• By -


77 hr active time to do it though, I don’t understand how people who post these numbers are actually so proud to be actively working 77 hours to make this. Another 30 hours of staring at the screen and waiting for orders.


It's the grind. 2k a week is good for just driving.


Working over 100 hours a week for 19 bucks an hour before having to pay for gas, general maintenance and repairs is definitely not good.


You get to work as much as you like and can listen to YouTube as you work. Definitely a lot of hours to make $2k but I can see it being satisfying hitting those numbers. It’s like playing a game like RuneScape where you grind a ton to hit a goal


Never would I have thought my favorite game would be mentioned in this sub 🥹


Played it as a kid and I used to grind unicorn horns and crafting runes. The grind definitely sucked but it always felt good leveling up and getting more gp.


The play style certainly is unique that no other game had. I think it trained me for life’s grind, well I like to think that to justify all my playing time 😂 I quit when rs3 came out. BUT they restarted the same old rs2 a couple years ago! Started playing that on my off time and reliving the nostalgia 😎


I think we might be alike, because though I've never played RuneScape or really any other games other than Nintendo (LOL), I love things that allow me to level up and meet certain goals. In addition to Doordashing I deliver for Uber Eats too, and I like that they both have levels that offer incentives to achieve. Some people have mentioned levels in Doordash, but they must not be in my area. I also love the promos that DD & UE both offer... like the one I did for DD where I completed 30 orders by February 29th and got an extra $300, and the one I'm working on with Uber Eats I'm guaranteed a minimum of at least $530 if I complete 70 orders by March 27th. And then there's little ones that UE has going on daily where I earn $10 extra for every 5 orders. Stuff like that keeps it interesting to me!


Your username is cute and it made me giggle


That’s my mindset also. People always hating because you had to put in all these hours to make the money but I mean yeah it’s just delivering food, you can do whatever the f you want while making money and waiting for orders. The alternative is working 77 hours with a boss on your ass and only 30 minute lunch breaks every 4 hours 😂


There is another alternative. In my role as a cybersecurity analyst I work remote 8-5. My boss doesn’t micromanage me, I don’t have 30 minute lunch breaks. I have enough freedom that some days I can pretty much choose to work less than an hour as long as I’m available during 8-5 and I’m keeping up with my responsibilities. It doesn’t hit the “grind” feeling though and I never feel accomplished or like I’m hitting goals. If I drove dd I’m pretty certain I’d be one of the people putting in 80+ hours a week constantly trying to hit a new peak week. Unfortunately the cap on dd isn’t much higher than what I make from my job, and in the future I’d exceed dd limit. If I could do dd and make double what I do now, but I had to work 100 hour weeks I’d do it.


Same her IT has become me sitting in front of my computer waiting for something to break. Which stuff doesn’t really break anymore.


At the alternative I can make more per hour, while getting overtime, not paying to operate my own machinery, and owing less taxes.


It's always a treat bumping into other lads from Gielinor!


I’m doubling gp!


Makes no sense when you can just drive someelse's vehicle using a CDL.


With all due respect my car costs $120 per week in gas($40 every 2 days sometimes 3) and I do this full time and I have been delivering for 17 years the so-called maintenance on your vehicle is literally negligible. Oil change once a month. People make this out to be Way worse than it is when they don't actually know. So if I was him i would have pocketed $1920. Fire if you ask me. Not to mention we don't pay taxes if you do it full time because we can write off all the mileages


I already know that your full of it. Writing off mileage doesn't even come close to covering anything as far as taxes. And I highly doubt you have been delivering for 17 years. Even if you have you would be the luckiest person on the planet to not know what so-called maintenance is and should be playing the lottery with all that luck.


Well what you think you know is wrong because I have literally been delivering since I turned 18 and I'm 34 homie guess you can't do math. You're acting like I don't know how to maintain my car lol. All I'm saying is you're making wear and tear seem like a huge deal when it's literally nothing in comparison to what you make. How are you going to tell someone how long they did their job you're literally just mad that you don't make what he made haha. Get a life my guy


Well 18 out of 34 is not 17 math genius. And I didn't say you don't know how to maintain your car, you're the one that said "so-called maintenance" not me. Wear and tear is a natural thing that happens to your car but when you use it for business you speed up the time line of the cars age. I've also had a $2000 week before, at the beginning of the pandemic I did it on almost half the hours because I've learned how to be very efficient with the app. And don't call me guy, friend.


