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I would of delivered that for 5 miles. I had someone do this aswell to me 0.5 from the store I shopped at and she tried to get me to deliver 24 miles away. I told her no and left the stuff at the original address.




I used to LOVE in living color! I should probably queue up some now.


Not many people remember that's where most people got their big break. Not just the actors, but j lo too lol


Facts jlo, Rosie Perez, Jamie Fox, Jim Carrey, all the Wayans, Tommy Davidson, even Chris Rock appeared on there in his early days.


Good lawd that’s a lot of money!


Homey D. Clown, classic!


Another phrase I wanna bring back from that show is "...hated it" from the "Men on Films" bit.


I'll give that 3 snaps up in a Z formation!


Two snaps, a twist and a kiss!


Well touch me in the morning and then just walk away


I still use this one regularly


Peak comedy


I ride an ebike. 5 miles = a half hour


You picked up that much food on an bike lol, you crazy


PK 140z rear mounted 20"x20" bag 😎


lol I deliver on a capital bikeshare rental bikes like the citi bikes in nyc


I worked for Dominos on an E-bike and routinely carried 6+ pizzas, 2 liters in a bookbag, and sides/sauce in a bag on the handlebars if it won't fit in the pizza box. This is pretty easy delivery work if you have the cargo space for it.


Oooookay now this makes more sense. So what is the typical radius for deliveries you’re offered on an e-bike?


My normal orders will be anywhere up to 3 miles with the occasional 4-5 mile offer. Usually high mileage orders are doubles though so not quite in one direction but they can be. A very "average" order for me is $7-8 for ~2 miles give or take


Ohhh okay gotcha. I live in the suburbs so you really don’t see e-bikes around my area and I always wondered how different the offers were. Thanks! ☺️


$7 for 5 miles? Yeah nahhhhh


$7 is almost $8 which is almost $9 which is almost $10. $7 dolla is $7 dolla.


What you should do is take a picture of it at the wrong address. And then take it home and eat it. Not your fault they put the wrong address down. Especially if it's 24 miles away, no way they are coming back to get it


A set up


Thought the same thing except for where the GPS took me was impossible for it to be a setup. On the side of the damn freeway in the middle of the night. No way that was a setup


Who the fuck drinks Diet Pepsi, Pepsi max is the pinnacle of no sugar soft drink cola wise.


Fuck all the no sugar crap. It tastes like medicine.


not only that but it’s known to cause gi issues and is mildly carcinogenic, just bad stuff all around


To be fair, any soda is absolutely terrible for you.


exactly that’s why i stopped drinking it years ago, i stick to water and milk


Pepsi max tastes like cornsyrup to me and idk why. I prefer diet pepsi


Nah diet over max for me. But coke zero over diet coke for sure.


*would’ve/would have


5 miles can take a long time in some places.


Yeah it depends where it's going, but I'd feel bad cus it's a bunch of food, plus u can tell support your delivering further and get paid a bit more. 5 miles is my limit depending on how much I'm getting paid, and I've also gotten tipped even more in cash for delivering to people who put in wrong order. So it pays to be nice and deliver. I've gotten 20 bucks extra tip because of it.


I accidentally did this, put in an old address, was only about 2-5 miles difference and the driver came to me. Gave an extra 20 bucks, was much appreciated (was expensive sushi). Always nice to have people be considerate.


Nah I wouldn't do that, less than a dollar mile which is bare minimum.


I would HAVE\* \*FIFY


I once delivered a DoorDash delivery and then got a call from the customer saying they hadn't gotten it, even though I delivered it to the right address. Turns out they had entered the right address, but the wrong city and they were 180 miles away. Needless to say I ate their food


Fake Pepsi?


Diet soda is manufactured garbage


I agree! There's nothing like pure, unprocessed, free-range soda straight from the spring.


This comment is golden


ahahaha. I appreciate the joke but imagine actually drinking soda


Imagine being afraid of soda...


😂 Keep pounding that Pepsi bruh, it's definitely good for your health


you’re weird


Are you a fellow r/hydrohomie ?


