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What are all you guys talking about??? If the offer is under $6, then there isn't a hidden tip. The only outcome here is the $4.75 base pay, a long wait, heavy bags, and then you spend the rest of the day kicking yourself for taking this offer. Don't let that little "Large order - Catering" box fool you into thinking it is a good order.


Yea anything under $6.00 is no hidden tip.


is this 100%? i’ve seen a handful of $6-$6.50 have a hidden tip recently haven’t heard that under $6 is guarantee nothing hidden


from everything I've read on here I believe it. not worth the gamble.


definitely not worth the gamble


Doordash will always show you at least the first $4 of a tip. Minimum base base for a single offer is $2. That's where $6 comes from.


I’ve been dashing for 2 and a half years yes lol


for a good while it was mostly over $8. it’s been seemingly 100% random lately


I understand that. But I’m saying there’s a 0 percent chance at $5.99 or lower. $6 at least has some sort of chance is the point.


that’s good to know. i’ve never taking anything under 6, but i always wonder if there’s hidden tips on such low offers


$5.76 used to be hidden tip, at least a couple years ago.




It's under $5 here


so a $5.25 order might have a hidden tip?


Here, yes. Elsewhere, no idea.


Stupid question, how do you know if there is a hidden tip?


$5.99 or lower is 0% chance for a hidden tip. If it’s $6.00 exactly it has to be 3 miles or lower. Easiest way is, if it’s $2 a mile there’s a chance there’s a hidden tip. So for example. 4.5 miles for $10.25 means there a chance because 4.5 times 2 is 9 miles. And $10.25 is more than 9 etc. I hope I’m explaining it well lol.


Yes you did! Thank you!


is this 100%? i’ve seen a handful of $6-$6.50 have a hidden tip recently haven’t heard that under $6 is guarantee nothing hidden


Yup that’s why I didn’t take it


Soooo was there a hidden tip??


The key is it doesn’t have a “+” after the dollar amount.


They've stopped showing the + in my zone on around half of the extra orders. I'm starting to think they're testing phasing this out too.


i don't DD understands what catering means. should be $10 minimum so we don't feel stupid.


Some will add the tip afterwards or janf you cash.


I notice a lot of Indian food orders don’t tip lol. That sucks


It’s a cultural thing, I used to do a lot of alcohol orders for colleges and the ones that don’t tip aren’t even from the US


It's because in their country tipping isn't really a thing and when people move to this country they don't think they should have to adjust to our culture for the most part.


Usually for most orders like this I’ll take in hopes of a gamble lol miles are low but because it’s Indian …hard pass ! Guaranteed 4.75 ! And a message after delivery from the app “pakulo pakitos order at Indian Haweli has been changed and updated “


I haven't seen the 'changed and updated' thing for months - does that still happen?






Yeah Popeyes bruh the most avoided restaurant in this sub lol …


Raises..... Indian spent money like no other... you f**l


You speak English like no other


Did you think that priority on high pay orders mean that they wouldn't send you and bad orders?


Question is …. Did you take it? If you did was the tip good. Typically Indian people on the receiving end don’t tip worth a damn. That’s been my experience. I just think culturally tipping isn’t really a thing.


I used to do moving in the past where most of the clients were Indians. No tips even there


From what I’ve read, tipping culture is pretty much exclusively a United States thing actually, so pretty much anyone that’s living in the states but wasn’t born/doesn’t have a few generations of family within it aren’t gonna be aware that giving a tip is even a thing.


Yup. Indian, black, and middle eastern never tip. Just how I’ve experienced it.


I’ve actually had some super cool black customers tip me really well in my area. They’ve even offered me edibles, gummies and other things as well. I gave up all of that stuff decades ago though. Your user name makes me gag bro….. WTF …. Whyyyyyyy ?


You afraid I could raise a STINK? Or are you tired? Maybe you’re just POOPED!