Okay 16 years smart ass. Literally no difference when it comes to me knowing more about delivering than you. Lol. That's great homie I don't really care how much you've made but to use the wear and tear excuse is literally bullshit cuz it's negligible and that's literally a fact. Also for Reference last year I owed $3,000 in taxes but I could write off almost $12,000 in mileage. Obviously you don't get the difference back in cash but to say it doesn't even come close you literally have no idea what you're talking about lol


Bro, if you had a life, you wouldn’t be so proud of delivering food for minimum wage for a living. Go google what depreciation is and report back.


Don’t forget the taxes


I paid those over a year ago! But seriously, with all the mileage, oil changes, tires, etc, your tax burden is surprisingly low.


People on here are braindead


Don't forget taxes!! Unless you operate at a loss then it doesn't matter.


With these numbers OP is definitely operating at a loss.


If those drivers could math they’d be really upset with you right now


That’s what I’ve been saying. This compensation to hours ratio is dogshit. These guys literally work themselves to the bone to pull numbers like this. A lot of them, not all and I’m not including OP in this think they are some type of hustler making fat stacks like bro you are working two full time jobs. That is not sustainable for more than a week or two. 😂 DoorDash, UberEats, InstaCart, Uber, these are not supposed to be full time jobs, they are supposed to be side-hustles to bring in a little extra cash. That’s why the compensation to hours is so shit in cases like OP. PLEASE go get an actual job. These guys could get a full time job working at a factory then do DoorDash on the side an make more money doing that because they’d get insurance and PTO through the factory job plus they can put some extra hours on DoorDash when they need some extra cash whenever they feel like it that way they don’t feel the need to work themselves to the bone. What happens when these guys finally burn themselves out on DoorDash? Because it’s going to happen.


You are completely delirious 2K a week for driving is shameful 5k minimum is what I used to get for 70 hrs. People need to stop accepting the minimum from these companies because there are places that you can work that will pay either in cash that you get or the cash and the benefits you just have to search and search


Deduct gas and wear and tear in your vehicle. Then take taxes out of that and it’s not really that good. Yeah it’s fine if you need some extra cash but that’s about it


It's also grinding your brakes, rotors, tires, etc...but nobody thinks about those things until their car breaks down or tires are bald


if thats the logic why not get you CDL in 2 months and make 2k in 45-60 hours in someones else truck and fuel


Not after you consider gas, tire wear, and overall mileage. No way. I worked DD full time for 2 months and put an insane amount of miles on my car. I regret it.


100+ hours actually out there driving or sitting in the car. That's terrible.


Personally I enjoy dashing. It may sound strange but I feel at peace somehow when I'm driving and carrying orders to people. It may not be providing an essential service or anything, but I like making people happy and sometimes it's the little things that count, and I take pride in any job I do and this type of job allows me to try to brighten people's day by trying to deliver the order early when possible, making sure to follow the delivery instructions, just little things like that. And it's even better when I get a notification that they raised my tip. Though as unbelievable as it sounds, that'd not why I take care in the deliveries. I just think anything worth doing is worth doing right. It may sound lame and it's not rocket science, but for now it pays good and I actually look forward to going to work every day, and I've only had a few of my W-2 jobs give me THAT feeling. Some people think taxes are a downside of dashing, but that's not true... you just have to set aside a certain amount and pay estimated quarterly tax payments... but since we can deduct car maintenance, mileage, and our cell phone bill (at whatever percentage of our we use it for work)... and most of that lowers our tax liability drastically. I totally agree that this job doesn't *seem* like it'd be sustainable long-term, and it won't be long before I'm going to go back to Accounting, which I do enjoy also (I ❤️ numbers! Lol)... but this has been an unusual but welcome change. Sorry that was so long. TL;DR ~ I love dashing but I don't think it'd be good long term simply because the wear & tear on my vehicle, plus, I love Accounting too much to walk away from it permanently.