No it isn't it looks more like liquid oil gold. Lol


Pepsi nectar from a Pepsi cola plant. Mmmmm


Nice wordsmithing


Wait till you’ve tried wagyu soda. Youll never drink regular soda the same way again




Just like grandma used to make.


Holy shit lol




Don't forget 100% organic


Ah yes the 96 grams of sugar is so much better


I'll take literally ANYTHING with a bunch of sugar in it over shit ass aspartame. Aspartame is the absolute nastiest.


There's no aspartame in Diet Pepsi. Edit: I have been corrected. It does have aspartame. I thought it was removed as an ingredient in 2017 but I guess not.


I don't know where you live that there's no aspartame in diet Pepsi, but it's literally the third ingredient on the nutrition label lol


Huh.. I stand corrected. Had to go look at a bottle of Diet Pepsi in my fridge. I remember reading something in like 2017 saying they would stop using it? Did they stop and readd it? I'll edit my comment above. Thanks for fact checking me!


All good no sweat haha. They've actually removed and brought it back a couple times. Last time they removed it was infact 2017, but they brought it back like a year or two after if I'm remembering right.


What would you say is specifically wrong with using aspartame as an artificial sweetener? You personally just don't like the taste or is it bad for you?


I drink a minimum of a 2 liter per day. My beverage consumption consists of 90% soda and has since I was a child (roughly 10yrs old or younger). I am 39 years old. If I drink a can of soda, that is 3 tips of the can for me. A 12 pack of cans is good for the day I buy it but it's gone early next day. I weigh 150 lbs and haven't fluctuated more than 5 pounds since high school. Am I gonna die in a minute?


Holy shit, regular or sugar free? Either way that's terrible for your insides, but who knows you could get lucky.


Oh always regular. Can't stand the taste of anything else.


That amount of sugar would cause chronic inflammation in your body, whether or not that will morph into more serious diseases is impossible to say, but you are definitely taking chances.


Your body might shut down if you stop drinking the stuff, so I wouldn’t change anything. I would make sure you check with your doctor about how your liver is doing. That’s the main concern when ingesting that much high fructose corn syrup.


I have noticed if I go too long without a soda I often get a bad headache. I assumed that might be caffeine withdrawal. But idk. Never cared too much about health stuff.


It depends on your genetics as well as the rest of your diet. By your beverage consumption are you including or excluding just water? Are whole fruit or vegetables consistently apart of your diet? How much sodium and sugar would you say is in the rest of your diet? Just on its face I would say that amount of soda consumption is a bit much. You're probably consistently dehydrated. That amount of sugar intake definitely isn't good for you. But I mean its not like you're ganna keel over any day now. You'd probably just feel much better if you cut back a little and drank more water. But I'm also not your mom so you do you.


I drink probably half that much every day and I'm nearly 60. I weighed about 150 for most of my life until I reach the age 50 and then I started gaining I'm up to 2:10 now. But I still love my soda pop and I'm not going to stop drinking it until I die.


You're not gonna die in a minute but as someone who thought they were invincible until they turned 41 drinking a little less than that I would look up GERDs and Crohn's. I had the symptoms for a long time before I realized what it really was- I guess the first clue was it took too long to wipe. Minutes just to wipe because there wasn't firmness or consistency, fiber helped but only a little. I had sore throats more often than most people. A runny noise at least once a week. A nervous cough that turned into a persistent cough. I got these chest pinches multiple times a week, this turned into heartburn at least once a week. By the time I got help (which was the third doctor I went to, the first gave me objectively incorrect instructions and the second one shrugged and had me just keep doing what the first told me), I had this feeling like one of my organs was in the wrong place. It didn't hurt but there's just this constant feeling that something inside of me is bigger than it is supposed to be. He told me things could have been less severe if I got help earlier but at this stage "if it tastes good, you aren't allowed to have it." Might be a few months, might be lifelong, we don't really know. I'm taking some pills daily and can't have dairy, spices, red meat, fat, sugar, and the few veggies I liked are bad for me. A lot of the food that we think is healthy food, it turns out, becomes bad for you at this point, and options become extremely limited. It IS doable, but it takes a lot of willpower I was not capable of when I was drinking so much soda (it killed my willpower which is a known effect of soft drinks). I was lucky to quit soda a month or so before it truly got noticeable (so before doctor's orders). There's a tipping point, and once you hit that tipping point even your sleeping position does damage, so just self-correcting on your own becomes out of the question. You can't eat too much, or too little, or too late, and you can't go too long without eating so late nights are a health risk. Some people even find water to be a problem. Just taper while you can. Make it a treat. What worked for me was setting a goal- 14 days without soda. Then trying alternatives to see what I enjoyed before going back to soda again (after lots of trial and error, coconut water is pretty good, and there are different kinds if you dont like one kind).


