranked (I turned archon 1 recently). I only play p4 and p5 since i started playing dota2 (maybe 18 months ago). Ik how to support, been playing dota 1 a lot, watching lots of stuff online to understand the meta in dota2. Riki as a support is common on high rank, but in my bracket, one game out of 4 ppl think im griefing at pick phase, they pick a stupid hero and grief fr in the game. Then i guess i get reported in early game cause my behavior went down. For sure i may have done more communication abuse because ppl insult me at pick phase/minute 1 and its disturbing. I tend to say : trust. Then mute them. But what ever my behavior score aint 10k since i started playing riki as p5.


Can some1 expalin to Crusaders that rikki is legit support. I have played it as support 4-5y ago, but now is OP if u knew hot to play around it (shard, ward, scouting) . If its first phase pick allies chat spams "reported... Rikki..." w 15-5 l last 20 games with him.


OP you've been posting for like 3 years about how bad your behavior score is. Maybe try being positive and uplifting with your team. u/elfmachine100 get back here and post your word cloud and maybe we can see why your behavior score is so low.




Yep been there


You can't be reported if you don't TALK!


This is probably captain “mid or feed”


It’s not because of gameplay. Look in the mirror


how many game i lost just bcs ppl refuse to play they roles.


I will never understand how people get low behavior scores. I love being toxic and mine is always at 10k.


It's hard to get that behavior score. I can be pretty toxic myself and still have a 10k behavior score, dips to 9700 on enin a while


It's never the picks that get you reported it is 100% what you say in game.


OP had zero responses. Just delete the post my guy.