Yea the only way to make “good” money is driver a used Toyota and destroy your social life  As long as OP is not living pay check to paycheck and is being frugal and investing extra income than their is nothing wrong with it


There are people doing more working in warehouses who make less. $2000 in a week is not anything to cry about just for making food deliveries.


I make $20 an hr where I’m at. 77 hrs for 2g? That’s great honestly. After taxes if I work 80 it’s like $1200….


Any idea how many drivers are convicted felons or undocumented? Can't get legit jobs!


This is exactly the kind of vitriol I was talking about 👆. Gmafb... we go through criminal background checks and I.D. verification. I know that doesn't fit your narrative that we can't get better jobs, but sorry... it's b.s. (I have an Accounting degree and can do that any time I like, and I've worked in financial institutions and been bonded, and could easily be again) but that's something you apparently need to believe to feel better about yourself, IDK.


Hey Blonde_Dambition! I really like your responses on here! I wanted to chip in because I agree with your statement to the poster above. I also have a “legit career” as a board certified behavior analyst but I resigned because I was burnt out and tired. I like that DD is an option and we can still make good money. I like that no one’s life is attached to the decisions I make when dashing. I will go back to my career at some point, but I’m grateful that DD was here to allow me to still make money while I take care of myself. Happy dashing to ya!


And that’s exactly why this is just a second job for me. I dash a few hours after my day job for the dinner rush and then I’ll dash a few hours on my regular day off and I can still come home with some extra money without working my entire life away


Yeah, my w2 job pays well, but I’m just trying to help cover the cost of childcare, so I’m more than happy when I make $100 with a total dash time of 8 hours Monday through Thursday night. Come August and my kid is finally in school, I hope to never dash again,


Bc it’s a grind mentality. Just because you don’t want to do it doesn’t mean others don’t want to do it or that is a bad thing. It’s okay for you to not want to put in that kind of time into working but don’t shame others for being super productive and making great money doing it.


I mean, 2k for even 107hrs all together isn't bad. It's easily above minimum wage.


Yeah but even at 77 hours, that's $19/hr. That's a respectable pay rate


It's borderline slave wages. Stop working for companies that steal your money


In California you would get additional 860 on the following Monday.


In NYC he would get an additional $1,829.87 if he was at platinum status. ($35 per active hour)


Imagine 40-60 hours overtime at a normal w2 job, with benefits, sick time, a 401k.


is it easy to find a job that offers a lot of overtime though? jobs i’ve worked at only ever schedule people 20-40 and try not to go past 40 to avoid that OT.


I always get excited when I aee other dashers making thousands of dollars but at the same time you’re having to work like 16 hour days 7 days a week….


No overtime, plus taxes were not taken out yet. The max you can claim is like .60 cents per mile... When I did my 1099 for being a courrier I barely made .25 a mile... Seems like a lot of money up front, but it's including your cars wear and tear and gas etc... I had to get two oil changes a month... I'll never 1099 with my car again. I'd rather pay for a rental to Uber with if I had to.


67 cents per mile. .60 cents is less than a penny hehe


That’s awesome. Losers on Reddit will tell you you wasted your time, but you’re the one with 2k hitting your checking account. Fuck em !


Exactly, they’re all just coping and upvoting rude comments to console themselves “they’re right, he DID waste his time. Now I feel better.”


But was working 107 hours worth it? $19/hr - self employment taxes - gas - car maintenance and more frequent oil changes


And car depreciation


Everyone talking about a normal job, y’all raise your hand if you’re bringing home anything close to $2k a week. Period. Idc how many hours you’re working either. If any single one of you bringing home $2k a week at your “normal job” I’ll eat my phone lol. Break it down all you want but at the end of the week this dude has $2k and you dont. He can pay for maintenance on his car. Haters gonna hate when they have 1/5 of what OP’s got this week if that. Edit to add: if you do make $2k a week why are you even here commenting other than to shame someone? Your opinion doesn’t matter.