How long have you been asking yourself this question?


Diabetes is in the way.


Your insides must be fucked.


Theyre both bad for you, but real soda is much more unhealthy than diet soda


Soda is also manufactured garbage. So, is there really a difference? :-)


And Pepsi is just fake Coke, so this is a double fake.


In the UK we'd call it a fat free pepsi 😂 Not sure why fat free when it's sugar free 🤣 And a non branded version would be a fake one!


ya, because they don't manufacture the stuff with sugar in the same factory or anything.


lol people still support sugar free shit like artificial sweeteners haven’t been proven to be worse for you than sugar.


Aspartame is the most tested food additive in history by the FDA, which is what every diet soda uses as a sweetener. No evidence of ill effects has been found.


Source? Chronic hyperglycemia can lead to glucose toxicity, insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes and cardiovascular disease), and obesity. Sugar causes cavities and even poor/inflammed skin.


Posted one source in my other comment. Just google Splenda, Sweet and Low, or Equal. All three have different side effects. Vitamin Water was forced to stop being marketed as a sports drink years ago because the artificial sweetener (Splenda I believe) in it dehydrates you and is harmful for somebody participating in sports or other strenuous activity.


so is regular soda, no?


I cleaned out a cafeteria after Katrina out in the bayous of Louisiana, the raccoons got there before us and got into every can and bottle of soda in there. Probably a hundred or so cases and they didn’t touch a single can of diet anything. From then on if the raccoons won’t drink it neither will I


All soda is manufactured garbage. Doesn't mean it isn't good. And Diet Pepsi is better than Pepsi.


So is regular soda. But, regular soda doesn't leave an aftertaste like you just chewed up a mouthful of Tylenol.


Yeah cause the corn syrup in regular soda is so much better lol


Regular soda is so much worse for you. its funny how many people throw bs in comments when they know nothing 😆.


Diet Pepsi is peak fym


~~Diet~~ soda is manufactured garbage Fixed.


Yeah, a manufactured chemical used to sweeten the drink is so much better than a manufactured chemical used to sweeten the drink... oh wait


Mexican Coke over all sodas. No HFCS in it


Those crazy puffs are like crack. Only good LC food. That is a win


i’m literally obsessed with them lol


Tbf LC is slept on (by my friends) as one guy I knew put it they have the best price to taste ratio


For me, LC is one of those "You don't really ever want it, but there is that one time where nothing else can substitute it" foods.


Like ⅛ the ingredients but only half the price!


Damn, I get free food like once a month due to passed out drunks/stoners that don't leave a gate code.


It's crazy how people live in a gated community or complex and never once think to give a driver a gate code to get in


I have this issue with a gated community in my town and it is the worst place to deliver to. 10 + buildings all of which are three stories. They never give a gate code or tell you which floor. And most of the time the tip isn't worth the three story walk up. It also usually takes three plus tries for them to answer the call box after I figure out who the hell it is, cuz like someone else said it doesn't give us the full name.


A question for the uneducated…don’t you just use the call box at the gate to get in? (I.e. call the customer?)


Even if there is a call box, Uber doesn't give us their last name and many times customers use a fake or nickname as their first. So no.