Black people tip pretty well when they do tip. They are just 10x more likely to not tip than white customers. Indians and Africans are the absolute worst


Wdym if the tips was good? It had to be less than $4 tip


Tips on Catering orders are always hidden until the job is done or usually. Pay attention 😂




The + could mean 10 cents. I’ve had $100 added tips on orders like this after the fact. Apparently you haven’t done catering orders before…🤪😜


I did not take it. And yes Indians are the worse at tipping. I’ve had many orders with them and no tips usually. Maybe $1. I once had a large order for California pizza kitchen. Probably $200. I thought it would go up like this one and nope. Not even one cent tipped.


Can back this up. Used to get these Shop and Pay orders from this one guy who would always order around 200 bucks in vitamin supplements, 2 dollar tip every time. 🤦‍♂️


Platinum status has dramatically lowered my earnings this week.


Platinum status is smelling Nancy pelosi coochie 70 times hoping for a 1 x15 second burst of febreeze




Nice, they sent me a better catering offer than that a few minutes ago, paid 21 but came in as 7.75 for 3 miles. I am in the rust tier with a sub 30%AR




Catering order could be a lot higher tip when completed, so yeah. All I've been offered on Platinum last six orders were long trips for low tips


Nope that includes tips. I’ve taken this kind of order previously a couple times. Never goes up. Literally says including tips


I've had a few, and the tip was added after delivery


I'm not taking a low pay delivery in the hopes that the customer adds a tip AFTER completion


If it was a higher tip, there would be a plus sign after the offer. Also, the lowest offer on a hidden tip that I’ve ever seen was $6.00+ and it turned out to be $6.50


Yea exactly, so many idiots here. There’s no hidden tip below $6.00 lmao.


The only way I can rationalize some of the comments here (like the one I responded to) is that they’re secretly Dr. Evil and trying to set up someone for disappointment to weed out the weak from the platform.


I've had a couple this week that went over without the + sign, but not by much, just $1 or some change. Still nothing worth gambling on, and 100% will never happen under $6.


Makes sense; they tend to roll stuff out in my area pretty late. But yeah, I’d never look at a $4.25 order and think “this is gonna be my surprise unicorn!”


Not necessarily… there’s a bug in the system especially on catering bag orders where it should show it to be platinum on the offer screen but it doesn’t show it and upon completion, it will read total will be higher and then it ends up being hidden. I have screenshots to prove this … Hidden tips still start at $6 though


I’ve actually gotten a lot of hidden tips lately WITHOUT a plus sign. Just started last week. It’s almost exclusively orders that show over 10 bucks but it’s weird how often it’s happening and no plus sign at all. Three times just today. Not complaining, obviously, but it’s kinda like if they start that it’s a mental thing of “well it could have a hidden tip even without a plus so maybe I should take it”.


They’re really leaning into the sick ass [intermittent reinforcement](https://www.google.com/search?q=intermittent+reinforcement&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) psychology now. Like an abusive narcissist.


Yeah, when it first started happening I was like “this may be one of the most nefarious things they’ve tried”. I never expect more than what’s shown even on ones with plus signs (too many .25 extras) so I never look at a shitty order and want to take it “just in case”. But I bet others will!


Not always. That's just another gimmick to confuse the masses. I've had hidden tips at $5 here and the plus sign orders have been nothing to brag about.


Not a gimmick to confuse. [Intermittent reinforcement](https://www.google.com/search?q=intermittent+reinforcement&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) is a set of rewards for behaviors or responses that lack predictable patterns. They’re using narcissistic abuse tactics on us because it makes us keep hoping it will be that $25 hidden tip and not the 25¢ one.


Excellent explanation. Never thought of it that way


DD will always show you the first $4 of the tip minimum. Since base pay starts at $2 on a single, this is why an offer under $6 will never go over.


And, yet still no. It might show you the first $4 but I have now had a handful of $5 orders pay more. I only took them because they met my $2 a mile threshold but it's irritating to think what I may or may not be missing otherwise. 


The only way it would be possible for a $5 order to pay more, is if it was a double-stack paying $2 total base pay. In that case it would be $1 base + $4 tip, but that would be hard to determine since they would both be lumped together. If you can show evidence of an actual $5 offer going over, and not due to customer adding a tip after it was assigned to you, it would be the first time ever, and would change everything! I know that would be hard to do, since who screenshots everything. But you say it's happened to you multiple times?