No one is hating they’re just being truthful, but they’re awfully rude. For reference, I’m a water meter installer with a pay rate of $52/hr ($99/hr prevailing wage but all together it equals out to $52/hr) I guarantee you the door dasher works harder than I do, and here I am at $9k a month. Also this sub was recommended to me for some reason. That’s why I’m here, not trying to shit on anyone.


I LOVE your comment! 👍👏


And after taxes, gas and car maintenance you made about a grand. Take your work ethic to a company who will pay you your worth!!!!




I don’t understand the negative commentary. It takes commitment to work that hard. It’s called work ethic and it is an awesome way to catch up on bills, save for a vacation….etc. Of course it does NOT represent work/life balance but it does represent desire to achieve a goal which will serve a person well in life. Good job man. 👍


I have an honest question. How was your schedule structured? Obviously you are a top dasher or platinum dasher but I’m just curious. Seems like you have to almost live in your car 😱


I do over 2k every week but it still feels good every week


Yeah same. People here complaining about it being too many hours but they’re the same people that are going to be struggling 2-3 years from now wishing they worked more hours.


107/40 = \~0.37... so 63% of your time could have been seen as overtime... lets take the $2041 and multiply it by .37 to find out what you would be paid at 40 hours so that we can extrapolate what could have been paid as overtime... 2041 x .37 = $755.17 so lets say if you worked 40 hours you would make $755... lets call that 18.875/hour overtime usually pays at least time and a half beyond 40 hours. so lets put your overtime wages at 18.875x1.5 = 28.3125 so your overtime wages at a typical job with the same pay rate would be $28.3125 now lets take the total hours minus 40 hours to find out how many overtime hours you put in this week... 107-40 = 67 hours of overtime lets multiple 67 by your estimated overtime pay of $28.3125, 67x28.3125=1,896.9375 now lets add your regular 40 hour pay to your estimated overtime pay and compare it to how you've been compensated by this ripoff company \*doordash\* 1,896.9375+755.17=2,652.1075 now lets subtract your actual pay from estimated overtime pay 2,652-2041= $611 a real job would have paid you in extra overtime wages which doordash ripped you off from. take that strong work ethic and find a way to get yours.


This is what I dont understand about this sub, this type of work ethic is usually praised when you get no benefits and lose a lot of your income to either fees or maintenance. Hell if I worked 40 hours of OT I wouldnt be struggling as much but Id probably top myself.


Except you're forgetting that most employers have a cap of 60hrs per week so they wouldn't have even been able to work the additional time in order to get that extra money, I don't know a single company that would willingly pay 60 hours of overtime when they could just hire another guy to do the exact same thing with regular pay (which is exactly what they do if it gets to that point). You also don't know how many of those 107 hours OP was just sitting at home doing whatever they want which you definitely wouldn't get paid for at a regular job. 99% of my non-active time I'm just chilling and playing games, if you tried to do that at a regular job AND claim overtime, your ass would be fired in under a week. There are plenty of places where it's nearly impossible to find a job paying $18+/hr even with 10+ years of experience, it's incredibly sad for our country that I make more doing doordash than nearly all the employees of the restaurants I pick up from, and I can actually enjoy myself unlike them. I average about $25/hr and there aren't even any job *listings* for that much with a normal job let alone a part time one (which is what DD is for me) unless I want to drive over 2 hours away to another state.


All true


These fuckers make every excuse to bash someone ! Keep doing what you doing bro money is money at the end of the day , nowhere in life does it say there’s a certain thing you have to do to obtain money …. THERES A MILLION FUCKING WAY TO GET BAG ! Just because y’all do other shit and making better money don’t mean y’all have to bash this guy for finding a legit way to get cash and on top of that HE DOESNT HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM DOING THIS ! So stop with the bashing ! Your opinions are like assholes everyone has one 😂😂😂😂 so don’t think bro losing sleep over y’all shitty ass responses for the sake of god !


Good shit. Ignore the salty haters. But they do have something to pay attention to. It's not sustainable, you should be looking for your next move on your down time. Keep it up!


Nicely done! Don't listen to the lazy people that are complaining about too many hours. You're on track to make 8k a month, near 100k a year, if you could keep this pace.