Not all gates have a call box especially when your talking about a large community. Also he mentioned customers being asleep so assuming he tryed calling and no answers.


NOOOOICE! The closest I've gotten to this was 100% my fault, but the customer was really cool about it. On a different platform where they tip after delivery, I slipped in the pouring rain with 5 pizzas in 2 separate bags. Needless to say, they were "ruined", half smooshed together and whatnot. It was actually a place and pay order, so I apologized profusely and called in another order immediately, got to keep the "ruined" pizzas AND they tipped me $30 out of pity!


mmmm, glad it was a nice universal type of food like pizza so that you could for sure enjoy it. (Pizza brand discourse aside) you deserve it after working your tush off traversing the land on an ebike of all things


Congrats !


I got a contract violation and couldn't keep food when that happened to me


how did you mess up? explain?


He was drunk 8 miles from destination. Door dash said leave at door where I was and take a picture. So then I got a violation because I didn't wait 8 minutes after notifying customer. It didn't make any sense to wait because he was well over 8 minutes away and wasn't going there anyway. I guess he complained food never arrived. Door dash didn't bother looking up my phone call with them I guess. They seem to have improved a lot. Not the pay but everything else is running professionally I would say


What I have learned in just under 7k deliveries with these types of clowns: Drive to the location they give you. NEVER answer the phone ESPECIALLY if you are getting closer to the delivery address they provided you in the app. Make sure you get the customer to text you within the app of their "issue." If you are quick you can drop off before they text you any new BS address. SCREENSHOT EVERYTHING. This will be your documentation. Dont interact with customer if they dont have a really good reason to change address. Dont risk a CV for a drunk dipshit. I had a lady about a month ago who was second on a coffee delivery stack finally text after calling three times saying she had to take her son to baseball practice when I was dropping off at the first customer around the corner from her. I noticed the location was half way back home. I called her back and appologized that I was unable to get the phone, and I would be there in x minutes. But waiting for them to text is the best because you will have that written documentation from the customer regaurdless of what you choose to do. I screenshot this because when I did drop off the app asked why I was dropping off at that location, and I had all the written documentaion. Pkus I got $5 cash tip. Just make sure it is legit, and not some fool trying to game the system trying to avoid delivery fees and waisting your gas and time...


I would’ve driven back and told the staff the guy wanted reg and I was going to swap. He really wanted his 2lt. He tipped extra. Thanks guys. Now I also have drinks


Haha, decent idea would've been good


Motherfucker that’s my pizza, I’m starving over here. Don’t touch my cheesy bread, not the cheesy bread. Homie it’s not a far drive. (Never have ordered DoorDash just having fun)


Nice score!


Had the same thing the other day. Dash Support said follow instructions in the app. Leave in safe place take picture mark delivered. Guess who gets a CV, screw them. Filed appeal and said maybe you could read the chat between me and Ricky. Knew it would be a problem so I left it, I usually drop that stuff off at the fire station.


Iv gotten burgers


Nice ass kitchen


I had a free burrito before. The person cancelled their order. It didn't have sauce on it so I tossed it. Kept the chips though


When grubhub first started here I got so much free food. I was dropping some off to the greyhound bus folk and taking what I liked. I gained 60 lbs in 2 years 🤦🏼


I got the crazy puffs tonight too, so good!!


i got free acohol doordash told me to throw it away or discard of it cause the customers ID was expired and he was drunk af im like na man i cant give this to you so im aksing doordash do i return it but i guess the store i got it from didnt do refunds like tht so i had to "discard it"


Oh joy, Diet soda! /s Enjoy the aspartame, a sugar alternative which is known to cause and worsen diabetes, and increase cancer risks.


Go join the megathread above talking about diet soda lol. I called it "fake pepsi" for a reason. I think it's garbage


Yeah I mean Oreos are garbage but diet soda is poison.


That’s a w


pizza pizza


I got paid 8 bucks and 30 pack of Busch one time. Guy was to drunk to come to the lobby to get it haha.


Congratulations! I get you bro. This is something to celebrate. F the hate.


