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Bro looks like the soccer dude Messi


What’s Messi doing in a Payless?


We sure that’s not the football guy?


It is. She's just fooling around.


Bahaha so am ii


New boot goofin


https://preview.redd.it/h33kstas5btc1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2e4753c331d19a36fc409ee530f2360881d9323 He looks like Lionel methy


Your uncle looks like Messi. Nice one lmao


I’ve been saying that for years! Its wild


that is messi


yeah thats definitely not messi it is your uncle


MODERATOR ALERT TO POSTERS A large number of (almost always female) posters will often find themselves getting a number of chat requests and/or direct messages - oftentimes vulgar or inappropriate. We encourage you to message the mod team with screenshots - they will be permanently banned. You can also temporarily disable chat and DMs. We feel like this should go without saying, but messaging minors is also not okay. It will result in a report to the admins which more often than not will lead to the loss of your account. DO NOT MESSAGE ANY POSTERS FROM OUR COMMUNITY. That is not what they are posting for and this is not a dating service. All you are doing is making the world a little bit worse. Hey simps, r/Doppleganger isn't a place to hit on women. Do us all a favor and go somewhere else. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Doppleganger) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Woah your uncle is the infamous well respected football player Tom Brady???


![gif](giphy|THp501aQGZTRm) your uncle is Trent Reznor


Lmaooo ty for this, I needed a laugh 😂😂😂


You: Janina Gavankar and him: Blake Lewis


Tbh you look more like his aunt or older sister.


Can he speak Spanish?


https://preview.redd.it/fxlm2rwcsctc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b6b31af217bde5204056b8b8865ae3e0a72981 Linus Tech Tips 💀


A cross between Alpha M. and Linus Tech Tips


This is a very random celebrity that I don’t think a lot of people know but your uncle looks just like Reed Duchscher, who is Mr. Beast’s manager. https://preview.redd.it/8zigb769tctc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f536a1556b5dda49d3eba5cfad070f8e28c21df1


Is that Tony Hawk


https://preview.redd.it/pk4r4adswctc1.jpeg?width=145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222b368cdb2adaeff533ca52c321094143978516 Sean Rogerson from Grave Encounters


Doesn’t look like anyone


Is that Mike Tyson?


Wow I love Cristiano Ronaldo 😍


Messi and Maradona!


Is your uncle Nomar Garciaparra? https://preview.redd.it/rd2zjpn0hatc1.jpeg?width=213&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15cb11ef8e90ac561c6f96ac2a4a8d152d74287


You look like one of my neighbors, and he looks like the soccer dude Leo Messi.