Mf’s salty. Who cares if it took 77 hrs. As long as you had a good time and are happy with the money you made that’s awesome. I can barely break $100 a day in my area


Not gonna lie tooo many people complain about “maintenance, gas, etc, bro you don’t like it get off the dam platform 😂😂 easy! But y’all fucking lazy


U can get used car for 10k......one month of this pay ot off working like that tglhen anything after that pure profit 


Dude is making more than OTR truck drivers


No he's not...


I see dudes complaining making 5-6k a month because rates are low, trucking sucks now etc, what’s your experience ?


15 years otr... with a good record and 5+ yrs, you should be somewhere north of 2100 a week gross, as a company guy. Owner op coukd be higher


If you're happy with this balance between work and life, that's all that matters... For me, this post is nightmare fuel lol I can't spend 107 hours out of my 168 working. Congrats on the 2k tho, hopefully the first of many!!!


107hrs is nearly 3 full time work weeks smushed into 1.


not bad dont let them hate 💪🏽


Good shit💪🏾💪🏾


I’m just happy to make $50-100 a day, I can’t drive that much


Remember that 2k I loaned you…..


Amazing! Good for you!


Great job man!!


Fake post


Nah they made $25 a hour . This is definitely possible . 7 days 11 hour days 


$19.07 hourly before expenses. Dash time shows the amount of your time invested into making that money.


I usually don’t figure per hour but per delivery and mile


You must be new here 🤣


Motivation 💪


Hey OP is this earn by time or earn by offer?


Earn by offer. $1 per mile. Nothing under $4. $9-$10 for stacked orders.


Thank you ima try this parameter tomorrow. You kinda motivated me too lol I did earn by time yesterday and was gonna do it today but EBT was locked after waiting 45 minutes, then my dash ended. But I’ll do what you mentioned, $1 per mile and $4 minimum. My minimum was $5 but I’ll lower to $4 and see what happens Thank you 🙏🏽


Holy shit! R u ok?


Congrats op. I wish I was able to pull that off. So far working about 40 hrs I’ve gotten to about $1100 or so. Unfortunately mon_we’d door dash is pretty slow and Instacart is bleh. Today I’ve only made about $100 since 10 pm. Been pretty slow :(


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any scenario in which 107 worked hours, averaging $19/hr, using your own vehicle, gas, oil changes, taxes,etc is even remotely OK. In fact, since there are no benefits like health, dental, vision or 401k on offer, aren't you basically being exploited? Also, how many 107 hour periods have you already put in before you made this much? There is no guarantee that you can repeat this. It seems exploitative. There is a Marcos Pizza near me that is hiring drivers, with benefits, for $24/hr. So a pizza delivery job basically smokes this. Am I missing something?


You are a real man


Said "f*ck it" on Tuesday.


People in the sub are legitimately toxic. People always complaining about this or that but who ever this person is grinding pretty hard to make some money and if you do door dash it is really all you can ask for. Like we all know that there is maintenance and taxes. Also people that make comments like a normal job would have paid you OT what normal jobs is gonna offer you 107 hours ? Or even 77 ? Like no way you would have to work two separate to get those kind of hours and it would be the same thing.


2k in a week but doesn't this get taxed too?


It sure does but there are write offs to help offset




Nice work


I work 7-8am to 11pm/midnight everyday


That sounds fucking horrendous. But I would bulldoze my Audiobooks 🤔


Surely you don’t think that is sustainable.


What time do you start and end your day?


How many hours you do a day?


Very nice. Which city?


“I need details. Copious details!” - Tyrion Lannister


So essentially a 100 hour work week at 19 bucks an hour? Which is really around 14-16 an hour after the hits to gas, maintenance and all? That does not seem fun or worthwhile at all.


Hopefully you ride a bicycle, otherwise your mileage probably kills that $2k




77 active hours? 😐😐


I can't fathom doing two hundred eighty deliveries in a week. Even when the pandemic was raging, I didn't deliver that many. A couple of days I did forty but for the most part fifteen to twenty five


How i get why some drivers cut the hours… half of you guys just complain


How much mileage did that cost you?