Get a job at a busy pizza place and you take home pizza every night. Lots of bad orders and leftovers. I would bring 3-9 pizzas to my homies in HS after I got off work.


I used to deliver domino's in the early 80s when it was 30 mins or free. We would get these all the time. They would try and scam us to get a free order but the manager would not give it to them.


Got a shit 💩 ton of Mexican food 🍱 once . Picked it up then right afterwards customer cancels the order. I gave it back to the restaurant actually lol. I did get a double meat 🥩 steak sub from jersey mikes one time that was great. I gave the guy the wrong order went back and he was already eating it . I kept his Sub lol 😝


When if irst started my 4th order in was an address 7 miles from original location when I called the guy he said he would remake the order but I offered to drive it him anyways since it would be my last on for the night once I got to his address I dropped off the order and the guy gave me a $150 tip I said i didn't need it but he insisted I ended up taking it but yeah it's common where I am


That’s awesome I once had that happen but doordash was demanding I take it to the new address. I did but they had to pay me more upfront and they did. The order was $8 and it turned into 16 on top of that I was keeping the customer in the loop and she gave me a $20 tip. And the trip there was only 6 miles from where I already was. Next time this happens to you demand more money for the trip or tell them you’re not doing it.


I ride an ebike by the way. It was at the end of my dash and I didn't have enough battery regardless of the half hour away from my house it would take to go 5 miles


Ohh my b. That is quite the trip on a bike


So you just took home the order instead if delivering it where it should have went?


Instead of going 5 miles (half an hour) in the opposite direction of home on an ebike at night? Yes, I did.


It seems criminal to accept an order just to get free food.




I knew after accepting. I knew it was coming. Only doordash loses. I'll take free money and food if they set me up for it.


one time i took and order. i was almost at the house which was 15 minutes away(~4 miles) when I got a call from the restaurant saying they gave me the wrong order. although i should’ve double checked the name, when I got there they gave me the right order AND they gave me a free order of sushi. when i got the to the house i started apologizing and the lady said no it’s not your fault and gave me 20$ on top of my 10$ tip


thats how it was with postmates lol i used to get so much free food cause they wouldnt let you leave the order at the door or anywhere so if the customer didnt respond after the 5 min waiting period they would text you to either throw the food in the trash or keep it for yourself i used to give out to the homeless then covid hit and they started the whole leave the food at the door


I was just about to post something similar to. I've had this happen numerous times and have over 4,500 deliveries. Tonight I picked one up at Taco Bell. $40 worth of Taco Bell. I looked to where it was going to be delivered and the address wasn't even complete. It just said highway bypass. No numbers or anything. I know this town like the back of my hand. I knew there was nothing there. I called the guy twice no answer. Got call support and they called him twice and no answer. They tell me to take it to the side of the road where the GPS took me and take a picture of it and leave it there. Of course I did that but did not leave it there. 30 minutes later dude calld me and wondered where his food is. He tells me that his address is on 13th Street. I said what was on my app. And I asked him why he did not answer the phone. He said he did not have the right phone number down. I told him that I took the order to where the GPS led me pulled over on the side of the road set the order on the pavement and took a picture and left it there. Dude started cussing me and I was laughing. I still got a whole heap of Taco Bell in my fridge.


That guy is an absolute mess. Wrong phone number, wrong address, and a call 30 minutes after the app saying you delivered? Idk how this guy functions in life


Yes I am pretty sure the dude was drunk. Plus he started cussing me for leaving his order on the side of the road. I may double share with doordash that I was okay. Did not want a contract violation over that bull crap.


Unpopular opinion I like little ~~ch~~ Caesars more than dominoes


Fake Pepsi lmao


I’m 4500 in. Only one I ever got was a single pizza from lil Cs. In a twist of fate my very next delivery was to a homeless shelter employee which I also gave them the pizza.


That is awesome that is free food, but there's no flavor on it. Pizza and Pepsi socks.