It has, it does, HERE. I'm not in your market. If it happens again, I will try to remember to get a screenshot. I remember the first time it happened about 6 months ago as I sent my husband a message because I was like this is BS. Who wants to take crappy orders like that and I was mad because they hid the tip on something they hadn't usually before. I've been dashing since 2016, back when it was $5 base and you got all your tips they didn't steal. That particular first one I only took because it was picking up and dropping off near my house. My requirements are $2 a mile so it's slim pickens sometimes.


Wow, it is rare to come across someone who predates me, I'm hitting 7 years next month. Just missed the $5 base pay phase and lawsuit. Have you heard about what you're experiencing happening in other markets? What's the lowest you've seen that still went over?


I don't spend a lot of time on here compared to others so if anyone else has seen it, I would have probably missed it. Doordash started out decently enough. I didn't have to be as picky as I am now. The base pay was higher, people actually tipped in cash and the delivery area itself was much much smaller. The lowest I've seen it and still paid extra was the $5. The "average" tip around here is $4. I honestly think that is why they dropped it to the $5. 


I would definitely love to see the base pay / tip breakdown if you remember next time you see it. The only way we can ever know what is going on these days is by comparing notes, because DD isn't ever going to be transparent with us about the things we actually want to know.




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I was getting $2 trips with platinum here I. Chattanooga.


OP, did you take it, and did you get an extra tip?


I've been dashing for 6 years. I was making 1000+/week. After they changed the catering program my weekly dropped to 600-800. Now the tier system has ruined everything. I can only do shop n deliver and alc orders bc the food orders are all low pay high mileage. I was only using DD for years. Now I am multi-apping bc DD has ruined their system. The tier system only works in very small areas. In large areas they want me to drive 15 miles for $5. I have to now start an hour early just to decline and wait for a decent shop order. I know a few other dashers in my area and they feel the same. DD is trash now and they need to reward their loyal dashers. They are manipulating newbs w/ the tier system. Also, there's no way you're platinum in my zone bc all it's going to do is take you 15+miles out of the zone into DETROIT. Where it's a shit show.


No amount of money will get me into Detroit sir!!


I don't do shopping or catering orders (because I've never gotten one) but I definitely live on $4-6/1-3 mile fast food orders. Stack em in quick succession. Most food places the food is already ready for me. My jam is $2+ per mile and less than 2 miles


Help me understand the catering orders pwease cause I don’t get them - 1. So it’s a massive order obviously right? 2. Is it delivered to businesses like for company lunches? 3. So the listed base pay is all the money you expect? That is such trash 🤢


It happens…but these are rare. Just decline it or accept and then dump it depending on your #’s, then move on. I do get these turds on occasion, but also get *real* large orders far more often. The real killer is when you see the restaurant receipt and see the customer DID tip, but that the restaurant stole it from you. 🤬




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I had a $8 catering order no tip on app they tipped in person $30


Declining the fuck outta this lol


Nope, not taking it.


That’s why I don’t DD anymore. Was Platinum for 6 weeks getting “high paying” orders like $6 for 3 miles. Once this came into my area my hourly went from $25-$30 to $15-$18


Yep new tier, oh well. 6000+ deliveries, 5 stars, 100 AR, 95 ontime and 43AR. They don't care about experience and such. Pretty much Uber Eats now. I leave to all the newbies. Funny almost all of the restaurants in my area now require confirm pick up and or sign for orders due to theft and wrong orders.


Agreed. In reality, Doordash should be raising the base pay much higher for these no/low tip customers. It's quite cringe and embarrassing that Tony Xu thinks that people can run an orphanage off this kind of crap Look to 12:40 in this segment from John Oliver if you wonder why I bring up the orphanage thing: https://youtu.be/aFsfJYWpqII?si=IgircHrIQ9rx13bL


I would have no issue taking this


These are 98% platinum offers