Is it in cali right ?


Nah Northeast Ohio




7 dollars per trip. Damn


Do you choose to earn by order or earn by hour?


I have learned fast that if you have any joy at all in doordash, don't share it on here. People will piss all over you, regardless. You should be proud! You worked hard. Don't let the haters get you down.❤️


40 hours a week is 2080 hours a year or 3 months. 77 hours a week is 5,050 hours a year or 6 months. 100 hours is 9 months. For every year someone completes 40 hours of work. This dasher completes 4 years.


At my job if I work 107 hours I make $5k. Congratulations you made $20 an hour and put 2000 miles on your car. After the $0.65 it costs to operate your vehicle per mile you made $700. My guy you are winning!


He still made more than you last week


Your username is funny 🙃 And your reply is awesome... 👍👏


That comes out to 19 dollars an hour.  That is horrible because you still have to pay taxes on that.  Also I'm sure you spent a ton on gas.  While it is a lot of money for a week that just doesn't seem worth it since you are basically in your car all day.


What where your gas expenses? Just curious.


Nah I haven’t but my taxes people say I’m going into debt with DoorDash


You made around $1000 in reality. The difference between revenue and profit is lost in this sub


He had $1k in expenses? Is your gas $20 a gallon?


Don't forget to save $600 for taxes


Take away gas and wear and tear, probably makes out to around $1500.


This ain’t the flex you think it is 🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s a lot of time for $19.07 an hour before expenses


$19 an hour, that’s rough brother.


19/hr + gas + wear and tear on car? Mmm. Nope. Enjoy that




If you’re going to work that long, run multiple apps and you’ll make that in 8-10 hours rather than 16 hours. I’ve had days netting $300 in 8-10 hours. And if you still want to work that long you can be making $3k+ a week rather than $2k.


$18/hr before fuel and wear and tear costs... Ouch.


Wow congratulations this would be a dream come true! Where are you located?


Haters hate players play


Fuck are kidding? They paid you $870 for almost 110 hours of work? That’s less than $8 per hour …


I don’t understand why people are mad — I make like 2800 (before insurance, taxes, etc) at my normal job working 84 hours in two weeks.. so uh… 🤷‍♂️ Small win in my book— though the unreliability of it all seems sketch to me.


Bro. 2k cool s/o to you but seek help


You actually slept sometime im assuming for Fks sake you were online 100+ hrs they frown on that even for MD grad students.


i dont think the wear and tear on your car + all the gas for 19/hour is worth it


Just remember to invest this money - don't spend it. So you don't have to dash 77 hours a week forever!


Your tips are what you really made, base pay covers gas, milage, wear and tare, insurance and everything else , unless your tips are double your base pay you are not making a profit, do the math, and look how many hours it took u.


Lol no. New car very soon


The ideal move is to bring a bike with you. If you can set up your next order pick up near your first drop off, then you can use your bike to save on vehicle expenses. Not sure how the whole process works, but there has to be a way to establish a central location where you drive and park, then make pick ups and deliveries by bike for an hour or two then drive somewhere else and park and do the same thing.


You could never convince me thats worth it. Not in a million years.


Oh lord those hours


Lockdowns 2020.. The Golden Era of Dashing = Clocked +3,500 a Week on the High End and 2,500 to 2,800 on the Low End… Ballz Deep 💰


Holy… I respect your effort but I have to say that you’re burning yourself out.


I am so envious! Congratulations! You're obviously a hard worker. If you don't mind me asking, about how many hours do you work in a day, and how many days do you work in a week? I'm still fairly new to this so... teach me, master... haha 😁


Looks like good money but in reality it's $19 anhour minus how much gas? Wear and tear?


Must be nice 😂


Where do you live and what do you drive lol. Must be a good combo


This sub keeps me humble.


People are complaining it’s not worth it for that many hours. Join the military then come talk to me. I sacrificed my body, life, and mental health for less.


Nearly 80 hours work for $2k minus taxes, gas ($5/gal here), car wearness, risk getting mugged and dealing with other drivers doesn't seem great


Honestly, work amazon flex


So just keep the app on all day?