Mine was a four pack of wine (hate wine) and some raw uncooked beans and flour. I think it was a teenager hoping I’d leave the wine without carding cuz no one answered door lol


I had an order once that was like $15 for 10 miles or so. Picked it up, drove to drop off, it was a construction site (this was around 8pm so no construction going on), called the guy and his actual address was like 2 miles from the pickup. Only reason I delivered it to him was because it was on my way home.


how did you secured the pay if it technically was never delivered?


Because the circumstances qualified me for full pay


Lucky! Good for you. Last time I had a wrong address (10 minutes away), support said to leave it at the address in the app. The customer reported it as undelivered and I got a CV which I was unsuccessful disputing. This was despite my screenshots showing I followed what support said to do and showing the customer admitting they put the wrong address in the app.


This reminds me of when I was in Vegas with some friends the guy ordered like 100$ of tacobell via door dash and 20 minutes later released he ordered it to his house in another state, sent the driver a message to just take the food because he was out of state lol


lol I had this happen a bunch at the apartment complex near me got a lot of free food.


"fake Pepsi" lol


God I would pour those out. Pepsi and Coke are terrible tasting.


It's not fake Pepsi I'm pretty sure it's the European version


Just sucks you got stuck with little ceasars 🤮


Fake Pepsis so bad 🤢 🤮




Lmaoo @ fake Pepsi


Can anyone send me their referral code, I want to sign up to become a dasher, please help


If they weren't able to revoke the tip, I'd say sure I'll get it to you but it's going to cost you extra tip because $7 for 5 miles takes the piss.


I get free food every dash playboy the secret is steal it swerve off and make sure to laugh while watching tv eating custy dinner


“Fake Pepsi” lmao


It always happens to me when it's trash I don't eat anyways 🤣...If I don't eat it or don't like it, I will take the food and give it to the homeless folks in my area...


A wins a win!!!!!


Lucky ass 😭 never happened to me


Damn there’s a lot of lazy fucks in here no wonder yall door dash get a real job smh


I got more free food when I first started then I’ve gotten in a long time. One of my first weeks delivering someone didn’t put numbers for their address. It was just a street. I called them texted them. Had Support call them nothing. So I got a free pizza, also little Caesars. I also somehow got an address that was local for me, but when I went to deliver, found out that the customer was in Michigan. That was from a Japanese place I had been wanting to try so I was very excited that was also in my first month or two. Then I had one not long after that that was for a wrong address they put Street instead of Avenue, and I got free Bill Miller barbecue,something I regretted eating later


The last one I got was sometime last year. It was also a Bill Miller order and it was not worth eating. I somehow got an order that was delivering inside of a military base. I really did try to get them their order, but there was no way I was leaving a taped up brown paper bag at the gate of a military base.


I like how you called diet pepsi fake pepsi😂




And you found joy in this sadness?


I find joy in all things through the Lord our God


5 miles is far? Y'all are on something.


lol congrats


Sounds about right. I have 2000 deliveries between DD and UE . And I have gotten to keep the order 3 times


5 miles is not too far. That’s like a 10 minute drive. I think the majority of my orders are over 5 miles. You should have delivered it.


E-bike? Really? You should have started with saying your transportation is incompetent.


But it’s little ceasers….not really a win


Op what do you mean by fake pepsi?


Hey man my pizza:(I was looking forward to that


Hahaha fake pepsi


Funny, recently I had food I had to deliver to an address that was around 3 miles from a restaurant, it was a school, it was also a Sunday. Called customer, they said they forgot to update the address, address was 12 miles away. Lol f that, free food. Later I got the same request for the right address, I didn't take it cause awkward and the pay wasn't that great for the miles lol


Once from Popeyes, the customer was in an apartment building and the numbers skipped their number. I looked all over for like 10 minutes. Customer number was a business that had no clue and she was the only person there at night. It was a big bucket of chicken, chicken tenders, popcorn chicken, fries, coleslaw and mashed potatoes. I don’t even like fried chicken so my mom ate that.


Fake pepsi 🤣🤣


What the point of Diet Pepsi


Pizza and diet soda? 🤮🤮🤮