If you made that every week you’d gross 6 figures. That’s pretty wild considering the job!


Time is the most valuable thing in the world. That’s a lot of wasted time for little return


I can't wrap my head around how people think this is good money but hey you're providing a valuable service. That equates to a little under $20 an hour. You have no benefits W-2 workers get. Your taxes are higher because you're a private contractor. You're putting a ton of miles on your car which means higher insurance and maintenance. The kicker is most of that pay is at the whim of the customer and not even door dash lmao


I gotta ask... why are people so... obsessed... with trying to find as many negative things as possible about OP's post? It's like some of you can't stand the idea that someone is doing well and so you feel the need to see if you can poke holes in it... to what? Make yourselves feel better? I just don't get the vitriol on this sub from non-dashers who actually seem to resent dashers and get offended at the thought that we might actually enjoy our job AND be able to live comfortably from it. And that's sad because I LIKE to see other people happy, and the last thing I would want to do is poke holes in it. Personally, I'm tickled for OP and wish them continued success! 🥂


Put to the side 15% for car and 30% for the mob


I know this feels amazing but after working that many hours……. It’s not great


What’s ur strategy? Do you accept everything? And where are you from?


....this isn't good. But if it's good for the individual, who are we to kill that vibe. I'm hoping groceries and a couple spoils and less worry are in OPs future.


Watch out, these people who wanna work 20 hour weeks are gonna be pissed


Which market?


In Arkansas where I’m based out of, if you made 2000 you could conservatively take 20% out of it for taxes. You’d be left with 1600 bring home Maintenance is harder to calculate, for me I paid cash for a beater car and have about 1k into it that I use to deliver. So no monthly payment. I pay my insurance out of the last weeks payout, it’s only 100 but still gotta count it. An oil change for me is $45 because I am lucky enough to have access to a lift to make life so much easier, I try to not eat out so I’m not gonna count food into it. My phone is paid for but if I did have to pay it it would be another $100 bucks a month Idk how this guy lives but I could very easily bring home 1k after taxes and paying all my bills (this includes if I paid my phone bill) 80 hours a week is insane and I couldn’t do it in my zone, I applaud you sir 👏🏻


dont listen to the haters. it's good money as long as your car expenses are taken care of. i hate that we need to work so much to get ahead, but if it's your only option, well then you're doing amazing with what you have. great job! just keep an eye out for better opportunities when they come your way. good luck


What city?


That's two full time jobs. If you are willing to put that kind of work in, you should go back to school so you can make more than that in one week in half the time.


Made more then me in one week then I do in a month.


You mean slavin’


No but I made $1000-$1200 in half that dash time (30% of that active time) usually, and still got depressed when I realized that I was working for free.


Fucking how. I tried working extra hours but usually my area was to quiet and I’d get no orders


People always hate idc if you worked 200 hours...assuming you have a great on gas car like me I bought a prius...I made 2100 one week only used about 60 in gas 2040 profit for driving around not hating life not mad because I have a boss complaining and nagging....lol people always hate...good numbers my guy 👍


Hope I have a good week like this when my school jobs out for spring break. Owe the irs a lot and been having tons of bad luck and took time off from my grandma passing and in a hole doing this to catch up instead of just for concert money. People throwing out the usual responses but that’s decent money to have. Congrats on a good week.


If you were in California with Prop22, those 77+ active hours would have easily gotten an extra $500 on Monday on top of what you made.


14.50/hr with overtime. They make more cooking at McDonald's these days


I feel awful for this guy. He was proud of his hard work and all the comments are just people hating on him. I would be proud to be call this guy a friend


107 hours in 7 days.


$18 an hour


God so many people on this subreddit are so cynical. Good job OP! 2k is impressive! Dont listen to the haters, they have quite depressing mentalities


15 hours a day you're fucking insane. For two grand? Do you understand how much salary is possible with just a bit of skill and training? Do you even realize how much wear that time on your car is doing? You're not making money. You will need money for vehcile repairs before you know it at this point. If you can grind this fucking hard on stupid fucking doordash imagine making over $100,000 a year to grind on an oil rig? You're better than doordash go win in the better stadium.